How and where to store photos. Where to store photos: the most convenient storage options, tips and tricks. How and where to store data

The space on it will eventually run out anyway. Then most photographers simply copy images from the camera onto HDD your computer, without even thinking about their further safety. But in vain... Due to a simple shock to the laptop, a power surge, or simply a malfunction of the electronics, your entire photo archive can be lost literally in an instant. In this article, we'll tell you how and where to store photos safely, and which storage system will best suit your needs.

In my photographic practice, an unpleasant situation has already happened twice when the hard drive stopped working and all the data on it was lost. This happened for the first time without visible reasons: one day the computer did not turn on. The second time I simply dropped the laptop from a height of about half a meter. This turned out to be enough. A very unpleasant situation, but not fatal. Because in both cases, the most valuable data (and for a photographer this is, first of all, a photo archive) was copied to a separate medium. So, the main rule safe storage data - you should always have up-to-date backups files on a separate medium.

Which media should I choose for backup?

When trees were big and cameras were 6-megapixel, some photographers managed to record their photo archives on DVDs and then simply stack them. Now this approach may seem ridiculous: what kind of self-discipline and perseverance do you need to have in order to remember to write down a couple of blanks with photographs after each photo shoot? In addition, modern laptop models are increasingly supplied without a CD-ROM.

Today, the most reliable and affordable storage media are hard drives.

Today, the most reliable and affordable storage media for photos are hard drives. We will look at two ways to organize a storage system: using external drives on hard drives and with the help hard drives inside your desktop computer. Let's start with external drives.

Storage system for photo travelers

For many photographers, a laptop has become the same creative tool as a camera: it accompanies its owner on trains around the city, at outdoor photo shoots, and on long-distance expeditions. The photographs taken are reviewed on the laptop, the most successful ones are selected, partially processed... and, of course, the results of the shooting are stored. It is he who bears the entire burden of responsibility for the filmed material. But even in field conditions You can easily and simply back up your data. The best solution for this is the My Passport and My Passport Ultra drives from WD.

These compact and lightweight drives have capacities ranging from 500 GB to 2 TB, which is a record for devices today of this format(2.5" external drives). Used to connect to a computer fast interface USB 3.0 (the previous version - USB 2.0 is also supported). The device does not require a power outlet to power it, allowing you to use it anywhere.

Well, now the fun part: using the program included with My Passport Ultra Reserve copy With WD SmartWare Pro, you can sync folders on your hard drive and drive. When connecting the drive to a computer in background absolutely automatically, all changes that have occurred to the folder on your laptop are made to the backup copy: edited files are updated, newly created ones are copied, deleted ones are erased. In addition, My Passport Ultra allows you to copy your files not only to the drive itself, but also to the Dropbox cloud service if you are connected to the Internet.

A simple solution for amateur photographers

Not all of us spend days and months traveling long distances. Some people prefer to return home every day and look at the latest photos, sitting in their favorite chair with a cup of coffee. large monitor. In this case, a larger one will suit you external storage My Book. It will stand in your home next to your PC and will delight you not only with its strict design, but also with its impressive capacity - up to 3TB! This drive also connects to a computer via a high-speed USB 3.0 interface and comes complete with free program for automatic WD SmartWare backup. In addition, such a solution will to some extent be a more reliable storage for the archive, since it is less likely to suffer from such troubles as falling or accidental impacts than mobile drives.

Network storage for the whole family

All the drives that we looked at before had one common feature: USB interface. But if you have a local network at home (and almost everyone now has Wi-Fi router), then why not connect the computer to the drive using this very network? My Book Live is not equipped with USB, but with a Gigabit Ethernet network interface. This means that you can place it next to your router and connect them power cord(it, of course, comes included) and access data remotely, for example, via Wi-Fi. Setup using the included software is carried out automatically with just a couple of clicks; even a person far from network technology can handle it. Five minutes - and all your home computers already “see” the drive; all members of your family can store their files on it, regardless of what operating system they use - MAC or Windows. Naturally, network interface- Doesn't interfere with backups using WD SmartWare. It's also available with My Book Live: data from synced folders is saved automatically in the background when your computer is connected to home network. Moreover, you can use this drive as a centralized storage for backups from several computers in the house, all data will be transferred within your local network.

But all the advantages of My Book Live do not end there. A few more clicks and you can set up remote data access from mobile devices. Save pictures from your iPhone to your hard drive or, conversely, download a movie to your tablet. hard drive- all this has become accessible and simple with the help of special applications for smartphones and tablets. The WD2go and WDphotos apps allow you to access hard drive not only from the local network, but also from the outside (if there is an Internet connection).

Well, if you have access to the Internet, then you can now access your files from anywhere in the world using the WD 2go service: in the device settings we register web access (you just need to indicate your name and address Email), log in to the portal and view the contents of your archive via the Internet. So, for example, if some important files you will need in the office, you can remotely log into this drive and download everything.

It remains to add that My Book Live is produced in exactly the same volumes as My Book - from 1 to 3 TB.

Dual-disk network storage for professional photographers

Three terabytes - to some this may seem like a huge amount. But professional photographers can fill up even such a hard drive quite quickly. They need a more serious model: My Book Live Duo. Its main difference from the regular My Book Live is that there is not one, but two hard drives inside. In this case, the possible storage capacity ranges from 4 to 8 terabytes.

It would seem like a small thing - just double the volume. But the use of two hard drives inside the drive allows for different approaches to data storage: if the owner of the device wants it, information can be written to the disks in parallel (RAID 1). Yes, but the storage capacity will be halved. But even if one of the drives fails, you will not lose important data. You can completely trust your photo archive to such network storage, without even saving it in your computer’s memory. The second difference with the My Book Live Duo is the USB port, into which you can connect another drive to expand the storage capacity or create a restore point.

One more interesting feature this model is possible self-disassembly and replacing hard drives inside. We ran out of memory, took out the full hard drives and put them on a shelf. And in their place we put new, empty ones.

