Project “the influence of the computer on the human psyche.” problematic question of how a computer affects the human psyche, and how to combine a healthy lifestyle and work


1. Information environment and its impact on the human psyche

1.1 Types of information and psychological influence

1.2 Definition of the concept of information and psychological security

2. Classification of methods of psychological influence

2.1 Psychological dependence on computer games

2.2 The mechanism of formation of psychological dependence on role-playing computer games




Today there is no longer any doubt that the 21st century is the century of information and scientific knowledge. The development of the global process of informatization of society, which covers all developed and many developing countries of the world community, including Russia, leads to the formation of a new information environment for people and a new information way of life and professional activity.

The information sphere, being a system-forming factor in the life of society, actively influences the state of political, economic, defense and other components of the security of the Russian Federation.

The state of the information environment of society has a very significant impact on the state of people’s psyche, stereotypes of their behavior in society and personal life, on their moral standards, moral criteria and spiritual values.

This influence became especially noticeable in the last decades of the 20th century, when information and communication processes in society increased significantly due to its general informatization, and the transition from a totalitarian state to a democratic one gave rise in many countries, including Russia, to an increase in chaotic processes in the information sphere . In this regard, in the last 5-7 years, society has begun to recognize a new global problem - information and psychological security.

1. Information environment and its impact on the human psyche

1.1 Types of information and psychological influence

Depending on the information technology used, several means of information and psychological influence are distinguished: oral influence, including the use of acoustic means of voice amplification and noise effects; exposure associated with the use of printed products; exposure using television and radio communications; impact based on the use of computer technology and the Internet.

It is important to note that the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for measures to combat sites containing information that can negatively affect the psyche, behavior and spiritual health of the younger generation. In this regard, there is a need to improve legislation in the field of information to ensure the protection of minors from computer crimes, from information that is undesirable in content, as well as the Internet resources themselves limiting children’s access to this kind of information.

In recent years, the potential of the computer itself has had much less influence on the education system than, for example, the “primitive models of behavior” that are inculcated in computer games and the emasculated advertising style of messages from the “screen culture” of the Internet. Internetization has a massive impact on the psyche and modification of individual behavior.

On the other hand, the Internet has the opportunity to occupy a certain place in the education system, acting as a factor in increasing its efficiency and modernization. Currently, science is taking the first steps towards a pedagogical understanding of the penetration of new communication technologies (NKT) into education.

At this point, it is no longer in doubt that the impact that the Internet can have on a user's identity is more profound and systemic than the impact of any other technological system.

1.2 Definition of the concept of information and psychological security

Many studies devoted to information security problems focus on the problems of information security of states, economic and legal structures, information systems, etc. (5;13;11;10, etc.). Unfortunately, behind these diverse manifestations of the human world, the person himself - the individual - is usually lost. But it is precisely the development of the individual, the disclosure of his creative potential that is the highest goal of progress, the decisive justification of its costs, and it is the individual who should become the subject of primary care and protection from possible threats, including informational ones.

Today, an information search on the Internet yields more than 2.5 thousand sites where the category “psychological safety” is mentioned. Analysis of their content allows us to identify two areas of research: psychological safety in the information sphere; and psychological safety, as a means of protection from destructive cults and totalitarian sects.

According to the definition of the Vice-President of the Academy of Informatization of Education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “information and psychological security is currently generally understood as the state of security of citizens, their individual groups and social strata, as well as the population in generally from negative information and psychological influences.”

2. Classification of methods of psychological influence

There are various classifications of methods of psychological influence. Experts distinguish the following types:

1. spontaneous impacts caused by technological modes of operation of certain information systems (for example, electromagnetic radiation from communication, computer or television equipment);

2. deliberate influence on a person with the purpose of explicit or hidden inducement to certain actions (psychotropic; information and propaganda; psychoanalytic; neurolinguistic; psychotronic.

Researchers note their following main features: high professionalism in organizing such influences, which can only be prepared by persons with special psychological knowledge and experience; the use of new forms and means of hidden influence on individual, group and mass consciousness of people (so-called psychological technologies); the emergence in recent years of psychophysical (psychotropic) weapons, i.e., man-made means, the use of which can have a remote effect on mental functions and the functioning of physiological organs and systems of a person. We will look in more detail at the psychological impact of computer games on humans.

2.1 Psychological dependence on computer games

There are four stages in the development of psychological dependence on computer games, each of which has its own specifics. With regard to this aspect, we recall that all theoretical calculations are based on studying the influence of role-playing computer games, but the possibility of their extension to other games and types of computer activities is not excluded.

1. Stage of mild infatuation. After a person has played a role-playing computer game one or several times, he begins to “get a taste”, he begins to like computer graphics, sound, the very fact of simulating real life or some kind of fantasy plots. Some people have dreamed all their lives of shooting from a light machine gun, others have dreamed of driving a Ferrari or at the controls of a combat fighter.

The computer allows a person to realize these dreams with a fairly close proximity to reality. The unconscious need to accept a role begins to be realized. A person gets pleasure from playing a computer game, which is accompanied by positive emotions. Human nature is such that he strives to repeat actions that give pleasure and satisfy needs. As a result, a person begins to play, no longer by chance finding himself at the computer, the desire for gaming activity takes on some purposefulness. However, the specificity of this stage is that playing computer games is more situational than systematic. A stable, constant need for play has not been formed at this stage; play is not a significant value for a person.

