Find out information about the phone number. How to find a person on social networks. We check the database of courts of general jurisdiction

Finding out the owner of a mobile phone is often simply necessary. The situations are different: from selling something large and valuable on the Internet to going on a date.

Is it possible to break through a mobile phone in Russia and how to do it? Let's understand the issue.

What does the law say about this?

On January 1, 2014, Federal Law No. 304-FZ of November 2, 2013 “On Amendments to Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Communications” and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” came into force.

The law prohibited the street sale of SIM cards. Now the operator or a person who acts on his behalf (dealer) is required to enter into an agreement for the sale of the card and enter the subscriber’s passport data into it.

The dealer must send a signed copy of the agreement to the operator within 10 days. And the operator will check the accuracy of the information.

What operators know about subscribers

The contract must include basic information: full name, registration address, series and number of the passport, as well as when and by whom the document was issued. But if the SIM card was purchased secondhand from the metro or at a train station, then, of course, the subscriber data will be fake. You yourself understand how prohibitions work.

In addition, operators have data on calls made and SMS sent. They don’t record calls (for now - keep in mind the “Yarovaya package”), but they save the contents of SMS. They also have information about the dates and amounts of balance replenishments, the current account balance, and the IMEI of the device.

Is location tracked? Yes, and not only when you call. Coordinates are recorded at the moment of entering and leaving the network, moving between cells. Technically, the operator has the ability to manually request coordinates and record the entire track.

So how to break through a mobile phone?

1. Ask

Incredible, but it works. Call the number, say that you are conducting a survey, ask a few simple questions. At the end, specify your first and last name.

If a person is ready to cooperate and has already answered the questions, he can automatically give his last name or first name. Especially if you promise a small bonus. For example, top up your account for participating in a survey. And even transfer these 10-20 rubles (the amount should not be large so as not to arouse suspicion).

2. Google

The easiest and completely legal way to find out a lot about the owner of a mobile number. People often leave this information in the public domain.

If the nickname is relatively rare or you find out something else, you can Google further. Combinations “nickname + city”, “nickname + surname”, “nickname + car make”, etc. will give additional information.

Finally, if you found a photo of a person by number, it makes sense to use the FindFace service. It finds profiles of people on VKontakte based on photos and provides links to them:

It often happens that they call from an unfamiliar number and hang up. Calls to such a number may be charged. Victims often post numbers on the Internet, so Googling the number before calling is useful.

3. Check social networks

On Facebook, just a phone number is enough. In addition, you can go to the form for restoring access to the page and enter the number. The social network will offer to send a six-digit code to this number, and next to it will show the account (photo and full name) to which it is linked:

VKontakte allows you to enter a phone number to restore access to the page, but requires the last name to which the number is associated.

4. Login to Viber

The messenger allows you to find out the first name (and most often, the last name) and receive a photo of the user. Click the Add button (blue with a plus in the lower right corner), then enter the phone number and add the user. After this, in the contact list you need to click on it and select “Information”.

5. Top up his account

When replenishing an account using a phone number, employees of mobile phone stores usually see the full name of its owner. Pretend that you want to check whether the number was entered correctly and ask the employee to give the owner’s full name.

Usually sellers meet halfway, suspecting nothing. Indeed, you want to top up someone’s account, which means you give the impression of an honest person.

And if the manager refuses to give your full name, you can go to another salon. Trying is not torture.

Again: you are not breaking anything. You just have to ask)))

6. Use special services

New sites where you can get your mobile number appear regularly. But should we believe them?

For example, here is one of the first in search engine results - Reliability – depending on your luck.

I checked several of my friends' numbers with their permission, and some of them confirmed the accuracy of the information. True, there is frankly little data: registration address and e-mail, sometimes also a photo. If the number has recently been changed, the service displays the old data.

There is also a lot of garbage in the service area. Look, for example, at the results of the latest queries that the service openly displays on the main page.

The site owner claims that he uses various software technologies to ensure that the collected information is as accurate and comprehensive as possible. Data is obtained from open sources (the same search results), APIs of other sites, from people who collect and sell mobile databases. Users themselves add information, not about themselves, of course.

