How to make the screen smaller on a laptop. How to change the screen scale to optimal values

While working at a computer, users often need to resize the content on their computer screen. The reasons for this are varied. A person may have vision problems, the diagonal of the monitor may not be very suitable for the displayed image, the text on the site is small and many other reasons. Windows developers know this, which is why the operating system provides many ways to scale your computer screen. Below we will look at how this can be done using the keyboard.

Having analyzed the situations in which the user will need to enlarge or reduce the screen on the computer, we can conclude that this manipulation mainly concerns the following types of actions:

  • Increase (decrease) the Windows interface;
  • Enlarging (reducing) individual objects on the screen or their parts;
  • Change the display scale of web pages in the browser.

There are several ways to achieve the desired effect using the keyboard. Let's take a closer look at them.

Method 1: Hotkeys

If suddenly the icons on your desktop seem too small, or, conversely, large, you can change their size using only the keyboard. This is done using the Ctrl and Alt keys in combination with the keys that represent the [+], [-], and 0 (zero) symbols. This will achieve the following effects:

  • Ctrl + Alt + [+]— zoom in;
  • Ctrl + Alt + [-]— zooming out;
  • Ctrl + Alt + 0 (zero)— return the scale to 100%.

Using these combinations, you can change the size of icons on the desktop or in an open active Explorer window. This method is not suitable for resizing the content of application windows or browsers.

Method 2: Screen Magnifier

Magnifier is a more flexible tool for changing the scale of the Windows interface. With its help, you can enlarge any element that is displayed on the monitor screen. It is called by pressing a keyboard shortcut Win + [+]. At the same time, a window for setting up a screen magnifier will appear in the upper left corner of the screen, which after a few moments will turn into an icon in the form of this tool, as well as a rectangular area where an enlarged image of the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe screen will be projected.

You can also control the screen magnifier using only the keyboard. In this case, the following key combinations are used (with Magnifier running):

  • Ctrl+Alt+F— expanding the zoom area to fill the entire screen. By default, the scale is set to 200%. You can increase or decrease it using a combination Win + [+] or Win + [-] respectively.
  • Ctrl+Alt+L- enlargement of only a separate area, as described above. This area magnifies objects that are hovered over with the mouse pointer. Zooming is done in the same way as in full screen mode. This option is ideal for cases when you need to enlarge not the entire screen content, but only a separate object.
  • Ctrl+Alt+D— “Locked” mode. In it, the magnification area is fixed at the top of the screen across the entire width, moving all its contents down. The scale is adjusted in the same way as in previous cases.

Using a screen magnifier is a universal way to enlarge both the entire computer screen and its individual elements.

Method 3: Resizing Web Pages

Most often, the need to change the display scale of screen content appears when viewing various sites on the Internet. Therefore, this feature is provided in all browsers. In this case, standard keyboard shortcuts are used for this operation:

  • Ctrl + [+]- increase;
  • Ctrl + [-]- decrease;
  • Ctrl + 0 (zero)— return to the original scale.

In addition, all browsers have the ability to switch to full-screen mode. This is done by pressing a key F11. In this case, all interface elements disappear and the web page fills the entire screen space. This mode is very convenient for reading from the monitor. Pressing the key again returns the screen to its original form.

To summarize, it should be noted that using a keyboard to enlarge the screen in many cases is the most optimal way and significantly speeds up work on the computer.

While working on a computer, some users find that text or labels seem too large, but they do not know how to reduce the screen scale on the computer and bring the specified objects back to normal size.

Unfortunately, there is no one solution for all such problems, since the causes differ in different situations. In this article, we will look at the three most common situations when you may need to reduce the screen scale and tell you what you can do about it.

Most often, when users ask how to scale down the screen on a computer, they mean the scale of shortcuts on the desktop.

The fact is that by default, the Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems use fairly large shortcuts, while Windows XP and older versions of Windows use smaller shortcuts. As a result, users accustomed to Windows XP want to reduce the screen scale so that the shortcuts become the usual size.

This can be solved very simply. You need to right-click on the desktop, go to the “View” menu and select “Small Icons”.

In addition, in the “View” menu you can enable or disable the ordering of shortcuts and their alignment on a grid.

How to zoom out text on a computer screen

Another situation where users have problems with scale is that the text on the computer is not at the appropriate scale. By default, the Windows operating system uses a text scale of 100%, but it can be increased to 125, 150 or 175%. This feature is provided for users with disabilities, but if this scale is enabled for an ordinary user, then working with the computer will become inconvenient.

To zoom out text on your computer, you only need to make a couple of clicks. If you have Windows 10, then you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Display Settings”.

As a result, the “Settings” window will open in front of you in the “System - Screen” section. Several settings will be available here. If you want to reduce the text scale, then you need to open the drop-down menu “Change the size of text, applications and other elements” and select the “100% (recommended)” option.