2. Infatuation stage. A factor indicating a person’s transition to this stage of addiction formation is the appearance of a new need in the hierarchy of needs - playing computer games. In fact, the new need is only generally designated by us as the need for a computer game. In fact, the structure of the need is much more complex; its true nature depends on the individual psychological characteristics of the person himself. In other words, the desire to play is, rather, a motivation determined by the needs of escaping reality and accepting a role.

Playing computer games at this stage takes on a systematic nature. If a person does not have constant access to a computer, i.e. satisfaction of the need is frustrated, quite active actions are possible to eliminate the frustrating circumstances.

3. Dependency stage. According to Spankhel, only 10-14% of players are “avid”, i.e. are presumably at the stage of psychological dependence on computer games.

This stage is characterized not only by a shift in the need for play to the lower level of the pyramid of needs, but also by other, no less serious changes in the value-semantic sphere of the individual. According to A.G. Shmelev, there is an internalization of the locus of control, a change in self-esteem and self-awareness.

Dependency can take one of two forms: socialized And individualized .

The socialized form of gaming addiction is characterized by maintaining social contacts with society (albeit mainly with the same gaming fans). Such people really like to play together, to play with each other using a computer network. Game motivation is mainly competitive in nature. This form of addiction is less harmful in its impact on the human psyche than the individualized form.

The difference is that people do not break away from society, do not withdraw “into themselves”; the social environment, although consisting of the same fans, still, as a rule, does not allow a person to completely break away from reality, “go away” into the virtual world and lead himself to mental and somatic disorders.

For people with an individualized form of addiction, such prospects are much more realistic. This is an extreme form of addiction, when not only the normal human characteristics of the worldview are violated, but also interaction with the outside world. The main function of the psyche is disrupted - it begins to reflect not the influence of the objective world, but virtual reality. These people often play alone for a long time; their need for play is on the same level as basic physiological needs. For them, a computer game is a kind of drug. If they do not “take their dose” for some time, they begin to feel dissatisfied, experience negative emotions, and become depressed. It is a clinical case, psychopathology or a lifestyle leading to pathology. In this regard, we will not dwell on this in detail in this work, because this issue requires separate study.

4. Attachment stage. This stage is characterized by the fading of a person’s gaming activity, a shift in the psychological content of the individual as a whole towards the norm. The relationship between a person and a computer at this stage can be compared to a loosely but firmly sewn button. Those. a person “keeps a distance” from the computer, but cannot completely break away from the psychological attachment to computer games. This is the longest of all stages - it can last a lifetime, depending on the rate at which the attachment fades. Computer games do not have a long history, but there are only a few cases of complete extinction of addiction. A person can stop forming an addiction at one of the previous stages, then the addiction fades away faster. But if a person goes through all three stages of development of psychological dependence on computer games, then he will remain at this stage for a long time. The determining factor here is the level to which the value of the dependence will decline after passing the maximum. The stronger the decline, the less time it will take for the addiction to fade. However, there is reason to assume that the dependence will never go away completely, but we cannot confirm this experimentally. It should also be noted that there is a possible short-term increase in gaming addiction due to the emergence of new interesting games. After the game is “understood” by a person, the strength of addiction returns to its original level.

Thus, breaking down the process of forming gaming addiction into stages seems to us an important step towards studying the phenomenon of cyber addiction, because involves typologizing addicts based on their fixation at a certain stage of addiction.

As for studying gambling addiction by constructing analogies with drug addiction, this method can be considered quite reasonable and very effective, since analogies really do exist. However, with this approach it is necessary to take into account the specifics of gambling addiction associated with the inevitability of its voluntary extinction.

2.2 The mechanism of formation of psychological dependence on role-playing computer games

The process of the mechanism of “dragging” a person into gambling addiction is based on partially unconscious aspirations and needs: escape from reality and acceptance of a role.

These mechanisms work independently of a person’s consciousness and the nature of the motivation for gaming activity, turning on immediately after a person becomes familiar with role-playing computer games and begins to play them more or less regularly. Those. Regardless of what guides a person and what motivates him, when he first starts playing computer games, the mechanisms of addiction formation are activated, and subsequently the need on which the prevailing mechanism is based takes on paramount importance in motivating gaming activity. So, let's look at each of these mechanisms in turn.

Escaping reality. The basis of this mechanism is the human need for “detachment” from everyday worries and problems, a kind of transformation of the need to conserve energy. It is not by chance that we use the term “escape from reality” and not “departure from society,” which is mentioned by some authors of works on similar topics. The fact is that we mean not just the environment, society, but objective reality as a whole. You can get away from society through a variety of ways, including non-role-playing computer games. However, you can escape from reality only by “plunging” into another reality - virtual.

The psychological aspects of the mechanism are based on a person’s natural desire to get rid of various kinds of problems and troubles associated with everyday life. A role-playing computer game is a simple and accessible way to simulate another world or life situations in which a person has never been and will never be in reality. This is a simple way to live in another life, where there are no problems, no work to go to every day, no hassle of making money for a living, etc. In this sense, it may seem that role-playing computer games serve as a means of relieving stress, reducing the level of depression, i.e. a kind of therapeutic method. However, the use of role-playing games in this capacity is questionable, although it seems quite possible. In practice, people usually abuse this method of escaping reality and lose their sense of proportion by playing for a long time. As a result, there is a danger of not temporary, but complete detachment from reality, the formation of a very strong psychological dependence on the computer.

