Which contact groups are the most popular? Statistics of top VKontakte groups. A thousand devils, what a book

Imagine Steve Jobs - black turtleneck, piercing eyes - trying to present the iPhone, standing in the middle of a Papuan village where there is not even electricity.

Despite all his genius, Jobs is unlikely to succeed with such an audience. Advertising placed on a site with an inappropriate audience is also ridiculous and ineffective. By advertising in public pages that are not suitable for your audience, you lose money and time. It is much better to advertise where your potential customers live.

How to find suitable VK groups for paid posts?

The standard functionality of VKontakte allows you to find groups that are suitable by topic (very general) or by name. This is not enough. First of all, because the topic is stated arbitrarily, just as the name does not always reflect the essence of the audience. It's simply too short for that.

I won’t dwell on the difficulties of choosing sites: they are known to anyone who has tried to advertise in public sites. Let's move on to solving the problem right away.

Another approach: we start with the user!

To find the sites we need, we just need to remember why this is being done. Our goal is to find groups where there are people receptive to our advertising. Let's then find these suitable people and see what groups they are in.

Of course, we won’t search manually. I bring to your attention the second tool of the SMMup.ru project - Search for groups based on target audience parameters. The tool is located at: http://smmup.ru/target.php

How it works?

The general idea is very simple:

  1. You indicate the main parameters of your target audience
  2. Based on them, a sample of users is prepared
  3. The program collects data about which groups each user belongs to
  4. The information is summarized, and as a result we see which groups are preferred by people who are our potential subscribers or clients.

Ha ha, you say. Well, as a result, MDK and EP will be the result - what every second person has subscribed to. That's no use!

That's right. Therefore, the fifth point is the most important! - consists of calculating compliance index.

To understand what this is, you need to remember the basics of marketing theory. The concept of affinity index is well described in Wikipedia. Let me remind you here that this is an indicator of how much better advertising is perceived by the audience of a particular site in relation to the audience as a whole (random people). It might be easier to understand with examples:

So here it is. The probability that a person in our sample is a member of a particular group directly depends on 2 factors: the size of the group and the affinity index of the site for this sample. But we know the number of subscribers of the group! So what's stopping you from calculating the fit index?

I’m turning this brief excursion into theory and moving on to practice. You don't have to delve into all the calculations with the matching index. Now you will see that it works and that's the main thing.

Examples of how the tool works

First, let's pick something very simple so that we can make sure that the idea of ​​a compliance index works.

For example, we want to launch a website dedicated to football in the regions and decided to advertise in small groups of fans of this sport.

Let's find out what football fans in Kaliningrad are subscribed to. We indicate the city, set the age from 20 years (after all, we need an adult and solvent audience), in the interests of, of course, we indicate football. We start the search and analysis.

We get a table with communities sorted by descending index (clickable):

The first lines with a huge compliance index are occupied by small regional groups of football fans. The remaining communities are predominantly male, i.e. their audience is “warm”, which also suits us well. Quite logical results, right? We could have obtained them using a standard search for communities, although it would have taken more time.

A more complex example. Let's say we sell some special software or service for, well, for example, realtors in St. Petersburg. Is it easy to find groups where realtors sit? Not so much anymore:

With a standard search we find only groups offering services...

But for smmup.ru this is not a problem. We indicate the city and position:

There is already something to profit from here, right?

Another example + a little subtlety in using the tool.

We want to sell fans of the Hobbit films some kind of accessory - maybe even the Omnipotence Ring with delivery in Moscow. We indicate “The Hobbit” among interests:

Oops. Somehow pale: small affinity (not tens or hundreds), vacancies... Something is wrong! Please note the notice above the table. Yeah, of course! After all, listing “The Hobbit” in your favorite films is not yet a sign of target audience. The film is quite popular. We add “Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings” to interests to gather the most ardent fans:

Sounds like a deal, doesn't it?

Briefly: how can the tool be useful?

There are many such examples that can be given. Go to the website and try it for yourself! You can specify many conditions for selecting an audience: gender, age, interests, geography, work... Specify a portrait of your ideal client - you will receive a list of the best platforms for advertising.

I don’t think that my readers need further explanation of how profitable it is to advertise in a small group with a homogeneous and active audience that suits your parameters. Let me just remind you that You can usually get advertising there very cheaply. Or even for free, if you can offer something more or less interesting. Small thematic groups are often conducted not for profit, but out of interest.

