How to plan a presentation. How to make a presentation: the best tools and useful tips How to make a presentation correctly

A presentation is a multimedia tool that is used everywhere - from schools to business events - to provide audiences with visual information regarding anything; educate, entertain, or motivate for a specific action (for example, a sales presentation).

The listeners’ perception of the information being communicated and their attention to the speaker and his words depend on the degree of competence in execution. A creative and effective presentation should have the following characteristics:

  • Memorability. The information is presented clearly, vividly, and originally. The same applies to the design, and also includes additional multimedia: images, music, videos. Presentations with sound enhance the emotional impact of the material.
  • Content. This means that the information needs to be made interesting for specific listeners, concise, without unnecessary words and long phrases that do not carry a semantic load. Presentation is, first of all, visual: the emphasis is not on text, but on pictures, graphs, tables, etc. at all stages.
  • Fun. The purpose of a presentation is to captivate the audience during a public speech, hold their attention, and interest them.
  • Balance. Everything is important in a presentation: accessibility, a well-thought-out plan, aesthetic characteristics, and the quality of the information offered. It is necessary to maintain a balance of these elements.

It is important for businessmen to know how to properly conduct a presentation and how to do it - after all, to sell something to potential clients, you need to present the product in a favorable light. To be successful during public speaking, you need to remember some rules for creating presentations that will not let your audience get bored.

How to Prepare, Create and Perform

Rule #1: The storyteller should be the focus of the audience.

You need to start in such a way that you are immediately noticed. You shouldn’t turn your back to people and mutter something monotonously under your breath while speaking. Presentation is important, but it should only complement the story, nothing more. It is much wiser to draw the audience’s attention to yourself and personally present the information so that the audience receives it not from the screen, but from the words of the speaker. Here the speaker will need an interest in the subject, competent speech skills, good diction, a neat appearance and a certain amount of charisma - this can be developed in oneself.

Rule #2: Don't delay

The ideal duration of a presentation is twenty minutes, the best number of slides is ten. To prevent the audience from getting tired and bored from passive attention to your speech, you should pause in the middle of your speech and invite listeners to ask questions or express an opinion.

Rule #3: Focus on what matters most

Before creating slides, decide on the ten most important ideas, thoughts, things that you want to convey to your listeners. You can make a preliminary plan or list. During public display, focus on them. You should not clutter the slides with additional data, because one of the main conditions for a competent presentation is conciseness. All explanations can and should be done orally.

Rule #4: Include only accessible and reliable information

It is unlikely that viewers will be interested in dry columns of numbers without visual explanatory material. But you can’t live without numbers and facts either: their complete absence creates a feeling of unreliable information. It is important to maintain balance at all stages of creation so that the presentation is clear and arouses trust and interest.

Rule #5: Design your final slide correctly

As studies have repeatedly shown, people remember information best when they receive it last. Therefore, pay close attention to the last slide: it should summarize everything previously said, once again focusing on the main thoughts. This approach will help end the speech by cementing the main message of the presentation in the audience’s memory. And it is customary to end it with a polite phrase or a specially designated slide “Thank you for your attention!”

Rule #5: Text last

As already mentioned, a presentation is visual material. You need to make slides, giving preference to diagrams, images and graphs. Exactly in this sequence. If you can’t express what you want in one way, move on to the next one. Text is a minimum: it is perceived the worst. It also needs to be structured, breaking it up into paragraphs and using enumerations and lists.

Rule #6: Don't overload your slides

A simple condition - five objects (table, picture, graph, block of text) for each slide - will not allow the audience to get tired of the amount of information received. Nobody needs a clutter of elements: it will only create a mess on the slide and will not allow you to achieve the desired goal of the presentation.

Resources, tools, literature

What will help you start developing the skills of creating presentations and actually making them, besides creative thinking and passion for the topic?

  • Microsoft PowerPoint. Everything is clear here without explanation. The main and easy-to-use tool, which will not be difficult for a more or less computer-literate user to master.
  • Search for images in Yandex and Google.
  • Book “Presentation Mastery”, author Alexey Kapterev.

For those who want to thoroughly study the topic of presentations and public speaking with them, Kapterev reveals secrets that will help improve their skills. The manual “Presentation Mastery” was written by a professional in his field: Kapterev teaches, first of all, to present with passion, transforming his listeners and himself.

For public speaking, it is important that the storyteller conveys information with genuine passion. When a person talks about something interesting to himself, he involuntarily evokes a desire to listen. And the attention of the audience is the main goal of the presentation.

And I often have to point out errors to students in presentations for coursework and dissertations.

