The program changes 8 to 7. Installation is completed and partitions are checked. Bios setting: disabling secure boot

There are situations when you buy a brand new computer or laptop, and the Windows 8 operating system is already installed on it. If you are one of the avid Windows users 7 and do not want to use another operating system in any way, then you have come to the right place.

You will most likely try to simply reinstall Windows from a flash drive or disk (whichever is more convenient), but nothing will work. When you try to install you will get an error "It is not possible to install an older operating system on your computer". But what should you do if you really want to use a convenient and simple seven? There is always a way out. After reading this article, you will learn how to change Windows 8 to Windows 7 in just a few steps.

Let's start. First, you need to set the settings in Bios. To enter Bios, restart the computer and at the moment when there is a black screen on the monitor, quickly and many times press the “Delete” key. If you did everything correctly, a window will open in front of you. In the same window, go to the “Security” tab and in the “Secure Boot” item you need to disable protection. The fact is that Eight is made in such a cunning way that when the system is installed on a computer, it automatically changes the encoding and installs protection, which we want to disable. Below in the picture you can see that this moment protection is enabled.

Picture 1

To disable protection, enter this tab by pressing the “Enter” key.

Figure 2

Here we select the item “Disablet”

Figure 3

After that, go to the “Advanced” tab, system configuration “System configuration”

Figure 4

On this tab, select the option “ Boot Mode" and switch from " UEFI Boot»

Figure 5

to "CSM Boot"

Figure 6

Then we save by pressing the “F-10” key, click “Yes” and restart the computer.

Thus, the BIOS setup is completed, and Windows 7 can safely install on your computer. We insert installation disk or bootable USB flash drive into the computer and reboot the computer again. You will be given a choice from which device to install.

Figure 7

In our case, we will install the system from disk. Here, press any key to start booting from disk. Note: if the installation is performed from a flash drive, do not forget to swap the boot priorities of the hard drive and flash drive in the BIOS. Otherwise, the installation will not start.

Figure 8

After pressing any key, you will see the Windows 7 installation window.

Figure 9

Click the “Install” button

Figure 10

After this, select the item « Full installation(Extra options. This is where we will configure the disks as we need them: set the encoding and perform the markup.

Figure 11

Then we are transferred to the disk settings window. Here we select the item "Disk Setup"

Figure 12

IN this menu select an item "Delete partition"(if there are several of them, then apply this action to each of them). After which you will have a single unpartitioned partition.

Figure 13

After this, we need to explicitly convert the load table on our hard drive. This can be done using command line. Let's execute a number of commands: Call the command line “Shift+F10”. Then enter the following commands one by one:

  1. diskpart
  2. sel dis 0 (this is zero)
  3. clean
  4. convert mbr
  5. exit
  6. exit

Figure 14

After exiting the console, we again get to the disk management menu. Here we click the “Update” button.

Figure 15

An unmarked area appears in front of you again. Here we simply click the “Next” button

Figure 16

This will be followed by the usual installation of Windows 7. If everything went well, to check the disk encoding you need to follow the following path: "Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management - Disk Management". Click on the unmarked area right click mouse, select “Properties”, and in the “Volumes” tab look at the hard drive encoding.

Figure 17

Figure 18

From the last figure we see that the encoding of the hard drive table is exactly what we need. Finally, we suggest you watch the corresponding video on how you can change the encoding table on your computer (in the video this is done using an HP laptop as an example).

Let's summarize: In this article, we learned how to install Windows 7 on a computer that previously had an operating system. Windows systems 8. The main problem that you might encounter during installation is the correct re-partitioning of the encoding tables, but, as you saw above, this is not at all difficult to do if you follow the instructions that we have tried to make easy for you to understand.

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If you have an asus, acer, samsung laptop, sony vaio, toshiba, hp or hp pavilion g6, two operating systems are installed - windows 8 and for example windows 7, then quickly completely removing the first is not a problem.

To remove Windows 8, just boot from Windows 7 and format the partition where the eighth is installed.

But if only one is installed and you want to remove Windows 8 and install Windows 7 or XP, in the “new - latest models“This process has become more complicated.

For some reason, the developers decided to introduce a kind of protection into the BIOS - it does not allow booting from a CD, DVD or USB.

Instructions on how to remove Windows 8 from a laptop

I do not guarantee that the instructions below will completely solve the problems of all laptops where Windows 8 cannot be removed - there may be individual reasons.

