Electronic floor scales are so accurate. Memory, Body Mass Index and other functions. How to choose bathroom scales

In today's everyday reality, which consists of burgers, cola and various baked goods, it is very difficult to monitor your own weight, much less control it. But despite the widespread dominance of fast food, many modern girls, women and even men are quite critical of their diet, as well as their physical form.

Controlling your weight is extremely important, and here it’s not just about the attractiveness of your figure and the pleasing reflection of yourself in the mirror - health, that’s what’s important. Modern household floor scales allow you to monitor your kilograms, and some models can give alarm signals about the need for an urgent review of the menu.

Today's market for such devices is replete with a variety of models. An inexperienced consumer’s eyes simply run wild, so the question of which floor scales to choose is very relevant. Moreover, there are also many selection criteria that you need to pay attention to. In order to at least somehow navigate this difficult choice, we will try to outline the rating of the best floor scales, which includes the most sensible models from different manufacturers. But first, let’s look at the criteria that will help you decide on a purchase in the store.

Criterias of choice

So, you have decided where to buy bathroom scales, but there are still a few important points that you should pay special attention to. The first thing you need to figure out is the type of design - mechanical or electronic. The first is distinguished by its simplicity and low price tag, but has too high an error, which can reach 500 or even more grams. Moreover, over time it will only increase due to wear and tear of the main elements.

The electronic type is the most accurate bathroom scale. In addition to basic functions, this design can be additionally equipped with many other useful features. Such devices are noticeably more expensive than their mechanical counterparts, but if you need accuracy, you won’t find a better option. That is why electronic models predominate in the segment of scales for children, where every gram is extremely important.


Another important design point that directly affects the performance characteristics of the device. A good half of household scales are made of plastic and glass. As an exclusive, some manufacturers offer wooden models, but, naturally, with an appropriate price tag.

The cheapest bathroom scales are made of plastic. They are the easiest to care for, and plastic is not as easily soiled and picky as other materials. In addition, they are not as fragile as glass models. And the latter cannot be called scales for children: if you drop even a simple cup of drink on it, you can break the case. Therefore, if there are little fidgets in the house, it is better to opt for plastic or wooden devices.


The choice of certain functions depends on your specific needs. On the market you can find both conventional devices and gadgets with different “biases”, such as diagnostic models that will help you find out your body mass index, show the water content in the body or the percentage of fat in muscle tissue.

Before you take the money to the cashier and buy the model you like, be sure to read the instructions for the floor scales. Some functions have their limitations, which may be critical for you. It should also be noted that diagnostic models are only electronic, so if you come across dealers offering “mechanics” with a lot of electronic functionality, pass by.

Next, consider the rating of the best floor scales. All of the models described below can be found in large stores selling household appliances, so there should be no problems with purchase, as well as with service (if you live in a large city).

  1. Soehnle 63760 BBCS.
  2. Tanita BC-587.
  3. "Xiaomi Smart Mi Scale".
  4. "Redmond RS-719PK".
  5. Medisana 40461 PSD.

Let's take a closer look at each model.

Soehnle 63760 BBCS

Model 63760 BBCS from the Soehnle brand is the best floor scale according to the ratings of venerable magazines. The multifunctional device is capable of assessing five important indicators: calorie consumption, body fat percentage, muscle mass, water percentage and weight itself.

These precision floor scales can store the data of eight people at once, and the chipset allows you to take measurements and analyze the information received for 10 years. The remote screen, in addition to current weight readings, measures and displays the room temperature and displays the date/time.

Design Features

It is also worth noting that the functionality of floor scales (up to 150 kg) allows you to synchronize data with a personal computer, that is, you can always track your progress (or regression) using informative and convenient graphs on a large monitor screen. To do this, you will need to install the appropriate application on the Windows or iOS platform (downloaded from the manufacturer’s official resource).

Advantages of the model:

  • additional analysis of five related indicators;
  • convenient remote screen;
  • intuitive interface;
  • large internal storage capacity;
  • the ability to synchronize with a PC;
  • Stylish and pleasing to the eye appearance of the scales.


  • There is no Russian localization of the menu (you need to be smart with amateur firmware).

The estimated cost is about 15,000 rubles.

Tanita BC-587

This electronic model was distinguished by its accuracy and the presence of intelligent diagnostic functionality. In addition, the device is assembled with extremely high quality, so the design is completely free of any backlash, squeaks or crunches during use.

It is also worth noting the original and attractive appearance of the model. All elements are conveniently located on the control panel, and the interface itself is intuitive and easy to learn. The advantages of the scales include the maximum permitted weight - 200 kg, which makes them a universal tool, and not just a device for household needs.

Pros of the model:

  • a good set of diagnostic functionality;
  • high load threshold of 200 kg;
  • attractive appearance;
  • display with “smart” backlight;
  • intuitive controls.
  • The scales are sensitive to the type of floor covering (there are more errors on a fleecy surface).

The approximate price is about 6,000 rubles.