For computer processing professionals

If your Mac has Thunderbolt interface™, and the main requirement for a storage system is speed, then My Book Thunderbolt™ Duo is suitable for you. Like the My Book Live Duo, this drive has two hard drives inside, and its capacity can be from 4 to 8 TB. But the use of a bidirectional Thunderbolt interface provides unmatched fast multitasking with video editing programs, 3D object rendering and other “heavy” applications. graphic programs. This two-disk drive can be configured to operate in the mode you need: RAID 0 for speed (the fast Thunderbolt interface allows you to unlock the full potential of such an array), RAID 1 for data protection, or JBOD to work with each drive separately. Another useful feature of this device: in Mac OS® X, the My Book Thunderbolt Duo drive can be made a bootable external device.

Self-organization of the storage system

If for one reason or another ready-made systems storage is not suitable for you, you can create a storage system yourself. For example, the simplest backup option might be to add another hard drive to your desktop computer. Then all that remains is to configure the backup using certain software products. For example, when importing photos from a flash drive Adobe Lightroom can create backups to a location you specify. Or you can simply sync multiple folders on your computer using the Sync Toy utility for Windows. You can also use the already mentioned WD Smartware Pro by purchasing it on the manufacturer’s website. This program will independently track last changes in files on any disks installed in your PC.

It is important to choose the right hard drive that best suits your purposes. If it will only be used for backup, then the best solution there will be one of the WD Green series drives. This line has proven itself to be the quietest and coolest drives on the market. From others important features The “green” series is worth noting its impressive volume (up to 3 TB) and excellent price per gigabyte ratio. If you plan to install an operating system on the same hard drive or perform complex file processing directly from the disk (for example, video editing), then you will need more performance. For these purposes, it is better to prefer another line - WD Black: these drives are record holders for speed and performance among models for PCs.

WD Red is designed for NAS use

They are specially designed to work in small NAS (for home and small office): they support 24/7 operation, have low level noise and power consumption and compatible with the vast majority of NAS


Don't wait for your first negative experience with data loss. Think rationally about the idea of ​​backing up your files now. And then just choose the solution that suits you best. Fortunately, today there are devices on the market for every taste: from light and compact external drives with a USB interface and a convenient backup program to serious multi-disk drives that can be used both for storing photographs and for processing. Choose what suits you! And we, in turn, will tell you in the very near future about several of the most successful drive models, conduct tests on them and describe in detail the entire setup process.

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Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. After the photos were converted into electronic format, many users encountered a serious problem.

Once upon a time, we selected the best photographs, printed them and pasted them into an album that was almost impossible to lose. Nowadays disks are lost, computers and phones periodically “fly”, so that all information disappears without a trace. As a result, hundreds of megabytes and best pictures after vacation they disappear into obscurity. How can this be avoided?

Today I will tell you where to store photos on the Internet for free so that this problem never affects you. You will learn about best places and the most profitable solutions. I'll teach you how to save time while still providing better protection for your important photos and even videos.

Well, let's take it in order. There are many options. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose is up to you.

Social media

A relatively good way to store any number of photos and videos for free is to post them to your own social media accounts. This could be Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki or some other.

If you do not want other users to see your pictures, then this problem can be solved very easily. VKontakte, for example, using privacy settings. You create an album and either immediately or a little later go to the editing section. To do this, click on the pencil icon in the right corner of the album cover.

Now enter the value “Who can see photos of this album” - “Only me”. All. You can do the same with other photographs, videos, and so on.

The only thing you need to take care of in advance is high-quality protection of your personal data. You can only lose all your images if someone decides to hack you. Read the article to resolve this issue.

You can store photos from your phone on Instagram. It's very easy to send them to this social network if you have special application. In the publication, I also tell you how to close your profile from prying eyes. No one will see your pictures unless you want them to. However, if you have just created a profile, you can add no more than three pictures per day.

The main advantage of these methods is the duration and unlimited amount of memory that the photo will ultimately occupy. You can store as many images as your heart desires.

If you choose another social network for storing photos, then first try to find out about the current limits and restrictions for 2017. If you are a regular user, this will not be that significant. There will most likely be enough opportunities. If you are a photographer or a fan of filming, and therefore take a lot of images, then this information will definitely not be superfluous.

Hosting and photos

I already wrote about that. In that article, I focused on websites, but there is another very good function - data storage. You can find some, for example, on you spend only 185 rubles per month and get unlimited space to store your own files.

You can find something that won’t require financial investment for a while, just try not to forget where it’s stored. free cheese. As soon as you need more space, the numbers that will definitely have to be paid to pay for your account will immediately appear. Be prepared for this moment. As a rule, they are not that big. The security of your photos is worth it.

Using hosting will be very easy. You will need the program. You set up a connection to the hosting through you can also in my previous article. Now, to upload your files, you will only need to open a program much like Explorer or Total Commander.

By the way, there are also special photo hosting sites, for example. Read the previous article to find out a little more. It is specialized and free hosting, which can store your photos for an unlimited amount of time. You can upload without registration, but it will give you the opportunity to add up to 20 images weighing 7 MB each.

I should note that if you rent unlimited hosting, there will be no such restrictions. The weight of the photo can be any, as well as the number of files. Will someone see your photos through Yandex or any other search engine? Of course not, if you do not connect a domain, but use hosting only as a “remote flash drive”.


I have already written several times, such as Yandex or Google Drive,, Dropbox and so on. Now they are developing and giving ample opportunities for users. What are they doing? You install programs created by the developers of these “disks” on mobile phone, tablet and computer, and then you can simply click a button to send files to it, which will also be stored on the hosting (“remote flash drive”). Essentially, they work on the same principle as FileZilla.

What is their advantage? Well, for example, you can set automatic posting. That is, any photo taken on a mobile device will immediately be uploaded to Yandex Disk or some other.

One of the disadvantages of the cloud, I would say, is the price that you will need to pay to increase the amount of memory. If you need another 100 GB, it will cost you 800 rubles per year, 1 TB - 2000 rubles. As you understand, unlimited hosting in some cases will be cheaper, although the interface will not be as friendly and understandable, and you will have to forget about autoloading.

The same Yandex often holds promotions. For example, I recently received an additional 32 GB of memory for automatic download from a mobile device. You might be lucky too. Don’t write off cloud services right away. Consider using them. For the average user, this is not such a bad solution.

That's basically it. Now you know where to store photos on the Internet and you can choose the option that suits your case. Much depends on the amount of memory you need, as well as the effort. The easiest way, of course, is to use cloud services or social networks, but if you are a real photographer or just your library is extensive, then it is better to think about a different hosting.

