Mail applications for windows 7. Rating of the best mail clients

There are a whole bunch of email programs for Windows and Mac, but many of us still continue to use services through a web browser. Maybe there are good reasons for this? Today we are looking into email clients - what are the benefits of them, what are the harms, and is it even possible to find the ideal one?

Let's start, as usual, with the good. Email clients have many advantages over their web options.

No advertising or other information junk

On the mail page in a web browser, along with letters, a lot of unnecessary information appears. Annoying advertisements, news, links to other services, pop-up tips and tricks - all this is terribly annoying. Email clients lack all this, especially if you use the paid version.

You can connect several boxes at once and not get confused

Most often, we use several mailboxes at once, and on different services. For example, one address is work, another is personal, the third is for secondary information that is sent to the post office after registering in online stores, forums, services, and so on.

Switching between links in the browser to have instant access to the contents of the boxes is inconvenient: to do this, they must always be open in the browser. And there will be one email client, no matter how many accounts you have.

You can view letters even if there is no Internet

Typically, when you use an email application, emails are saved on your computer. This means you can view incoming and sent messages even when you are not connected to the network. When working through a browser, this option will not be available for obvious reasons: no Internet means no mailboxes.

No need to keep watch at the mailbox

To instantly notify about a new incoming message, you need to either keep tabs with mailboxes open, or install some kind of browser plugin - both options are quite inconvenient. In addition, even a plugin will not save you when you close your web browser - an important letter will arrive, but you will not see it right away.

Mail clients themselves contact the servers and request information about new letters. If the answer is positive, you immediately receive a notification that is difficult to miss.


Email clients also have a lot of disadvantages. Here are the nastiest ones.

They have so many functions that you won't be able to figure them out right away.

While browser versions of mailboxes are made as simple as possible, developers often get carried away with applications, stuffing them with all sorts of options, functions and settings that most users don’t care about.

As a result, instead of just adding mailboxes and enjoying life, you have to delve into the jungle of the interface, trying to find where to set the signature and how to disable the stupid spell checker.

Multiplatform is a total disaster.

If you often work with mail on different devices with different operating systems, then applications will hardly be called a suitable solution. And then there’s the addictive effect: if you’re “stuck” to one application, then it’s inconvenient to use another, even if they have the same functionality.

Importing contacts can be difficult

While browsers have at the very least learned to pull up each other's history and logins with passwords, email applications have not always done this successfully. Usually the problem occurs when importing contacts from another application, not the web version.

As a rule, there are no problems with large solutions (Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird). In the settings, select an item like “Export”, create a file with contacts, then in the new client click on “Import” or a similar button, and the document is added.

Less common or not very recent applications may use their own formats to store data, and then you will have to suffer a lot, transferring what you need to other services, for example Google Contacts.

Security is also not very clear.

Any program has vulnerabilities, and email clients are no exception. There is an opinion among experts that the more archaic the application, the more reliable it is, because there are no loopholes for hacking in the form of additional scripts and extensions. Mutt can be considered a kind of standard, but in 2017 only the most severe paranoids will be able to use it without pain in the eyes - this application is ungodly outdated in design and convenience fifteen years ago.

So do you need an email client and if so, which one?

We at the site are confident that the pros outweigh the cons, and with an email program it is still better than without it. The problem is that there are no perfect mailers, so you still have to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings.

So we have selected the best email clients for different platforms: some are on Windows, others on OS X, others on both, and you decide which one suits you best.

Microsoft Outlook

The application is convenient due to its tight integration with other Windows services and is great for work email. For example, there is a link to the to-do list and calendar, which will help optimize your work and make it more comfortable. Microsoft Outlook is also okay with multi-platform functionality: in addition to desktop OS, the application is available for iOS and Android.

The problem is that the Outlook client is included in the Office 365 package, the personal version of which is priced at 2,699 rubles per year. You will receive Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other standard programs. If you specifically need Microsoft Outlook, then hold on - it is a one-time purchase and costs 8199 rubles. Given the availability of many free analogues, this is, to put it mildly, an exorbitant amount.

Apple Mail

The standard application for OS X has decent functionality - you can get by with it. The client is free and comes straight with the Mac operating system. Work with the main services is supported: Google, Yahoo! and others. Among the pleasant bonuses is the ability to slightly edit the image attached to the letter by adding a comment or highlighting the desired area.