UPD: after publishing the article, we were contacted by a user whose number was shown on the main page of the resource. The user claims that the number and unflattering description were added to the database in retaliation by an employee of the company with which he refused to work.

Conclusions: 1. This can happen to anyone. 2. You yourself understand the level of trust in and the like.

Similar services are provided by the website Here they promise to punch not only the number and provide “full name, registration/registration address, date of birth, passport details of the owner, tariff, balance, date of opening (connection) of the number, history of the owners of the phone number, as well as who was the owner of the phone number in a given period time or get a complete list of former owners" (the author's spelling has been preserved).

The developers claim that the information is obtained from employees of cellular companies, and not from offline databases, so the relevance is higher. They can name other telephone numbers that belong to the owner of the specified number.

Naturally, full prepayment is required for everything, which is already alarming.

Technically, nothing is impossible. Operators actually store subscriber data. The only question is whether OPSOS employees with the required level of access will substitute themselves for the sake of a few hundred rubles.

Each employee signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Violation is fraught with dismissal and the initiation of a criminal case.

But reviews about the service are rather negative. “Scam” is the mildest definition of deceived clients. They say they promise a lot, they take money, but there is no result. You can't get into the consumer rights society with something like that.

Actually, checking such services is easy. Order the information about your own phone number, and you will immediately understand everything.

7. Check against the number database

Buy the entire database or gain access through the web interface - a method similar to the previous one. Even if the data is provided to you, there is a high risk that it will be out of date.

But most often, after transferring money or sending an SMS to a paid number, you are simply banned (blocked, added to the blacklist).

8. Contact the operator

If you or your loved ones are threatened, you can contact your mobile operator directly and state the reasons for your request in a statement. Employees must review it and provide or not provide you with information about the subscriber.

But, of course, this doesn’t work if you just need to find out information about the person you’re hiring, want to buy something from, or go on a date with. Practice shows that operators usually refuse and require an official request to be made through law enforcement agencies.

9. Go to the police, prosecutor's office, FSB, FSO

The procedure is similar: write a statement to the authorities and state the reasons. If law enforcement officers consider the reason sufficient and open a case of a criminal or administrative offense (Clause 4 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Police”), they will make a request to the cellular operator.

The company will be required to provide subscriber information. Information about who owns the number does not fall under Art. 63 Federal Law “On Communications”, so the request does not violate the confidentiality of communications. The reason, of course, must be serious for the prosecutor to authorize the request.

But even if you are threatened, the process of providing data may take a long time. And it’s not a fact that the data received will be revealed directly to you.

10. Hire a private detective

And they provide such services. For a couple of hundred dollars they promise your full name and address, for a thousand or more - a complete dossier: download from the operator’s database, current location, call details. They most often refer to connections with authorities and the operator.

Of course, there is no guarantee. You wouldn’t report a private detective, much less a police or FSB officer. But the larger the amount, the higher the likelihood that the OPSOS employee will give out such information.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies, judging by information on forums and on the darknet, are also doing the same. Of course, this is an abuse of power and a matter within the jurisdiction. But most often the method works.

So there are plenty of options

In fact, the only question is whether the game is worth the candle. And without a phone number you can find enough information about many people.

We have listed the legal methods. Try it and see - it's free and safe.

4.50 out of 5, rated: 12 )

website Only working methods.

In order to find a loved one by mobile number, there are various ways. In this article we will touch on each of them.

Geolocation will help

Most people today know what it is geolocation. This is the determination of the exact location of an object using various technologies, such as satellite networks(GPS or GLONASS), as well as LBS(Location Based Service) - determining the location of a mobile phone based on base station signals using the back-resection method. In the case of determining a person’s location by number, this option is usually used.

Geolocation can help you find a person by mobile phone number

The main advantage of this method of geolocation is lack of connection to satellite systems, however, there is also a drawback: it is not possible to accurately determine the location of the desired device. This depends on the type of network, and a certain coordinate point may be erroneous, and the error here is not 200 meters, but several kilometers. Although, you might get lucky.

