Forced system restore of Windows 10. System rollback using a restore point. Preliminary steps to remove updates

Good day, friends! I have already written an article about ways to restore Windows 7. Today there is another similar article on the topic - on restoring Windows 10. Operating system latest issue noticeably improved. But new systems still periodically fail. Today we will look at the most obvious, simple and available options recovery, and we’ll see what new and interesting things Windows 10 offers us in this regard.

How to restore Windows 10 using Doctor Web antivirus for free?

If the antivirus in the “top ten” does not boot from a flash drive or disk, watch the video at the end of the article.

Let's start with the most obvious and simple solution. If you notice that the system is slow, errors have appeared, intrusive adware, first you need to make sure that your computer is “healthy”. Many symptoms are the consequences of the “work” of virus programs. Yes, there is a built-in antivirus in the Windows 10 system, which seems to be supposed to protect. It is quite sufficient in most cases. But, if the computer is infected, then, alas, it is no longer enough. We have our own segment of the Internet in Russia, and our domestic antiviruses, for example, track threats that appear in it much faster and more efficiently. -Doctor Web. Licensed Dr Web is paid. But the utilities are free, which is good.

Download free utility liveDisk from the system administrator's first aid kit on the website of the anti-virus product from DrWeb. Today, two varieties have been created - one for recording on a flash drive, the other for recording on a CD. I always use this utility rather than Dr Web Cure It. The latter is part of the “life disk”, which has wider functionality; I'm already used to it.

It is rare, but it happens that on some laptops or flash drives the utility does not load after recording. Be prepared for this, have it ready just in case blank disk for recording.

When you start the utility, this is the window: (I have a flash drive)

Disk creation has started:

After creating the disk, reboot the device from the flash drive, to do this, insert it into the slot, and restart the computer. You need to go into the BIOS, to do this press the Del key:

In the settings, select the boot menu and in the boot settings select our flash drive. Press F10 and when exiting, save the settings by pressing the “yes” key:

You can also try to boot from a flash drive without going into the BIOS. On modern computers and laptops, when booting, you can press the F9 (or F11 or F12) key to call up the boot menu and then move the cursor to select our flash drive in this way:

Operating systems tend to fail sometimes. This can happen due to the user's fault, due to virus infection or a simple failure. In such cases, do not rush to reinstall Windows immediately. First, you can try to restore the OS to its the initial state. We will tell you exactly how to do this on the operating system in this article.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that further we will not talk about recovery points. Of course, you can create one immediately after installing the OS, but an extremely small number of users do this. Therefore, this article will be aimed more at ordinary users. If you want to learn more about using restore points, we recommend that you read our dedicated article.

Let's take a closer look at how you can return the operating system original appearance.

Method 1: "Options"

This method can be used if your OS boots and you have access to standard settings Windows. If both conditions are met, do the following actions:

  1. In the lower left part of the desktop, click on the button "Start".
  2. In the window that opens, click on the button "Options". It is depicted as a gear.
  3. A window with subsections will appear on the screen Windows settings. You must select an item "Update and Security".
  4. On the left side of the new window, find the line "Recovery". Click once with LMB on this word. After this you need to click on the button "Begin", which will appear to the right.
  5. Next, you will have two options: keep all personal files or delete them completely. In the window that opens, you need to click on the line that corresponds to the decision you made. As an example, we will choose the option of saving personal information.
  6. Preparations for restoration will begin. After some time (depending on the number of installed programs), a list of software that will be removed during recovery will appear on the screen. You can view the list if you wish. To continue the operation you need to press the button "Further" in the same window.
  7. Before the recovery starts, you will see last message on the screen. It will list the consequences of system recovery. To start the process, click the button "Reset".
  8. Preparations for the reset will begin immediately. It takes some time. Therefore, we just wait for the operation to complete.
  9. Once preparation is complete, the system will automatically reboot. A message will appear on the screen indicating that the OS is being returned to its original state. The progress of the procedure will be shown immediately in the form of percentages.
  10. The next step is to install system components and drivers. At this stage you will see the following picture:
  11. Again, we wait until the OS completes the operations being performed. As the notification will say, the system may reboot several times. So don't be alarmed. You will eventually see a login screen using the same username as the one who performed the restore.
  12. When you finally log in, your personal files will remain on your desktop and an additional HTML document. It opens using any browser. It will contain a list of all applications and system libraries that were uninstalled during recovery.

