Is it possible to make a message unread on VK? How to find out if a VKontakte message has been read

When sending a message to VKontakte, we sometimes wait for a response to it. But it is not known whether the interlocutor read it or whether it has not yet been read. Unread messages are quite easy to identify from both your phone and computer.

Quick navigation:

How to find out if my message on VK has been read from a computer.

If you wrote a VKontakte message to another person and sent it, then it is very easy to find out about the status of its reading. For this purpose, color highlighting is used, a standard functionality from VK developers.

Go to your VK messages. You will highlight unread messages against the background of the rest; they are highlighted darker than other read messages.

In the example in the image, we see 2 unread messages from list of all dialogs.

Of course, the visibility of such a highlighting leaves much to be desired; perhaps this designation of unread messages should have been made more contrasting. For example, depending on how the laptop screen is positioned, this selection changes from clear to completely indistinguishable, merging.

In the dialog itself, if you go in, we will also see a darker, blue highlight around the sent message, if the message has not yet been read. If the message has been read, then there will be no highlighting and the color will be light, like the rest of the background of the VKontakte site.

It is not visible whether the message has been read or not on VKontakte.

Depending on the angle at which you look at the screen of your monitor, your computer or laptop. Highlighting unread messages may blur together and be difficult to distinguish. Just try looking at the dialogue from a different angle.

How to see unread messages on VK from your phone.

In the VK application for mobile and in the mobile version, there is a rule that messages that are unread are highlighted in a darker color than the rest of the background.

In the example, circled in red are 2 messages that have not yet been read.

How to find out who read a message in a VKontakte conversation.

Again, following the example of Whats App, where gray checkmarks appear when the message is delivered and change color to green when the message is read. The checkboxes remain gray as long as these are unread messages.

There is no such function on VKontakte, but if you sent your message, be sure that it will arrive when the interlocutor logs into the social network. net.

So, today we will talk to you about what to do if you do not open messages in Contact. In addition, we will try to figure out how you can send a letter on this social network, and also find out what the reasons for today's problem may be.

Engineering works

The first reason why users do not open it is due to technical work or updates on the site. At this moment, as a rule, not only the dialogues will fail, but also all other services.

In this situation, you should be patient and wait a while. After the prevention comes to an end, you will be able to read and send letters on the social network normally. Nothing depends on you here. not the only reason why your VKontakte messages do not open. What else could cause this behavior? Let's figure it out.


If you tried to use unlicensed applications, as well as programs that supposedly expand the capabilities of social networks, then it is not surprising that you will not be able to write or read messages. Most likely, you have “caught” some kind of virus.

It is this that interferes with the normal functioning of the site in your browser. So in this situation, you will have to clean the system from various computer infections. After this, as a rule, all problems disappear. So if you can’t open VKontakte messages, try scanning your operating system. In general, these are the two main reasons why you might have problems. Now let's try to figure it out and also send them. In fact, there is nothing difficult or requiring special knowledge (for example, in programming).


We have already explained to you what to do if VKontakte messages do not open. Now let's assume that everything is working and functioning for us. How can I read letters sent to you? Let's figure it out.

If you logged in from a mobile application, then simply click on “my messages” and then select the appropriate dialogue. New emails will be highlighted. That's all. When you are at a computer, things are a little different.

From a computer? There are several ways to do this that will definitely please you. The first scenario is nothing more than reading a letter from a pop-up window. If you are in front of your computer at the time of receipt, then at the bottom of the screen in your browser (in the website tab) you will see a window for a while in which the letter will be displayed. As a rule, such alerts disappear quite quickly.

In addition, if you don’t know what else you can do, you can click on the number with the number of messages sent. It is located opposite the "My messages" column. As a result, you will have a list of all sent messages. Read them - and that's it.

You can also click on “My Messages” and then select the conversation you need. Where there are new letters, you have a color highlight. Click on the conversation with the mouse and the conversation will be opened. Nothing complicated. True, now we will move on to a more interesting and simpler activity - writing messages.

Compose a letter

How to send a message "VKontakte"? First we need to form it. In fact, this process will not take you very much time. Of course, if you are not going to print kilometer posts.

First, you need to log in to the social network. After this there are two ways. The first is the choice of your future interlocutor. Look at his profile and then select "send message". In the window that appears, write a letter, if necessary (the “attach” item at the bottom of the window), and then click on the “send” button. You can also use the Enter key.

Another way is to use existing dialogs. You will need to visit the “My Messages” section, then select a conversation, and then write the post you need. Next, proceed in the same way as the first method - click on “Enter” or the “Submit” button. That's it. As you can see, nothing difficult. Now you know what to do if VKontakte messages do not open, as well as how to write letters and read them on this social network.

