How to select a bootable USB flash drive in the BIOS. We work in BIOS award. What is BIOS and UEFI

Friends, in this article we will find this very thing. boot menu for laptops Acer, Sony, Samsung, MSI, Toshiba, HP, ASUS, Packard Bell and load the above devices from my Corsair Voyager flash drive, on which the operating system is located Windows system 7. Don't forget if you want to install on new laptop Windows 7 or Windows XP, then connect the flash drive to the USB 2.0 port (black), if you connect the flash drive to the USB 3.0 port ( of blue color), then the installation of the system will end in error, since Windows installer 7 no USB drivers 3.0.

We will also analyze the BIOS of these devices in detail. Let's look at how to change the boot priority on these laptops, in case you and I are unable to enter the boot menu. There is no need to be afraid of the BIOS; if you configure something in it incorrectly, you can always reset the settings to default.

Very important note: This note will be useful to you if you have a new laptop from any manufacturer (2013, 2014 with UEFI BIOS). If you have such a laptop and you are reading these lines, then you want. To do this, of course, the laptop needs to be booted from .

Almost all laptops currently sold have a UEFI BIOS; such a laptop cannot simply be loaded from a flash drive, since the UEFI BIOS has a special protection - a protocol secure boot "Secure Boot"based on special certified keys (available only in Windows 8). The Secure Boot protocol will not allow you to boot your laptop from any boot disk or flash drive other than installation disk Windows 8. In order to boot your laptop from a flash drive, the Secure Boot protocol needs to be disabled in the BIOS of your laptop, this is done very simply, read our article or.

Let's return to this article. I think the information will be useful to many owners of laptops and netbooks. This article will also help if you want to boot from a disk and don't know how to do it.

Let's start with Acer laptop, first of all, we connect our Corsair Voyager flash drive to the laptop, then press F12 when loading,

Then you need to select our flash drive in the boot menu that appears and click

If you are unable to enter the boot menu of your Acer laptop using the F12 key during boot, then the option is disabled in the BIOS Boot Menu and it needs to be turned on.
When loading, press F2, the initial Information tab, go to the Main tab, see the F12 Boot Menu parameter, set it to Enabled,

Next, press F10 to save the settings, reboot, press F12 when loading and our boot menu appears, select our flash drive in it and press Enter, it boots from the flash drive.
If the boot menu of the Acer laptop still does not appear, then go to the BIOS again (when loading F2), Boot tab. We select our flash drive and put it in the first position using the F6 key, then press F10 to save the settings, reboot and boot from the flash drive.

To enter the boot menu Toshiba laptop, first of all, we connect our flash drive to the laptop. Next, to get to the boot menu of this laptop, we need to press F12 when loading, as we see, the laptop itself tells us this, displaying the following message when turned on: press F2 go to setup utility, F12 go to boot manager(press F2 to enter BIOS and F12 to enter boot menu).

When loading the laptop, press F12 and get into the boot menu, select our flash drive here, if you connected a flash drive to the laptop, its name will be here. Press Enter and if your flash drive is bootable, it will boot from the flash drive.

If for some reason you cannot boot your laptop from a flash drive using the boot menu, then you can enter the BIOS and change the boot device priority there. We often press F2 when booting a Toshiba laptop and get into the BIOS of this laptop. The initial Main tab, go to the Boot tab (responsible for loading the laptop) and see our Corsair Voyager flash drive in sixth position. We select it using the keyboard and press F6, thus moving our flash drive to the first position, then press F10 to save the settings we changed, the reboot occurs and the laptop boots from the flash drive.

Friends, if you have a new Samsung laptop, for example 2012-2013, then read this article "", for all others, this instruction is also suitable.

When loading, press Esc or F10, get into the boot menu and select our flash drive. If the boot menu does not appear, then go to the BIOS, press F2 or DEL when loading. In the BIOS Boot tab, select the first Boot option Device Priority

And we enter it, here we select our flash drive and using the F6 key we put it in the first position. Next, press F10 to save the settings and reboot, reboot, then boot from our flash drive.

