Programs for creating traffic diagrams. Programs for drawing. Automated road graph creation

A road graph is a digital vector map consisting of topologically connected arcs and nodes, the location and properties of which convey the routes and organization of ground transport traffic with a given accuracy and completeness.

The road graph is created in accordance with the Requirements for Navigation Maps, which includes a description of classifiers, digital description rules, data formats, editorial and technical instructions and other documents.

Elements of the road graph are intended for use in tasks of automated routing between any given points on the graph.

The road graph is created using selected road network objects and is a custom map with arcs and nodes. At the construction stage, information about the network connectivity and attributes for solving search problems are recorded in the semantic characteristics of arcs and nodes. Arcs can be created in two types - with two-way and one-way movement.

Road graph editing tools are designed to refine the graph in places of multi-level interchanges and generate turn prohibitions. The user has the ability to manually delete and add network nodes, replace a two-way arc with a one-way arc, parallelize roads, create arcs and turns, and create turn bans at intersections.

The search for the minimum path between points (settlements) is carried out taking into account any characteristics recorded in the network arcs (type of roads, speed, number of roadways). The shortest route can be found either by the minimum length of the path or by the minimum time to complete the route. When finding the minimum path, it is possible to exclude some arcs, such as emergency sections, from the search. The search results are displayed on the map as an object - a route.

Features of the digital description of the road graph

The graph of roads and road structures is created as a separate user map (layer) without division into nomenclature sheets. Objects describing the road graph form a separate layer in the classifier of digital city navigation plans. The road graph contains two main types of objects - arcs and nodes.

Arcs are divided into two types - with two-way and one-way movement. Graph arcs are constructed, as a rule, along the center lines of streets, roads and road structures, providing topology at the junction points. One-way arcs must have the direction of digitization coinciding with the direction of movement along this arc. Arcs with two-way movement can have any direction of digitization.

Nodes can sequentially connect two arcs having different characteristics, or connect several arcs at intersections, forks, etc. If roads physically pass over one area of ​​terrain at different levels (tunnel, overpass, etc.), then at the point of intersection of roads on the graph map there should be no node. Using a set of one-way and two-way arcs and nodes, you can unambiguously describe different types of intersections, single-level and multi-level interchanges. If at a road intersection it is necessary to show a prohibition of turning, then at this place the roads can be shown as parallel one-way arcs, which have nodes only with those arcs crossing them that are allowed to change lanes.

To simplify the description of turn prohibitions at intersections, repeatable semantics 32821 can be used. An arc that has prohibitions on transition to other arcs (turn prohibitions) must have a list of semantics with code 32821 containing the numbers of arcs to which transition is prohibited. U-turn prohibitions are described by semantics 32822.

When editing the graph, all allowed transitions at a separate intersection can be displayed in the form of a transition table, where the operator marks allowed or prohibited transitions. After which the semantics of the arcs are automatically updated.

Example of simple T-junctions

An example of the intersection of two roads at different levels with a full set of exits

Road graph task panel

  • Network building
  • Creating a host
  • Creating a network arc
  • Changing the digitizing direction
  • Changing the movement type
  • Removing a node from the network
  • Adding a node to the network
  • Road parallelization
  • Creating exits and U-turns
  • Prohibition of left turn at T-junction
  • No right turn at T-junction
  • Formation of turn prohibitions
  • Building a minimal route
  • Construction of a distance graph
  • Minimum path between points
  • Minimum path between points (selecting points from a file)
  • Step back
  • Quit a task

Automated road graph creation

Mode Network building performs the creation of a geometric network of arcs and nodes with the simultaneous construction of a logical network. The network is built using linear objects highlighted on the map. Selected point objects during construction will be added to the network as network elements. Selected vector objects can be processed as line or point objects. To create a network, classifiers service.rsc, road10.rsc, road25.rsc are used, which contain objects: network node, network arc, as well as semantics necessary for further work with the network. If the selected linear objects have semantics that indicate one-way traffic, then a one-way network can be constructed. This mode allows you to avoid creating nodes at the intersection of objects that are at different levels (and the objects should not have common metric points).

