Causes of blue screen on iPhone 5s. Home renovation options. iPhone blue screen: what it looks like

If you have such a problem - a blue screen appearing on an Apple phone, then this article will help you understand the reasons for its occurrence and ways to eliminate this problem.

According to statistics, this breakdown is the blue screen of death on iPhone phones, Lately began to appear more often. Mainly at risk are iPhone models 5, 5S and new models 2015 iPhone of the year 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

The symptoms of this breakdown are as follows. The phone either works normally, then it starts to reboot spontaneously or while charging, and the screen lights up blue. In this state, the phone cannot be rebooted, the settings cannot be reset, and flashing it does not help either.

How to repair a phone in this situation and the reasons for its occurrence will be discussed below.

Remember those regular cell phones? Monophonic and polyphonic ringtones? The first colors in phones? Do you remember what these devices were primarily used for? Mobile phone had, above all, one characteristic. He had to replace landline phone, be as small as possible, fit into a pocket or small purse. It had to be such that you could take it with you everywhere.

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As you know, Apple products are different from other manufacturers. high quality and the most in modern ways production of their devices. Well, like any equipment, including this one, everything breaks. This breakdown is most often caused by improper use. telephone set or if he was committed poor quality repairs or replacement of parts.

In this regard, I would like to say that in case of any malfunctions with such a complex device as an iPhone, you must contact a service center that has good feedback and recommendations. It is better to buy spare parts from a company that has a good reputation. There is such a company in the city of Kyiv, it is called Inprotech, the official website of which is located at Here you can purchase screens, cables, batteries for iPhone smartphones, different models and for different years of manufacture.

Blue screen of death on iPhone: causes and solutions.

Blue screen death on Apple phones may appear by various reasons. Most often it appears in the case self-repair phone hardware. Under the lid iPhone cases there are many small, thin and microscopic parts. The reason for this malfunction is related to the loops on motherboard mobile device. When incorrect installation or damage to the cable contacts, a failure occurs software, that leads to constant reboots smartphone and the appearance of a blue screen.

What is characteristic is this feature appears only on the latest models produced in 2014-1015 and on models based on iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6+. Moreover, according to reviews from people who have this malfunction, the phone may or may not work. It was also noticed that if you put it in the freezer of the refrigerator, its performance is restored. Apparently under the influence temperature regime, contacts in a certain way connect and the phone starts working.

Blue screen of death on iPhone 5S and 6.

What to do if a blue screen appears on iPhone phone? The first and simplest thing you can do is reset the login account, sometimes it helps. This is done by connecting the iPhone to the computer using the iTunes program.

If this does not help, flash the phone. In a certain percentage of cases, this makes it possible to bring the phone back to life, but the problem is not related to software part apparatus, and with iron filling devices. Therefore, this malfunction will most likely manifest itself again in the near future after flashing.

Next method. Service center employees recommend that when a blue screen of death appears on Apple smartphones Check that the top cable is correctly attached to the display, the one located with the front camera and proximity sensor. An image of these trains can be seen in the photo above.

If in case of incorrect replacement of this cable, namely if during installation, replacement of the screen, the fastening bolts were mixed up, and they were bolts of different lengths. The repair will not be very difficult. It is necessary to unscrew these screws and screw them back into in the right order. As a result of such repairs, the contacts of the cable will be securely pressed against the motherboard and the problem with the blue screen will go away.

Video instructions: iPhone 5s blue screen, solution.

But there may be a more severe case. There may be a situation where the microscopic channels on the motherboard have been damaged by mechanical force or heat, or by improper or careless handling of the soldering iron. In this case, you will need the help of highly qualified specialists who can clean these channels or restore their functionality. You can see this repair option in the video posted above.

That's all, I wish you a successful repair and a life without breakdowns.

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At the time when it went on sale new iPhone 5s, it was the first smartphone with Touch function ID. A single button determined the fingerprint of the phone owner. And it was something new and unique. But after the delight came disappointment. Users of newly purchased iPhones began to complain that the display color periodically turns completely blue. But then he comes to his senses again.