The problem is that This is an email client for Apple devices only.


The free mail client Mailbird captivates with its laconic, but at the same time very modern appearance, which can also be customized indefinitely. In addition, you can set combinations for hot keys: switching between folders, replying to all participants in the correspondence, and so on, this greatly speeds up the work.

The client has synchronization not only with regular services - Dropbox, Google Calendar, Todoist, but also with social networks and instant messengers - Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.

The free version supports up to three accounts, while the paid version ($1 per month/$22.5 lifetime) has no limit. In addition, the Pro version has another useful feature - the ability to postpone an incoming message until later, so that after a specified time a repeated reminder of the received message will arrive.

The problem is that Mailbird is an email client for Windows and only for Windows.


This is an email program for Apple technology: the application appeared first on iOS, and then reached OS X and watchOS. Spark follows the logic of the popular Mailbox, which closed a year ago. The main folder stores new and important emails, and when they are no longer relevant to you, you can move them to the archive.

The service is free and works quickly. You can set parameters for a quick response, such as “Thank you”, “OK” and so on.

The problem is that In the desktop version, at first it’s unusual to work with gestures, but if you use a trackpad or Magic Mouse, the controls will be quite intuitive. For example, to delete a letter or move it to another folder, you can hover the cursor and move it left or right: this will display several options. In addition, along with swipes, you can select regular buttons to select a letter or move it to another folder.


Another popular email client for Mac and iPad/iPhone with Apple Watch is also controlled by gestures. There is also support for the TouchBar in the new MacBook Pro. Flexible settings, integration with third-party services, support for smart sorting and the ability to connect a bunch of accounts - all this makes AirMail one of the best alternative email clients for Apple devices.

The problem is that AirMail has a paid distribution model. The desktop version costs 749 rubles, the mobile version costs 379 rubles. Is it worth paying when free analogues are no worse?


The mail application was created by Mozilla, the developers of the well-known Firefox browser. The program, like a web browser, is flexible in configuration and has a bunch of extensions - useful and not so useful. There is support for modern security systems: suspicious emails are flagged, URLs are checked for authenticity, and automatic loading of attached pictures is blocked. Most importantly, Thunderbird is a completely free email client. No trial versions or reduced functionality.

The problem is that Thunderbird is completely unceremonious with your computer's resources. Firstly, the function of archiving folders and cleaning up deleted folders does not always work, as a result of which a lot of space on the hard drive is wasted, and secondly, the client also likes to eat up RAM.

The Bat!

This email client is extremely laconic and undemanding in terms of resources. But the application provides a high degree of security: data is encrypted on the hard drive, and the letters themselves are processed using the SSL and TLS protocols. True, you will have to pay for this: the Home version costs 2,000 rubles, and for the Professional version, which offers even more advanced protection, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles.

The problem is that design by The Bat! - from the last century, and even then the developers hardly bothered with it. Everything looks very simple and faceless.


A free email client with a modern design, it works under Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The mail application supports an unlimited number of mail records and can automatically sort letters by importance, which is especially pleasing when there are a lot of messages. In addition, you can manually set relevance settings: messages from which contacts to move to the top of the list.

The problem is that support for Google Apps, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and a number of other useful services is available only by subscription, and you will have to pay $5 per month for it.

Concentrating on one function at a time is the key to efficiency in software. Programs that try to be created on an all-in-one basis end up being bloated, incomprehensible, and most of their additional functions do not work as well as we would like.

On the other side are programs that have a specific focus, such as Excel. Email clients are no different in this regard either.

Having a dedicated desktop client that can handle your email for you is a great way to have more free time while staying organized.

There's nothing wrong with using the popular web interfaces provided by most email services, such as Gmail and Hotmail, but having a separate client is a great option to avoid having to keep a browser tab open on your email page 24 hours a day.

Personally, I use Postbox for my email, but the program costs about $10. Luckily, there are many other affordable and free email clients you just need to look in the right places.


When Mozilla Firefox arrived on the scene in 2004 (then called Firebird), it was able to take Microsoft's Internet Explorer to the next level. That same year, Mozilla released Thunderbird, which became a direct competitor to Microsoft Outlook. Since then, Thunderbird has maintained its popularity and is not going to give up its position.