As a result of the construction, a user map is created containing the following types of objects: network node and network arc. All objects of the created map have the mandatory semantics “Network number”. For nodes, a mandatory characteristic is a link to the object - the arc to which the node belongs; for arcs, the mandatory semantics are the number of the first and last nodes for a given arc and a link to the map object. The user can change the appearance of the created objects by specifying a new classifier and selecting from it the type of objects of nodes and arcs. Upon successful completion of the task, a text file of the work log is created. The log file name is the same as the name of the user card, but has a LOG extension.

Editing a road graph

Creating a host. To create a network node, you need to select a network arc and indicate on it the point where you intend to create a new node. Semantic characteristics for new objects are entered automatically.

Creating a network arc. To create an arc, you need to select a network node and create a line - an arc of the network. If you complete the creation of an arc on an already existing node, then in the semantics of the arc End node number the number of this node will be recorded. If there is no network node within one meter on the map, a new network node will be created at the last point of the arc.

Changing the digitizing direction. To change the direction of digitization of network arcs, you need to select an object to edit on the map.

Changing the movement type. This mode replaces the NETWORK ARC object with the ONE-WAY NETWORK ARC object and vice versa.

Removing a node from the network. This mode is intended to remove a node from the constructed network. The node to be deleted must be located at the intersection of four arcs. After completing this mode, the node at the intersection of roads can be deleted or excluded from processing, i.e. All arcs will not have a common node. It is recommended to remove nodes at the intersection of highways with bridges, tunnels, overpasses, etc.

Adding a node to the network. This mode is intended for adding a node to the network. To execute the mode, you need to open a custom map with the constructed network and specify two objects - arcs, at the intersection of which a node will be inserted. The mode of adding a node is the inverse task to the mode of deleting a node, and also carries out the extension of one arc to another if the distance between them is less than 100 meters on the ground.

Road parallelization. This mode is intended for adding parallel sections at road intersections to the network. Adding parallel sections is carried out at the intersections of four arcs. If the mode is successfully executed, additional network nodes and one-way network arcs are created. The construction results can be used to set turn bans. By removing nodes in the center of an intersection, turning in one direction or the other can be prohibited.

Creating exits and U-turns. This mode is intended for adding exits and turns at road intersections to the network. It is recommended to make exits and turns at intersections for which parallelization was carried out. If the mode is executed successfully, one-sided arc objects are created and the common node is deleted. The construction results are used to determine the minimum routes.

Formation of turn prohibitions. When activating the mode, it is necessary to indicate in the map the network graph node corresponding to the intersection (crossing of roads) that has prohibited travel directions. The formation of prohibitions on turns from one road to another is ensured by filling in the semantics Forbidden arc number in an arc of the network graph. Each network arc corresponds to a section of the road between network nodes (intersections). After selecting a network node, a dialog opens, in the upper part of which a diagram of the intersection is shown, containing a section of the road network - the selected node, adjacent network arcs corresponding to sections of intersecting roads and the numbers of arcs in the network graph. At the bottom of the dialog there is a table for prohibiting turns. The right column of the table contains the numbers of roads from which turning will be prohibited. The top line of the table contains the numbers of roads on which turning will be prohibited. The remaining cells of the table contain turn prohibition indicators. Cells in which you can specify a ban on turning at the selected intersection are marked in gray.

Control and calculations according to the graph

The quality of the created digital navigation maps and city plans is ensured by the quality of creating a road graph, and collecting data on service objects and road signs, which supplement the description of the road graph with background information.

The quality of the road graph is determined coherence all its constituent arcs and nodes (the absence of individual graphs that have no connection with other graphs), accuracy passing graph arcs along the road network, completeness graph (correspondence of graph elements to the current state of paved roads), informative elements of the graph (the content in the characteristics of the graph of information about the organization of traffic and the existing features and restrictions at each section).