Smart Scale

The Xiaomi brand, which has made a splash in the smartphone segment, has introduced a very good budget-class model, Mi Smart Scale, to the household appliances market. These are electronic scales with diagnostic functionality. The model attracts with its simplicity and high-quality components, even despite the more than affordable price tag.

The upper part of the device is made of tempered and thick glass, and the lower part is made of hard plastic made of a good alloy. The interface of the scales is distinguished by its originality: in the inactive state, we see just a nice white square, but as soon as you step on the scales, the display lights up, showing all the previously selected data.

Distinctive features of the device

The display has automatic backlighting, so there will be no problems with night weighings. For greater convenience, the functionality provides the ability to synchronize with mobile gadgets. Moreover, the brand in this case did not take the selfish path and provided tandems both with its Xiaomi devices and with other devices on the Android and even iOS platforms. Such visualization on smartphones and tablets greatly simplifies the perception of graphs and other analytical data, allowing you to capture a large period of time. To synchronize, you will need to install the proprietary Xiaomi application on your gadget (can be downloaded on the official website).

Advantages of the model:

  • clear display with automatic backlight;
  • sleek and versatile appearance;
  • the ability to synchronize data with mobile devices;
  • reasonable price tag for the available characteristics.


  • For correct operation, a strictly flat surface is required;
  • Battery life leaves much to be desired.

Redmond RS-719PK

This is an electronic model without diagnostic functionality, but it copes with basic tasks perfectly well. The device has a specific design - the body thickness is only 18 mm, so the device can easily be placed somewhere under a sofa or chair without taking up extra space.

In addition, the model runs on solar batteries, that is, the battery is charged both from daylight and from lamp rays. This solution has its advantages as well as disadvantages. On the one hand, you don’t need to spend money on replacement batteries or fuss with cords and sockets, but on the other hand, you have to wait several minutes before weighing yourself (if the device was in a dark place).

As for accuracy, everything is very good here. The manufacturer promises an error of a maximum of 100 grams on a poor/unstable surface. In the case of smooth linoleum or carpet, it varies within 20 grams.

Features of the scales

It is also worth noting the intelligent LCD display with large numbers, where all the results obtained are clearly and clearly visible. The glass (tempered) platform is strong enough, so it is not afraid of the aforementioned falls of mugs and other small objects.

Pros of the model:

  • solar panels;
  • impact-resistant glass;
  • ultra-thin body;
  • convenient display with clear readings.
  • you need to wait a couple of minutes before starting work (for recharging).

Approximate price - about 2000 rubles.

Medisana 40461 PSD

This is a solid mechanical device from a German brand. The model is distinguished by its stability, massiveness and rather large dial. The working area of ​​the device is all rubberized, and the device looks more like a retro-style scale.

Due to its mechanical design, the model has a significant weight - almost four kilograms. But as a plus, we can note the modest “waist” of the device - 43x29 cm, which will not take up much space under the same sofa or chair.

The visual component of the dial is contrasting and clear, so the result can be easily seen even in poor lighting. The scales can withstand a maximum load of 150 kg and have a measurement interval of 0.5 kg. The last figure is also an indicator of error, which is quite acceptable for mechanics.

One of the obvious advantages of the mechanical design is its unpretentiousness to the surface, that is, you will get an accurate result even on a mountain with crushed stone. Such devices are simply irreplaceable in bathhouses, outdoors or at some other outdoor events.

Advantages of the model:

  • large dial;
  • structural stability;
  • stable readings on any surface;
  • rubberized working area.


Estimated cost is about 2500 rubles.

Electronic bathroom scales are more accurate than mechanical ones and may also have additional functions. For example, analyze the amount of water in the body, calculate how much more a person weighs than normal, and even synchronize with a smartphone or tablet. Naturally, more advanced options will cost more. The rating according to the Mark.guru portal will help you choose the best floor scales among electronic models. You will find out whether it makes sense to overpay and whether electronic options are better than mechanical ones.

To choose the best bathroom scale among all electronic models, consider the following:

  1. Measuring range. Important for all models, electronic and mechanical. This refers to the maximum permissible load and minimum perceptible weight. Exceeding the first indicator will lead to rapid failure of the device.
  2. Error. As a rule, modern electronic models have the same standard error of 100-300 grams. The lower this indicator, the more accurate the scales.
  3. Functions and memory. Intelligence affects cost and versatility of use. There are devices that can store diagnostic data and perform calculations for 10 different people. If you don’t need any functions, then you shouldn’t overpay for them.
  4. Material. We are talking about the surface of the platform. Plastic ones are more practical, metal is stylish, but cold, and it’s unpleasant to stand on barefoot. The most aesthetic and pleasant to the touch are glass, but they can break. There are scales with both wooden and stone surfaces, but such materials are more expensive.
  5. Display. Ease of use depends on it. On a small and insufficiently bright screen, it is difficult to see indicators from a human height.
  6. Nutrition. Can be battery powered or battery powered.

Having decided whether you need mechanical or electronic scales, and having familiarized yourself with the selection criteria, start comparing the options. Below are the best models of floor scales among electronic ones, divided into three price categories to make choosing more convenient.