The process of the beneficial influence of role-playing games is presented as follows: a person “goes” into virtuality for a while to relieve stress, take his mind off problems, etc. But in pathological clinical cases, the opposite happens: a person temporarily “comes out” of virtuality into the real world so as not to forget what he looks like and to satisfy physiological needs. The rest of the pyramid of needs is shifted to virtual reality and is satisfied there. The real world begins to seem alien and full of dangers, because a person cannot do everything in the real world that he is allowed to do in the virtual one. One computer addict who enjoys mainly 3D-Action games said: “When I get up from the computer and go outside, I miss the weapons that I have in my pocket.” game. Without him, I feel defenseless, so I try to quickly come home and sit down to play again.” we see that constant escape from reality leads to an intensification of this desire, to the emergence of a stable need to escape from reality. Here we find analogies with drugs and drug addiction: with each dose taken, the strength of the addiction increases; With every hour of play, the dependence on it intensifies and soon it becomes impossible for a person to do without a computer game.

Role Acceptance. It is based on the need for play as such, which is characteristic of humans. And also the desire to accept the role of a computer character, which allows a person to satisfy needs that for some reason cannot be satisfied in real life.

Role-playing games, especially in childhood, are part of human cognitive activity. All children play games, consciously taking on the role of adults, satisfying the unconscious need to understand the world around them. With age, role-playing games are replaced by intellectual ones and a person very rarely has the opportunity to take on the role of another person, although the subconscious need for this remains: a driver wants to look at the world through the eyes of a pilot, a man wants to be in the role of a woman, a loser rejected by society dreams of being a leader for at least a minute . The need to understand the world is a modified research instinct inherited by people from animals. Presumably, this need is located in the area of ​​the unconscious, because in most cases, the person is partially or completely unaware. However, lack of awareness of a need does not indicate its absence or weakness as a motivating factor; rather, on the contrary, unconscious needs have a greater influence on our behavior than conscious ones.

The research instinct in animals and the cognitive need in humans are quite powerful motivating factors and often completely determine behavior. An animal, driven by the research instinct, forgets about danger and can die for the sake of this thirst for knowledge. Those. An animal's exploratory instinct can suppress even a very powerful instinct of self-preservation. This is also proven by supporters of cognitive psychology; For them, cognitive need is the main driving force of personality development and a source of activity. Role-playing is a very effective way of cognitive activity. In the process of role-playing, an unconscious cognitive need is satisfied, as a result of which a person receives pleasure.

The very mechanism of dependence formation is based on the resulting need to accept a role. After a person has played a computer game one or more times, he understands that his computer hero and the virtual world itself make it possible to satisfy those human needs that are not satisfied in real life. This computer hero is respected, his opinion is taken into account, he is strong, he can kill a hundred enemies at once, he is a superman, and it is very pleasant for a person to step into the role of this character, to feel like him, because... in real life, most people do not have the opportunity to experience such sensations. Further, the more a person plays, the more he begins to feel the contrast between “the real one” and the “virtual one”, which draws the person even more into the role-playing computer game and removes him from real life. The game turns into a means of compensating for life’s problems; the personality begins to be realized in the game world, and not in the real one. Of course, this entails a number of serious problems in the development of the individual, in the formation of self-awareness and self-esteem, as well as the higher spheres of the personality structure. In this work we will not dwell on the influence of computer games on human personality, since this issue requires additional scientific research.

Thus, there are two main psychological mechanisms for the formation of addiction to role-playing computer games: the need to escape from reality and to accept the role of another. They always work simultaneously, but one of them may exceed the other in its influence on the formation of addiction. Both mechanisms are based on the process of compensating for negative life experiences, and therefore there is reason to assume that they will not work if a person is completely satisfied with his life, has no psychological problems and considers his life happy and productive. However, there are very few such people, so we will consider most people potentially predisposed to developing psychological dependence on role-playing computer games.


The problem of the influence of a computer on a person is very extensive and multifaceted. Computer games have one of the most powerful effects in terms of the strength and depth of their influence on a person’s personality, as well as in the psychological mechanisms of addiction formation. In this regard, the first place is occupied by role-playing games, which are of the greatest interest in scientific research.

1. Role-playing games must be separated from non-role-playing games, because These differ significantly in the motivation of gaming activities, the reasons for the formation of addiction and the strength of their influence on the human psyche.

2. Based on this, the psychological classification of computer games should be based on the division of games into role-playing and non-role-playing, and not on the degree of inclusion of different mental functions.

3. When considering the formation of psychological addiction to computer games, one should take into account its specificity - a sharp decrease in the magnitude of addiction after passing the “maximum”, and therefore gaming addiction cannot be fully compared with other forms of addiction.

4. Escaping reality and the need to accept a role - this may not be all, but the basic needs on which the mechanism of formation of psychological dependence on computer games is based.

So, humanity is immersed in computers and computer networks; every day more and more people (especially children) become psychologically dependent on computer games. We must think about this today. Different scientific disciplines should unite in the study of this area, and psychology should become the head of this work - work on the study of the psychological aspects of human-computer interaction.


1. Bogomolova N.N. Social psychology of print, radio and television. M., 2004.

2. Matveeva L.V., Anikeeva T.Ya., Mochalova Yu.V. Psychology of television communication. M., 2005.

3. Fomicheva Yu.V., Shmelev A.G., Burmistrov I.V. Psychological correlates of passion for computer games // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser 14. Psychology. 2001. No. 3. pp. 27-39.

