Complete list of commands for Russian Siri. Internet, notes and questions. How to use shortcuts created by others

Function Fast Siri commands (in the English version Siri Shortcuts) - this is the most useful innovation for voice Apple assistant since its release in 2011. Thanks to Quick Commands Siri users will finally start using Siri.

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What are Siri Shortcuts?

Function Siri shortcuts allows you to create your own commands for Apple's voice assistant, thereby automating actions you often perform on your iOS device. At the conference, Cupertino demonstrated how several of these actions can be activated at once using a single key phrase. For example, order your favorite coffee, navigate optimal route before work, turn on the lights at home before you arrive, etc.

Be that as it may, it is not always necessary to connect several actions. Function Siri shortcuts allows you to bind ANY key phrase to implementation certain action, for example, open your favorite website in Safari, send a message, or view your latest photos.

But these opportunities existed before, you say. Everything is true, but still advantages Siri shortcuts obvious. Let's give a few examples.

Example 1

On iOS 11 and older versions of iOS, it is impossible to ask Siri, for example, to open a website - you will simply be tormented by explaining to the voice assistant how to pronounce it correctly Domain name(apple). With the help of Siri shortcuts you can easily and simply open any website, a specific article on the Internet or a search query (below we will tell you how).

Example 2

You want to include a specific playlist Apple Music with stirring. Yes, this could be done in iOS 11 and older versions of iOS, but with great difficulty. Now, you just need to tell Siri, for example, "Play my playlist"(or any other phrase you want), and the voice assistant will instantly play the desired playlist with shuffle (below we will tell you how to do this).

Example 3

Surely, while riding a bicycle (using) or driving a car, you have encountered a situation where you need to call someone. In iOS 11 and Co., you had to say: “Siri, call Svetlana Ivanova”. Voice assistant, hearing the word “Svetlana” immediately begins to ask you something like: “Which Svetlana did you mean? You have 50 of them in your contacts.”. And after that he begins to list all contacts with the name Svetlana. And so, when after a few minutes you still get Siri to identify the desired subscriber, she can again clarify “Which phone should I call, mobile or home?”. After such a “useful” experience of communicating with a voice assistant, you are unlikely to want to use its services again. With implementation Siri shortcuts call to a certain person as easy as pie. For example, by linking to a subscriber "Svetlana Ivanova" team "Call Firefly", "Dial a colleague" or something else (below we will tell you how to do this).

What apps support Siri Shortcuts?

On this moment function Siri shortcuts only works with some standard applications iOS, but in the near future third party developers will begin to implement support for this very useful functionality in your applications. And then our iPhones and iPads will have the capabilities of a real voice assistant.

If you installed on your iOS device 12, be sure to try the function Siri shortcuts. Go to "Settings", Choose a section "Siri and Search" and at the top of the page you will see new tools.

To view examples Quick commands(suggested by the system based on your recent actions) that can be linked to a keyword, select the option "Other quick commands":

After which you will see the following screen:

Here is a list of suggested shortcuts, such as frequently visited web pages, conversations, documents, etc. You will also see several system shortcuts tied to the Mail, Photos, etc. applications. Additionally, you can add workflows created in the Teams (formerly Workflow) app.

Options listed may vary. In order to add new ones to it own options, just do whatever you want to create a shortcut to (web page, document, etc.) and then go to Siri shortcuts .

For example, task: create a Siri shortcut to open a website website. For this:

1. Open Safari and go to the site

2. Launch the application "Settings", go to section "Siri and Search" and tap the action from step 1 that appears in the list.

3. Press the red button at the bottom of the screen and say the command, in our case "Open your favorite site".

4. Check the recognition is correct. If Siri doesn't hear the phrase, you can re-record it or press the button "Edit" and select the appropriate one from the proposed options. When finished, press the button Ready.

5. That's it! The command will appear in the list "My quick commands."

Now you can activate Siri in the usual way, say the selected phrase and the voice assistant will perform the actions associated with it.

Creation example Siri shortcuts, allowing you to play any playlist from the application Music with stirring .