Budget bathroom scales

This section presents models that do not have any diagnostic functions and are intended simply for measuring body weight. They cost around a thousand rubles, and sometimes even cheaper.

Bathroom scales with glass platform. Maximum permissible load 180 kg.

Nice design with realistic print of sea sand and golden shells.

Strengths of the model:

  • high-quality glass surface;
  • there is an overload indicator;
  • automatically turn on and off when not in use;
  • operate on one battery;
  • do not take up much space;
  • high-quality housing;
  • good clear display;
  • High measurement accuracy, error of only 100 grams.

There are practically no negative reviews. At a low price, they provide fast, high-quality measurement of body weight and are easy to use, with an optimal price-quality ratio.

Price range from 580 to 1090 rubles.

Prices :

2. StarWind SSP3353

Another beautiful model, sold complete with a battery. The maximum load is also up to 180 kilograms.

The scale can display measurements in kilograms and pounds.

Positive aspects of the model:

  • beautiful design with realistic pattern;
  • nice glass surface;
  • wide display;
  • there is an overload indicator;
  • very small error of 100 grams;
  • compact size.

There is nothing bad to say about the scales; they do their job perfectly.

Price from 740 to 1600 rubles.

Prices for StarWind SSP3353:

3. StarWind SSP2355

Another StarWind model, essentially differing from the previous one only in design. In the same way, you can weigh a person weighing up to 180 kg.

Positive design with a field of daisies.

The model is characterized by:

  • high measurement accuracy;
  • compact dimensions;
  • durable, high-quality case with a glass surface;
  • presence of an overload indicator and automatic shutdown;
  • You can display results in kilograms and pounds.

There are no disadvantages found in the model, good, accurate scales for the home.

Price from 590 to 1140 rubles.

Prices for StarWind SSP2355:

4. UNIT UBS 2080 GN

An excellent model, usually chosen by large people.

Withstands loads up to 200 kilograms.

Advantages of the model:

  • wide, durable tempered glass platform;
  • the glass surface is not slippery;
  • rubberized legs;
  • Available in different colors;
  • there is an indicator showing that it is time to replace the battery;
  • automatically reset to zero after measurement;
  • high accuracy, error 100 grams;
  • The battery lasts for a long time.

There are no flaws to be found, a good sturdy model, easy to use.

Price range from 1100 to 1990 rubles.

Prices for UNIT UBS 2080 GN:

Diagnostic scales

This section presents scales that, in addition to direct weighing, have additional diagnostic functions and perform certain calculations. This is an average price category, the cost of the considered models is approximately up to 3 thousand rubles.

1. Tanita BC-730 RD

This is not just a scale, but a multifunctional fat mass analyzer, suitable for use by children and adults who are not involved in professional sports. Designed for a maximum load of 150 kg, powered by four AA batteries, and have high measurement accuracy.

The advantages of this model are the following functions:

  • measuring the level of internal fat, that is, that which surrounds the internal organs;
  • calculation of basal metabolism;
  • determination of biological age;
  • calculation of muscle and bone mass;
  • measuring water and fat levels in the body;
  • memory for 5 users.

There are no shortcomings in this model. The Tanita company specializes in the production of various types of scales, including professional ones for the medical and sports fields.

As a result of such a narrow focus, high quality and reliability of equipment and reliability of measurements are achieved.

Price range from 3000 to 3500 rubles.

Prices for Tanita BC-730 RD:

2. Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale

Diagnostic scales from the Chinese brand Xiaomi with wide functionality. Powered by 4 AA batteries, maximum permissible weight 150 kg.

The scale can be synchronized with a smartphone via Bluetooth through the official Mit Fit app for Android and iOS.

Advantages of the model:

  • stylish design;
  • modern features;
  • low price for a model with Bluetooth;
  • high-quality clear display;
  • measurements are displayed in kilograms, pounds and Chinese jin;
  • the ability to remember measurements of different family members;
  • calculation of body mass index.


  • inaccurate measurements, the stated error is typical only for a perfectly flat surface, on others there is inaccuracy
  • can reach 2 kg;
  • Batteries run out quickly.

Price range from 1540 to 4000 rubles.

Prices for Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale:

Electronic floor scales with a maximum load capacity of 150 kg. They are powered by two AA batteries, information is displayed on a high-quality and fairly large display.

The design stylishly combines glass and metal parts of the platform. There is glass under your feet so your feet don't touch cold metal.

Attractive aspects of the model:

  • memory for 8 users;
  • high measurement accuracy;
  • body mass index calculation function;
  • the units of measurement are kilograms and pounds;
  • rubberized legs;
  • lower weighing limit 3 kg;
  • battery charge indicator.

No disadvantages were found during use.

Price range from 1790 to 3770 rubles.

Prices :

4. Polaris PWS 1850DGF GN

Multifunctional scales with a maximum load of 180 kg and measurement accuracy of up to 100 grams. The minimum perceptible weight is 5 kg. Wide functionality makes weight control interesting and convenient and motivates you to work on yourself.

The scale can calculate your daily calorie intake.