4. Shapkin S.A. Computer game: a new area of ​​psychological research // Psychological Journal, 2007. No. 1, p. 86-102.

5. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. M., 1978.

RELEVANCE OF THE TOPIC In recent years, humanity has been faced with the global computerization of all types of human activity. The personal computer has become our companion at home. Even children cannot do without a computer. HYPOTHESIS Nowadays it is almost impossible to live without a computer. Internet, chats, forums - these words have long and firmly entered our lives. But along with them, new concepts such as “Internet addiction” and “gaming addiction” also entered our lives. The number of people suffering from “typical computer” diseases - blurred vision, curvature of the spine and other unpleasant diseases - has increased. But still, the computer brings more than just troubles, sometimes it helps a lot, and we want to show “both sides of the coin.”

Mainly expressed in two main forms: Internet addiction (Internet addiction), excessive passion for computer games. The common features of computer addiction are a characteristic series of psychological and physical symptoms that are closely related to each other: Psychological symptoms: good health or euphoria at the computer; inability to stop; increasing the amount of time spent at the computer; neglect of family and friends; feelings of emptiness, depression, irritation when not at the computer; lying to family members about your activities; problems with work or study. Physical symptoms: dry eyes; migraine-type headaches; back pain; irregular eating, skipping meals; neglect of personal hygiene; sleep disorders, changes in sleep patterns. DEPENDENCE ON MODERN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES

The TERM “INTERNET ADDICTION” was proposed by Dr. Ivan Goldberg in 1996 to describe a pathological, irresistible craving for Internet use. He proceeded from the assumption that a person can develop psychological dependence not only on external factors, but also on his own actions and emotions. For the first time, a scientific approach to studying the phenomenon of “Internet addiction” was demonstrated by Kimberly Young in 1996, who posted an original test for identifying Internet addicts on one of the Internet sites. According to research by Kimberly Young, dangerous signals (harbingers of Internet addiction) are: an obsessive desire to constantly check email; anticipation of the next online session; increasing time spent online; increasing the amount of money spent online.

DEPENDENCE ON COMPUTER GAMES Gaming addicts experience a strong need to play. Addicts are constantly in a state of low mood in the real world, which is confirmed by high anxiety and depression. It is difficult to identify more or less objectively what happens to them during the game, since any distraction from the game is a way out of virtual reality. During the game, their mood improves significantly and positive emotions are present. Positive emotions, accompanied by an uplift in mood, But after the game, i.e. after leaving the virtual world, the mood deteriorates again, quickly returning to its original level, remaining there until the next “entry” into the virtual world. Most addicts are people who have a number of family problems, problems at work, and school. Therefore, for a gaming addict, the real world is boring, uninteresting and full of dangers. As a result, a person tries to live in another world - a virtual one, where everything is permitted, where he sets the rules of the game. It is logical to assume that leaving virtual reality is painful for the addict - he again faces a reality that he hates, which causes a decrease in mood and activity, and a feeling of deterioration in well-being.

PSYCHOLOGY OF A GAMER "Gamers" are people who use a computer mostly just for gaming. Numerous studies show gamers rarely watch TV and almost never read newspapers and magazines. The audience of gamers is far from small. The core consists of people aged 20 to 44 years. The second largest group of gamers is young people aged 10 to 19 years. Research has shown that 44% of players have a university degree.

WHAT GAMES DO TEENS PLAY? Conventionally, the entire set of games can be divided into several main types. The most common types are 3D Action (usually all kinds of “adventure games”, “flying games”, “racing games”) and Logic (“arcades”, “quests”, “strategies”). Actually, there are many more game styles, but 3D Action and Logic are the most striking and beloved. Any gaming style is interesting in its own way and develops a certain player’s thinking. The original meaning of the games was a kind of relaxation from the monotonous everyday life. But sometimes this relaxation develops into psychological dependence on the computer. At a scientific conference in Holland dedicated to computer games, scientists noted that gamers have increased activity in the same areas of the brain as drug addicts and alcoholics.

Computer games using VR (virtual reality) technology can be prescribed to children with severe burns as an additional pain reliever, reports BBC News. Australian doctors from Adelaide Hospital believe that immersion in the world of monsters and aliens helps overcome pain in such patients. Seven burn victims, ranging in age from 5 to 18 years, were asked to play VR games during a lengthy dressing change procedure. At the same time, children who were also given traditional painkillers tolerated the dressing much more easily. As “game” pain relief, two miniature computer screens attached to the head and a special sensor were used, which allowed children to move inside the virtual world and shoot monsters. Doctors explain this effect by the fact that children, switching to experiences inside the game, stop concentrating on their own painful sensations. Researchers believe that it is possible to select games that will be most effective in a particular age group. COMPUTER GAMES AS A PAIN RELIEF

The United States Federal Mediation Service is proposing to expand the standard elementary school curriculum with a special course that will help teach children to resolve conflicts peacefully. According to statistics collected by American analysts, every third elementary school student complains of negative attitudes and bullying from peers. It is proposed to use a computer game called “A Good School with Peaceful Laws” as the main element of the new training course. In this game with animated characters and objects that come to life, children are encouraged to find ways out of conflict situations by choosing one of four possible scenarios. After the child makes his choice, he is shown the consequences of the decision. Cool School: Where Peace Rules is currently an experimental project. However, the US Federal Intermediary Service is already looking for private investors in order to distribute the game to all schools in the country. RESOLVING CONFLICTS PEACEFULLY

SOCIOLOGISTS HAVE COMPLETED A PORTRAIT OF A TYPICAL INTERNET USER According to a survey conducted in 14 countries, the portrait of a typical “inhabitant” of the Internet is approximately the same everywhere. He reads a lot of books, devotes more time to social life than his “unconnected” comrades, and spends no more than five hours a week in front of the TV. It has also been noted that men spend more time at the computer than women. Although there are exceptions here too. For example, in Taiwan, both sexes spend almost equal amounts of time on the Internet (25% of men and 23.5% of women). The leadership in the field of communication on the Internet belongs to China. It is the Chinese who most often discuss political topics, hobbies or religious issues with their colleagues in various forums and chats.