Until next time, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog’s newsletter to stay informed about the most useful and profitable services for working on the Internet, and also become a subscriber Start-Luck groups VKontakte .

Film camcorders and VHS video recorders are very short-lived. The read heads on the devices wear out, and now there is no way to replace them. Magnetic films tend to demagnetize, and in just 10-15 years they can be completely lost. Even if the device is somehow preserved for many years, most modern TVs Dont Have analog outputs- “tulips”.

It would seem that DVD and CD media were a novelty quite recently, and even some models of equipment are still equipped with drives for reading them. But thanks to high-speed Internet and cloud technologies, disks begin to become covered with a thick layer of dust. It became obvious that very soon the drives would disappear from store shelves, in a few more years the ones that people had in stock would break down, and later they would be remembered as some kind of gramophone. Therefore, storing information on disks is quite dangerous if you look into the distant future.

The most modern means of data storage today are phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers. Data here is stored on hard drives, newfangled solid state drives, flash drives, microSD, etc. But do not forget that the hard drive can also fail and this is often what happens. Carefully sorted memorial archives are lost when they break down. SSD drive and flash drives lose data after a year or two if they are not used at all, so they are also not suitable for long-term storage.

How and where to store data

It is imperative to duplicate data in several places. For example, on and personal computer. If allowed cash, purchase additional external hard disk, record photos and videos on it and store it somewhere on a shelf in a safe place. When you notice that technologies have begun to become outdated, rewrite the information onto more modern media.

Duplicate information via the Internet into cloud storage. The most popular and reliable services are Yandex.Disk, Cloud@Mail, Google.Drive, etc. For example, the Mail company gives each of its users 100 gigabytes of space to store any data, Yandex is slightly smaller - 10 gigabytes, expandable to 20 , Google - 15 gigabytes. Nothing will happen to the data in cloud storage, but at the same time, in each license agreement it is written that the service can be turned off without further explanation. In reality, companies usually care about their users. The most valuable things should be stored here and only after being duplicated.

If you don't trust electronics completely, print out your best photos and create home photo albums, just like in the good old days. Entrust the printout to some serious company so that the quality is at the same level. Testing a photo card for quality is quite simple - put it on a window in sunny weather and hold it for a day or two. If the colors remain in good condition, then after 40 years they will be fine. If the photos do not pass the test and have faded, then look for another place for them.

Be sure to convert analog media to digital view, print undeveloped photographic films, because in a few years it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to do this. Film digitization can be done using a tuner, a capture card, or in a specialized company. This procedure is not cheap, so if there are too many records, choose the most valuable ones.

At the beginning of his creative path, the photographer studies light and composition, color and poetics, photographic equipment and the needs of the customer, the economics of art and the psychology of fashion models; but it is important to study one more point - how to save photos. The topic is voluminous, complex and full of marketing, manipulation and misconceptions. A topic... that I would like to clarify for beginners.

Initially, I tried to select a format, and a little later, a type of drive that could, as far as possible, reduce the risks of data loss. This was clear from the first, to be honest, not the most correct edition of this note, which it was time to update. Of course, there will be no truth in it either, just a special case (scenario) from the life of one photographer.

  • Photo storage
    • Responsibility and legacy
      • Temporary work
      • Valuable photos
    • Special case
      • Elaboration of the structure
      • Creating Backups
        • Media selection
        • Scenario selection
        • Prevention
    • FAQ
      • How to store personal photos
      • Where is the best place to store photos?
  • Instead of a conclusion


The volume of the narrative is a consequence of the path: the choice of format, optimal storage, led to the need to learn the basics of backup; OS Windows update - to *nix, which are better suited for personal file storage; combining “operating systems” - to a scenario based on the life of a photographer, and the desire to simplify technological chains that should free up time and guarantee results - to specialists who will help find a solution, but first - they will study my situation and spend their time talking.

I am updating the note to help beginners: realize the value of a photo archive in the everyday life of a photographer and to collect the necessary developments of technical specialists - links to notes (from blogs) and detailed guides that there is no point in retelling; It’s better to read, understand, apply and, if problems arise, look for a solution; I quote the words of the guys from Paragon Software because their attention to detail and desire to find a personal, rather than standard, solution helped me save time and money and protect my photo archive.

Photo storage

The footage is not an archive yet, only digital information. Its safety is rarely a concern: modern cameras duplicate information onto a second flash drive, and many genres teach photographers to shoot on a computer (Tethered Capture). To lose a photograph, irrevocably, in the process of creation - you have to try hard. For greater protection, it is worth setting up automatic uploading to cloud storage (via the same laptop, for example) to protect yourself in case of a software failure, static electricity, or other way to destroy the original data. But what next?

Most troubles happen later:

  • Lost access to online storage.
  • Physically damaged the storage medium.
  • Was infected with a ransomware virus.
  • Accidentally, or prematurely, I deleted a folder from my PC.
  • The power supply failed and destroyed all the PC components.

Of course, these are not all threats, but I hope the general problem is visible - camera manufacturers study the sad experiences of photographers, but what do we do? Often, we believe that this happened due to someone’s fault, or to someone who did not take into account “this” and “that,” whereas with us everything is fine. No matter how it is. 🙂

Storing photographs begins with studying the computer, with understanding it as a tool: your own, personal, which is used at the right time to solve certain problems; the rest of the time there is no access to it.

Play games, watch movies, listen to music or chat - for this it is better (and wise) to purchase separate device(sometimes a laptop plays its role), which will be used by loved ones (and the photographer himself), because a work PC:

  • Consumes more electricity. Indirect costs that affect the price - the cost of the final photograph.
  • Connects to the Internet on a schedule. Update software, synchronize data (if the photographer works with online services). Constantly online is a vulnerability.
  • Most hard drives (the optimal type of storage) break at startup, not during operation; unnecessary switching on/off - acceleration of time between failures.

A photographer's computer is a working tool. Limited access, both physical and via a network, will help secure data: both from random errors and technical failures, as well as from the deliberate theft of information, or attempts to damage or destroy it. As additional security measures, it is better to set up a firewall, exclude routers from the network (vulnerabilities in firmware and dire consequences for owners), and set up Internet distribution for a work PC through a laptop, on which set up firewall rules and, if you have time, regularly analyze traffic in order to identify unsuccessful (breathe a sigh of relief) attempts to gain access, including through vulnerabilities in the installed software (and take timely measures: update the software, write a bug report to the program developers, or temporarily uninstall/select a replacement). Protecting the device from power surges is additional measures that can be called mandatory and priority.