In general, to change the pre-installed Windows 8 to Win 7, you need to do the following (meaning where the standard method does not work):

After turning on the laptop, enter the BIOS, then in the Boot tab , Change the “Secure Boot” value to “Disabled”.

Then the “OS Mode Selection” item will appear. You need to select "UEFI and Legacy OS". Next, press “F10”, confirm “Yes” and wait for the reboot.

If you are in the BIOS for the first time, since they are different and on English language, you will undoubtedly face difficulties. Therefore, I selected several pictures on how to disable uefi boot - it is this function that makes it impossible to uninstall Windows 8

Perhaps you have a different BIOS, then look here

Here's another example

If uninstalling windows doesn’t happen, maybe you have a BIOS like this

Please note that there may be more options with BIOS than in the pictures above, then use the ones above, as if for comparison (as an example).

Installing Windows 7 after uninstalling Windows 8

Now we will assume that you managed to disarm the protection function, then drive to BIOS settings again (before this the laptop must reboot into Boot , select the option " Boot Device Priority" (it can be different - it all depends on the BIOS version).

Now using the F5/F6 keys (sometimes up and down) install (select) the device from which your laptop will boot.

At the very end, click F10 and select Yes (the laptop will reboot). On other laptop models, your actions will be similar but not identical.

The most important thing is to switch the laptop to “Secure Boot in Disabled” mode and enable Legacy Boot.

If everything is correct, then to remove Windows 8 and install Windows 7, already during the installation process (the link describes everything in detail with pictures) - just format hard section disk.

Almost all laptops with Windows 8 pre-installed a new version BIOS named UEFI.

Its feature is the Secure Boot mode.

This allows you to install multiple keys in the system firmware and prevents drivers and files from loading if they are not signed installed keys.

Therefore, it is not possible to install Windows that is different from the preinstalled one.

To boot from a distribution that does not have digital signature“Secure Boot” should be disabled in the BIOS. It’s just that the disable item looks different in different BIOSes.

Category: Uncategorized

As you know, although Windows 8/8.1 has the ability to work in desktop mode, many still prefer the proven Windows 7. However, today it is almost impossible for a private user to buy a computer or laptop running the “seven”.

Is it possible to install Windows 7 on a PC with pre-installed Windows 8/8.1

The short answer is yes, you can. Another question is that each specific case requires an individual approach. I will try to consider the most common ways to solve the problem.

What's the problem with replacing the OS?

Before emergence of Windows 8, the question about replacing the OS looked strange - after all, any of them could be installed on a compatible PC. The problem with the "eight" is explained Microsoft solution use Intel's development, which replaced the traditional BIOS - Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI). Made this for secure boot(Secure Boot), during which the computer checks boot code signatures and refuses to execute those modules that do not pass it. This technology allows you to effectively fight rootkits. Another advantage of UEFI - boot speed - was a consequence of the refusal to support many old elements used in the BIOS. But this, in turn, made it impossible to install Windows 7 without additional effort. In addition, the system drive for Windows 8 must have GUID Partition Table (GPT) markup instead of the standard BIOS Master Boot Record (MBR).

What to do before uninstalling the original OS

So, if you decide to replace Windows 8 with the previous OS, the first thing you should do after buying a computer is a backup. IN last years Manufacturers have stopped including system recovery discs. But now I have the opportunity to do it myself boot disk or flash drive. Utility for creating a backup copy different manufacturers It may be called differently, but you should definitely use it!

If UEFI allows...

Once the backup is completed and stored in a safe place, you can begin to explore the capabilities of UEFI. Just keep in mind: to enter “ new BIOS», standard actions like pressing “Del” or “F2” may not work. For example, on Sony laptops To do this, you need to press the Assist key when it's off, so watch the instructions or messages on the boot screen.

Next, find the “Secure Boot” item and turn it off (Disable). Then we look for “Boot Mode” and transfer it from UEFI Boot to Legacy or CSM Boot mode. If this succeeds, then most likely there will be no problems with installing Windows 7 and even earlier OS. Just boot from a disk or flash drive, delete all partitions from the drive, and go ahead.

And if not…

But what if you don’t have the “UEFI Boot” option? Alas, the BIOS can be completely abandoned, and then there is no choice of boot type in UEFI. In this case, you need to turn off “Secure Boot” again. I note that if there is no option to boot Legacy/CSM, it is impossible to install an earlier OS than Windows 7, since it will not be able to function on a GPT partition. But the “seven” will also try to redistribute the disk as an MBR by default.