Creation example Siri shortcuts, allowing you to easily call any contact from notebook iOS.

Again, the functionality of this feature is currently very limited. Until the developers third party applications do not implement the ability for Siri to create “shortcuts” in their products, the new function will not be available to them. However, it is already quite impressive. Being able to work with Workflow using Siri is no small feat.

Siri is artificial intelligence, a program built into all iPhones and other devices running on the operating system iOS system. Siri is a powerful time management and productivity tool. Understanding this tool and knowing how to use it can significantly increase your productivity and improve your memory.

Getting started with Siri

To access Siri, your iPhone must be turned on, but not necessarily unlocked. Just hold down the Home button for two seconds and you will hear two short beeps. You will then see an image of a microphone appear on the screen, and a small question mark. Click on this question mark to see the many suggestions included in Siri functionality. Many people are not familiar with this iPhone feature, which can make their life much easier. Siri has thousands of different practical ways applications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with.

Sending messages

Ability to dictate text messages will greatly improve your productivity. You will no longer need to type on your smartphone, correct annoying mistakes and tinker with auto-correction. Instead, you can calmly say: “Write a message to Vanya.” If you pause after this, Siri will politely ask you what exactly you would like to write in the message. If you don’t pause, you can start dictating the text immediately after this phrase.

Add or edit calendar events

For many people who have tried Siri, this artificial intelligence becomes one of the most beloved and used smartphone functions. His abilities are simply outstanding. Here are some examples of how you can use Siri in conjunction with your calendar:

  • “Siri, what’s on the calendar for today?”
  • “Move the meeting from 9 to 10 o’clock”
  • “Schedule a call to Masha at 9:30 today”
  • “I need to meet a colleague for lunch to discuss a book concept.”
  • “Make an appointment with your partner in the meeting room for two o’clock in the afternoon.”
  • “Cancel my meeting at 2:30.”
  • "What's planned for Friday?"

You'll love telling your phone the date, time and location of a meeting, event or visit - and finding it in your calendar. And if you have a situation in which two meetings overlap each other in time, Siri will immediately notify you about this.

Maps and navigation

Not every person is able to navigate well in space. Therefore, if you have Siri, then you can safely press the button and ask:

  • “How far is it to go to a specific point?”
  • “Make a route home”
  • “How far is it to the next turn?”
  • “How long will it take me to arrive?”
  • "Tell Anya's address"
  • “How to walk to the restaurant?”


Most people who use Siri turn most often to the reminders function. Your short-term memory is like a blackboard on which you write down all your ideas, thoughts, plans that suddenly come to your mind. But if there is no space left on the board, then your idea will simply evaporate. Best Feature"Siri" in in this case is that artificial intelligence will notify you about what time, where and how you need to complete this or that task.

  • “Remind me to buy milk at 5:30 today.”
  • “Remind me to write a budget proposal at 10:00 tomorrow.”
  • “Remind me to take my car for repairs next Thursday at 7:30.”
  • “Remind me to write Vasya a thank you letter”

Mail, alarm clock and other watch operations

Siri works great if you need to write email or find the message you received in the mail. But at the same time, you should remember that this is still artificial intelligence, and not your real assistant, so it is recommended to be especially careful when writing business letters using Siri. Sometimes artificial intelligence may misinterpret your words. It is also worth noting that Siri can be used in a very interesting way to control the alarm clock and work with the functionality of the watch.

  • "Wake me up tomorrow at 7:45"
  • “Set your alarm for 11:35 so you can go to lunch.”
  • “What date is next Thursday?”
  • “Set the timer for fifteen minutes.”

Internet, notes and questions

Using the ability to ask questions and search the Internet through Siri, you can find almost anything. Sometimes he may tell you: "Hmm, I'll check the Internet on this issue," or: "This time I can't find necessary information" You may also ask:

  • "Where is the nearest gas station?"
  • "Who won the World Cup in 1964?"
  • “What films are showing in the cinema today?”
  • “Why should I buy a hybrid car?”