Personal opinion. It does not eliminate the need to create at least one backup copy outside of the work PC, but more on that later. Now it’s important to talk about disks.

Most photographers complain about the small number of slides in modern cases, about the lack (sometimes there is) of ports for connecting all disk drives. Sets of 4-6 discs are becoming the norm, but there is no point in this:

  • The power supply will short out and... you know what will happen to all the disks and photo archive.
  • The ransomware will penetrate and... you will understand that you cannot store everything in one place.
  • More disks mean a more powerful power supply, higher power consumption and heat dissipation.

Optimal disk set:

  • 1xSSD. For software. Data, including open projects, can be stored on regular hard drives to increase the service life of the solid-state drive.
  • 2xHDD. Combined into RAID 1, mirrored disk array. If one disk fails, a copy of the information is on the second; bought new disk, synchronized and off we went.

The capacity of hard drives is not for everybody, but in the beginning 2 TB will be enough. Believe me, it’s better this way - if you bought a lot of disks, for example - 4, then it’s better to pack one in an external box, or send it to an external network storage, as a basis for RAID 1. A backup copy means peace of mind, collecting all the disk drives in one “ box" is an unjustified risk.

Of course, storing photos is not only a PC, understanding it as a working tool and, more importantly, a personal one, but also an archive that cannot be regarded as a dump of all information. Over time, the understanding comes that:

  1. Taking pictures is easy.
  2. Conveying it to the viewer is much more difficult.
  3. Preserving what you have is more important than capturing something new.
  4. It is the photographer’s responsibility to understand what he decided to leave/keep.

At the beginning of my creative journey, I studied the attitude of my colleagues towards digital archives in order to understand whether I needed other people’s habits, or whether it was worth developing my own.

As a result: I abandoned software cataloging, I manage the order in the folders myself; and left the understanding of the archive as a scrupulous collection of all information: passing frames take up space, but do not represent value, so I give the prints to the customer, and after a month (if suddenly... it’s better to wait) I delete the temporary information, I am not obliged to store it (more on that It is important to specify in the contract, or notify in advance And if the customer needs. digital files, for printing or as a backup copy, then you can design it as additional service, but exclude passing images from your archive).

The criterion for clearing the archive of temporary frames is time. The recommended schedule is once a year (this is more convenient for me). They opened it, looked at it and assessed whether the frame would be useful for an exhibition or a book; if it comes in handy - we don’t touch it, no - we create a reminder, for example, in Thunderbird (I’ve been using it since switching to Xubuntu), preferably annually: check “such and such a folder”, or “such and such a file”.

The desire for a clean archive and selective accumulation of photographs will help develop three questions:

  1. What to store?
  2. For what?

I don’t remember who gave this advice, but it was useful. I hope it's not just me.

This is where I’ll finish the introductory part and move on to the main scenarios that will explain what and how to store, once I’ve figured out my computer and understanding of the photo archive.

Responsibility and legacy

All footage is subject to sorting in two stages. First:

  • Technical defect - in the trash.
  • Plot marriage is similar.
  • There are no defects - leave.

And the second one to reveal:

  • Temporary files.
  • And those that need to be transferred to the main archive.

Yes, for ease of use, archives should be divided into:

  • Temporary - all ongoing projects.
  • And the main one is a collection of the author’s most valuable works throughout his entire working life.

The safety of this data can be ensured as follows (main scenarios).

Temporary work

  1. RAID 1 on a work PC and a backup copy on an external drive; additionally, you can use a cloud service, because background synchronization will not take much (relatively) time.
  2. RAID 1 on a work PC and a backup on a personal file server. You can buy a ready-made solution (NAS), the main thing is to study all the nuances, or assemble it yourself, without unnecessary functionality (most best option for the photographer).
  3. RAID 1 on a work PC and 4 backups: on an external drive and on a personal file server, cloud online service and one more - away from the work PC: in a photo studio, in the parents' house, or... the main thing is to be safe.

The most logical solutions, the first two, which will help save current projects, but the third scenario is reliable, but updating the copy in a timely manner outside the home - this, we admit, will be difficult, and if the relevance of the data is in question, then the reserve will be of no use It’s not enough, but you never know... It makes sense, if only there was a desire. 🙂

Notes in the margins:

  • NAS. Ready-made solutions are the first thing everyone thinks about, but the coin has two sides. It is unknown where and when the vulnerability will be discovered. Whether the manufacturer will release a patch is the same. Pay attention to this moment, Google will help with the rest.
  • Discs. Hard drives - low cost 1 TB, careful handling and regular backups, after the end of the factory warranty, diagnostics, status tracking; utilities will help with the latter: for Windows and .
  • Cloud. A controversial decision, since the hoster can delete data (under any pretext) or limit access (if you use foreign services), another threat is ransomware... and also the use of data for machine learning. Alas…

Delve into, study and compare with your needs.

Valuable photos

  1. RAID 1 on a work PC and 2 backup copies: on an external drive and on a personal file server (it is advisable to assemble it yourself, based on a full-fledged OS).
  2. RAID 1 on a work PC and 3 backup copies: on an external drive and on a personal file server, as a bonus - backup on optical discs: DVD or Blu-ray (yes, unfortunately not fashionable, but reliable if storage conditions are followed).
  3. RAID 1 on a work PC and 4 backups: on an external drive and on a personal file server, optical disks and a separate file storage, or external drive, at your parents’ home, in a photo studio, or in another safe place.

It is better not to show valuable photographs on the Internet, only previews, otherwise it will be difficult for the author to prove his rights if full-size photographs end up on the Internet, or even worse - raw files from which many copies will be made; a separate problem is the customer, not everyone, and this is good news, social media and online parties are interesting, many private customers do not want you, as the author, to show their pictures to the public; It’s better to respect other people’s privacy, then there will be fewer problems.

