We make money on clicks and bookmarks. What are active advertising services? Passive income from axle boxes

If you came to this page looking for the best axle boxes, then you probably don’t need to be told what they are. As we have noted more than once, there is a lot of money on the Internet that is just waiting to become yours. Unfortunately, in pursuit of large sums, people often encounter deception online, and, having little experience working on the Internet, fall for the bait of scammers - they invest their own funds in tempting and beautiful dummies. As a result, they spend their last savings, become disillusioned with their own capabilities and go offline. We want to talk about real earnings, available even to beginners on the Internet, without investments and without any deception. We will not talk about the most profitable, but the most honest type of work via the Internet, which guarantees stable income – .

Why do we highlight “earnings for beginners”? The answer to this lies in different approaches to make money on axle boxes. In fact, there are only two options:

  • Independent completion of simple tasks. This type of work on the Internet is suitable for beginners who have neither skills, nor knowledge, nor finances. This article is dedicated to this income.
  • Inviting referrals to work for you. Although this type making money on axleboxes on the Internet brings more income compared to performing independent tasks, we do not recommend starting it right away. Since to develop your own referral network you need to have additional funds and skills: the ability to sell, write beautifully, have well-promoted accounts, preferably have your own resource (website, blog), as well as some finances for initial invitations. As you can see, this is the topic of more than one full-fledged article.

Now let's get back to the list of the best axle boxes today. Each one has been repeatedly checked both by our specialists and by hundreds of people who work part-time on axleboxes, so feel free to register and start completing tasks. If you have problems with any of the sites, be sure to write in the comments, we will either help you figure it out or delete this resource.

List of the best axle boxes 2016 - real earnings without deception and investments

Below are the top best and most honest sites for making money on the Internet by completing simple tasks:

  • SEO Sprint– one of the most popular and well-known sites for making money by completing simple tasks. Supports many payment systems: Yandex Money, WebMoney, Payza, Perfect Money, LiqPay. The minimum amount for withdrawing earned money depends on the chosen payment system: from 2 rubles via WebMoney to 10 rubles for Yandex money. Payments can be ordered once a day, processed and received without delay. The maximum daily limit is 500 rubles. In addition, the site has a multi-level referral system from 10% to 40%. Start making money on SeoSprint
  • SEOfast Another competitor from the top three. Uses the following payment networks: WebMoney, Yandex Money, QiWi, Perfect Money. Payments are instant, daily limit is from 50 to 500 rubles. Referral program from 10 to 60% depending on status. Start making money with SEO-fast
  • Profit centermain competitor Sprint SEO also makes it easy to make money on the Internet. It has the main payment systems in the CIS: Yandex Money (YAD) and WebMoney (VM). You can order a withdrawal of any amount, the main thing to remember is that withdrawal can only be made once a day. Amounts up to 30 rubles are processed instantly, the rest up to 3 days. The maximum withdrawal is from 10 to 300 rubles per day, depending on the status. Referral program from 10 to 60%. Start earning money with Profit Center
  • VMR-fast- another site for making money on the Internet using standard set payment systems: VM, YaD, Payeer, Perfect Money, instant payments from 1 ruble. Maximum payments depend on the status from 50 to 1000 rubles per day. In addition, there is a three-level referral system with a yield of 10 to 20% for the first level and 0 to 8% for the third level. Start earning money with VMR-fast
  • VMR-ok- Instant payments from 5 rubles first payment, then from 1 ruble to: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Payeer. The referral program includes a payment of 1.2 rubles for each new referral, as well as 10% of his daily earnings (not from the system’s income!). Didn't find any mention of maximum amount output. Start earning money with VMRok
  • Like- also a very popular book, which allows you to get an increase in your daily earnings on the Internet. Start making money on Liked
  • Social public- not the most interesting site for making money on the Internet, but you shouldn’t discount it, because... only when working together with all the axle boxes, you can provide yourself with a sufficient number of tasks. Beginners can order a withdrawal of funds no more than once every three days, to any of the payment systems: YaD, VM, Payeer, Perfect Money. The maximum payout is from 10 to 1500 rubles, depending on the status. Referral program from 5 to 60 percent for first-level referrals and from 0 to 2 percent for third-level referrals. Start making money on Social Public.
  • SapBux - is confidently gaining popularity in RuNet, not least thanks to its 25% referral program. Start making money on SapBux.