Strengths of the model:

  • the units of measurement are kilograms, pounds or the British unit of weight stone;
  • determines the percentage ratio of fat, water, muscle and bone mass;
  • calculation of body mass index;
  • good accuracy;
  • battery charge indicator.

No cons found.

Price range from 2590 to 3420 rubles.

Prices for Polaris PWS 1850DGF GN:

Scales costing more than 5 thousand rubles

This category includes expensive premium models. The reason for the high cost is not necessarily the presence of any unique features. Still, the main purpose of the device is weight control. The models presented in the rating best cope with this task, take accurate measurements, are made with high quality, and motivate actions to improve physical condition.

Electronic floor scales with a permissible load of up to 150 kg. A multifunctional device that allows you to track your weight loss process in more detail.

It has a remote control unit, which, upon completion of work, is securely fixed to the body.

Advantages of the model:

  • measuring internal fat levels;
  • calculation of the proportion of body fat;
  • calculates body mass index;
  • convenient simple weighing mode without diagnostics;
  • 4-sensor system, scans the whole body.

The disadvantages include a very high price and frequent reviews that the display breaks down or begins to work worse.

Price range from 4400 to 6390 rubles.

Prices :

2. Tanita BC-587

A digital scale with a lot of features, it is a safe choice for large, heavy people looking to lose weight.

The scales are one of the few in this category that can withstand a maximum load of 200 kg.

Main advantages of the model:

  • unusual stylish design with a transparent platform;
  • analyzes fat content;
  • there is a health level indicator;
  • calculation of the proportion of water in the body;
  • display of internal fat level;
  • basal metabolism and biological age are calculated;
  • determination of bone and muscle mass;
  • assessment of physical condition.

Disadvantages include high sensitivity to floor surfaces. On uneven materials, significant errors occur.

Price range from 5000 to 6300 rubles.

Prices for Tanita BC-587:


This is the rating of floor scales according to the Marka.guru portal. Electronic features allow you to drill down into detailed information about your body and make your workouts more effective. Expensive models of 2018 help not only to understand how much a person weighs, but also conduct an analysis according to data about his gender, age, and body type. As a result, some models can even provide recommendations for improving the condition. If you do not have a clear goal of weight loss with strict control of exercise and nutrition, but simply need the best floor scales for everyday use by all family members, then you can safely choose the models that are simplest in terms of functionality.

Most women and men try to watch their figure and control their weight. Of course, the number of kilograms does not determine how beautiful or healthy you are, because, in addition to fat mass, there is also muscle tissue, which also needs to be taken into account when calculating. People in the same weight category may look different, but everyone has their own individual norm (BMI).

Floor scales are an indispensable assistant in losing weight. They not only help you find out your body weight, but also motivate you to maintain it at normal levels. Today we will help you choose the best bathroom scales based on your needs and financial capabilities.

There are two types of floor scales - mechanical and electronic. Some work using a stretching spring, while others use electric current. It’s difficult to immediately say which of them is better, so let’s take a closer look at the characteristics.

Mechanical scales

A traditional option with a minimum of functionality. The principle of operation of mechanical devices is simple: a person steps on a platform, and a spring begins to stretch under the weight of his body. Depending on the pressure applied, this spring rotates the arrow along the scale and stops it at a certain division. Mechanical scales are convenient, can withstand enormous loads and are cheaper than electronic ones. However, they require constant adjustment and have some error in calculation. It is difficult to find a model where the graduation size is less than 0.5 kg, so accuracy is out of the question.


  • comfortable and reliable;
  • work without batteries;
  • withstand heavy loads;
  • have low cost;
  • durable.


  • do not show weight accurate to grams;
  • require constant adjustment of the scale (twisting);
  • do not have any additional functions.

Electronic balance

Previously, electronic devices also worked using a spring, but instead of a scale, they had an electronic display. They had all the disadvantages of mechanical devices and, in general, were not much different from them. Nowadays, most electronic models have increased functionality and use electrical impulses to measure weight. The error in such devices is minimized - only 100-50 g. However, they cost more than mechanical ones and require special care. Electronic scales should not be stored in areas with high humidity levels or thrown onto the floor. The same technical safety rules apply to them as to other electrical appliances.


  • have increased accuracy (50-100 g);
  • have high functionality;
  • attractive design.


  • demanding on the surface;
  • have a high cost;
  • you need to buy batteries.

Which ones are more accurate?

Judging by the characteristics, electronic devices have minimal error and show more accurate results than mechanical ones. But in practice, everything is not so clear. The operation of electronic scales is influenced by many factors, including the softness and evenness of the floor covering, the service life of the batteries (towards the end of the service, the scales begin to lie), as well as the temperature in the room (this applies specifically to analyzer scales). If one of the conditions is not met, the measurement error increases by several hundred grams. Therefore, mechanical models are more reliable and stable in this regard.