Thunderbird is packed to the brim with various features, but does not suffer from sluggishness due to their number. The client can work with multiple email accounts simultaneously, supports POP and IMAP, has message filters, folders for organizing emails, address labels and priorities, supports RSS and Atom feeds.

In addition, it has a system of plugins with which you can add additional functions at your own discretion. The only thing is that the program, despite its prevalence and popularity, will not install new add-ons from unknown places.

Thunderbird is open source and cross-platform. It can be installed on Windows, Linux and even Mac if desired.

eM Client

Although Thunderbird is the most popular free client for Windows, eM Client has the best feature set. It syncs perfectly with any Gmail account, including email, calendars, contacts, tasks, and even GTalk. If you are switching to this client from Outlook, then eM Client has a special tool for importing data. In addition, the client's design is made in a minimalist style and looks quite nice.

eM Client can be used without fear for your privacy, since it encrypts everything it sends. It even has a cool feature for creating your own . PC Magazine included the eM Client in the list of the best free programs three years in a row - 2010, 2011 and 2012. It is very easy to understand why this happened, you just need to start using it.

eM Client is available in two versions: Free and Pro. The Pro version costs $50 and gives you a commercial license for commercial use, as well as priority VIP support.

Also, the Pro version allows you to create an unlimited number of email accounts. Download eM Client program

Windows Live Mail

If you use on your computer, then you have the opportunity to install Windows Essentials and get an excellent free email client called Windows Live Mail. It handles all your email accounts and is very easy to set up. If you use SkyDrive, then great! Windows Live Mail syncs with SkyDrive in real time.

Windows Live Mail is only available for Windows Vista, 7 and 8. If you are using an earlier version of the operating system, such as XP, then unfortunately you are out of luck. Download: Windows Live Mail

Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop was an excellent first-class email client some time ago, but for some reason it fell out of sight and it's still not clear why this happened. Its main distinguishing features are that it can synchronize locally, so you can read all messages while offline. Plus, you can collect all your accounts in one place, no matter what kind of accounts they are: email or social networks.

Basically, you can use the Zimbra Desktop client as a place to consolidate all your communications. And even despite such impressive functionality, Zimbra Desktop does not seem like a bloated program. Even with so many features, it works surprisingly fast and looks great while doing it. I can’t even summarize all the amazing features of the client, because there really are a lot of them.

Zimbra Desktop is free and available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Download: Zimbra Desktop

Claws Mail

Claws Mail is a desktop email client built on top of GTK+. Thanks to this feature, it has a minimalistic interface and fast response time. Everything in the client’s design is intuitive and it’s almost impossible to get confused, plus you can customize it to suit yourself. In general, the program is quite reliable and easily expandable, which will allow you to satisfy all possible needs in an email client.

When using Claws Mail, you can import settings and emails from other email clients such as Outlook or Thunderbird yourself.

If after some time you want to get rid of this program, then all the data can also be easily exported.

Using plugins, you can add some functionality such as RSS reader, event calendar and some others.

The most popular email client included with Microsoft Office. Allows you to work with contacts, tasks and calendar. Integrates with most enterprise collaboration systems. There are mobile versions for smartphones and tablets.

Free email program from Mozilla that's easy to install and configure - and has a lot of features

Free open-source email client for Windows, based on Mozilla Prism technology. In addition to mail, it contains the functions of an organizer, task manager, portfolio, calendar and much more.

Secure and efficient email client for Windows. The main tasks of the mail program The Bat! are: maintaining the confidentiality of correspondence, convenience and saving time when working with mail.

Updated Outlook Express is an email client included in Windows 7,8,10. Good protection against spam and phishing. Messages and contacts are divided into separate files with the EML extension, this allows you to view them using a file manager if necessary.

Free, simple, easily customizable email client. Supports working with multiple accounts. The built-in spam filter (with training function) shows good results and has several levels of protection.

Mail client for Window. Can connect to POP/IMAP servers such as Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail and import from other email clients. The program also offers a fully functional calendar that can even sync with a Gmail calendar or mobile device.

Program for working with e-mail and contact database for Windows XP. Outlook Express has been available as part of the Windows family of operating systems since Windows 95. In later versions of the OS it was replaced by Windows Live Mail, and then by Windows Mail.

