Does the telephone affect potency and how can you protect yourself from its radiation? Impact on the cardiovascular system - cell phone is a killer

They connect us with the whole world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they are always with us. But experts have found that where the phone is stored and weather conditions can affect both the phone itself and its owner, and not for the better.

So, if you're interested in knowing where you should never keep your phone, read on.

Dangerous phones

Back pocket

Since modern mobile phones have sensitive touch screens, there is a possibility of accidental dialing.

Also, if you feel some pain in your legs and stomach, it may be due to sitting on your phone for a long time. This can cause sciatica (lumbosacral radiculitis) - pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.

On top of this, you also run the risk of bending your phone's screen.

Front pocket

Men don't often carry a backpack, so they usually keep their smartphone in their front pocket. But according to recent research, mobile phones may affect sperm quality. Electromagnetic radiation from the device reduces the quality and quantity of sperm.

In the chest area

Although it has not yet been proven, experts believe that phone radiation may be a source of breast cancer. Research is still ongoing, but it may be best to avoid holding your smartphone near your chest. In addition, sweat can also damage the device.

Read also:12 rules for dating a modern woman

The harm of smartphones

On the hips

Researchers from Suleyman Demireli University measured the pelvic bone density of 150 men who carried their phone on their belt. They found that bone density was lower on the side where men constantly held their smartphone. This can lead to weakened hips, especially for those who already have osteoporosis. You should keep your phone in your bag.


In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation, which is believed to cause cancer, phones, or rather their surfaces, contain a lot of bacteria that are transferred from hands to face. If you don't like touching your face to door handles or windows, then maybe you shouldn't touch your face with your phone either.

Why does my phone battery run out?

On charge

While this may not directly affect your health, it is detrimental to the health of your device. After charging is complete, the phone must be unplugged from the outlet, otherwise you will reduce the battery life of the phone. This means your smartphone battery will last less.

In the cold

Almost no electronics like the cold. Leaving your phone in the cold increases the likelihood of condensation forming inside the device as it warms up. Make sure you keep your phone at a constant room temperature to avoid damaging the phone internally.

In the heat

High temperatures can cause your smartphone to overheat, so do not keep it in the sun or near a fire or stove.

Dangerous smartphones

Close to newborns

Researchers continue to study the effects of smartphone radiation on newborns. So far, they have found that young children who are exposed to smartphones soon after birth develop serious behavioral problems. It is recommended to keep your smartphone(s) away from your small children.

Under the pillow

There are many reasons why you shouldn't sleep with your smartphone in bed.

1. If you receive notifications throughout the night, they make your screen glow and this can interrupt your sleep as unnecessary bright light disrupts melatonin production.

2. Electromagnetic radiation can also cause headaches and dizziness.

3. Additionally, if your phone is plugged into a charger overnight, you risk causing a fire. It's best to place your phone on your nightstand or table while you sleep.

March 24, 2011 Health and nutrition

Mobile phones have become so firmly established in the everyday life of business and practical men that sometimes they even forget about the basic safety rules for using this technological innovation. And they exist, like all other equipment. Knowing these rules, you can save not only your health, but sometimes even your life.

When a cell phone is dangerous

Unsafe use of a cell phone in some cases is associated with basic ignorance of the requirements, in others with haste and busyness, and in others with negligence towards oneself. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to remember in what cases a mobile phone is dangerous:

1) You cannot carry a mobile phone in your trouser or jacket pocket - even in standby mode it still supports data exchange with the mobile network. A mobile phone is especially dangerous for the male body, since it affects his reproductive functions.: The heat generated in waves from a cell phone reduces the secret function of the male genital organs. Therefore, it is preferable to carry a mobile phone in a briefcase, purse or bag.

2) Do not put your mobile phone in your chest pocket or carry it on a lanyard in the chest area. It has been proven that a mobile phone in this case is dangerous for the heart: it not only warms up the heart, increasing its temperature, but also actively disrupts the rhythm of the heartbeat.