How to choose

When choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances: quality of materials, dimensions, accuracy of operation, functionality, maximum load, etc. But first of all, focus on your own financial capabilities. Here are some useful tips to help you buy a good and accurate device:

  1. Maximum load. Mechanical scales are designed for higher loads. If a person’s body weight exceeds 150 kg, we advise you to pay attention to them. Most electronic models have a limit of 160-180 kg, but there are also record holders with 200-270 kg. Of course, the greater the load, the higher the cost.
  2. Allowable error. There are no devices without errors in weight measurement. The most important thing is to keep it to a minimum. Before buying, check the scale: place a bottle of water or any other object whose mass you know on it. The permissible error of good electronic scales is 100-200 g, and mechanical - 0.5 kg.
  3. Dimensions and weight. Choose devices with a platform on which both feet can be placed and at the same time there is still 2-3 cm left around the edge. Weight is of great importance if there is a need to carry it periodically. The optimal option is 0.5-1 kg.
  4. Accuracy of work. The accuracy of the work can also be checked using a bottle. Just weigh it several times and write down the result. The readings should not change.
  5. Quality of materials. Avoid buying scales made from fragile or thin plastic. Scales with metal elements in the design are much stronger and will last longer. A universal option is glass, but you need to be careful with them.
  6. Additional functions. Some electronic models have the function of determining the amount of fat and muscle mass. This is useful if the process of losing weight is accompanied by physical activity. Overall weight may not change, but the percentage of muscle tissue will increase. Even for prevention, it is useful to have a device with an analyzer at home. But their prices are higher.
    To ensure accurate results, weigh yourself before eating. The service life of the device largely depends on handling, so follow the technical safety rules. Then the scales will work efficiently and for a long time.

Rating of electronic models

There are many models of electronic scales. Some can measure fat and muscle tissue. They are called analyzers or diagnostic scales. There are also smart devices that can transmit information about your body to your smartphone or computer. How to choose the best scales among this variety? We have compiled the top 5 models in terms of price/quality ratio (domestic and foreign manufacturers):

  • LCD display with clear symbols
  • high accuracy of readings
  • use battery economically
  • durable tempered glass platform

  • a flat floor is required

Beautiful electronic scales with a shockproof platform. The main material is tempered glass. They can withstand up to 150 kilograms of load, and the maximum error is 100 grams. They have an automatic on/off function, low battery indicator light and an overload signal. Mass is measured in kilograms and pounds. The average cost of this model is 700 rubles.

  • rich functionality
  • possibility of user identification
  • mode for athletes
  • high price
  • uncomfortable foot platform

Digital scales that analyze the composition of the body. Made of metal and high quality plastic. They have a maximum load of up to 150 kilograms. Quickly and accurately determine the amount of fluid in the body, the percentage of bone, fat and muscle tissue, and show the body mass index. Can remember up to 5 users and have a guest mode. Features of the model include measuring basal metabolism, calculating a person’s biological age, and determining body type. Cost – from 3 thousand rubles.

  • nice design
  • accuracy of measurements
  • A smooth floor is required

Inexpensive electronic scales with an original design. The platform depicts a seashore with shells. The main material is impact-resistant tempered glass. They operate on 3 AA batteries. Withstands weight up to 180 kg. One of the features is an indication of device overload. There is automatic switching on and off - just step on the platform. Mass is measured in kilograms. Price – 600 rubles.

  • multifunctional system
  • record measurement accuracy
  • convenient application for smartphone
  • instructions in Chinese

Professional scales with a smart control system via a smartphone. The shock-resistant case is made of metal and transparent glass. They are suitable for users in the weight category up to 150 kilograms. They have a special measurement accuracy - a record 50 grams. They have a system for analyzing body composition (amount of fat, muscle and bone mass). The device is controlled through a proprietary application that supports Android and IOS operating systems. A special feature of the scale is to determine the amount of fat deposits around the abdominal organs. The cost of the device is from 3 thousand rubles.

  • stylish design
  • high measurement accuracy
  • inconvenient size of sensors for diagnostics
  • no indicator switching
  • incorrect calculation of indicators

Inexpensive diagnostic tool with daily calorie calculator. Operates on two AA batteries. The maximum weight limit is 180 kg. The ratio of fat and muscle tissue is measured, and then the required norm is calculated and BMI is shown. There is a user identification system for up to 16 people. A special feature of the scales is the backlighting of symbols on the large display. The average price is about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Platform materialglassmetal + plasticglassmetal + plasticglass
150 kg150 kg180 kg150 kg180 kg
Measurement accuracy0.1 kg0.1 kg0.1 kg0.05 kg0.1 kg
Additional Informationlow battery indicator; overload indicatormeasurement of basal metabolic rate; determination of biological age (12-99 years) and physical type; "athlete" and "guest" functionsoverload indicator; battery replacement indicatorofficial Mi Fit application; support for devices with iOS operating system version 8.0 and higher and Android version 4.3 or higher; determination of visceral fat content, basal metabolic ratedaily calorie intake calculator; indication of exceeding the maximum weight; battery operation indication
Pricefrom 650 rub.from 3200 rub.from 550 rub.from 3190 rub.from 1200 rub.
Where can I buy

Rating of mechanical models

Mechanical models are easy to use, have a familiar design and are much cheaper than electronic ones. It’s hard to make a mistake in their choice, but we still compiled the 2018 rating for you:

  • bright design with the image of “Cars”
  • strong body
  • heavy weight – 1.5 kg

Children's mechanical scales with a bright design. Made from durable plastic. They can withstand loads of up to 130 kg and have a measurement accuracy of 1 kg. There is a small scale on the platform indicating the correct weight and height ratio for children. Cost – from 300 rubles.

