Internet messengers. Distinctive features of the Telegram program. WhatsApp - modern and functional

Currently, many people use various messengers in their communication. They are very convenient both for everyday communication and for work correspondence. What is a messenger? How is it used? This will be discussed below.

What is a messenger?

It's called a messenger special program for messaging. It could also be mobile app. It is installed on the phone. To use the messenger, your device must be connected to the Internet.

In addition to the well-known instant messengers, which many people use in their mobile phones, this concept also includes chats that can be installed within a company. This is done so that employees can quickly exchange information during work hours.

How is the messenger used in mobile devices?

We found out what a messenger is, and how is it used in smartphones? If we talk about mobile devices, then it is worth saying that there are currently quite a lot of instant messengers. Therefore, in order to begin communication through of this portal, you need to clarify which messenger the person with whom you want to start a correspondence uses. If he uses a program of a different type, then correspondence with him most likely will not work. You must use the same application to exchange messages.

It is also worth mentioning that at the initial stage, instant messengers included only such a function as the exchange of short text messages. And in Lately their capabilities have expanded significantly. Now using this type of communication you can transmit voice messages, conduct a video dialogue, send text and video files. This is very convenient, since the modern pace of life is quite high. Therefore, if people have the opportunity to transfer any information via a messenger, then they do it. The popularity of these types of communication is due to the fact that a person can send a file or any documents on the way to work or during another activity. There is no need to specifically sit down at the computer to carry out any task. What is a messenger is clear, the most important ones will be discussed below popular apps. The program data will also be described.

Messengers such as Watsap, Viber, Facebook messenger, and Skype are especially popular among people. Not long ago, an application like Signal began to gain users.

Viber application. What it is? Distinctive features of the program

Which ones are known? popular messengers? The most popular application among Russians is Viber. This messenger installed in almost every mobile device. Groups for communication are created here, to which you can add users from your contact list. It is possible to make video calls and send files. Recently, you can create public accounts in the program. This means that any company or brand can make their own account. After which they can send out advertising information or about any promotions to people whose contact information is in their database. The main advantage of this public account is that clients have the opportunity to communicate two-way. That is, when a person receives a message on Viber from a store or beauty salon, he can ask questions and clarify any information. For example, about the timing of the promotion or the possibility of attracting other people. A person can ask anything he is interested in and get an answer. Such communication is very convenient, since it does not oblige you to anything. A question came up - I asked it and received an answer. For companies, such communication is also important point, since it becomes possible to track how people react to a particular advertising campaign.

It is worth mentioning that business chats can currently only be added to users through a request. That is, a person can unsubscribe from such messages. For companies, public chat is free. If a person has subscribed to these messages, then you can use automated techniques to track his interest in a particular message.

"Whatsapp". What it is? Distinctive features of the program

After Viber it's quite a large number of people use the WhatsApp messenger. This application is also very simple. There is also such a function as file transfer and voice messages. Many people have at least two applications installed, one of them is the WhatsApp messenger.

This is due to the fact that sometimes one of them may slow down various reasons, and the other one works fine. Therefore, if the information does not go away in one application, then you can use another. Provided that the same application is installed on the interlocutor.


A messenger like Telegram quickly gained popularity. A lot of people communicate there. He is a Russian messenger. There are several reasons for its popularity. First of all, it is worth saying that the Telegram messenger was developed more for business communication.

Distinctive features of the Telegram program

You can use hashtags here. This is very convenient feature for more advanced users. In addition, you can contact specific user With @.

The peculiarity of using hashtags in this application is that they can only be used in Latin. If you make a hashtag in the Telegram messenger, then all the information will appear in the browser, where this link was mentioned. This is very convenient for the communication process, as it reduces search time necessary information, just insert a hashtag into the conversation, and the participants in the conversation will have access to data on this topic.