Choose a solution that will help you control your equipment, the frequency of creation (we’ll talk about this later) of backups, timely software updates, so as not to miss malware, which can immediately erase years of work. A separate point is access (although wi-fi networks are convenient, but a wire is better, and the connection is established while the copy is being created and updated, after which it is turned off, so that if the malware infects a working PC, it will not be able to get to the backup; the rule also applies to external disks: connected, created a copy, disconnected. What is safe is what is isolated).

There is no point in laughing at optical discs, the drives will not disappear from sale, and their reliability has been tested by time (even if they say it’s old, it’s reliable). The disadvantage of the solution is that it is very, to put it mildly, inconvenient, but if you get involved, then recording a disc at the end of the year is normal.


Special case

Before the changes, the situation was difficult. RAID 1 on a work PC and a separate external drive (connected for a while, made a copy and disconnected) to create a backup copy. I checked the files in a primitive way, I agree - by checking the hash sum. Cloud technologies- I excluded it at the very beginning; I value privacy and the ability to control access to my data. As an additional measure, valuable footage is recorded annually on an optical disc.

There were advantages to this situation:

  • Something happens within the PC - there is an external drive, temporary files are safe; valuable - similarly (additional copy on optical discs).
  • Separate storage - the ability to protect data from the human factor; work with files only if you are of sound mind and have a solid memory.

And significant disadvantages:

  • Lack of automation.
  • Large time costs.

A separate problem is a laptop: through it the Internet is distributed to a work PC, but I want to transfer access to data through an “intermediary”, how to automate all this, and most importantly - taking into account life in the province (costs are important), so as not to waste too much, but to do convenient and reliable, preferably - once and for all, so as not to change habits, not to relearn - these are the thoughts with which I turned to the guys from Paragon Software Group.

A. Bondar: Hello. It is necessary to protect your work data, including the most important photo archive, from everyday troubles: software or hardware failure, targeted attack, system infection (special attention - ransomware), human factor, which cannot be ruled out. How to approach solving this problem?

Paragon Software Group: Hello. Is our software will help speed up and simplify the process of creating backups, but you must store the backups themselves somewhere. This is what I would ask you to clarify: on what media will your backup copies be stored?

A. Bondar: I think this is a separate request - help me choose the configuration: devices, technologies and scenarios.

Paragon Software Group: What's in stock? Explain all source data.

A. Bondar: A work PC on which 2 disks are combined into a RAID and a separate hard drive, which I connect to make a copy of work files and update the main photo archive. At your disposal is a laptop, operating system - Xubuntu, distribution based on Debian. And it would be nice to use it...

Paragon Software Group: For what purpose?

A. Bondar: While it distributes the Internet, sometimes I open raw files on it in order to understand, evaluate, time frames, or do a rough conversion; I transfer the data to a flash drive and I think this is not the most convenient option.

Paragon Software Group: That's right, distributed file access will make your life easier. But it will improve - a separate file server. You can buy a ready-made solution or do it yourself, everything is quite simple. But it is quite possible that a cloud service will solve your problem most quickly, compared to setting up a server. Are you considering this option?

A. Bondar: No, not at all.

Paragon Software Group: Why?

A. Bondar: Basically, my customers are ordinary people. Commercial photography is in the very distant past, completely forgotten. Many people don't do social media. And they don’t broadcast their lives on the Internet. They don't want their photos to be seen strangers. No, not because something immoral was filmed, they simply divide life into public, personal and media, which is formed by the Internet space. They don't like the online ecosystem and don't want to be part of it. It's their choice that I have to respect. That’s why I don’t consider the cloud, there are too many “buts” there. Actually, just like in OS Windows, which I endure for the sake of Adobe Photoshop, but “I remind her regularly”: “Respect the user’s privacy!” Advice from Hacker magazine helps with this, thanks to the editors.

Paragon Software Group: On a work PC - Windows, on a laptop - Linux. Right?

A. Bondar: Yes exactly.

Elaboration of the structure

In the context of the dialogue, I would like to explain to readers the structure of my photo archive:

  • Temporary archive
    • 2018 (used to relying on dates)
      • January
        • 18.01.2018
          • From the shoot
            • All files
            • 1 sorting
            • 2 sorting
            • Left
          • In progress
            • After conversion
            • Bottom line. No sharpness
          • Bottom line
            • To the archive
            • Preview
            • Seal
  • Main archive
    • 2018
      • January
        • 18.01.2018
          • Left
            • Seal
            • Action
            • Presets
          • I doubt
            • Seal

Nothing complicated, like any archive - it is tied to the date. The structure seems logical to me, its main advantage is minimum requirements to disk space: there are no unnecessary and distracting folders that increase the volume of technical information.

Creating Backups

Backup is not a word, but a topic. Sophisticated, fashionable and shady. They talk about it, sometimes they use it. And you often hear:

  • It's good that there is a backup...
  • Too bad I didn’t make a backup...

Some talk about backups, others think about it, others do it, and only live by it. Why is there such a division? In my opinion, it's simple; the photographer gradually comes to understand his craft:

  • What is important.
  • What is valuable.
  • What happens if…

The guys from Paragon Software answered more simply (there was a time when I asked them a general question):

- Andrey, everything is simple here. Until you step on the rake, you won’t look at your feet. Often, it is indifference to their work and time that leads people to a sad result: the system has “collapsed”, the data has nowhere to transfer or restore... the understanding comes that if... yes, “if only”, to spend more or less effort earlier, then now the data would be intact, and this is the main thing. After all, what is “data” for a photographer? This is an opportunity to fill out your portfolio, make prints, in other words, show an example of the final product you are selling. If there is nothing to show, then there will be nothing to attract - there will be nothing to sell. What's next? It’s not hard to guess: either it’s all over again, or a change of profession.

This is true, but I had another question on the topic of backups.

A. Bondar: The software simplifies the process of creating backups. But many colleagues believe that if you are not paranoid (like me, about privacy), then there is no need to combine methods: set up RAID and you work; transfer files to an external hard drive and work; upload files to the cloud and work; you buy a NAS and that’s it, with an abundance of solutions, the best is chosen. What's wrong with this?