  • comfortable rough coating
  • light weight
  • minimalist design
  • easily soiled plastic

Convenient mechanical scales for home with a rough platform surface. Can handle loads up to 120 kilograms. The case material is durable plastic. Measurement accuracy – 1 kg. Prices for this model start from 450 rubles.

  • appearance
  • strong body
  • low measurement accuracy
  • Quite heavy – 2.5 kg

Household scales with a maximum load of up to 130 kg. Made of plastic. They have a green matte platform with patterns and the company logo. The accuracy of body weight measurement is 1 kg. The price of the device is from 650 rubles.

  • nice design
  • presence of a weight-to-height scale
  • strong body
  • on a soft floor they can lie

Inexpensive home scale with platform waves. They have a scale of height and weight ratio for girls and boys. The maximum load on the body is 120 kg. The measuring unit for weighing is kilograms. Cost – 400 rubles.

Daily morning weighing has become a habit among people who care about their health and appearance. Other, not so ardent fans of a healthy lifestyle, from time to time become concerned about their appearance and the onset of shortness of breath. This especially often manifests itself at a party, where they accidentally, but invariably, come across a scale pushed away from conscience into the far corner. So, a new life begins on Monday, and there is no way to avoid buying personal scales. Which ones to choose?


The maximum permissible load on the scale is from 100 to 270 kg. If this parameter is important to the user, he needs to pay attention to it. In Russia, mostly scales that measure in kilograms are sold. It is rare, but you can find scales in which the unit of weight is the pound. The weight of the device can range from 0.5 to 23.5 kg.

There are 2 types of scales:
. mechanical;


Household mechanical scales are the most inexpensive, but inaccurate. The measurement error is 0.5 - 1 kg. The basis of such scales is a measuring spring, which moves under load, so the position of the scale arrow changes. Some models of mechanical scales have a stadiometer. External power is not required for such scales.

Electronic scales convert mechanical action into an electronic signal, which is displayed on the display. Such scales are much more expensive than mechanical ones. Their error is very small - about 0.1 kg. In addition to total weight, they allow you to measure the percentage of water, muscle, fat and bone tissue in the body, as well as remember the values ​​​​of previous measurements. Such scales can remember the measurement results of one or several users (up to 16 people), show the difference between the current and previous weighings, and some advanced models even build graphs of weight versus time. Electronic scales are equipped with a stadiometer. The height value is entered into the scale to calculate the body mass index.

To measure this data, the principle of bioelectrical impedance is used, since human tissues have different electrical resistances. A weak electric charge is passed through the human body, emanating from electrodes brought to the surface of the scale. The result is displayed on the device display in the form of glowing symbols. Despite the fact that this is an energy-intensive display method, manufacturers continue to produce such scales because it is convenient when using the scales in low light conditions - early in the morning or late in the evening.

Models of diagnostic scales are equipped with a remote control unit for ease of use. The user controls such scales remotely. Thanks to this block, after weighing you can get a printout of the result by sending a print command to the printer.

Electronic scales operate on batteries or accumulators in AA and CR2032 formats. The scales turn on when you stand on them, and turn off, in order to save energy, a short time after the user leaves the scales.


Scales are made mainly of plastic, less often of metal and glass, and sometimes of natural stone or wood. Plastic is the cheapest, lightest and most durable material; metal is cold when touched by the feet, which scares off many users. Glass is glass, and for all its impact resistance, it can break. The natural stone platform scale looks good in the bathroom, but is quite heavy to carry. Devices with a wooden platform are suitable for people who value tactile sensations: wood is very pleasant when in contact with the soles of their feet.


As noted above, diagnostic scales can determine the percentage of water, fat, bone and muscle tissue in the body, as well as calculate the BMI (Body Mass Index).

The amount of water in a person’s body depends on his physical condition, age, build and hormonal levels. For example, women during their cycle gain a lot of water due to the hormone progesterone, which causes the body to accumulate and retain water. Athletic people also have more water in their bodies than people who are not into sports, since one molecule of glycogen - a complex carbohydrate that accumulates in the liver and muscles of a person and is its main supply of nutrients - binds several molecules of water. Therefore, the more muscle mass a person has, the more water he contains.

Another example: in the morning, the body contains a minimum amount of water, in the evening it contains the maximum. Therefore, it is recommended to weigh yourself in the morning after using the toilet. Thus, you should not focus on the amount of water in the body. In any case, if there is an excess of water, the body will quickly “drain” it, and if there is a shortage, it will replenish it.

Some scales can measure fat mass using the already familiar principle of bioelectrical impedance. The accuracy of the measurement is conditional, since the electric current passes through the body selectively - through the legs, if they stand on the platform (from foot to foot), or through the hands, if the scales have a remote control.

