Gadgets and applications that help you stay healthy. A bottle that controls your drinking regime. Smart water bottle from HydraCoach

Various gadgets And mobile devices surround us in Everyday life. Sometimes it seems that if left without them for at least one day, modern man it just won't survive. New trend in the field of gadget development - the creation of original mobile devices that help a person take care of his health, feel great and overcome stressful conditions. In this article we will talk about the most interesting, unusual devices that can be useful to a person who takes health issues seriously.

Smart lamp for better sleep

It is no secret that sleep is an important component of a person’s life, on which mood and health largely depend, since sound, complete sleep helps us restore our physical and mental strength. However, in modern conditions With the frantic pace of life, people often experience various problems with sleep. Research and medical institutes annually allocate large amounts of money to solve these problems. The developers also decided to offer their own solution in this area. mobile gadgets. It's about about the Driftlight device from Saffron. It is a “smart” LED lamp that creates an unusual light that helps improve human sleep.

Just press the button and the light bulb will shine with the usual light that we are used to in everyday life. But if you press the switch again, the “Midnight” mode is activated, in which the intensity of the lamp light gradually decreases over the next thirty-seven minutes. This is the average duration of sunset. Changing the lighting should stimulate a person's desire to sleep. Thus, the “smart” light bulb will gradually lull a person to sleep. If you press the switch three times, then the “ Moonlight" The light bulb begins to slowly dim the light until it glows very faintly. Thus, the gadget turns into an ordinary night light.

Despite the use LED lamp, the developers of Driftlight claim that the light from their device is the same shade as that of conventional incandescent lamps. This means that the light bulb emits less blue light and thus does not suppress the production of melatonin, which, as scientific evidence shows, makes it difficult to go to sleep. New gadget will help you fall asleep by ensuring a slow transition from light to dark.

Musical accompaniment for healthy sleep

Another option for ensuring healthy sleep is offered by the developers of the Sleep Assisting Music Headband device. The gadget is designed to help a person cope with sleep disorders and ensure proper rest. The bottom line is that many people, as you know, like to read in bed before going to bed or listen to some light music. But the same distracting music can disturb loved ones, and listening to it with headphones while lying on a pillow is, to put it mildly, not very comfortable. In addition, they are not comfortable to sleep in. It is offered to music lovers original gadget, which is a kind of “musical” headband that fits tightly on the head and does not disturb others.

The tape, made of light, comfortable material, is simply put on the head without cutting into the skin. Inside the device there are two twenty-millimeter speakers. Connect the gadget to a music playback device, be it mobile phone or a modern mp3 player, you can use standard cable. The speakers cover everything frequency range audible to the human ear. Ultimately, a person can listen to light music in bed and go to sleep peacefully. Music really is in a good way to relax your brain. If you have difficulty sleeping, you should take a closer look at this interesting gadget.

Gadget for creating absolute silence

As such, there is no such thing as absolute silence in nature. In everyday life a person is surrounded by various sounds, some of which are distracting and prevent you from relaxing or, conversely, concentrating. Created to combat annoying and distracting noise unusual gadget White Noise Machine. It generates its own “white” noise, which allows you to get rid of unwanted sounds. Soothing white noise suppresses any other sounds and creates a comfortable environment for a person. The device is equipped with a shutdown timer that can be set from 30 to 90 minutes at the user's discretion. There is also a play button, volume control and a headphone jack. The gadget is powered through network adapter or microUSB port.

The device itself is quite small in size, so it can be moved from place to place, installing it next to your bed or desk. White Noise Machine gives you the ability to play ten various options white noise. The soothing sounds of splashing waves or the crackle of a fire help a person to relax so that they can calmly go to sleep or fully concentrate their attention on complex, painstaking work.

Mini Air Purifier

People who spend long periods of time indoors, for example while working computer desk, are very dependent on the cleanliness and freshness of the air. After all, stale, unhealthy air with insufficient oxygen content leads to increased fatigue and possible problems with health in the long term. In particular, to dizziness and sudden sharp headaches. The problem of lack of fresh air in the workplace or at home can be solved using a miniature device USB Mini HEPA AirPurifier. Thanks to the built-in filter, it is able to purify the indoor air from unpleasant odors, household dust and contaminants. This gadget with a USB port can provide clean air up to ten square meters. meters of area, which is enough for one person.

