In English the topic is television. Essays in English: Television - Television (2). There are several factors that indicate the role of television and the presence of addiction to the blue screen

Television in Our life

Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear that television has advantages and disadvantages.

But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don"t have to pay for expensive seats at the theater or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can watch interesting films, concerts, football matches.

But some people think that it"s bad to watch TV. Those who watch TV need do nothing. We are passive when we watch TV. Television shows us many interesting programs. But again there is a disadvantage here: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

My friend told me that when his TV-set broke down, he and his family found that they had more time to do things and to talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Very often the programs are bad. Sometimes the y show too much violence in films and news programs. There is also too much pop music and ads. Ads on the whole are convenient for grown-ups. But is it good for children to watch all those ads where they show all kinds of underwear and what not?

Television in our lives

Television plays an important role in our lives. It's hard to say whether this is good or bad. It is clear that television has its advantages and disadvantages.

But what are more advantages or disadvantages? First and foremost, television is entertainment. But it's not all about convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five people, for example, it is more convenient and profitable to stay at home than to go somewhere and look for entertainment in other places. They don't have to pay for expensive theater or movie tickets. They turn on the TV and watch interesting films, concerts and football matches.

But some people think that watching TV is harmful. TV viewers don't have to do anything. When we watch TV, we are passive. Television shows us a lot interesting programs

. But there is a disadvantage to this: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

A friend of mine told me that when his TV broke, he and his entire family found that they had more time to do things or talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Bad programs are often shown.

Sometimes there is a lot of violence in movies and news. There is also a lot of pop music and advertising on TV. Overall, the advertising is adult-friendly. But is it really good for children to watch all these advertisements where they show different underwear and whatever?
1. What advantages does television have?
2. What disadvantages does television have?

3. What did my friend find when his TV-set broke down?

4. What do they sometimes show?
entertainment - entertainment
to turn on - turn on
passive - passive
to dominate - dominate
to break down - to break
argument - argument
violence - cruelty

pop music - pop music

ads (advertisemets) - advertising, announcements

Television now plays an important role in our life. It is difficult to say if it is good or bad for us. It is clear that television has advantages and disadvantages.

But are there more advantages than disadvantages? In the first place, television is an entertainment. But it is not only a convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five, for example, it is more convenient and less expensive to sit comfortably at home than to go out to find entertainment in other places. They don"t have to pay for expensive seats at the theater or cinema. They turn on the TV-set and can watch interesting films, concerts, football matches.

Very often the programs are bad. Sometimes they show too much violence in films and news programs. There is also too much pop music and ads. Ads on the whole are convenient for grown-ups. But is it good for children to watch all those ads where they show all kinds of underwear and what not?

Text translation: Television in Our life - Television in our lives

Television plays an important role in our lives. It's hard to say whether this is good or bad. It is clear that television has its advantages and disadvantages.

But what are more advantages or disadvantages? First and foremost, television is entertainment. But it's not all about convenient entertainment. For a family of three, four or five people, for example, it is more convenient and profitable to stay at home than to go somewhere and look for entertainment in other places. They don't have to pay for expensive theater or movie tickets. They turn on the TV and watch interesting films, concerts and football matches.

But some people think that watching TV is harmful. TV viewers don't have to do anything. When we watch TV, we are passive. Television shows us many interesting programs. But there is a disadvantage to this: we watch TV every evening, and it begins to dominate our lives.

A friend of mine told me that when his TV broke, he and his entire family found that they had more time to do things or talk to each other. There are other arguments for and against television.

Bad programs are often shown. Sometimes there is a lot of violence in movies and news. There is also a lot of pop music and advertising on TV. Overall, the advertising is adult-friendly. But is it really good for children to watch all these advertisements where they show different underwear and whatever?

1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

Excellent essay with translation on the topic of the role of television in your life, the title sounds in English only as TV in my life.

The essay on the role of TV in my life has a translation, so you will get a 5 without any problems!

TV is a very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the other counties, about the events that happened in the world. TV even helps you to know more about yourself.

I like to watch TV very much. I can do that all day, that’s why sometimes my mother makes me turn off TV. I have about 12 Russian TV channels, they are: NTV, MTV, ORT, RTR, and others. I also have few KOSMOS TV’s channels, for example: Cartoon network, Discovery channel, TVE, and BBC. I like some of them and hate others.

So here are some words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite channel is MTV.

MTV is a music channel. 24 hours a day of music, can you believe it? I like to listen to music very much, and sometimes I even make myself the music, that is why I enjoy watching MTV.