Grandfather, who went to pick mushrooms,

you won't find it this way

Of course, the more base stations there are, the more accurately the system can determine where the owner of the number you are looking for is located, but, for example, you will not find a grandfather who has gone mushroom picking: if there is a forest around 2-3 stations, and it itself covers an area of ​​a hundred kilometers, certain coordinates will be very, very inaccurate.

Of course, it can determine the location of the phone as accurately as possible by number the telecom operator himself, however, he will do this only upon request from the police or other competent authorities, and we all know how these same authorities work in our country. During the time it takes for them to move the pieces of paper from one pile to another, and the phone will run out and the attacker will disappear.

However, mobile service providers offer special services to find out the whereabouts of a person without violating the law, that is, with the consent of the owner of the number.

What do operators offer?

As we have already said, every mobile operator considers it an honor to provide room direction finding service. Traditionally these services are provided paid, however, their cost is not at all high.

Such services can be activated using USSD requests, using IVR, through a personal account on the operator’s website or in stores. This can be done legally only with the consent of the subscriber himself, however, you can do it without him if you hold his phone in your hands for a minute or two. You can find out information about a person’s location by receiving it on your mobile phone in the form of SMS or by installing a special application.

"Radar" service from MegaFon

Radar service from MegaFon

To activate the service, you need to send a USSD request from your mobile phone. *140# or on the website You can find out where the phone you are looking for is located there or using a USSD request *140*7xxxxxxxxxx#(where 7xxxxxxxxxx is the phone number of the desired subscriber). The cost of the service is 3 rub. / day. You can also track subscribers of other networks.

Connection to the Geosearch service from Tele2

TELE2 also provides a similar service

*119*01# . To enable tracking you need to dial *119*1*7xxxxxxxxxx#. For information about where the telephone is located, dial *119*2*7xxxxxxxxxx#. The cost is 3 rub. / day.

Connecting to the Locator service from Beeline

Beeline also allows its subscribers to track loved ones

To connect to this service, send an empty SMS to the number 5166 and download the application "Locator". The cost of the service is 7 rub. / day. You can track up to 5 numbers.

Connecting to the Locator service from MTS

Doesn't lag behind competitors and MTS

The service is activated by USSD request *111*788# . To add tracked subscribers you need to send an SMS to a short number 6677 , for example: "DOB Daughter 89157654321". Service cost 100 rubles per month. You can also track Megafon subscribers.

Here you need to understand one important thing: When providing this service, mobile service providers use the same geolocation by base stations, that is, the problems will be the same. Coordinates will be provided with a large error, and if in the city center, where there are many towers, it will be only 100-200 meters, then outside the city - in a forest or industrial zone, you can find a person no longer possible. Plus, if the mobile is turned off for one reason or another, then The Locator service will not work, and a person’s location can be determined in this way no more than once every five minutes.

Search through Google or Apple accounts

You can find out the location of a person by his phone number (or find the gadget itself if it is stolen or lost) online using special functions Google and iCloud features. One minus: all these features only work if the phone has geolocation And possibility of remote control. However, in the case of, for example, a child whose accounts parents have access to by default, it makes sense to use these services - it's really very convenient.

For example, this is how it happens using Google services. Everything needs to be done 4 steps:

1. go to the search engine on any browser;

2. select the menu and click on “My Account”;

Go to the search engine and select “My Account”

3. scroll down the page;

Select "Search for phone"

4. select “phone search”.

The system will request access to your Google account - enter your password. After this, the service will determine where is the gadget located? However, as always, there are certain conditions. Firstly, the phone number must be associated with the account, and Secondly, GPS must be turned on on the device, otherwise, unfortunately, it will not be possible to find it.

Apps to find a person by their phone location

We must admit that there is quite a lot of such software. We will describe only some programs, because otherwise we will simply drown. I hope this sample helps you.

The first of the applications we selected makes it possible to create a certain group (for example, children or couriers), whose members can see where everyone else is, as well as their history

Find My Friends

A completely free application, which, while being very easy to use, provides a lot of opportunities for tracking people by phone number. In addition, people included in the circle you created will not only see each other, but also have the opportunity to correspond with each other.