The OS is now restored and ready to use again. Please note that you will need to reinstall all accompanying drivers. If you are having problems with at this stage, then it's better to use special software, which will do all the work for you.

Method 2: Boot Menu

The method described below is most often used in cases where the system fails to boot correctly. After several such unsuccessful attempts A menu will appear on the screen, which we will describe later. You can also launch this menu manually directly from the OS itself if, for example, you have lost access to general parameters or other controls. Here's how it's done:

  1. Press "Start" in the lower left corner of the desktop.
  2. Next you need to click on the button "Shutdown", which is located in the drop-down window immediately above "Start".
  3. Now hold down the key on your keyboard "Shift". While holding it down, left-click on the item. After a few seconds "Shift" you can let go.
  4. The screen will appear boot menu with a list of actions. This is exactly the menu that will appear after several unsuccessful attempts by the system to boot into normal mode. Here you need to click once with the left mouse button on the line .
  5. After this, you will see two buttons on the screen. You need to click on the very first one - "Return the computer to its original state".
  6. As in previous method, you can restore the OS while preserving personal data or from their complete removal. To continue, simply click on the line you need.
  7. After this, the computer will restart. After some time, a list of users will appear on the screen. Select the account under which the operating system will be restored.
  8. If for account password has been set, you will need to enter it in the next step. We do this, and then press the button "Continue". If you have not installed a security key, then simply click "Continue".
  9. After a few minutes, the system will prepare everything for recovery. All you have to do is press a button "Return to original state" in the next window.

Further events will develop in exactly the same way as in the previous method: you will see several additional stages preparation for recovery and the reset process itself. Upon completion of the operation, there will be a document on the desktop with a list of deleted applications.

Restoring a previous build of Windows 10

Microsoft periodically releases new builds of the operating system. Win systems dows 10. But such updates do not always have a positive effect on the operation of the entire OS. There are cases when such innovations cause critical errors, due to which the device fails (for example, blue screen death during loading, etc.). This method will allow you to rollback to the previous one Windows build 10 and return the system to functionality.

Let us immediately note that we will consider two situations: when the OS is working and when it flatly refuses to boot.

Method 1: Without starting Windows

If you are unable to start the OS, then to use this method you will need a disk or USB flash drive with Windows 10 on it. In one of our previous articles, we talked about the process of creating such drives.

Having one of these drives in hand, you need to do the following:

  1. First, connect the drive to your computer or laptop.
  2. Then turn on the PC or reboot (if it was turned on).
  3. The next step is to challenge « Boot Menu» . To do this, during reboot, press one of the special keys on keyboard. Which key you have depends only on the manufacturer and series motherboard or laptop. More often "Boot Menu" called by pressing "Esc", "F1", "F2", "F8", "F10", "F11", "F12" or "Del". On laptops, sometimes these keys need to be pressed in combination with "Fn". In the end, you should end up with something like this:
  4. IN "Boot Menu" Using the arrows on the keyboard, select the device on which the OS was previously recorded. After that, click "Enter".
  5. After some time, the screen will appear standard window Windows installations. We press the button in it "Further".
  6. When the next window appears, you need to click on the inscription "System Restore" at the bottom.
  7. Next in the action selection list, click on the item "Troubleshooting".
  8. Then you should select "Come back to previous build» .
  9. In the next step you will be asked to select operating system, which will be rolled back. If you have one OS installed, then there will also be one button. Click on it.
  10. After this, you will see a notification that your personal data will not be deleted as a result of the recovery. But that's it program changes and the settings will be uninstalled during the rollback process. To continue the operation, press the button "Roll back to previous build".

