The influence of radiation from a computer. Electromagnetic radiation from a computer: methods of protection

A home computer is a source of information that emits computer radiation. Its value can range from 2 to 50 mGs. How harmful is such an effect on the human body?

Where does the radiation come from?

Electronic devices emit different types of radiation - electromagnetic waves, electrostatic voltage and radiation. Modern gadgets are safer; they do not have a cathode ray tube that emits rays that resemble x-rays in their properties. Electrostatic voltage is created by all devices that use electricity; its main sources are power lines. Living in the city it is impossible to get rid of it; radiation from computers makes up a small amount of this exposure. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on electromagnetic waves.

They are not felt and do not cause visible harm to health, but the World Health Organization has included them in the list of environmentally hazardous factors.

When operating from an electrical network, devices create pulse oscillations in the physical field surrounding the Earth. These fluctuations cause disturbances in the general electromagnetic field of the planet, having a negative impact on the state of the ecosystem. And harmful radiation from a computer at home can have a negative impact on health.

Let's look at what a computer emits and why it is harmful.

The human body also produces electrical impulses. With their help, signals from the brain and spinal cord are sent through nerve endings, and skeletal muscles and heart muscles contract. Thousands of signals per second are transmitted along nerve endings, so it is easy to understand what harm can occur from a computer; radiation affects the complex system of transmission of electrical impulses and can lead to disruption of their interaction. The impact is not felt immediately, it accumulates in the body, gradually worsening the functioning of organs and systems.

The two most important systems are the most vulnerable:

  • Nervous
  • Cardiovascular.

Under this influence, brain signals can be abnormally altered. This causes disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain.

The normal functioning of the cardiovascular system depends on the consistency and strength of impulses. One or more devices in the house cannot cause a noticeable disturbance in the functioning of the heart, but constant exposure to radiation can cause arrhythmia and cardiovascular failure.

Long-term exposure can lead to headaches, migraines, decreased immunity, depression, hormonal imbalance and sleep pathology. Working at a computer increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer and reproductive system dysfunction.

Important! Such exposure is especially dangerous for a growing and developing organism - children and pregnant women are at risk.

How dangerous is a home computer?

A home computer, laptop or smartphone is a source of harmful radiation. How much radiation you receive from a computer depends on various factors: type of device, time of use, location.

Radiation from a computer monitor

Monitors with cathode ray tubes are considered the most harmful. When using them, the question arose for the first time: does the computer emit radiation? Yes – the radiation from the monitor can be compared to x-ray radiation in terms of harmfulness. The device creates pulsating fields of energy and high electrical voltage around itself, which persists for 2 or more hours after the computer is turned off.

Liquid crystal monitors are safer; they generate radiation of about 50 Hz. This dose is not enough to cause specific harm to the body, but with constant exposure, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.

Radiation from the computer system unit

The system unit actively creates an electromagnetic field around itself. A minimum phonation level of 2 mG (milligauss) already has a negative effect on the body. It can be created by a device located at a distance of 50 to 100 cm from a person. The closer the processor is, the stronger the impact.

Other devices

There are no safe devices around or for the computer. Headphones, uninterruptible power supplies, routers, printers, chargers emit electricity. The magnitude of the impact depends on the power of the device, type and proximity to the body. Wireless headphones and Bluetooth systems have proven to be dangerous due to their maximum proximity to the human body when used. Don't forget about someone who is always nearby.

Children and computer

During pregnancy, many factors influence the development of the fetus. The condition of the child in utero can be influenced by being near a computer.

If a pregnant woman stays near it for a long time, the harm from a computer monitor can exceed a critical level and cause various diseases. The habit of placing a laptop on her lap, close to her developing baby, is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Due to the rapid growth and development of the nervous system in childhood, radiation has a more pronounced negative effect. It is impossible to say exactly how a computer will affect a child - no such studies have been conducted. Scientists believe that prolonged exposure to gadgets causes decreased immunity, impaired neurodevelopment, and attention deficit disorder.

Methods of protection

You can check whether there is radiation from the computer yourself. To make sure whether radiation is coming from a computer, you need to purchase a special device for measuring radiation power; such devices are sold in specialized stores; they are carried out by SES specialists if it is suspected that the safe radiation power has been exceeded at enterprises, factories and other facilities.

Ways to reduce electromagnetic radiation from your computer:

  • Increase the distance to the device - the further away the monitor and system unit, the less radiation. At a distance of 10-15 cm, radiation is 4-10 mGs, and at a distance of 1 m - only 2 to 5 mGs.
  • Spend less time at the keyboard - it is important to develop the habit of not being near the device if you are not using it. There are standards for safe stay near a working device for pregnant women and children of different ages. Everyone is encouraged to take breaks every 15-20 minutes and leave the area with devices.
  • Ventilate the room - ventilation reduces the risk of exposure to electromagnetic radiation several times. Provide ventilation daily in any weather, and during active work - every 20-30 minutes.
  • Use a protective screen or film.
  • Turn off devices after use and minimize their use.