TEST FOR COMPUTER DEPENDENCE Studying the literature, we found out that computer games have an important influence on the formation of certain personality traits in every schoolchild. In addition, with significant overload, they may experience health problems (red eyes and headaches). Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the behavior of schoolchildren while playing on the computer and explain the negative impact of games. To diagnose the player’s condition, it is proposed to use a computer test containing 8 questions and possible answers. computer test Testing of 69 people showed that 46 people were interested in the game, 22 were passionate, and 1 was already in the stage of addiction, which needs to be paid special attention to.

We think that the guys should think... At least about how much time they spend at the computer. They need to be taught to control their time in general (and above all, the time spent at the computer), their emotions and feelings. Students are recommended to spend no more than 2-3 hours a day on the computer and play less. It is better to study or learn something in a playful way. Sanitary rules determine that the duration of continuous work for an adult PC user should not exceed 2 hours, for a child - from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on age. The minimum break is 15 minutes. SURVEY OF SCHOOL STUDENTS (38 people) 1. Do you have a computer?

CONCLUSION The problem of the influence of a computer on a person is very broad and multifaceted. The work “The influence of the computer on the human psyche” has expanded our knowledge of how unsafe it is to work on a computer. Studying the literature, we learned that in addition to “networking addiction,” another disease with similar symptoms has recently been loudly making itself known: “Gaming addiction.” Children and adolescents are especially susceptible to gambling syndrome. They can seriously associate themselves with virtual “dukes” and “thoughts” and painfully experience their failures. It is very difficult for a person with a normal psyche to grow up in the world of violent games, so parents need to monitor what games their child plays and the duration of their contact with the computer. As a result of research work, it was found that the Internet has become the greatest illusion of the 21st century. The only problem with him is the difficulty of returning to the real world. While working on our research work, we learned that a computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, can help in trouble, or can add a bunch of problems, can help you find like-minded people, or can lead to loneliness.

REFERENCES 1. Vasilyeva I.N., Osipova E.M., Petrova N.N. Psychological aspects of the use of information technologies // Questions of psychology Minakova A.V. Psychological characteristics of persons prone to Internet addiction Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. M., Fomicheva Yu.V., Shmelev A.G., Burmistrov I.V. Psychological correlates of passion for computer games // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Ser 14. Psychology

Many parents began to notice how children, while playing, began to use the words more often: “I was killed,” “I was killed,” etc. Many mothers began to notice this after their children played shooting games on computer, but it’s no longer a secret to anyone that for the most part computer games, the main action is murder. The computer industry is moving forward with huge strides, games are becoming more and more realistic, murder in the game is done realistically, killed people fall, for this they are working on the physics of human behavior, he walks, shoots, falls and dies, like a real person. Computer game developers know that games influence children, for this they introduce some kind of restrictions into games, such as not showing blood during a murder, but this changes little. In many countries, for example, hearings have already been held more than once on banning certain computer games, for example, such as “Counter Strike” (a first-person shooter where terrorists fight with the police). But bans do not stop developers, and new hits are released every year.

Many of you will argue that when we were children we ran around and played war games, but let’s not forget about virtual reality, which is becoming more and more popular every year. more real. Take a magazine with a description computer games, there, when describing the new game, it is written that it is even more realistic and there is even an assessment of the game according to such parameters as: realism, graphics, sound, and the more realistic the game, the higher the score. The developers take into account everything (sound, physics, graphics) to immerse a person in virtual reality, so that there is an even greater effect of presence. By the way, take a magazine from computer games, if it’s in your family, and see how the next hit of the season is described. There are also detailed walkthroughs of games that answer the following questions: where? How? When? and who? kill.

If you still doubt that “shooters” are capable influence on your child, then think about this fact: You probably heard in foreign news how a teenager shot children at school. Why did this happen? Yes, precisely because “shooting games” make killing psychologically more acceptable. There are certain computer programs for the military (also “shooters”) that teach you how to kill the enemy. (A little history: during the Second World War, it turned out that American soldiers, who were good at hitting targets during exercises, could not kill the enemy, this happened precisely because they only shot at targets, and in war there were living people, a psychological barrier worked , so we began to instill these skills using a computer).
The Americans came to the conclusion that the methods used to train the military to kill were freely replicated for a children's audience.

Dear parents, if you do not restrict your child from computer influence, at an older age he will have a high chance of getting hooked on roulette or slot machines.