How much can you earn from axle boxes?

So, to summarize, as you can see, almost all buxes have restrictions on the withdrawal of funds per day. Of course, without participating in the referral program, you are unlikely to ever achieve them. In fact, on sites for making money on simple tasks on the Internet, the withdrawal system is very well thought out. If you look closely, the maximum withdrawal is approximately equal to the maximum amount that you can earn on such sites: at first 50-100 rubles per day, gradually, after gaining experience, you can reach the limit of 100 rubles per hour. At the same time, one must understand that the maximum income will be provided only by the most lucrative assignments, which are not always available in sufficient quantities at each site. In addition, experience is needed not so much for the speed of completing tasks, but for the ability to see promising ones.

Ultimately, work on axleboxes comes down to one or two hours a day at each of the most profitable ones. In total, with 8 working hours a day, you can earn about 800 rubles.

Imagine earning from 800 rubles a day on axle boxes, i.e. about 24,000 thousand per month, while growth is limited, you will only be awakened by your desire.

However, you need to understand that the main income from making money on axleboxes comes from referrals, i.e. people you invite to work. At the same time, you yourself receive income from the system, i.e. Do not rob your referrals at all; on the contrary, you can even increase their income through refback - a partial return of commission funds received from the system. For example, by becoming Bfblofil’s referrals you will receive a guaranteed refback on each of the resources where such functionality is provided by the system settings.

So, let’s finally sum up how much a person who decides to make money on axleboxes via the Internet can receive with the help of referrals. From the above boxes we see that the maximum withdrawal of funds per day is: 500+500+300+1000+1500 = 2800 rubles.

Do you want to start earning from 300 rubles per hour on axlebox? Do you want to get a salary increase of 3,000 rubles per day or 90,000 rubles per month? Then start making money on axleboxes, but do not forget that such income is only possible with the active attraction of referrals.

Of course, there are many more sites on the Internet for making money from simple tasks, and everyone dreams of getting you as an employee. However, do not forget that not all sites can be trusted; it is better to use proven and recommended ones. We always try to update our lists useful resources, so feel free to start making money on axle boxes whose work has been verified by thousands of people.

Earnings on foreign axle boxes

Finally, I would like to add just a few words on making money on foreign axle boxes. Taking into account the current exchange rate, foreign axle boxes may be of particular interest to those who want to earn money via the Internet, because payments there are made in foreign currency (euros or dollars). Among the disadvantages of foreign axle boxes, the following can be noted:

  • Large commissions when transferring funds from foreign payment systems to domestic ones
  • Difficulty understanding resources and tasks
  • Fewer tasks for non-targeted (foreign traffic), as a rule, foreign axles want tasks to be performed by foreigners.
  • Having good level foreign language you can earn much more money on the Internet, but more on that another time

You can find out about other ways to make money on the Internet without investments and skills in the article:

In the meantime, let me wish you success in mastering box sites!

Every year the Internet becomes more and more popular earnings on axle boxes. What it is? How can you start working this way? Is this not a deception before us? All this is extremely worrying for users, especially those who want to make a profit on the Internet. In fact, there is no need to be too afraid. After all, working on axle boxes is a common phenomenon. Yes, vigilance won’t hurt, but you shouldn’t reject all the resources offered. Among them there will definitely be a profitable project that will bring good income.

Yes or no?

Perhaps, first we will have to find out one very interesting thing: is there any real profit from working on the Internet. Or are axleboxes for making money a deliberate deception that you have to avoid? To be honest, opinions differ here. Some people claim that there is no such option for working on the Internet. And some say the opposite. What to believe? Of course, those users who expect the ability to work on a variety of axle boxes. In fact, this option is possible, although it is not very profitable. Yes, there are deceptions too. For this reason, you need to be able to distinguish good axle boxes from fakes. We'll tell you how exactly this is done a little later. It’s worth noting right away that working on the Internet is divided into several categories. And you will have to find out about them.

How to make money?

There are different types of earnings on axle boxes. In practice, they are very often combined by users to obtain maximum profits. What can be highlighted here? How to work this way? First, clicks. That is, Internet surfing. You view ads and websites, and you get paid for it. Not too much, but accurate and stable. Secondly, reading paid emails. In some ways, the option is similar to surfing. Only here you will have to read various letters, and then answer a question on the topic. The system must verify that you are not a bot.