I also like NTV. This channel has very interesting films, for example “ER” - my favorite film and a lot of sport programs. I like sport, especially football. NTV usually shows us two-football match a week (one Champion's League match and one Russian national championship's match).

I also like several foreigner channels, especially Eurosport. And you know why! Cartoon network is not bad, but I think that it’s better for children - not for me.

That's all about me. I also want to tell you about my parent’s favorite channels.

My father likes different channels with action films. His favorite actor is Sylvester Stalonne. My mother likes talk shows, for example “I myself” on TV6, and information programs, like “Today” on NTV, “Time” on ORT, and “Vesti” on RTR. She also likes BBC channels, which is one of the best information’s channels in the whole world.

The Bush house is a headquarters of the BBC World Service. Form this building the BBC broadcasts radio programmers to the whole world. The World Service used to be called "The Empire Service". It started in 1932, broadcast only in English. At the first the announcers used formal English and used to speak very slowly and clearly. In the 1930s the BBC started broadcasting to the Middle East. And in the 1938 it started broadcasting in Arabic. Very soon the BBC was broadcasting to all countries by the Nazis. The BBC got a reputation for honesty and accuracy. After the Second World War the BBC continued its foreign languages ​​broadcasts. to this day broadcasts the news in thirty-nine languages. In the Newsroom a hundred and twenty journalists work day and night, writing two hundred news bulletins every 24 hours. All news in the BBC are checked at least twice before it is broadcasting. why the World Service is not always popular with governments.

The bb is the world's largest international broadcaster. Every week, one hundred and thirty million people listen to BBC World Service radio. In 1992 the World Service started broadcasting TV programs and today people in countries all over the world can see as well as hear the news from the BBC.

Cause of our different tastes, sometimes my family has a problem with choosing channels. Somebody thinks that TV is bad, but I don’t think so. I believe that in the future TV will be better and everyone will like it.

TRANSLATION essays "TV in my life"

TV is a very important thing in our life. We can say that we watch TV because television helps us learn more about the world, about other districts, about events that have happened in the world. TV even

will help you find out more about yourself. I like watch TV so many. I can do it during the whole day 12 that's why sometimes my mom makes me turn off the TV. I have about Russian TV channels , then they are: NTV, MTV, ORT, RTR, and others. I also have

several other interesting channels. for example: Cosmos TV, Cartoon Network, Discovery Channel, TVE and BBC. Some channels I like and some I don’t.

So here are a few words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite channel is MTV. MTV is music channel music, that's why I like to watch MTV.

I also watch NTV. This channel has a lot interesting films. There is a lot on this channel sports programs that I like, especially football NTV. As a rule, this channel broadcasts two football matches per week (one Champions League match and one Russian championship match).

I also like several foreign channels, especially Eurosport. The Cartoon Network channel is also good, but I think that it is more suitable for younger children, but

not for me. What's all about me? I still I want to tell you.

about my parents' favorite channels My father loves various channels with militants. His favorite actor is Sylvester Stallone. My mother loves talk shows, for example, “I myself” on TV-6, and information programs s, such as Segodnya on NTV, Vremya on ORT, and Vesti on RTR. She also loves the BBC channel, which is one of the best channels with information about the whole world . In 1930 the BBC began broadcasting to the Middle East . And in 1938 he began broadcasting in Arabic. Very soon the BBC was broadcasting to all countries occupied by the Nazis. BBC received reputation for honesty and accuracy. After World War II BBC continues to broadcast in foreign countries languages, and to this day broadcasts news in thirty-nine languages. Editorial one hundred and twenty

journalists work day and night, two hundred news stories are written every 24 hours. All news in the BBC is verified at least twice before they are broadcast. BBC is the largest in international world television company Every week , one hundred thirty million people listen to BBC World Service radio.

In 1992 World Service began broadcasting television programs

and today people in countries around the world can see as well hear the news from the BBC.

But what did we do before, before the advent of television? Before we let the “one-eyed monster” into our homes, we never had difficulty occupying our free time. We had the opportunity to enjoy the achievements of Civilization. For example, it was normal for us to have a hobby, entertain our friends and have fun ourselves, go to theaters, cinema, participate in hikes and sports competitions. We even had the custom of reading books and listening to music. All this belongs to our past. Now all our free time is regulated by the “box of miracles”. We rush home and hastily devour food in order to be in time for one program or another. We even stopped sitting at the table and having a leisurely dinner, exchanging news of the day. The monster demands and receives absolute silence and attention. If a family member dares to open his mouth during the program, he is quickly silenced.