So, we will need: a PC with 64-bit Windows 7, a mounted similar distribution kit (or just an inserted installation disk), a flash drive with a minimum capacity of 8 GB. We connect the latter to the computer, launch the command line as administrator and slowly enter the commands (pressing Enter after each):

list disk (after this you will see what drive symbol is assigned to your flash drive)
select disk X (X is the flash drive disk symbol)
create partition primary
select partition 1
format quick fs=fat32 label=“Win7UEFI”

xcopy Z:\*.* V:\ /e /f /h (where Z is the symbol of the connected Windows distribution 7, V – flash drive disk symbol; after this command the installation files will begin copying, wait a bit)

xcopy V:\efi\microsoft\*.* /e /f /h V:\efi\
xcopy C:\Windows\boot\efi\bootmgfw.efi V:\efi\boot\bootx64.efi (answer the question that appears by pressing the F key)

Z:\Boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 V:

If everything went as it should, installation flash drive ready with Windows 7. We remove it from the computer and connect it to the one on which you want to install the system. We boot, in the installation menu we select “Full installation (advanced options)”, “Disk setup” and delete all partitions that we see there. However, that's not all. Press Shift+F10 - the command line appears again. Enter:

seldis 0
convert gpt

After that, it is better to click the “Refresh” button to see the single unallocated disk space. Now you can click the long-awaited “Next”. If everything worked according to plan, the system will be installed, all that remains is to install the drivers.

The same method solves the problem of installing Windows on a 4 TB or larger disk, since the MBR does not support partitions larger than 2.2 TB.

Editor-in-Chief of IT Expert magazine. He has been engaged in photography since the age of 10, and is a member of the jury of the national “Product of the Year” award. Loves to travel, to visit not only tourist-favorite areas, but also to see life ordinary people, absorb the spirit of these places.

After the new Windows 8 operating system entered the market, many users wanted to use this OS, but after using it for some time, most of them decided to return to “normal” Windows. However, it turned out to be not so simple. So, what do you need to know and do to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 8?

The first thing you need to do is reconfigure the BIOS system. To do this you need to go into it. As a rule, in order to enter the BIOS you need to press the F2, F12 or DEL button; you can find out which key to press from the laptop manual or look at it on the screen at the beginning of boot.

So, you have entered the BIOS, then you need to find the Security section and go to it. IN this section Find the SecureBoot item and change the value from Enabled to Disabled. To do this, highlight the SecureBoot line, press Enter and change the value in the window that opens. It should be noted that on some computers this item is located in the Boot tab. This way you have disabled boot protection.

The next step is to move to Advanced section where you need to find the SystemConfiguration item and press Enter.

Find the BootMode item and change the UEFI Boot value to CMS Boot. In order to save the changes, you need to press F10 and confirm the new settings by pressing the Enter button.

The new settings will allow you to boot a new operating system from a flash drive and install it. I note that the instructions on how to install Windows 7 on Windows 8 are practically no different from a regular installation operating system. There is only one difference, with this installation all files will be deleted from the hard drive, so before installing you need to turn on the laptop and copy necessary information to an external drive.

Installing Windows 7 on a laptop

Windows installation 7 on an Asus laptop, we start by inserting a flash drive with the operating system installation file into the laptop and turning it on. In order to select booting from a flash drive, turn on the download menu by pressing the F8 key. Or you can configure booting from a flash drive in the BIOS. Next, select a disk or flash drive from the menu to boot the OS.

When the message “Pressanykeytobootfrom CD or DVD” appears, you need to press any key to continue the installation.

To continue we accept the terms license agreement and select Full installation.

In the window for selecting a partition for installation, delete all existing partitions and continue installation in the unallocated space.

With this installation, Windows 7 automatically performs the conversion hard drive to MBR format, or you can do it manually. To do this, open the command line by pressing Shift+F10 and enter commands in the following sequence:

  • Diskpart
  • seldis 0
  • clean
  • convertmbr

And click Update.

After this, the normal installation of the operating system should begin. After it has finished and your laptop has started with the new Windows, you need to check the disk. To do this, right-click on the disk and select Properties.

To make sure that Windows 7 was installed correctly, check: in the Volumes tab there should be “Partition style: Master Boot Record (MRB)”.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the peculiarities of installing Windows 7 on a laptop instead of Windows 8 are that you need to disable secure boot and enable compatibility mode. This can be done in the BIOS by changing the SecureBoot and CSM Boot values. And also re-partition the hard drive.