I have never had any problems with this laptop, but if you have a new HP Pavillion laptop and it has a UEFI BIOS, then these instructions may not help you, read our other article. For all other HP laptops, these instructions are suitable. We connect our flash drive to the laptop. When you turn on the laptop, a message appears on the screen: " Press ESC to load start menu", press.

and we get to the boot menu. The first device is now the disk drive, if your flash drive is connected to the laptop, then its name will also be present here, select our flash drive here and press Enter or F10, a reboot occurs and further loading from the flash drive.

If you cannot enter the boot menu of an HP laptop, then go to the BIOS, press ESC when loading, then F-10, get into the BIOS,

Go to the System Configuration tab, then Boot Options, press Enter

As you can see, the first device is set to HDD notebook notebook Hard Drive. If your flash drive is connected to a laptop, then its name will be here, select our flash drive and use the F6 key to move it to the first position. Next, we save the settings we changed, press F10 to save the settings, the reboot occurs and the laptop boots from the flash drive.

When loading the laptop, press the F11 key and get into the boot menu, then select our Corsair Voyager flash drive and Enter, it boots from the flash drive.

If the boot menu is not available, press the DEL key during boot and enter the BIOS, then go to the Boot tab, select our flash drive and, without releasing Shift, press +, thereby moving our flash drive to the first position. Press F10 to save the settings, the settings are saved and the laptop boots from the flash drive.

We press F11 when loading, if we don’t get into the boot menu, then we press F2 when loading and enter the BIOS, go to the Boot tab. First, we set the External Device Boot: parameter to Enabled, this allows us to boot the laptop from a flash drive, but that’s not all. We see that the first boot device The drive is installed, select it using the keyboard and press Enter, in the menu that opens, select External Device (this is our flash drive), press Enter. Now the first boot device is our flash drive. Press F4, this saves the settings and reboots, then boots from the flash drive.

Press the button when loading delete and enter Laptop Bios, go to the Security tab and set the “Secure Boot” option to Disabled (disabled),

Then go to the Boot tab and select the Fast Boot option ( fast loading) to Disabled,

Once again we enter the BIOS and go to the Boot tab, set the Launch CSM (advanced boot) option to Enabled,

We go down to the Boot Option Priorities and Boot Option #1 option and enter it by pressing Enter, in the menu that appears, using the arrows on the keyboard, select the name of our flash drive and press Enter. Here we also put our Corsair Voyager flash drive in first place.

We press F10 to save the settings, reboot and our Asus laptop boots from the flash drive.

Also you can use boot menu Asus laptop, to do this, in the initial phase of booting the laptop, frequently press the key Esc, you will be taken to the boot menu, using the arrows on the keyboard, select your bootable USB flash drive and press Enter.

How to boot from a flash drive Packard laptop Bell

Press the button when loading F12 and we get into the boot menu of the laptop, there we simply select our flash drive and boot the laptop from the flash drive.

If F12 does not work when loading, then click F2, less often F6 and get into the BIOS Laptop UEFI,

here we go to the tab Boot.

If before turning on the laptop you connected a flash drive to it, then it may not decide immediately in this menu.

Set the option Boot Mode to Legacy BIOS position.

And the option Secure Boot set to position Disabled.

Now the flash drive should determine. Place the flash drive in the first position, save the settings and reboot. If the bootable flash drive is made according to our articles, then the download will be successful.

There are sometimes quite unpleasant situations when operating system"flies away." And to restore you need the original disk. If you don’t have one available, you can write the image to a regular flash drive. But here's the problem - what to do when the BIOS does not allow booting from a flash drive? Many users simply do not know what to do and are lost in this matter. Let's try to dot all the i's.

How to enable it in BIOS using the simplest method?

To set these parameters, you must first decide how exactly you will enter the BIOS. The most common way is to use the Del, F2, F12, etc. keys.

