Reducing the load on RAM. The physical memory of the computer is loaded, what should I do? Ways to clear computer memory


Start by increasing the amount of virtual memory allowed. This will slightly reduce the load on the RAM boards. Open the Computer menu properties and select Advanced system settings. Now open the Advanced tab and click on the Options button located in the Performance menu. Open the Advanced tab and click the Edit button.

Uncheck the "Automatically select paging file size" checkbox. Select the system partition of the disk and check the box next to the “Specify size” option. Enter the minimum and maximum paging file sizes. Click the "Set" button and close this window.

Now start disabling unnecessary services. More than 10% of always-on services are not used by most users. Open Control Panel and go to the System and Security menu. Now open the “Administration” submenu and go to “Services”.

Select the unnecessary service with the right mouse button and select “Stop”. Follow this procedure for any services you don't use, first checking the Description column. Be extremely careful. Disabling an important service can cause your operating system to crash.

Now download from the site AdvancedSystemCare utility. It helps, but in this case you only need one of its functions. Launch this application and open the Utilities menu. Go to "RAM".

Click the Settings button. Check the boxes next to all items in the menu that opens. Click the "Apply" button. Now click the “Forward” button and select the “Deep Clean” option in the menu that appears. Keep this utility open and allow it to automatically clean up your RAM.


  • how to reduce windows memory

If you want to reduce window, in an apartment this can only be done with the permission of the regional architecture department. If the chief architect makes a positive decision, first stock up on building materials and thermal insulation materials. When reducing window openings, old frames must be carefully removed.


Measure the size of the future window. Seal the remaining openings with construction materials. It is better if it is the same material from which the walls of your house are made. Can be laid or gas blocks. Lay everything on a cement mortar with added sand.

Then the laid gaps must be covered with heat-insulating material on both sides. From the outside, cover everything with reinforced mesh and plaster. Then apply a decorative layer, cladding or - depending on the finish of your home.

If you want to put the old window with wooden frames, then after removing the glass, simply reduce the frames by cutting them, reassemble and install the glass.

If there is not enough RAM to support a large number of applications or open documents running simultaneously under Windows, then the operating system transfers some of the data to virtual memory - file handouts, sometimes taking up a lot of disk space.

You will need

  • Personal Computer


If file swap(pagefile.sys) takes up too much space on the system partition, it is possible, although the default size is swap- file and by the system automatically within the specified limits. Control file ohm swap in the Windows 7 operating system it happens as follows.

Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties from the context menu. The same result can be achieved in another way: select “Control Panel” in the main menu, then “System and Security”, then go to the “System” section. In this window, select the “Advanced system settings” tab. Next, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” section, select “Options”. Select the “Advanced” tab in the window that appears and in the “Virtual” section click the “Change” button, above which the current size is indicated file A swap.

At the top of the next window, by default, the “Automatically select volume” checkbox is checked. file A swap", and at the bottom the minimum, recommended and current swap- file A. Uncheck "Automatically select volume" file A swap" Set the switch to the “Specify size” position, but if you plan to do without using a virtual one at all, which if there is sufficient volume, set the switch to the “Without” position file A swap».

In the “Initial size” and “Maximum size” fields, indicate the required swap volumes file and then restart your computer. Reduce swap size file and how to increase it is not difficult. You just need to know why exactly this is being done. It should be remembered that when reducing sizes file A swap Below a certain level the system can slow down significantly.

Video on the topic


  • how to reduce windows 7 memory in 2019

Setting up RAM operating modes is a very important stage in optimizing your computer. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with possible difficulties and problems before you start changing RAM operating parameters.

The further the computer industry develops, the more RAM is required for stable operation of applications. Just a few years ago, 4 or 8 GB of RAM seemed like a huge number, which is enough for stable operation of a computer even with heavy applications, whereas now a computer can use 4 GB when performing simple tasks - for example, when working with a browser. The “appetite” of application developers for RAM has increased significantly, and at the same time the operating system has begun to consume significantly more RAM. In this article, we will look at how to reduce RAM consumption by system and third-party applications on a computer running the Windows 10 operating system.

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Disabling spy services and additional functionality

The Windows 10 operating system is constantly evolving. It adds new functions, some of which are available for the American and European markets, but do not work in Russia. At the same time, these functions actively consume computer resources, including RAM, constantly working in the background.

One example to consider is the voice assistant Cortana. It does not speak Russian, but its services also work in the Russian version of the Windows 10 operating system. By disabling them, you can reduce the consumption of RAM on the Windows side. There are a lot of other utilities that consume RAM, but are not used by most users: Windows Defender, Windows Updater, Voice Recorder, Xbox and much more.