There are times when we quarrel with a loved one or friend.
And they, in turn, begin to correspond with us on social media to spite us. networks.
All sorts of thoughts creep into my head to strangle!)
I want to figure it out, talk to the person, but he sulks angrily).
At this time, I want to climb into his computer and see what he is doing there.

If this is a loved one, who knows, maybe he has found someone for himself.
If, a friend or girlfriend, perhaps the bastard is texting with someone and laughing at me!)

Here there is a desire to find out about his messages.
How to read someone else's correspondence in contact?
More on this below.

How to read someone else's correspondence in contact without programs for free, or use a paid program

Before hacking into someone’s VKontakte page yourself, or using programs, I advise you to watch this video, which fully describes this problem.

Let me now answer all your possible questions and give you life advice.

How to read someone else's correspondence in a contact by id?
It sounds tempting), but VKontakte is very scrupulous about protecting against various DOS attacks by hackers, as well as protecting the personal data of users.
The audience on this network reaches billions per month, approximately the same profit of this social network.
Do you really believe that VK will allow everyone to read anyone’s messages? Guys, you need treatment

Is it possible, and in general how to read someone else’s correspondence in contact without programs?
Yes, you can, but to do this you must be a programmer, and a good one at that, or have friends who are hackers.
Just keep in mind that even if you manage to hack into VKontakte, and this is the only way you can read other people’s messages, it already smells like crap. For those who don’t understand, this is criminally punishable.

Let's say I convinced you, another thought came to you... why should I do this, let others do it for me.
How to read another person’s VKontakte correspondence using programs, are there such programs?

Yes, I have.
A lot of?
Yes, that's enough!

I will not analyze any program separately.
At one time, your humble servant tried a bunch of freebies on the Internet).
Therefore, I know firsthand how all these programs work, believe me. Or try

How are programs designed to read other people's messages in contact?
Enter the victim's phone number, first name, last name, or id.
Next, the program scans, shows a photo of the person you want to read the correspondence and...
it shows the cost of the service as follows, there is a more interesting option, the same thing, they only offer to send a free SMS to the number that will be specified.
The number is of course not free.
In both the first and second cases, they will take money from you, and they will not show you any other people’s correspondence!
100% are scammers.

Let's look at another program.
On one site, you are also asked to enter your number, first name, last name...
In short, everything is the same.
And they don't ask for money.
They write, download the program and you can read other people’s messages.
What happens if you download? It's going to be bad, it's going to be bad
Yes, they usually also write that you need to turn off the antivirus program, they say it can swear at the program.
Next, you will have a banner hanging on the entire screen of your computer monitor and they will offer you to pay a certain amount of money in order for it to disappear. Naturally, we are no longer talking about any other people’s correspondence in contact, and at that moment you will forget about this correspondence, you There will simply be no time for it anymore).
Even if you pay, the banner will not disappear.

Finally, as promised, my advice.
I had a similar experience).
Not the best period of life).
I fought with my wife all the time.)
I decided to get into her contact.
Yes, we have 2 computers, to make it clearer.
And what the hell do I find there?
My wife constantly corresponds with some woodpecker guy from morning until evening.
Let me explain to make it clearer. My wife likes to play online games, she’s in a clan somewhere... and blah, blah, blah.
In general, I told her everything good that I thought about her).

Divorced. Three months later we got together), now everything is great).
As it turned out, this is a friend from the clan, she still plays this game and she communicates with everyone, there are almost only men in the clan, well, women like to be the center of attention. And I’m 100% sure that she only needs me!
The moral of the Georgian fable is simple...the answer is the tail, you just need to trust and respect the person you live with.
Before reading someone else's correspondence in contact, think, do you need it?

Trust each other, bye!

In the last decade, people have increasingly filled their lives with social networks. They cannot live a day without these sites.

The presence of a user-friendly interface, constant communication with friends, watching videos, listening to music, viewing photos and reading posts in groups make these sites popular.

A person’s VKontakte page will show you his personal data and other information. This social network is popular in the CIS countries and Western countries. There are over 380 million users and this number will increase over time. But in recent years, people need more features.

How to view VK messages without reading them

It doesn't matter why you need this property, maybe you don't want to respond to a notification or ignore the user or don't want to be bothered. People are interested in the methods by which such trickery is accomplished.

The function is not possible if you are sitting through a computer. This trick is carried out using mobile phones and tablets. You will need to download programs that have invisibility and the ability to view the notification and close it unread.

But what programs? This depends on the operating system of your tablet and phone. Let's look at each in more detail.

If you haveAndroid

People who purchase Android immediately download the traditional social network interface. But there are many more social media platforms. Kate Mobile is the most suitable.