Also, problems with scale can be caused by incorrectly set . Therefore, make sure that the system-recommended resolution is selected in the “Resolution” drop-down list. You should not use a non-recommended resolution, as advised on some sites. Even if you think it will reduce the screen size on your computer. In fact, this will lead to a significant decrease in image quality on the monitor and your eyes will begin to get very tired.

On a computer with Windows 7, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to “Screen Resolution”.

As a result, a window with text scale settings will open. Here you need to select the “Small - 100%” option and save the changes with the “Apply” button.

In Windows XP, to reduce the text scale, you need to right-click on the desktop and select “Properties”. Next you need to go to the “Options” tab and click on the “Advanced” button.

How to reduce the screen scale in the browser and other programs

Also, sometimes there is a need to reduce the screen scale not in general on the computer, but only in individual programs.

A typical example is screen scaling in a browser. In modern browsers, you can zoom in or out on the screen simply by holding down the CTRL button on your keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel. Often, users accidentally use this browser feature and then don't know how to zoom out the screen back to normal. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then simply hold down the CTRL button and, without releasing it, roll the mouse wheel up and down. At the same time, you will see how the screen scale changes. Having selected the appropriate scale, simply release the CTRL button. Also in browsers, you can zoom in and out of the screen using a combination of the CTRL keys and the Num+/Num- keys.

In the same way, you can zoom in or out on your computer screen in other programs. For example, in such office programs as Word, Excel and PowerPoint, it works both with the CTRL button and mouse wheel method, and the method with the CTRL-Num+/Num- key combination.

You don't need to have in-depth knowledge of the operating system to configure desktop scaling. Windows capabilities allow you to quickly and easily adjust the scale of the desktop as a whole and individual elements.

Almost everyone knows how to use a computer. However, the need to individually configure Windows OS often causes a state of stupor and loss of time. Not everyone can cope with even the seemingly easy task of resizing the desktop. Although there is nothing complicated about it.

Setting the desktop scale

To customize your desktop, you need to change the screen resolution. Increasing this parameter results in a clearer image and smaller sizes of all desktop elements. As the screen resolution decreases, objects will appear larger and may be distorted.

You can change the desktop scale in several ways:

  • adjusting display settings;
  • using the operating system context menu capabilities.

Adjusting your own monitor settings

This method of resizing the desktop can be used by users who are well versed in technical support. For a beginner without some experience, it will be quite difficult to adjust the screen scale using this method, since several parameters must be taken into account at once. Even experienced users resort to adjusting monitor settings in exceptional cases, as there is a simpler and easier way to customize the screen.

Setting the desktop scale via the context menu

The easiest way to customize desktop scale to your individual needs is to use Windows capabilities. This OS is installed on most computers and allows you to quickly change the screen resolution.

The process of resizing the desktop is almost identical in all versions of Windows and involves several simple manipulations:

  1. Select any point on the screen that is not occupied by icons and right-click on it with your computer mouse;
  2. In the list that opens, find “Screen Resolution”. By clicking on this item, a window with a resolution scale will appear (in Windows 7, instead of a slider, a list with suggested parameters appears);
  3. Having selected a specific resolution, you must click “Apply” and “Ok” for the changes to be saved. The higher the resolution (more pixels), the smaller the screen scale will be, and all objects will become smaller.

If, when you click on an empty dot, the “Screen resolution” item does not appear (depending on the version of the operating system), select the “Properties” option. In the “Properties: Screen” window that appears, click on the “Options” item, where a scale with screen resolution will appear.

Attention: scaling, measured in pixels, has upper and lower bounds. However, the range is quite wide and allows you to choose the desired option. If only 2-3 parameters are indicated in the list of options, then a “basic” driver for the video card is installed on your computer. In this case, you need to find software (driver) on the Internet for the video card installed on your computer and the corresponding version of Windows. Then the screen resolution options will be expanded.

Windows version and integrated graphics information can be found by sequentially clicking on the following items:

  • Start menu;
  • when opening, select “All programs” → “Accessories” → “System” → “System information”;
  • the name of your OS is written in the top line;
  • on the left is the item “Components” → “Display”;
  • The name of your video card is written in the top line.

Important: It is better to download the software from the official website of your video card manufacturer to avoid malicious files appearing on your computer.

Returning screen resolution settings from the manufacturer

Most utilities from PC manufacturers are initially configured for a specific screen resolution. Changing the scale may reduce the quality of images and fonts.

If the newly installed screen scale does not suit you, you can easily restore the extension installed by the manufacturer: in the window (“Screen resolution”) that opens, you need to select the standard or recommended resolution, click the “Apply” and “Ok” buttons. Default settings have been restored.

Changing screen resolution in applications

Changing to the optimal screen scale when working in an Internet browser, text or graphics editor is not difficult. With applications open, you can use:

  • by simultaneously pressing the “Ctrl” key and rotating the mouse wheel;
  • the scale slider located in the lower right corner.

The easiest and fastest way to achieve the optimal resolution for you in an open application is press the “Ctrl” key and, holding it, turn the mouse wheel. In this case, the scale will instantly decrease or increase, which will help you quickly set the desired scale. Some users find it convenient to click “+” and “-” on the keyboard instead of rotating the mouse wheel to change the scale, increasing and decreasing accordingly.