Also, the Windows 10 operating system is famous for the presence of a considerable number of “spyware” applications. These are processes that collect information about the user's use of the computer. The user agrees to the collection of this information after installing the operating system, and it constantly runs in the background, consuming RAM. To reduce the load on RAM, it is recommended to disable the so-called telemetry services.

All of the programs discussed above can be disabled yourself using the “Services” utility, optimizing the list of startup processes and delving into the Windows 10 settings to deactivate unnecessary functions. But it’s even easier to do this using the Destroy Windows 10 Spying application.

This application is distributed free of charge. It has a clear interface (there is a Russian language). The application allows you to remove unnecessary system programs from your computer, as well as optimize the operation of services and utilities.

Important: Before using the Destroy Windows 10 Spying application, it is recommended to create a restore point and ensure that you have a system backup.

It is worth noting that the program in question is capable of deactivating “unnecessary” functionality not only of the Windows operating system itself, but also of the Office 2016 office suite, which also collects user telemetry.

Disabling Superfetch

One Windows 10 feature that can use up a significant amount of RAM is Superfetch. This service stores information about applications, services, processes, etc. in the computer's RAM. On a computer with sufficient power, it can increase its speed. But if you have limited RAM, it is better to disable it.

To turn off Superfetch, open the list of Windows services. The easiest way to do this is to enter “Services” in the search. And launch the found application.

Find Superfetch in the list of services, double-click on it with the left mouse button, and then select the “Disabled” option in the “Startup type” item. Save changes and restart your computer.

Disabling “unnecessary” services

In addition to the “spy” services discussed above, there are a huge number of different other services running in the background of Windows 10, most of which are never used. At the same time, they consume computer resources, including RAM. To reduce Windows 10's RAM usage, you can disable all (or some) of these services.

May cause problems with the system. The best way is to use the Easy Service Optimizer application. It allows you to suspend the operation of “unnecessary” services and processes in a couple of clicks.

Easy Service Optimizer analyzes the Window upon startup s, after which it prompts the user to turn off services that she considers “unnecessary”. At the same time, the application offers 3 operating options: safe, optimal and extreme. Depending on the option chosen, the number of services to be disabled will vary.

To disable services that the program considers ineffective, just click on the “Apply settings to marked services” button at the top, after selecting one of the modes.

Reducing the load on RAM from the browser

One of the main consumers of RAM in a computer is the browser. It doesn’t matter which one - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Yandex Browser, Opera or any other. All of these browsers consume a lot of RAM, largely due to “heavy” sites, but often also due to their own processes.

To reduce RAM consumption on the browser side, you can use built-in options. Depending on the browser, the list of settings that need to be disabled (or enabled) to reduce RAM consumption changes. For example, in Google Chrome, without losing the quality of the browser, you can disable services for sending information to Google.

The Yandex browser has the “Optimize images” and “Unload inactive tabs from memory” settings. Activating them also allows you to reduce RAM consumption.

Don't forget about various external decorations. For example, the animated background that works in Yandex Browser by default also consumes a large amount of RAM. It is worth disabling it if there is a lack of RAM.

Please note: You can also use some third-party extensions to optimize your browser experience, such as OneTab or TabMemFree.

Automatic cleaning of RAM

If, even after all the above work to optimize your computer, there is a catastrophic lack of memory, you can use an application that will forcibly clear the RAM of stored data. A program that can do this is called Mem Reduct.

After installing the application, the user can always control RAM consumption. The lower control panel will constantly display information about the percentage of memory used.

If you need to clear your RAM, you can open the program and click “Clear Memory”. Also in the application settings, you can set a “hot key” to instantly clear RAM, or configure settings under which the program will automatically clear memory, for example, when RAM load is above 90% or every hour.

If you notice that your computer begins to slow down while working, then most likely your computer does not have enough RAM. There are two ways out of this situation: go to a computer store and buy a couple more RAM sticks, or reduce the load on the existing one.

And I’m going to tell you exactly how to reduce the load on RAM in Windows. First of all, you need to go to the “Windows Task Manager”; to do this, press the three “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” keys simultaneously and the task manager will open in front of you.
In the task manager at the top, select the "Processes" tab:

All processes will open in front of you. Click on the "Memory" tab to organize all processes by the amount of memory allocated to them.

Now we need to find those processes that we do not use, but at the same time eat up RAM and terminate these processes. For example, my Skype.exe process is now redundant. This is the process of the program for calls and conversations "Skype". I’m not using this program at the moment and I’m not going to communicate with anyone in the near future, so I can safely complete this process and thereby free up 85 megabytes of RAM.

To do this, you need to select the process by clicking on it once with the left mouse button and then click “End process” in the lower right corner:

In the same way, terminate all other processes that you do not need at the moment (each process has a short description on the right). And don’t worry - you won’t be able to “break” anything here. Even if you suddenly complete some vital process, just restart your computer and everything will be as it was.