Lenovo USB ports do not work. USB ports on laptop not working

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Why doesn't the USB port work? Lenovo laptop?

If the USB port on your Lenovo laptop stops working, you will not be able to connect any external equipment or peripherals to it. Moreover, no matter how often you use this opportunity or whether you use it at all, you still need to contact an electronics repair center and undergo diagnostics. The thing is that problems with ports can indicate serious breakdowns that need to be fixed urgently.

Why the USB port does not work: the most common causes of the problem

Most common problem The reason why USB ports on a Lenovo laptop do not work is the failure of the south bridge motherboard. It, in turn, can break for the following reasons:

  • penetration of aggressive liquids into the laptop case - coffee, beer, carbonated drinks, etc. If you accidentally spilled them on the keyboard, do not even think about using the device; it is better to turn it off immediately and call a technician. Otherwise, failure of the south bridge will not be the most worst problem;
  • short circuit If you connect any faulty USB device to your laptop, it may burn out the south bridge.

Problems with south bridge can be easily identified, even without the appropriate skills and knowledge. If the USB ports on your Lenovo laptop do not work and the laptop gets very hot, you will have to repair this particular part.

Another reason for port malfunction is that they are broken or heavily soiled. To identify it, just try to connect external equipment to a different connector and check its functionality. It is better to trust the cleaning or replacement of the port to specialists who can select the required part and install it efficiently, or carefully remove dust.

Software failure: restoring the operation of USB ports by installing drivers

Another answer to the question why the USB port on a Lenovo laptop does not work leads us to the software problems listed below:

  • incorrectly installed or outdated drivers controllers responsible for the operation of connectors;
  • penetration of viruses that can negatively affect the operation of all systems;
  • error in BIOS. It can be fixed by replacing the firmware.

Any problems that lead to USB ports being disconnected can be resolved by our service center specialists. To use the services of professionals, you just need to contact one of our representative offices in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kazan or Chelyabinsk and order a free visit from a specialist.

Imagine any laptop computer without USB port s impossible. Naturally, everyone is already accustomed to using compact and very convenient flash drives for work, rather than disks. Of course, if Doesn't work on Lenovo laptop USB ports , this is becoming a really serious problem. In some cases, the user can fix the problem themselves if the problem is not serious. But in any case, it is best to take the help of specialists. To do this, come to our service center gsmmoscow. Only professionals work here who will be ready to solve any of your problems. Now we will look at all the most common reasons that we encounter.

Reasons why a Lenovo laptop does not see USB devices and the ports do not work.

1. Most often, a faulty south bridge is the reason why a Lenovo laptop does not see USB. Despite the fact that it is just a small chip, the south bridge performs great amount important functions, among which quality work ports. It is actually very easy to disable this component. One will be enough for this short circuit, which can be caused by spilled coffee or other liquid. In fact, it is not possible to restore the operation of the south bridge in every case. As a rule, the microcircuit has to be completely changed.

2. If in Lenovo One USB port does not work, most likely it has simply become unusable. As a rule, this happens as a result of improper operation or when the device receives strong mechanical damage. Quite often it has to be completely changed in order for the Lenovo laptop to work again. We will complete such repairs without any problems.

3. Through problems in the operating system Lenovo ports may also not work. First of all, we advise you to check your system for viruses. If you cannot solve this problem on your own, we advise you to come to our service center, where you will definitely be helped.

4. Much less often Lenovo laptop does not recognize USB devices and mouse for other reasons. As a rule, if it is not possible to determine a breakdown without special equipment, we carry out a full diagnosis.

Often enough usb does not work through dust and dirt that collects there. In this case, in order for the device to work, it will be enough to carry out an external inspection and blow out the connector with air or carefully clean the accessible area with a brush.

An equally common case is when contacts that come directly from the motherboard come off. Naturally they are located inside Lenovo IBM. The contacts may be damaged as a result of pressing in a flash drive or any other device.

USB ports, devices and mouse not working on Lenovo laptop? Want to know how long the repair will take?

1. If you need to replace the south bridge, this is indeed a very serious and responsible job. Repairs of this complexity usually take four hours or more.

2. To replace the ports with Lenovo IBM, it takes us two hours.

3. Before we repair equipment, we have to do diagnostics. It usually takes from one hour.

In any case, remember that preventing a breakdown is much easier than fixing it later. Laptop- This is a very fragile thing that requires certain handling from the user. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the connector. If you see that it is wobbly, bring Lenovo to our service center as quickly as possible, we will fix it without any problems.

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Why does the USB port on my Lenovo laptop not work?

If the USB port on your Lenovo laptop stops working, you will not be able to connect any external equipment or peripherals to it. Moreover, no matter how often you use this opportunity or whether you use it at all, you still need to contact an electronics repair center and undergo diagnostics. The thing is that problems with ports can indicate serious breakdowns that need to be fixed urgently.

