Increase Beeline mobile traffic. How to extend Internet traffic of Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 without changing the tariff plan

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Quick response:
You can check the remaining traffic on your mobile Internet or modem like this:

  • *102#.
  • Call number 06745.

How to increase Beeline Internet speed

  1. Increase speed by 1 GB. To do this you need to send the command *115*121# . You can activate the option for 250 rubles.
  2. Connect an additional 4GB package. There is a command for this *115*122# . The increase will occur after the main volume has ended. The cost of the service is 500 rubles.
  3. "Auto-renewal" The option to send a command is enabled *115*23# . When the service is activated, 70 MB traffic packages will be automatically added to the subscriber’s number, each costing 20 rubles. The option will be valid until the end of the reporting period or until the subscriber’s balance runs out.

How to extend traffic on Beeline? It would seem a trivial question in the era of the development of unlimited Internet. However, speed extension remains the most popular request in thematic public pages. The fact is that there is no truly limitless Internet on mobile networks. For a certain amount, the user gets access to the network, and the volume of traffic directly depends on the cost of the package. When the paid limit ends, the provider introduces a restriction, as a result, it becomes almost impossible to access the Internet. How to extend Internet speed on Beeline? There are several proven methods for this.

How to extend traffic on Beeline

Extending your speed starts with checking the remaining traffic. It only makes sense to extend the speed in cases where the available limit is approaching the shutdown threshold. You can check the remaining traffic on your mobile Internet or modem like this:

  • *102#.
  • Call number 06745.
  • Through the “Personal Account” on the BEELINE website.

Important! The Beeline service for receiving traffic balances is provided to subscribers free of charge.

Having determined that a speed extension is necessary, you can begin to increase the available traffic. How to increase Beeline Internet speed? To do this, you can use the following methods:

  1. Increase speed by 1 GB. To do this, you need to send the command *115*121#. You can activate the option for 250 rubles.
  2. Connect an additional 4GB package. For this there is a command *115*122#. The increase will occur after the main volume has ended. The cost of the service is 500 rubles.
  3. "Auto-renewal" The option is activated by sending the command *115*23#. When the service is activated, 70 MB traffic packages will be automatically added to the subscriber’s number, each costing 20 rubles. The option will be valid until the end of the reporting period or until the subscriber’s balance runs out.


“Extend your speed” from Beeline is the best option to avoid speed limits. However, some subscribers are concerned about the question: “How to disable the service?” There is no need to do this: the option is provided one-time and is valid until the added traffic is exhausted or the billing period ends. However, you can turn off extended Beeline Internet at any time. This is done like this:

  • Call number 0611.
  • “Personal Account”, mobile Internet section.
  • How to disable "Auto-renewal"? The deactivation command *115*230# works here.

Important! It is not recommended to disable options before the paid traffic expires. The service is a one-time service and becomes inactive after the packages are exhausted.

Additional features

How to increase Internet speed? Here you can consider the nuances that will not only help save traffic, but also increase the performance of your mobile device on the network. Here are the recommendations of Beeline technical support specialists:

  1. Sequencing. To increase speed, you should not perform several file downloads at the same time. If we are talking about a torrent session, it is necessary to limit the download speed and arrange the files in a queue.
  2. Disable everything unnecessary. Many applications, such as Skype, search engines, and navigation tools perform automatic updates by downloading additional files from the network. To extend the paid volume of traffic, the automatic renewal function must be disabled in the program settings.
  3. Use of third party applications. Among the useful software, one can highlight the LOONIES ADMINT utility. This application will help you configure the autorun menu of system programs and identify resource-intensive applications.

Important! The above methods will help not only increase traffic, but also improve mobile performance.

Video for the article

Mobile operators are unable to provide us with truly unlimited Internet access. Therefore, we can rely exclusively on package offers in the form of a family of “Highway” options and a family of “Everything” tariffs. But the traffic provided here may end at any time. How to add traffic on Beeline and what is needed for this?

In order to add high-speed traffic, we can use the following services:

  • “Extend speed 1 GB”;
  • “Extend 4GB speed.”

As you can understand from the name of these services, they provide us with additional packages of one or three gigabytes of traffic. Immediately after connecting the package, the access speed will be restored to the maximum value. If necessary, we can activate several additional traffic packages– several times as it ends.

The services “Extend speed 1 GB” and “Extend speed 4 GB” are available for connection on all options of the “Highway” family and on all tariffs of the “Everything” line. If there is a need to increase Internet traffic on Beeline, feel free to use these services - they are inexpensive and allow you to quickly increase the speed to the previous value. But if the additional traffic runs out, the speed will be limited to 64 kbit/sec.