Life360: be with your family


This is not simple software, but an entire social cross-platform system where you can create groups of users and track their location. In addition, the application supports messenger features, and also makes it possible to evaluate battery status on

the phone you are interested in.

What is very important for parents is the opportunity to highlight locations, such as school, home, work and so on. When you enter or exit it, the program will give you a signal.

It is also very important panic button function. When a user in a difficult situation clicks on it, everyone in his circle receives a corresponding message.

More recently, one could say that there was nothing special in this program, because everything was like everyone else: an SOS button, a GPS search for people by phone number, a messenger - however, in the summer of 2016, the development company accomplished not so much a technological , what a marketing breakthrough: the program has learned to send relatives data on aircraft departures and landings, which, of course, is sometimes very important.

A very pleasant impression is made by the GeoLocator application, which, in addition to being able to track the movements of a child (or adult), can even turn into a baby monitor (that is, provide a feedback function) or an Internet walkie-talkie. Separately, I would like to note the excellent work of the software support team.

Of course, there are spyware to spy on your phone, but you must be clearly aware that using such software illegal and violates human rights. However, similar applications can be easily found and purchased online. They are ideal hide and are not displayed in system processes of gadgets, secretly collect data about the subscriber’s location and thus make it possible to find a person’s location by mobile phone number.

Such applications include programs Talklog, Hellospy, Phone Spy, however, these are the most popular of them; in fact, there are many more of them. As we have already said, it is impossible to find this software by viewing installed programs, however some mobile antiviruses are capable of this.

What to watch out for

Beautifully designed websites with a modern, discreet design, offering to find a person by phone number for little money for free or for nominal money should be avoided. Let's repeat it again: if special software is not installed on your phone or computer, special services from the operator are not connected, or the internal affairs authorities are not interested in the subscriber, It is impossible to find a person's location by mobile phone number. Those who propose to do this scammers who want to steal your money.

On the other side, determine by prefix, to which region the unfamiliar number belongs, from which, for example, an unfamiliar call was received on your phone, is not only legal, but also quite real.

So, let's summarize: we told you how to find a person’s location by phone, however, as you can see, it is unlikely that you can simply enter the number in the search bar of your browser and see all the information about your wife or subordinate. Of course, there are situations when finding a loved one quickly is simply necessary, but, fortunately, they do not happen so often. In other cases, it is better to trust others: it will save both nerves and money.

How to find out the owner by phone number - this question is relevant for those who constantly suffer from annoying calls from unknown people. Most often, to resolve an unpleasant situation, they call their operator’s call center. In most cases, you can hear a refusal, since no one will disclose such information. But we will tell you how to find the owner of a phone number for free.

Search for a number on the Internet

You can get a phone number by region through electronic boards. Mailing advertisements for the sale of property or real estate is especially popular in small towns. The network contains information such as:

  • the locality in which the owner of the SIM card lives;
  • Full name (sometimes just a name);
  • Mobile phone number.

If houses or apartments were previously sold, then their owners are included in the database with the address indicated. All this is available online, just enter a search query. It is recommended to use several search engines at once, since the information is not displayed in all algorithms.

For example, the old way to find a mobile phone number is to type a few numbers into Google. Yandex is slightly inferior to it in terms of search quality. Sometimes a domestic search engine will be more effective if it requests specific information about a person. The lack of information in search engines means that a person either does not use the Internet or uses other people’s data. The technique is excellent for collecting information about enterprises and companies.

Number databases

Advanced Internet users are well versed in the question of how to find out who a mobile phone number is registered to. There are dozens of services on the Internet that provide access to online databases. They store information about mobile and landline phone numbers. The main disadvantages of this method include:

  • navigation functions poorly or is quite difficult to understand;
  • Some of the data is publicly available, and some must be paid for;
  • Over time, the database loses its relevance.

Most services have beautiful websites, but this does not mean that you can find the information you are requesting on them. Some of them repeat each other.