Entire generations are growing up addicted to television, food remains uneaten, Homework undone, and sleep is lost. Television makes advances of passive gratification. We begin to be satisfied with second-hand events. It's so easy to sit in chairs watching others work. Gradual television shields us from the real world. We become so lazy that we want to spend a beautiful day sitting in the semi-darkness, glued to chairs, instead of going out for a walk. Television can be a wonderful medium of communication, but it prevents us from communicating with each other. We learn how much television does not correspond to real life when we spend a vacation at the seaside or in the mountains, far from civilization, in a quiet, natural environment; we quickly discover how little we miss the hypnotic influence of the “one-eyed monster.”

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Television (2)

1). Television nowadays has become one of the most important mass media. 2), It informs, educates and entertains people. 3). It influences the way people look at the world and makes them change their views.

4). In other words, mass media, and especially television, mold public opinion.

5). Millions of people like to watch TV in their spare time. 6). The TV set now is not just a piece of furniture. 7). It is someone who is one of the families. 8). There are two viewpoints on television. 9). Some people think that television is doing a lot of harm. 10). People begin to forget how to occupy their free time. eleven). It prevents them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends, or relatives. 12). And indeed, people used to have hobbies, they used to go outside for amusements to the theatres, cinemas, sporting events. 13). They used to read books and listen to music. 14). Now all free time is given to television.

15). But there are a lot of people who consider TV to be helpful because it gives us a lot of information. 16). We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and by learning the most important economic, social and political issues of the day.

17). We can see famous people, great events that will pass into history. 18). Television gives wonderful possibilities for education: you can take a TV course in history, economics, in learning foreign languages ​​and in many other subjects. 19). Television brings the world in your living-rooms. 20). We see people in our country and in other lands, and learn their customs, occupations, and problems. 21). TV gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. 22). To crown it all, TV simply helps us to relax after a hard day's work, giving a great variety of entertaining and musical programs. 23). Still, it"s not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day long. 24). It"s very harmful for their health

and for

developing personalities, because children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or banal serials. 25). All this by no means contributes to what we call making a personality. Television (2). 2). It informs, educates and entertains people. 3). It influences people's worldview and forces them to change their views. 4). In other words, the media and, in particular, television shape public opinion.

5). Millions of people love to watch TV in their free time. 6). TV is now not just a piece of furniture. 7). It's like one of the family members. 8). There are two points of view on television. 9). Some people think that television does a lot of harm. 10). People are starting to forget how to fill their free time. eleven). It prevents them from communicating with each other, visiting friends and relatives. 12). And in fact, people used to have hobbies, go to theaters, cinemas, and sports competitions to have fun. 13). They read books and listened to music. 14). Now all my free time is given to television.

15). Yet there are many people who find television useful because it gives us a lot of information. 16). We become more aware when we watch documentaries, scientific programs, when we learn about the most important economic, social and political news of the day. 17). We can see famous people, significant events that will go down in history. 18). Television provides excellent opportunities for education: you can take courses in history, economics, study foreign languages ​​and many other subjects.

19). Television brings the whole world to our house. 20). We see people in our country and in other countries, we learn about their customs, activities, views, problems.

21). Television gives us the opportunity to see the best actors and the best performances, hear the latest news, listen to political discussions. 22). And finally, television simply helps us relax after hard work by offering a wide selection of entertainment and music programs.

23). Still, it’s not very good when children are “glued” to TV screens all day long. 24). This is harmful to health and personal development, as children prefer low-quality action films, horror films or banal TV series. 25).
All this in no way contributes to what we call personality formation.
- Are you a passionate TV viewer?
- I can't say so. In fact I only watch those programs that I find interesting and helpful.
- And what about information programs?
- There are plenty of them now. It goes without saying, that I try to watch the most important of them, "Vesti", "Time" and others. They keep me informed in all the topical issues of the day.
- What TV programs do you watch for entertainment?
- I relax when I watch musical shows, humorous programs, TV games such as "What? Where? When?", "The Lucky Chance", "Brain Ring" and others.
- What is your attitude towards advertising on TV?
- I find it boring and annoying.

- Are you a passionate TV viewer?
- I can't say that. Actually, I only watch programs that I find interesting and useful.
- What kind of programs are these?
- I like “The Travelers Club” and “In the Animal World”. These are regular television programs. They help me study history, geography, biology.
- What about information programs?
- There are a great many of them now. It goes without saying that I try to watch the most important of them, “Vesti”, “Time” and others. They keep me informed of all the major events of the day.
- What TV shows do you watch for entertainment?
- I relax when I watch music shows, comedy programs, TV games, such as "What? Where? When?", "Happy Chance", "Brain Ring" and others.
- How do you feel about advertising on television?
- I find her annoying and annoying.