The mail client is designed for processing correspondence from electronic mailboxes.

There is a great variety of software that can do this: multifunctional mail clients that combine the functions of a postal courier and a search agent.

Or simple utilities that allow the user to receive, send and store electronic messages.

The most popular email utilities for Windows OS will be discussed in this publication.

Purpose and application

It's no secret that many PC users have several email accounts, which can easily be registered on the servers of large search services.

They can be accessed through the resources on which they are registered.

If several addresses are registered on different sites, for example,; Yandex; Google; Yahoo, etc., then the login and authorization process must be completed for everyone.

In order to be able to work with correspondence from all mailboxes simultaneously, without much time and Internet traffic, mail clients were invented.

Before the "seven", all versions of Windows were equipped with the Outlook Express email program.

Later versions of the operating system introduced the Mail application, which allowed you to collect all your mail in one mailbox using a Microsoft account.

Basic functionality of email clients

As mentioned above, mail clients differ in their capabilities. But there are basic functions that are inherent in absolutely all such programs:

  • receiving correspondence;
  • sorting and grouping messages into folders;
  • creating email messages in the built-in text editor;
  • automation in the preparation of outgoing messages;
  • the ability to receive and send attached files in an email message.

In addition to the basic functionality, almost every email client has a lot of additional features: connecting RSS feeds, organizing a full-fledged organizer, the ability to send mass letters, etc.

The top five most popular email processing programs include the following mail clients:

  • The Bat;
  • eM Client;
  • Becky Internet Mail;
  • Windows Live Mail.

Let's look at each of them in more detail. Where you can download the utility you like, look under the product description.


Mozilla Thunderbird is a powerful software package that allows you to process mail, work with groups, connect news feeds, and has filters for incoming messages.

It can work with multiple accounts.

It works perfectly with all popular protocols (POP; SMTP; IMAP), and a flexible system of settings is provided by the built-in system of plugins.

The Thunderbird email client has gained particular popularity among domestic users for its convenient Russian-language interface.

The program is distributed under a free license.

The Bat

The Bat mail client takes second place in terms of frequency of use by PC users. It has a good set of functions, including:

  • Possibility of connecting an unlimited number of mailboxes, which can be received simultaneously.
  • Powerful incoming mail filtering system.
  • Possibility of selective downloading of letters from the server.
  • Support for importing messages from other email clients.
  • Built-in search for letters and respondents.
  • Multifunctional text editor

The Bat for Windows can encrypt messages using public key cryptography, so the user can be 100% sure that his messages will not be read by intruders.

eM Client

Most PC users highlight this particular program as the most functional and safe among similar ones.

Really, eM Client equipped with all the necessary functions for comfortable processing of correspondence: reading emails, sending messages, redirecting and sorting mail, etc.

This software package has a built-in full-fledged organizer, chat manager and many other quite interesting functions.

In addition, eM Client is Russified, supports the protocols of major mail servers and synchronizes perfectly with accounts created in Google, Yandex and iCloud services.

The only drawback of the program is that it is distributed on the basis of a paid license, although many users will be happy with the lightweight free version, which can be downloaded by following the link to the official website of the developer:

Most users open their email account through a regular browser, unaware that there is an alternative that is much more convenient to use. Let's look at a number of popular email clients and their advantages.

What is and why do you need an email client in Windows?

An email client is a special utility that allows you to view and write email messages within your mailboxes.

The email client helps users quickly check several email accounts at once

The mail client may be of interest to users who have several mailboxes from one or more mail services, for example, Yandex and Google. Verifying them takes a lot of time, because you have to log out of each account to log into the next one, and constantly manually enter authorization data. The mail client checks for new messages in all accounts at once. In addition, it is not necessary to launch it every time; it is enough to enable notifications in the Windows tray.

The utility is also suitable for people who use metered or slow Internet. If they download an email client, emails will load faster, and traffic will be saved (it will only be spent on receiving and sending emails).

Email clients for Windows 10

There are many utilities for managing several boxes at the same time: paid and free, for professional and home use, with a beautiful and ordinary shell.

Mail app included in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a standard mail client called Mail. Its predecessor is the program of the same name, created within the Metro shell in Windows 8. In the “eight”, the program had a basic set of functions and a minimum amount of settings and allowed you to use several mailboxes, receive and send letters, configure their order and move them.