Popular messengers. Development trends

Today, there is a noticeable trend that people have begun to use instant messengers more often than social networks to communicate. This is due to the fact that the conversation moves at a faster pace. There is a forecast that suggests that in the near future, companies’ business pages will switch to instant messengers. In this regard, some applications have already introduced public accounts into their functions. Most likely, in a few years, few people will log into Facebook or other social media. Live communication in messengers with companies will be more in demand. This is due to the fact that people do not have enough time to sit on social networks and watch information about certain companies or business projects. It is much easier to open your mobile device, go to the chat and get answers to your questions there.

Many people find it easier to write a short message than to make calls or spend hours at the computer.

Facebook messenger is also used a lot for communication. As a rule, people communicate with foreigners here. This application includes a file transfer function and various stickers. There are filters for photos. You can also create a chat and communicate with several users at once.


In addition to the above applications, there are a large number of other instant messengers through which you can communicate. Everyone chooses for themselves the most convenient option. However, popular applications are very convenient because almost all people have them installed. Therefore, when exchanging contact information you don’t have to specify whether a particular exchange application is worth it short messages. As a rule, everyone has Viber. It is worth saying that many users send postcards and congratulations through such messages. No need to waste time on telephone conversations. Big advantage is that these applications belong to the category of free instant messengers.

Between some people there are secret chats. They are used for secret correspondence. It is also very convenient for conducting negotiations that should not be made public. These could be negotiations that relate to business, or personal relationships between people that should not be publicly visible.


In any case, communication through various messengers is rapidly gaining momentum every year. People send documents, photographs and other information through these services. Partners have the opportunity to quickly prepare Required documents or carry out the necessary negotiations. IN modern world this is very convenient because this method communication reduces time and allows you to achieve the desired result much faster.

Communication between people today has reached the highest level manufacturability. Progress in the field of computer and mobile development did possible exchange messages in seconds (or instantly). This allows people to communicate in real time, even while being hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from each other. Using the system instant messages You can exchange not only text messages, but also images, sound signals and video recordings. For communications of this kind, a special client program called Instant Messenger is used. Let's figure out what a messenger is, what it can be, and what opportunities it gives to modern users.

Messenger- from English " courier" or "connected". This is a program, mobile application or web service for instant messaging between users. Most often, a messenger is understood as a program in which you write messages and where you read them. However, behind each such program there is a messaging network, which is also included in the concept of “messenger”. This could be a network within your company, or it could be global network, for example Jabber.

Speed ​​is their main advantage over regular email. Here the message is transmitted with lightning speed, while the update mailbox happens every few minutes. When talking about what a messenger is, we should clarify important feature- it is a client program. This means that the program cannot work independently; to use it, you must connect to the server ( central computer networks).

In the first versions of this kind of programs, the recipient saw the message already at the time of its composition, which was not entirely convenient, since the user could make a mistake, correct it, edit the sentence, and all this was displayed in the dialog window. Today, the text appears on the interlocutor’s screen after it has been completely edited and sent (the Enter or “Send” button). Besides, in modern versions communication can occur not only through text messages, but also through other actions - exchange of graphic, audio and video files, voice and even video communication (for example, Skype).

Every modern man uses at least one, and most often several messengers at the same time. Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of these networks, not all instant messengers are compatible. Those. It’s not a fact that if you have a messenger and your partner has a messenger, you will be able to contact him. Need for different networks messaging is due to the fact that there is no direct connection between them. Each of the programs was created separate group developers, has its own servers and protocols, features and rules of use. For example, a user on the ICQ network cannot communicate directly with someone using Skype or MSN. However, no one forbids having both of them.

Today, there are a number of messengers that are most popular among users. This Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, ICQ, AOL, Facebook Messenger, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, Google Hangouts and others. All these are Internet messengers that work when connected to worldwide network. Messenger can be installed not only on a computer, but also on a mobile device. This became possible with the advent of affordable mobile Internet, as well as with the development of multitasking smartphones. Let's look at the most popular free messengers, aimed at simultaneous operation on devices of different types.