Now all that remains is to wait until all stages of preparation and execution of the operation are completed. As a result, the system will roll back to more early assembly, after which you can copy your personal data or simply continue to use your computer.

Method 2: From the Windows operating system

If your operating system boots, then you won't need to rollback the build external media with Windows 10. Just follow these simple steps:

This concludes our article. Using the above guides, you can easily return the system to its original appearance. If this does not give you the desired result, then you should think about reinstalling the operating system.

IN automatic mode usually starts after incorrect termination operation or exposure to viruses that cause critical errors. However, quite often you can observe a situation when the message “Preparing automatic recovery"Windows 10, and after a reboot, instead of starting the system, only a black screen is visible, or the recovery simply goes in a loop (the same window is displayed at each restart).

The sad thing is that no matter how hard you try, it may be impossible to complete this process. However, if the system itself, not to mention the backup copies, was not damaged to the most extreme extent, when except reinstallation nothing helps, but several methods for eliminating this situation can still be suggested.

Preparing automatic recovery for Windows 10: black screen and reasons for the process to loop.

Be that as it may, despite all the developers’ statements that new system is almost the most stable, unfortunately, and it contains many errors that are constantly being corrected. And system failures are not always eliminated by a simple rollback.

If speak about possible reasons With such behavior in Windows 10, it is certainly quite difficult to say what exactly is causing such a failure. However, with a certain degree of probability the following can be distinguished:

Preparing automatic recovery for Windows 10: what to do first?

First, let's look at standard scheme actions. In the event that after the notification appears that preparations are underway automatic Windows recovery 10, nothing happens after the restart, you can try to use safe mode to start.

If the user has activated the assignment to call the start menu of the F8 key, in standard version You should select safe mode with loading network drivers. If the use of this key is not provided, which is most often the case, it is quite possible that at the boot stage a window will appear with a choice of either booting the system or diagnostic tools (if there are Anniversary and Creators upgrades.

If the system somehow boots, you can try to rollback manually:

  1. To do this, you should not use the standard “Recovery Center”; it is better to use the command console, in which you enter the line rstrui.exe.
  2. In the rollback window, you must select the point that preceded the occurrence of such a situation. Please note that it will not be possible to stop this process, nor will it be possible to undo changes made during the rollback process.

Sometimes, if the network drivers are loaded and there is an active Internet connection, you can try to perform an online repair using the DISM tool. It may very well be that such a solution will be much more effective.

Using installation media

If a message appears on the screen again stating that automatic recovery is being prepared and this process is in a loop, you must use installation disk or a USB drive, having previously set it first in the list of boot devices in the BIOS.

  • In the initial installation prompt window, you must select the system restore hyperlink in the lower left corner.
  • Go to the diagnostics section, then apply a rollback.

But you should not use startup recovery, since in most cases you will receive a message stating that the computer could not be restored to its original state.

After selecting normal recovery, it starts standard procedure rollback It is quite possible that this method will produce results.

Expansion of reserved space

Another point when the Windows 10 “Preparing automatic recovery” screen appears, but then the system does not show any signs of life, is due to the fact that you need to increase the disk space allocated for saving backup copies. Again, this only applies to situations where Windows can be booted into Safe mode Mode.

In this case the best option the use will be small and quite simple Partition programs Wizard from MiniTool or a similar development with a built-in bootloader, which is much preferable for cases when the system does not start at all. In it you just need to increase the required space to at least 250 MB (it is better to set a little more high value), and then try to boot the system in normal mode.

BIOS/UEFI Settings

Finally, the looping of the “Preparing Automatic Repair” process in Windows 10 may be associated with the settings of the primary system, which include deactivation of the antivirus protection system. hacker attacks at the hardware level (prohibition of execution of executable codes). The loop appears for this reason.

Thus, to correct the situation, you need to:

  1. When you turn on your computer or laptop, enter the above parameters.
  2. Find a line like No-Execute Memory Protect or XD-bit and set it to Enabled.
  3. After this, you need to save the changes (F10) and restart the computer device.