Mail functionality in Windows 10 is enough for comfortable home use

The functionality of the program in the “ten” has been expanded. The following features have been added:

  • choice of interface color and background image;
  • formatting text and working with tables in the editor to create a letter;
  • synchronization with the calendar and task schedule.

The downside of the utility is that adding a Yandex account will take a little more time, since manual configuration is required. In the initial window, you can quickly enter only service boxes:

  • Google;
  • Outlook;
  • Exchange;
  • iCloud;
  • Yahoo!.

Mail comes standard with Windows 10 and does not need to be downloaded and installed separately. To open the utility:

  • Using the Start menu:
    • click on the button in the form of a window on the “Taskbar” in the lower left corner of the screen;
      The Mail shortcut is in the Start menu
    • Scroll through the list of utilities to the letter “P”, find the “Mail” item and click on it;
    • add your first email account;
      Select a mail service from the list of available ones
    • If you don't want to scroll through the list, click on the first letter "A" to open a table with the remaining letters. Select “P” in it with the left mouse button. The desired list of programs for this letter will appear on the panel;
      In the table, select “P” to immediately go to a small list with applications starting with this letter
  • via the Windows Search panel:


Outlook is another email client from Microsoft. The program is paid and perhaps this is its only drawback. It is a real information manager with the functions of an email client. The utility has the following main advantages:

  • advanced calendar management for quality planning. Shared calendars are available where you can schedule meetings and respond to invitations;
  • integration with Office. You can work with and share attachments from other Office utilities from your PC or the cloud;
  • creating groups to discuss issues and exchange files and notes;
  • quickly search for the necessary data using keywords or contacts. Recent searches are saved;
  • automatic filtering and sorting of correspondence;
  • automatic archiving in case of data loss;
  • advanced text formatting options. Outlook is a stripped-down version of modern Word. You can work with tables, express blocks and other elements.

The functionality is huge and, most likely, most of the options are simply not needed by the average user. However, for a professional working in an office, this is an ideal product.

Outlook has huge functionality, so it is suitable for professional use

The computer must meet the following minimum requirements for the program to run on it:

  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008;
  • Silverlight 3 and later;
  • availability of the Net Framework 4.0 platform.

The email client is included in the package of Microsoft Office 365 utilities (Excel, Word, Power Point and more). If this package is on your PC, then perhaps this utility is also there. Search for it using Windows Search using the instructions from the previous section. If you don't have Office, you can download a free trial version of the manager:

  1. Go to the official Microsoft page. Point the arrow at the “Try for free” button and click on “For Home”.
    Click on “For Home” in the “Try for Free” menu if you have not yet decided on the paid version
  2. On the next page, click on “Try free for a month.”
    Click on “Try free for a month” to confirm that you want the free option
  3. Log in to your Outlook mail. If you don't have one, create an account using the special link below the field. The procedure is simple and does not take much time.
    Log in to the login page using your email address and password
  4. Click on the red “Next” button.
    Click on the "Next" button to move to the next step
  5. Select a payment method. Click on “Credit or Debit Card”.
    Click on "Credit or Debit Card" to enter your card details
  6. Click on “Next” again.
    Change the information if necessary and click “Next”
  7. Enter your card details. Don't worry, they won't charge you anything. Entering payment information is a requirement of the developer.
    Enter your card details to purchase a subscription later if necessary
  8. After this, the installation file will be available to you. Download the file and run it.
  9. We select only one product in the list - Microsoft Outlook 2010.
    Check the box next to Microsoft Outlook and click on “Continue”
  10. Check the box next to “I accept the terms of the agreement” and click “Continue”.
    Check the box next to “I accept the terms of the agreement”
  11. Click on “Install”.
    Click on the “Install” button to start the procedure
  12. We are waiting for the installation to complete.
    Wait while the system installs the program
  13. Click on “Close” in the window and open the already installed program through the “Start” menu or a shortcut on the “Desktop”.
    Click on "Close" and open the program using the shortcut in "Start"

Video: Outlook client overview

eM Client is a shareware client from the developer of the same name, which, in addition to the basic capabilities of receiving and sending letters, a scheduler and a calendar, also offers a chat function. You can connect accounts to such popular communication services as ICQ, MSN, Jabber, Yahoo! etc.