Google Talk

This is probably the most versatile mobile messenger. It is used in the popular social network Google+ and the built-in Gmail chat. This open solution, supported by other clients that work with its protocol (XMPP) - these are QIP, Pidgin, Ya.Online, etc. Google Talk used in Android to solve many problems, and the user here is always online and can receive messages even when he is not using chat. At the same time, to work with the messenger you don’t even need to have account in Google, you can communicate through your profile in Yandex, for example.

Facebook Messenger

What is Facebook Messenger? This is a product developed by programmers of a popular social network - the only one of the largest messengers that is not tied to any specific platform. Thanks to this, his audience is several times larger than others. Using this program, you can send messages both to Facebook users and by email, and even in the form of SMS (for some operators). Any user can receive messages from using Facebook Messenger to your email. Mailbox address in in this case looks like this: [email protected].


This messenger is developed for all users Apple technology. The program is integrated into standard application Messages and has a number of advantages. So, before sending a message, the system checks whether the user is online and, depending on the result, sends him email message or SMS. Another plus is that you can start a conversation on one device (for example, iPad), and continue on another (for example, iPhone). This is possible thanks to the availability of cloud synchronization.


This is a standard messenger for operating system Windows 7 Phone. It is compatible with both the official desktop Windows client Live Messenger, as well as with many other programs (for example, Pidgin, Adium). There is a built-in email service, chat, cloud version. In addition, it is important to support popular network Facebook. When choosing a contact, the user can independently indicate the method of communication (SMS, Messenger, Facebook) depending on its availability in a particular network (which the system informs in advance).

Recently, such universal applications, How WhatsApp Messenger Viber and some others. They are available for installation on various devices- Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia, etc.

You probably know about Snapchat- a very popular messenger that gained its popularity thanks to disappearing messages (users can send each other messages or photos that disappear a few seconds after viewing). So, in Blackberry We thought that such a feature would be useful for business users and added it to our BBM messenger. For what? To send messages that cannot later be used against you - for example, offers of kickbacks. Another one new feature- "message recall". If you suddenly mistakenly sent a photo with a kiss to your employee, and not to your wife, you can now delete this message on the recipient’s phone with one click.

Today everyone knows what a messenger is. This is an indispensable attribute modern society, allowing you to build communications and communicate easily, quickly and often for free. The presence of the Internet today is not a problem, it is everywhere. That’s why messengers are actively replacing (and quite successfully) SMS as independent method communications. Mobile instant messengers have recently multiplied rapidly and lured users away from social networks. The choice of convenient and multifunctional instant messaging networks is becoming wider every year.

So far, not a single truly popular messenger has been blocked in Russia, so now all Russians have a very wide choice of means of communication for every taste and color. Today, based on data from the Mediascope activity meter, the top 10 most popular instant messengers in Russia, used by all residents of the country, were named. This information sheds light on which messenger is more popular than the other and by how much specifically in terms of numbers.

The purpose of the study was not to determine the most popular instant messengers in Russia, but to find out the general user base of the Veon service, which was launched by the Beeline operator in July 2017, making it available to all subscribers. Experts wanted to find out how many Russians use it in active mode more than three months after its launch. All data that was collected by the Mediascope service is current as of October - there is no more recent information yet, and there will not be until the beginning of 2018.

Researchers found that common base active users Veon messenger, which received and opportunities, as of October 2017, is 748 thousand people. All of them are residents of Russia in the age category from 12 to 64 years. Such statistics allowed this means of communication from the Beeline operator, which he very actively advertised everywhere, from federal television channels and YouTube video hosting, to win very impressive for short term positions.

Top 10 most popular instant messengers in Russia:

  1. WhatsApp - 22 million users;
  2. Viber - 18.9 million users;
  3. Telegram - 7.3 million users;
  4. Skype - 6 million users;
  5. Facebook Messenger - 1.8 million users;
  6. Hangouts from Google - 815.7 thousand users;
  7. Veon - 748 thousand users;
  8. ICQ - 693.7 thousand users;
  9. Google Talk - 508.5 thousand users;
  10. "Mail.Ru Agent" - 505.6 thousand users.