Hard drives and RAM

If the problem is in the computer hardware, it may well be that first you should check the disk by booting from removable media using command line, in which the command chkdsk /x/f/r is written, and at the same time use the check of the main system components (sfc /scannow).

If it is possible to make a safe start, they are perfect for testing Victoria utilities(for hard drive) and Memtest+ (for random access memory). In some cases, if HDD began, as they say, to “crumble,” as it is stated, the magnetization reversal program can provide invaluable assistance. How much this application It’s hard to say whether it’s effective, but judging by the reviews, some hard drives can sometimes be restored this way.


As you can already see, remove the constant cyclical appearance Messages that Windows 10 Automatic Repair is being prepared are sometimes possible. True, in some cases you shouldn’t really count on system tools. But if none of the above helps at all, the system will have to be reinstalled (and in some cases even the hardware changed).

In general, based on purely practical considerations, the first step is to try to boot with a safe start and execute further actions in a somehow working system. But loading from network drivers is mandatory.

In the event that this option turns out to be completely unworkable, you will have to boot from removable media and try to restore it in this way.

Current operating system from Microsoft under named Windows 10 is known for its tendency to break after every global update provided by the company. It is unknown what this is connected with. But one thing is clear: the product from Microsoft is still very crude. Stable operating systems do not behave this way under any circumstances. After each update, poor users experience system crashes with enviable regularity. It’s good that the “ten” has such an option as restoring the Win 10 system. However, you need to know how to use it. This is what we will talk about. There are several recovery options. They differ in degree of difficulty. But first, let's talk about what this option is and why it is needed at all.

Why is this option needed and how does it work?

System recovery of Win 10 is required so that you can return the operating system to functionality without reinstalling. For the first time such an opportunity appeared in the notorious Windows XP. This option involves rolling back the system to the state when everything was fine. But this requires previously created control points. Nothing will work without them. This is exactly the recovery option that was available in XP. This feature saved many users at one time. In subsequent versions of the operating system, new, more advanced recovery options appeared. Apparently, the developers from Microsoft knew for sure that their latest OS would really need such an option.

It is worth noting that restoring the OS does not mean restoring user data. And if they were deleted as a result of some kind of failure, then there is no way to get them back. Many users have already felt this when the “ten” latest update began deleting user files, regardless of the wishes of users. Microsoft has already apologized and fixed the updates. But the problem is with the files. In any case, Windows 10 system recovery can help the user out in a critical situation. Now let's figure it out possible options recovery.

How can I restore the OS?

On this moment there are several Win ways 10. They all use various possibilities OS. The result is also always different.

  • System rollback. This is an option that allows you to return early state OS. For it to work, at least one control point must be created. Otherwise, recovery will not work.
  • Reset to factory settings. This option appeared only in Windows 10. It involves rolling back the system to a “freshly installed” state. The feature is currently very popular.
  • Automatic clean installation. This feature first appeared in Windows 10 1703. It allows you to complete reinstallation OS with saving user data.
  • Using a recovery disk. However this disk must first be created from regular USB drive. This is also done by the operating system itself.
  • Using the command line. Few people know, but this component of the operating system is quite universal. It can even help restore the OS after a major failure.

So, all of the above methods can restore Windows 10. Some are fast and some are very slow. Everything will depend on which option is chosen. It is worth noting that recovery options also differ in degree of complexity. Not all of them are suitable for a beginner. Eg, inexperienced user can easily deal with system rollback or factory reset. But the command line option will seem extremely difficult to him.

To do this, we are going to consider in detail all recovery options. It is necessary to ensure that even a beginner does not experience difficulties in the process of restoring the Windows 10 operating system. So, let's look at all of the above methods for restoring the OS. They are available in any Windows 10 distribution and can be called using certain tools. Let's start with the simplest and most understandable method for most users.