Paragon Software Group: The fact is that a mirrored disk array will not relieve a photographer or other person from the need to make backup copies. RAID is not a backup. And its proper maintenance is difficult to understand: constant monitoring of the disk condition, file system, file integrity... of course, it’s good that you have time to figure it out, get used to it and constantly monitor it, but not everyone is interested in this and therefore, unfortunately, they work - for now it works: there is no control over changes, and there is no understanding - what will happen tomorrow, or in the next moment. Cloud or network storage- excellent and, in many ways, reliable solutions, but modern ransomware has learned to scan the network and infect data over the local network, synchronize damaged data to the cloud - many users have become convinced of this possibility. The external drive may not turn on, or, as sometimes happens, you drop it, expose it to electromagnetic waves. And it is also possible to infect files on an external drive. If a photographer values ​​his photo archive, then there should be a rule in his everyday life: store backup copies on different media, and if possible, combine all available solutions that will ensure mobility, security and, most importantly, autonomy.


Answers to frequently asked questions .

Media selection

As mentioned earlier: before the changes, I placed backup copies of both archives on an external hard drive; RAID - as insurance in case of failure of one of the working hard drives installed on the working PC; Recording on optical discs is a preservation method that many have abandoned, but it suits me and I don’t dare change anything.

During a conversation with the guys from Paragon, I came to the understanding that it would be nice to get (and as I realized later, I was thinking correctly) a personal file server: for storing backup copies and organizing distributed access to files, in order to use a laptop, take the load off the work PC and establish data exchange within a home local network, but what to do - buy a ready-made solution, or assemble it yourself - I decided to ask around, but above all, to clarify the points for myself: security, flexibility, reliability.

A. Bondar: Routers, like all IoT devices, have shown that a ready-made solution involves risks and a “the user is to blame” situation:

  • Wants to use the device “forever”, not 3-5 years.
  • Waiting for software updates from the manufacturer when it appears a new version"glands".
  • Counts on hot fixes, maximum standard safety.

And also the “skinny” Linux and the secret life of your device. “Out-of-the-box solutions” scare me. What can you say about this?

Paragon Software Group: Choice is a compromise. If you want convenience, take a ready-made solution and use it: insert the cord, disks, plug it into the network and connect basic setup, and that's it - your backups are stored in an attractive box. If you want reliability and flexibility, figure it out yourself; if you want privacy, figure it out yourself, and if something breaks, then service center no, and you will have to read forums and manuals, and watch how time slips away - your most valuable resource.

A. Bondar: Indeed, a compromise. Thank you for outlining the prospects, but I decided to choose option 2 - assemble it myself. What do you need to consider?

Paragon Software Group: To begin with, set the task correctly - what is needed? Store only, or including, backup copies, provide access to data via a local network, from where data will be downloaded, because it is possible to implement a cloud based on file server, the same ownCloud allows you to set up a private cloud, and of course - security: updates, OS and software; RAID and scheduled maintenance.

A. Bondar: And then RAID?

Paragon Software Group: You can refuse. It all depends on how important the photo archive is to you and how critical its loss is. RAID is the user's choice, so many (including top NAS) leave this choice to the buyer: if you want, activate it, but if not, be happy with the total disk capacity. But if you think about it, a backup copy, which, among other things, is mirrored onto several disks inside the server, is peace of mind, and you better take this into account.

A. Bondar: Okay, I'm used to RAID, but what about the OS?

Paragon Software Group: If you like Linux, use it. Distributed access - Samba, configured on any distribution. Your server will be accessible to iOS devices, Android, Windows and macOS.

A. Bondar: Indeed, there will be no problems with access (useful manuals and, as well as analysis of errors, special cases and bugs), Samba has been “chewed up” in the RuNet.

Paragon Software Group: Just don’t forget that your task is to exclude additional routers, leave the file server in a separate subnet where the Internet is blocked and you don’t need any cloud functionality. The laptop and work PC must be on the same, first, subnet, and the file server must be on the second. This will solve the security issue. And that’s it, install our software on your work PC and make backup copies.

Scenario selection

I set up the equipment, installed the program and thought:

  • The contents of the archive are heterogeneous:
    • .tiff
    • .jpeg
  • Updated chaotically:
    • On filming days:
      • .txt (all thoughts, comments, notes - a separate temporary text file)
    • On processing days:
      • .tiff
    • On print days:
      • .jpeg

Regularly creating a full backup is an unnecessary waste of time, a waste of PC resources and excessive energy consumption. I understand that there is a solution - a partial backup - but, logically, the basic template is a stencil, and I want the program to take into account the life (and this is normal) of the photographer, and not offer to play by its own rules.

A. Bondar: The day of shooting, the day of processing, the day of printing - how can you explain your everyday life to the program? So that incremental backup occurs quickly and accurately.

Paragon Software Group: Job - Backup & Recovery functionality (included in the Hard Disk Manager software) will help you customize scenarios for yourself. Anything you need:

  1. Specify the event (when to copy).
  2. Specify file types (what to copy).

I'll explain with an example. You return from shooting after 16.00, by 17.00 all the files are on the work PC and a regular event - “such and such a day” and “such and such a time” (let it be Wednesday, 21.00) - is about to start. At the appointed time, the program checks:

  1. Is the drive (on which the files you specified (.cr2) will appear) connected?
  2. Have new files (.cr2) appeared?

There will be new files - the program will add them to the main archive. Scenarios are unlimited. Don't be afraid to experiment. 🙂

A. Bondar: I like that. But there is a question - when to make an incremental backup, and when to make a full one? For example, a file server is more convenient than a disk. I assume that I will make frequent incremental backups so that the backup copy is always up to date, but with the disk everything may be different - I will only make full backups to an external hard drive.

Paragon Software Group: Everything is individual. You can take into account your schedule (and project deadlines) or the devices you chose to store backups, and you can come up with a separate scenario for your everyday life. In this matter, the program does not limit you.

A. Bondar: So I’ll take a sheet of paper and a pencil (my favorite tools) and spend the evening thinking about setting everything up once and not redoing it again. But that comes later. Now I’ll clarify something else, I hope. Backup, specialized software and script settings, but what to do with regular means Windows? How does your method differ from MS, what is the advantage of your software?

Paragon Software Group: You value privacy, right? Our software will not only help you create backup copies, but also securely encrypt them (create a container, set a password on it, and no one without a password will have access to your archive. If someone steals a disk or the entire computer, it’s for him will not help, because it will detect the encrypted container, but will not be able to do anything with it, because it does not know the password). Don't be afraid of encryption, because it guarantees complete confidentiality, even if you contact a professional data recovery laboratory.