Via port USB mobile the gadget can be connected directly to the computer, thereby purifying the air around the workspace in an office or city apartment. USB Mini HEPA AirPurifier emits negative ions(one million ions per square centimeter) and passes air through the filters, effectively removing the smallest dust particles. The device looks very stylish and has a soft blue backlight. The well-proven HEPA filter is used here. Although there are plenty of air freshener models on the market today, a mobile gadget with a built-in HERA filter is a rarity. For those who spend a lot of time at the computer, this device can be very useful.

Portable scanner for sterility assurance

Traveling to exotic countries can always bring a lot of vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions, but at the same time they are associated with a certain risk to life. For many regions of the world, the problem of unsanitary conditions and dangerous diseases causing food poisoning and more serious consequences for human health remains relevant. Those travelers who care about their health and do not want to spend a significant part of their tourist trip suffering from intestinal upset are offered this useful gadget, like Nano UV DualScanner. Poisoning and illness occur due to harmful microorganisms. The Nano UV scanner allows you to guarantee the sterility of any surfaces, as well as the safety of water.

The compact device neutralizes up to 99 percent of pathogens, including such common and dangerous species, like Escherichia coli and staphylococcus. The device also helps eliminate insects such as ticks or bedbugs. To ensure sterility of dishes or surface treatment of any small object, Nano UV will take only ten seconds.

If you want to purify water using of this device, for example, a glass of ordinary tap water, then this will take a little longer - about a minute. The gadget is powered by four AA batteries and has the following functions: automatic shutdown and timer. The compact dimensions and light weight of the device allow you to take it with you on a trip or any trip.

Painkiller gadget

Some people develop a fear of various vaccinations from childhood. Or, in any case, they experience hostility and discomfort when receiving injections, which can sometimes even be the reason for refusing medical help. A doctor from the United States, Amy Baxter, became concerned about this problem and developed an unusual gadget, Buzzy. It is used to relieve discomfort during injections.

The main idea behind the gadget is very simple. It cools the unhealthy area and immediately begins to vibrate, which overloads the sensitivity of the nerves in a specific area of ​​the human body. Nerve cells send vibration data to the brain instead of pain impulses. Thus, the device relieves discomfort from injections and even insect bites. Buzzy has a very compact size and is convenient for everyday use.

The gadget will tell you about your sleep status

The Japanese company Tanita offers interesting portable device for monitoring and measuring sleep. The SleepScan device allows a person to find out whether his sleep is normal. To do this, it is equipped with a whole set of sensors that record a person’s biometric indicators during sleep: breathing, pulse and body movements during sleep. After collecting the relevant data, the device writes it to an SDHC card and generates visual statistics. One 2 GB card is enough for five hundred sleep cycles. SleepScan monitors your sleep status to help identify specific problems. To use this device, a person only needs to place it on his bed under the bedding. After a person goes to bed, the sensors begin to automatically read data, and when he gets up, they immediately turn off.

To analyze and process the collected information, it must be sent to the company’s server. Helpful data about sleep stages and sleep type will be available there. Interestingly, the gadget itself functions using purified water, which is placed inside. It is through water that the slightest vibrations of the body are transmitted, after which they are recorded by special sensors. The company believes that their gadget can be useful not only to ordinary users, but also medical institutions and businesses specializing in patient care.

Medical smartphone

The Swiss company LifeWatch AG went even further and presented the public with a full-fledged medical smartphone, which is designed to help a person control his health. Externally, the device is not much different from other mobile gadgets running on the operating system. Android system. However he has unique features. LifeWatch V allows you to perform various medical tests while browsing in in social networks or Email. It is very convenient and effective.

For those who are constantly worried about their health, there are many options available: functionality: tracking heart rate, analysis of the amount of glucose and oxygen content in the blood, providing useful information regarding the choice of an appropriate diet, exercise and medication.

To maintain its medical profile, the smartphone is equipped with many sensors that collect data on a person’s health status. Just put your finger on the sensors and you can instantly find out your body temperature, pulse, oxygen level in the blood, and also get a detailed cardiogram. The collected data is saved on remote server and can be available both to the user himself and to his attending physician. Of course, the tests carried out by the LifeWatch V smartphone are unlikely to compare with full-fledged medical studies, but they will help you stay informed about the state of your health. Received from mobile device the information may also be useful when consulting with your doctor.

Have you noticed how quickly popularity is gaining momentum? healthy image life? This popularity also affects technologies and gadgets: if previously new and interesting devices for entertainment or for work, now more and more gadgets are appearing that can monitor their health. And we’re not just talking about bracelets that can count your pulse and monitor your sleep stages.