Use the tool (at the moment it is absolutely free),

Many users of the social network VKontakte cannot find really interesting public pages and groups on the social network on their own. And this is not surprising, because among all the diversity of communities there are both those that deserve our attention and those that do not represent anything truly worthwhile. For your convenience, we have divided the Top 50 best public pages and groups on VKontakte into five categories.

Helpful information

1. First of all, we would like to recommend you a community that is dedicated to the YaVKontakte website. It is in this community that you can not only find all the latest news and secrets on social networks, but also ask your question if you don’t understand anything about the work of the social network VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter and others.


2. Interesting facts about the countries of the world. This is a community in which you will find a variety of interesting facts from all over the planet every day.


3. Ladies' club X-Emotion. A community that is dedicated to the fair half of humanity. Share secrets and receive wise advice.


4. Men's Corner - a magazine for men. If you are a real man, then you simply need to join a community that has brought together alpha males exactly like you.


5. The next public is interesting and great people. In it, every day you will learn about people who, if they didn’t change the world, at least managed to become truly famous.


6. Universal Encyclopedia of Knowledge - a VKontakte group in which you can find hundreds of interesting facts and many colorful photographs. See for yourself and tell your friends about the most interesting places on our planet!


7. Encyclopedia of bodybuilding. This community is dedicated to building a beautiful and strong body. Watch motivational videos, photos of athletes and brag about your own achievements.


8. World of cars. If you feel like a real racer at heart, we invite you to join a community of people just like you. Original photos and wall posts are guaranteed!


9. Recipe book - an open group for everyone who wants to cook tasty and satisfying meals. If you have always dreamed of learning how to cook great, you are welcome. Delicious recipes every day!


10. We invite you to read best-selling books posted in the appropriate community. Remember that a person who reads books will always be smarter than someone who watches TV.

11. Let's start with a large and interesting public page of the same name, which is dedicated to computer and console games. If you consider yourself an avid gamer, you will feel very comfortable here!


12. Computer gaming news - a public page in which you will find all the news related to the gaming world. Many screenshots from various toys, art, discussions and videos are also present.


13. Do you like the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which only lazy people haven’t played? Well, then we invite you to join the fans of this RPG on the VKontakte social network.


14. Dishonored is a game that appealed to many people. Spy romance, shadows, murders, conspiracies, you will find all this in the game. And in the VKontakte group you can discuss Dishonored and ask for advice from more experienced players.


15. Assassin's Creed - a community for connoisseurs of quietly and professionally destroying people. In the game, of course.


16. Munchkin is the second most popular board game after Monopoly. If you want to play something like this, we suggest that you first join the appropriate community to learn the rules.


17. GTA 5 is a game that turned the gaming world upside down. Millions of players can't wait for its release on a personal computer. If you are one of them, or you are a lucky player who plays GTA 5 on a console, join the community.


18. Do you like post-apocalyptic? Is the abandoned Chernobyl zone beckoning? Join the group and play the cult game, which is recognized as one of the most anticipated in the history of games.


19. Need for Speed ​​is a game that has been played for over ten years and never gets boring! Do you like speed and roar of the engine? Feel free to join the community dedicated to the game.


20. RPG Humor has always been distinguished by its originality. If you love this genre of games, we invite you to join a public page that will delight you with funny jokes and pictures.



21. Before watching movies, it would be nice to know where and how to download them. This is precisely why a community has been created, which is dedicated to a very convenient and useful program called MediaGet.


22. Who among us doesn’t like American action films? Probably only those who have never watched them. We invite you to visit the VKontakte community, which is dedicated specifically to this genre of films.


23. Youth comedies are exactly what we love! For their humor, ridiculous situations and youthful enthusiasm. Join us and watch all the new products in this genre!


24. Science fiction films are almost always about space, alien life forms and exciting adventures. Do you like this? There is a group on VKontakte that will help you keep up with fantastic new products.


25. Melodramas and romantic comedies, contrary to popular belief, are not only girls who like to watch. All new products of a fairly popular genre are collected in one group.


26. Do you want to know everything? Then you cannot do without documentaries, which are presented in large quantities in this open group.


27. You can enjoy films and cartoons from the times of the Soviet Union in a community that is dedicated specifically to this genre.


28. Do you like cowboy romance? Would you like to be on horseback, with two pistols, robbing some stagecoach? Well, enjoy Westerns, which are represented in decent quantities in this community.


29. If you prefer horror films, then you simply must join the VKontakte group of the same name. Follow the news, share your impressions and be afraid every night!