The connectivity of the graph is ensured by control of the topology of the source data used to construct the graph, and by the completeness of the accounting of existing roads in a given territory.

When creating digital navigation maps, it is recommended to create a graph for the entire work area without dividing it into nomenclature sheets. To create digital navigation maps at smaller scales, the existing graph can be used without changes.

Digital topographic maps can be used as source data. To ensure the accuracy of the road graph, the road network objects and road structures must first be updated. When updating road network objects and road structures, the topology of objects at junction points must be monitored.

If the graph is created using tracks recorded on GPS receivers, then after collecting all the data on the navigation map (plan), the topology of the graph elements (tracks) is monitored at the junction points.

If the procedure for constructing a road graph creates several graphs for the work area, then it is recommended to introduce additional sections of the graph using elements of the road and street network (including unpaved roads) to ensure the connectivity of the graph elements, if this does not contradict the real state of the area (territory divided by a river , swamps, railways without crossings, etc.).

To ensure the completeness of the graph, the metric of the arcs must correspond to the state of the roads in the year the navigation map was created. The road graph must take into account all asphalt roads (highways and better) outside populated areas and all streets in populated areas that access the specified types of roads. The road graph must provide a route between all populated areas and other industrial and socio-cultural facilities that are actually connected by a road network on the ground. To do this, any existing dirt and field roads can be included in the road graph.

To ensure that the graph is informative, it is necessary to fill in the characteristics of the graph with information about prohibitions on maneuvers (turns and U-turns), information about the speed limit, traffic restrictions and other data provided by the classifier.

The quality of data about service objects is determined by the accuracy of indicating the location of real objects on the ground (and not road signs indicating service objects) and the completeness of information about the purpose and mode of operation.

Road signs with information about traffic patterns provide visual perception of the navigation map and additional visual control of the correctness of the graph. Therefore, the quality of their application is determined according to traditional cartographic criteria - clarity and reliability of data. Road signs should not overload the map with unnecessary information. The main features of movement in individual areas, which can be shown on maps for public use, must be included in the characteristics of the elements of the graph (arc).

Mode Building a minimal route designed to determine the shortest distance between two network nodes. To execute the mode, you need to open a user map with a constructed network, i.e. The map must contain objects of network nodes with mandatory semantics: network number and a link to a network arc, and arcs with semantics: the number of the first and last nodes for a given arc, a link to a map object and network number. The minimum route can be built by distance and time; in the latter case, the arc must have the semantics “Speed”. The construction process is carried out by specifying the starting and ending points of the route, as well as the construction parameter (length or time). To set criteria for constructing a minimal route based on semantic characteristics, you need to fill out the table “Filter by semantics of arcs”. In order to exclude some areas from processing (for example, emergency ones), you need to highlight network arcs on the map and set the option Exclude selected objects from construction.
As a result of the mode's operation, an object - the minimum route - is displayed on the map, and the path length is calculated. The real map objects and the route length for each object are recorded in the statistics dialog table. You can select a symbol and record the constructed path as a map object.

Construction of a distance graph. The distance graph is a set of objects located within certain limits from a specified network node. To build a graph, you need to specify a network node and enter a numerical value (length in meters).
As a result of the mode's operation, arcs located at a distance less than the specified one from the specified node will be highlighted on the map.

Mode Constructing the minimum path between specified points is designed to determine the minimum path between control points, provided that each point must be passed once (the start and finish points can coincide). To execute the mode, you need to open a custom map with a constructed network, i.e. The map must contain objects of network nodes with mandatory semantics: network number and a link to a network arc, and arcs with semantics: the number of the first and last nodes for a given arc, a link to a map object and network number. Control points are selected from the map or from a text file. Selection from the map is carried out by pressing the left mouse button; the selection of points is completed by double-clicking the left mouse button. To select control points from a test file, you must specify the file name. The file must contain a list of values ​​for the semantic characteristic “Proper name” (for example, the list may consist of names of settlements). When selecting control points from a text file, network node objects must have the semantic characteristic “Own name” (recorded at the stage of network creation). The minimum route can be built by distance and time; in the latter case, the arc must have the semantics “Speed”, as well as taking into account semantic characteristics. To set criteria for constructing a minimal route based on semantic characteristics, you need to fill out the table “Filter by semantics of arcs. In order to exclude some areas from processing (for example, emergency ones), you need to select network arcs on the map and set the Exclude selected objects from construction option.
The result of the work is a table that indicates the order of traversal of points, the length of the shortest path between the current point and the next, and the length of the entire route.