It is known that fat on the human body is distributed unevenly and differently for everyone, depending on genetics. Thus, when measuring the percentage of fat on household electronic scales, the user receives only the value from foot to foot, and not the entire body. To more accurately measure body fat percentage, athletes and nutritionists use a caliper, a special tool like a caliper, and use a method of pinching and measuring skin folds.

Another problem is determining the percentage of fat in athletes. The fact is that fat analyzers are designed for a standard person, and when developing, they apparently do not take into account the fact that an athlete in the off-season weighing 120-130 kg can have a fat percentage of 12-14%. In bodybuilding, this situation is the norm. Thus, for every extra kilogram, the fat analyzer adds a few extra percent. According to the results of this measurement, the athlete turns into a very obese person.

As people age, they begin to accumulate visceral fat, which is deposited between internal organs. When entering the values ​​by which the fat analyzer calculates the result, the user indicates his age. But a person’s biological age may not correspond to his passport age. In this case, the results will still be calculated based on the latter.
Determining the mass fraction of muscle tissue in the body has the same problems. The computer of the fat analyzer contains the anthropometric data of a standard person in all physical parameters. Therefore, the starting point for all measurements is these values, which have nothing to do with the real features of the user’s build. The mass fraction of muscle tissue of a person with a developed shoulder girdle, but with thin legs, will flatter his pride if the fat analyzer is remote, and will upset him if the electrodes are placed on a platform.

Measuring body mass index using scales is also incorrect. BMI is calculated using the formula: a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters. The interpretation of the results is as follows:

BMI less than 15 - acute underweight

BMI from 15 to 20 - underweight

BMI from 20 to 25 - normal weight

BMI from 25 to 30 - overweight

BMI over 30 - obesity

It is known that fat is much lighter than muscle mass. Based on the logic of measurements, at the same weight, the indicators of an obese person will be closer to the norm than the indicators of an athlete, and an athlete at the peak of her form will be on the same level as an ordinary overweight girl. The appearance of these people will be radically different.


We hope this article will help you when choosing bathroom scales. If you are just monitoring your weight without exercising, a diagnostic scale is suitable for you as the preset values ​​are based on the standard. The results will not be very accurate, but they will be close. If you dream of “lean” muscles, you better opt for simple scales and it’s better if you hang a good addition next to the new scales - a large mirror.

Optimal body weight is one of the most important indicators of a healthy body. A scale is a device with which you can control your weight. Modern models differ significantly from the original versions: accuracy has increased, functionality has become richer, and design has improved. Given the variety of offers, choosing a scale is not easy. The article will help you understand what types of electronic floor scales there are and which ones are best to choose.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing?

To understand which floor scales are better, you need to choose them step by step, considering and comparing certain characteristics of different models. Here you can focus on such an algorithm.


The device can be digital or mechanical:

  • Electronic models are considered one of the most accurate. In addition, they have additional functions. For example, they can be used to track the dynamics of muscle and fat mass.
  • The mechanics are much simpler and the cost is lower, but over time, mechanical scales become less accurate.

The answer to the question of which electronic bathroom scales are best to choose is up to you.

Important! Electronic scales, which can be found in almost every home, require configuration. We have prepared a separate material.

Material from which the platform is made:

  • The most popular models are with a glass platform. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to maintain and quite durable.
  • A device with a plastic platform is cheaper, but plastic is inferior in strength to glass.
  • Metal platforms are not very popular, since weighing is accompanied by not very pleasant tactile sensations.

Important! There are also exclusive, expensive models of floor scales made of wood or stone.

Additional functionality

This paragraph applies exclusively to electronic models. Some modifications are equipped with functions for calculating fat and muscle mass, body mass index. This is important for people who carefully control their own weight.

The statement “the more features the better” is false. When deciding which bathroom scale is best, you only need to choose the functions you intend to use. There is no point in overpaying for useless functionality.

Important! For those who have decided to seriously engage in the fight against excess weight, there is a useful article on our portal. Follow the link and follow the instructions to .

Budget models

Let's consider the TOP floor scales from the budget category.

Scarlett SC-BS33E060

Despite the fact that the functionality of these devices is poorer than that of expensive models, in terms of reliability the Scarlett SC-BS33E060 is quite up to par:

  • The maximum load value is 150 kg, with an error of only 0.1 kg.
  • The device is equipped with two indicators: battery charge and overload.
  • The battery is CR2032, which does not require frequent replacement.
  • The platform is made of high-quality tempered glass that does not require complex maintenance.
  • Body weight is determined in kilograms.

Advantages of the model:

  • Affordable price.
  • High accuracy.
  • Easy to use.
  • Lightweight and compact (only 1.2 kg).

Important! Disadvantages include poor functionality and not always accurate mass measurements (the main sensor sometimes gets stuck).


  • The scales are equipped with diagnostic functions (measurement of water level in the body, size of fat, bone and muscle tissue).
  • It is also possible to calculate body mass index.
  • The memory capacity is sufficient to store information relating to 12 different people.
  • The battery replacement indicator indicates the need to replace the battery.
  • The device turns on automatically when a load appears on the platform.

Important! There is a special switch for measuring body weight in pounds or kilograms.


