How to set up mail on Android from Yandex, gmail and mail. Mobile setup of the Gmail service

Update Gmail up to version 4.2.2 made it possible to implement such features as pinch to zoom And deleting messages by swiping. There are also many other properties, the description of which you will find in this post.

UPD (05/30/13): Google has revealed a new design for the Gmail application

UPD (10.06.13): added overview of the updated Gmail interface

The first thing you see when you open Gmail, is a screen of incoming messages that you can mark as read/unread. The service automatically marks messages with yellow arrows: a double one indicates that the message was sent to you personally; single thick indicates that you are part of a group of recipients; a single thin line indicates that the message was copied. If the arrow gray, then the message is not important (but this can be changed in the menu). All important messages can be found in Priority Inbox.

You can also mark messages with a star. After which you can find them in Starred.

When you delete emails, you may lose some important message forever. To prevent this from happening, you can use the button Archive(box with white arrow). All messages will be moved to the section All Mail, and you will always have access to them.

Very useful tool service - Mute. thanks to him in Inbox Only those messages that are addressed to you personally are received. All others go to All Mail.

Sections in Gmail- these are nothing more than the folders familiar to everyone. The difference is that one message can appear in several different sections at the same time. Control is carried out through the menu (three vertical dots on the right top corner). Message synchronization is also configured there. There are three options: messages are downloaded to the device only upon your request; all messages are downloaded; The device stores messages no later than 30 days ago. For each section, you can configure notifications and change sound notification. With official Gmail With the application, you can also receive a notification about each new message, or that you have one unread message (after which the application will stop informing you about incoming messages until you read the very first one).

You can search for the desired message using keywords, or use for these purposes advanced search operators. This will allow you to search by sender, recipient, subject, attachments, sections, importance, stars, and even size. you can find full list advanced search operators.

With the official app Gmail You can only attach two types of files to an email: images and videos. For all other file types you will need to install additional application, of which there are plenty. Even a file manager should do the trick. You just need to select it in the pop-up window.

General Settings

IN basic settings you can enable a request to delete, send or archive messages; disable the display of images in messages; enable/disable zoom and clear all search results.

By enabling the "Newer" option, you will automatically move to a new message after you send the current one to the archive or trash can. Alternative options are "Older" and "Conversation list". Selecting the first one will automatically go to the older message, choosing the second one will go to the list of all messages.

It is also worth noting the feature " Swiping conversation list". It was briefly mentioned at the beginning of the post. By setting it up, you can delete unnecessary messages by swiping to the right or left. To permanently delete, you must select “Always deletes”. There is also an option “Archives or deletes”. When selected, you will be able to archive messages, that are in the inbox, delete custom sections and delete messages in sections like Sent or All Mail. If you think that this feature will create inconvenience for you, then simply select the “Has no effect” option.

For each Google account has its own settings screen. You can find it in main settings (General Settings). Here you can make sure that instead of incoming messages, priority ones are displayed first. You can also turn off notifications and set synchronization parameters in your account settings. In addition, you can enable auto-download of attached files.

UPD (30.05.13):

Google I/O was largely devoted to new application design. They didn’t forget to mention at the conference about future design Gmail application. It's just unclear when it will appear. Most likely, innovation should be expected along with Android 4.3(or 5.0?).

A very important element of the updated application will be ease of operation and the elimination of the action bar. The end result should be something more similar to BlackBerry Hub. This will also lead to faster navigation.

UPD (10.06.13): Review of the updated Gmail interface

Gmail application for Android version 4.5 is on its way to your device, and maybe you are already among the lucky ones and are enjoying the new interface. In any case, this is a very serious change that affects not only appearance application, and got to some of its basics. Now the application Gmail For Android even faster and more convenient!

New interface and features

Opening updated application the first time, you will not immediately realize that significant changes have occurred. You will see the same incoming messages, the usual color scheme and top panel actions. As for the innovations, this is the appearance of contact images, which are now located to the left of messages (instead of flags) and the absence of an action bar at the bottom. Now, to highlight multiple messages, you simply click on the image on the left (instead of the checkbox). The changes also affected sorting by importance. It is worth noting a new feature pull-to-refresh, thanks to which the application is updated using a gesture. This made it possible to remove the corresponding button from the action bar, freeing up space there for other icons.

Navigation has undergone major changes. Swiping from the left edge brings up a panel with which you can switch between different accounts and folders.


As for the categories ("Mail Categories"), this is indeed new way systematize and streamline the flow of all messages. The feature has been available in the web interface for some time now, so you’ve probably come across it, but if not, let’s give it a little attention.