Thirdly, assignments. Making money on axle boxes with the help of paid orders (various, not related to reading letters or surfing) is good source arrived. Just what many people need. The tasks may vary. But usually they come to life without any problems.


Are you interested in making money online without investment? The axle boxes will help you realize your desires. It is already clear how exactly you can make a profit on the Internet. There are just some secrets that will help you earn more. They, as a rule, operate on all resources of our current type.

What is it about? In addition to the main work, axle boxes often offer (or rather, constantly) the use of a so-called referral program. You invite new users to the project. For this you make a profit. Plus, you will then receive interest on the earnings of the referred participant. Very a good option, which can often increase profits several times. True, it is not always possible to bring it to life. It's worth trying.

Where to go?

What are the popular sites for making money on the Internet in one way or another? In general, there are a lot of options. The competition here is enormous, but users most often end up using the same Internet resources. In particular, Russian citizens no longer focus on Russian-language options.

What can you offer? Of course, the popular one comes first SEO sprint. This site for a long time exists on the RuNet and has long established itself as a conscientious project that actually pays money. Making money on axle boxes is a reality here. You can trust him. Next comes Wmmaill. Already more new service, but it is still distinguished by its stability. Somewhat similar to Only some users note that there is much less work on Wmmaill. But the interface here is more convenient.

VipIP is another option that offers earnings on axle boxes. This is not a very popular service and causes distrust among many. All this is due to the fact that here users are offered so-called autosurfing - automatic. However, VipIP really pays and does not deceive its performers. Earning money from foreign axle boxes, as a rule, is not popular in Russia. Among such services there is usually a lot of deception and scams. Therefore, many try not to resort to working on international axle boxes.

Refusal of foreign options

But this is not the only reason why earnings on international axleboxes are not used in great demand in Russia. The main problem that users face is withdrawing funds from the system.

The thing is that cashing out money from foreign books in Russia is not only a big expense. This process is often accompanied by various failures and malfunctions. This means that in Russia, work on foreign services is extremely unstable. So I have to give up this kind proposals. Or act at your own peril and risk.

How much can you get?

Books for making money on the Internet are popular, even very popular. True, users often refuse such work on the network, especially those who have been making a profit from online activities for a long time. World Wide Web. Why? As soon as it becomes clear how much a user who works on axleboxes earns on average, the desire to work and use this option disappears. With good activity, you can get about 100 rubles a day. Earnings from axle boxes will bring no more than 2-3 thousand per month. It's not as much as it seems. Although with all this they will actively promise you huge profits. These words cannot be trusted. Good income It will be possible to extract from modern axle boxes only by combining several tricks on the network. Mastering them is not as difficult as it seems.

Secrets of making money

Are you interested in making money on the Internet without investment? The axle boxes will come to the rescue. And if you plan to make a good profit from them, you will have to resort to several secrets and tricks. They will not require any special skills or abilities from you, just a little ingenuity.

Firstly, in order to get good returns from the axle box, you need to constantly work on the service. The more tasks you complete, the better. This is an obvious fact. Secondly, combine work on several services at the same time. This is the only way you can achieve success. Especially if you can quickly cope with all types of proposed tasks.

Autosurfing is another little trick. Find axle boxes that offer this type of work. Next, just keep your browser open all the time. You will mind your own business, and the autosurfing service will earn money. Also pay attention to the referral program. The more actively you use it, the higher your earnings will be. This is also a good option that will help you make a profit from axle boxes in really good sizes.

What will you need?

Earning money from axleboxes involves not only working on the assigned task. Some preparation is needed. What exactly is required of you here? Nothing special, but you need to worry about some points in advance. First, you need to register on the box. Needed here Email and an invented login. Email address for virtual earnings it is better to have a single one.

Next, start online wallet. Register your account on WebMoney and get it here formal certificate. This will be required to withdraw funds from the bux system. It wouldn't hurt to have a separate one bank card for your profit. It is linked to an electronic wallet, which makes cashing out a real pleasure. In principle, it is absolutely possible to make money on the Internet without investment. The axle boxes will help you with this.

Hello dear readers. Today we will look at axleboxes for earning money without investments, which pay well and make payments in various currencies, as well as in a variety of electronic wallets.

I would like to immediately note that the sites listed below are available to all users without exception, so they can even register and immediately begin.