As for notes, they allow you to store ordinary information that is not tied to a place or time.

  • “Note that Varya wears shoe size 38”
  • “Note that Anya’s favorite color is turquoise”
  • “Note that Zhenya is allergic to jellyfish.”

You can even add a note to a note! Siri makes all this very powerful tool for productivity, reminders, organization and so on. Simply put, it will make your life easier. Artificial intelligence will allow you to rely less on notepads, downsides envelopes, your palm, paper calendars, to-do lists, calls to your own voicemail, writing letters to yourself and other ways of storing information that is important to you. You can do a lot with Siri - you just have to try it. Gradually study the functionality of artificial intelligence, and over time you will understand that it is simply irreplaceable for you. Siri can help you at work, at school, at home, on the road, and in any environment you can imagine. Try it - you will definitely like what you see!

Siri is a personal assistant with limited intelligence. It uses user interface language to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform various actions. The name "Siri" itself is taken from the Norwegian language, where this word means beautiful woman, which leads you to victory. This is exactly what the creator intended of this service name your first child.

Voice Siri assistant in the new operating system iOS 12 received support for so-called shortcuts (Siri Shortcuts) for convenient implementation everyday tasks “with one touch of the screen” or even with your voice. According to Apple, with new feature You can simplify your usual processes, making interaction with tasks faster and easier. Keyword here is automation.
The editors of Trashbox have studied the “Short Commands” application and are ready to tell you how it works and why you should try this innovation.

Installing the application

Siri shortcuts work via special application under the same name “Short commands”. It's based on the Workflow automation service that Apple acquired in early 2017 and integrated into iOS 12. If you previously had Workflow installed, it will automatically update to new version. If after updating to iOS 12 the Shortcuts app does not appear, you need to download it from App Store.

What are Siri Shortcuts?

Siri Shortcuts let you combine them to create powerful workflows that get things done quickly. various functions operating system and third party applications.

Commands can automate a wide range of actions - opening several tabs in the browser at once, sending birthday greetings to contacts, turning on/off Wi-Fi, cellular data and geolocation in specified time, creating GIF animation from recent photos, downloading files from social networks, deleting screenshots in the gallery, viewing a film’s rating on IMDb, tracking the level of water you drink, counting the steps taken, reading news from the RSS feed of your favorite Trashbox and much more. They use system functions, input and output data from applications, content from browsers, information from JS scripts, and so on. The list of potential scenarios goes on and on because it's very long, but you can already imagine what Siri Shortcuts can do with the right setup.

Each command consists of a sequence of actions that perform specific functions. This is a chain of processes that can be repeated and thus automate almost any task.

How to create your own quick team

Based on how you use your iOS device - apps, browser, email, messages and more - Siri offers simple and useful commands For quick access. You can record a convenient phrase and start executing it with your voice. Besides simple commands, suggested by Siri, you can create your own commands with one or more actions, or add ready-made ones in the Shortcuts app.
How to create your own quick team:
  1. Launch the Shortcuts app.
  2. In the Library section, click the + in the top right corner or select the card New team».
  3. To find or see suggested actions you can add to your team, pull up the search field (on iPad, scroll down the list in the left sidebar).
  4. Select an action from the list of categories or content types, and then drag it to the desired position in the Command Editor.
  5. After setting up the command in the command editor, click "Done" in the upper right corner.
  6. The completed command has been added to your library.

In the command editor settings, you can change the name, select an icon, record a phrase for Siri, display in a widget, add to the Home screen, and send a shortcut as a file or iCloud link. You can add multiple actions and change their order by dragging cards into different places in the command editor. The command description and execution result are in the “i” menu. Most commands require input from the application or permission to access the function you want to automate.

Commands created in the Command Editor or selected in the Gallery section are stored in the Library section. These commands are available on iPhone and iPad, ready to run at any time. Each command appears as a rounded rectangle with a pre-programmed name, icon, and color.
How to run shortcuts:

  1. From the Shortcuts app: Directly from the Library section.
  2. In the 3D Touch menu: by pressing firmly on the “Shortcuts” icon.
  3. From the Home screen: You can add a command to the Home screen as a separate icon.
  4. Via widget: allows you to access more than a dozen commands.
  5. Using a preset phrase for Siri: perform a voice command.