As you can easily see, the most popular messenger in Russia is WhatsApp, but Viber is close on its heels, which is actively used on on a regular basis almost two tens of millions of Russians. Telegram closes the top three most popular means of communication, and Skype is in fourth position. Although he is in the top 5, his audience is shrinking every month, so he may soon fall out of it if he has worthy competitors.

Number of active users Facebook messenger Messenger, which is designed for communication within the world's largest social network, looks simply ridiculous - less than 2 million people. Service for Hangouts communication from Google has an even more modest audience - only 816 thousand people. In seventh place is Beeline's Veon, the number of users of which is growing quite actively every month. It is followed by ICQ, Google Talk and “Mail.Ru Agent”, which, as a rule, are used by people of the old school. They are in no hurry to change them to something more modern.

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What a messenger on a phone is is probably known to every person without exception who uses modern “smart” phones – smartphones. But they are not the only ones that support such applications - today you can download a program for communicating via the Internet on a PC, on a tablet, and even on set-top box Smart TV. And this is not a joke, but a reality, since modern Internet technologies work real miracles!

If you don’t yet know what messenger is, or haven’t decided which application to give preference to, we will be happy to help you! Next, we will consider the most popular, well-known and reliable programs that are used for communication via the Internet by users from all over the world.

The concept of the words “messenger” and “messenger”

First, let's figure out what the word messenger means and what are the features of such an application?

A messenger is a program that is installed on a smartphone, PC or tablet to quick exchange text messages online. In addition, there are Internet messengers designed for communication exclusively on the World Wide Web.

Meaning of the term

Let's consider the meaning of the word "messenger". If translated literally from in English, That this term means “sender”, “one who sends a message, message, message”.

It is important to consider that such programs work exclusively via the Internet, even if they are installed on the phone. However, these applications have one advantage: they are not affected by Internet speed. Therefore, even if you use Internet services mobile operators, this will not affect the delivery of your messages to the recipient.

Types of messengers

We looked at what this messenger is for “dummies” - people who have not yet had the opportunity to take advantage of all the benefits of these programs, and who do not know the specifics of their functioning. Now let's move on to the classification of these applications. But it should be borne in mind that, as such, gradation does not exist.

Conventionally, messengers can be divided into the following types:

  1. Mobile. Such applications are installed on smartphones and tablets.
  2. Computer. The name speaks for itself - the programs are installed on a PC or tablet.
  3. Internet messengers. What are instant messengers on the Internet? These are programs that run on certain Internet sites. But recently, such communication has become less popular, since mobile and computer messaging programs are more convenient, and at the same time less demanding.

Of course, this is a conditional gradation of messengers, helping to better understand what kind of application it is. Reviews of the most best programs will be discussed later.

Messenger - what is it?

Many users wonder what a message is. But such a concept does not exist; most likely, they confuse it with the term “message”. It, in turn, is translated from English as “message, message.” That is, when you communicate with your friends in instant messengers, you send each other messages - ordinary text messages.

Messengers and social networks

Social networks provide more opportunities. You can use them not only to communicate, use media players or play games. Social networks provide an opportunity for their users to earn money - from groups, from likes, from subscriptions, etc.

Thus, the messenger is a simplified program for communicating in online chats. The most popular applications are WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram. But this is only the smallest part existing programs for communication.

Below are lists of what kinds of messengers there are, what their main features, advantages and disadvantages are. We will also consider in detail the questions of how to use them, and which programs are best to give preference to.

The best instant messengers for smartphones, tablets and computers

So, we have looked in detail at the question of what messengers are and what they are like. Now let's take a closer look at the list best apps for communication, which can be installed on your phone or tablet. Below is a list from which you can choose the most optimal option for yourself.


WhatsApp is one of the best messengers for communication. The principle of its operation is very simple:

  1. You download the application to your smartphone or tablet, enter your phone number, and come up with a password.
  2. The program synchronizes with your phone book, displaying all the contacts that are recorded there.
  3. To contact the right person, whose number is not in your phone book, you must first add it to your contacts list. After this, the application must be restarted to new number appeared in it.