Protection against computer radiation cannot completely neutralize its harmful effects, but by following all safety rules you can minimize its harmful effects.

From the very moment computers became a part of our everyday life, a huge number of myths surrounding them arose. Science-fiction writers have especially tried, with enviable tenacity, rooting in the minds of ordinary people the idea that computers will one day rebel against humanity, that our “smart electronic friend” is in fact the most dangerous enemy. You can’t count all the myths. And, for example, one of the most popular is radiation emitted by computer monitors. True, human imagination, which knows no bounds, quickly found a way out of this unpleasant state of affairs. It turns out that they can protect us from computer radiation... cacti.

Thanks to such a successful PR campaign, the above-mentioned prickly plants began to multiply at incredible speed both in offices and apartments, taking their rightful places - in close proximity to the monitors. Are you also thinking about protecting your health from insidious computer radiation with a green cactus shield? Then this article is for you.

What does your computer emit?

Firstly, let's figure out what kind of radiation the prickly one will protect you from. Of course, no radioactive clouds fly out of the monitor at you. Otherwise, special spacesuits would be sold along with the PC. There is still a small amount of radiation, but it comes not from the monitor, but from the system unit, and it is several hundred times lower than the radiation that we receive from the Sun every day.

However, we won’t hide it: in fact, strong radiation did indeed come from the old monitors, but not radioactive, but X-ray. Modern monitors emit nothing but electromagnetic waves, the level of which is no greater than near any other electrical device. We get no less of these same waves from a coffee maker. The refrigerator gives us them much more “generously” than the long-suffering computer. Well, if your bed is located in close proximity to electrical wiring, then your body is already so electrified that no computer is even scary for you.

Why cactus?

We've sorted out the radiation. But where did the fashion for “radiation-absorbing” cacti come from? By the way, this fashion appeared in the 80s, when modern monitors, of course, did not yet exist. As we have already mentioned, old monitors produced a fairly large volume of X-ray radiation, and it could only be neutralized using a special device - a multi-strip corner reflector. And then someone, whose name history has not conveyed to us, noticed that the cactus, in its shape, very much resembles this same reflector. True, the number of needles on a plant, as well as their location, differed greatly from the device, because each plant has individual indicators, and in order to protect itself from X-ray radiation with the help of cacti, it would be necessary to place several of these in a neat row in front of the monitor. plants.

But let there be a cactus anyway!

Once you are finally convinced that a prickly plant cannot protect you from any radiation, go to a flower shop and buy yourself this very cactus. After all, this, no matter what, is the most real piece of living nature on your worker table. It is on this flower that your tired eyes from the monitor will be able to rest; besides, any indoor plants perfectly ionize the air. And cacti, by the way, also grow well in conditions of increased electromagnetic activity. And how beautifully these green “hedgehogs” bloom - any indoor rose will be jealous! So no matter what they say scientists, but cacti, after all, were created specifically to stand near monitors.

Any electrical device affects the electromagnetic field surrounding it. It interacts with other bodies that are nearby and have even a minimal electrical charge. This rule applies even to the human body, since it is capable of independently generating electrical impulses.

Thus, the influence of the computer on humans was officially confirmed.

Mechanism of radiation exposure

The principle of generating electrical impulses by a living organism is based on several aspects. All signals from our nervous system, heart contractions and other functions are carried out by electrical impulses through living fibers. Any electrical device becomes a source of disturbance in the physical field.

Doctors say that today the total amount of constant impact on the physical field has exceeded the possible limits. This was facilitated by electromagnetic radiation from computers, which are found in almost every home and office.

Now radiation pollution has been equated with a unique environmental problem. The impact of waves cannot be seen with the naked eye, which makes them especially dangerous.

Often the body does not feel the effects of the standard dosage. But if the norm exceeds the permissible level several times, then the person feels a heat surge. Specialized equipment will help confirm the hypothesis.

The main dangers posed by a computer

Each PC is RF and LF. Both types of rays have been recognized:

  • carcinogens;
  • increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • catalysts for hormonal imbalance;
  • additional factors to accelerate the development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • asthma triggers;
  • instigators of prolonged depression for no apparent reason.

Despite the stereotype that in a PC all the harmful radiation is produced by the monitor, this is not true. All parts of the device may be hazardous. The processor poses a particularly high threat. It acts as a microwave radiation generator.

Manufacturers of such equipment almost always take care of the operator’s health. To do this, they create a special protective coating on the front side. This allows you to pay off most of the harm from the computer in relation to the main employee. But the side parts and the back cover are rarely subjected to the installation of additional protection.

Fifteen years ago, technology was less suited for long-term work at home or in the office. The reason for this was dangerous monitors containing a cathode ray tube. Today they are almost never seen, which pleases doctors.

But modern analogues like liquid crystal versions, although safer, are not completely harmless.