Disease syndromes for everyone iPhone series 5s were different. Some users wrote that when connecting to charger The display first turns blue and then starts to reboot.

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Screen replacement cost

Here are some other reasons for this problem:

1. Errors in iOS update;

2. Malfunction or damage to the motherboard;

3. The display module has failed;

3. Device overheating;

4. Oxidation of parts.

In some cases, manufacturers blamed the iWork app. It gave out Blue colour display when trying to minimize it. Then they talked about the imperfections of iOS 7. They claimed that after the update all the problems would go away. But, even after switching to a more recent operating system, the problem did not disappear. As a result, Apple had to admit that the problem was in the iPhone 5s chip. It turned out to be unfinished. Simply put, this series devices were found to be defective.

How to fix iPhone problem?

The blue screen could be caused by the latter iOS update 9. Then you need to return the device initial version. To do this, connect your phone via USB cable to iTunes on your computer. In the window that opens, select your device (the “iPhone 5s” button). After which the “Restore iPhone” function will appear in the menu. Click on it. After this you will return to the initial firmware. The phone will restart and ask you to sign in to iCloud. If the problem was in the operating system, then after performing these steps the phone will work again, like new.

Mechanical impacts (impact, fall) could also damage the motherboard, processor or microcircuit contacts. In rare cases, this may cause a “screen of death”. To identify which parts are damaged, you need to carry out diagnostics.

In rare cases, after mechanical damage (fall, impact, strong bending), the screen module cable fails and eventually will have to be replaced entirely. On our website you can find out how the replacement takes place. glass iPhone 5s, how much is it this service and the timing of it.

Also, the appearance of a blue screen on your iPhone may be caused by overheating of the device. This happens due to the heavy load on operating system. As a result, the processor heats up. This happens when multiple applications are open at the same time. Or WI-FI, geolocation and Bluetooth are always on. Try not to use additional connections and programs unless necessary.

Remember, before the screen began to show blue light, did your iPhone begin to discharge faster? If yes, then it's the battery. After all, over time it tends to wear out. Try to determine the source of the overheating. There is a battery on the left side of the back of the case. If heat comes from there, then it’s time to produce.

A blue screen on an iPhone could appear after moisture got inside the case. After this, oxidation of the device parts usually occurs: microcircuits, motherboard, cables, contacts. You need to immediately take the phone to a repair shop so that it can be cleaned and corrosion does not spread to other parts.

It is necessary to carry out diagnostics

As you can see, there are many reasons for the malfunction. To understand exactly why a blue screen began to appear on your phone, you need to conduct diagnostics. Come to our service! We will identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Our service centers are located one minute from the metro station.

Some people have complained online iPhone owners 5S to the fact that a blue screen suddenly appears on their device, and then the smartphone reboots without warning. In addition, the so-called “blue screen of death” or BSOD ( Blue Screen Of Death) appears for some, even if no one is touching the phone at that moment. Most likely, the cause of the Blue Screen of Death on the iPhone 5s is new filling(64-bit processor architecture) rather than some defective parts.

After studying this problem, I decided to collect everything possible methods its treatments, ranging from the simplest to the less pleasant.

1. If the iPhone 5S showed you a blue screen and began to constantly reboot with a blue screen, then you need to turn it off and reboot manually.
Treatment: simultaneously press and hold the On button for about 10 seconds. and a Home button (which has a fingerprint sensor). This reboot can be repeated several times until the iPhone boots up. For example, I pressed these buttons right during the blue screen and everything was ok.

2. For many, the screen of death appears only when working with certain applications, both standard (Keynote, Pages and Numbers) and those purchased from the AppStore ( different games and programs).
This suggests that, unfortunately, these applications are not fully optimized to work with the new processor.
Treatment: It is enough to wait for the update of both iOS itself and individual applications, with which the problem occurs, and for the developers to hurry up, report the problem in the comments to the application in the AppStore.