But at least they have axle boxes great amount paid tasks, you still won’t be able to earn large sums of money with them - the maximum is this and that if you complete tasks of average complexity.

At the same time, you can improve your financial situation, and at the same time increase your earnings, with the help of affiliate programs, which are provided on each of the axle boxes. You will need to invite your friends and acquaintances to projects, thereby receiving a percentage of the money they earn. With the help of referrals, you can easily reach , thereby providing yourself with a good profit that will go to your account in automatic mode without your participation.

Now let's take a closer look at these very sites - axle boxes. Let's consider only those that pay consistently and well for their work. All of the sites listed below have a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet, so don’t worry - you won’t be deceived, you will definitely be able to withdraw money.

Books for earning money without investment via withdrawal to WebMoney

Almost all buxes make payments to WebMoney electronic wallets, so this section I will list only the most popular of them:

  • Seosprint- the most popular axle box in Runet. Here users have the opportunity to complete paid tasks, take tests, read letters and browse websites. It is most profitable to complete tasks, since the payment for them reaches 20 rubles, while other opportunities will bring mere pennies. The most interesting thing is that the Seosprint website has a rating system - as your profile rating increases, your income from invited referrals increases. Money from this account can be withdrawn not only to WebMoney, but also to Yandex.Money, Payeer and Payza.
  • Wmmail– a top Russian-language mailer with an incredible amount of positive reviews and active users inside the system. Here, as well as on other sites, it is best to earn money by completing tasks, since you will receive “pennies” for letters and surfing. Payment for work on the Vmmail website is made in dollars, which is doubly pleasant. There are also various games for money on the project, but they are best used by risk lovers.
  • ProfitCentr– this project ranks third in popularity on the RuNet, since it is very difficult for any service on this topic to compete with such monsters as Wmmail and Seosprint. It is also worth noting that this is one of the few projects that allows you to make money on the Internet with withdrawal to your mobile account, so I especially recommend ProfitCentr as a source additional income. Except on mobile phone you can also withdraw money to Webmoney, Yandex Money or Payeer.
  • Socpublicinteresting project, operating since 2008. Here you can find a large number of a wide variety of tasks, and also download special program to your computer, through which your earnings will be made automatically. You can withdraw money not only to WebMoney, but also to Yandex Money, PerfectMoney and Payeer.

Books for earning money without investments by withdrawing to Yandex wallet

  • Sharkpromotion– a very interesting project, which provides 9 various types earnings, as well as many interesting competitions and shares. Just like everywhere else, there is the opportunity to set up a referral network to create passive income. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 0.5 rubles, and money can be transferred to Qiwi, PerfectMoney, Payeer, WebMoney and Yandex.Money.
  • Rus Rhino is a Russian-language book that appeared quite recently (in 2015), but has already managed to establish itself. Just like everywhere else, here you can read letters, browse websites, complete assignments or take tests. But if everything is clear with this, then the most big advantage this project is that you can earn money (such functionality is not available on every service).

Books for earning money without investment by withdrawal in dollars

  • VIP promotion– a very interesting book, which has almost the same design as the Seosprint discussed above (it is possible that it was created by the same people). The only difference between them is that Seosprint pays what they earn in rubles, while VIP pays in dollars. But no matter how tempting the opportunity to earn foreign currency may be, VIP promotion is very much behind other books in popularity, although there is also surfing, tests, letters and tasks. You can withdraw the money you earn from the site to your WebMoney, Perfect Money or Yandex.Money wallets.
  • Neobux– one of the top foreign bookstores, which is visited by thousands of users daily. Here you can start making money on the Internet by viewing advertising links (clicks), but such actions are poorly paid. Compensate this disadvantage You can rent referrals, but to do this you need to invest money in the service and improve your account. When registering, you must have wallets in the Payza or PayPal payment systems; withdrawals of your earnings are made to the same payment systems.
  • Clixsense- also, which pays well and is similar to Neobux, but in addition to clicks, you can also earn money by completing tasks or passing tests. The money you earn can be withdrawn to PayPal.
  • Ojooo- another very popular one foreign axle boxes to make money on the Internet. Here you can earn money on clicks, the cost of which is estimated from one to three cents. Just like on other projects, Ojooo offers users to improve their account for a fee in order to increase their earnings. Withdrawals of earned money can be made to Payza, PayPal or Ok Pay.