This device is capable of connecting to an iPhone - to the same connector where it is inserted Charger. The gadget itself has two cameras, which, when you touch them with your thumb and middle finger, show some parameters of your physical condition. So, Tinke will tell you what your heart rate is, how much oxygen is in the blood, what your breathing rate is, etc. This device is especially useful for athletes, in particular those who train independently, without the supervision of a coach. Such a gadget costs $99, but it is impossible to buy it from us - it is not supplied to our country.

This gadget is nothing more than a smart plug. Its main audience is people struggling with excess weight. The essence of the process lies in purely natural physiological phenomena. The stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is full and the person is full about 20 minutes after starting a meal. And by this time, many have already managed to overeat significantly. The way out of this situation is to try to eat little and chew well. But you can do this not only by gathering your will into a fist and carefully thinking through the whole process, but also with the help of a new smart gadget.

The Hapifork itself weighs each portion of food that its owner eats and lets you know when the amount eaten is already excessive, or when the frequency of bringing the fork to the mouth is too frequent.

The gadget can synchronize with the iPhone, transmitting information about the user's habits. And then special program may give advice on how to make your diet healthier or how to adjust your portions and eating habits.

Such a smart plug can be purchased for $99, but its distribution region is not very wide.

This gadget looks like a small plastic capsule, but in fact it contains many sensors that monitor the owner’s health. To find out the basic parameters of your condition, just touch the gadget to your temple, and you will receive data on your pulse, breathing rate, temperature, pressure, amount of oxygen in the blood, breathing rate, etc. And if you equip the gadget additional module, then you can simply and quickly do a urine test at home.

The device can transfer all this data to the user’s smartphone, and there a special program will analyze health for all given parameters. In addition, you can configure the application so that all data is immediately sent, for example, to your primary doctor or relatives.

Such a device will be useful to each of us, but its main the target audience– elderly people who need constant monitoring of these indicators, as well as who need prevention of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, etc.

The gadget should appear very soon, and it will be possible to purchase it for $150.

This gadget is not aimed at measuring human health parameters, but at monitoring the condition environment, which has a very powerful effect on the person himself. So, on this gadget you can put on four attachments that can measure: air temperature and humidity, radiation level, electromagnetic radiation, as well as the nitrate content in food. With such a device, you can be one hundred percent sure that you keep all parameters under control, and in case of danger, simply prevent your contact with harmful objects.

So, you can safely eat young cucumbers and tomatoes, after making sure that the level of nitrates in them does not exceed the norm. A new TV or the router can already be selected not only by functionality, but also by power electromagnetic field Around him.

All data is transferred to a smartphone, where several special applications show the measurement results.

A bracelet that can be worn on your hand or even in your pocket will become excellent assistant, if you want to measure distance traveled, number of steps and calories burned. The gadget never ceases to take care of its owner at night: it monitors the phases of sleep, knows when sleep is shallow, and when it will be easiest for a person to wake up. It is during this period that it will wake up a person, emitting only light, but quite noticeable vibrations, for example, on a person’s wrist.

Of course, where would we be without a synchronizing smartphone? This gadget can also connect to it, transferring all collected information and analyzing it. You can buy such a device for $100.

Naturally, this is far from full list what it offers modern science to take care of your health. But it is worth noting that indeed worthwhile developments even more than existing devices, so we expect many more in the future smart gadgets of this nature. For example, a device is being developed that will monitor the amount of fluid drunk and remind you to drink if you are about to become dehydrated.

As part of the conversation about innovative opportunities for monitoring the body's condition It is important to explain exactly what devices and technologies are available for monitoring and what devices can be used for this.

Firstly, it is important to talk about the class of devices that began to appear in Lately. These devices allow you to monitor various physiological parameters of the human body. These are monitoring systems such as cardiac monitoring system, wearable, implantable and ingestible sensors, small sensors. These are future technologies, thanks to which sensors will be implanted under the skin and monitor the condition of our body. Other devices include various diagnostic systems, such as urine, blood, saliva, sweat, etc. The range of applications is unlimited. A separate class is care for the sick and elderly, fall trackers, etc.

I would like to talk about the technologies that have recently become drivers for the development of these devices. The main driver is minimization technical processes . Technology has recently reached such a level that we can use minimal chips to embed them into various devices and gadgets. A microchip could be around 5mm in size – there may be even smaller ones available now.