Extend traffic on Beeline by 1 GB

How to extend Internet traffic from Beeline on a phone, smartphone, tablet or modem? In order to activate the “Extend speed 1 GB” service, you need to call the special service number 0674093221. The additional package is connected within one minute. After this, the speed will be restored until the end of the billing period (or until the selected package is exhausted).

Extend traffic on Beeline by 4 GB

Do you want to increase your Internet traffic on Beeline by 4 GB at once? An excellent solution, because the cost of a package of 4 GB of traffic is more favorable when compared with a package of 1 GB. To activate the package, call the service number 0674093222. After this, you will be provided with 4 GB of high-speed Internet traffic.

For a more convenient connection to the “Extend the speed of 1 GB” and “Extend the speed of 4 GB” services, use your Beeline Personal Account. There you can also control traffic consumption.

Conditions for increasing traffic on Beeline

Running out of traffic on Beeline? Take advantage of the inexpensive services “Extend speed 1 GB” and “Extend speed 4 GB”. The cost of additional packages is:

  • 1 GB – 250 rub;
  • 4 GB – 500 rub.

Thus, the larger the traffic package, the lower the cost of each megabyte provided.

Packages can be connected in unlimited quantities. But you need to remember that they are turned off immediately after the start of the next reporting period. For example, we use the “Highway 20 GB” option, paid until October 25, but the traffic ends on October 19. Therefore, we will need to use up the additional package within six days. After this, the additional traffic is burned.

By the way, if the additional package ends not before October 25, but earlier, then we will be faced with the need to connect another package - this is allowed by the terms of both services. If this is not done, the access speed will be limited to a modest 64 kbit/sec.

The conditions for the provision of services “Extend the speed of 1 GB” and “Extend the speed of 4 GB” presented in the review apply to subscribers served in the Moscow branch of the cellular operator Beeline. Information on prices for services for other regions can be found on the operator’s official website.

The article describes how to increase traffic on Beeline.


All well-known mobile operators cannot provide their customers with truly unlimited Internet. The same applies to the operator " Beeline", which allows subscribers only to connect to package tariffs and services, such as the " All" or ruler " Highway" But even in this case, Internet traffic with unlimited use can quickly run out at the wrong time.

What to do in such a situation? Is it possible to " Beeline» Is it profitable to extend traffic? Mobile operator " Beeline» offers additional traffic volumes within the following packages:

  • « Extend speed 1 GB»
  • « Extend 4GB speed»

Attention: all information on the service " Extend your speed"refers to Moscow and the Moscow region. Prices and tariffs for other regions may differ slightly from what is stated in this review.

From the name of these services it is already clear that after the main traffic on “ Beeline"We can extend it with additional packages of one or three gigabytes. As soon as we activate one of these packages, our Internet speed will increase to maximum (when additional traffic ends, the speed will drop to 64 kb/sec) and will work as usual. In addition, each time the additional traffic runs out, we can also buy new specified gigabytes.

Packages « Extend speed 1 GB" And " Extend 4GB speed» are provided to all subscribers « Beeline» with connected services from the « All" or " Highway" If you need to add Internet traffic, if the main traffic runs out, you can buy these packages - their cost is relatively low, the Internet speed will increase to the original speed, and other more profitable offers from " Beeline" We can not see.

How to activate the “Extend 1 GB speed” package on Beeline?

Modem users from " Beeline", tablets, smartphones and phones can extend their Internet traffic by activating the service " Extend speed 1 GB" This will be useful especially for those people who urgently need to access the World Wide Web without having to download huge files.

To activate the package, you should choose one of the options:

  • Dial USSD request - *115*121#Call
  • Call the number - 0674093221
  • IN " Personal account" on the official site " Beeline»

After this, the connection to the Internet will occur in a matter of seconds, and the speed will increase to the original one.

How to activate the “Extend 4 GB speed” package on Beeline?

You need not just access to the Internet, but also to “walk” longer on the World Wide Web without fear of watching short videos on “ YouTube"? Then, when the traffic ends at the tariffs " Highway" or " All" from " Beeline"you can activate the service" Extend 4GB speed».

To do this you need to choose a method:

  • Dial USSD request - *115*122#Call
  • Call the number - 0674093222
  • IN " Personal account" on the official site " Beeline»

Cost and terms of connection for the “Extend the speed of 1 GB” and “Extend the speed of 4 GB” packages from Beeline

How to extend traffic on Beeline?

How to extend traffic on Beeline?