Adults and the influence of computers

By the way, since we are talking about adults, let’s pay a little attention to them and find out how a computer affects an adult whose psyche has already been formed. You've probably heard how adults squander their hard-earned money in slot machines, and then, having taken out more money, they lost it too. There are many such people and they sometimes lost entire fortunes. Slot machines are also computers. What mechanism of computer influence here? Everything is very simple, here they treat an adult as Academician Pavlov did with his dogs. Imagine the following: a person enters a gaming club, everything in this club is blinking and buzzing, the person’s attention is scattered to all this, and if this is the case, then he is no longer able to analyze the situation. Then he throws the token into the machine and presses the buttons, everything on the screen begins to flash and sound, when he wins, another sound and the machine congratulates the winner. It turns out the same as with Pavlov’s dogs, a light bulb - meat - saliva, then Pavlov removed the meat, and the saliva continued to be released. It’s the same here, money – winnings – positive emotions. Even if you remove the winnings from this chain, only positive emotions from the machines remain, so a reflex arc has formed, and grown men run to clubs and squander their money. In addition, people who perform the same simple operation for a long time, maniacally strive to perform this operation again. A similar disease occurs in people who work on the assembly line. And a person who cannot cope with his passions becomes more and more like an animal. By the way, why do people drink beer in these clubs? Yes, everything is simple, to drown out the second signaling system (logical) and calmly develop a reflex.
It turns out that adults can’t resist influence of the computer!!!
If you still doubt computer influence, then how about this fact: the owners of gaming clubs in some countries are required by law to pay for the rehabilitation of gambling addicts. Ludomaniacs are people addicted to gambling. Such citizens are registered and a special service ensures that they do not visit gambling halls. Do you feel like influenced by computer on these people. By the way, doctors say that it is easier to cure a drug addict than a gambling addict.

What psychologists say about the influence of computers

Psychologists have noticed that the more problems a child has in reality, the more willing he is to immerse himself in virtual reality, especially for boys. Entering virtual reality is characteristic of people with a delicate, vulnerable psyche. In life they may have problems with friends, etc., and when they come home and turn on their favorite game, they are immersed in a virtual world where they become a king; they just need to skillfully move the cursor and press the buttons in time. Such children get used to the fact that in the game they have several lives to play through and everything is easy, but in real life there is nothing like that, and in order to achieve something, they have to overcome a lot. The game is filled with primitive actions such as pressing buttons. This kind of primitiveness is becoming more and more common, children are weaning themselves from books and watching a lot of cartoons, where, by the way, there is no less violence ()
Doctors have long noted that frequent flickering of light negatively affects the rhythms of the brain. Pleasure is achieved by simply stimulating the corresponding structures in the brain, this has a relaxing effect on the personality and acts like a drug; such children are not interested in anything else. Computer games (shooting games, adventure games) lead to the fact that the child begins to think technologically, rather than creatively.
The results of numerous tests conducted by psychologists with children playing violent computer games for a long time are as follows: COMPUTER GAMES BLOCK THE PROCESS OF POSITIVE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT, MAKES THE CHILD IMMORAL, CALLESS, CRUEL AND SELFISH.
Not all computer games have a negative impact, there are also educational games, these are the kind of games that a child should buy, but do not forget about the time that a child should spend on playing, for children 4 years old this is no more than 15-20 minutes.

The impact of computers on health

The influence of a computer on a child’s psyche We've sorted it out for you. Now let's figure it out How does a computer affect other human organs and systems?

The effect of computers on vision

To begin, quietly approach a child who is passionate about playing and watch how he looks at the monitor. His gaze is literally glued to the monitor. And you and I know that eye fatigue exists in any work in which vision is involved, and in this case the eyes get even more tired, because The child's eyes are looking at a high-brightness device, and the monitors flicker, all these factors lead to overload of the eye muscles. A child, and indeed any person, rarely blinks while playing, which results in redness of the eyes, watery eyes, a feeling of “sand in the eyes,” and a headache. Also, during the game, the distance from the eyes to the monitor is always constant; because of this, the accommodation of the eye muscles is disrupted, and gradually the person notices that he has difficulty seeing objects in the distance. All this speaks of “computer vision syndrome.”

The influence of the computer on the hands

Prolonged, monotonous work with hands and fingers leads to gradual damage to the ligamentous and articular apparatus of the hand. If measures are not taken in time, the disease can become chronic.

The influence of the computer on the pelvic organs

Working or playing at a computer forces a person to maintain a relatively motionless state for a long time, as a result of which the blood supply to the pelvic organs and limbs is reduced. Long-term malnutrition of the pelvic organs contributes to the development of diseases such as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are dilation of the veins of the lower rectum, and the cause is stagnation of blood as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.

The effect of computers on digestion

Yes, yes, you read that right. When a child develops a computer addiction, he begins to eat without leaving the computer. As a rule, these are “dry” foods that are low in vitamins and nutrients.

The influence of a computer on the musculoskeletal system

Prolonged sitting in front computer may cause poor posture or spinal curvature. This is facilitated by an incorrect position on the desktop; gradually the child gets used to the fact that he is not sitting correctly, and the disease only progresses.

The influence of the computer on attention

Work or play for computer- This is intellectual work. And therefore the main part of the load falls on the nervous system, namely the brain. Often Working at a computer for long periods of time can cause headaches. There are several types of headaches that can be triggered by working at a computer. One of the factors that provokes the appearance of headaches is chronic overexertion.
Attention disorders and inability to concentrate are a consequence of chronic overexertion. Sometimes, working at a computer for a long time can cause tinnitus, dizziness, and nausea. If these symptoms occur, you should seek medical advice.