Where to find shortcuts

The Gallery section, similar to content in the App Store, features selections of popular and topical commands compiled by Apple editors. If you're looking for new commands to add to your collection or to see how they look and are created special teams, the built-in gallery is what you need. Also you can search additional commands, not shown in the gallery. For search query There is a search field at the top of the section.

The commands in the gallery contain more than 300 different scenarios and are divided into many categories: “Popular”, “Basic”, “Morning tasks”, “Everything for health”, “Add to calendar”, “Household chores”, “Photography”, “In Internet”, “New Horizons”, “Writer’s Toolbox” and others. As you can see, the choice is huge, so there is sure to be something for everyone to suit their needs.

Clicking on a team card opens a description of the team with a list of programs and services used in it and the ability preview actions. From there you can get the command, that is, add it to your library.

In addition to the built-in gallery in the application, "Shortcuts" currently already exist third party sources from American and Russian enthusiasts. For example, you can use the discussion thread on the Reddit portal or the Siri short command aggregator site (English and Russian).

In theory, all of the above is really convenient, but the main problem Siri shortcuts are complex, at least in the current implementation. Set a variable, get its type, inputs, operands, scripts, requirements, and open-ended lists of values. To an ordinary person It is absolutely unclear what this is and why, not to mention creating a correctly working sequence of actions. As a result, many people will not understand and therefore will not use shortcuts.

However, no one forbids you and it’s never too late to try. It is quite possible that you will learn and you will like the function.

But can you say that you use its functions 100%? Do you know all the commands that can make your life easier? Hardly. Fortunately, this can be corrected by just reading this article.

Basic Siri commands by category


It would seem, what problems could there be with counting numbers in the twenty-first century? Even the most ancient phone models today have a calculator. Enter the required values ​​and calculate, how could it be simpler? It turns out it can. Just ask Siri and she will do everything for you. Examples:

  • What is 144 divided by 12?
  • 33 percent of 129?
  • 117 plus 113 times 2?

Working with applications
The functions in this category will especially please those who like to download a lot of programs and then spend a few minutes searching for the one they need. Don't worry, let a professional do the work. Examples:

  • Open VKontakte
  • Download “Angry Birds”
  • Launch “Skype”
  • Find sports apps


Cristiano Ronaldo weighs 187 pounds. Is it a lot or a little? It's hard to understand when you don't know how much it is in kilograms. Luckily, Siri knows every quantity on Earth. Examples:

  • How many kilograms are 187 pounds?
  • Convert 1000 dollars to rubles.
  • How many meters are in one yard?

Smart House

If you are the owner of the devices smart home, then you are doubly lucky, because they can be controlled using Siri. Examples:


If there is even a word about a person on the Internet, then Siri knows him. Ask her everything that interests you. Examples:

  • How old is Jackie Chan?
  • How tall is Lionel Messi?
  • Is Donald Trump alive?


Every person has been lost in time at least once in their life (no, not like Marty McFly). Sometimes it’s difficult to keep in mind when the next holiday will be or what the date was the day before yesterday. Siri solves this problem for you. Examples:

  • What day will it be in three weeks?
  • How many days are left until Christmas?


  • Turn up the volume
  • Turn off Wi-Fi
  • Turn on Bluetooth
  • Open settings
  • Turn on Do Not Disturb mode


Siri's help will be very useful for those who like to communicate via SMS. Examples:

  • Read the messages
  • Write to Konstantin “I’m late”
  • Show messages from mom


Siri understands not only simple messages, but also electronic ones. Examples:

  • Check your mail
  • New letter to Denis
  • Are there any letters from your sister?