In the eM Client window you can communicate in ICQ and Yahoo!

The program has the following positive aspects:

  • sorting, tagging and filtering mail;
  • the ability to choose an interface theme and adjust the position of the sidebar;
  • advanced and convenient search system;
  • setting up automatic deletion, forwarding, moving mail to specific folders;
  • Russian language support;
  • quick installation;
  • import messages, contacts, folders, calendars from Thunderbird, Outlook and other email clients;
  • support for S/MIME - a reliable standard for encryption and signing in email.

The application also has some disadvantages:

  • The free version allows for simultaneous use of only two accounts. The paid Pro option for one device costs $30;
  • During installation of the program, the window does not ask in which folder to install the application;
  • If cookies are disabled in the Internet Explorer browser, the utility will not work, so we check the activation.

The utility will work on the following versions of Windows:

To proceed to installing eM Client:

The Russian-language Thunderbird utility from the browser manufacturer Mozilla Firefox is considered an ideal solution for the average user, since the program contains only everything you need. This is both a plus of the program and a minus, since it is most likely not suitable for professional use.

Thunderbird's functionality is not so extensive, so only an ordinary user can use it

Let's highlight the following advantages of Thunderbird:

The application is free, but the developers offer to make a donation for the development of the software after downloading the installer. The program has the following system and PC requirements:

  • Pentium 4 processor or newer supporting SSE2;
  • 1 GB RAM;
  • operating systems: Server 2008 R2, 7, 8, 8.1, 10;
  • 200 MB of disk space.

Install the program as follows:

  1. Go to the official website of the application. Click on the green “Download for free” button. The installer will weigh about 30 MB.
    Click on the green link "Download for free"
  2. We launch the installer by double-clicking and clicking on “Yes” to allow this program to make changes on the computer.
  3. Now click on “Next” in the installation wizard window itself.
    Click on the "Next" button in the initial window of the Thunderbird installation wizard
  4. We choose between regular and custom installation types. The second option is suitable for experienced users. For beginners, it is better to give preference to the regular one. Also pay attention to the bottom of the window. If you want the program to be used as your default email client, leave the checkbox. Otherwise, we remove it. Click on “Next”.
    Select the installation type and click on “Next”
  5. If necessary, enter the path to the folder in which the application should be saved, or leave the one that was generated automatically. Click on “Install”.
    Select a folder for Thunderbird and click “Install” to begin installation
  6. We wait for the installation to complete and open the program.

Video: how to use Thunderbird

Claws Mail

Claws Mail is a fairly popular client for working with multiple mail accounts among users of Unix systems, for example, Linux and Mac OS. However, there is also a version for Windows. Developed by The Claws Mail Team. Its functions and appearance are reminiscent of The Bat! utility. You can use the application for free.

In Claws Mail you can work with all popular protocols: POP, SMTP, IMAP, NNTP, SSL

The utility offers users the following:

  • support for all popular protocols: POP, SMTP, IMAP, NNTP, SSL;
  • customizing the appearance of the client window using different themes, which are packaged in a separate tar.gz archive;
  • LDPA and plugin support. There are built-in and additional extensions that need to be downloaded separately from the official program page. For example, using them you can enable notifications in the Windows tray, view PDF files and activate antispam;
  • check spelling using a dictionary from Open Office and create your own letter templates;
  • the ability to work in the utility using hotkeys that can be configured;
  • adding accounts in a semi-automatic mode: the user specifies the email address and connection protocol, and the client adds the receiving and sending servers himself.

The program has negative aspects:

  • versions for Windows are slightly inferior in functionality compared to versions for Unix systems;
  • work with social networks and cloud storage services is not provided in the client;
  • You cannot import your contact list and attachments from other similar clients. Contacts are collected based on letter folders or individual messages.