Drawing up an accident diagram not a simple matter. You need to be able to draw the terrain, various objects (road users, buildings, road signs and other objects). In general, describe with the help of a drawing and drawing the entire situation that occurred on the road. Of course, any traffic police officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has a template for drawing up a diagram of an accident (traffic accident), but an online application can make work easier and free you from routine.

Autokadabra is a large community of car enthusiasts on the Internet who are connected by communication on various topics, but especially vehicles, traffic rules, purchasing, servicing, and operating cars.

This site has an online application Road editor Autokadabra– which allows you to draw up an accident diagram online for free.

The road editor is quite easy to use. The interface is intuitive and concise. You can draw up road accident diagrams of any complexity.

You can create diagrams without registering on the service. On the left side Road editor Autokadabra The elements of the diagram that are needed to compile an accident are divided into categories:

  • Roads/streets;

  • Participants of the movement;

  • Signs/traffic lights;

  • Other elements (shapes, arrows).

On the right side is the road accident diagram itself. The diagram is created by moving elements from the left side of the editor to the right side using the mouse manipulator. Any element on the diagram can be rotated, changed size, changed color, deleted and changed its properties. The number of elements on the diagram is not limited.

Upon completion, the accident diagram can be saved to your computer in the format PNG or JPEG. You can save your project through the online service menu: Menu - Save scheme. Next, select the image size and format and click on the button Create.

This is what happened to me. Of course it’s simple, but this is a diagram that can be obtained using an online application Road editor Autokadabra.

Many motorists have to describe the scene of an accident. This may be necessary to illustrate a message on a forum or to send a diagram of an accident to an insurance company or traffic police department. We offer you this handy tool for drawing up an accident scene map.

“Road Accident Scheme Online” is a road editor specially designed for drawing up diagrams of all kinds of road situations, including road accidents. The possibilities of the editor for creating accident diagrams are wide - you can draw any road, ring, select road signs, paint the car in the desired color and much more. You can save the accident diagram as a picture in PNG format or as an XML document. Please note that if you save the accident diagram in XML format, you can edit it.

All elements are scaled and rotated.

To select the desired sign, scroll through the sign categories using the “Back” and “Next” arrows.

Use the slider at the top right of the diagram to change the scale of the diagram field. Hidden under the “Other” button are options for writing text on the diagram and drawing lines and arrows.

Auto news from Voronezh, Russia and the world

Friends, motorists! We, the specialists at AutoVykup 136, have extensive experience in the automotive industry and we really want to share it. In addition, we need to be aware of auto news from Voronezh, Russia and sometimes the world. We publish the most interesting things on our website in the section “

Today we have prepared for you an article with an overview of the most popular and multifunctional drawing programs. Professionals, architects, designers, students, as well as hobbyists, with the help of these drawing programs will be able to find solutions for designing interiors, houses, specialized installations and generally create their projects with maximum efficiency.

All the drawing programs from this review have simply a huge number of specialized tools and sample tools, so the programs allow you to complete projects almost in a semi-automatic mode. A more popular name for such drawing programs is computer-aided design systems, or CAD for short.

By far the most popular and multifunctional drawing program from our domestic developers is KOMPAS-3D. Almost all students at Russian universities use this program, and many engineers consider this program the best.