WhatsApp provides all the necessary opportunities for communication, but, compared to other messengers, it is, roughly speaking, rather weak. The fact is that using this program to call neither mobile nor landlines impossible, therefore this application Perfect only for those who like to communicate via text messages.

Note. What is WhatsApp messenger for a tablet, and how to use it? You won't have any difficulties here. If your device does not have a SIM card slot, then first you need to download the application and log into your account using your username and password. After this, you will receive a confirmation code on your phone. Once you enter it, you will be able to use the messenger on your tablet in the same way as on your smartphone.


What kind of Viber messenger program is this? great amount users. This is one of the most convenient applications, which can be installed not only on a smartphone or tablet, but also on a computer.

Its main advantage is the ability to perform free video calls, and free communication with friends. Undoubtedly, this is the best messenger of all the programs that exist today. The principle of its functioning is close to that characteristic of WhatsApp.

You need to register your account by entering your phone number and creating a password. That's all - the application is ready to use. It syncs with your phone book, automatically adding all the contacts in it. If users from your TC are also registered in Viber, you can freely communicate with them.


Skype is the most popular instant messenger for PC. To register in the program, you need to create a login or enter an address Email. Be sure to combine strong password– and then you will be able to use all the possibilities of this service. And they are very extensive!

WITH using Skype you can commit free calls to any corner of the world, send media files and text messages. In addition, there is a mobile Skype app, which you can use in the same way as computer program. His undeniable dignity is that it is a messenger that can be used without necessarily providing a phone number. You simply create your account and the program is ready to use.

What other messengers are there for your computer? The choice is really great. To the list of the most popular programs To communicate via the Internet, you can enable:

  • Telegram;
  • WhatsApp;
  • BILCO;
  • B-Slack;
  • YouMagic;
  • GTalk and many others.

Which messenger is best to choose to install on your computer - the choice is yours. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so, if necessary, you can always refuse to use one program in favor of another. Or install several applications at once to receive all the services that you require.

Other messengers

So, we reviewed the list of the most popular instant messengers for communicating from a phone, tablet and computer. Now let’s briefly go through the programs that work directly on the Internet. We will describe only the most popular of them.

In contact with

Many users are wondering: is VK a messenger or not? In some ways, it can be classified in this category, but, nevertheless, it is a social network. However, its developers have released the VKontakte mobile application, where you need to log in by entering the username and password that you use on the site. Then you will have access to all the functions of this service.


Another social network that has its own application for the phone, and therefore, just like VK, can be conditionally classified as Internet messengers. The terms of use are the same: you log in using your username and password, and you can use the program to communicate with friends via phone, tablet or computer.

Messengers Megafon

What are messengers on Megafon? This is a unique service that is perfect for users who actively communicate in various programs for messaging on the Android platform (and not only).

So, if you are used to using mobile traffic other operators cellular communications at full power, then when exchanging messages using many instant messengers from the above reviews, you will have to spend significant amounts of money on constant replenishment of bonus megabytes. Megafon offers its own application for communication, which does not require the consumption of mobile traffic at all, and, accordingly, no money.

The essence of such an application is as follows. If you download and activate it, then even when communicating in other popular instant messengers, mobile traffic will not be taken into account by the operator. Thus, Megafon actively cooperates with such messengers as WhatsApp, TamTam, Facebook, Viber, eMotion and Telegram. The choice, as you can see, is wide, so you can easily find the best option for yourself.

Thus, we have studied in detail the issue of what applies to instant messengers and how to use these applications correctly. Now let’s make a brief summary to consolidate the results.


Communication through social networks and special mobile/computer programs has many advantages. You can easily contact anyone even on the other end Globe, and, in most cases, absolutely free.

We have examined in detail the most popular instant messengers for communicating via the Internet, and now it will be much easier for you to make your choice. Use all the features of these programs to the maximum, and communicate with your friends, family and friends with pleasure!