The program is designed for Windows versions from XP to "ten". If you decide to install this program, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the official website of the utility. Click on one of the two blue links depending on the version of Windows - 32- or 64-bit. The installer weighs 31 MB. We are waiting for it to load.
    Click on the blue link to download the installer corresponding to the system bit size
  2. Launch the file and click “Yes” to allow the application to make changes on the device.
    Click on “Yes” to allow the program to make names on this device
  3. Click on the Next button in the initial window of the Claws Mail installation wizard.
  4. Click on I Agree in the next window.
    Click on I Agree to start downloading the program installer
  5. If desired, select another folder on the local system drive.
    Select a new folder for Claws Mail or keep the one that was automatically determined
  6. We put checkmarks next to the places where the program icon should be. Click on Next.
    Select the location where you want the Claws Mail icon to be launched
  7. To start the installation, click on Install and wait for the procedure to complete.
    Click Install to begin installing Claws Mail

Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop is a free cross-platform utility with a minimalistic interface from Synacor, which is suitable for both home and office use.

In Zimbra Desktop you will find all the necessary functions that are needed by both the office worker and the average user

In addition to a calendar, organizer and contact book, users of this program also receive the following features:

  • Reading and editing emails offline without the Internet: emails are saved from specific email profiles to your hard drive. As a result, the user can work with them anywhere;
  • synchronizing contacts from other email clients;
  • setting up notification and display parameters for emails;
  • creating separate packages of signatures, ready-made sample letters and filters for added mail accounts;
  • support for add-ons - “zimplets”. For example, they allow you to use various social networks, weather services, office utility packages and instant messengers in the client window;
  • The maximum size of attachments in letters is 750 MB.

The utility makes the following requirements for the system:

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10;
  • bit depth: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86.

The application also has weaknesses:

If you want to download and install the program, follow the instructions:

  1. Download Java Oracle Runtime Environment from the official website of the developer. Go to the website, click on Accept License Agreement and select the version for your system.
    Click on the link in the list that matches your system
  2. Open the Java installer and click on Install.
    Click Install to begin installing the Java Oracle Runtime Environment
  3. In the next window, click on “OK”.
  4. We are waiting for the Java installation process to complete.
    Wait for Java Oracle Runtime Environment to install on PC
  5. Click Close in the window, where you will be notified about the successful installation.
    The window will inform you about the successful installation of Java Oracle Runtime Environment
  6. Let's move on to downloading the client itself from its official website. Choose between 32- and 64-bit versions. The installer weighs about 100 MB.
    Select your system version from the list and click on the corresponding link
  7. Launch it and click Next.
    Click Next to change the presets before installing Zimbra Desktop
  8. Check the box next to I accept the license agreement and click Next again.
    Check the box next to accepting the terms and conditions and click Next
  9. If necessary, select another folder on your hard drive to save Zimbra Desktop. To do this, click on Change and put the desired folder in Windows Explorer.
    Using the Change button you can change the folder for Zimbra Desktop
  10. Click on Install to start the procedure.
    Click on Install to begin installing Zimbra Desktop
  11. After this, a utility icon will appear on the “Desktop” and in the “Start” menu, through which you can open the client.


Mailbird is a free utility from the developer company of the same name with a nice, modern interface. The application supports many languages, including Russian. The program is suitable for versions of Windows above "seven".

In Mailbird you can customize the appearance of the window to suit your tastes

The application offers the following features to the user:

The disadvantage of the program is that it provides free access to only 3 accounts. The paid Pro version costs around $12 or $45 depending on whether you want to pay once a year or just make one payment. You can test the paid version for free for a month.

An unlimited number of accounts, quick message previews, and dormant emails have been added to the Pro functionality. The user specifies a grace period after which non-urgent but already opened emails are marked as unread again.

To download Mailbird:

  1. Open the official Mailbird page. Click on the red Get Mailbird Free button.
    Click on the red link Get Mailbird Free
  2. Launch the downloaded file, and then click on “Yes” to allow the application to make changes on your device.
  3. In the window that appears, click on Accept.
    Click on the Accept button to accept the terms of the agreement
  4. Select the folder to save Mailbird and the language of the future interface. Click on “Install Mailbird”.
    Click on “Install Mailbird” to start the Mailbird installation
  5. We are waiting for the installation to complete.
    Wait for Mailbird to install on your PC
  6. We see a window on the screen with a message about successful installation. We leave or uncheck the boxes depending on whether we want to add a program shortcut to the “Desktop” and set it as the default email client or not. After that, click on “Launch Mailbird”.
    Click on the “Launch Mailbird” button


TouchMail is an email management application that stands out from the crowd of similar programs thanks to its colorful interface. It was developed by the company of the same name specifically for devices with a touch screen: convertible laptops and tablets. The shell contains a variety of tiles that are easy to manipulate with both your fingers and mouse. Each sender has its own color code, which allows you to quickly find the letters you need.