The KOMPAS-3D drawing program has a fairly simple and intuitive interface, many tools, rich background information on working with the program, and in it you can easily correct any flaws in the drawings quickly and easily.

In addition, KOMPAS-3D allows you to design parts and assembly drawings in 3D form; subsequently, you can transfer the finished model to 2D drawings or vice versa.

KOMPAS-3D usually comes complete with additional program modules for designing pipelines, electrical circuits, springs, and a strength analysis system.


AutoCAD - like KOMPAS-3D, is no less popular engineering program, but more difficult to master. It is best to study this program by reading the methodological manual in order to understand all the capabilities and advantages of this drawing program.

AutoCAD has a number of features that allow you to somewhat automate drawing in the program. In this CAD software you can easily put dimensions on a drawing, quickly correct minor errors in a finished drawing, and construct geometric shapes automatically, specifying only the dimensions of the shapes.

AutoCAD also allows you to design 3D parts quickly and easily. In general, the capabilities of this drawing program are very large, which have accumulated since the release of the first version of the program (almost 30 years).


A9CAD is a free drawing program that has received recognition from many users who believe that it is not much inferior to such a CAD giant as AutoCAD.

It’s not for nothing that users compare this drawing program with AutoCAD, because they are almost similar; you should at least pay attention to the A9CAD interface.

The program allows you to create two-dimensional drawings of varying complexity, add dimensions to the drawings, and supports layers.

CorelDRAW Technical Suite

Developers such as Corel, a giant, are not lagging behind in the development of drawing programs, having created their engineering product CorelDRAW Technical Suite. Using this comprehensive CAD system, you can develop not only drawings with extensive graphic design capabilities, but also a full range of technical documentation (reference books, methodological manuals, etc.).

This comprehensive drawing program will be useful to engineers, architects, designers and even fashion designers when creating new clothing models. It can also create three-dimensional models in addition to two-dimensional ones.

The program's developers care about its functionality and fast action, so in the latest versions of the drawing program, new opportunities have appeared for creating three-dimensional models, the performance of the software product has been improved, new drawing editing tools have appeared, and much more.


VariCAD is a multi-platform computer-aided design system for various graphic objects in 2D and 3D, intended primarily for mechanical engineering design. In addition, this drafting program provides mechanical calculations, sheet metal tools, symbols, and a library of standard mechanical parts.

The graphical interface of the program was made specifically for quickly performing two-dimensional or three-dimensional modeling. Tools are available to easily design pipelines and tanks.

The drawing program allows you to automatically create two-dimensional drawings from a three-dimensional model; it will not work in reverse.


LibreCAD is a free drafting program that is a fully computer-aided design system for 2D drawings. The developers consider the program to perform tasks in the field of architecture and mechanical engineering.

The functionality of the program can be expanded with additional plug-ins. There is no doubt about the program's capabilities; the developers assure that the program can even be used to compile 2D maps of the starry sky, the solar system, or to represent very small objects, such as molecules.

You can quickly figure out the program interface, as it is designed quite simply.
The program supports layers, object grouping, command line and other various functions.


Graphite is a professional yet lightweight software solution for creating 2D and 3D drawings and diagrams. It has just a huge number of different functions and tools for quickly creating drawings.

The drawing program is perfect for students of technical universities, design engineers and just hobbyists. Can create multi-page PDF documents, custom libraries, and accurately export and import drawings in popular CAD formats.


FreeCAD is an effective developing project, which is a free drawing program represented by a computer-aided design system, the task of which is to completely replace expensive CAD systems. Therefore, designing in FreeCAD will be no different from designing in the above programs.

The program can create three-dimensional models with subsequent automatic creation of two-dimensional drawings of projections of these models. You can import drawings in a large number of formats. There are many drafting tools available.

The program can perform logical operations, export 3D geometry for subsequent high-quality rendering in third-party programs, and the program also supports working with macros. And at the same time, the program is absolutely free and multi-platform.