3) During a conversation, it is best to use a hands-free system or a headset. This will prevent you from bringing the phone close to your head and thereby reduce its impact on the person. A 30-centimeter distance from your mobile phone is enough to protect yourself from active radiation of electromagnetic waves during a conversation.

4) It is best to buy a mobile phone with the lowest radiation power. If you have a choice, it is preferable to use a mobile phone with the CDMA 450 standard (IMT MC 450) - the electromagnetic radiation emanating from it is ten to twenty times lower than that of cell phones operating on the GSM standard.

5) In the heat, it is recommended to minimize the period of communication on a mobile phone. But if a call is unavoidable or is of particular importance, then you should wait for the connection and only then bring the mobile phone to your head and start a conversation, since the moment of peak radiation occurs precisely when the subscriber’s call is received.

6) It is also prohibited to use a mobile phone during a thunderstorm front. As the practice of recent years has shown, the probability of lightning hitting a working mobile phone is tens of times higher than hitting a person without a mobile phone. Therefore, during a thunderstorm it is not only dangerous to use the phone, but it is also preferable to turn it off completely.

7) If the person speaking on a mobile phone is in a room made of reinforced concrete panels, then he should go to a large window or go out onto a balcony or loggia in order to have a safe conversation - this way, radiation exposure can be reduced, since the waves will not be reflected from the concrete b surfaces.

8) You should try not to talk on your cell phone in extremely confined spaces and in iron structures (garages, train compartments, elevators, car interiors). A metal “screen” greatly impairs radio communication, in response to which the mobile phone immediately increases its own power.

9) When talking, it is preferable to remove glasses with metal frames, since in this case they act as a secondary source of radiation and can lead to an increase in the intensity of exposure to the electromagnetic field around the head.

The influence of a mobile phone on health

The effect of a mobile phone on vision

It is worth giving preference to mobile phones with a large display, since small ones force you to constantly strain your eyes, especially when typing SMS, which causes vision deterioration. As studies have shown in recent years, 2 hours of continuous use of the phone is enough for visual acuity to drop by 12-14 percent after a year. For the same reason, it is necessary to set mobile phones to a low screen resolution, since a higher one causes the human eye to strain beyond measure, which again causes vision to suffer.

The effect of a mobile phone on hearing

Take mobile phones in which the sound comes from the back, and not from the front - even if it is not so convenient, but it is safer for your hearing, because sharp signals during a conversation (for example, a second parallel incoming call or a notification about a received SMS) will eventually lead to to very unpleasant consequences. Use your mobile phone only for talking and not for listening to radio or music files. The fact is that long-term use of a headset inserted directly into the auricle causes false hearing syndrome and accelerates the aging process by two to three times. For listening to music, another type of headphones is preferable - round ones, applied to the ears.

The influence of a mobile phone on the mental health

Some business people with the purchase of a mobile phone experience a so-called information addiction, which manifests itself in anxiety “what if someone called me just now and I didn’t hear”, “what if I missed a very important call”, “what if I didn’t notice an important SMS” ", etc. If there is no call for a long time, another direction of false alarm arises: “why is no one calling me about the decision made,” “why is no one writing to me,” etc. That is, a man (already responsible and obligatory in everything) begins to fear that he will lose the situation out of his control.

Aggressive cell phone behavior

A mobile phone becomes aggressive during explosions and electric shocks. Batteries usually explode due to excessive overheating - this is why it is unsafe to use a mobile phone in extreme heat, in the open sun or in hot workshops. The phone also overheats because of our elementary forgetfulness - when we do not disconnect it from the charger for a very long time. Explosions from low-quality devices, especially counterfeits, are also common. Electric shock can occur when receiving a call and talking on a charging phone. Therefore, you first need to disconnect it from the power supply and only then accept an incoming call.

What did the child want?

If a child of 5 (almost 6 years old) took scissors and cut the upholstery on a chair, then what did he want to say by this (I was the one who went into my son’s room)? He himself cannot clearly explain why he did it. I'm also sitting...