For now, you can only enable categories from your computer. There are only 4 of them: Social network, Promotions, Alerts, Forums. Having selected the necessary categories on your PC, you will immediately receive them on your device in the navigation panel. Configure notifications and synchronization related to new feature applications, you can go directly to Android device

Some new application customization features

To turn off the display of contact images, thus freeing extra bed, you must go to general settings and uncheck the corresponding item. After that, to select multiple emails at the same time, you will have to press and hold one of them.

Another important element of the settings is the choice of the action that will occur when swiping and deleting messages from the inbox. In general settings, you can assign archiving, deleting, or archiving and deleting.

Overview of the updated Gmail interface

Download the official application Gmail For Android you can follow this link.

UPD (03.11.14): Gmail 5.0 – new design, support for Outlook and Yahoo Mail

Android version Gmail 5.0 got several long-awaited features. Firstly, this is IMAP support, and secondly, Exchange support. Thanks to these innovations in Gmail now works with Outlook And Yahoo Mail . In addition, the application appeared new design, which is based on the principles Material Design which are inherent.

Full review official Gmail application for Android:
rating 80 out of 80 based on 80 ratings.
There are 80 reviews in total.

Whether we like it or not, email is something that most people on the planet simply must have on their smartphones. However, accessing your inbox doesn't have to be too difficult. With that in mind, we decided to help you take control of your emails with these tips for Gmail (Android).

Before we begin, you should make sure that you have installed newest version Gmail - this can be done by simply opening Play app Store and checking the list for any recent updates. We will also assume that you already have existing accounts Email.

It's a quick and easy way to get a better understanding of what's going on in your inbox. This method does not affect the number of letters in any way, but only means that more text will be available to you in the mode preview– that is, you will be able to see the contents of your letters almost instantly. Plus, you will no longer see the on-screen image from the sender.

To do this, click on the “More” icon (in the form of 3 lines) in the upper left corner of the application and then scroll to the bottom of the list to select a settings option. Click on the corresponding icon, and on the next page click on “ General settings", then uncheck the box next to the sender's image.

Create a widget

We don't know if you love them or hate them, but email widgets can save you time. Instead of logging into the Gmail app to view latest messages, you can set up a widget on one of your home screens and thanks to this you will be able to see such messages almost instantly.

To customize the widget, press and hold empty place on the selected home screen - the option to insert a widget should then appear. Scroll through the widgets to find the Gmail widget. Click on it and, while holding, move this widget to an accessible one home screen. After you remove your finger from the display, you will be asked to select an account and mailbox that will be associated with the widget. Once you've done all these steps, you'll have the option to resize the widget by pressing and holding it. On each side where you can move this widget, icons will appear to make it larger or smaller.

Add attachments directly from Drive storage

You don't need to store any file on your smartphone to be able to add it as an attachment to an email. Gmail users can take advantage of the basic cloud storage from Google called Drive, with which you can easily access documents, photos, videos and other types of files.

To do this, first create a message in the Gmail application, and when you click on the “Attach file” icon (shaped like a paper clip), then select “Insert from Drive”. In a second you will be redirected to your folder Google Drive, where you can choose required file to paste directly into your email. Select a file, click on it, then click on the “Select” icon.

Consolidate your inboxes

Gmail for Android has useful feature– unified viewing of incoming messages. With it you can see messages from several Google accounts simultaneously. If all your email is served by Google, for example, then you will be able to view your personal and work emails in one place on your smartphone.

In order to use this option, you need to add new accounts using the drop-down menu on the left, right under your avatar. After you have entered the required login information, “All Inboxes” will appear in the left panel, thanks to which you will be able to see all your messages. You'll also be able to switch between your different accounts using the drop-down menu above the All Inboxes icon (or by swiping left or right on the banner image).

Use Quick Actions

When dealing with the Gmail Android app, you can take advantage of quick ways to perform certain tasks that will make your viewing easier unread messages. You should send such messages to the archive (using left or right swipes on them), or, for example, by clicking on the avatar (or on the letter instead) to select several messages at the same time.

If messages are selected in this way (that is, the avatar picture acts as a check mark), a series of inscriptions appear at the top of the screen - “Archive”, “Delete” and “Mark as Read/Unread”. Other options are also available through the More menu, such as changing shortcuts.

Solve synchronization problems

You won't be able to work properly with your inbox if those messages aren't synced correctly. If you open the “Settings” section and click on the “Accounts” icon, you will see which accounts Google posts linked to your device. Click on one such account to check if Gmail sync is enabled.

Being in open application Gmail, you can select Settings from the menu and then tap on your email address to check that your messages are synced. From this same screen, you can also configure the number of days your messages will be cached, plus select the labels you want. If you are still having problems, try disconnecting and reconnecting your Gmail account, or uninstall and reinstall the Gmail application itself.