However, on the same Sony laptops Vaio is accessed using special button ASSIST, located on the keyboard panel. On some laptops, the BIOS can only be accessed by calling the primary boot menu using the Esc key.

How can I set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive? Yes, very simple. After calling the I/O system, you need to go to the boot section. Here you need to find the boot priority line, which may have different names, depending on the developer and manufacturer of the BIOS (Boot Device Priority, Boot Sequence, etc.). In any case, something like this will be present. But that's not the point.

What to do if the BIOS does not allow booting from a flash drive?

It also happens that the bootable flash drive is not recognized by the primary I/O system. With what it can be connected? There are usually several reasons for this:

  • incorrectly recorded image or installation distribution;
  • damage to the USB drive itself.

To make sure that all the steps for booting from a flash drive are completed correctly, there are several steps you need to take. For now, let’s leave the question of how to enable booting from a flash drive in the BIOS in the background, and move on to pressing problems.

Checking in Device Manager

Let's start with the last point. When checking the device itself for its functionality, there can be two options: either it is faulty itself, or the accompanying driver responsible for recognizing the flash drive by the operating system is missing or installed incorrectly.

In case of malfunctions everything is clear. The device will simply have to be replaced. But what to do when it is in working condition (at least detected on another computer or laptop)? We need to check its functionality. And to do this, in the simplest version, you just need to insert it into the appropriate USB 2.0/3.0 port, and then call the standard “Device Manager” through the “Control Panel” or use the devmgmt command in the “Run” menu bar (Win + R).

Let's assume that after inserting into a port, it may either not be displayed in the manager or be displayed with yellow icon, on which it is present. In the second case, everything is simple: you need to install or produce re-installation drivers. It may very well be that the system itself does not find suitable driver, although it should do it automatically. But this mostly applies to non-standard devices. Flash drives like Transcend are usually recognized immediately.

If the device is not displayed in the corresponding manager, there may also be two reasons: either the corresponding universal USB controller driver is not installed, or the port itself is faulty. Again, you should install the driver (the controller is indicated yellow or is not in the manager at all), or try to plug the flash drive into a different port. It is worth considering that if the device is designed exclusively for data transfer only with USB support 3.0, when connected to standard port 2.0 it will not be determined.

Formatting USB device partitions

Let’s leave aside the question of how to boot from a flash drive in the BIOS for now, and let’s move on to the procedures, without which even recording an image to install the system on the device may be in vain.

First of all, if the device has problems in operation or no action can be taken with it, you should first format it. In this case, it is not advisable to quickly clear the table of contents, but it is better to full formatting. Only in this case will the file system contained on it ensure correct data transfer and reading.

This operation is performed in standard Explorer. On the device you just need to right-click and select the appropriate line from the menu. In the new window, be sure to uncheck the quick formatting line, and then activate the start of the process. Depending on the total volume, this may take a long time.

Creating a bootable distribution

If we consider the question of how to set boot from a flash drive in the BIOS even more broadly, we cannot ignore the issue of creating boot image and transferring it to the drive. This can be done using the UltraISO utility or similar.

However, the original installer must be used as the source. Windows disk. Actually, it’s not that difficult, so there’s no point in dwelling on this in detail. And if the BIOS does not allow booting from a flash drive, in the future it all comes down to correctly transferring the image or unpacked distribution files to the drive. Here you will have to tinker a little.

Media preparation

If you use your own system tools, even after formatting with a USB device, you still need to perform a series of additional actions(assuming the image has already been created with original disc using the same UltraISO programs or even 7-Zip, and the flash drive is in working condition and connected to a computer or laptop).

First we call command line(cmd in the “Run” menu), always on behalf of the system administrator. In the console that appears, enter and press the enter button.

After this we use the command list disk, again, followed by pressing the Enter key, after which we look through the available disks and remember the number of the USB device. To accurately check the USB drive number, you can use the diskmgmt.msc command entered in the Run menu.