The microchip contains a number of components that allow it to be used in the Internet of Medical Things. It has a built-in processor capable of processing commands and information. Available minimum memory. The microchip also has built-in communication modules that allow the device to exchange information and transmit it further. This can be wi-fi, bluetooth, fifth generation networks, radio channels for the Internet of things, such as ZigBee, Z-Wave, which operate with very little latency and a short distance allow you to connect a particular device with minimal energy consumption.

Let's imagine a device that combines various technologies:

  • The first is chip, which allows you to make the device “smart” and process this or that information in order to transmit it to external sources, servers, etc.
  • Next, it is built into the device memory, which accumulates data. Memory has also recently been greatly reduced in size, and now a small module with memory is sufficient to store small, periodically saved data that arrives on devices.
  • In addition, the device has a built-in battery. However, due to the fact that only lithium or nickel batteries are used, they still cannot be reduced in size and remain one of the inconvenient components in using devices that can monitor and accumulate information. We constantly have to charge these devices, and the smaller it is, the smaller the battery, and, accordingly, the shorter the time when the device works before the next charge. There is a slight problem with this.
  • ​The next component of the device is sensor, or the part that measures parameters such as heart rate or performs breath analysis. For each of these measurements, a separate sensor is required, which operates according to different technologies. Recently, sensors have become difficult to produce, and their sizes are minimal - they are comparable to the size of a microchip.

The next thing we need to talk about is how exactly we will transfer the huge amount of data that a person will accumulate in the future. Here you can move on to increasing Internet speed and reducing traffic costs. It is important to consider the issue of fifth generation networks – 5G networks.

Now we know that there is Mobile Internet 4G or LTE, but 5G is absolutely new technology data transmission, which will be available by 2020, and in

Access is denied.

Within a year, perhaps, the technology will appear on Russian market. Firstly, this is a technology that allows you to increase data transfers to 1 Gbit per second and higher, i.e. we will be able to transmit great amount information per unit of time. Next important point- delay. If now the delay in transmitting information is 5-4-10 milliseconds, then in fifth generation networks the delay will be minimal - less than 1 millisecond, which is very important for the Internet of Things. And, in fact, it is assumed that fifth generation networks will become powerful driver for the development of the Internet of medical things, smart homes, smart cities and so on. In principle, communication modules such as wi-fi and bluetooth will no longer be needed.

Currently, the Bluetooth connection does not work very reliably; you need to be close to the hub - a device that has Internet access. In the future, a 5G communication module will be built into the chip, which consumes little energy, is always on the Internet and works with low latency and with high speed. This will become a driver in the development of Internet of Things technology. These smart devices, which will be equipped with communication modules and various sensors, will flood the market. It is expected that by 2020 there will be about 26 billion devices in the world that will have access to the Internet and will be able to transmit data to some server.

Next stage - availability of production. We all know that China is now the leader in electronics production in the world, and it is not difficult for them to produce several million of these processors. This is also some driver in the development of technology.

In addition, it must be admitted that recently there has been an increase in IT literacy users. The younger generation, who spend a lot of time on the Internet and gadgets from a young age, will no longer learn anything - young people have mastered technology since childhood and use it with pleasure.

The last point is cost of devices. It will decrease every year. Technologies become more accessible as production becomes larger. We have seen recently how the cost of smartphones and various complex computing devices, computers, etc. There is no doubt that all these devices will soon be sold in full at an adequate price.

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This is the most popular and affordable gadget that helps track health indicators during sports and daily routine. The fitness tracker synchronizes with a smartphone and can count the number of calories burned, body temperature, steps and other physical activity. In addition, with most modern fitness trackers you can keep a food diary, set up a comfortable sleep based on biorhythms (the bracelet will notify you about bedtime and wake you up at right time) and receive advice on your training regimen.

And modern fitness trackers often look not only like sports Digital Watch, but also as stylish bracelets in a minimalist style, brooches and keychains.

Buy sports bracelet you can in the online store “Hit purchases”. The bracelets are equipped with pedometer, calorie and heart rate counting, sleep monitoring and alarm functions.


But for those who passionately want to get six-pack belly fat, a muscle stimulator has been created. It is a massager belt (wide for the abs, narrow for the arms and legs) or a sticker. A special device is built into the belt that sends electrical impulses to the muscles and causes them to contract. True, you won’t be able to lose weight with it alone - you will also need diet and exercise. But it’s quite possible to tone the muscles and help the body become more prominent.

