Recovering VKontakte password by phone number. How to restore access to a VKontakte page - analysis with detailed instructions

If for some reason you deleted your VKontakte page and then changed your mind, then you still have a chance to get everything back. The only clarification is that you can restore your VK page only if no more than 7 months have passed since its deletion.

Just one more clarification, if you log into VK on your page in the usual way, enter your username and password, but nothing happens and a window pops up indicating that your page is blocked, hacked, and spam is being sent from it, then this article will not help you . Most likely, during hacking, a virus leaked onto the computer and other actions are needed.

How to recover a deleted VKontakte page

Restoration may be needed in different cases: if access data is lost, such as password, login, email and phone number (if it is lost). If you do not have this data, then you need to do differently. In general, it is still possible to restore access to a page, including a deleted one.

How to restore a page on VK after deletion

These actions are possible if 7 months have not passed since the time when you took a rash step and deleted the page.

Your actions are:

  • Go to the page of this social network. You will be offered the option to enter your previous username and password. Enter and click the “Login” button.
  • Next, another window pops up - you need to confirm your actions and enter the captcha. Enter the code from the picture and click the “Submit” button.
  • The following information appears to your eyes: a page with the inscription “Your page has been deleted.” Don’t be upset, read more carefully, it will say at the top: “Restore your page.” Before moving forward, please note that this social network service warns you about the final date for deleting the page. From the specified moment (day/month/year), it will no longer be possible to restore access to your page.
  • Wait, another pop-up window with the information “Restore Page” will appear soon. You need to click on this information and thus access to your account will be restored.

That's all, just 4 points and access to the VKontakte page will be restored.

What to do, if…

It happens that the user deleted information from memory when deleting it and cannot remember the login. What to do in this case? If enough time has passed, you can restore access to your page by entering your phone number.

Another situation is if a person created a new page by entering the same phone number. What to do in such a situation? If the email number specified is different, then you can restore the previously deleted page.

If the user has forgotten the password, but remembers the login. Then you need to click the “forgot password” button and you will be offered an option to restore access (via email and SMS).

What to do if 2 pages are linked to a phone number at once and both are deleted? The user did not indicate his email address and wants to restore the first page. Then you need to restore your page using “Forgotten password”, one of the pages will be restored if the one you need is left, and if the one you don’t need is restored, you need to change the phone number in the settings to another one. There will be 2 pages, but each has its own phone number. Next, restore the page again.

how to restore a VKontakte page without a phone number

  1. I have a question. I linked my contact page to a new number 14 days ago. Today is the 14th day there is no password yet, is it possible that it will arrive only in the evening?
  2. Tell me, the phone number is blocked, I went through all the settings on how to restore a page without a phone number, they told me “The application has been submitted,” how long does it take for the admin to approve the application and will he approve it at all?
  3. actually restored the stolen number. try writing to her.
  4. Instructions for recovering the page (password) in contact?

    Restoring a page via e-mail and SMS
    In fact, this method is the easiest. Go to the password recovery page and enter your email or VKontakte login. Now after entering your email or login, you enter your phone number. Next you should receive an SMS message on your mobile phone. If you haven’t attached your phone number to your page, then read on!

    How to recover a password without a phone number?
    If you did not attach your cell phone number to the page, then we go through the procedure of restoring the page without a phone number.

    Restoring a page after spam
    Often, when you spam or someone spams for you, the page is blocked with the text that you sent spam. In this case, you will need to go through the “password change” procedure and that’s it. There is nothing complicated here. But if you are unable to change your password, then wait three months and if no spam is sent during this time, then your profile will be unlocked automatically.

    Is it possible to return a page after hacking without a phone number, email and password?
    In fact, it is impossible to return a page after hacking without a password, e-mail and phone number! At a minimum, you must have two of the three requirements listed. It is possible to restore the page without changing the page.

    By the way, it is useful for beginners to register on VKontakte. ru, the main thing is to indicate real data.