Make your search smarter

Search function Gmail apps It looks simple, but this is somewhat misleading, since it has almost the same capabilities as an Internet search function. For example, try typing "Older than: 1 year" or "Older than: 1 day" into the search field to find messages from a year or a day ago in your Gmail.

Note that Google provides a convenient list search operators, and almost all of them work with the Gmail application, along with the Gmail web version. “Status: Important” will display all priority messages, and “Status: Starred” will allow you to quickly find any messages that have been starred as particularly valuable.

Communication without sound

When you're on the go, you might want to show only your most important messages in Gmail. An Android app like Gmail on the web has a mute feature - any new apps that are muted sound signals, will be automatically moved to the archive, and you will not see them (although they will still be marked as “Unread”).

To do this directly in the Gmail app, tap the icon to expand the conversation, then tap the More menu (3 vertical dots). Select "Mute" from the list and activate it. You can also always find any conversation in the archive using a filter or search shortcut if you want to view it again.

Auto-advance function

Automatic transition is a very useful feature if you need to deal with big amount messages at the same time. This feature will save you from re-refund to your inbox when you've archived or deleted a number of messages, and will automatically direct you to the next message in the messages column.

If you want to activate the above function in the Gmail application for Android, then in this case you will need to click on the “Settings” icon in the application menu and select the “General Settings” subsection. Next, select the “Auto transition” item, after which a dialog box will appear, using which you can select an option from the available ones: go to a new message; to the previous message; return to list of conversations.

Setting up Gmail to sort your mail

Gmail includes several different inbox folders: Important Inbox, Inbox, Spam, etc. However, it is possible to make it so that it is not very meaningful letters were at the end of the list of messages in the “Important Inbox” folder, or so that the above letters were immediately sent to the “Spam” folder.

For example, if you see unimportant messages in a place where you don't think they should be, simply open Settings in the top right corner and select "Mark as Unimportant." If you find similar emails in your Spam folder, simply click on the drop-down menu icon and select “Mark as Important” or “Do not count as spam.” The same goes for moving certain emails to specific folders: The Gmail app will be aware of which email is sent where.

Do you know of any other Gmail tips? Share them with us in the comments.

Few of you have thought about how mail works, and by the way, in many phone models it is almost the main consumer of energy, messages are not always delivered, the built-in Gmail only supports mail on Goggle and imap settings, but find a smart third-party mail client whole story. After going through a dozen email programs, fumbling with the settings of the built-in email client in htc sense came to simple principle mail settings.
It is inconvenient to install various email programs, due to the fact that they all waste battery power. The built-in Gmail client not only works stably, delivering messages instantly, but also thanks to the use of technology push notifications does not eat up the battery by constantly connecting to the server to check new messages.
To begin with, if you have a mailbox or mailboxes that are not on Google, and most of them do, then go to your mail settings and set the forwarding to your mail from your Google account on Android. For settings - filters and forwarding - create forwarding (triangle opposite the button to set up a filter), enter a new mailing address Goggle and click save.
Next we need to enable it in the settings Gmail protocol pop and disable imap, which is the default, the thing is that imap mail works with folders on the phone and constantly synchronizes them, which wastes battery power, increased consumption traffic and in some phone models to increased heating of the phone. Go to your mail Gmail account on Google and in the upper right corner select the setting as in Fig. 1

Click on “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” (Fig. 2) and check the boxes next to “Enable POP for emails received from now on” and “Disable IMAP”

Next, go to the phone, open Gmail program and we see our Google mail, if your account is not there, then first go to your phone settings-accounts and synchronization - Google and by clicking on your account, put a checkmark next to Gmail, then open the Gmail mail again, click add account and enter the login + password for the account, then the phone will make all the settings automatically, if for some reason your Gmail application is not updated, then old version After entering your login and password, you must manually specify the incoming mail server and the outgoing mail server, ports and encryption do not need to be changed, they will change automatically.
The mail setup is complete, now you can optionally enable synchronization of the spam folder; important emails often go there and by default it is not automatically updated. Click on the envelope icon in the upper right corner, select your mailbox (if there is more than one), click on the envelope again and scroll down the pop-up menu, click on the “spam” folder (Fig. 3), then click on settings (Fig. 4 ) select “shortcut settings” and select download for the last 30 days.