Many of you will object that in our time, without computer no where. Yes, I agree with you. But you need to follow a few rules. If you are a mother, then your inner instinct will tell you which games are harmful for the child. (women are the keepers of the hearth, and your intuition will tell you everything), if you are a dad, then show the game to your wife. ;)) There are many games (quests, logic games), so you can offer them to your child, again, monitor the time the child spends on the computer. Remember that boys are more susceptible computer influence. Find your child a decent activity, hobby, and enroll in classes. Look how the backyard playgrounds have become empty with the advent of computer games.

I hope my article was useful, if so, then give the link to other parents or post the link on a useful forum. Thank you for your attention and take care of children, they are our future!!!

Computer influence

The harm of computer games for children!

It is impossible to imagine a modern person without a computer and the Internet. These technological advances have made our lives significantly easier, streamlined our work, and expanded our capabilities. But at the same time they brought with them a number of new problems previously unknown to us, one of which is the influence of the computer, and especially the Internet, on our psyche. Just as a coin has two sides, this impact can be either positive or negative.

The influence of the computer on the human psyche

Let's start with the negative aspects of the computer's impact on the human psyche. The World Wide Web has caused the emergence of a new type of addiction – Internet addiction. Main types of Internet addiction:

  • Gambling addiction (gaming addiction) is one of the most common types of addiction. The world of virtual games is bright and realistic thanks to the most complex special effects. Each new level of any game is more difficult than the previous one. The desire to conquer new heights in the virtual world completely takes over the addicted person; he spends all his free time (and not only) at the computer, trying to conquer the level of his favorite game. At the same time, interest in real life is practically lost.
  • Obsessive web surfing (endless travel) - this addiction manifests itself in the form of constant transition from one Internet page to another. Intriguing headlines and shocking announcements force you to visit new sites and click on various links. A lot of unnecessary information overloads the brain.
  • Virtual dating and communication - popular social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others, chats, forums, ICQ and other methods of dating on the Internet can be fraught with a threat. Not every one of us is successful in life. We are dissatisfied with our appearance, financial situation, car, clothes. All this can cause self-doubt, complexes and even depression. In the virtual world you can be anyone - to do this, you just need to choose a suitable nickname for yourself, make a colorful avatar (any photo you like - even someone else's), and you can appear in any image. Even if you introduce yourself as a superstar, no one will know who is hiding behind this nickname. Virtual communication makes you feel much better, but does not oblige you to tell the truth. Returning to the real world, a person who has just been a superman or a fashion model feels even more inferior, so he devotes more and more time to virtual communication.
  • Financial dependence – online stores and online auctions offer to purchase many goods at an incredible discount. This opportunity is addictive, and there is a desire to buy more and more new (mostly completely useless) things.
  • Addiction to virtual sex. Sexual instinct is one of the strongest. Sometimes finding the right partner for yourself can be an incredibly difficult task. Finding a sexual partner on the Internet is very simple - many sites specialize in providing this type of service, and sex on the Internet does not oblige you to anything. Many erotic pictures and videos become a reason and opportunity for self-satisfaction.

But we cannot say unequivocally that the Internet is evil, because the World Wide Web also has a positive effect on the human psyche:

  • Unlimited access to any type of information provides the opportunity for intellectual development and self-improvement. If earlier in order to study any aspect, it was necessary to re-read many books and magazines in the library, now all this can be done without leaving home. Moreover, there are no restrictions - any book or magazine in any language can be found on the Internet.
  • A feeling of relevance and self-realization. The Internet is a treasure trove of vacancies. Many sites specialize in providing work. All you have to do is send out your resume and a potential employer will find out about you. Every day many sites are created, existing sites are updated, they are filled with new information - but this is a lot of jobs, by the way, most of these vacancies and one-time jobs are available to people located hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. Even if you live in a tiny town or village, where officially finding a job is a fantasy, you can find remote work, thereby providing for yourself financially.
  • The Internet is an opportunity to communicate. Thanks to Skype, ICQ, and various sites, we can fulfill our need for communication. You can hear and see a person who is on another continent, but it seems that he is sitting at the next table. In addition to communicating with loved ones, you can also find like-minded people, people who will give you good advice, understand, and teach you.

Separately, it should be said about the influence of the computer on the child’s psyche, which also has both positive and negative aspects. But due to the fact that the child’s psyche is still unstable and unformed, this impact is, as a rule, much more pronounced than on adults, and requires special attention from parents to this problem.

Computers have burst into our lives like a whirlwind. Computer textbooks have appeared in schools, teachers and students learn to work with the Internet, everyone reads electronic newspapers and watches digital videos, sits in chat rooms and corresponds by e-mail. We feel that we are standing on the threshold of a new era, and we do not quite understand what this world will be like, a world transformed by computer technology. Most parents have a negative attitude towards having a home computer, because in 90% of cases the computer is used as a toy. Children are enchanted playing computer games, not doing homework or doing errands for their parents around the house. Naturally, in this situation, the time spent by the child at the computer seems to parents to be wasted, and the question of whether the computer is harmful to health is very painful for parents.

I want to talk about the influence of the computer, which is directly related to our psyche. And if vision and hearing can be damaged by a mouse keyboard or monitor, then the psyche is primarily affected by more, so to speak, virtual things - games and the Internet. This is something that is addictive, something that is impossible to tear yourself away from, something that many can no longer imagine their life without - this is a manic addiction to the Internet or games. If you like, Internet mania, gaming mania.