DraftSight is another free drafting program that is a professional-grade CAD system that is distinguished from similar programs by its ease of use. This program should be perfect for students who have to draw a lot throughout their studies. It can also replace a paid analogue of AutoCAD or KOMPAS-3D.

This drawing program differs from its analogues in its ease of use and easy-to-use interface.

Judging by the set of tools at the level of AutoCAD, the free nature of the drawing program, and the full support of DWG and DXF drawing formats, one can predict that the program may become one of the first professional CAD systems.

Our review of drawing programs has come to an end and you will have to choose a program for each one yourself, depending on what you want to get from it in the end, whether the Russian program interface and a separate application or a comprehensive solution are important to you. All the engineering drawing programs presented in the review are good in their own way, so the choice is yours.

The program for designing schemes for the deployment of technical means of traffic management (TRAF) performs automated design and development of traffic management projects with the possibility of subsequent editing by an expert (designer). The reporting documents comply with the “Procedure for the development and approval of traffic management projects on highways” (Moscow, 2006) and other current regulations of the Russian Federation, including the requirements of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Short description

The program provides input, editing and display of all required elements on the highway in accordance with the requirements for the development and design of road traffic vehicle projects:

  • contours of the highway plan (transitional express lanes, service facilities, bus stop pockets, additional and additional traffic lanes);
  • technical means of traffic management (road signs, road and pedestrian barriers, guide devices, road traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, lighting, bus stops, pedestrian paths, road marking lines);
  • railway crossings;
  • artificial structures (tunnels, bridges, culverts);
  • service objects, tasks and structures of the road service;
  • Engineering equipment and road construction: reference books for describing in the database fences, guide devices, road signs and markings, rest areas and parking lots, and much more;
  • graphs of longitudinal slopes, plan curves, road marking lines, fences and guide devices, etc.

In addition to the standard lines provided for by the procedure for developing ODD vehicle deployment schemes, the following additional lines have been added to the program:

  • a line with the name of the road and the area where it passes;
  • a line displaying the visibility distance of an oncoming vehicle in the forward and reverse directions;
  • a line displaying horizontal visibility distance values ​​in the forward and reverse directions.

For lines with visibility distance values, it is possible to configure the color highlighting of non-standard values ​​and the ability to manually edit the value of standard visibility in the plan and profile of the road.

Rice. 4 - Example of additional lines

Using the module computer-aided design Labor productivity increases several times when developing traffic management projects.

Dislocation schemes are automatically designed for sections of 2-lane highways with the most typical situations:

  • on bridges and overpasses;
  • on sections of horizontal curves;
  • in places where the number of traffic lanes changes;
  • exits, intersections and junctions;
  • transitional express lanes and additional traffic lanes;
  • bus stops;
  • service objects;
  • plan and profile elements;
  • railway crossings;
  • bridges;
  • pipes and much more.

The automatic design module provides a huge number of settings, for example, for each situation you can specify: which signs and at what distance should be installed depending on the category of the road section I, II, III, IV, V; marking length 1.1 and 1.6; the height of the embankment for the installation of fences and guide devices, the standard visibility value and much more. Auto-dislocation settings can be saved as a file to allow it to be used by other program users.

In addition to the module for automatic deployment of traffic control equipment, the program implements tools for quickly placing these objects ( semi-automatic mode):

  • Arrangement of designed objects at intersections, junctions, exits;
  • Arrangement of designed columns on pipes;
  • Arrangement of duplicate signs;
  • Placement of markings 1.1 at intersections, junctions, exits;
  • Placement of signs 2.2 at intersections, junctions, exits;
  • Placement of signs 2.4 at intersections, junctions, exits;
  • Arrangement of the order of signs according to GOST;
  • Duplication of actual fences into design ones;
  • Duplication of actual sidewalks into design ones;
  • Duplication of actual traffic lights into design ones;
  • Duplication of actual lighting into design lighting;
  • Arrangement of guide devices at: railway crossings; on top of the real ones;
  • Arrangement of kilometer posts (signs 6.13).
Rice. 8 - List of tools for quick placement of vehicle traffic data objects Rice. 9 - Road sign duplication tool Rice. 10 - Quick character entry tool