30. Using historical films, you can brush up on history in school and college in a very exciting way. And just watching these epic battles is pure pleasure! Enjoy films of this genre in this community on VKontakte.



31. We would like to open the list of the most convenient and useful programs and applications with a public page dedicated to the Orbitum Internet browser. This browser was created specifically for integration with the most popular social networks. Including VKontakte.


32. App Store freebies are temporarily free applications for iPhone and iPad. If you are the happy owner of these popular gadgets, be sure to join this community. You can download a huge variety of interesting applications and games for yourself.


33. Mint is a youth mobile social Internet magazine for iOS/Android on the VKontakte social network.


34. Do you like to install useful and interesting programs on your computer? Then we recommend that you join a community that is dedicated to just this. Regular updates!


35. Do you want your personal computer or laptop to be reliably protected? Then you should definitely install an antivirus program. And in this group you will find the keys for it.



36. Do you like to keep abreast of the news that is presented on TV screens and shapes your opinion? We suggest you do the same, but on the Internet. You can follow Russian news in all its glory in the RIA Novosti community.


37. Project LIVE is the latest news from the VKontakte social network team. And they concern, of course, exclusively the social network.


38. Euronews - news from around the world. Particularly appropriate if you understand English well.


39. TSN is a television news service in Ukraine. If you are a resident of this particular country, add yourself to their community on VKontakte.


40. Tchk - what is being commented on. Original photographs with equally original captions. Everything related to world politics.



41. Most people love football! To follow the news and all matches, subscribe to the “Our Football” public page.


42. Hockey is a sport for real men! All hockey fans gathered in one place on VKontakte, in the “Big Game” group.


43. You will find everything about basketball in the VKontakte community, which we would like to present to your attention.


44. American football is a tough sport that has begun to gain increasing popularity in Russia and the countries of the former CIS. In this community you will find a lot of new and interesting things on the topic.


45. Don't forget about volleyball! A fun and active sport that both adults and children love. You will find everything about this sport in the community, which we are happy to present to your attention.


46. ​​Tennis is not a sport for weaklings. We invite you to join the relevant community to always stay up to date with the news.


47. Table tennis, as you probably know, is fun, interesting and very useful. A sport that deserves your attention.


48. Spectacular boxing is not fun for everyone. Especially not for the faint of heart. But if you are not a faint-hearted pregnant woman, then you will probably be interested in joining the best boxing group.


49. Twist - public VKontakte about cycling. If you are a fan of riding your iron horse, join us!


50. What could be more spectacular than a rally? The roar of the engine and tremendous speed await you in the Vyatka Rally community!


There are a lot of useful groups on VK and any audience will find what they are looking for.

Do you want to have a good laugh or find something to while away the evening? You will definitely find it.

Would you like to find a travel companion for a joint trip or find out the latest news from the world of art? And this can be found without any problems.

It provides its users with a huge amount of information, among which only the purposefulness of visiting the site does not allow them to get lost.

Useful information, jokes, interest groups, music for every taste - all this attracts users, which is why VK does not lose its popularity.

The groups presented in this collection have existed on VK for quite a long time. Most likely, you have come across them more than once or even subscribed - take a look, maybe you will look at them in a new way and want to visit.

We present you a list of the most popular VK groups.

10. Clear jokes, 8.8m

Content: jokes, jokes.

In Group "Cool tricks" you will find something you can work on. The jokes are suitable for people of any age group, but the group’s subscribers are mainly teenagers and young adults.

The main thing is that there are no religious, political or other prejudices in this group, which is a huge plus.

Many of the things people in this group laugh at we encounter in real life—for example, there is a joke on the wall about a child asking his mother, “Mom, do you need help?” To which she answers him: “No need, I didn’t hire you as a servant here!” No help in the house." Indeed, a common situation...

Group Features: humor is a great force; it brings people together. Those who have something to laugh at together often become friends. In a group, people communicate and laugh – this is a significant plus.

9. YOP, 9.5m

Content: jokes.

“YOP”– this is another entertainment group for those who cannot live without humor and jokes! Much of what will cause contagious laughter is very familiar from real life.

On the group's wall there is one entertaining photo of dogs swimming in a pool, and it is accompanied by the following words: “This dog party looks more fun than anything you've ever had in your life,” which very much characterizes this group. Its goal is to make users laugh, and the publications fully justify the purpose of the group.