Scale slider, located at the bottom right corner of an open application, can also change the screen scale. By dragging it with the right button of the computer mouse, you can either zoom in or out. However, most users resort to the first zoom method when working with applications.

All of the above methods for changing screen resolution are quite simple and can be done by any beginner. Changing the settings of the operating system and the size of various applications significantly simplifies the work on the computer and increases productivity. Working with a PC after individually adjusting the screen scale becomes more convenient and enjoyable.

Every version of Windows has a handy feature that lets you zoom out on the screen. This action can help the user when he needs:

  1. Work with a large number of files or photos.
  2. Edit a huge amount of text.
  3. View all information on the website. When the site has a large number of different pictures, games and other things, as an example -
  4. Find data on the Internet.
  5. Much more.

Of course, most often such a function may be needed when working with web pages or for thoroughly editing text in Word or other programs. Therefore, it is simply necessary for any user to know how to reduce the screen scale.

There are quite a few ways to quickly zoom out the screen. Many of them are very simple and easy to use, so only these are worth considering.
Remember that screen scaling and screen resolution are two different things, although the reduction effect can be achieved in the first and second cases.

Zoom – increases or decreases one specific area, files, icons, documents, and so on.
Resolution—Changes the entire overall scale of all files, areas, and more.

First option

The first way to reduce the screen scale is to change the Windows interface elements.
You can do it this way:

In this menu, you can only select an increase in scale, but if you had a scale of 125%, then you can restore it to the standard 100%. In the same tab you can change screen resolutions. The higher your resolution, the smaller the entire Windows interface will look.

This way you can restore the standard scale to 100%, and, if necessary, change the screen resolution and reduce the entire scale of the computer’s work areas.

Second option

The second option, changing the scale, is easier. It applies to most programs, applications, web pages, browsers and much more. This method allows you to zoom out using hotkeys, you can do it this way:

  1. Hold down the mouse button and scroll the wheel back (the zoom will decrease).
  2. Again, hold down the mouse button and the minus button on the keyboard (also zoom out).

Using hotkeys and combinations helps you quickly and instantly reduce the size of the area in which you are located. Basically, they work on all popular browsers, applications and programs. In addition, you can use standard settings in browsers. Which also help to reduce the screen scale, you can do it like this:

It is this tab that will help you change the scale of the browser, making it smaller and more practical for performing the necessary tasks.


As it turns out, zooming out on the screen or area you're working on is quite simple and easy. It is enough to know several working options, keyboard shortcuts and understand the program settings. This will allow any user to make their work easier, see all the necessary information and much more.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to enlarge or reduce the image on the monitor. Not everyone knows how to reduce the screen scale on the Internet and simply on a computer. This process depends on many factors such as operating system, browser, and so on. To accomplish this task, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the various options for solving it.

Operating system settings

Which button to click to zoom out directly depends on the installed operating system. There are two algorithms, one of which is suitable for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10. The second method is used for Windows XP and earlier versions.

Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10

To change screen settings on such an operating system, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm:

  1. The desktop opens. On any free space you need to right-click.
  2. The corresponding context menu will appear, in which you need to select the “Screen resolution” item.
  3. In the window that appears, you need to find the “Permission” section.
  4. There will be either a slider that can be adjusted, or a pull-out list. Opposite one of the parameters will be written “Recommended”. It is best to choose this item.

After that, just click on the “Apply” button and evaluate the new resolution. If it suits the user, then all that remains is to save the changes. Otherwise, you can continue changing the resolution values.

XP and earlier versions

Since the operating system has undergone major changes since Windows Vista, the process for resizing the screen in older versions is very different. To change settings in Windows XP, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm:

Setting up the extension in the browser

In addition to changing your system settings, you can change the resolution of the browser itself. This will help you figure out how to reduce the screen size on the Internet. The procedure depends on the browser the user is using.

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, to zoom out or zoom out a page, you need to do the following:

  1. At the top of the browser you need to find the “View” button and click on it.
  2. A window with parameters will open, among which you need to find the “Scale” menu.
  3. Here the user can make changes until the screen size changes to a suitable size.

For the Internet Explorer browser, to reduce the screen size, you need to do the same steps.

For Opera, the process is slightly different from other browsers. In order to reduce the screen scale on the Internet with such a browser, it is recommended to follow this algorithm:

The scale is measured as a percentage. The standard indicator is a size equal to 100 percent.

In the Google Chrome browser, the first thing you need to do is find the gear at the top of the home screen. By clicking on it, the user will see a new window called “Settings and Management”. In one of the sections of the window that appears, you can change the screen scale.

In addition, you can change the screen size using the Ctrl and + or - key combination. This applies not only to the browser from Google, but also to all other tools for viewing pages on the Internet.

Video card interface

If drivers for the video card are installed on the user’s computer, along with which a special program is installed to control the monitor, then you can change the scale using the video card interface.