The procedure for developing traffic management projects does not provide for the arrangement of the dimensions of the width of the roadway and its elements; according to numerous requests from users of the program “Design of traffic road vehicle deployment schemes”, we have developed an appropriate tool that allows you to display the widths of the following elements both manually and automatically :

  • coverage width;
  • width of the roadway;
  • lane width;
  • width of the dividing strip;
  • width of the reinforced part of the shoulder;
  • width of the transitional express lane;
  • width of the additional lane.

Rice. eleven - Example of arranging dimensions of a roadway

The program for designing ODD vehicle deployment schemes provides feedback from the program on development of custom design signs. This allows:

  • store individual design sign projects in a database;
  • change a previously designed sign without having the original design file for this sign on your PC.

Rice. 12 - Window for launching the character editor

The program has added an editor for title page templates for traffic management projects, which allows you to:

  • create individual title page templates (information about the name of the road, its boundaries, category, and organizations that completed and approved the project is automatically inserted into the templates);
  • add any images to the title page (company logos, footers and headers, etc.);
  • store the template in the database for use by other users of the program.

Built-in internal editor for templates of explanatory notes for the TS ODD project. This tool allows you to:

  • create individual templates for explanatory notes (information about the name of the road, its boundaries, category, and organizations that completed and approved the project is automatically inserted into the templates);
  • store the template in a database for use by other users.

Setting up a “printing script” allows you to create a template for a traffic management project from a set of necessary statements, diagrams, explanatory notes, title pages, etc., which will be output to the printer in the specified order and volume.

Rice. 17 - Print script settings window Rice. 18 - List of print scripts created through the program

Based on the results of designing dislocation schemes, all the necessary reporting documents are automatically generated: title pages, summary statements of the scope of work for installing signs, fences, guide devices, artificial lighting, bus stops, pedestrian crossings and paths, traffic light objects, etc.

It is often necessary that the program settings are identical at all workstations. For this purpose, the program has built-in functions for importing/exporting program settings. This allows:

  • reduce the time for configuring the program at workplaces; it is enough to do this on one computer, and on the rest simply apply the configuration file;
  • obtain absolutely identical settings for displaying objects on vehicle traffic diagrams and summary statements;
  • if necessary (reinstalling the operating system, changing workplaces, etc.), promptly transfer and restore program settings.

Rice. 21 - Menu for importing and exporting program settings

The program settings deserve special attention. There are more of them in this program than in any other software application of the PC “Titul-2005”. This is largely due to the fact that in many regions of the Russian Federation the visual part of the traffic management project is slightly different from the generally accepted one. You can estimate the number of settings in the parameters window for displaying road signs and roadways, as well as in the settings for the title page of statements. In addition, for each type of object the program also provides its own personal parameters: markings, traffic lights, pipes, sidewalks, lighting, etc.

Rice. 22 - Setting up the image on the road traffic signs diagram Rice. 23 - Settings for displaying the roadway Rice. 24 - Setting up the image on the ODD diagram of culverts

Clause 3.1 of the procedure for developing deployment schemes for traffic safety equipment provides for the possibility of transmitting an electronic version of a traffic management project with the ability to edit them.

In case the customer does not have work on designing vehicle deployment diagrams for the ODD PC "Titul-2005", the program has the ability to export diagrams to WMF format (vector graphic format). These files are viewed using standard operating system tools or using a specialized utility. “Viewing ODD vehicle deployment diagrams”(freely available on our website and installed by default along with the main application).

It is possible to edit files of this format using any vector graphics editor (CorelDRAW, Inkscape, Xara Xtreme, etc.)

Export of location diagrams is possible both for a given section of a highway and for a network of highways, with automatic distribution of exported files into folders corresponding to the names of highways.

Rice. 25 - Program for viewing exported vehicle dislocation diagrams