A week and a half ago, I asked Habrapeople to ask questions about radiation from mobile phones (here is this post), since I turned out to be the host of a round table dedicated specifically to the problems of electromagnetic radiation. The round table was successful; based on the results of the discussion, I made a video, but since not everything was included in it, I decided to write another post.

Here is the same video, there are answers to key questions (habr insight!), this is a cut. In general, the round table lasted several hours and ended with a debate.


Below the cut are my somewhat chaotic notes, a summary of what was discussed at the round table. I recorded it right at the table on the podium :)

The main thing is that they stated right away: electromagnetic fields are HARMFUL types of radiation. Mobile communications operate using electromagnetic fields and, in theory, should be standardized. It is obvious that now the majority of “non-professionals” are in conditions characteristic of the conditions of professional study. In general, all those who work with EMR undergo professional medical training. selection, annual medical examination, their health is continuously monitored by doctors.

Currently, the circle of those who are considered “professionals” is not outlined. According to the law, if a person works more than 50% of his working time under the influence of a harmful factor, he must be classified as a “harmful” (a funny medical term). It was proposed to introduce the profession “cell phone user” :)

Historical reference
The first research began in the 50s, people associated with radar equipment began to have health problems and occupational diseases, this gave impetus to the start of research.
The second stage was the late 60s and early 70s, when powerful radar centers appeared. Then hygienic standards were developed, and a commission was created together with the Americans, the purpose of which was to develop common standards. Sanitary standards were released in the 2000s, but they are based on the program that was in the mid-80s, i.e. does not take into account the specifics of cell phones. By 2005, it was planned to completely replace hygienic standards, but this has not happened yet.
Another interesting point: it turns out that the gap in health standards between the USA and Russia is gigantic, by two orders of magnitude, and mobile phones are produced in accordance with American standards. “Their” radiation standards do not correspond to “ours”; ours are much stricter. Thus, in Russia the radiation standard for the population is 10 microwatts per square cm, in the USA - 1000, and it was recently lowered from 10,000.

Over time, it is possible to develop diseases that were observed among “professionals”. This is the position of the World Health Organization: two years ago a press conference was held in Berlin, where the following data were published: in Europe, 10% of the population associates poor health with cellular communications. In our country there are no such statistics yet, but visits to doctors for similar indications are increasing. The main thing is to establish an objective relationship between cellular communications and health. There are many health complaints in Russia that may be related to cellular networks, but they are not studied. There is even such a concept as “situational stress”; a possible factor in deteriorating health exists, but a person cannot measure and feel it.

The most large-scale and well-structured experiments took place at the Burnazyan Center in 1997, they are worth repeating now, but the research equipment was lost due to the transition from analogue to digital equipment. Nobody wants to finance such research. Moreover, those studies were published, but for some reason there is little about them on the RuNet. The experiments took place in real time, with the participation of volunteers, and authorized cell phones were used. Then the effect of changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain was recorded. It turned out that the human body begins to react 30 seconds after turning on the cell phone. Observations lasted up to half an hour with each volunteer, both analog (NMT) and digital (CDMA, GSM) phones were used. The experiment was repeated, repeated, over the course of a month the experiments were repeated several times. It turned out that the body reacts differently to each of the standards. It has also been proven that with a single exposure, recovery occurs, but the question of what happens with chronic use is still open.

Huge amounts of money are allocated abroad by the governments of various countries; there are centers in Sweden, England, Germany, Canada, Italy, France, Japan, and China. In Russia, only a small group of scientists at the Burnazyan Center and a few scientists at other institutions in the country are working on these issues.

In total, 33 works related to the study of EMR in cell phones have been published in the world at the moment. However, as all the speakers said, the significance of such experiments is close to zero: they were all carried out with a single irradiation exposure.

