Job description of a newspaper layout designer. Job description of an html layout designer. What should an HTML coder do?

A layout designer is a publishing employee responsible for arranging materials. As a rule, a layout designer has a special or design education. All material collected by a large creative group of the publishing house ultimately goes to the layout designer. His tasks include correctly and with artistic taste placing texts and headings for them, and other materials, and selecting fonts.

Today, the work tools of a layout specialist are a computer on the Macintosh platform and a number of graphics programs, such as Adob ​​Illustrator, In design, Corel Draw. But even in the recent past, the layout of printed publications was done by hand. The order layout was assembled from individual metal fragments - letters, whitespace elements and metal plates with illustrations printed on them. The result of the work was printed on paper.

The layout designer does all the work on the computer and delivers the finished version of the layout in printed form. The result is checked by proofreaders, editors, designers and journalists. After making the necessary changes, the layout designer finalizes the layout and submits it electronically to the printing house. This completes the responsibilities of the layout specialist.

Web designer - who is he?

A web designer performs work on creating Internet resources - websites, blogs. The final result of the work of website designers can be seen on the Internet. However, few people know that each page of any Internet resource is a set of symbols, numbers, signs, which is usually called a code. With the help of browser programs, the code is converted into a web page that is understandable and accessible to humans.

The work of a website layout designer begins after the web designer prepares a project for a new resource, indicating the location of texts, pictures, indicating the types and sizes of fonts, and fill colors. Using markup language, a layout designer translates fonts, pictures, tables and other design elements into a language of signs and symbols that browsers can understand. The result is a text layout of what the designer intended. The completed page is sent to the programmer.

To create websites, the layout designer uses text editors, as well as HTML editors, HTML, XHTML, XML markup languages, as well as browser programs to check the work done. The profession of a web designer is painstaking and requires special knowledge. However, if you consider that every second new sites appear in the virtual world, and customers want to see bright and original products, the profession of a web layout designer today is very in demand and well paid.

What an HTML website designer should be able to do. Every year the requirements for layout designers are growing, new technologies, new software, etc. appear. And of course, every customer wants to find the most competent contractor. There are general requirements that will help beginners and not only. Here you will learn what a layout designer should know and be able to do, but still you shouldn’t stop only at this, there is always and will be something to learn.

An HTML coder must know:

  • HTML and CSS 100%. It is with the help of these markup languages ​​that the page is laid out from the designer’s layout. At the same time, the layout designer must take into account all the features, preferences and versions of these languages ​​in order to layout pages of any complexity;
  • JavaScript or jQuery. JavaScript (jQuery) is used to implement various dynamic elements on the page (sliders, calculators, etc.). jQuery - a set of ready-made functions written in JavaScript (the so-called framework);
  • Photoshop. The layout designer must be able to work in Adobe Photoshop and have knowledge of web design in order to, when analyzing the layout before layout, point out to the designer his errors and, if necessary, quickly make corrections to the layout without much effort;
  • PHP programming language. The layout designer should have an understanding of the PHP language and how the programmer will implement the layout of the site on the engine;
  • How the CMS and its API works. Typically, a website is designed for a specific engine and in most cases is installed on a free CMS. Knowledge of how a CMS works, as well as its features, is necessary so that the person who will work with your layout does not have problems when “stretching” it. The only advantage would be perfect knowledge of the API of one or more CMS. For example, a client can order the production of a template using a CMS from you.
  • SEO optimization. An HTML layout designer must be SEO oriented, because website optimization begins with the first lines of the layout designer.

What an HTML coder should do:

  • Cross-browser layout - taking into account the features of displaying web page code in all browsers of any operating system.
  • Valid website layout - writing HTML and CSS code that meets W3C standards (a company that develops and implements Internet standards) and passes the test on a validator.
  • Semantic layout. Meaningful arrangement of code fragments on the page, correct use of tags, clear names of classes and identifiers.
  • Optimization for search engines. From the layout designer you should receive a fully optimized layout, starting from the presence of title, description, keywords tags to the presence of alt in pictures and title in links.
  • Optimize site loading speed:
    • By reducing the amount of code, but not at the expense of readability and performance;
    • By reducing the weight and number of pictures (so-called sprite layout).
  • Be able to work with CMS and its API. Even if you do not need to receive a ready-made template from a layout designer, but you plan to use his layout to make a template for the CMS you need, the layout designer should still know the requirements for the layout of this CMS.
  • On a note:

    • Layout of a template for a CMS implies the production of a simple layout (HTML + CSS) taking into account the requirements of this CMS. That is, at the end you don’t get a ready-made template, but you will still need to look for a person who will make a template from this layout;
    • making a template for a CMS includes layout and production of a finished template from this layout, which is 100% ready for further use.
    • Provide quality service

      Must guarantee the quality of the work performed, meet deadlines and make changes on time if necessary.