I hope that the above sites will help, and you will choose some books for making money on the Internet without investments and start working with them. I wish you good luck and success in your endeavors.

Active advertising systems, or as they are often called axle boxes, are great way making money on the Internet, which does not require investment or special knowledge. That is why axle boxes for making money ideal for beginners.

The most numerous and popular boxes for making money on the Internet are WMmail and SeoSprint. You can find out more about them here:

But in addition to the above, there are a large number of good books on the Internet for making money! Some axle boxes are copies of existing ones, and some have a bunch of their own advantages and features.

It is important to choose a good and proven booking service that honestly pays earned money to its participants. In this section you will learn all the most the best axle boxes for making money on the Internet!

How to make money on Seo-Fast?

Seo-Fast is a very good way to make money. It was launched in 2012. In just a couple of years, this axle box has caught up with its competitors in popularity and continues to develop rapidly. Seo-Fast paid more than 22 million rubles to its employees! Registration in the project is free and very simple. To make money on Seo-Fast there are always a lot of tasks and links for surfing sites.

24 min. reading

Updated: 03/05/2019

Click - click your finger on computer mouse to perform some action. How many clicks do you make per day? A lot of? Now imagine that you will be paid money for every click.

Yes, they pay for clicks. This is not a myth, not fiction, not a joke. It seems to me that this is one of the first ways to make money on the Internet. Moreover, you can get your first ones just 5 minutes after reading this article without any investment. How to do it?

From this article you will learn what earnings from clicks are. Get acquainted with 30 booking sites where you can make money by clicking, surfing and performing various tasks without investment. You'll learn tricks that will help you earn more money, and we'll also help you avoid mistakes that newbies often make.

The essence of earning money is simple clicks By advertising banners and links on various sites. You don’t need to have any special skills – all you need is a browser and an Internet connection. Paid clicks refer to . Any adult, even a student, even a schoolboy can earn money.

To start your “career” you just need to register on one of the sites where tasks with paid clicks are posted (such sites are also called axle boxes). Then everything depends on you - the more tasks you complete, the higher your earnings.

Why are axle boxes created?

Let's imagine you have created an interesting website. But, no matter how beautiful and informative it is, no one knows about it yet. You can advertise a resource among your friends, but do you have 1000 friends? Even if there is, 100% response is not guaranteed.

Wait until the audience gathers itself? Long and tedious. The only one effective optionpaid advertising. That is, pay people for visiting your site, leaving comments, clicking on ads, and so on. This is what axle boxes are created for.

Therefore, there is nothing fraudulent in this area - people pay you for promoting their resource. Of course, there are unscrupulous people who can cheat you out of payment. But the losses will not be great (pennies and rubles), and the scammer can be blocked by reporting the situation to technical support.

Types of tasks

On the boxes you will see many types of tasks. Teaser advertising, paid tests, letters, visits, assignments, social networks... Your eyes run wild quickly, you want to try everything at once, despite some unfamiliar terms. Let's figure out what types of tasks you will encounter:

1 . Easy navigation to sites on the Internet. The performer clicks on the paid link and goes to the advertiser’s website, which he must view within 10-60 seconds (depending on the task).

There are automatic (transitions are made through a program or browser extension) and manual (you click on the links yourself) surfing.

2 Paid visits. The same as surfing, only you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on any link;

3 Paid letters. The performer is asked to read a short text and answer Security Question, then go to the customer’s resource and view it for a while.

The questions are simple, and the answer is often right in the text.

4 Paid tests. Such a task takes time - you need to study the advertiser’s website and then answer several questions.

6 YouTube. Likes, subscriptions, dislikes, watching videos for money. An account is also required (promotion is not required).

7 Teaser advertising. The display is performed using an extension that is installed in the browser (it is unique for each site). When it is active, advertising is automatically shown to you (in a separate window or in a corner). You just need to click to confirm your viewing.

8 . Advertisers give a specific task that the contractor must complete and submit a report for verification. The categories are varied: registration on various sites, clicks on links, posting, copyright, reviews, vote, invest, and so on. Examples of several click tasks:

At the end of each “review” (except assignments), you will need to solve a simple mathematical expression such as:

This is protection from robots. This way, site developers exclude the possibility of using programs and “bots” that will automatically view sites for the performers.

Attention! If you answer the security question incorrectly, payment will not be credited to your account. Although the tasks are simple, take them seriously, otherwise you will waste time and money.