Now in the console you need to enter the select disk command and, separated by a space, indicate the number of the disk you are looking for. Next, the device should be cleared of its contents using the clean command.

The next step is to create a primary boot partition. This is done using the create partition primary command followed by entering. After confirmation of a successful operation appears on the screen, use the select partition 1 command, then - active (to activate the selected partition) and finally - format fs=ntfs quick for formatting with selection If you need to create a file FAT systems 32, a similar one is used format command fs=fat32 quick.

The next step is to assign a name to the device using the assign command (the name will be assigned automatically). Finally, enter exit and finish the job. The bootable USB device is ready to use. All that remains is to correctly transfer the distribution files to it.

Transferring data to a flash drive

On at this stage no more configuration required. We don’t yet need a BIOS to boot from a flash drive, but we will need the 7-Zip program. In its simplest form, it can be used to correctly copy installation files to media (roughly speaking, extract them from the image).

Let's launch Zip utility File Manager from the standard “Explorer”, then select the installation distribution image previously created or downloaded from the Internet, specify the USB flash drive as the final device and confirm the actions by pressing the OK button. At the end of the process, the media will be completely ready for use.

Start download

Now let’s move on to the question of how to set the BIOS to boot from a flash drive directly. We reboot the system and at the initial stage press a key or key combination to enter the BIOS settings. Usually these are Del, F2, F12 (for ASUS laptops, BIOS loading from a flash drive is done this way), but other keys or combinations described above can also be used. Depending on the manufacturer of the equipment, you may first need to call up the main menu. This situation is typical for laptops like HP - booting from a flash drive (BIOS) is installed somewhat differently, although the operations themselves are very similar.

In the boot section, look for the Boot Device Priority item and look at the line 1-st Boot Device. By pressing the PgDn key, we select the desired device, after which we exit and save the parameters (as a rule, this is done using the F10 key). This is followed by a reboot, and the installation starts automatically.

However, it is not enough to know how to select boot from a flash drive in the BIOS. It is important to remember that you should call up the settings of the primary input/output system only when a USB device is connected before starting to boot your computer or laptop. Otherwise, the flash drive simply will not be detected.

How to fix problems?

Now let's look at a situation where the device seems to be working, since all the steps described above were presumably performed correctly, but in fact the BIOS still does not allow booting from a flash drive. What to do in this case?

We use the same command line. Let's assume that the USB device in the system is designated by the letter F, and optical drive- E. Now you need to enter the command E:\Boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 F: (F is a flash drive in our case, and E is a disk drive).

Alternative method

If this does not work, enter the following one by one:

F:\Boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 F:

After this, everything will definitely work as expected.

Compatibility issues

If none of the above methods help, first you should pay attention to the state of the drivers. In the very optimal option you can use programs like Driver Booster, which are able to update drivers automatically.

If everything is fine with them, the reason may be that the user is trying to install a 32-bit system over a 64-bit one. In addition, the file system on the USB drive and the installation distribution may also differ in terms of bit depth. Actually, the flash drive itself may not support USB ports 3.0, in which it is included. Here you need to be very careful.

Instead of a total

That, in fact, is all that concerns how to set boot from a flash drive in the BIOS. Of course, many users may have questions about the advisability of using the system’s own tools for preliminary actions, after all automated programs make it much faster and easier. But here I would like to note that such knowledge is extremely important, and programs in case of failures in Internet access are also not always available.

But prerequisite, as is already clear, is a disk image that is created based on the original or downloaded from the Internet. You can't go anywhere without him. It remains to add that attention should also be focused on the bit depth of the installed system, since the 32-bit version is on top of the 64-bit version without formatting system partition will not install. This is only due to the fact that OS versions require 32 bits and 64-bit modifications require at least NTFS. And the flash drive itself must contain the corresponding file systems FAT or NTFS, not UDP, as is sometimes the case. As for the volume, 4 GB will be quite enough for any system, including even the tenth modification that is gaining popularity.