Why the USB port does not work: the most common causes of the problem

The most common problem that causes USB ports on a Lenovo laptop to not work is the failure of the motherboard's south bridge. It, in turn, can break for the following reasons:

  • penetration of aggressive liquids into the laptop case - coffee, beer, carbonated drinks, etc. If you accidentally spilled them on the keyboard, do not even think about using the device; it is better to turn it off immediately and call a technician. Otherwise, failure of the south bridge will not be the worst problem;
  • short circuit If you connect any faulty USB device to your laptop, it may burn out the south bridge.

Problems with the southbridge can be easily identified even without the appropriate skills and knowledge. If the USB ports on your Lenovo laptop do not work and the laptop gets very hot, you will have to repair this particular part.

Another reason for port malfunction is that they are broken or heavily soiled. To identify it, just try to connect external equipment to a different connector and check its functionality. It is better to trust the cleaning or replacement of the port to specialists who can select the right part and install it efficiently, or carefully remove dust.

Software failure: restoring the operation of USB ports by installing drivers

Another answer to the question why the USB port on a Lenovo laptop does not work leads us to the software problems listed below:

  • incorrectly installed or outdated controller drivers responsible for the operation of connectors;
  • penetration of viruses that can negatively affect the operation of all systems;
  • error in BIOS. It can be fixed by replacing the firmware.

Any problems that lead to USB ports being disconnected can be resolved by our service center specialists. To use the services of professionals, you just need to contact one of our representative offices in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Kazan or Chelyabinsk and order a free visit from a specialist.

The reasons for problems due to which USB ports on a laptop do not work can be completely different - from hardware failure to “lost” motherboard drivers or the controllers themselves.

However, usually the user can cope with most problems on his own, without turning to specialists - if he knows how to do it.

If there are a lot of USB ports on the laptop (for example, 3 or 4), the problem may not be so critical, and its solution can be postponed.

But if there are only 2 connectors or there is a constant need to use connected devices - flash drives, and even printers - the issue should be resolved as soon as possible.

Moreover, some methods will take no more than a few minutes.

First Troubleshooting Steps

Termination message appears on screen USB operation-ports or lack of reaction from the laptop to a drive installed in the corresponding connector may indicate.

Sometimes you can solve them with a simple reboot - there is a small chance that the fix will happen automatically.

Increase the likelihood of the positive effect of a reboot, which actually sometimes helps, maybe not quite in the usual way:

1 Completely disconnect the laptop from the power supply (if it was, for example, charging);

2 Remove the battery and leave the laptop in this state for about 5 minutes;

3 Insert the battery back and turn on the device.

If no messages about non-working ports appear on the screen, but the flash drive is still not readable or a peripheral device cannot be connected to the laptop, it is possible that the problem lies with this equipment.

The assumption is tested by connecting gadgets to other ports of the laptop - or to another computer.

Other USB devices

Another one problematic situation with USB ports occurs when simultaneous connection to laptop large quantity external devices.

For example, a user has already connected three gadgets to four ports ( , and ), and then tries to install a flash drive as well.

Sometimes such a drive simply will not be detected by the system - and you can check the assumption by turning off 1-2 peripheral devices.

Most often, this situation occurs not when connecting peripherals directly to the laptop, but when using a “hub” (USB hub that increases the number of connections).

You can solve the problem by reducing the number of connected devices - or even better, by removing the hub and connecting all gadgets directly.

Incorrect BIOS configuration

You can find a list of ways to solve problems with USB ports.

Sometimes using this interface it is possible to enable system board self-switching controllers.

To activate, you need to perform several steps:

  • Reboot the system while pressing function keys to enter the BIOS (for some laptops this is F1 or F2, for others - Del or Esc).
  • Choose Advanced section or Integrated Peripherals.
  • Go to the USB Configuration menu item and change the value of the parameter in the USB Controller section (there may be several of them, depending on different names) to Enabled.

After a reboot, the hardware configuration on the laptop will change, and USB ports that were not previously recognized by the system may appear to be working.

System settings

A laptop running on battery power can automatically turn off some controllers to save energy - especially if it approaches critical values.

In this situation, first of all, you should connect the laptop to the network, and then change the power settings, having completed next steps:

1 Open Device Manager.

2 Select the branch indicating serial bus controllers.

3 Find and open the USB root hub subkey.

4 Open double click properties of the hub and go to power settings.

If the problem was incorrect settings energy consumption, due to which the laptop automatically turned off the ports, there will be a check mark in the box that allows turning off the power to the hub.

By removing it, you can restore the functionality of the ports.

The steps are repeated for each hub if there are several of them on the laptop.

Driver problem

The problem may be - and in most cases it is - in problems with USB drivers.