Stocks and Finance

Siri will become your personal broker if you ask. Examples:

Reminders, notes and notifications

If you often forget about something, then you simply cannot cope without reminders. Why not let your voice assistant do it? Examples:

  • Add a reminder “Give flowers to your sister”
  • Create new list“Textbooks”
  • Remind me to call my wife during the day
  • Add “Greens” to your shopping list

It’s simply impossible to keep everything in your head these days. Fortunately, there is no need. Just ask Siri to write down the thought you want to come back to later. Examples:

  • New note “You need to start running in the morning”
  • Show notes

Are you busy, but your smartphone on your desk keeps vibrating? Ask Siri for help to see if it's worth your attention. Examples:

  • Read the notices

Clock, alarm clock and timer

Do you think it’s too late to call your relatives in Moscow? Find out what time it is with one command. Examples:

  • What time is it in Vladivostok?
  • What time is it now?

If you don’t have the strength to get out of bed at all, and you have to get up early tomorrow, then the voice assistant will be happy to wake you up, just ask. Examples:

  • Set your alarm for 5:30
  • Show me my alarm clocks
  • Turn off all alarms (dream)
  • Wake me up every day at 7 o'clock
  • Rename the 9 am alarm clock to “Get up, darling”

Siri works with everything related to time. Throw the dish in the oven, and Siri will tell you when to take it out. Examples:

  • Set the timer for 40 minutes
  • Pause the timer
  • Continue timer
  • Change the timer to 45 minutes
  • Remove the timer


Siri can always remind you of an upcoming meeting if you have warned it. Examples:

  • New event
  • Show the next event
  • Add an appointment for Friday at 21:00
  • Cancel the meeting on Wednesday at 13:00
  • Where's the next meeting?


It’s unlikely that anyone likes cleaning in silence. Siri will be happy to fix this problem. It works best with connected AppleMusic. Examples:

  • Turn on sports music
  • Play “Believer” by Imagine Dragons
  • Turn up
  • Next track


Don't trust forecast sites? Ask Siri if you should dress warmer in the evening, she won't disappoint. Examples:

  • What's the weather outside?
  • What will the weather be like on Friday?
  • Will it rain tomorrow morning?
  • Should I take an umbrella in the evening?
  • Is it windy now?
  • What time is sunset today?
  • What is the pressure outside?


  • Find the book “ Short story time"
  • Find books by JK Rowling


What better guide than Siri? She knows how to get anywhere in the world. Examples:

  • New York map
  • Find a cafe nearby
  • Where is the Cheops pyramid located?
  • Where I am?
  • Get directions to school


The number of photos on your phone has long exceeded several thousand, and finding the necessary ones turns into a quest? Entrust this task to your voice assistant. Examples:

  • Show me my photos
  • Find photos from Phuket
  • Show selfie
  • Show me a photo from today

Search on the Internet

One of the main specializations of Siri. Ask her any question that concerns you and she will find the best answer online. Examples:

  • Who is Sonic?
  • What is the height of Kilimanjaro?
  • Find on the Internet how to solve a Rubik's cube
  • Find Kronstadt on Wikipedia


Surely many readers opened this article precisely because of this point. They didn’t do this in vain, because Siri just loves to joke. Examples:

  • tell a joke
  • Beatbox
  • Knock Knock
  • You have a boyfriend?
  • Sing a song
  • Okay Google
  • Lend me some money
  • Divide 0 by 0

Don't know which sweater to buy, blue or red? The voice assistant will suggest a solution. Examples:

  • Flip a coin
  • Pull out the card
  • Say a random number
  • Roll the dice

Siri shortcuts

Not all owners Apple technology know about the existence of such a function. What is it?

Siri Shortcuts are commands customized and recorded by the device owner himself. Owners of devices with iOS 12 and higher can take advantage of this opportunity.

How to set up a shortcut?

  1. The first step is to perform an action that you want Siri to remember. Let's say this is a call to my friend Anton. Dial his number.
  2. Open the Settings app and select Siri & Search. In the menu that opens, find the action you performed (call Anton) and click on it.
  3. A red button will appear at the bottom of the screen, with which you need to record a voice command. “Call to the best friend”, “Call a classmate” are excellent options in this case. If the imaginary Anton has a nickname, then you can put that on (there are different nicknames, choose one that you won’t be ashamed to say in public if necessary).

