How to recall an email. Criptext is a service that allows you to delete a sent letter from the recipient's mailbox. Why is it impossible to return an email?

When you recall a message, the sent message is deleted from the mailboxes of recipients who have not yet opened it. For example, if you forgot to attach an attachment, you can try to recall the message and send a new message with the correct attachment.

Recall message is available after pressing the button Send and will only be available if you and the recipient have an account Email Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange in the same organization.

Recall and replacement of a message

Review review

The outcome of recalling a message depends on the Outlook settings on the recipients' computers. The table below presents five scenarios:



Tracking checkbox is checked.

Note: File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.


An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking unchecked Automatically process requests and responses to meeting invitations and surveys.

Note: To view this option, select File > Options > Mail. Go to section Tracking.

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved from the Inbox to another folder manually or by using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the revocation message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the revocation attempt failed. This happens regardless Outlook settings and message read status.

An email is sent. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result Outlook program behaves in the same way as if it were not configured to automatically process messages.

The following happens on the recipient's computer.

An email message is sent to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

The following happens.

    If the recipient reading the revocation message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the revocation succeeds and only the new message remains. The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a revocation message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

Recall and replacement of a message

If you don't see the command, you probably don't have account Exchange Server or you don't use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. They are required to recall messages.

This can be found in the dialog box Account Settings in Outlook.

Review review

The result of message revocation depends on the recipient settings in Microsoft Outlook. Below are described various situations, including recalling a message sent to a Microsoft Exchange public folder.



On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox is checked.

Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

If the original message is not read, it is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer in the section Tracking Options checkbox not checked Process inquiries and responses upon arrival.

(To view this option, in the menu Service click Options And Email Options and then select Tracking Options.)

The original message and the revocation message end up in the Inbox on the recipient's computer.

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, no revocation occurs, resulting in both messages being available.

Note: When processing a revocation message, if the original message is marked as read (a message viewed in the reading pane is not considered read in this scenario), the recipient is notified that the sender wants to delete the message. However, the message remains in the recipient's Outlook folder.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, the original message is moved to another folder manually or using a rule, and the revocation message remains in the Inbox (or is also moved to another folder).

If the original message and the new message are in different folders, the recipient is notified that the recall attempt failed. This occurs regardless of Outlook settings and the read status of the message.

Both the original message and the new message are available to the recipient.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You send someone an email, revoke it, and replace it with a new one.

On the recipient's computer, both messages are moved to the same folder either manually or using a rule. As a result, the same actions occur as if automatic processing messages was not configured.

In this case, the following happens on the recipient’s computer:

    If the recipient opens the feedback message first, the original message is deleted and the recipient is notified that the sender has deleted the message from their mailbox.

    If the recipient opens the original message first, the revocation is not performed and both messages are available as a result.

Note: If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

You send an email to a public folder. The original message is recalled and replaced with a new one.

One of the following will be done next steps:

    If the recipient reading the new message has read access to all items in the public folder but has not read the original message, the recall succeeds (only the new message remains). The sender is notified that the revocation was successful.

    If the recipient has already marked the original message as read, they are notified that the revocation has failed, resulting in only the revocation message being deleted.

If a user with any other permissions to the public folder opens a new message, the revocation is not performed and the user is notified about it. Both messages remain in the public folder.

    If the recipient reads the original message and marks it as unread, the message is considered unread and the recall is successful.

    For public folders, the success of revocation depends on the permissions of the recipient, not the sender.

Due to the fact that Western projects do not yet send their applications to the “Ideas for Business” section, the CPU encourages everyone to share useful finds that they managed to discover in the process of their work.

Co-founder and managing partner of the venture fund Formula VC Renata Akhunova I wrote a review for the CPU about the Criptext service, which allows you to delete sent letters from recipients’ mailboxes.

I try to keep all significant agreements in writing: firstly, there is no need to remember who owes what to whom, and secondly, then you don’t have to prove anything in words - everything is stored in correspondence (and in most cases is evidence in US courts ). Therefore, ignore the new service that allows you to delete sent emails from the recipient's box, of course, I couldn't.

But if most people would be interested in this service by the possibility of “cleaning” their promises, then I personally am interested in this invention more from the point of view of preserving the promises of others. That's why we really wanted to hack it.

Imagine that I receive a letter like this from a friend. Let me remind you that the cost of one Apple share today was ~$127.

Rice. 1

"Hooray! - I think. “Both the document as an attachment and the statement in the body of the letter - I have all the confirmation!”