In addition, all the studies were conducted on adults (of course!), and it is children who are at greater risk. As children grow up, they have unique vulnerabilities. Regarding studies of the influence of cellular networks on children's health, there were only two studies (in Germany), but during the experiments there was not even a control group. Here in Russia, research has been carried out at the Lyceum in Khimki for four years now, scientists are studying changes in cognitive functions, and they are constantly conducting surveys among children.

Most scientists believe that excessive use of a mobile phone by a child can lead to deviations in the functions of higher nervous activity; this has been partially proven by observations in the city of Khimki. In addition, children have thinner bones, a larger dose goes to the brain, and absorption occurs according to a completely different principle than in an adult. In addition to problems with the nervous system and deterioration of cognitive functions, there is such a complex disease as a tumor of the salivary gland, which has almost no cure. Also, besides children, the category of radiosensitive people who all need to move somewhere to a desert island is also at risk, since waves in the city will find them everywhere.

As for the effect on sexual activity, most scientists are inclined to believe that nothing bad happens when you carry a phone in your pocket; the radiation does not have much effect on the genitals. Although in Norway two years ago a work was discussed where serious changes were described, for some reason our scientists subjected it to severe criticism. They say sperm are restored :)

I’m ending on such an optimistic note :)

P.S. If someone has problems with Rutube and the video is not visible, you can watch it on the website

Men should not carry a mobile phone in their trousers as it reduces sperm quality

Given the enormous use of mobile phones around the world, it is important to establish how their electromagnetic radiation affects the environment. It has been proven that the use of mobile phones does not affect brain cancer. However, a number of studies have shown that mobile phones can reduce sperm quality in men.

Men should not carry a mobile phone in their trouser pocket.

A new study has found that mobile phones may have a negative impact on men's fertility. 06/09/2014 Men who carry a cell phone in their pants pocket may reduce their chances of becoming fathers, a new study finds. Previous studies have shown that radio frequencies of electromagnetic radiation may have a negative effect on male fertility. Most adults have cell phones, and about 14% of high- and middle-income couples have difficulty conceiving a child.

The team conducted a systematic review of the results of 10 studies, including 1,492 sperm samples. The men's sperm quality was assessed by: contractility (the ability of sperm to move properly towards the egg), viability (the proportion of sperm that remained alive) and concentration (the number of sperm per unit of sperm). In control groups, 50-85% of sperm have normal movement. The researchers found that this rate dropped by an average of 8% when exposed to mobile phones. Similar effects were also seen on sperm viability. The effects on sperm concentrations are less clear.
This study found that radio frequency electromagnetic radiation from carrying mobile phones in trouser pockets negatively affects sperm quality in men. This is especially important for men with infertility to know. Source: University of Exeter

Electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones affects male hormones

Mobile phone use may reduce male fertility, an Austrian-Canadian study suggests. 19 May 2011 Men who have been diagnosed with poor sperm quality and are trying to have children should limit their mobile phone use, a new study suggests. Researchers in Austria and Canada have found that cell phone use appears to increase the levels of testosterone circulating in the body, which can also lead to poor sperm quality and decreased fertility.

Scientists found that men who frequently used mobile phones had higher levels of circulating testosterone and lower levels of luteinizing hormone, a reproductive hormone produced by the pituitary gland.
Researchers suggest that electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones may have a dual effect on male hormone levels and fertility. Electromagnetic waves can increase the number of cells in the testicles that produce testosterone. However, when the level of luteinizing hormone secreted by the pituitary gland decreases, electromagnetic waves can block the conversion of this basic circulating testosterone into the more active form of testosterone associated with sperm production.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Disorders of the cardiovascular system are usually manifested by neurocirculatory dystonia, which we described in detail above (lability of pulse and blood pressure, tendency to hypotension - decreased blood pressure, pain in the heart area).