In the last article we talked about that. And now I will tell you how to configure the computer BIOS for Windows installations from a disk or flash drive.

1. What is BIOS and UEFI

Each motherboard has special program to boot your computer and configure settings various devices. This program is flashed (programmed) into a special chip on the motherboard and is therefore called firmware.

Previously, all motherboards had firmware called BIOS, which had a simple graphical interface with white letters on a blue background and was limited in functionality. For example, in the BIOS it was impossible to use the mouse, select a language, and there were no graphic elements(pictures) due to the limited volume of the chip BIOS memory. Also, motherboards with BIOS did not support drives larger than 2 TB due to limitations old system disk partitioning (MBR).

Nowadays many motherboards have new type firmware called UEFI, which features improved graphical interface using beautiful background, hand-drawn buttons, the ability to select a language (including Russian) and some improvements. For example, support for a new type of disk partition (GPT), which allows you to use hard disks volume more than 2 TB.

What type of firmware your motherboard has can be found in its manual on the manufacturer’s website motherboard or laptop, as well as visually when entering the program Setup settings. The Setup program is also flashed into the motherboard and is used to change BIOS or UEFI settings.

2. How to enter BIOS Setup

To enter the Setup program, immediately after turning on the computer, press the “Delete” button on the keyboard. On some motherboards and laptops, the “F2”, “F10” or “Esc” keys are used for this. You can read which button to press in the messages that appear immediately after turning on the computer.

In text form


If you don’t have time to read, then press the “Pause” button on your keyboard to pause the download. You can continue loading by pressing any key. If you press the key designated to enter Setup, you will immediately be taken to the motherboard setup program.

Classic BIOS

UEFI interface

3. Basics of working in Setup

3.1. Control keys

The Setup program is a set of various parameters, grouped on separate tabs, depending on their purpose. On the right or below there will be a description of the keys with which all actions are performed.

To navigate between tabs, you usually use the “right” and “left” arrows on the keyboard. To move between lines within one tab, use the down and up arrows.

To change values, use the arrows to navigate to the required field, press the Enter key, and then use the arrows to select a new value from the drop-down menu. For this, the “+”, “-” or “Page Up”, “Page Down” keys can also be used.

To return to a level up or to previous page press the "Esc" key. The “Esc” key on one of the main tabs will mean exiting the BIOS without saving the settings, which you will need to confirm or refuse to exit.

In the Setup program with UEFI interface You can perform all actions using the mouse.

3.2. Saving settings

This is very important point. After making all the necessary settings, go to the “Exit” tab, select the “Exit and Save Changes” item using the arrows (“Exit and Save Changes”, the word order may be different), press “Enter” and confirm saving the settings by selecting the “OK” arrows or “Yes” and “Enter” again.

You can save the settings much easier and faster by pressing the “F10” key on the keyboard and confirming your decision. This key works in many versions of BIOS, UEFI and is often indicated in tooltips (bottom or right).

3.3. Cancel Settings

If you accidentally changed something or are not sure about the correct settings, then go to the “Exit” tab and select “Exit and Discard Changes” or press the “Esc” key until a message appears about exit without change settings and confirm the action (“OK” or “Yes”).

3.4. Restoring settings

To restore all settings to optimal values By default, go to the “Exit” tab and select “Load Setup Default”. After this, you can immediately change other settings or simply exit the BIOS and save the settings (“Exit and Save Changes” or “F10”).

4. Download options

Insert a bootable disk or flash drive into the computer on which you plan to install Windows. Now, in order to start installing Windows, you need to configure the BIOS (or UEFI) using the Setup program to boot from a disk or flash drive. You can also use the special boot menu of the motherboard (Boot Menu) for this. The last option is simpler and more convenient, but we will consider both methods.

5. BIOS setup

5.1. Changing boot priority

Go to the "Boot" or "Download" tab.