I urgently transfer money electronically - before my friend changes his mind. Next, I try to save the attached file of the share certificate of the most valuable company in the world, just to be sure, but it turns out that the body of the letter contains only an image leading to a link to a document on a third-party server, which I cannot download.

“Okay,” I think. - Let's take a screenshot: well, the letter is from his email address I have it, so everything is provable,” and I walk around all happy. And after a while, opening the letter to admire it again, I see the following:

Rice. 2

A screenshot of a share certificate without any identifying marks of the sender, as you understand, no longer has any meaning.

This and many other tricks can now be implemented using the service. In fact, Criptext is a common Gmail extension supported in Chrome browsers and Safari. In development - Criptext for MS Outlook and Firefox browser. After installing it with just one button, you can immediately activate it in mailbox and start using it.

In a completely normal creation window email you will have new buttons: when sending a new letter, you will need to decide whether to apply the service to this letter or not (Enable). You can also attach a file and determine the level of access to it: whether the recipient can download it or not. In the “Read only” mode, the recipient will only be able to open the file on the Criptext server, but will not be able to download it and copy the text (if it is a text file).

Rice. 3

You can also install automatic removal(“revoke”) the contents of the letter after the time you need:

Rice. 4

Or “revoke” it manually at any time using the button on the application bar in your mailbox:

Rice. 5

The developers of the service claim that their mission is “secure communication,” but the value of such security is not obvious to me personally. In what cases will this service work for the benefit? The same ones I think most of you and I have found ourselves in: when we were in a hurry sending a text with important information to the wrong email address or mixed up the letters (for example: “Sincerely, Yulia” with a “b”).

Be it offensive information addressed to the recipient, which you angrily wanted to send to another person, lying on the first one. Or is it real commercial information, for example, a discount to your client A, which you accidentally send to your client B. In this case, provided that the recipient did not have time to read your message, of course, the service is really irreplaceable (and if he did, you can always try to convince him that he did not in himself and he dreamed). However, I think that this service will most often be used with malicious intent.

How to protect yourself from Criptext if it is used with bad intent against you? Let's imagine that this is a really serious situation and you may need evidence for a trial (or a "public flogging"). Each of us can find ourselves in such a situation, so I will try to describe everything as simply as possible (especially for those who do not consider themselves advanced users).

First good news: The developers will still comply with the code of ethics and notify the recipient that this letter submitted via Criptext. That is, as soon as you see such warnings (I have circled them with a red marker in the picture below) in the body of the letter, take a deep breath, do not close the letter and get ready for a number of special actions.

Rice. 6

(I removed these blocks in Fig. 1 to make it creepier. But in reality they still exist).

Remember that a letter can be “revoked” within a minute after it is opened (for this, the sender has automatic setting- see fig. 4), so depending on the content of the correspondence, you will need to act quickly.

Regardless of whether the email contains an attachment or not, take a screenshot open letter: the content of the body of the letter is what can be recalled most quickly and it will be difficult to restore it, and it is not necessary. The fact is that the text of the body of the letter is also sent as an image, and this alone does not prove anything without reference to the sender.

Note that the sender's email address is usually hidden, so if the email is so important that you need proof of the sender's address, display it first.

Next, if the letter contains a file, try to capture it (again, take a screenshot) so that both the sender's address and the body of the letter, as well as a link to the attached file, are visible. This can be done by hovering the cursor over the file image in the browser, or by placing the cursor in the browser line. The presence of this link will be useful to you not only as one of the proofs of correspondence, but also to obtain the file if your access to it is revoked: restoring the attached files turned out to be quite simple.

Browser window on a laptop:

Rice. 7

Browser window (line) on a smartphone:

Rice. 8

Next, open the file and notice if you can save it: you will see a save icon in the upper right corner. If it's not there and you think the sender of the email will "revoke" your access to it, you can of course take the screenshot again, but other than that, you'll still be able to download that file from the server even when you have access to it will be withdrawn. To do this, it is enough to know the link to the file from the letter:

Rice. 9

The path to the file turned out to be easy to find in source code pages when opening an attached file.

Thus, using screenshots, you can save the sender's address and the contents of the body of the letter, and using a link, download attachments to such a letter. Voila! The only question is the speed and accuracy of your actions.

Please remember that in all matters involving the provision of screenshots as evidence, there is always the possibility that something could be tampered with using graphic editors. And, of course, all of the above is valid only until the developers change their algorithms and solutions.