The influence of the telephone on the functioning of the heart has been studied for a very long time by specialist scientists from different countries. First of all, it must be said that mobile phones can affect the functioning of implanted pacemakers and other devices implanted in our body. To make it clear, and also to understand the importance of this problem, it is necessary to explain how a pacemaker works and what it is needed for. A pacemaker, or artificial heart pacemaker (pacemaker), is used in cardiology in the presence of arrhythmias that are difficult to treat conservatively - all kinds of disturbances in the correct rhythm of the heart, as well as with various types of blockades of cardiac activity, and in addition, after a myocardial infarction (but in this case each case has its own indications and contraindications). The mechanism of its action is based on the fact that an artificial pacemaker stimulates electrical impulses for the correct functioning of the heart, preventing it from stopping or fluttering, but forces it to work in the right mode and the right rhythm, because only its correct and coordinated work ensures the safety of human life and maintenance its homeostasis. After all, the entire work of the heart consists of generating electrical impulses from certain parts of the heart muscle, due to which the heart contracts. Turning off or malfunctioning at least one of these areas will lead to a malfunction of the entire heart, and with it the entire body. Each pacemaker can be influenced by a magnet, electrical or electromagnetic signals of sufficient strength or frequency. Possible effects of exposure include switching to an asynchronous stimulation mode, suppressing stimulation, or, conversely, increasing it. The radiation from the phone begins to act as a source of interference, and the heart does not know whether to listen to a stimulant or another source. And the stimulator, in turn, does not know in what rhythm it should now work: what the heart or this other source says. In general, everything is very, very serious. Each external source of electromagnetic energy can have a negative effect on the pacemaker or the heart muscle adjacent to the pacemaker. It is not recommended for such people to even fly on an airplane, because the radiation from the equipment can cause the stimulator to malfunction. Therefore, you should not carry your phone in your breast pocket, on a cord around your neck, or on your body in general, and when talking, you should hold the phone on the side opposite the stimulator. However, this, as well as the fact that the phone must be turned off when entering medical institutions, is stated in the instructions for any mobile phone. Think not only about yourself, but also about the people around you who may be sick. In addition, a mobile phone can interfere with the operation of other medical devices, in particular hearing aids and resuscitation equipment. It is prohibited to talk on the phone in intensive care units. The safest standards in this regard are GSM 900 and GSM 1800 (no malfunctions were observed at all).

Let's move on again to animal experiments. At the Moscow Institute of Biophysics, experiments were carried out on frogs; more precisely, they studied the effect of cell phone radiation on the cardiovascular system. What did you find out? The results are shocking. The frogs' hearts were irradiated for 5 or 10 minutes. As a result, every second heart stopped, and the rest had a greatly reduced heart rate. And in rabbits, electromagnetic radiation caused the heart rate to double. Of course, the human body is more resilient, but such effects can still be observed in us.

Now let's talk about the effect of mobile phones on blood vessels. The vascular system, unlike the heart, reacts very quickly to the effects of the electromagnetic field. With prolonged exposure, the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia develops, which I have already mentioned. Under the influence of radiation, the autonomic parts of the nervous system are overexcited, biologically active substances are released, under the influence of which the blood vessels narrow.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation from a telephone on blood vessels can also occur indirectly, through its effect on red blood cells. With the blood flow, they roam throughout our body, carrying the oxygen we need so much. In the bloodstream, red blood cells interact with each other, and “information exchange” also occurs between them. This interaction occurs through water molecules, which is also an essential component of our blood. The researchers decided to simulate the bloodstream and see what would happen if it was exposed to an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency of 850 MHz - this is the frequency of mobile phone radiation. So, a water molecule carries two charges at the same time - positive and negative, i.e. it is a dipole. When the field acts on water molecules, they stop moving chaotically, but become ordered and appear to be in a row. This leads to the fact that the force binding red blood cells increases tenfold. As a result, the viscosity of the blood increases, it is more difficult for the heart to pump such thick blood, accordingly, the tissues will receive oxygen with some delay, and carbon dioxide will be removed from the body more slowly. All this can lead to diseases not only of the cardiovascular system, but also of other systems, because the entire body as a whole will suffer from a lack of oxygen. But this model is only theoretical; no one has tested this in practice on humans, and we do not know whether this actually happens in the conditions of the whole organism. The fact is that in the environment of a whole organism, the conditions in our bloodstream are somewhat different than in the simulated bloodstream. The only thing that is known for sure is that magnetic storms are capable of changing the strength of interaction of red blood cells, increasing the viscosity of blood, and if the effect of natural and artificial electromagnetic fields is identical, then we can well expect a coincidence of theory and practice.