It is worth noting that on Asus laptops you need to disable the SecureBoot secure boot feature and enable the Launch CSM mode.

Video “How to install Windows 7 on a laptop?”

If you still have questions about how it is produced Windows installation 7 on a laptop, we recommend watching the video below with instructions.

Everyone who has been using a computer for at least 5-6 years knows that Windows 7 functions incomparably better than Windows 8. However, if a natural desire arises to roll back the device to previous version the system may experience some difficulties.

Windows 7 maximum (see assembly is ideal for a home computer. In this embodiment, the system has full set drivers. The system is stable (freezes and " blue screens"not recorded).

Preparing to install the system on your computer

The point is that in Lately Most laptops come with Windows 8 pre-installed. Owners do not want to use this particular operating system. Meanwhile, reinstalling it will require some additional knowledge.

After reading this article, you will become an advanced user!

To reinstall the system you will need the following:

  • DVD with licensed software - operating system;
  • working DVD-ROM;
  • a few hours of free time.

We strongly recommend against using pirated software. Using it, you cannot be sure that your confidential data will not be stolen by pirates, who assembled the system you recklessly installed.

To boot from a disk, you must enable this feature in the BIOS. To do this, immediately after switching on, you must press the key to enter the subsystem. This key is different for different BIOSes.

But in most cases, it is either ESC, or F2, or F4, or Dell.

If you successfully enter the BIOS, you must immediately go to the Security tab and disable Security Boot (set to Disabled).

Next, go to the Advanced menu and set Boot Mode to CSM Boot. Thanks to this, you now have the opportunity to boot from your disk and begin installing Windows 7 after you have correctly formatted the HDD.

The fact is that Window 8 uses a different disk format. If previously MBR was used, now GMT is exclusively used. Naturally, Windows 7 will never install on a GMT disk.

Below is detailed video instructions, which will allow you to roll back from Windows 8 to Windows 7:

Good day. Laptop manufacturers come up with something new every year... Relatively new laptops have yet another protection: the secure boot(by default it is always enabled).

What is this? This is special. a function that helps fight various rootkins ( programs that allow you to access the computer bypassing the user) before full load OS. But for some reason this function is “closely” related to Windows 8 ( older OS (pre-Windows 8) do not support this function and until you disable it, their installation is not possible).

In this article, we'll look at how to install Windows 7 instead of the default Windows 8 (sometimes 8.1). So, let's begin.

1) Bios settings: disable secure boot

To disable secure boot you need to go into the laptop's BIOS. For example, in Samsung laptops (by the way, in my opinion, they were the first to introduce such a function), you need to do the following:

  1. when you turn on the laptop, press the F2 button (the button to enter the Bios. On laptops of other brands, the DEL or F10 button can be used. I haven’t seen any other buttons, to be honest...);
  2. In chapter Boot needs to be translated SecureBoot per parameter Disabled(by default it is enabled - Enabled). The system should ask you again - just select OK and press Enter;
  3. in the appeared new line OS Mode Selection you need to select an option UEFIandLegacyOS(i.e. so that the laptop supports old and new OS);
  4. in the bookmark Advanced BIOS mode must be disabled Fast Bios Mode (translate value to Disabled);
  5. now you need to paste it into USB port laptop bootable USB flash drive ();
  6. click on the save settings button F10 (the laptop should reboot, enter the BIOS settings again);
  7. In chapter Boot select option Boot Device Priority , in subsection Boot Option 1 you need to select our bootable USB flash drive, with which we will install Windows 7.
  8. Press F10 - the laptop will reboot, and after that the installation of Windows 7 should begin.

Nothing complicated (I didn’t provide bios screenshots (you can see them below), but everything will be clear when you enter the Bios settings. You will immediately see all these names listed above).

For an example with screenshots, I decided to show ASUS laptop BIOS settings(BIOS settings in ASUS laptops are slightly different from Samsung's).

1. After you press the power button, press F2 (this is the button to enter the BIOS settings on the netbook/ ASUS laptops).

3. In the Secure Boot Control tab, change Enabled to Disabled (i.e., disable the “newfangled” protection).

4. Then go to the Save & Exit section and select the first tab Save Changes and Exit. The laptop saves the settings in BIOS and reboots. After it reboots, immediately press the F2 button to enter the Bios.