Heart rate monitor

If you do not need the multifunctionality of fitness trackers, and during training it is important to monitor only your heart rate, it is better to choose a heart rate monitor. With the help of this gadget, you can choose the right load, pace and intensity of physical activity - so that your workouts bring maximum results, but do not knock you down. Advanced models of heart rate monitors will also calculate the speed and distance traveled (at the stadium and cycling track or, say, in the pool).

As for the shape of the heart rate monitor, manufacturers offer both classic chest and wrist monitors, as well as original examples in the form of headphones or watches.


Experts say that it is good for your health to take at least ten thousand steps every day. A pedometer will help you count them. This tracker reacts to certain vibrations and thus calculates the distance traveled. Modern pedometers are synchronized with a smartphone using special applications, thanks to which you can find out how many calories have been burned per day. certain period time, what is the pace of training, etc.

Smart scales

To record dynamics, it is important to have on hand precision scales. And even better - ones that will show the ratio of fat and muscle tissue, and also calculate the body mass index to understand whether you need to focus on physical activity or whether you need to add a diet.

Smart scales determine the above parameters using electrical impulses that pass through the feet. The gadget is synchronized with a special mobile application on a smartphone, which, based on the data received, suggests optimal options training, nutrition and gives advice on improving the health of the body.

Smart jump rope

This cute device will calculate the number of jumps, calories burned and training time. The jump rope will display the results on a special screen on the handle. With such a gadget it is very convenient to control physical activity and its effectiveness.

Drinking control bottle

For normal functioning The body (and especially for losing weight) needs a correct drinking regime, which is calculated from the rate of water consumption per kilogram of weight (on average, about two liters per day). Monitoring the amount of water you drink is not always convenient - a special bottle that controls your drinking regime will help. It has a built-in sensor that will calculate the required amount and tell you when you need to take the next sip of water.

According to research by the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is recognized as the most dangerous - in 2012 it claimed the lives of 7.4 million people. Thirteen percent of deaths during the WHO study period were due to advanced ischemic heart disease. By comparison, HIV claimed the lives of 2.7% of people killed in 2012.

Coronary heart disease develops due to the growth of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels supplying blood to the heart. The process of plaque formation cannot be stopped, however modern methods treatments help bring the disease under control and reduce the risk of it further development. The main task of doctors is the early diagnosis of ischemia - critical narrowing of a vessel by atherosclerotic plaque.

Obstruction of blood flow leads to dangerous oxygen starvation of the heart. Often the first symptoms (pressing pain in the chest, burning sensation, shortness of breath when physical activity, attacks of suffocation) appear only after the dangerous development of the disease. Advanced medical technology can help the doctor detect ischemia in a patient early.

Clinical forms of coronary heart disease and “risk factors”

In accordance with accepted World Organization health care in 1957-1969 According to standards, IHD (coronary or coronary heart disease) is understood as “acute or chronic diseases that occur as a result of a decrease or cessation of blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle) due to damage to the coronary arteries.”

Already now on domestic market you can find gadgets that allow you to monitor your health of cardio-vascular system using a smartphone. For example, Russian company CardioQVARK creates heart monitor cases for the iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S and SE. “Smart” cases from CardioQVARK allow the owner to take an ECG in any place convenient for him: just put your fingers on the sensors and in a few seconds the results will be saved in the cloud. With help special application You can send them to your doctor and get recommendations from him.

Patients with cardiovascular disease typically require lifelong treatment and monitoring. Patients with coronary artery disease are no exception. They are prescribed multicomponent drug therapy aimed at combating cholesterol, high blood pressure, as well as drugs that directly affect the functioning of the heart. Doses of these drugs are selected individually and should be monitored by a doctor in a hospital or clinic using ECG monitoring. Within the health care system, these studies are provided with at certain intervals, which does not always correspond to the individual characteristics of the patient.

Portable personal devices allow you to obtain a volume of information comparable to using standard methods. You can evaluate ECG fragments at rest, during exercise, before and after taking medications. Medical gadgets provide unique opportunity ECG registration at the request of the patient. Any place and any time when the patient feels unwell or symptoms of cardiac dysfunction - pain or discomfort in the chest, shortness of breath, palpitations. All these conditions can be manifestations of both normal and pathological conditions. Any cardiac dysfunction should be assessed by a specialist to determine further monitoring or treatment tactics.