Big money clicks will not bring you, but you will definitely have enough for pocket expenses, going to the cinema, paying for the Internet or mobile communications, computer game. You make a minimum of effort by simply clicking on advertisers' links, so you pay accordingly. average price for each type of task:

The prices are low, but there are a lot of tasks. If you run out of surfing links, you can move on to tests and so on, increasing your profits.

Even if you work 8 hours a day, you are unlikely to make a good profit. But this should not be treated as full-time work! This is a good way to earn extra money, and it doesn’t require investments or special skills.

My “career” on the Internet began with making money on clicks. As a schoolboy, I registered for SeoSprint and started with surfing. At the beginning it was difficult - the pay was too low, and there was little knowledge in this area.

The first payment of only 20 rubles was a good motivation. Yes, only twenty. Now this is not even enough for travel. But I earned this money myself, and through the Internet!

I started reading letters and completing paid click tasks. By the way, you can make good money on the latter - in the article I'll tell you a few tricks, with which you can earn a few rubles in a couple of minutes just from clicks.

Within a month I managed to get 500 rubles. For a schoolchild, this money is quite a good amount. It was possible to go to the cinema several times or have a good time in a cafe with friends.

Note. In the next paragraph I cover specific sites, but similar functions and there are sections on all resources with earnings on clicks.

Attracting referrals

Before you can work with your team, you need to form it. You can do this in three ways:

  • Attract new users;
  • Offer a person to become a referral for money;
  • Buy at a fair, stock exchange.

To attract new people “from outside” to the team, you need them to register using your personal referral links and banners. Website creators offer their bright and attractive banners, so all that remains for a person is to place them in in social networks, on thematic forums or on other sites that make money on clicks (this is not prohibited).

Promotional materials are located in the sections “Referral Links”, “Working with Referrals” (the menu is shown above) and look like this:

Second way– purchasing referrals on the website (let’s look at ProfitCentr as an example). Every day a lot of people are registered on the boxes free referrals– users who have not followed anyone else’s links. That is, they do not have a referrer.

But they can choose any user as a referral guide. This function is built-in on some sites that make money on clicks (for example,). To do this, just go to the person’s profile and click the following button:

But how to attract referrals this way? It's simple - you just need to create paid task. That is, you pay users to become your referrals. To do this, go to “Tasks” and select the “Become my referral” type (the wording on sites may be different):

Please note that this function is not available on all sites. If it is not there, you can do a task, for example, on the SeoSprint website and ask users to register on ProfitCenter using your link.

Third way– purchasing referrals at a fair, an exchange of free referrals (for example, SeoSprint). Referrals can sell their active team members on these sites by setting a certain price. No matter how strange it may sound, the system resembles slavery Joke.

Advice: you can create a welcome email that referrals will receive after joining your team. You can write anything in it: recommendations for tasks, wishes, parting words, advice. For example, this is what I received when registering for:

Agree, motivation to work does not increase after this. Here's an example good writing:

To create such a letter, go to the “Working with referrals” section and select “Welcome”. Example on:

Note: this function does not apply to all sites that make money on clicks.

Let's say you invited 10 users to your team. Bad referrer will not do anything and will simply wait for profit. Good referral guide actively interacts with partners and supports them financially. Who do you think will have a more productive team?

It’s quite easy to motivate referrals on sites that earn money on clicks thanks to some built-in functions:

1 . In a few steps you can make a competition following format: whoever viewed the most sites will receive a reward of 5 rubles. The amount is small, but for those who only surf, it will seem like a good reward. Examples of competitions:

2. A person can set a goal, for example, to earn 10 rubles for the referrer, and indicate a reward of 5.5 rubles. Those who complete the task will receive a bonus. Great motivation for work, isn't it?

3 Refback. This is the percentage that is returned to the referral from the amount he earned for the referrer. Let’s say the amount of the surfing task is 1 rub. By completing it, you will bring the referral 0.15 kopecks (15%). But with a refback set at 80%, you will receive 1.12 rubles. (+0.12 rubles is returned to you). Refback is not implemented on all sites (for example, Seo-Fast). Appointed by the referral guide independently:

What should I do if I accidentally registered using someone else's link? You won’t be able to “get rid” of the referrer in one click – you need to ask for a ransom. Again, the feature is not implemented on all sites.