By the way, thanks to the use of the service Google drive Gmail allows you to send files by mail up to 15 GB in size, so now you can at least send movies by mail))
It remains only to add that it often happens that at work many people have corporate mail with your domain and even after contacting the programmers at work, the site hosting provider (they usually answer “we don’t have an agreement with Megafon / MTS / other illiterate operators, etc. and sending mail is impossible on this domain") and to offices mobile operators(they answer “they are working on fixing this problem and that in the future settings for your hosting provider will appear” (read between the lines “we do not admit that we are incompetent, illiterate parasites”)) it is not possible to set up sending mail. The problem is very common and can actually be solved simply, you need to add a colon at the end to the outgoing mail server and the port number for the outgoing mail of the server, for example

Many years ago Google company made a landmark decision - to include in its new operating system Android support Gmail mail application for working with the mailbox.

Today I want to tell you how to add your old email account to Gmail on Android phone.

  1. To add a non-Gmail account to Gmail, click on the “striped” icon in the upper left corner, or swipe from the left side of the screen. This way you will open the menu we need.
  2. In the window that opens, tap in the menu header by the name of your mailbox This will open another dropdown menu. A new window will allow you to edit your Gmail account, configure it, or add a new one. The latter is exactly what we need.
  3. In our case, you need to click on the button with the plus sign “Add account”.
  4. On the next menu screen you will see the following list: Google, Outlook, Hotmail, Live, Yahoo, Exchange and Other. Just select the item that matches your old account that you want to add. In my example, I will use a Live email account. But the further description of the settings will be very similar for accounts from any of your postal services. Unless, of course, you are using a corporate mailbox with specific settings.
  5. So, to register in the post office Gmail client your Live account, you will have to log in standard window entering accounting Microsoft data. Something similar will open for accounts of other email services. Simply enter your third-party account credentials.
  6. On the next screen, you will see a request to grant access to your email account from Gmail. In my example, push service from the email service provider is not available, therefore email synchronization must be performed on a schedule. Now all you have to do is confirm your postal name and you will be ready to correspond through your old mailbox on your new smartphone.

I think that in addition to the mailbox, you already have several email accounts received from other services and providers. Therefore, the ability to manage everyone mail accounts immediately from one place you will appreciate it. In the case of Gmail, this is most effective - after all mobile app Google is one of the most common, convenient and functional.

Greetings friends and guests! Already managed to choose mail program? For it to work correctly, you will need to do a few simple steps. Let's take a closer look at how to configure gmail to process incoming and outgoing correspondence.

Basic protocols

These include IMAP, POP. I will not go into details of their work. It is enough to know that they ensure correct interaction of the email client with Google system. Users can use them for free.

The most common is considered IMAP protocol. Do you know what this is connected with? It's actually simple. This protocol has the following advantages:

  • works stably;
  • provides two-way synchronization;
  • Works normally with various devices (home, mobile computers).

Let me explain the features of two-way synchronization. Speaking in simple language, in the web interface (browser) and any other device you will see the same mail content. For example, actions with correspondence that will be performed on the phone will immediately be displayed in the browser on your computer, and vice versa.

IMAP activation

Before you set up gmail in the application on your computer or phone, you need to set several parameters directly in the mail. To get started, go to your Google inbox. I hope you have already registered there? If not, then first you need to create an account for yourself, and then continue.

Now let's pay attention to POP protocols,IMAP. Go to the appropriate tab and enable IMAP. See the screenshot below, everything is visible there.

Done? Now don't forget to save your settings for your changes to take effect.
We can consider that half the work is done. Then everything will depend on what program and device you are using. I’ll tell you a little more about getting started with Outlook and laptops that run Android.

What data will be required for the programs?

The following are considered the main ones:

  • Ports;
  • Server addresses;
  • Connection type.

Difficult? It's actually easier than it seems. Now I will show and illustrate everything. and are server addresses for outgoing and incoming mail, respectively. Port 993 is used for incoming data, and 587 or 465 is used for outgoing data (here you need to see which one will work normally). In both cases, the connection type will be SSL.
Where should I put all this? Read on, now I’ll show you using Outlook as an example.

Setting up the program on your computer

Let's launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer and go to the main menu.

When setting different versions mail client, you need to keep in mind that the name account(username) is your full email address. Eg, [email protected]. But if the program asks for a “display name,” then you can actually write your name.

Mail on Android

You need to set up an email client for gmail works on your tablet or phone Android based? It will be quite simple here, since many mobile devices already “by default” support working with Google services.

First, you will need to know the incoming and outgoing mail server - and, their ports are 993 and 465, respectively. You should also check that the encryption type is set to SSL.

Where do you need to enter this data for configuration? google mail? In general, the interface and installed applications each device may have individual nuances. Let's look at similar features.

To begin, as I showed above, enable the desired protocol in your mail through a regular browser on your computer. Now in mail application or device settings, find the item related to setting up Google accounts. Now start setting up your account by entering email addresses and a password for it, fill in other fields if necessary. When ready, proceed to setting parameters for the application and enter the data described above (ports, servers and other data).

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