A computer can become a friend or a sworn enemy, it can help in trouble, or it can add a bunch of problems, it can help you find like-minded people, or it can lead to loneliness.

How does a computer have a positive effect on the human psyche? According to statistics collected by American analysts, every third elementary school student complains about negative attitudes and publishing from their peers. According to teachers, it is necessary to fight aggression at this age, since after the final formation of personality it will be very difficult to influence a person’s behavior. A computer game called a good school, where peaceful laws apply. In this game with animated characters and objects that come to life, children are encouraged to find a way out of conflict situations by choosing one of four possible scenarios.

The latest research into the functioning of the gamer's brain has shown that, in addition to all the negative things that video games bring, their influence can also be positive. The experiment found that video game fans have a much better developed visual perception of the world around them than people who don’t play at all. Volunteers were asked to plunge into the world of video games for six days and play for at least two hours a day. The results of the experiment proved that the constant vigilance of gamers during the game contributes to the development of attention not only in virtual space, but also in real life.

Immersing yourself in the Internet can be no less effective than visiting a psychotherapist. This fact is confirmed by researchers who tested a specially created therapeutic program, which can also be completed independently via the Internet. In addition, individual completion of the online program was found to be more effective than group therapy.

The initiators of the study recommend Internet therapy as an additional or alternative method of treating mild to moderate depression. The study involved 117 volunteers diagnosed with mild to moderate depression. The condition of those undergoing Internet therapy was monitored for six months. The DIY therapy consists of 89 pages of text. They include exercises aimed at “fixing” perception, improving sleep and physical health. The research results showed that the experiment participants completely recovered from their depressive state.

Computer games using VR (virtual reality) technology can be prescribed to children with severe burns as an additional pain reliever. Australian doctors believe that immersion in the world of monsters and aliens helps overcome pain in such patients.

Seven burn victims, ranging in age from 5 to 18 years, were asked to play virtual games during a lengthy dressing change procedure. At the same time, children who were also given traditional painkillers tolerated the dressing much more easily.

Doctors explain this effect by the fact that children, switching to experiences inside the game, stop concentrating on their own painful sensations.

Now let's look at the negative sides of computer addiction. For a modern person, access to all kinds of Internet resources has long been one of the indicators of quality of life. Indeed, the ease and speed of obtaining the necessary information through the World Wide Web is incomparable to anything else. Schoolchildren and students of the 21st century now have a hard time imagining what a district library catalog is: a huge number of virtual libraries have solved this problem once and for all. You will find everything: from ancient dramas of Euripides to fan fiction about Harry Potter. However, reading from a computer screen not only does not improve health, but also does not ensure lasting memorization of the material: oddly enough, with such reading, attention is more scattered and concentration decreases.

Another problem with information obtained through the Internet is that it is often unverified and sometimes harmful. Because a person controls a computer, and people, as you know, tend to make mistakes. Those who like to receive advice in a forum or on-line consultation are especially at risk. Thus, one young girl shared with her friends on a cosmetic forum the secret of treating hair with burdock oil, forgetting, however, to mention that it can be washed off with washing powder at best.

Psychologists have discovered a disease - manic-depressive addiction to the virtual world of global networks. Inflamed, reddened eyes, a high degree of nervous and physical exhaustion, tearfulness, yawning - these are just some of the symptoms of the new disease. “Netaholics,” as they are called, have a passionate desire to immerse themselves in the world of virtual reality again and again and not leave it for a long time.

In addition to “network mania,” another disease with similar symptoms, but with the addition of nervous and physical arousal, has recently made itself known loudly. This is "gambling addiction". Here, for example, is an excerpt from a letter to the editor of a popular Moscow computer magazine in response to the publication of debugging codes for a new three-dimensional “flying machine”: “This is amazing! With this toy you can easily and for a long time forget about work, your wife and children! When my wife went on a business trip, I got so busy that I forgot to pick up my daughter from school...” It is unlikely that these lines belong to a serious person with a healthy psyche. But adolescents are especially susceptible to gambling syndrome. They can seriously associate themselves with virtual “dukes” and “thoughts” and painfully experience their failures. In the world of cruel “shooters”, “soakers” and “adventure games”, it is very difficult for a person with a normal psyche to grow up.

Internet-addicted teenagers suffer from depression, nervousness, and inexplicable attacks of fear. Doctors are sounding the alarm - cases of murders and suicides among fans of computer games have long been common. The Internet seems to be telling them: “Go to the chat, introduce yourself as anyone, satisfy any of your desires and don’t be afraid of anything!”

Here are the psychological symptoms a person may begin to experience if he or she belongs to the risk group of Internet addicts:

Feeling good or euphoria at the computer;

Inability to stop;

Increasing the amount of time spent at the computer;

Neglect of family and friends;

Feeling of emptiness, depression, irritation not at the computer, and so on.

The computer can cause long-term disorders in the field of mental and intellectual development. The so-called computer generation has poor performance in some types of memory, emotional immaturity and irresponsibility.

The Internet will become the greatest illusion of the 21st century. The virtual world is more comfortable and stable for a modern person: it is open to everyone and will find a place for everyone, regardless of gender, appearance, race or sexual orientation, because on the Internet a person creates his own gender, appearance, race, and orientation. The only problem with him is the difficulty of returning to the real world. But this problem will soon be resolved: the monstrous pace of development of computer technology will lead to the fact that there will simply be no room left for real life.

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