We use OS rollback

This option Only suitable if an operating system checkpoint has been previously created. That is, the backup includes those files that ensured the theoretical operability of the OS. If they are not there, then you won’t be able to start Win 10 system recovery this way. So, how to roll back Windows?

  1. To do this, you first need to go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Then select "System and Security".
  3. Now click on “System”.
  4. Click on the "System Protection" item.
  5. Click on the "Restore" button.

If checkpoints were previously created, this tool will restore the operating system to an earlier state. But the user data will not be saved. Like all programs installed after the date on the restore point. However, this option allows you to roll back all changes in Win 10. Creating a system restore point (if one has not already been created) is also quite simple. The algorithm of actions is approximately the same.

  1. Sequentially click on the items “System and Security”, “System”, “System Protection”.
  2. Only now, instead of the “Restore” button, click on the item with information about system disk and click the “Configure” button.
  3. Next, check the “Enable system protection” item (put a checkmark in the required place).
  4. We select the volume that we are ready to provide for protection needs. Usually 20 gigabytes is enough.
  5. Then click on the “Create” button.

The checkpoint creation process will begin immediately. It can take from 5 to 20 minutes. It all depends on the number of installed programs on the system disk and the power of the computer. Once the checkpoint is created, you can restore the Win 10 system at any time.

Reset Windows to factory settings

If the rollback for some reason did not work, then you can use the option that appeared in the “top ten” relatively recently. Restoring the Win 10 system to its original state (resetting to factory settings) allows you to get a clean Windows (without any programs and settings). This option does not allow saving custom applications. But you can save the data. What needs to be done to implement this process? The algorithm of actions looks like this.

  1. Open the Start menu and click on Settings.
  2. Here we select “Update and Security”.
  3. Click on the "Recovery" section.
  4. At the top there will be the inscription “Return the computer to its original state”, and below it the “Start” button. We click on it.
  5. The wizard will display a window with a choice of recovery options. There are two options here: “Save my files” and “Delete all”. It is better to choose the first option, since when using it, all user data will be saved.

After selecting the desired reset method, the process will begin automatically. It can take from 10 minutes to half an hour. On weak machines, the time can increase to an hour. As a result, the user will receive a fully functional system, as if it had just been installed. This is how you can restore a Windows 10 system on a laptop or PC.

We use an automatic clean installation of the OS

This option in "Windows 10" it is called "Start over", it appeared for the first time only with the notorious update Creators Update. The most interesting thing is that when using this option Windows image 10 is not required at all. The wizard uses files that are already on your hard drive for installation. This option is not hidden deep into the depths of the operating system, which is good news. This means that even a beginner can easily use it. For start this method recovery requires the following steps.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click on the "Options" item.
  3. Go to the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Click on the "Recovery" tab.
  5. Here we look for the inscription “Find out how to start over with a clean Win installation dows" and click on it.
  6. The system will redirect the user to the "Security Center" section Windows Defender".
  7. Among other things, there will be a block called “Start over”. You need to click on the "Get Started" button.
  8. The wizard will start immediately and inform you that everything installed programs will be deleted. You just need to click on "Next".
  9. At the next stage, the wizard will display a list of programs to remove. Click "Next".
  10. Now the wizard will give recommendations for saving user files. Click on the "Start" button.

The system recovery process will begin immediately. On weak machines it can take from an hour to two. When the process is complete, the computer will reboot. The user will receive an almost clean Windows. Only necessary drivers. This is how the Windows 10 system is restored on a laptop or PC with the complete removal of all data.

Using a recovery disk

This is the most acceptable option. However, in order to use it, you must first create the same recovery disk. In most cases, this option is used when System Restore in this way is most effective. But first you need to create a disk. For this you will need USB drive with a volume of at least 16 gigabytes. Everything else is very simple. To create a disc you need to do the following:

  1. Open the "Control Panel".
  2. Click on the "Recovery" item.
  3. We look for “Create a recovery disk” and click on it.
  4. A wizard will immediately launch asking you to select required parameters. Check "Run" backup system files to the recovery disk" and click the "Next" button.