A. Bondar: About 15 years ago, I would have said: “This is risky!” But now that KeePass has simplified life, I agree, it’s a useful functionality. But I'll give you another example. Child, family and life of a photographer. The child didn’t notice and poured a mug of tea into the system unit, in addition - a jar (or maybe two) of raspberry jam. I tried to fix everything - I took out the hard drive to wipe the liquid off it, and like any toy, it dropped it on the floor. Scary scenario. But in life there are a lot of situations when the hard drive is physically damaged and can no longer connect to the PC. A known route is reconstitution in the laboratory. What I mean is, how is information stored on disk? Is it possible to damage the archive?

Paragon Software Group: No, it cannot be damaged, only lost - this is a feature of the approach to creating an archive. How does it work Windows File History? Copies files to a specified location - on an external drive or file server, and does not compress them. Because of this, if you damage the disk (or rather the platters inside), you will not be able to recover all the files, even in the laboratory. How does our program create an archive? The files are placed in a container; the files are compressed and the resulting archive is written so that it is physically located on one sector of the disk; if this sector is damaged, the archive will be lost, if any other sectors are not, the absolute integrity of all your data.

A. Bondar: That's why RAID and copies on different media, and not just on a work PC or external hard drive. The method is interesting, a kind of small fireproof safe for files: it cannot be opened without keys; destroying it completely, along with all its contents, is possible. To close the topic of file integrity, another question - bad sectors appeared on one of the disks, on a work PC. The user lost sight of this, launches the software to create a backup copy, what is the program's reaction?

Paragon Software Group: Notification that standard method archiving is not all good - there are problems and you need to use raw copy. The program finds out about disk problems thanks to Windows services, in particular - Shadow Volume Copy.

A. Bondar: Thank you. All scenarios that were familiar to me were explained. Now I’ll customize it for myself and get back to photography.


On this moment, I create backup copies of the photo archive according to the following schedule:

  1. Monday: full backup.
  2. Tuesday to Saturday: partial.

Incremental (partial) backups are made automatically so that after filming (after all, I’m not a robot, I might forget) or working in Ps, nothing is lost. I create a full backup manually. That's why:

  • Monday morning is a convenient time to perform scheduled PC maintenance:
    • Check the main archive: review the temporary files, remove those that are weak, and mark them again if you doubt them, and add them to the scheduler.
    • Assess the condition of disk drives - study S.M.A.R.T. data. If something confuses you, then run additional tests and carefully analyze the attributes.
    • Update the file server software, then the working PC.

Only after I am convinced that the disks are working properly, the archive is cleared of “garbage”, all data is intact and there has been no penetration, I start the full backup process. Because the time spent on all the tests and “reviews” is spent in different ways: from 3-5 minutes to 3 hours, and so far I haven’t been able to create a single script. I can start it at 8 am, or at 11, after second breakfast, or at 9-10, while I’m reading email.

Each photographer has his own policy for creating backups, because:

— It all depends on the needs of the user and his disk space, work schedule and the author’s attitude towards his works - no less important criterion, which excludes standard solution and encourages you to take into account the recommendations, adopt the experience and best practices of your colleagues, and adapt them to yourself, to your particular case.

Again, the words of technical specialists from Paragon Software, which I heard and applied, without the desire to join “those” or “them” who make backups once a month or year; I hope you, after reading this note, will not blindly copy a particular case, but will understand:

  1. What threats exist?
  2. Why do they concern the photographer?
  3. What solutions will help secure archives.
  4. Why backup is not a magic pill, but a set of measures.

Optimal structure of a photo archive

It all depends on the specifics of the work:

  • Stream shooting, or targeted projects.
  • Retouching, or raw conversion and preparation for printing.

I can’t know the specifics of each photographer, in the article I explained the structure of my archive, if you like it, take it as a basis; if not, use this advice:

The optimal archive structure is a mess in which you quickly find what you need.

An evening or two, with a pencil and a piece of paper in your hands, and you’ll pick everything up; act, don’t wait for ready-made solutions.

Where is the best place to store your photo archives?

Convenience... everyone understands this differently:

  • One stores “on the side”: all his data, savings and work projects. In order not to think about the technical side of the issue and present demands, “if suddenly something…”
  • Another: on your server, or another solution that allows you to control and customize everything, taking into account your budget, skills, requests, etc.

Both are comfortable. Who you are? Don't know. What is convenient for you? I can not know. A special case is in front of you - analyze, evaluate your skills and the further development of technology.

Instead of a conclusion

I continue to work, make backups in a timely manner, and study the topic of backup. I don’t plan to give up Linux; on the contrary, I regularly fill in the gaps. If something changes in my practice, I will share it with the readers.

Currently, a modern person cannot imagine his life without the Internet, but not everyone uses it to the fullest. In addition to searching for information, communicating in in social networks, watching funny videos, you can store information and other electronic materials for free on the World Wide Web. Now there is no need to buy photo albums and store them in the closet. Everything has long become automated and comfortable for humans. And answering the question: “Where can you store photos, if not in albums?”, we can safely say that on the Internet. But what sites and services exist for this will be described in this article.

Who needs electronic storage?

A lot of space for posting photographs is needed by people whose profession is related to their creation. In the 21st century, technology allows you to produce an unlimited number of frames. Therefore, they need to be stored somewhere. One shoot consists of hundreds, or even several thousand photographs, which are taken in just a couple of hours.

Not only are regular smartphone users wondering where to securely store photos, but also regular smartphone users. Today, even schoolchildren have new, sophisticated gadgets with a good camera. And avid Instagram users are used to taking hundreds of photos every day that need to be stored somewhere. Even for a professional, sometimes it’s much easier to turn on the camera on your phone and catch a beautiful shot than to take out the equipment and set it up when the moment has long passed.

The article will provide an overview of the most popular places where you can store photos on the Internet. If a person living in the 21st century places all electronic materials on his computer or on external media, then this must be stopped immediately. It is much more convenient and safer to store photos in the cloud, and in volumes exceeding RAM laptop.

Without electronic storage it would be difficult to work to modern man. This applies not only to professional aspects, but also to personal and family archives. But still, people continue to place their data on a computer or hard drive because they consider it unsafe to upload it to the cloud, from which, in their opinion, information may leak. Such users make a huge mistake, because all security measures on such services are different. high reliability.