So, the advantages of this model are:

  • Affordable price.
  • Various functionality.
  • The power supply is AAA batteries, which can be easily found on sale.

Tanita HD-382

According to buyers, these are the best electronic floor scales in the budget category:

  • The maximum load on the platform is 150 kg. At the same time, the weighing error is 100 g.
  • Switching on is carried out automatically.
  • You can choose the unit of mass measurement yourself (pounds or kilograms).
  • Switching units of measurement is mechanical.
  • The display is backlit, so the device can be used in dim lighting or in complete darkness.


The advantages of this model, according to consumers, are:

  • High measurement accuracy.
  • Stylish appearance.
  • Large convenient display
  • The platform is made of especially durable tempered glass, easy to clean.

Important! Among the shortcomings, buyers note that the platform gets dirty easily and problems with turning on on a soft surface.

Important! If you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, reconsider your diet. We have prepared a special post.

TOP three floor scales of diagnostic type

If you want to use devices with more advanced functionality, consider the corresponding category.

Tanita BC-582

This Japanese product cannot be called cheap, but the functionality is impressive:

  • In addition to the standard set of diagnostic functions, the device can calculate the optimal calorie content of the daily diet.
  • It is possible to obtain information about the body fat content of children 5-17 years old.
  • The memory capacity is enough to store information about five different users.
  • Compact dimensions make it possible to store the scales anywhere.


Buyers include the following advantages of this model:

  • High measurement accuracy.
  • Beautiful, well thought out design.
  • The scale can also independently calculate your body mass index.
  • The platform is made of durable tempered glass.

Important! The disadvantages of these devices are their high cost and inconvenient display of diagnostic information.

Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale

The Chinese Xiaomi model is distinguished by a variety of diagnostic functions:

  • The device is characterized by high weighing accuracy.
  • The maximum load by mass is 150 kg, while the error in mass measurements is 50 grams.
  • It is possible to connect a smartphone to track diagnostic indicators.
  • The scales are compatible with iOS and Android operating systems.
  • The design of the device is also excellent.

Everything is extremely thought out, nothing superfluous.


  1. For stable operation of the device, 4 AA batteries are used.
  2. The dimensions of the device are small; the scales take up little space when stored.
  3. The platform is made of tempered glass, which does not require complex maintenance.

Important! The disadvantages include:

  • Rapid consumption of batteries.
  • Lack of Russian-language application.


These scales are distinguished by the optimal ratio of quality and price. At a relatively low cost, the model pleases with rich functionality:

  • The maximum load size is 150 kg, and the measurement error is 100 grams, like most modern devices.
  • The memory capacity stores data for up to eight users.
  • An important indicator for those who monitor their health is determining the ratio of fat, bone and muscle mass.


  1. Among the advantages, buyers note a clear display, beautiful design and high measurement accuracy.
  2. The display is backlit, which makes it possible to use the scales in a dark room.
  3. The device independently calculates body mass index, which is convenient for people who monitor their own weight.

Important! The disadvantages of the model are:

  • High sensitivity to surface.
  • Sometimes the diagnostics work incorrectly.

Important! Tasty, wholesome and healthy food can be steamed. But what if you don’t have a double boiler? A selection of recipes and methods that you can easily use is already ready for you.

Scales with an optimal ratio of quality and price

These are not cheap models, with good functionality, reliable and durable.

Omron BF508

  • A special feature of this device is the presence of a remote control panel for convenient selection of diagnostic information.
  • The device can calculate BMI, as well as the specific gravity of adipose tissue.
  • At the user's request, body weight can be displayed in kilograms or pounds.
  • Switching from one unit of measurement to another is possible using a special button.


The positive qualities of this model include the following:

  • Reliability.
  • High accuracy.
  • Insensitive to surfaces.

Glass and metal are used to make the platform, which look great and do not require complicated maintenance. Power is supplied from 4 AA batteries that do not require frequent replacement.

Important! Among the shortcomings, many users note the insufficient quality of the screen, as well as the lack of automatic weight adjustment when using a remote module.

Tanita BC-587

The best electronic floor scales with an optimal quality-to-price ratio:

  • This model has a maximum load of up to 200 kg. Moreover, the measurement error is only 100 grams.
  • Scales belong to the diagnostic category. They calculate the specific gravity of bone, muscle and fat tissue, and the amount of water in the body.
  • The backlight on the display makes it possible to take measurements in a dark room.
  • The memory unit is designed for 4 people.


  • Among the advantages of this model, users note a large screen unit, beautiful design and well-thought-out functionality.
  • There is also a function for determining biological age within the range of 12-50 years.
  • The platform is made of tempered glass and does not require complex maintenance.

Important! Among the disadvantages, we can note the large variability of values ​​​​with repeated measurements of body weight, as well as the display of data as a percentage.

Rating of mechanical floor scales

Even though electronic models are more popular, good mechanical models cannot be discounted. See for yourself!

Medisana 40461 PSD

This is the best mechanical bathroom scale for your home. The device is designed for 150 kg. The measurement error is 0.5 kg. The platform is made of metal.