Another disadvantage is that immediately after opening the page, a pop-up window appears asking you to pay for access to the resource via SMS message. The thought involuntarily creeps in that these are scammers. Even if access is obtained, this does not mean that the data presented is true and not outdated.

Open databases can provide information that is ten years old. The network also provides databases for downloading (some are free and for a fee to the owners). But there is no guarantee that the data is up to date. It is not uncommon for scammers to act as sellers.

Free DB

The Free DB service is free. It provides data on popular Russian and Ukrainian mobile operators. You can find out the owner's full name in them by entering it using the phone number. As in the previous version, the data may be out of date.

Please note that before installing the program on your computer or tablet, you must check it with an antivirus. Archives are uploaded to the site by unverified users. To obtain the database, you must complete a number of steps:

  1. Select a mobile operator and click on the appropriate section (folder).
  2. Wait for the new page to load, click “Download”. This will begin loading the database.
  3. Install the downloaded file and open it through the archiver.

It is important to take into account that such activities are not within the legal framework. All actions are the responsibility of the person himself.

My SMS Box

The My SMS Box service helps you get through a phone number to find out its owner. The program searches by a specific number or by its first digits. This is convenient for those who cannot accurately reproduce the data and have limited time for searching.

The database contains only Russian license plates. To start the search, enter the phone number in the text field. It must be remembered that all numbers are written in international format. Next, press the “Find” button. The search displays the following data:

  • Full name of the SIM card owner;
  • the type of its number;
  • selected mobile operator;
  • the region in which the phone was registered.

The site also offers to send free SMS to any numbers (within the territory of the Russian Federation). There is access to search not only by mobile phone number, but also within the regional range in general.

Application to law enforcement agencies

At the request of an individual, mobile operators are not required to provide the requested information, since subscriber confidentiality is protected by law. Disclosure of information to third parties carries responsibility within the framework of current legislation. Every person has the right to contact law enforcement agencies. Upon request, the number is “broken through”. Important circumstances that form the basis of an administrative or criminal case must be proven. This way you can determine the owner of the SIM card.

Law enforcement authorities send a request to the address of the mobile operator. Most often the following information is provided:

  • Full name of the owner of the phone number;
  • his address of residence or registration;
  • Date of Birth.

Processing of the request takes no more than a month. This method is not fast, so if you need to find out a person’s personal data in a few days, it is better to look for other options.

Social media

One of the most accessible ways is to use the social networks Facebook and Vkontakte. You can also dial a phone number online using a foreign code. The two sites have a combined user base of over one and a half billion people.

  1. As soon as the site has loaded, you need to log out of your own account.
  2. Next, press the authorization key and select the field called “Forgot your password?”.
  3. Then a page appears where you can resume access to your account. A text field will appear for you to enter a phone number. The number must be copied into a special form, then confirm your action by clicking OK.
  4. If the owner has an account on social networks, his photo and personal page will be displayed.

Such data will be enough to independently contact the person. A similar method is used to search for data from Facebook users. On the website, click “Forgot your account?” and enter the number. User information appears.

Search for a number on Google

To use this method, you will need an understanding of how search engines work. When you simply enter a number into the search bar, the results will lead to unknown sites where there is a similar combination of numbers. Often there is information that has nothing to do with searching for the requested number.

To avoid such a trap, you need to act according to special instructions:

  1. The search query is formatted using quotation marks. They are placed at the beginning and at the end. For example, "123456789". Google will only return pages with this sequence of numbers.
  2. Google sometimes shows results with a specific mobile phone number and its owner.
  3. If results are displayed that simply contain a number series, you should ignore them.

There is no need to despair if this method does not help. You can always return to the search through social networks or, if the situation has gone too far (threats by phone), it is recommended to write a statement to law enforcement agencies.

Call a stranger

Calling a stranger is the easiest way. The only downside is that no one may answer the call on the other end of the line. Attackers also often use SIM cards of other people, so the interlocutor does not confirm the call from the specified phone number.

SIM cards of organizations or enterprises have their own answering machine. If the secretary answers the phone, you can always ask the person to introduce himself. The most effective way would be to call an unfamiliar number from the phone of friends or relatives. This makes it much more likely that your call will be answered. You need to be careful here: sometimes money is withdrawn from the account (this is a trap).