In the TouchMail window you will see many tiles that will display letters, contacts, etc.

The program is suitable for Windows 8 and “tens”. The architecture must be x86 or x64. The utility is paid. Purchasing from the official Windows Store will cost about 2 thousand rubles.

The application has an extensive range of features:

  • moving several emails from different accounts into one shared folder for quick access;
  • deleting letters by dragging up;
  • adding a signature to an email;
  • compatibility with Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo!, Mail and other services;
  • correspondence via group messages and much more.

To start using the program:

  1. Let's go to the Microsoft Store. Click on the blue “Buy” button.
    Click on "Buy" in Microsoft Windows Store
  2. Log in to your Microsoft account. If it doesn't exist, we create it.
  3. On the new Microsoft page, click “Next”.
    Click on the "Next" button
  4. Select "Credit or debit card".
  5. Enter the card details and click on “Save”.
    Enter your bank card details and personal information, and then click on “Save”
  6. We pay the full amount. After that, you will have access to the “Install” button on the same Microsoft page with the Touchmail product.
  7. A message appears in your browser asking you to open the Microsoft Store. Click on the corresponding button.
  8. In the store application, click on “Get”. The system will install the program itself and add its shortcut to the Start menu. The “Launch” button will become available in the store itself.

The Bat!

The Bat! is a paid software for managing email from the developer Ritlabs. It allows you to work with an unlimited number of accounts and protects your email using encryption protocols.

You can fine-tune The Bat! to suit your needs

The program has the following features:

  • convenient system of letter templates;
  • selective downloading of messages;
  • offline address book;
  • easy setting of parameters;
  • Russian language support;
  • built-in support for RSS feeds;
  • automatic sorting of letters and much more.

A possible disadvantage of the program is incorrect work with HTML letters. There are also a relatively small number of add-ons available for installation.

There are two versions of The Bat! - for home and professional use. They cost 2 thousand and 3 thousand rubles respectively. The functionality of the professional version is a little broader. There is a 30-day trial period initially. Let's tell you how to use it:

  1. Go to the official website of the developer Ritlabs. Select the desired option from the list depending on the system architecture. Click on the “Download” link.
    Select your bit depth and click on the orange “Download” button
  2. Launch the file downloaded using the browser. Click Next in the initial window of the installation wizard.
  3. On the next page, we accept the terms of the agreement and put a check mark next to the appropriate item.
  4. If desired, select a new folder to store The Bat! and click on Next.
    Select a folder for The Bat! and click on Next
  5. At the final stage, click on Install. The installation will start, after which you will be able to use the program.
    Click Install to begin installing The Bat!

Video: how to install The Bat!


Inky is a free product from Arcode that provides its customers with an increased level of security when working with mail. It's all about additional protection - a special method of data encryption.

Thanks to Inky, no one will be able to access your mail, because the program uses special encryption

The utility has the following advantages:

  • convenient and at the same time unusual interface;
  • built-in correspondence search;
  • synchronization with cloud services;
  • change in shell color;
  • automatic sorting of letters by relevance;
  • marking permanent contacts in the list with a drop icon;
  • sorting contacts, with important ones moving to the top of the list, and much more.

The application has a downside - the lack of a Russian version and a portable version. The system requirements of the program are as follows:

  • processor with a clock speed of 800 MHz or more powerful;
  • RAM 512 MB or more;
  • free hard disk space from 97 MB;
  • 32-bit or 64-bit architecture (x86 or x64);
  • operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

Downloading and installing the program is very simple:

  1. Go to the developer’s website to safely download the installer. Click on the Windows link.
    Click on the Windows link on the developer's website to download the installer
  2. We are waiting for the 55 MB file to download. After that, open it and click on the first page on I Agree.
    Click on I Accept to agree to Inky's terms of use
  3. Then click on Next, having previously selected the Inky component.
    Make sure Inky is checked and click Next

  4. Click Finish to start the program

Each user can choose an email client according to their needs. If you need a utility for professional use, download Outlook or Zimbra Desktop. If you're concerned about the security of your email, use Inky or The Bat!. For lovers of stylish designs, Mailbird or Touchmail will suit you.