Today I will tell you how to properly prepare a presentation so that your report makes a good impression on your audience.

No matter what the purpose of your presentation is, it could be:

  • Defense of an essay, coursework or dissertation;
  • Report on events or achievements;
  • Product Review;
  • Advertising company.

For any task, the basic principles of correct presentation design are always the same!

So, seven simple tips from Sergei Bondarenko and the website.


So, today you have learned seven simple rules with which you can correctly design any presentation.

And one more piece of advice for those who read the articles to the end:

remember, that the presentation should be interesting and visual, do not bore the listener with monotonous text or an overabundance of bright colors. Do a small holiday for 5-10 minutes.

Look at an example of an interesting presentation made using the Prezi online service:

That’s all for today, see you on the IT lessons website. Don't forget to subscribe to site news.

Copying prohibited, but you can share links.

To create a presentation on a computer running Windows 7 or higher, you must have PowerPoint installed, text written and checked for errors, good quality pictures, and video materials. It is worth noting that PowerPoint is available on all PCs that have Microsoft Office installed.

Creating slides

The creation of the first slide is where work in Microsoft PowerPoint begins. To create an initial slide, follow these steps:

  • Click “Start”, “All Programs”, select “Microsoft Office”. We look for the desired program in the list.
  • PowerPoint opens. The first slide is created automatically. It consists of a title and a subtitle.

  • Let's fill in these fields. Enter a title and subtitle.

  • In order to create a new slide, just select the corresponding function on the toolbar or right-click in the left menu and select “Create Slide”.

  • The next slide will have a different structure: title and slide text.

  • If you need to change the structure of the slide, you must click on the “Slide Layout” button and select the appropriate option.

This way you can create any number of slides. All these slides can be designed accordingly. The white background can be replaced in the following way.

  • Go to the “Design” tab and select a suitable theme.

  • All slides will automatically change their design.

  • If you want a specific theme to be applied to individual slides, you should right-click on the theme and select the appropriate option from the list. For example, “Apply to selected slides.”

  • As you can see, the first slide has a distinct design from the second.

Work with text

The text should be prepared in advance. It needs to be proofread and checked for errors. Only in this case can you prepare a high-quality presentation.

To work with text, the PowerPoint editor has special text blocks. The text in them can be printed or copied and pasted in the standard way (Ctrl+A – select, Ctrl+C – copy, Ctrl+V – paste).

You can format the pasted text. To do this, on the toolbar you can select the font type and size, spacing, text orientation, bulleted and numbered lists.

It's also worth noting that you can insert a WordArt object instead of a title. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and select the letter “A”, which is responsible for WordArt objects.

In this way we add text for all slides.

IMPORTANT! Don't put too much text on your slides. All material should be presented concisely. The person who will watch the presentation should not be busy reading. He should have time to listen to the speaker.

Adding pictures and working with them

If you add a picture to your presentation, it will become more interesting. However, we recommend using no more than two high-quality pictures for one slide. Overcrowding one slide with images would be inappropriate.

There is a whole block in the PowerPoint editor for inserting an image. Just go to the “Insert” tab and select “Drawing”, “Picture”, “Snapshot”, “Photo Album”.

It is worth noting that no matter which method you choose, you will need to indicate the storage location for the image.

After selecting a picture and adding it to the slide, the position and size can be changed. To do this, you should use the dots in the corners of the picture.

Also, if the picture is in the way, you can specify its location “in the background.” In this case, the text will be superimposed on top of the image.

Adding tables and graphs

If you need to prepare a business presentation in which you need to use statistical data, the program has a function for inserting tables and charts. You can insert a table from Excel or draw and fill it out in the editor.

In the first case (insert from Excel), you should do the following:

  • Select “Insert”, “Table” and “Insert with Excel”.

  • Next, select the filled cells from the original table, copy and paste them into the presentation table.

If there is no completed table, you should click “Table” and select the number of rows and columns. During selection, the table dimensions will be displayed in the presentation window. However, they can be adjusted.

Then fill out the table with the necessary information.

You can also add graphs and charts to your presentation. To do this, in the “Insert” tab, you need to click on the “Diagram” button or select the same icon on the slide itself.

Then select the chart type.

The Excel file will open. Filling the table with data.

After filling out the table, we return back to the presentation. A diagram will appear here.

Thus, the presentation can be used to provide reports and compare data.

IMPORTANT! After closing the Excel file, the chart will not disappear.

Working with video and audio

You can also add video and audio to your presentation. To add a video. You should do the following:

  • Go to the “Insert” tab and select “Video”. Next, indicate “From file” or “From website”.

  • Next, we indicate where the video is located. Select the video and click “Insert”.