How else to find out the owner

Through city information services, you can only find out the home phone number of its owner through his full name. If the person’s first name, last name and telephone number are known, the operator can provide the owner’s place of residence.

When calls from an unfamiliar number are too annoying, a police report is filed. Hooliganism is given as the reason.

It is necessary to take into account that the search for a phone number may differ by region and country of residence. For example, in Belarus and Russia, a SIM card is purchased exclusively using a passport. This makes it much easier to find the person you are looking for. But in Ukraine you do not need to present documents to purchase a SIM card.

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A functional gadget with a SIM card has long become a mandatory and necessary attribute of everyday life. Smartphones and tablets help with work, create conditions for exciting leisure, allow you to always be in touch, provide fast access to the Internet and... act as a reliable “beacon” for determining a person’s location. Searching for the right people by phone number is available to every cellular subscriber. The need for such a service may arise in a situation with a child being late home, an annoying prankster, a stolen gadget, etc.

In the article:

It is important to know and understand what geolocation is. This term is familiar to everyone, but few can constructively explain its technical meaning, which literally means accurately determining the geographical location (geoposition) of the user online thanks to the stream of data generated non-stop by the device.

The source of information for precise positioning can be not only the SIM card, but also the mobile device itself connected to the Internet.

When trying to effectively answer the question of how to find a person by mobile phone number, you should pay attention to 4 tested methods that completely or sufficiently solve the problem raised.

Methods for finding people using a phone number

The ability of a phone to send a identifying signal is not something seditious or special, if we remember one of the “duties” of the device is to provide the owner with the shortest routes to the desired point. In addition, manufacturers, trying to protect their products from intruders, make it easier to find stolen gadgets through special firmware, which has a unique code for each individual device.

To be sure to find a person by phone number, you should not trust the first method that comes up on the Internet, especially a paid one. Deception on this topic is a kind of business for many Internet scammers. The final goal of searching for a person also plays an important role, which determines the choice of method, since universally effective technologies simply do not exist. Among the available and proven methods, the following should be highlighted:

Geolocation services from mobile operators

Providers will tell you how to find a person by phone number. To do this, they offer special paid services based on Cell ID technology. Each operator base station serves certain geographic sectors, which are assigned a unique two-byte identifier - Cell ID.

Knowing in which sector and which tower the phone is served at a given time, you can determine its location on the map with an accuracy of 100 meters.

If the question is how to find a person by phone number far from a big city, the error can increase to 800-1000 meters.

Popular mobile operators offer to activate tracking services using short USSD commands, SMS or a special menu. It should be taken into account that if there is a need to discreetly monitor a person’s location, you will have to use the “target’s” phone without his knowledge in order to activate or confirm the service.

In order for a child, colleague or subordinate who is in an unknown location to “clarify” his location, you can use:

  • "Geosearch" from TELE2. The service is activated by USSD request * 119 * 01 # , may not be available in some regions of the Russian Federation and costs from 60 rubles per month. To activate tracking, use a combination of the USSD command and the desired phone number, for example * 119 * 1 * 79025555555 # . To quickly obtain the coordinates of the location of the SIM card, a request is generated * 119 * 2 * 79025555555 # .
  • "Locator" from Beeline. Suitable for smartphones running Android and is a separate mobile application that is installed in the gadget’s memory. Allows you to track up to 5 numbers from different providers. Monthly fee from 90 rubles. To activate the service, an empty message is sent to service number 5166.
  • "Locator" from MTS. It works with the consent of the owner of the MTS or Megafon SIM card that will be monitored. The monthly service fee is 100 rubles. To connect, first dial the USSD command * 111 * 788 # , then sent by message to number 6677, which indicates whose number is added for tracking, for example, DOB Husband 8916 6666666.
  • "Navigator" from Megafon. Allows you to track Megafon and MTS subscribers. The cost is 3 rubles per day. You can activate the service and track your phone on the Megafon website, Navigator section. If you have access to the gadget you are looking for, sometimes it is more convenient to dial the USSD command * 140 # on it . To determine a person's location, a combination of a service request and a SIM card number is formed, for example * 140 * 79251811111.