5. Go to the Boot section again and do the following:

Set Fast Boot to Disabled mode;

Switch Launch CSM to Enabled mode (see screenshot below).

6. Now insert the bootable USB flash drive into the USB port, save the BIOS settings (F10 button) and reboot the laptop (after reboot, go to BIOS again, F2 button).

In the Boot section, open the Boot Option 1 parameter - our “Kingston Data Traveler...” flash drive will be there, select it. Then save the BIOS settings and reboot the laptop (F10 button). If everything is done correctly, the installation of Windows 7 will begin.

Article about creating a bootable USB flash drive and BIOS settings:

2) Installing Windows 7: changing the partition table from GPT to MBR

In addition to setting up the BIOS to install Windows 7 on a “new” laptop, you may need to delete partitions on the hard drive and reformat the table GPT partitions in MBR.

Attention! When you delete partitions on your hard drive and convert the partition table from GPT to MBR, you will lose all data on your hard drive and (possibly) your licensed Windows 8. Do backups and backups, if the data on the disk is important to you (although if the laptop is new, where could important and necessary data come from there :-P).

The installation itself will not differ in any way from the standard one. When you get to selecting a disk to install the OS, you need to do the following ( enter commands without quotes ):

  • press Shift buttons+ F10 to open the command line;
  • then type the command “diskpart” and press “ENTER”;
  • then write: list disk and click on “ENTER”;
  • remember the disk number that needs to be converted to MBR;
  • then, in diskpart you need to type the command: “select disk” (where is the disk number) and press “ENTER”;
  • then run the "clean" command (will delete partitions on the hard drive);
  • at the diskpart command prompt, enter: "convert mbr" and press "ENTER";
  • Next, you need to close the command line window, click the “update” button in the disk selection window, select the disk partition and continue the installation.

Installing Windows-7 OS: selecting a disk for installation.

All the best!

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Hello, friends! In this article we will talk about how to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 8. The first time I encountered this was when they brought me a laptop and asked me to reinstall it to “normal” Windows. Moving the Eight turned out to be not so easy. After some googling, I installed Windows 7 and forgot about it. I received a comment a couple of days ago

Hello Anton. Help if you can, I bought a Lenovo b590 laptop, it costs 8, I want to install Windows 7, but I don’t know how to do it. Describe if you’ve encountered this. I couldn’t find anything clear on the Internet. Thanks in advance.

and realized that I needed to write.

BIOS setup

The first thing you need to do to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 8 is set up the BIOS. To do this, you first need to go into it. Typically the F2, F12 or DEL key is used. I don’t know which one you have. You can look at the instructions for your laptop or carefully on the screen when you turn on the computer. Usually there is an inscription Press DEL to enter SETUP. HP laptops typically use the F10 key.

Go to the Security section. Find the Secure Boot line and change the Enabled value to Disabled.

We change as follows. Select the Secure Boot item, press Enter and select Disabled in the pop-up window.

To save the settings, press F10 and Enter key We confirm.

Now we can boot from a flash drive or from a disk to install Windows 7.

How to record Windows image you can look at the disk. How to make a bootable USB flash drive - .

The installation process itself is practically no different from normal installation Windows 7. Except that all data on the hard drive will be deleted. Therefore, boot into Windows 8 again and copy everything important to a USB flash drive or external HDD.

Installing Windows 7 on Windows 8

Turn off your computer. Insert the prepared flash drive or disk into the laptop and turn on the computer. To boot from a flash drive or disk, we will use the boot menu. To call it up, press the F8 key when you turn on the laptop (you may have another one, you can look in the instructions, perhaps F9 or F12)

(You can read how to set boot from a flash drive or from a disk in the BIOS. In this case boot menu we won't need it)

It is worth noting that when re-installation"eight" must be extremely careful, since the licensed security key from Windows 7 can block the “eight” and you will simply lose your license or you will need to purchase a new key.


Our article has come to its logical conclusion. In it, we looked at the process of installing Windows 7 on a computer instead of G8 and discussed the main problems that can make it difficult to reinstall the OS. Despite the fact that this procedure does not belong to the category of lungs, by following the recommendations described above you will be able to special problems upgrade to the seventh version of Windows OS.

Finally, it should be noted that you should not make sudden conclusions about which version of the operating system from the company Microsoft is better, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, each user has his own preferences: some strive to follow new trends in the world of software, while others prefer the more familiar and time-tested.

Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey