Find new groups on Facebook. How to search for groups on Facebook on the desired topic

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Facebook groups

Every advanced user knows that groups on social networks are a great way to find like-minded people, make friends with similar interests, find the product you need, sell yours, and much more, the list goes on.

In a similar way, you can do all these actions on Facebook by clicking on the link. Let's start our article with how to search for groups on Facebook.

How to find a group on Facebook and how to join groups?

In order to answer this question, one condition is necessary: ​​have an account on Facebook. If this condition is met, great, let's proceed.

How to create?

Now let's start creating a group on Facebook. And let's consider the question how to create group on Facebook. The process is not complicated and quite entertaining if you perform all the steps correctly. Anyone can create a group on Facebook, let's figure it out.

We have come to the issue of creating a group widget. Installing a widget on a website is necessary in order to link it to a group or page on Facebook.

Let's move on to installing the Facebook community widget. We will do this using a plugin Live Box. Go to the page to get the code that is needed to insert the widget.

You should see a page like this:

We fill in the required fields, namely:

Width– widget width

Height– block height

Color Sheme– dark or light color scheme

Then into the field "Facebook Page URL" write a link to your community or page.

Click on the button "Get Code".

In the window that opens, select the menu item "IFRAME".

We select the resulting code and paste it anywhere on your site where you want to see the widget.

Remember an important point: creating a widget is only possible for a page; unfortunately, you cannot create a widget for a group. Therefore, it is best if you or your company has a page.

Congratulations, you have created your first community! Now in its menu, click on the gear icon and in the drop-down list go to .

  • On the page that opens, you can apply specific settings that you want to use specifically for your community. Let’s say, come up with an address for it, add a description, etc. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a page or a group, you must set it up so that it’s convenient for you to work in it.

Most likely, the question of how to create a community on Facebook will now not cause you any difficulties. All steps were described in detail and reflected quite accurately in the article. Little things like making a group on a social network are now like 2+2 for you. By the way, you can also check out the video tutorials on creating groups, the first lesson:

and the second lesson:

How to promote a group?

Once you have mastered the principle of creating groups, and the question of how to create a community on Facebook no longer bothers you, you can start promoting groups on Facebook, if you need it.

In order to make your community popular you will need to work hard. Suppose you created a group, in order for it to come to life, you need to invite participants there. First, invite your friends, this is the first thing you need to do in order to promote a Facebook group. You need to create the effect of a living community so that it is not empty, and other users entering it want to join and stay. Therefore, another important criterion for a “live” group will be content. The content should not be empty, post some interesting news, preferably ones that are vigorously "discussed". Another main factor for a high-quality and well-attended group is its beautiful and unique design. You can order group design from a reliable company, or from a trusted webmaster.

Now you have your first people, there is some good news. Now, in the first couple of days, in order to promote your page yourself, you can use any methods, from banal personal messages to posts on thematic sites or blogs, attracting a potential audience. After our efforts did not go unnoticed and the first likes and reposts appeared on the posts, in other words, the page “came to life,” then we can move on to promoting the group on the social network.

Now we come to the question, how to promote group on Facebook. We will briefly reveal the main and most effective promotion methods.

The main and most effective method of promotion at the moment is inviting friends. The main advantage of this method is that it does not require any financial costs on your part.

A paid but effective method of promoting a group on Facebook is contextual advertising. Using targeting, you can achieve high results with this method of promotion, because the whole essence will be provided to your target audience.

There is also a way to promote using third party accounts. To do this, it is enough to have several accounts on Facebook. The more there are, the better.

You can also promote using other services, for example Instagram or Pinterest. By posting photos on these services, users will go straight to your group, rather than to your website.

And finally. Make your page interesting for the reader, post quality content, add new videos, share important news. Conduct an experiment with the material, and observe the reaction of your readers, analyze. Because the most popular groups attract the largest number of users. Study their method, look at their content. And yes! Try to give preference to videos and images rather than long, boring text.

Let's summarize. This article will help you fully understand the essence of promotion and help answer the question of how to promote a group. Setting a goal for yourself is to understand these promotion methods and apply them rationally.

How to delete a group?

Such information will be useful to those who have decided to say goodbye to their community forever. How to delete a group on Facebook? Yes, very simple. Below we will look at the main steps that will answer your question.

That's it, the question of how to delete a group on Facebook has been resolved. From this article you learned all the operations that can be done with groups: find, promote, join, delete. Follow the link

Experienced Facebook users know that this social network allows you not only to keep in touch with friends, but also to make new acquaintances. The easiest way to do this is by joining a community that brings together people of similar interests. You will learn how to find a group on Facebook by reading this article to the end.

Instructions for searching for communities

Within the social network Facebook there is a special search engine – Graph Search. With it you can search for users, applications and, of course, groups. Visually, it looks like a regular search bar at the top of the page. To “launch” the search engine mechanism and find what you need to do the following:
1. Enter a keyword in the search bar. For example, we are looking for a specific group - “Getting to know FB”. Enter the word “getting acquainted” into the search engine and click “Search” (magnifying glass icon). If we press the “Enter” key, the system will redirect us to the first link in the list.