The process will start immediately. Once completed, the wizard will issue a notification. The recovery disk is ready. Now, in case of any failure of Windows, it will be enough to start from the flash drive and restore Win 10. Restoring the system at boot is an excellent step. It will help you achieve the desired result. Almost any damaged files on your hard drive. The installer will simply replace them with the saved backup copies.

Using the command line

Essentially, this is a console option for restoring from an image. By using special team a Windows 10 image is created, which is then used for recovery. However, the recovery itself also occurs using the console. So there's a lot to think about here. So, first you need to create a recovery image. But a flash drive is not required for this. It will be enough to save it to another partition hard drive(not systemic). We do this using the command line.

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and call system component"Run".
  2. In it, enter “cmd” and press Enter.
  3. Now enter “recimg /createimage d:\Imagen-Restaurar” in the console and press Enter. The image creation process will begin.

After it completes, the console will display a message. Now you can start restoring. If the system does not boot, then you will need any flash drive with the Windows 10 or 8.1 distribution recorded on it. You should boot from the flash drive and perform the following steps.

  1. When booting, click on "System Restore".
  2. Then select "Diagnostics" and " Extra options".
  3. Now click on “Command Prompt”.
  4. And now you will first have to understand why the system stopped starting. You need to enter "bootrec.exe" in the console. This action will launch a recovery program with a list of possible commands for a given situation.
  5. If you are not sure about the reason for the system crash, you can try entering all the commands in turn. One of them will definitely work.

This recovery process is suitable for advanced users. Beginners may get confused and do the wrong thing. But this method is one of the most effective. This is how you can run Win 10 system recovery via the command line.

Command line, BIOS and safe mode

If the operating system can boot into safe mode, then working with the command line is easier. You can try restoring the Win 10 system through the BIOS using safe mode. When loading the OS, you need to press F8 and select boot in safe mode with command line support. And then follow everything according to the instructions.

  1. Open the Start menu and look for the command line.
  2. Launch the console by clicking on the appropriate item.
  3. In it, enter the command “rstrui.exe” and press Enter.

This command launches the operating system recovery wizard, which will guide the user through the entire process. You just need to follow his recommendations. This method is more suitable for beginners than the option with the command line and installing Win 10. Restoring the system from a flash drive, of course, is much easier. but it may not be as effective.

These recommendations are relevant not only for Windows 10 owners. Users of the "Seven" will also find a lot of useful information in them. First, you should never disable the creation of checkpoints and backups of your working operating system. Often users disable this in the name of saving space. But then such decisions backfire. Restoring the Win 10 system (and any other) using a rollback method (the simplest and most “bloodless”) becomes impossible. Secondly, it is always recommended to have a flash drive with the Windows distribution on it. After all, 10 is an extremely unstable operating system. She can “fall” at the most inopportune moment. And if we take into account the state of affairs with updates from Microsoft, then a drive with an image becomes a necessary attribute for a lover of the Windows OS.

Thirdly, do not neglect studying the capabilities of the command line. It is quite possible that it will help restore the operating system, while all other methods will be ineffective. Fourthly, you need to comprehensively study the capabilities of your computer's BIOS. It is likely that restoring the Win 10 system through BIOS will be the only option. Fifthly, do not neglect elementary rules security. You should not disable the standard protection of Windows 10 (even though it is full of holes). On the contrary, you should add some good antivirus product to it. Sixthly, it is worth checking your hard drive regularly (and especially system partition) for performance. This will help eliminate the possibility of a system crash due to a hardware glitch.


So, above we discussed how to perform a Windows 10 system restore for everyone accessible ways. Among them there is both a regular rollback to previous checkpoints and very complex method using the command line and boot options. Almost all of these methods are effective, but some of them may not work for one reason or another. Don't despair. You just have to go through everything. Then your efforts will be crowned with success. Separately, it should be noted that you must perform all actions exactly as described in the instructions. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable. All the steps described above will help restore the Windows 10 operating system, even if it completely refuses to boot.