In it, the client’s letter is opened, viewed, and the “close unread” button is pressed. In the settings, set the option to always close the notification without reading it. Kate Mobile is an alternative to the traditional .

It has a number of useful and interesting functions:

  • You can change the font and theme;
  • Turn on invisibility;
  • Work with several accounts at once and many other properties.

It’s worth trying this platform to find out how you can watch VK messages without reading them.

If you haveiPhone

Two popular operating systems, Android and iOS, are fighting for dominance among customers. To each his own. One person will choose an Android, another - an iPhone.

iPhone users will be pleased with a project in which emails can be viewed and closed without being read. Download the Vfeed project and enjoy the opportunities provided by the developers.

The platform's interface is similar to a traditional application. But it benefits from the presence of an off-line mode and the ability to leave SMS unread. On iOS, this program is quite popular and optimal.

The owner of an iPhone or other device can experiment, download other programs, so you can choose the one that suits you and stick with it for a long time.

If you haveWindows Phone

Things get worse here. The system has designs that provide additional options, but they have too many shortcomings to replace them with a traditional social networking application. There are still many bugs that need to be worked out, which the developers do not pay enough attention to.

This is VKlient and VK Go!. But, judging by the description and reviews, they do not have an unread SMS mode. These applications benefit only due to the stealth mode. Windows Background clients are not satisfied with the quality of these programs and do not recommend downloading them.

Applications freeze, are kicked out of your account upon exit, and there are many more glitches and shortcomings.

Therefore, users will have to wait, maybe in the near future the developers will finalize, improve or create new projects and you will know how to view VK messages without reading them.

If you are one of the users of the full version of VK, you can resort to several methods at once. However, they are not all mutually exclusive.

Method 1: ViKey Zen

The extension for the Internet browser considered in this method, unlike most others, is primarily aimed at increasing the number of opportunities for multiple execution of certain operations. That is, thanks to it, all correspondence can be deleted or simply marked as read.

Note: This extension is officially supported only by .

  1. Open the main page of the extension in the Google Chrome online store and click on the button "Install".
  2. Confirm the action via the web browser pop-up window.
  3. You will receive a notification if the download is successful, and a new icon should appear on your taskbar. Click on this icon to open the login page.
  4. Here, in the only block presented, click the button "To come in".
  5. If your browser does not have active authorization, perform it through the VK safe zone.
  6. The extension requires additional permissions.
  7. Now the main page with expansion options should open, which can also be accessed by clicking on the icon on the toolbar.

Subsequent actions do not require visiting the VKontakte website.

Method 2: AutoVK

The program in question is intended for users of the Windows operating system and can be used by you if the previous method for some reason does not suit you personally. At the same time, whether you trust a third-party developer with your account data or not is also up to you to decide.

To work with messages, you do not need to purchase the program.

  1. Double click on the signature icon "Messages".
  2. At the top of the window that opens, find the block "Filters" and set the values ​​at your discretion.
  3. Based on the topic of the article, you will definitely need to select the item in the list we provide "Unread" and press the button next to it "Download".
  4. After loading the data in the block "List Options" click on the button "Select all" or select the desired correspondence yourself.
  5. On the right side of the list "Options with marked" click the button "Mark as read". The same can be done through the bottom menu of the program.
  6. At the end of the work, AutoVK Single will provide a notification, and all VK letters will be read.

If you have any problems with any of the described tools, please contact us in the comments.

Method 3: Standard means

The capabilities of the VKontakte site allow you to read messages, but only one dialogue at a time. Thus, you will need to repeat the actions from this method exactly as many times as the number of unread dialogues that have accumulated.

Open the page through the main menu "Messages" and in the general list, open the necessary correspondences one by one. If you have a lot of unread conversations shown mixed in with the regular ones, you can sort by switching to the tab "Unread" through the menu on the right side of the page.

The main advantage of this method is the ability to independently select the dialogues that you want to read. In this case, their integrity will not be compromised in any way, unlike the actions from the next section.

Method 4: Uninstall

In this case, you need to refer to one of our articles and, guided by multiple deletion methods, get rid of all unread dialogues. The relevance of this method is dictated by the fact that often the need to read all messages arises only in the case of those that are unnecessary.

If some of the unread dialogues are of value to you, then deletion can be configured selectively.

Mobile app

Unlike the website, the application does not provide a special section for quick access to unread emails. Therefore, if you prefer to use only the official application, the only option is to select letters yourself.

Be that as it may, this is the only possible option available in the standard application today. At the same time, the previously discussed ViKey Zen extension can also be installed as a separate application on mobile devices, but the necessary capabilities are temporarily unavailable there.