On the official site " Beeline» today you can see the following prices for additional Internet packages:

  • “Extend speed 1 GB” - 250 rub.
  • “Extend speed 4 GB” - 500 rub.

Based on these figures, you can understand that as the volume of traffic increases, its cost decreases. In this case, with a 4-fold increase in traffic, the price only increases 2-fold.

But it should be noted that additional packages will only be valid until the expiration of the main Internet tariff. For example, if you have activated the tariff " Highway" until, say, June 15, but it ended on June 10, then the additional packages are valid " Extend speed 1 GB" or " Extend 4GB speed"will last only five days. And so on. If we do not buy an additional package, then until June 15, the Internet speed will be 64 kbit/sec.

But if the additional package in this case ends on June 12, then we will be able to buy another additional package (or package by package) for three days. That is, we will need to either meet the validity period of the main tariff plan, or buy additional packages to return the Internet speed to the original one.

Video: How to increase the speed of a Beeline USB modem?


If you use up a certain traffic limit provided to you by Beeline, the connection speed will immediately noticeably decrease. In this case, your best bet is to simply request an additional traffic package. Some subscribers simply do not know that such a service even exists.

The Internet renewal service is provided to all Internet users. You can send a request from your mobile device or from a computer connected to the Internet via a USB modem. This is a very convenient service for active Internet users.

Ways to extend the use of Internet traffic from Beeline

You can always check whether you need to connect additional traffic packages. To do this, simply send a USSD request *102# . You can find out more detailed information regarding how you use the Internet and how much traffic you have left at any customer service center of the company or simply by calling technical support.

If you feel that the remaining Internet traffic will not be enough for you for a long time, then you should use one of the options offered by the company to all users.

Option “Extend Speed” Beeline

The difference between different offers and variations of packages lies in the scope of services provided and their cost. You will always be able to use the Internet at the highest possible speed according to the technical characteristics of the local network.

All subscribers have access to different options for purchasing additional Internet traffic packages.

“Extend Speed ​​– 1GB.” To connect this service, you can use the USSD command *115*121# or simply contact a specialist at 0674093221. This service is paid and costs 250 rubles. It will be connected instantly after funds are debited from the balance.

“Extend Speed ​​– 4GB.” This service is activated when sending a USSD request *115*22# or by calling the number 0674093222. This service costs 500 rubles, funds must be available on the balance to pay for the package activation. Additional Internet traffic becomes available immediately after the funds are debited.

Attention! These tariffs and activation recommendations are valid for Moscow. To manage these packages in other regions, contact your regional Beeline customer support center or simply go to the company’s official website.

The connection speed will always be the maximum possible. Depending on the technical limitations of the local network, speeds will vary from 236Kbps to 75Mbps. The approximate connection speed can be determined by the icon on your mobile device. Nowadays, in some areas of the capital, a 4G connection is available; in most regions of Russia, you can use 3G.

You can also connect to the Highway Internet traffic package. This package is provided monthly. You should select the most optimal traffic package and be prepared to pay for it every month.

Attention! This package can only be used on the territory of the Russian Federation. Abroad, using high-speed Internet becomes impossible.

Option "Automatic speed extension"

If Internet connection is an important part of your mobile services, then we recommend that you subscribe to the “automatic speed renewal” service to avoid unexpected speed drops.

The cost of 70MB of Internet traffic is 20 rubles, and the package itself is connected automatically if the main traffic package is exhausted. To connect this service, you need to send a USSD code *115*23# or just call 067471778 – these service management methods are available only to subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Every mobile Internet user has probably encountered a situation where the provided amount of traffic has been used up, and low speed limits the ability to use the Internet. To gain access to high-speed Internet, you should activate the “Extend speed” option.

Description of the service "Extend speed"

When you connect to this service, after renewal, the Internet will be provided at the highest possible speed available for each type of network and its coverage area. If for a 2G network the upper speed limit does not exceed 236 Kbps, then in the case of a 4G network the nominal speed reaches 73 Mbps.

The speed extension service is available for almost all tariffs, except for the “All 1”, “All 2”, “All 3” tariff line, "All 4", "All 5", tariff "Zero doubts" and "Welcome".

Extend speed 1 GB

Extend 4GB speed

Terms of service

GPRS/EDGE data transfer speedup to 236 Kb/sec
3G data speedup to 21.6 Mb/s

The "Extend speed" option is valid until the beginning of the next billing period, that is, until a new traffic package is provided for the next month in accordance with the terms of the tariff plan used. But if the additional amount of traffic is used up, the speed will be reduced to 64 Kbps.

How to activate the "Extend speed" service?

To activate the speed extension service, you must.