  • It will take some time to insert the video. Do not click the “Cancel” button. The larger the file, the longer it will take to download.

To add audio, click on the “Sound” button and point to the file.

If you want the sound to last throughout the entire presentation, in the “Playback” tab, in the “Start” section, set the value to “For all slides”.

You can also adjust the volume of the music. To do this, just click on the “Volume” button and specify the sound level.

To prevent the sound icon from appearing on slides, check the “Hide when shown” checkbox.

Adding special effects

By special effects we mean transitions between slides, the appearance and disappearance of text. To add special effects, you need to select the first slide, its title and go to the “Animation” tab. Here we click “Add animation”.

Specify “On click” or set the time range for the animation to occur.

It is worth noting that animation will have to be set for each title and text separately. All animated elements will be indicated by numbers.

You can also set an output for each element. This is a special effect with which a title, picture or text will disappear. This function is in the same section as the input, you just need to scroll the slider down.

After designing the first slide, you should move on to the second and set animation for each element separately.

Saving and viewing a project

After designing all the slides, you need to set up the presentation. Go to the first slide and press “F5”. The project preview will start. We look and study the shortcomings. Let's fix them. Then go to the “Slide Show” tab and click “Demo Settings”. We indicate how the slides will change (by time or manually), display parameters, and the order of the slides.

You can launch the presentation by double-clicking.

Watch the video to see how to create a presentation:

Anyone who gives a presentation today, or even a simple message, should know how to make a presentation correctly. After all, a presentation is an effective multimedia tool that is used during various messages or reports for a specific purpose, namely: to increase the expressiveness of the speech, as well as to more clearly and convincingly illustrate the information being described.

How not to make presentations

It would seem that any presenter knows how to prepare presentations, but there are often cases when we are presented on slides with several pages of text typed in the tenth or even eighth font, or bright red text on a pink background, or some tables that consist of several dozens of columns with text in small font. But this would not be so bad, but, unfortunately, a huge part of the presentations is a monotonous re-reading of the text that is written on the slides, and this is most often done with the back to the audience (of course). The presentation rules collected here will help you avoid these mistakes and prepare truly effective presentations.

Basic rules of presentation

  • The focus should always be on the presenter. People come to a presentation to listen to you, it is not a reading lesson where people will read the labels on the slides with you. If you want to show a new product, show it; if you are presenting new equipment, show photos. If you are preparing an anthem, then sing it! But if there is nothing to show, or it is very difficult to show it live, then put together a presentation. But the most important thing is that you need to understand that what you will show on the wall is just additional materials, and the most important thing is your story.
  • The presentation should have 10 slides, 20 minutes of time for it and the text on the slides, which is typed in font size 30, no less! This is the so-called principle or rule of 10/20/30. In addition, during the presentation, try to show the capabilities of your product or idea at least once every 10 minutes - then people will watch and listen to you with interest for much longer.
  • Know how to distract people, relieve the load, so to speak. Give them the floor, ask questions, that is, get feedback - this will help make your presentation truly memorable, and therefore effective.
  • Determine a few main ideas, thoughts or conclusions that you would like to convey to your audience and build your presentation based on them. You should not include any additional information in the presentation - you won’t say everything anyway, and this will only distract from the main thing. As a last resort, additions can be indicated in the handouts, and only the most important things must be on the slides. These are the advantages of your product or idea, the main thing is how this product or idea differs from others. When preparing a presentation, feel like a seller of your product or your ideas, which are also a product.

Other rules for creating presentations

  • Remember that a presentation is not a document, not a handout. If you want to convey exactly the text of the report to the listener, simply include it in a separate material attached to the report. Include in your presentation only information that will help your audience better perceive and assimilate the material.
  • Information is not exactly data, because the latter is a set of facts and/or figures; they are not suitable for making a decision. Information is processed and processed data that is presented to the listener or reader in a convenient form for better perception and decision-making. So if you want your presentation to be accessible and understandable, only include information.
  • Final slide rule. What does this mean? Human memory is designed in such a way that what comes at the beginning and, especially, at the end of an event is best remembered. That is why you should always work out the final slide in detail - in it you should draw people's attention to the main idea, the main message that you are trying to convey to people with your presentation. If there are several topics in a presentation, make a summary slide after each topic, and at the end you can make a summary slide, which will ensure that your audience understands the main points of the presentation.