In the section on the question whether it is possible to delete a sent letter so that the recipient does not receive it. Those. the letter was accidentally sent to the wrong place specified by the author Kate the best answer is No

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: is it possible to delete a sent letter so that the recipient does not receive it. Those. the email was accidentally sent to the wrong place

Answer from Anton[guru]
no, if it's already gone, that's it

Answer from strip[guru]
no, you can’t, the letter was already delivered at the moment when it was written “your letter has been sent”

Answer from Neuropathologist[newbie]
very bad! especially knowing that the letter has not yet been read

Answer from Interrogate[guru]
"The train left! "

Answer from Angela Veretennikova[newbie]
And if a letter is sent, for example, on the Odnoklassniki website, and then you delete your account, then the correspondence disappears, and the recipient may not have time to read it. Or will the correspondence be deleted only within a few days?

Answer from Willie W.[guru]
oh if only! How many times have I had to regret that email. mail is so fast!)

Answer from Very strange lady[guru]
definitely not!

Answer from Stepeecoyote[guru]
To choose from:
1 Alas and ah! Radio operator Kat, you better shoot yourself!
2 Alas and ah! Radio operator Kat, come up with an excuse!
3 Send a virus to catch up that will eat all the letters from the recipient!! ! 🙂
4 Hack the recipient's mailbox!
5 Send a letter to catch up with a request to delete the letter without reading it - maybe it will get through and he will do so!! ! 🙂
There are still a bunch of more bloodthirsty options, but I hope it doesn’t come to that!! ! 🙂

Answer from Yotella[newbie]
no and not yet! When sending, quickly open the message archive and delete! so that the recipient does not have time to read it! but it's too late for you to do this...

Have you ever sent emails to the wrong address? Or incomplete messages, for example, forgetting to add an attachment? If yes, then this article is for you.

Popular email services offer the option to unsend an email. It works for a short period of time, but, as a rule, it is enough to understand that the letter was sent to the wrong place or ahead of time. If you do not understand this right away, then canceling the sending will be pointless; the recipient may read your message earlier.

Cancel in Gmail

IN postal service from Google function Until recently, canceling the sending of a letter worked in experimental mode and was not available to everyone. Now there are no restrictions on its use, and if it is suddenly not activated by default, you can enable it manually.

You can set up an autoresponder for the holiday period not only through Outlook. In some cases, auto reply is much more convenient to use through the Gmail service.

This is done through “Settings” - in the “General” tab, find the “Cancel sending” section and check the “Enable cancellation sending function” checkbox. Here you can set the period of time during which your letter can be returned. By default this value is ten seconds, increase it to 30 seconds if necessary. After that, at the bottom of the page, click the “Save Changes” button.

Now there is no reason to worry if you send a message prematurely. At least for the time set in the settings. After clicking the “Submit” button (or using the Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcuts) at the top of the window you will see special link, by clicking on which you can cancel sending the letter. The link will be available for the specified time.

Favorable advantage Gmail service in this sense, it is possible to cancel the sending of a letter, regardless of the address to which it was sent. However, to use this option, you must send messages directly through the web interface. When sending from desktop email applications It will no longer be possible to return the letter.

Cancel in Outlook

Microsoft's email client also allows you to unsend emails. However, it should immediately be taken into account that we're talking about only about corporate mail, using the Microsoft Exchange protocol, and you can cancel the action only if the letter was sent to a user using the same server as you. That is, the story is purely internal to the corporate. But it is very relevant if you send important letter management.

Instructions for setting up an email address in Microsoft program Outlook 2016.

To cancel, go to the Sent folder and double-click on the sent letter. In the window that opens with the letter, in the ribbon menu in the “Message” tab, look for the “Move” area. Click on the “Actions” button and select “Recall message” from the drop-down list.

You will receive a notification that some recipients may have already read this message, but if you act as quickly as possible, you will significantly reduce this likelihood. You will be given several undo actions to choose from - “Delete unread copies” and “delete unread copies and replace them with new messages.” If the letter has already been opened, you will not be able to cancel its sending.

Also, if you check the “Notify the result of the review for each recipient” checkbox, you will receive a notification about how successful the attempt to unsend the message was.

If you have several email addresses and each time you log in to different sites to check each of them, it makes sense to think about collecting mail on one account. For example, in Gmail.

Another option in which cancellation of sending corporate letter will not work, is the case when the recipient has automatically configured rules for sorting messages. Let's say a rule has been set at your address according to which a letter from the Inbox folder is automatically moved to some other specially created one.

It happens that you accidentally sent a message to the wrong person. Or sent the wrong thing. Or he wrote something in the heat of the moment, and then changed his mind and wanted to take back his words. How to delete or cancel a sent message in VK so that a person does not read it?

This instruction is current for 2019.

What should I do to delete a sent message?