German researchers have been closely studying the problem of the influence of the electromagnetic field of a telephone on a person’s blood pressure. The experiment itself consisted of the fact that people who voluntarily expressed a desire to take part in the experiment had a GSM cell phone fixed in the area of ​​the right temporal bone (this format includes the reception of electromagnetic waves in the range of 900 or 1800 MHz) in such a way as if the person was talking by phone. The bottom line is that the “experimental subjects” did not know when the phone was on and when it was off. This was done so that a person would not worry and think about when radiation affects him and when he does not. And accordingly, blood pressure was constantly measured using a special device. So this is what the results were. If a person talks on the phone for 35 minutes, his blood pressure increases by 5–10 mm Hg. Art. The control group was with the phone turned off at their temple, and no rise in blood pressure was recorded in these people. Scientists explained this by saying that the electromagnetic waves emitted by the phone caused a spasm of cerebral vessels in the right hemisphere, which led to an increase in pressure. Why is high blood pressure so dangerous? For a young healthy person, in principle, nothing, but if a person already suffers from hypertension or other diseases of the cardiovascular system, then any surge in pressure can be very dangerous for him. An increase in blood pressure is manifested by a headache, spots flashing before the eyes, nausea, often vomiting, and the face turns red. There’s not much pleasant in this, you see. And if help is not provided in time, there may be dire consequences. In addition, when using a cell phone, a significant narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels occurs, and if you have coronary heart disease or hypertension, then the narrowing of blood vessels is very unfavorable, because it leads to increased pressure and oxygen starvation of the brain and heart, and at the same time all organs.

People suffering from cardiac disorders, in particular arrhythmias, need to strictly limit the time they use cell phones. Cardiac arrhythmias are disturbances in the frequency, rhythm and sequence of contractions of the heart. Arrhythmias can occur due to congenital or acquired structural changes in the conduction system. The heart itself is immune to the effects of radiation. Only the conduction system of the myocardium reacts to it - groups of nerve cells in the form of nodes and fibers that are responsible for conducting nerve impulses through the heart. The impulse arises in one area and is sequentially transmitted to other areas, providing sequential excitation and contraction of the heart. With arrhythmias, either the areas are excited in the wrong sequence, or the impulse occurs in the wrong place, or there is simply a block in the path of the impulse. Such changes usually accompany heart diseases associated with damage to the conduction system, or arise under the influence of various vegetative, endocrine and other metabolic disorders, during intoxication and certain medicinal effects, as well as during external influences on the conduction system of the heart by all kinds of radiation, not only electromagnetic. One follows from the other: radiation provokes metabolic changes, metabolic disorders and the formation of incorrect biopotentials in myocardial cells. Or there may also be an option in which the radiation immediately directly affects the conduction system, causing a block in the conduction of the impulse. The factors listed above affect the basic functions (automaticity, conductivity) of the entire conduction system of the heart or its parts, determine the electrical heterogeneity of the myocardium, which leads to arrhythmia. The normal rhythm of the heart is ensured by the automatic functioning of the sinus node and is called sinus. The resting sinus rate of the majority of the healthy population is 60–75 beats per minute, which is the heart rate of a typical middle-aged person. Each age has its own frequency. When exposed to an unfavorable factor (in our case, radiation from a mobile phone), this rhythm is disrupted, so other elements of the conduction system of the heart take over the work of the sinus node. Depending on this, arrhythmias can be with increased heart rate (up to flickering and fluttering of the heart) or with a decrease in heart rate.