Group Features: always new selected jokes, regular posts on the wall, you can order advertising from the group.

8. VKontakte team, 9.9m

Content: information about VK.

“Team VKontakte” is a group that tells its users about all the changes taking place on the site, as well as about innovations and developments being carried out.

In the group you can ask questions and communicate with other users. Subscribers communicate and share their opinions about developments, which is very useful for those who have just visited the group (to keep abreast of what is happening).

Suitable for active users who don't want to miss a single detail about their favorite site.

Group Features: the opportunity to learn about all the changes first-hand, you can ask questions and communicate.

7. KinoKaif - Best films, 10.0m

Content: movies.

Group subscribers “KinoKaif – Best Films” They can always watch new films, because the administration carefully monitors new releases and posts films on the wall with detailed descriptions.

There is no specific genre in the group, which is what attracts subscribers - amateurs or can always find something they want to watch.

In “discussions”, users can help each other find films by description, share what kind of film they are expecting, and talk about their favorite films.

Group Features: There is always the opportunity to learn about new films and choose a film to watch; film lovers can communicate with each other.

6. MDK, 10.5m

Content: jokes, humor.

VK has quite a lot of public pages and groups about jokes - this suggests that users have a sense of humor and a desire to laugh at themselves and the people around them in a sarcastic manner. Laughter relieves tension, which is why humorous public pages have many subscribers.

We present to your attention another group about jokes - "MDK", the most popular VK community. His jokes are quite sarcastic and contain unflattering comic strips.

It is useless to promote morality in this group - subscribers make fun of everything and everyone, without caring about the feelings of others.

Group Features: regularly updated jokes, so you can join the group at any time, for example, on the way on public transport, to laugh and cheer yourself up.

5. JOKES | Smeyaka, 11.0m

Content: jokes.

“JOKES | Smeyak”– a group created for those who prefer to have fun and joke rather than cry if an unpleasant event occurs.

The group's editors publish funny pictures and photo jokes, so you can come in at any time and laugh to your heart's content, because the jokes are updated all the time!

The jokes posted in the group are collected from the far corners of the Internet, or are unique, created by authors who understand humor.

Group Features: The funniest photo jokes and jokes can always lift your spirits; entries are regularly published in the group, so you can get a dose of humor at any time.

4. Laugh until you cry:D, 11.2m

Content: humor, jokes.

At the group “Laugh until you cry: D” there are regular subscribers who communicate, laugh and look forward to new jokes.

Every day in the group, users discover new funny jokes, pictures and anecdotes. Mostly the community uses black humor and sharp jokes. You can often see jokes about politicians.

When you want to laugh, you can always look into this group and get what you want.

Group Features: regularly new jokes, communication based on interests, life stories presented to users in a sarcastic manner.

3. Cinema Mania, 11.6m

Content: movies.

“Movie Mania” is a popular group about cinema. The best and new films are collected here. Users can find out about the latest and most complete information about movies.

Mostly science fiction is published in the community, but there are also other genres: thrillers, comedies, adventures. Sometimes photographs of movie stars are published.

Users join to be the first to know about new movies and choose their favorite movie to watch.

Group Features: detailed descriptions of films, new releases; in the “discussions” you can contact subscribers to help you find a film based on its description.

2. Cinema Mania | New 2019, 12.3m

Content: movie.

Group “Movie Mania | New 2019” introduces users to the latest films; in addition, it allows you to select a movie to watch that was released several years ago.

In the group you can watch new films completely free of charge in the best HD quality, you don’t even need to register.

In addition, the group sometimes publishes documentaries, for example, about the sea kingdom and its inhabitants, as well as cartoons and popular TV series.

Group Features: subscribers can share comments from the group, it is possible to find a film based on its description in the “discussions”, and sometimes competitions are held.

1. New Music 2019 | New items, 16.6m

Content: music.

Group name “New Music 2019 | New items" speaks for itself - new music is published in the community, but, in addition, those who like to “fall into” nostalgia find here the music of their childhood and youth.

The selection of music is accompanied by photographs of beautiful girls, as well as pictures of a successful life, which causes aesthetic pleasure among subscribers. The creators are always happy to like and repost.

Group Features: popular music for every taste, regular publications, beautiful photographs.

Which publish the highest quality, interesting and information-rich content. In fact, more than 100,000 communities are registered on this social network and this number is constantly growing every day. In order to find the most popular communities, you can use the statistics service. We will tell you how to do this below.