Install your DVD drive or flash drive first in boot device order.

If you install Windows from a disk, then the first item is to select a device like “ATAPI CD-ROM”, a name indicating the manufacturer or model of the drive. For example, “CDROM:PM-HL-DT-STDVD-RAM GH22NP” (this is an LG DVD drive).

If you plan to install Windows from a flash drive, then first choose something like “Removable Dev.” or the name of the flash drive indicating the manufacturer. For example, “USB: Patriot Memory” (this is a “PATRIOT” flash drive).
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb

The second should be a hard drive, which is designated as “Hard Drive”, “HDD” or the interface to which it is connected, the manufacturer and model of the disk. For example, “SATA:3M-SAMSUNG HD502HJ” (this is a 500 GB Samsung hard drive with a SATA interface).

Please note that in the “Boot” section there may be other items responsible for boot priority, such as “ Hard Disk Drives" or "Removable Device Priority".

They also need to check that the DVD drive or flash drive comes first.

If you have two hard drives, then the one on which you install the system should be higher. But in this case, I recommend disconnecting one of the disks to avoid confusion and possible errors in installing the system. It can be connected after installation.

In the Setup program with the UEFI interface, everything is done similarly. Look for the “Boot” or “Download” section, find your DVD drive or flash drive there and move it to the very top of boot priority. Plus, you can use a mouse for this, which is easier and more convenient.

5.2. SATA controller operating mode

This is not so important in principle, but many people are interested in this issue, so I decided to clarify it a little. SATA drives can work in compatibility mode with more old IDEs disks and in more modern AHCI mode. AHCI gives a small increase hard performance disk with multiple simultaneous accesses to it. This mode of disk operation occurs mainly on servers and for ordinary home computer practically useless.

At BIOS setup It is possible to select the operating mode of the SATA controller.

These settings may be located in different places and have slightly different names, but the principle is the same everywhere. You are offered IDE compatibility mode or new mode AHCI.

In general, IDE compatibility mode is recommended for Windows XP, since it does not natively have SATA drivers and simply will not see the hard drive, which will not allow Windows to be installed. Drivers can be built into the installation Windows distribution, but this makes no sense, since it will not affect the speed of operation, and may add problems.

There is a simpler and convenient way booting from a DVD or flash drive for both BIOS and UEFI - booting using the “Boot Menu”.

To call the boot menu, the “F8”, “F10”, “F11”, “F12” or “Esc” keys can be used. They can often be seen in tips on home screen computer boot. You can also find out this information from the instructions, on the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer, by searching on the Internet, or at random.

Immediately after turning on the computer, press and hold the “Boot Menu” key until the boot device selection menu appears.

Use the down and up arrows to navigate to the DVD drive or flash drive and press Enter.
Sandisk Cruzer

The advantages of this method are obvious - you don’t need to delve into the BIOS, you don’t need to return the BIOS settings back later (although this is not always necessary), and it’s enough to call this menu just once, since after you start installing Windows, this will no longer be needed. Additionally, using the "Boot Menu" does not change the BIOS or UEFI settings.

7. Download problems

Friends, due to the fact that many people had problems loading when installing Windows and some wrote about it in the comments, I decided to make a separate section where I collected methods known to me to solve these problems.

