Why doesn't the call button ring in messenger? Video call and Facebook Live broadcasts. How it works

Especially active and sociable users may be interested in how to make calls in Facebook Messenger.

How to Make Calls on Facebook Messenger

Indeed, both desktop and mobile versions of Facebook Messenger allow the user to make voice calls. Moreover, it’s free – if we are talking about a call to another messenger user. You can also make video calls.

Making a call is extremely easy:

  • First you need to download the messenger and log in to your account;
  • then select the user you want to call from the contact list;
  • and press the on-screen button in the form of a telephone handset;
  • If you want to make a video call, you will need to press the button with the video camera.

Some experts note that this feature will allow Facebook Messenger to catch up in the mobile messaging market. After all, many programs of a similar purpose have already added calls to their list of services. Even the well-known WhatsApp did this, whose users previously boasted precisely that they did not need to spend extra traffic on calls.

If the user still does not have a call button in the interface, then most likely he is using an outdated build of Facebook Messenger. In this case, you should update the application to the latest version.

It only remains to note that, unfortunately, not all countries can be called. Providers in some countries artificially limit this possibility for one reason or another.

In the age of modern technology, contacting your friend, who is, say, thousands of kilometers away from you, is very, very simple. There are many applications for smartphones and services for personal computers for this purpose. But in some cases it is much more convenient to make a video call on Facebook, because you don’t even have to install additional programs.

How it works?

A video call is an online conversation with a friend using a webcam. To make a call on Facebook, all you need is a valid social network account and a device with a built-in or plug-in webcam. If necessary, video can be turned off, leaving only the possibility of voice communication.

The main convenience of Facebook video chat is that you don’t need to install any plugins or programs. The main thing is that the Internet connection is stable, and the webcam and microphone function without interruption.

How to start?

Actually, the video call itself will not cause any difficulties. You can launch it in a matter of seconds. We do the following:

All. The video call is on! Now you can chat with your Facebook friends in real time for hours. A great alternative to Facetime and Skype!

Helpful information

If you have already tried to make a video call on Facebook, you probably appreciated the quality of the broadcasts. Naturally, a lot depends on the speed of the Internet connection for you and your interlocutor, as well as the quality of devices for transmitting video and audio messages. For high-quality video chat, the following conditions are required:

  • Internet connection with a speed of at least 150 kbit/s;
  • current versions of web browsers Google Chrome, Opera or Mozilla Firefox;
  • working high-resolution webcam;
  • stable computer operation.

Video calls may be slow or interrupted due to poor computer performance. In these cases, disconnect USB devices, pause other programs and download files.

And some more interesting facts about Facebook video calls:

  • not a single video chat is recorded by the system, so it is impossible to add a conversation to the archive;
  • You can only communicate via a webcam with one social network user at a time;
  • If you don't have a webcam, you can still make a video call, but your friends will only be able to hear you.

By providing Facebook messenger with a video chat function, the management of the social network has made life much easier for many users. Now you don’t have to create an account in separate video services. You can directly chat with your friends directly through FB.

Let's consider 2 options for video communication on Facebook: a video call to a friend, as well as your own video broadcasts, which can be organized for all users or for a limited circle of people.

However, first things first.

Video call on Facebook

You can make a video call to the person who is your friend on Facebook. Both interlocutors must have a camera and microphone for a video call. The camera can be turned off if the Internet speed is low or Internet traffic is limited. You can turn off the sound if necessary.

The video call is not recorded, but the date and time of the video call is saved in the chat history.

In order to make a video call, you first need to find the person you want to call. In the lower right corner of Facebook you need to open a chat:

Rice. 1 Chat on Facebook

If you click on the gear icon in the “Chat” tab (1 in Fig. 2), the chat settings will open:

2 in Fig. 2 – if you uncheck this box, sound notifications about incoming messages will be disabled.

3 in Fig. 2 – if you check the box, the chat will be turned off.

Rice. 3 For a video conversation, click on the video call icon

In the chat window, you need to find a friend and click on the camera icon (1 in Fig. 3). If the camera icon in a chat window with a friend is grayed out, it means that the friend is unable to accept the call at the moment.

Facebook Live Broadcasts

Facebook has decided to lift restrictions on the use of its own video communication service, and now owners of accounts on this social network who have iPhones (later on Android smartphones) can freely communicate with each other. Mark Zuckerberg shared this good news on March 6 from his public Facebook account.

“It’s like you have a TV camera in your pocket all the time. Anyone with a phone can stream video to anyone around the world. Video broadcasting allows for more personal communication,” Zuckerberg said.

The video communication service Facebook Live tentatively began operating at the end of the summer of 2015, but its functions were available only to a select user elite: network meme personalities, film and television stars, successful representatives of show business and other celebrities.

The service was available in the form of options for a special mobile program “Mentions” for communication between celebrities (from the English celebrity - “celebrity”) with their fans in a public format. As part of this application, the general public could only look at their favorites through subscriptions to their news feeds and ask them written questions.

Now Facebook Live has become a full-featured service with capabilities for video communication, creating and sharing videos, selecting friend groups, as well as adding animated emoticons to videos, applying graphic filters and other options.

By the way, in early March of this year, Facebook Corporation offered the same celebrities with whom it all began cash rewards for video broadcasts through the new service. It is planned to involve at least a hundred famous people in such an advertising move.

Video services similar to Facebook Live were previously implemented in Skype and Periscope (Twitter). Facebook probably doesn’t want to lag behind them in this regard.

How to start a Facebook Live broadcast

To connect live video broadcast, you need to do the following steps:

Facebook has set a half-hour limit on one individual program, which after the broadcast ends will be available among everything else on the Timeline.

It is possible to ban unwanted viewers (tap on the avatar and the “Block” button). In case of “atonement for the sins” of the user you banned, you can restore access to your video masterpieces.

The Facebook Live developers have an ambitious goal to make this service the best among its competitors. Time will tell what will come of this, but for now you can use the new features of the social network.

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