How to find top VK groups using the service

The network operates a multifunctional center that offers the broadest opportunities for analyzing communities in VK. To use the service you must:

  • Follow the link https://allsocial.ru/communities
  • In the window that appears, you can see communities that have been sorted by the criterion of participant growth. The growth of participants refers to the number of users who joined the community minus the number of unsubscribers over the past day.

High growth rates mean that . However, you should not draw final conclusions based on only one criterion. A large increase is observed with active recruitment of users through specialized services, in the midst of an advertising campaign, as well as with other methods of active promotion. All these actions are aimed at attracting maximum attention and motivating users to join. However, the content does not always meet the expectations of the audience, so some people leave the community immediately or over time.

It is much more reasonable to rely on criteria such as “Reach” (the number of views of posts), “Visitors” (the number of people who visited the community in 24 hours) and others.

Another criterion is the SRR. This term refers to the price of advertising information for 1% of the audience in a particular community. The higher the CPP, the more expensive advertising in a VK group or public is.

The "Changes" tab displays a list of communities in accordance with the following changes:

  • Name;
  • bans;
  • verification;
  • avatar;
  • page address;
  • closedness.

Filters are located on the right side of the screen. With their help, you can view data in communities by certain categories, sort only official groups and publics or those to which the user is subscribed (to do this, you must log in and allow the service to access your personal page).

In addition, here you can select information for the past day, week or month, which is very convenient if you want to analyze the dynamics of the development of the desired group in the short and long term.

Attention! The Allsocial service allows you to collect statistics on VKontakte administrators, as well as on various parameters in Telegram.

Thus, finding the best VK communities is quite easy. The TOP rating of the most popular groups and publics is formed by the Allsocial service, where you can collect all the necessary data to search for a resource in a specific category and according to certain parameters.

Hello everyone! We present to you the seventh episode of the DevShow, which is dedicated to public groups on the VKontakte social network. Almost each of us has an account in it, so why not combine business with pleasure! Add the following public pages to VK and learn programming continuously.

1. Programmer's library

Programmer's library- this is the largest resource on VKontakte, where there are many good collections of video lessons and conferences, literature and articles devoted to some technologies or recommendations for future programmers. In the public “Programmer's Library” there is a section "Discussions", where you can ask questions and get a lot of useful information.

2. Typical programmer

Public "Typical programmer" is the largest resource on VKontakte for people who are interested in programming and everything connected with it. Here you will find many educational articles, video tutorials, the latest news from the IT world, including a lot of humor.

The “typical programmer” always tries to make his materials very high quality and well-developed. We advise you to subscribe!

3. Magisters.org | Training in modern professions

Public on teaching modern professions Magisters.org contains video courses on web design and web development, as well as many lessons on various CMS. The head of the Magisters.org project is Vlad Gritsenko, a very talented young man with a wonderful voice. Vlad explains all aspects of the technologies discussed in a very clear and accessible manner.

4. Best video lectures

Here you will find collections of video lectures not only on programming, but also related industries. For example, you can listen to a very interesting discussion about the existence of Nothingness or a lecture on the modern understanding of schizophrenia. One of the latest additions was the famous Harvard University course on the basics of programming CS50. The content of the “Best Video Lectures” public is very useful and entertaining, so feel free to subscribe and develop yourself!

5. AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!

Public AngularJS is dedicated to the HTML extension for AngularJS web applications, and is also the largest community in Russian for AngularJS. It is noteworthy that in the section "Discussions" There are vacancies for employment.

6. Programming

Another interesting resource "Programming" offers you lectures and books on programming, video tutorials and reports from IT conferences. Here you can learn how to work with databases, understand hashing, or read the book “The Java SE 8 Programming Language. A Detailed Guide” by James Gosling and Bill Joy. Take a look at the “Programming” public, you will definitely like it there!

7. Programming ITmozg

Another resource discussed in our program is a public page from the company ITmozg "Programming ITmozg", where many articles, video tutorials on web development and more, interesting news from the IT sector, interesting puzzles and vacancies are posted. You can find detailed information about each vacancy in the “ITmozg Programming” public page. If you're a sociopath and a bore, this is definitely the place for you!:=)

8. Find IT

"Find IT" is a forum for students and graduates of IT specialties, where they post information about ongoing events with representatives of various IT companies. During the forum, participants will be able to listen to interesting lectures from various companies, play with robots, solve problems and receive prizes for this. Subscribe to “Find IT” and look forward to the next meeting!