3. Sometimes, the iPhone may reboot after several unsuccessful fingerprint entry methods.
Treatment: Try disabling fingerprint unlocking and leaving only entering the password, or disable the locking function altogether. Restart your smartphone. If this method helps, then it’s worth installing latest firmware(it's always better to put Last update via the cloud or using iTunes), most likely Apple will release the necessary fix in one of the updates, if they have not already released it.

4. Some users find it helpful to disable the Find My iPhone function, which itself occasionally background performs manipulations to determine the location, which causes a blue screen.
Treatment: Go to Settings - iCloud - Find My iPhone and turn off this feature. Restart your iPhone.

I hope one of these methods will help you, but what helped me was that I simply stopped running several applications, when launched, the iPhone 5S kept rebooting.

The blue screen on the iPhone is the computer “disease” that has infected the famous “apples” since the fifth series. Previously, Apple products similar problems I didn’t know, and its owners didn’t observe blue screens when rebooting their phones. If you are the owner of an iPhone 5, 6 or 7 model, you should know what to do when you encounter a blue screen on your phone and its involuntary shutdown.

This failure manifests itself as follows: when turning on iPhone It loads normally, but after the apple symbol appears on the screen, the display begins to blink or freezes, after which a completely blue screen turns on. After this it is possible automatic reboot phone, ending again with a blue display, and this cycle of turning the device on and off can be constantly repeated.

Causes of breakdown

A blue screen on an iPhone can appear for several reasons. The most common among them are:

  • falling of the phone or its mechanical damage in any other way
  • use of non-original charging and other components
  • software failure as a result of installing an unlicensed program
  • incorrect assembly of the phone after repair
  • Apple overheating and others

If the blue screen appeared after the device fell, then most likely the problem is a broken cable. In this case, you will need to disassemble the smartphone and solder the damaged display elements, and then boot the iPhone from scratch. If there was no crash, but the iPhone constantly reboots with a blue screen, then you can try to restore its operation without mechanical intervention.

Home renovation options

The very first solution to a blue screen iPhone is to reboot it by holding down the Home and Power keys at the same time. will happen complete shutdown device, and then the normal iPhone boot should begin. If after turning on the phone freezes again and the hated “blue screen of death” appears, you can try other methods:

  • wait for the natural one iPhone discharge with blue display. After turning off your smartphone, let it charge using original device for this. This method could be effective solution blue screen after booting iPhone
  • try rebooting and solving the blue iPhone screen described above by naturally discharging it and connecting it to the network without a SIM card inserted into the device - sometimes this helps get rid of the blue iPhone screen
  • possible solution to the problem of iPhone blue screen when turned off at home - software update iPhone software via iTunes

The third solution is fraught with only one thing - if you do not use iTunes constantly and you do not have saved backup iPhone copies, reboot from complete update its software and performing a factory reset will destroy all your data on your phone. You can of course try to create backup copy before updating the software, but a blue screen occurs when loading iPhone does not always allow you to do this.

Blue screen solution using iTunes takes place in several stages. Follow these steps:

  • install the latest iTunes version on your computer
  • connect to iPhone computer by using USB cable and launch iTunes
  • select your device model from the program menu
  • Select the “Restore” button in the dialog box that opens

After this, iTunes will start automatic downloading latest version software specifically for your iPhone model, after which its installation will also begin automatically. For any non-standard situations The program provides intuitive tips - follow them. After restarting the iPhone, the screen should work in normal mode. If the blue screen appears again, it is best to entrust it to a specialist.

If your phone was recently purchased and is under warranty, and the screen turns blue not as a result of a fall or other mechanical damage, feel free to take your iPhone back to the store or official Apple service center. They will professionally diagnose the display and find out why the iPhone screen turns off. Sometimes this is a problem of poor quality assembly, as a result of which later certain time Blue screen appears on iPhone. Your phone will either be repaired or completely replaced so that when you boot iPhone blue you no longer watched the screen.