2. In the window that appears with the search results, we already see the group we are looking for. One click and we find ourselves on its main page.

3. If there is a need for a more detailed search, simply select the item “Show more results for...”.

4. The window that appears displays all search results for the keyword. On the left side of the page there is a kind of filter that categorizes the matches found. In this case, we are only concerned with groups, so feel free to click on the appropriate category and carefully study its contents.

5. Select the group you are looking for and go to it with one click. Mission Complete!

Searching on Facebook usually doesn't take much time. Especially if you are looking for a specific community. However, there are some tips that will help you find groups even faster:

  1. Please formulate your request as precisely as possible. A correctly chosen keyword is your main search assistant.
  2. Searching for Pages follows the same pattern as for Groups. In an advanced search, you must select the “Pages” category as a filter.
  3. Some administrators create Hidden Communities to ensure maximum privacy. In this case, you will not be able to find the group on Facebook - it will be hidden from public search.

Thus, Facebook’s internal search engine easily copes with searching for communities; you just need to try it in action once.

You can take advantage of Facebook groups to promote your business. It's no longer a secret that promoting brands on social networks is one of modern Internet marketing.

Moreover, using all the opportunities that a particular social network can provide, the effectiveness of this type of promotion increases significantly.

Thus, working on the basis of the Facebook social platform, it is possible to take advantage of the advantages and prospects that open up the correct use of Facebook groups as a marketing tool.

How to Find Groups on Facebook

If you are looking for Facebook groups that you would like to join, you can follow Facebook's suggestions, or you can search using the Facebook Search GRAP.

To find Facebook suggestions, look at the control panel on the left side and select Groups, then click on Search for new groups. The results that the system will offer you are based on your interests in the social network and your activity in other groups.

The results page also allows you to view groups by friend groups, local groups, and new groups. Or you can return to the list of groups that you joined earlier - they should be used more actively.

Facebook Graph Search tool

However, experts note that the most effective and accurate tool for finding a group is a search using the Facebook Graph Search tool.

To use Graph Search, enter a keyword in the search field and then click "Show all results" at the bottom of the initial search results.

The default view shows messages. To find groups, select More > Groups from the toolbar. You will now see groups that contain the keyword you are interested in.
Check out the results to see which groups would be best for you, then simply join the conversation.

Correct and effective use of Facebook groups

You can use groups in several ways. If you are interested in creating your own group, it is worth considering creating one for VIP clients or for a product. And, of course, you can create a special group for the network.

If you decide that you want to create and run a group, you just need to know that the administration process requires a lot of work. You will be required to post regularly and respond to other people's comments and messages. Watch out for spam and make sure people are getting the information they are interested in.

To connect with your fans on Facebook, you can find out what groups they have and communicate with them through those groups. To do this, simply return to Facebook Graph Search and work on the search results.

If you can invest the next 5 minutes in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article:

There are a huge number of different social networks, but Facebook is considered one of the first. This resource has rightfully earned the title of the best; it was developed back in 2004, and since then its popularity has only grown. Of course, in the CIS countries they prefer VKontakte, but if we take into account the statistics of the whole world, then Facebook occupies the leading position. This social network is constantly improving, adding new features with every update. But the article will not talk about new products, but about a feature that has been introduced for a long time - joining communities. And to be more precise, about how to search for groups on Facebook.

Instructions for searching for communities

Now, perhaps, everyone knows that there are groups on Facebook. Essentially, these are separate sections of the site where users join communities united by one idea or topic. Naturally, if you are a regular on the presented social network, then the desire to join some group will appear. But many users have difficulty finding them, although in fact there is nothing difficult about it.

Method 1: Through Graph Search

If you know the exact name, or at least guess about it, then the easiest way would be to use the internal search. It works like any other search engine, but is aimed at detecting elements of the social network itself. Thus, by the way, you can find not only new groups, but also games and people. The Graph Search search engine works as follows:

  1. Go to the Facebook home page.
  2. In the top panel, insert the cursor into the “Search” field.
  3. Enter your keyword. Ideally, it is better to enter the full name of the group you are looking for. For example, we will search for "StopGames".
  4. In the drop-down list you can immediately find the public page of the same name, but if it is not there, then click “All results for the request” or click on the button in the form of a magnifying glass. It is very important not to press the Enter key, as this will open the first result from the list of found results, and not a complete list of them.
  5. You will be taken to a page with all search results. As you can see, they are divided into categories: “Groups”, “Video”, “Photos” and so on. Since we are only interested in communities, we will use a filter.
  6. At the top of the list of found pages, go to the “Groups” tab. You can then further narrow down the communities you're looking for using the flexible filter on the left side of the page.

After all the specified parameters, with almost one hundred percent probability the list of publics found will contain the one you need. All you have to do is click the “Join” button to join. You can also go to it first to get acquainted with the information.

What to do if you don’t know the name of the group you want to join. In this case, you can check the list of communities recommended for you to join.