Rules for presentation design: about visibility

  • Now about the rules for presenting information. First comes the diagram, then the drawing, then the graph, then the table and only the last - the text. This is exactly how you need to think when you are trying to convey the necessary information to others. Everything is always (at least in a presentation) best presented in the form of a diagram. If it doesn’t work out with the diagram, then you need to think about how to express it with a drawing, then a graph. If a picture or graph doesn’t come out, make a table. Well, you should use text in a presentation only as a last resort when all the previous methods are absolutely not suitable for you. The simple fact is that text is the least visual way to present material.
  • Try not to place more than 5 objects on a slide. Don't make your slide a mess. The fact is that human memory is not the most perfect tool, and if the number of objects is more than 5, it is unlikely to be able to retain them all. This rule applies even to the most visual way of presenting material - a diagram. It is advisable to simplify complex circuits to 5 elements or, in extreme cases, to 5 blocks of elements.
  • Remember that one picture can replace hundreds of words. That is why, to prepare your presentation, try to stock up on a sufficient number of pictures. A good image service is Yandex.Images, but I like Google.Images better - it provides more opportunities for search optimization and produces a larger number of results. To get started, enter the names you need into the search bar and see what comes up. If you haven’t found what you were looking for, optimize your query - replace words, add new ones, look for images with a predominance of one color or another, in a word, experiment - and you will definitely find what you need.
  • A good tool for making presentations is Microsoft Power Point. It is very convenient and simple and allows you to convey your ideas to any audience: from schoolchildren, students and colleagues to teachers, clients and management. Well, our article “” will help you on how to use it. Well, I think now you can easily figure out how best to make a presentation. I wish you success!




“How to make a presentation correctly

or a few steps along the way

to a successful presentation"


primary school teacher at MBOU "Gymnasium"

Mordovina Marina Ivanovna


The ability to present your activities well is one of the most productive means of attracting attention to your work.

A successful and high-quality presentation will influence your positive image. The presentation today acts as your business card. This technology allows you to visually perceive your work. Unfortunately, not every work presented can be called a real presentation. Any technology, including creating presentations, has its own rules, principles, and techniques.

What is a presentation?

Task No. 1.

Select a presentation definition from a set of cards.

set of documents / slides / illustrative material / supporting summary of the text / electronic manual

Presentation (from praesento - presentation) - a set of documents collected in slides, including illustrative material and representingreference summary or electronic teaching aid,intended to represent something (organization, project, product, etc.).

Purpose of the presentation - convey to the audience complete information about the object of the presentation

in a convenient form.

Educational presentation

Student teacher

electronic manual

reference summary of the text

The ability to make a presentation is the ability to work with text.

Is a presentation necessary in class?

Stages of work on preparing a presentation.

Task No. 2.

Determine the stages of work on creating a presentation and arrange the cards one by one.

Planning / Design / Content / Software implementation // Operation and maintenance

Step 1: Planning.

    What is the purpose of the presentation?

    Audience and characteristics of listeners.


Step 2. Design.

    Determine the order in which slides are viewed.

    Slide design development.

Step 3. Information content.

    Preparation of text and illustrative materials for filling slides.

Step 4. Software implementation.

  • Filling slides with information material.

    Color design.

    Setting up multimedia effects.

    Installing hyperlinks.

"10-20-30" PRINCIPLE
- 10 slides in the presentation;
20 minutes time for presentation

(with a break after 10 minutes:

relieve the load,

ask questions based on what you heard,

get feedback);
- 30 font text is typed on the slides.


On one slide

no more than 5 objects .

Each object

no more than 5 elements .


Exactly in this sequence. Once you have formulated what you want to convey to your audience in a particular slide, first think about how to present it in the form of a diagram? It doesn’t work as a diagram, think about how to show it with a picture, graph, table. Use text in presentations only if all previous methods of displaying information have not worked for you.


Uniform style design. You should not make your slides too colorful. This harms the formation of unstable visual images. Use 3-4 colors. Colors found in nature are combined.

The text must be readable.

Use the same title font on all presentation slides.

These could be fontsArial,Calibri , Times New Roman, Verdana.


- not entertainment, but a method of conveying information.Animation is used to a minimum and only when it has a functional load.


    Title page.

The first slide contains the title of the presentation, the name of the event within which the presentation is being held, the author, and the date. You can place a photo of the author.

    Main thesis.

    Section title.

    Brief information.

Points 3 and 4 are repeated as often as necessary. The main thing here is to adhere to the concept: thesis - arguments - conclusion.

    Summary, conclusions.

Conclusions should be expressed clearly and concisely on a separate slide.

    Used Books.

    Internet resources.

    Thank you for your attention.

Your contact information is also required here.

Step 5. Exploitation And accompaniment.

    Conducting demonstrations.

    Improving your presentation.


Task No. 3.

Create a title page and abstract for your event during the methodological week of primary school teachers.