  1. If the computer stops loading at the very beginning and asks you to press F1, after which it enters the BIOS, then you most likely either have a low battery on the motherboard (the timing may be off), problems with CPU cooler(out of order, not connected there) or hard drive (errors in SMART).
  2. If the message “Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key" this means that the boot area on the disk or flash drive was not found or is damaged. Try booting from the installation disk or flash drive with using Boot Menu (section 6 of the article), if it doesn’t help, do it bootable media again using the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool.
  3. If, after restarting the computer, the Windows installation starts from the beginning, then remove the boot disk or flash drive and restart the computer, the installation should continue from the hard drive.
  4. Disconnect all unnecessary USB devices (flash drive, 3G modem, smartphone, printer) from the computer. You only need to leave the mouse, keyboard, DVD or flash drive from which you are installing Windows.
  5. If you have several hard drives, then disconnect all drives from the motherboard except the one on which Windows will be installed.
  6. Reset BIOS settings to default (described in this article).
  7. If the installer does not see the disk or error 0x0000007B appears at the end, change it in the BIOS SATA mode controller from AHCI to IDE or vice versa.
  8. If every time you boot your computer or laptop it enters the BIOS or opens the boot menu, then install BIOS option Boot Pop Menu to Disable state (if available).
  9. Disable Fast Boot in the Advanced section of the BIOS, and in the Boot section set the Launch CSM option to Enable (if available).
  10. In the Boot section of the BIOS, change the boot mode from EFI (UEFI) to Legacy (if available).
  11. Set the Secure Boot option in the BIOS to Disable (if available).
  12. Select the version of Windows you are installing in the BIOS (if any).
  13. If you have a laptop, one Windows version is installed, but the other one is not and the BIOS setup tips did not help you, then contact support or the manufacturer’s forum. Updating the BIOS may also help, after which it may appear additional options(clauses 8-12).
  14. If possible, from a DVD, since there are many different problems with flash drives.
  15. Make from .
  16. Insert the flash drive into the USB 2.0 connector on the back of the computer (motherboard) or the USB 2.0 connector of the laptop. Booting from USB 3.0 does not always work.
  17. Try using the Boot Menu, as described in paragraph 6 of this article. This method is simpler and more reliable than setting boot priority in the BIOS and you can determine whether the computer sees your flash drive.
  18. An underscore on a black screen indicates that the computer freezes while accessing a flash drive or hard drive. If without a flash drive loading in progress further, then the matter is definitely in her.
  19. If the computer does not see the flash drive or does not want to boot from it, use a DVD or other flash drive for installation.
  20. If this is not possible, then change the type of flash drive from " removable media" to the "hard drive" using the "BootIt Next Generation" utility, format it using the "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool" and make it bootable again using the "Windows USB/DVD Download Tool". You can download all these utilities below in the “Links” section.
  21. If the problem occurs after selecting the Windows installation partition, then use the tips for setting up the BIOS (sections 7-12). When installing, remove old partitions from the disk or do it using a boot disk Acronis Disk Director.
  22. If the installer reports that it cannot install Windows on the disk, then try running it or back.

Let me remind you that to exit the BIOS and save the settings, use the F10 key.

8. Links

In the following articles we will look at how to install, and.

Sandisk Cruzer
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb
Sandisk Cruzer

The world does not stand still. Once upon a time, the height of popularity was to store information on a disk or floppy disk. Now preference is given to more convenient and capacious flash drives.

To boot into BIOS via a USB flash drive, you need to take into account several features:

  • It is recommended to connect the removable disk to the connector located on the back side system unit. It is he who is located on the motherboard;
  • Connect the storage device before turning on or restarting the computer.

Regardless of the BIOS manufacturer, to boot Windows from a flash drive, you must take the following steps:

  1. Open BIOS. To do this you need to click Delete or Esc. Service call keys may differ depending on different versions programs. They are usually written at the bottom of the screen immediately before the operating system boots.
  2. Next you need to enable the USB controller.
  3. After this, the flash drive must be moved to the first place in the list of devices from which to boot.
  4. Save your changes.

Running from a flash drive in Award Bios

This version of the program is called by the button DEL or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Esc(in older versions).

Go to the tab "Integrated Peripherals" to enable the USB controller. Near the inscription "USB Controller" And "USB Controller 2.0" set value "Enable". To do this, use the button Enter. Go back one step by clicking Esc.

Now we need to directly configure booting from a flash drive in bios. To do this, go to the tab "Advanced BIOS Features» . Choose a section "Hard Disk Boot Priority". Here the first line should indicate the name of the memory card. By default, this position is occupied by the hard drive. Using the key «+» , move the required line to the first place. Return to the previous menu.