Ready! By this algorithm All quick commands are configured; you just need to enter the desired action.

Views: 20

The Siri function is available in Russian starting from iOS versions 8.3 and higher. This personal assistant, which can be controlled by voice. Positioned as the artificial intelligence of your IPhone, with which you can communicate and recognize various information. In fact, this innovation also caused a lot of criticism and ridicule, especially due to the peculiarities of the Russian language.

You can fully configure and use Siri on iPhone 6 and higher. On older phones, as well as on iPad and iPod Touch it works with some limitations.

Setting up Siri

Before you start using Siri, you need to enable and configure it:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone and click Siri.
  2. Turn all the sliders to the on position (Siri, On Lock Screen, Allow: Hey Siri).
  3. Next, the program setup procedure will begin. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to clearly pronounce the suggested phrases several times in order for the program to work correctly in the future.

Siri is available on iPhone 4s and above, iPad Pro, iPad Air and later, iPod Touch 5th generation and later. However, the voice calling feature only fully works on iPhone 6 and above; on older devices it only works if they are connected to a charger. On iPad, iPad2 and iPad mini function voice call not supported.

Ways to contact an assistant:

  • Clearly say “Hey Siri” (if supported).
  • Press and hold the Home button and question options will appear on the screen. Or you can set your own. Depending on the model, you can simply say, or you may need to click on the microphone icon on the screen each time. If Siri is ready to accept commands, then on the screen you will see a colored horizontal bar depicting sound wave.
  • If you have a headset with a remote control, press and hold the center button or the call button until sound signal. After this you can speak commands. For AirPods headphones Just double-click on the surface of one of the headphones.
  • For vehicles with technology: press and hold the button voice commands on the steering wheel or if vehicle equipped touch screen, press and hold Home. To improve perception in noisy conditions, the program will speak commands for confirmation. Click on the sound wave if you want to indicate that you have finished speaking.

You can also customize the language, audio feedback and call announcements. For some countries, voice selection is available, but for the Russian language only female has been developed so far. To enable call announcements, go to “Settings”, then “Phone”, “Call Announcements” and select the desired option.

Siri is integrated into many applications. This can be allowed or prohibited in the appropriate paragraphs. For example, if you move the screen to the right, under the usual search bar you will see “Siri Suggestions” and a panel with icons. These are the most necessary programs, in her opinion, but this does not always coincide with your opinion. To disable these offers, do the following:

  1. Go to “Settings”, “General”.
  2. Select Spotlight Search.
  3. Move the Siri Suggestions slider to the Off position.
  4. While you're at it, you can see if you need Spotlight Suggestions in your search.
  5. Here you can configure which applications will not be displayed in the results.

If you don’t need not only suggestions, but also the electronic assistant itself, then you can turn it off completely by moving the slider in the “Settings” menu - Siri. Removing audio feedback means disabling Siri in silent mode. By default, this option is activated along with the assistant itself.

Using Siri

The most interesting thing is what features the electronic assistant offers. The developers have endowed the application with wit and a friendly communication style. It’s hard to say whether they use it for convenience or, rather, for entertainment and lifting the mood.

Here basic commands, with which Siri will help you control your phone or tablet:

These are just example commands to show areas of opportunity. Pronounce commands clearly and ask for clarifications. Siri often asks for confirmation whether she understood the command correctly. And you can also ask her general and tricky questions. Just for fun, try asking the following:

  • Siri, are you smart?
  • What's wrong with Apple?
  • Who made the best computer?
  • I want to sleep.
  • What came first, the egg or the chicken?
  • How old are you?
  • Tell a joke.
  • Tell me a story.
  • Okay Google.

Ask tricky questions several times and she will have a variety of answers. Like this interesting feature available on Apple devices. Allows you not only to control your phone using your voice, but also to have a little fun and lift your spirits. If you know more interesting teams and unusual Siri responses, give your examples in the comments.