HTML coder is a specialist who designs web pages. In other words, it creates an HTML template for a website using knowledge of HTML code and all the styling and graphic design features. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

HTML, an abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language, is a hypertext markup language adopted by the World Wide Web for creating and publishing web pages. Accordingly, an HTML layout designer is a specialist who performs the layout of web pages. In other words, it creates an HTML template for a website using knowledge of HTML code and all the styling and graphic design features. The generated code should be displayed equally in all browsers (“cross-browser compatibility”), taking into account different monitor resolutions and number of colors.

Features of the profession

The layout designer uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript code to create an HTML template, the implementation of which consists of several stages:

  • analysis of website graphic design;
  • selection of template model;
  • cutting graphic sprites;
  • building an HTML template.

Currently, there are a large number of computer programs that automate the work of a layout designer, various text editors with code highlighting, visual editors (Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver), front-end frameworks (sets of code fragments and class libraries for the accelerated development of a website layout through prototyping - ZurbFoundation -4, etc.). They allow you to write large fragments of code in a visual mode, that is, the result of each stage of work can be observed in a separate window. But a professional HTML coder does not use these programs. He must be able to use HTML encoding manually, without the help of visual editors, to ensure maximum code correctness with minimum weight.

An HTML coder must know CSS cascading style sheets, have JavaScript and basic web programming skills in PHP, Perl or Java, as well as the basic graphic editors Photoshop, Fireworks, Gimp. An experienced layout designer can create a small website using the Microsoft Word text editor with a minimum number of tools and tools.

The successful work of an HTML layout designer is built on three pillars: high-quality code, usability principles, and adaptive design. High quality code must be well structured and have the correct semantic design in accordance with the rules of SEO optimization. Usability principle implies simplicity in interface development. Navigating the site should not force visitors to think hard. Simplicity of the interface is the key to the success of the project. Adaptive design will make the site mobile friendly.

When working on large projects, the work of an HTML layout designer comes down to creating only a website layout. Various modules and elements are installed into it by highly specialized programmers. But on small projects, the HTML coder has to work with the code from start to finish.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • opportunity to learn a profession independently
  • high demand in the labor market
  • the need for constant improvement and updating of knowledge
  • opportunity to work remotely
  • fuzzy boundaries between the work of a web designer, web programmer and banner maker make it possible to work in related areas.


  • there is a certain amount of routine and monotony
  • the need to sit at a computer for long periods of time

Place of work

Internet companies, website development firms, design studios, organizations with their own Internet projects, freelance work.

Important qualities

  • attentiveness, concentration
  • ability to concentrate
  • patience in identifying your own mistakes
  • perseverance
  • accuracy
  • desire to work towards the end result.

Training to become an HTML coder

As a rule, HTML coders master the profession on their own. But there are also specialized courses. No special education is required to get a job. The main requirement of employers: work experience supported by a portfolio. Need to know: HTML (manual), CSS 1, CSS 2, JavaScript, Dreamweaver, Front Pages, Photoshop, PHP, MySQL, XML\XSL.

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Salary as of 06/06/2019

Russia 20000—70000 ₽

Moscow 40000—120000 ₽

Remuneration depends on the region of residence of the HTML coder, the specifics of the institution in which he works and the scale of the enterprise. Salary can range from 40 to 70 thousand rubles per month at the initial stage. In Moscow and large cities, an experienced HTML layout designer earns about 100 thousand rubles per month.

Career steps and prospects

A beginner HTML coder who has gained experience and strives to improve his professional level in the future can apply for the positions of a web designer, web programmer, or banner maker.

Stages of site layout, types of sites and layout methods

A website is a set of logically related HTML documents. The logic by which these documents are linked is called a site structure or site map.

Before the start of layout, the graphic design file is analyzed in detail, after which it is cut into parts, on the basis of which an HTML document is made up, which is a structured set of HTML tags. This happens in several stages:

  • a cascading style sheet is generated with a description of the site’s color scheme and the arrangement of elements on the page
  • menus, form buttons and all site controls are formed
  • user interface is being developed.

As a result of these actions, an HTML website template is obtained. If we are dealing with a static site, at this stage the template is filled with content, then the site is uploaded to the hosting.

If the site is dynamic, then it is necessary to integrate the HTML template with the site content management system. This stage requires knowledge of the CMS template architecture and server-side programming language.

According to the layout layout, all sites are divided into 3 groups:

  • Rigid fixed
  • adaptive rubber (Adaptable fluid)
  • Expandable elastic

A fixed layout type is a design in which the width of a column or figure is specified in pixels and specified precisely.

Fluid layout type is a design in which the width of a column or figure is set as a percentage of the current screen resolution.

Each type of design has its own advantages and disadvantages. In each specific case, the choice of design depends on the problem being solved. A mixed design is also possible: some columns of the table design can be set in percentages, others in pixels.

Layout methods:

Table layout used to be the main layout method; currently used to create frames, align elements, set modular grids, and create colored backgrounds.

Layout using layers. Layers are structural elements that are placed on a web page by superimposing them on top of each other with pixel precision. The layer parameters can be dynamically changed by scripts, which makes it possible to create different effects on the page: drop-down menus, games, expandable banners, floating windows, etc.