Pay attention to the line "First Boot Device". Next to this inscription there should be "USB-HDD", which means booting from a flash drive or external hard disk. Sometimes the installation process may not proceed. In this case, you should select the external floppy drive indicator - "USB FDD".

Hard Disk should be indicated next to Second Boot Device.

After making changes, you can exit the BIOS, while saving the changes. Press Esc to exit to the main menu. Then click "Save & Exit Setup".

Installing boot from flash drive in AMI Bios

Exit to “AMI BIOS” is carried out by pressing keys DEL or F2.

USB controller settings are located in the tab "Advanced", In chapter "USB Configuration". Index "Enable" should be near "USB Function" And "USB 2.0 Controller".

Return to the previous menu (Esc) and go to the tab "Boot", chapter "Hard Disk Drives". The name of the flash drive should come first. Click "Enter" on the first line and in the new window, select the desired item.

In the previous menu, go to "Boot Device Priority". There should be a flash card at the top.

After this, you can return to the main menu and exit the BIOS, saving the settings.

Set boot from flash drive in Phoenix-Award Bios

Clicking F1 or F2 you can open the BIOS version “Phoenix-Award” .

The USB controller section can be found in the tab "Peripherals". Index "USB-HDD" must be placed in line "First Boot Device", tab "Advanced". Don't forget to save your settings.

Configure booting from a flash drive in Bios UEFI

New laptops released no earlier than 2013 have a special BIOS version. One of its features is the presence of protection against installing operating systems from any media except licensed disk. To install boot from a flash drive in this bios version, you must first disable this protection and set compatibility mode with other operating systems.

After entering the BIOS, go to the tab "Security", chapter "Secure Boot" and set the value there "Disabled".

In chapter "Boot", in line "Boot Mode" value should be set "Legacy Support". In line "Boot Priority" should stand "Legacy First".

If you decide to install Windows 10 from a flash drive, then one of the steps that you will need to perform is to specify in the boot settings that the computer should boot from the flash drive. So the question is as follows: How can I set the BIOS to boot from a USB flash drive?

In fact, there is nothing complicated here, except that your BIOS may differ slightly from mine and you will have to look for similar buttons.

So, first of all we need to get into the BIOS. To do this, turn on the computer or reboot it if it is already turned on and immediately after start we begin to press DELETE key. Click several times until you see BIOS program. It may look like this:

On different computers and laptops, the button to enter the BIOS may differ. For example, on my laptop you need to use the F2 key. These can also be the F1, F8, ESC and others keys. Of course, in most cases we need to use DELETE or F2. Everything else is less rare cases.

Once the BIOS is launched, you can start making settings. Using the arrow keys on your keyboard, go to the Boot tab and click Enter. There we will need to select the second item Hard Disk Drives. Open it by pressing the key Enter.

As you can see, we now have the hard drive (HDD) listed in first place.

We go there and indicate your flash drive in the menu that appears. In my case it's USB: Corsair Voyager.

By selecting it, it will appear in first place, instead of hard drive. Now go back up one level, pressing ESC key.

We are in a window that is familiar to us. Here we go to the adjacent Boot Device Priority item and open it.

Let's go to the first point and click Enter.

We select our USB flash drive again, and it becomes first in the download priority. Great

In others BIOS set to boot from flash drive maybe a little differently. For example, on my laptop, in the BOOT tab, you immediately need to open Boot Device Priority and then use the keys F5/F6 raise the flash drive to first place.

It's even easier on my new computer! Everything there is in Russian and you can use the mouse. In my case, you need to open the SETTINGS section and go to the tab.

In a new window, select your flash drive.

After we have set the boot from the flash drive, all that remains is to save in a way already known to us ( F10 key).

That's all I have for today, I wish you success in booting from a flash drive and installing Windows 10 or any other system on your computer or laptop.