  1. Go to your Facebook profile home page.
  2. In the left panel, click on the “Groups” line.
  3. On the page that opens, check out the list of public pages recommended by the social network. If you don’t see them, then go to the “Interesting” tab.
  4. Click the “Join” button to become a member of the community you like.

The second method provides more choice, but the list will not always contain the groups you would like to join. By the way, if necessary, you can click on the “See all” link.

Searching for a group on Facebook is not so difficult; by the way, all the methods described above work in the application. To speed up your search, we recommend:

  • when searching, enter the full name of the public you are looking for;
  • use the filter to quickly find the desired community;
  • Do not look for a hidden community; you can join it only by invitation from the administrator.

Otherwise, this procedure does not take much time. By the way, if you wish, you can visit special sites on the Internet where selections of interesting groups on Facebook are published.

Today, Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. Here you have the opportunity to create your own group, which can be used for various purposes. This could be: communication, advertising, sales, etc. But what to do after creation, how to properly set up and design a group on Facebook? This is what this article will be devoted to – we will consider all the points in detail.

And if you don’t have your own group yet, then our article “” will help you do this.

Setting up and designing a group on Facebook

Before we step by step consider each step of setting up and designing a group, let's consider the need for such gestures. Why is it still necessary to properly configure and interestingly design the group? In reality, everything is determined by the goal. As a rule, these can be different types of activities, organizations; after all, these are different goals. But regardless of what it is created for, you need to approach the design with all responsibility. The success of further promotion largely depends on the design. People should want to visit your group, and not only its proper promotion, but also its design can help with this.

It’s also worth paying attention to the settings – they determine the progress of the group’s development and the functionality available to participants. To do this, you initially need to clearly understand what you want to see from the group.


Proper settings begin at the creation stage. For example, the initial choice of the type of group determines its characteristics, development goals and the ability of people to be members of it. There are three types of groups:

  • Secret. They are invisible to the search engine, and you can become a participant only by receiving an invitation.
  • Closed. Visible in the search, but you can join by submitting an application, which will be approved by the administrator.
  • Open. Anyone can join this type of group.

The type you choose depends on what goals you are pursuing. Having decided on them, you can proceed to creating a group, choosing the level of its privacy. Of course, this will determine in the future its ability to be an island for “its people” or accessibility for everyone.

Next - setting up publications. Here we can highlight such features as: accessibility for everyone, publication only by the group administrator, approval of publications of participants by the group moderator. But you can change them at any time in the settings menu.

Also possible setting up joining a group new members. In this case, you can choose to automatically approve users who want to join on their own or were invited by one of the already joined members, or leave the administrator the right to approve candidates for joining the group.

It is possible to add a website address to go to it from the group page or email as an additional contact.

A powerful tool in promoting a page is linking it to a business page. To do this, you will initially need one that will be entirely devoted to a specific business activity (and possibly several). Personal pages are not suitable for this. In this case, it is better to create a new one, aimed specifically at a specific area. Next, we attach the selected group from the business page through the latter’s settings.

Often, large groups with a large number of participants, active activities and wide functionality are managed by several administrators at once. To do this, the creator of the group can assign one of the participants to this role by selecting them from the list in the menu section "Page Roles". It is also worth noting that, in addition to the administrative staff, you can choose moderators and other “positions”. This can be done all in the same section.

We looked at the main points of setting up the created group. After this, you can move on to cosmetic procedures.


Having decided on the type of group, its settings and further development strategy, you should design it according to the chosen topic. Visualization plays an important role because it influences the desire to be a member of the group, be interested in its content and actively participate (if such an opportunity exists) in its life.

At the initial stage you will be asked to select group icon. It is desirable that it corresponds to its thematic focus and is not chosen randomly. Such disagreements can cause confusion in the eyes of the participants.

As they say, you meet someone by their clothes. This is exactly what the band's cover is. You can select a photo and video as the cover to be played against its background. You can do this using standard Facebook settings:

Likewise, using specialized services. For example, this could be, which can be used after registering a profile on Facebook or Google. In the Social Media Graphics section, you can select Facebook Background, which will allow you to customize your cover image the way you want:

Don’t forget about the description, which will help users understand why the group was created and what it does. You can write it immediately when creating a group, or you can change (or write) after - in the settings. An important point when writing it is the absence of “water” in this information. Try to be concise, competent and as informative as possible. create a description.

To ensure that your group does not get lost in the vast expanses of the Internet, you should attach tags(maximum five). This will help the search engine determine its focus and return it to the user’s thematic request. For example, this is what a search returns when you enter the query “social media”:

It is the presence of well-chosen tags that will allow a Facebook user to find your group.

Also you can choose geographic marker. This will be especially useful if the group really has a certain attachment to an address or city (various stores, organizations, associations, etc.).

As an additional feature, you can change the background color of the group cover. To do this you need:

  • open a group;
  • in the “More” tab, select “Edit group settings”;
  • in the “Color” section find “Select color”;
  • select the background color of interest;
  • click the “Apply” button.