  5. Anya, they rejected the photo even after.
    I cursed them. After that.
  6. help me restore the page, I’ve already done everything I can but not how ((((
  7. I want to return my old VK page, but I remember the phone number that was linked to this page, but I haven’t had a SIM card for a long time and my number is different, what should I do?
  8. It won't help without a phone number
  9. How can I reset my VK password if the registered number is lost, please help me? ((
  10. How to restore a page without a phone number and password
  11. I tried to do everything and couldn’t do anything (
    I need to take a photo with the screen and send it to them, but there’s no way (
    Help who can...
  12. I was not approved
  13. 89091300965 number and password tsstsshshshgiroy
  14. Step-by-step instructions for restoring a VKontakte page

Forgot your password and login? First of all, don't panic. The fact that you forgot some data to restore the page is not such a big deal. And each user is able to independently solve the problem that arises. Now we will try to figure out how you can get your VKontakte page back. Let's study all the available methods that you can imagine. There aren't that many of them. All of them are easy to learn. Of course, everything also depends on what data you have. If a VKontakte user has forgotten his password and login (both points), then it will be the most difficult. But there is still no need to panic. We'd better see what happens.

Password recovery

Let's start with the simplest case. We have a login, but no password. As in "VK"? Very easy and simple. Just go to the official website of the social network and click there under the authorization window on the inscription “Forgot your password?”.

A window will open in front of you in which you can select a recovery option. For example, to answer how to recover your VK password, you must click on “I don’t remember my password” (or something like that). Ready?

You will be redirected to a page where you will have to indicate the email to which your profile is linked. You will receive a password there. Or rather, the form of its restoration. And just “email” can be used instead of a login. Follow the link provided in the letter, come up with a new combination and repeat it. Save the changes - and that's it, no problems.

No login

User and login? No problem. You can always return the page to yourself without this data. As already mentioned, even an email address is suitable as a login. But there is another scenario.

For example, when the email associated with your profile is forgotten. Here you have a chance to regain access to your profile using your mobile phone. After all, all modern social networks link your mobile phone to profiles. If for some reason this was not done, it will be difficult.

Have any of the VKontakte users forgotten their password and login? Then we’ll use our mobile phone to restore it. Please note that your phone number can be used as a login. This is a very popular arrangement these days. This way you will never forget your “login name”. We go to the official VK page and look at the bottom of the authorization area. Just like last time, click on “Forgot your password?”.

Now in the window that appears you need to write your mobile phone number. It will receive a security code, which is entered into a special field on the screen. It will give you access to the password recovery page. We enter, we receive, we confirm, we come up with a new “password”, we save everything. Problem solved. You can log in to your profile using a new name (your phone number) and password.

No data at all

Sometimes it’s not so easy to recover. Forgot your login, password, email, phone number is not linked? In this situation, there are two options for the development of events. The first one is not particularly pleasing - the complete impossibility of recovery. By the way, for most users, especially younger ones, this is exactly the situation. The second is a long recovery of your own profile.

What to do if you no longer have a login or password for your own VKontakte profile? To do this, go to the “Forgot your password?” section. on the main page of the social network, after which at the very bottom we pay attention to the inscription “Recovery Form”.

Click on it. A window with a huge number of fields will appear in front of you. They will have to be filled in completely. This is a form of profile restoration. It is used when one or another user has forgotten the password and login for the VKontakte website. The main problem here is proof that the profile is really yours. You will have to write to the VKontakte administration about your problem and attach photographs/screenshots of your passport. If the data in your profile corresponds to reality, within 15 days from the date of registration of the application, the administrators will send you a link that will help you come up with a new login and password. Otherwise, there is no hope for success.

Third party hosting

Now you can find many offers from sites that promise to log into VK without a password. These are a kind of hacking services. They are in great demand. But should you trust them?

Definitely not. Remember, there is no way to enter the site without a password. If the login can still be replaced with something, then the “password” cannot. All such proposals are nothing more than the most common money scam. So do not be surprised that services will not be provided to you after payment.


What do we end up with? As you can see, there are enough options for restoring access if certain data is lost in VKontakte. You can always choose an alternative. But the main thing is to enter only reliable information when registering. Otherwise you may be left without a profile at all.

If nothing helps, and the VKontakte administration refuses to restore you, then there is only one way out - registering a new page. This time, don't forget to link it to your mobile phone. He will help you if anything happens.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when it was deleted for you by someone who gained unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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