The iPhone 5s model has many pleasant innovations: powerful processor, fingerprint scanner, new camera and some technical problems. The blue screen on iPhone 5s, or the blue screen of death, as it is also called, has caused frustration for many owners of the stylish gadget. The problem looks like this: when updating, connecting the phone to a charger or while working text editor iWork, or perhaps for no apparent reason at all, the device itself begins to reboot repeatedly until a blue rectangle appears on the display, after which reboots can begin again. The reasons for this are improper use of the device or replacement of parts with low-quality ones during repairs.

This kind of feature is typical for latest models iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6+, the phone may turn off, but after a while it turns on on its own and continues to work. But still, on the iPhone 5s, the blue screen does not appear on its own; there are quite clear reasons for this. This often happens due to the iWork application suite not working properly. The device reboots when closing an application or switching to another one. With an iPhone, many users have forgotten about the existence of viruses and are ready to trust any application downloaded from the AppStore. But it's work third party programs on a smartphone leads to a crash. Fingerprint scanner- The function is convenient, but it can cause harm if you apply the wrong finger several times in a row. The display lights up blue and not without your intervention. If there were cases of self-repair of the device or the hands of an incompetent technician were involved in the repair, then the cable on the phone’s motherboard could be damaged, which is why the device regularly reboots and a blue screen of death appears.

What to do to get rid of the problem - solution

When a blue screen appears on your iPhone 5s, you shouldn’t immediately run to the first workshop, the case is not fatal. Let's try to cope on our own, here are several ways to solve the problem.

1 Complete reboot of the phone. We save all data in the cloud or on a computer. Press and hold for 10 seconds at the same time Home buttons(round button on the phone display, used for a fingerprint) and Power (button on the top of the case, used to turn on the device) and watch the phone turn off. The iPhone should light up, until then we repeat the reboot. You can just turn it off mobile device and put it aside to lie down for about 5 minutes, after which the phone may turn on, it does not always work.

2 iTunes is suitable for solving many problems with iPhone, not only for setting ringtones and restoring data. We connect the iPhone to the computer and update iTunes, do not forget to create a backup copy of the data. 3 Another option to solve the problem is to wait until the mobile device discharges on its own. Then connect the phone to the charger and watch the phone turn on. 4 Not all applications are successfully optimized for new processor, both standard (Keynote, Pages and Numbers) and paid applications from the AppStore. While you're waiting for iOS and app updates, disable app synchronization with cloud storage iCloud. In the AppStore itself, describe the problem in the comments, this will hurry up the developers. 5 As was written earlier, putting the wrong fingers on the fingerprint scanner entails blue problem. You will have to say goodbye to your favorite blocking method for a while and switch to entering a password or disable the blocking altogether. Then download new firmware via iTunes or iCloud. Most likely, the new update will solve the problem permanently and you can put your finger on the device again. 6 Sometimes the iPhone plays pranks Find function My iPhone, a program in the background of the device trying to determine the location, causes the phone to turn off. To disable this function, go to “Settings” - “iCloud” - “Find iPhone” and move the slider to the inactive position. We reboot the device, after which the phone should turn on without much effort.

7 The service center workers themselves recommend first checking the fastening of the top cable; it is located with the front camera and proximity sensor. This train looks as shown in the picture below. Perhaps when assembling the iPhone, after repair, the bolts on which the cable is attached were mixed up and accidentally swapped. It is enough to move the bolts to the right place so that the cable is pressed against the motherboard. And the blue screen will no longer bother you.

But there are situations when it is still worth turning to a professional. If you have no experience in unscrewing screws, so as not to damage anything among these small parts, it is better to entrust the rearrangement of bolts to a specialist. Moreover, if the microscopic channels on the motherboard were damaged, to the average user It will be difficult to cope without consequences.

If you did not violate the operating rules, and the iPhone itself is still under warranty, then there may be a manufacturing defect and you should return the phone back to the store. IN service center They usually exchange it for a brand new iPhone without any problems. Repairing the device may take a month or two, but during the repair period you should be provided with a phone of a similar model.