The message can be deleted within 24 hours after sending. Later - no way (more precisely, later you can only delete it from yourself, but not from the recipient).

To delete a sent message:

All! You deleted the message from both yourself and the recipient.

Be careful: VK remembers that you checked the box "Delete for everyone" and next time it will be installed immediately. That is, if you do not remove it, messages will again be deleted from both you and your interlocutor’s correspondence.

If the deadline has already passed, VK will write “Message deleted,” but this means that only you have deleted it. In this case, you can simply write a second message and apologize for sending it to the wrong place. And next time, be more careful, take your time and watch who you send what to.

And the sent message can be edited or made empty.

How can I edit or make a sent message blank?

The sent message can be edited (changed) or made empty within 24 hours after sending. But the recipient will still see that something was sent to him and then edited.

You can edit a message in a personal message within 24 hours (24 hours) after sending. This can be done in full or mobile version on the VK website, but not yet in the app on your phone. Click on the message or hover over it, then click the edit button. It looks like a pencil. .

To make a message empty, erase its contents and insert any of these codes in its place - after saving it will turn into empty place. First you need to select it and copy it, or just type it from the keyboard. Any of these five:

The code needs to be inserted because it is completely deleted, empty message VK won't let you save. The space character will not work.

Click the checkbox to save the modified message. If something doesn't work out, edit again. Now the recipient will only see that you something sent, but the contents will be empty. He will also see the time of sending and the note (ed.)- "edited":

Read more about editing in this manual:

Questions about deleting sent messages

Why is there no “Delete for everyone” checkbox?

The reason is one of these:

  1. You delete your message, which was sent more than 24 hours ago (you can no longer delete it for everyone).
  2. You want to delete someone else's message, not your own. You cannot delete a message that he sent to you from another person’s correspondence. You can only do this on your own.
  3. The interlocutor has blacklisted you (emergency). However, you cannot delete a sent message from everyone, even if 24 hours have not passed yet. But if he removes you from the emergency, then it will again be possible to delete the sent message for everyone, as long as the 24-hour period from the moment of sending has not expired.

Will the person find out that I sent him something and deleted it?

A deleted message in a correspondence disappears without a trace, but it is still possible. The person may have time to read the message before you delete it. In addition, he can have notifications of new messages enabled by email or phone, and your message will be sent to him as a letter or SMS immediately after sending. Then he will be able to read the message, even if you immediately deleted it.

Is it possible to delete a sent message if it has already been read?

Yes, like unread. There is no difference for deletion if the deadline has not yet passed (24 hours from the date of sending).

Is it possible to delete a sent VKontakte message if it has not yet been read?

Yes, sure. At the beginning of this instruction we tell you exactly how to do this.

If I deleted a message only from myself, can I delete it from the recipient?

No you can not. Should have been deleted immediately with a tick "Delete for everyone."

If I delete my page, will my sent messages be deleted?

No, they will not be deleted, the recipient will read them, only instead of your main photo there will be a dog and it will be written that the page has been deleted.

How to delete a sent message if you are in an emergency situation?

The interlocutor has no idea. You can only delete it yourself.

If my message is forwarded, will the copy be deleted?

No. If the person to whom you sent the message forwarded it to someone else, then you cannot delete the forwarded copy of the message.

How to delete a message that was not sent

A message can be deleted if it was not sent due to communication problems. In this case, next to him there will be a red roundel with exclamation point. Click on it - a menu will appear - then click "Delete message."

You can delete this message without the recipient seeing it:

Is it possible to delete a sent photo on VKontakte?

Yes, you can! Find it in your correspondence, just click on it and select "Delete". The photo will not disappear immediately - as long as you haven’t closed it, you still have the opportunity to cancel the deletion. And if you refresh the page, you will see that the photo has been removed from the dialogue.

What programs are there to delete sent messages on VK?

There are no such programs. If it says somewhere that it exists, or that you can delete messages after 24 hours have passed, it's just a scam. You will either have to give money and not receive anything, or your page will be hacked and you will not be able to access it. Be careful. We recommend using the reliable “Login” start page to log into VK.

How to delete a sent message from yourself?

After this, the message will be deleted only from you, but the interlocutor will keep it.

How to save the original version of a message in case a person deletes it?

If you are worried that your interlocutor will delete his message for personal interests, select it and forward it to yourself (by clicking "Forward" find yourself in the dialogues by starting to type your name). Now, even if a person deletes it, you will have a copy of the original with the date and time.

Fast and convenient login to VK

Start page “Login” - for logging into the VKontakte website and other sites. Try it, there are many new opportunities for you.