Pros of storage

Placing photos and video files, as well as documents in cloud storage is very convenient and safe. In addition, a person will always have Free access to data from your smartphone or other device that has Internet access. Cloud storage has big advantage in front of computers and external media the fact that it cannot be damaged, broken or lost, like, for example, a flash drive. From such an electronic archive, you can only forget the password, which can be easily recovered using some personal data.

If it’s already clear where to store photos on the Internet, then which cloud should you choose? Known? Big? Or functional? In order for the average user to easily navigate the variety of storage options, below are the best options, their advantages and disadvantages. And also the minimum amount of free virtual memory.

Dropbox storage

Where is the best place to store photos? In this cloud. It is not considered the largest storage facility, but safety and reliability are guaranteed by the creators. The user will be provided with only 2 gigabytes of virtual memory. Currently it is comparatively a small amount of places where you can store photos. Such a cloud is more suitable for storing documents that require fast access. But many users also store photos there, because they can be viewed from absolutely any gadget connected to the Internet.

Dropbox allows you to invite friends, which allows you to get a little more electronic place, but these numbers are very small. The creators of this cloud storage cooperate with HTC and Samsung companies. Therefore, owners of such smartphones are provided with a special bonus - as much as 49 GB of memory, which together with the standard two will amount to 51 gigabytes.

Users of such a service can install the cloud not only on a smartphone, but also on their computer, since there are two versions for mobile devices and for desktop ones. With such storage, you can always access photos from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access.

How to register with Dropbox? Pros and cons of storage

Registering for the cloud is very simple, just provide your email address. So, the disadvantages of such a service are the small amount of space for storing files, and the advantages are reliability and fast access. There are also additional benefits for owners of smartphones from certain companies.


This service was created in 2013. Then many users found out where it is better to store photos in in electronic format. Because the amount of free virtual memory in the cloud is quite large compared to others.

At the time the service appeared, each person was provided with as much as 100 GB of space to store their data. And those who managed to receive them are truly lucky, because it was a new cloud with a lot of free memory. Initially it received many negative reviews. Because the computer froze, and the service itself was not the most safe place, where you can store photos electronically. The result was a big scandal between users and creators. But over time, all the service’s shortcomings were eliminated, and it turned out to be not only more accessible, but also safer.

With so much space, users uploaded video files to the cloud, but the big drawback was that they couldn't be viewed online. They had to be downloaded, and only then could the contents be seen. But a few years later, the developers made this function more accessible, now the cloud is not only a place where you can safely store photos and videos, but also view them online from any device (smartphone, tablet or computer).

Cloud in 2014. Changes

In 2014, the creators of the service held a promotion that allowed them to expand free storage to 1 terabyte. And those who did not miss this moment can still use given quantity memory.

IN currently When registering in the cloud, only 25 GB are provided free space. But now it is an absolutely safe place where storing photos, videos and documents is easy and simple.

Developers are constantly improving this service, speeding up its operation and increasing the safety of use. For those who do not understand how to work with such storage, the site has a special step-by-step video instruction.

Using this cloud is very easy; to do this you need to register at This is one of best services, where you can store photos and other files.

Cloud "Yandex"

The storage provides its users with only 10 GB of space to place their files. There's a lot here more memory than in Dropbox, and unlike, the video could immediately be viewed online, but Yandex is inferior in terms of the amount of free space.

This storage can be installed on absolutely any operating system and modern smartphones.

The functions of the Yandex cloud are exactly the same as those of the previous two services. The developers have provided the ability to increase the amount of virtual memory by inviting friends to use it. But the increase in space will be insignificant.

To use the disk, the user needs to register with Yandex Mail, and if he already has one, then he already has free gigabytes of memory where he can store photos safely and securely. You can access the cloud from absolutely any device, as long as there is internet.

Google Cloud

Another popular place to store photos on the Internet safely and securely is Google. This service is superior to others in the amount of space for storing files.

How much space does Google Photos allocate for free storage? How many you want. Free place at of this service exactly as much as the user needs, i.e. an infinite quantity. But there are restrictions on the size of the photo; it should not exceed 16 megapixels. There is no limit for only but for other files there is a limit that is 15 GB, which is also a lot.

Previously, Google had slightly different rules:

  • There were no restrictions for photos whose size was no larger than 4 megapixels. In the future - 16 megapixels.
  • For other files there was the same limit - 15 GB.

This resolution (16 megapixels) is quite enough even for professional photographs. There is also no memory limit for storing videos up to 1080p.

This storage will become excellent assistant not only for professional photographers, but also for ordinary users who take amateur pictures.

Why choose Google Cloud?

Compared to previous file storage places on the Internet, Google is undoubtedly in the lead due to its unlimited number of free space. Using the service is easy and simple; to start doing this, you will have to register with Google or create their mailbox. All owners of smartphones with the Android operating platform undergo an authorization procedure in the Play Market using this account cloud system.

Google Photos app

The Google Photos application is most often installed on such phones; it will be enough to configure automatic uploading of photos via wireless network Wi-Fi, it will quickly copy pictures from the device to the cloud and offer to clear space on the phone.

Not all people know that they have this useful application in the gadget, and are not even interested in why it is installed, what its purpose is and what to do with it.

Have you already found the answer to the question of where to store photos electronically? Let's give some more useful recommendations.

  1. There are a large number of different data storage sites on the Internet, so you should only choose a trusted place, for example, Google Drive. Such a world-famous company cannot be a scammer; on the contrary, it tries to maintain its reputation with the honesty and quality of its services.
  2. If for some reason the cloud is not suitable, you can store photos on social networks. In Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, you can create an album that is closed to everyone, which will only be seen by the user personally; an unlimited number of pictures can be uploaded there. The only disadvantage of this method is that you need to come up with very strong password for the page so that attackers cannot hack it and steal any data in for selfish purposes.
  3. When uploading photos, you must pay attention to storage limitations; for example, on VKontakte, the size of photos should not exceed 5 MB.
  4. You can download the application on your smartphone and computer to have access to photos from both devices.
  5. The larger the file size, the longer it will take to upload to the cloud, so be patient.


This article reviewed some of the most popular services for storing photos in electronic form. We hope that this information was useful for you. Now you can choose where exactly to store your photos.