You can find the problem by going to Device Manager(via computer properties or by typing in mmc devmgmt.msc).

It is possible that one of the ports is marked in the list with a special icon– yellow triangle with exclamation point, signaling equipment malfunction.

You can try the problem solve in one of 2 ways:

  • Try updating the drivers (preferably an Internet connection) in the properties of the USB controller.
  • Remove the device marked with a yellow triangle from Dispatcher And restart laptop.

When using the second option, the system rebooted will try to install a new one software for discovered “new” equipment. Sometimes this will restore port operation.

For the first option, you may need to find out the ID number by which the corresponding driver is searched on the Internet - this identifier is located in the device properties on the details tab.

The problem, which is the motherboard drivers not working properly (this usually happens with outdated laptops released several years ago), is solved by downloading and installing the appropriate software.

To do this, the laptop user first needs to find out - for example, use the AIDA64 application, which is paid, but works without entering a key confirming payment for a certain trial period.

The name of the device will help you identify and msinfo32 command, entered in the “Run” form (called by the Win + R keys).

You can try to find drivers for the corresponding board on the website of its manufacturer - or on the resource of the company that developed the chipset.

You should know: If you don’t have the time and experience to find and update drivers, you can use the utility DriverPack Solution. After installation on the laptop, it will independently check and update all the necessary software. The disadvantage of using this method is that if you do not choose manual setting updates, the application will automatically replace drivers for almost every part and even update some programs - this usually takes a few hours.

Rice. 8. A utility for searching and updating control programs and other applications.

Quite often people come to us asking why the USB ports on their laptop or computer do not work. USB ports may stop working after Windows reinstallation, after updating drivers or at any inopportune moment. Of course, the problem may be USB faults ports, but before taking your laptop/computer to a service center, you should check the settings to make sure that the problem is not in the software.

So, let's see what you can do in a situation where the USB ports on your computer or laptop are not working.

Check USB ports

The first thing you need to do is check the USB ports for physical damage.

A simple test is this: insert a USB device into a port on your laptop and see if the connected device moves up and down easily. Be careful! You should not yank the USB port too hard to avoid breaking it.

If the USB port moves too freely, the problem is probably physical damage. You should contact a service center to replace the USB port.

To restart a computer

You can also try the good old method of any department technical support: Turn off and on. Sometimes it really works because operating system re-scans Hardware, including USB ports, making them work.

If this doesn't help and the USB ports are still not working on your computer, then it's time to check the Device Manager.

Check Device Manager

You can run device Manager several ways, but we’ll tell you about the fastest: click Win keys+R, and enter devmgmt.msc. Click "OK" or key « Enter». Device Manager should immediately appear on your computer screen.

In this window we are interested in the section “ USB controllers " Click the arrow next to this label to expand the section. You will see something like the window below:

Here you should find a device that has words USB Host Controller in its title. For example in my case it is Intel(R) 5-Series/3400 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller. Some letters may be different for you, but in general you should have similar device. If it simply isn't there, that's probably the problem why the USB ports on the laptop aren't working.

In this case, you should click right click on " USB controllers» and select "Update configuration" The computer will recheck the hardware and you will see USB Host Controller in the list.

Remove USB Host Controller

Next, you need to act carefully. If you work on a computer, then most likely you have connected USB mouse and keyboard. After you remove USB Host Controller, your mouse and keyboard will not work. This is not a problem as they will work again after rebooting your computer.

So, as you understand, you should right-click on USB device Host Controller, and select " Delete" Execute this action for all devices named USB Host Controller.

After USB removal Host Controller, reboot your computer or laptop. After restarting, the computer will automatically install necessary drivers for USB ports.

Find the DisableSelectiveSuspend registry key

If the USB ports are still not working, then we will go one step further and make some changes in the Registry Editor.

To go to the Registry Editor, press the keys Win+R, enter regedit, and press the " Enter" The Registry Editor window will open.

Next you need to find the registry key DisableSelectiveSuspend. It is located in the following folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> USB. Next, in the right window, right-click on the file “ DisableSelectiveSuspend", and select " Change».

In field " Meaning» enter number 1 . This way you will disable the Selective Suspend feature and power will always be supplied to your USB ports.

If there is no USB folder

If the USB folder doesn't exist in your registry, it's easy to create one. Just go to the Services folder, then on the toolbar click " Edit»> « Create»> « Chapter" Name it USB.

Next select new usb section, right click in empty window on right. You will only have the option " Create" Click on it and select the value " DWORD value (32-bit)" Enter the title DisableSelectiveSuspend.

As we wrote above, right-click and select "Edit". In the Value field, enter the number 1. For the changes to take effect, you need to restart your computer.

Ready! Our tips should help in a situation where the USB ports on your computer have stopped working. If you know other reasons why USB ports on a laptop do not work and how to fix it, write in the comments below.