Block layout is carried out using tag blocks (

) and the style sheets (CSS) that describe them, implementing the concept of semantic layout

Based on the principles of using HTML markup tools, a distinction is made between logical markup and presentational (physical). For example, italic text can be obtained using the tag , and using the tag . In the first case, logical emphasis is placed on the text, which is usually displayed in italics, and in the second, italics are explicitly specified. That is, the first case is focused on logical purpose, the second - on appearance (presentation), and in the second - on logical purpose. Logical markup has a significant advantage - independence from the type and design of web pages used. In this case, you can use the same layout for screen, print, and mobile devices, while adjusting the appearance using separate style files.


I. General provisions

The job description defines the job duties, powers and responsibilities, as well as the working conditions of the layout designer of a structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the Unit). A layout designer is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in accordance with current labor legislation by order of the general director of the company. The layout designer reports to the production editor of the Division. During the period of temporary absence of the layout designer, his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the fulfillment of these duties. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

II. In his work he is guided by and must know:

Fundamentals and technology of printing production. Principles of operation of main and auxiliary equipment and methods of working on them. Current standards and technical conditions, design methods for various publications. Basics of print design. Technical rules for marking originals, design elements. Technical rules and techniques for typing, editing and layout. Typographic measurement system, proof marks and typefaces. The software used for typing and layout of text. Methods for obtaining proof copies on printers, information from the database and outputting information over the network and to external media. Rules for preparing original layouts. Standards, technical specifications, instructions and other regulatory documents for the preparation and publication of newspapers and printed publications. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection. Rules for using office equipment and PCs. Internal labor regulations. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

III. Job responsibilities:

Prepare equipment for operation. Enter typing parameters and enter graphic elements. Layout text containing font and non-font selections, fonts of various typefaces and alphabets. And also, special terminology and special signs in accordance with the standards accepted in printing and publishing activities. Layout tables, create graphic elements of varying degrees of complexity, enter them; carry out prototyping of the technical design of publications that are complex in the construction of pages (tables, drawings, photographs, etc.). Print text on a printer, including outputting films. Make changes to the text based on the comments of the producing editor. Write files to external storage media. Carry out timely and high-quality execution of artistic and design works. Create the graphic part of the original layouts of advertisements and other materials and documents. Create the graphic part of commercial advertising designed to present advertising opportunities to potential advertisers. Develop projects for artistic and technical design of publications based on information received from the immediate supervisor. Consult your immediate supervisor about the principles and options for solving assigned design problems. Coordinate sketches (projects) with the immediate supervisor and prepare final layouts. Make corrections to artistic and technical design projects as directed by the publishing or editor-in-chief. Monitor the compliance of produced original layouts of advertisements and graphic elements of original layouts with the requirements of the Advertising Law, the requirements of the customer, the responsible employee of the advertising service, internal requirements existing in the organization, and quality requirements. Create and submit plans, progress reports and other documents to the immediate supervisor and accept the necessary documents from him. Carry out pre-press preparation of original layouts in accordance with the technological requirements of printing production. Carry out design work on the premises of the organization. Interact with the system administrator in order to maintain computer equipment in working order and ensure the modernization of equipment and software. Maintain a positive moral climate in the office. Show mutual assistance, responsibility, trust, support, optimism. Carry out individual official assignments from your immediate supervisor. Follow the labor rules adopted by the company. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

IV. Official powers:

Request from employees and managers of the Division information and documents necessary to perform their job duties. Familiarize yourself with the documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

V. Job responsibilities:

For failure to fulfill or improper performance of their official duties provided for in these instructions - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

For failure to fulfill official duties. For violation of the company's internal regulations. For violation of business ethics. For irrational use of computer equipment. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, established by the current legislation of Ukraine. For providing false information to management. For negligence in record keeping. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

VI. Working conditions:

The work schedule of a layout designer is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the company. Due to production needs, the layout designer may go on business trips (local and regional). _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

VII. Final provisions:

Changes and additions may be made to these instructions. _____________________________________________________________________. _____________________________________________________________________.

General provisions

1.1. Html layout designer belongs to the technical category.

1.2. An HTML layout designer is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the director of the organization in agreement with the head of the department.

1.3. The HTML layout designer reports directly to the head of the department.

1.4. During the absence of the HTML layout designer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.

1.5. A person with a professional education (higher, secondary) and work experience in the specialty of at least one year is appointed to the position of html layout designer.

1.6. An HTML web designer is guided in his activities by:

Legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

The company's charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;

Orders and instructions from management;

The real one.

Job Responsibilities of an HTML Layout Developer

The HTML layout designer does the following:

  • Layouts web pages and templates using the appropriate markup language html, xhtml, xml.
  • Optimizes the layout and code of existing projects.
  • Posts content on the site.
  • Installs layouts (templates) on site management systems.

HTML coder rights

The HTML layout designer has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of duties.

  • Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
  • Require management to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of duties.

Responsibility of the HTML coder

The HTML coder is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this document - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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