As part of such services, the “Child under supervision” option from MTS is also useful. You can track the location of a child’s phone in your personal account using the appropriate mobile application or via SMS to 7788 with the text WHERE THE CHILDREN are.

Tracking a gadget by IMEI

This is a unique digital identifier of mobile equipment, which is unique to each device. Access to ready-made client databases and services is limited, but with the help of special programs for searching devices by IMEI, which are pre-installed in the memory of the desired gadget, you can successfully determine the location of the desired person.
Special Internet services. They do not allow you to determine the subscriber’s geoposition with high accuracy, but sometimes they are very useful. A striking example is the resource, which is available for free and does not require any registration steps from the user. It is enough to enter the phone number of the desired subscriber and confirm the code from the picture to receive up-to-date information about the person’s location.

Mobile applications

For modern communication devices running iOS and Android operating systems, a number of phantom programs have been developed to control their movements. Applications are installed in the device’s memory, do not reveal themselves in any way, and constantly collect information about the subscriber’s location. Programs such as Phone Tracker, Talklog, Hellospy become especially invaluable if an expensive iPhone or Galaxy goes missing. The application in combination with the GPS module allows you to calculate the location of the gadget with an accuracy of up to a meter.


It is important to understand that it is unlikely to be possible to monitor a person’s movements in real time, since coordinates are determined no more than once every 5 minutes. Most methods of calculating a person's geoposition require that the phone be turned on and actively interact with nearby operator towers.

Also, you should not use the services of sites that provide any kind of payment using an SMS request. This is a sure sign of fraud.

There are situations when it is urgent to find a person by any means. Today, almost everyone uses mobile phones and social networks, but many people know that with the help of the treasured cell phone numbers you can find out a person’s full name, as well as find the location of a network subscriber at any time. You will learn further about how modern technologies work and help in finding people.

How to find a person by mobile phone number

The number, as a rule, belongs to one person, because an identification document is required when registering. If a person called from his mobile device, the probability of finding out his last name is high. There are several options like . It is important to remember to beware of flashy Internet sites that promise to provide personal information about a person online for free or for a small fee. This is often how scammers work (especially common in Moscow), and if you don’t get what you need, you’ll lose a lot of money.

How to find out who owns a cell phone number

Only the cellular operator that provides these services can tell you the last name and first name of the person calling you. Having made such a request to the salon, it is unlikely that you will get your cards laid out on the table: personal information of clients is under a ban on disclosure. However, after writing a statement, indicate the reasons for such a request (threats to you and your family, fraud, etc.) - and then, perhaps, the company’s management will meet you halfway and reveal this information to you.

But here is a method that can easily be called an interesting opportunity to collect information. So, how to call a person by his cell phone number for almost free:

  1. Go to a Megafon, MTS or Beeline communication salon and top up the subscriber's account with the help of the operator at the checkout.
  2. Tell him the numbers with the code, and then ask him to give his last name to check if the phone number is written down correctly.
  3. Most likely, the salon employee will give you your first and last name, and all you have to do is remember the information received and continue your search.
  4. If it didn’t work out in one communication salon, then try repeating the steps in another.

How to find a person on social networks

You can find out the owner of a mobile phone through social networks. The main condition for this is that the person you need is registered with this number, otherwise you may make a mistake and receive false information. In addition, do not forget that not everyone uses social networks, so it is not a fact that you will be able to find him so easily. Still worth a try!

In contact with

To find a person by phone number in VK you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Log out of your page.
  2. On the page with the form for entering your login (matches the mobile numbers) and password, click “Forgot your password?”.
  3. Enter the operator code, the numbers you need and click next.
  4. An avatar from the page of the person whose phone number you entered will appear on the screen.
  5. Hover over the photo and right-click. Select "Copy Image Link".
  6. Paste the link into your browser. You will be taken to the owner page of the mobile phone you recently entered.

In Odnoklassniki

Video: how to break a person through a database