The motherboard and case also deserve attention. They provoke deionization of the air. This contributes to the rapid release of harmful substances into the environment. Because of this, administrators working in server rooms often complain about the air being difficult to breathe. It is especially dangerous to be in such rooms with computer equipment without good ventilation.

The risk group includes people suffering from chronic diseases associated with the bronchopulmonary system and all people genetically predisposed to such diseases. If you regularly work in a dangerous room, you can develop asthma.

Heavy air is not the only problem. No less important is the influence of the electrostatic field on dust particles suspended in a free state. They are in the air and quickly succumb to the negative influence of the PC. Over time, they become electrified and form a so-called “dust cocktail.” All together, this blocks the full penetration of the doses of air necessary for proper breathing into the employee’s lungs.

Some believe that in this case it is better to use tablets or smartphones. They are smaller and should generate minimal danger. But this also has its downsides. When touching the touch screen, your fingers are dangerously close to the antenna that receives wi-fi. The rays emanating from it will not add health either.

Radiation from a laptop works on the same principle. It was developed as a travel assistant. The portable device was so popular with users that in the last five years it has almost displaced traditional desktop computers from the home market.

But when using such practical assistants for the road throughout the day for a long period of time, the development of various pathologies and diseases is possible. A laptop has all the same parts as a classic computer, so you can’t hide from its radiation. Adding to the threat is the fact that it is usually installed closer than a desktop PC. Because of this, the distance between the monitor, case, processor and human body is significantly reduced.

The worst thing is if the owner of the device has a terrible habit of putting it on his knees. So the radiation parts end up in close proximity to the reproductive organs, having a negative effect on them.

PC radiation and pregnancy

Electromagnetic radiation from a computer is especially dangerous for pregnant women. This applies not only to the period when a woman is already preparing to give birth, but also to the first weeks of fetal development.

The first trimester is especially important for the formation of the baby’s organs and systems. Doctors recommend reducing sitting at the computer to a minimum at least in the first half of pregnancy. This is caused by the increased sensitivity of the fetus to various negative influences from the outside world. Otherwise, large-scale and regular radiation from the computer may cause:

  • intrauterine damage of varying severity;
  • threats of miscarriage;
  • development of defects.

To protect against such dangers, gynecologists advise postponing the use of such equipment at least until the fourth month of pregnancy. Then you can allow yourself to periodically look at email and social networks. But in terms of time it should be quite a bit and better - not every day.

If previously a woman used only a laptop, then in addition to the classic radiation the influence from the Wi-Fi transmitter will be added. Because of this, doctors insist that instead of watching movies, it is better to take a walk in good weather in the fresh air. Together with the PC, you can give preference to a book on a bench in a quiet park.

It will not be possible to completely abandon electrical appliances no matter how much a modern person wants. Many professions are closely related to work using a computer, and it is not possible to do it in any other way.

But it’s one thing when earning money depends on a PC, and another thing when a person spends his health aimlessly all day long on social networks, videos, and games.

Experts remind that protection from computer radiation depends entirely on the awareness of specific consumers. The most important covenants here are:

  • regular ventilation of the work area;
  • constant walks in the fresh air;
  • refusal to turn on equipment unnecessarily.

When purchasing new equipment, you should pay attention not only to its low cost and brand. It is important to clarify its compliance with international quality standards for safety and environmental friendliness.

Conscientious manufacturers know how to reduce harm from a computer in an industrial environment. The accompanying documentation for the installation usually always contains information on a given topic.

To independently reduce the risks of receiving significant doses of radiation on a daily basis, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • LCD monitor. When choosing a monitor marked “used”, you should not prioritize the low cost of options from the last century. A cathode ray tube adds health risks even to a person with a strong immune system.
  • Location. The ideal monitor location is considered to be an angle. This decision is explained by the fact that the walls will turn into a natural absorber of electromagnetic rays.
  • Shutdown. To reduce the quality of radiation, it is enough to simply turn off the monitor all the time if no one is using it. For example, during an hour-long lunch break, it will be useful to turn off the monitor when leaving for the dining room.
  • Special protection. No one has canceled the special protection for screens. This addition will be especially relevant in families with small children or nursing mothers.
  • Distance. An arm's length distance is considered optimal. But this rule may only be suitable for stationary monitors with a pull-out keyboard. Laptops are usually closer due to the way the keyboard is positioned. This means that you will not be able to maintain distance while printing. But when watching a video, the device can be moved further away.
  • Correct posture. You cannot place the laptop close to your face or lean close to it.

The above tips help reduce the amount of harmful radiation.

Separately, experienced sellers of digital computer equipment have developed their own set of recommendations. It is aimed at simultaneously prolonging the life of the device and protecting health. The list includes the following items:

  • place the system unit of the desktop PC away from the operator’s seat;
  • avoid installing the PC in close proximity to the sleeping area;
  • turn off your laptop if you are not working with it;
  • reduce the time spent sitting in front of the monitor;
  • If your work involves a PC, then take breaks and exercise more often.

It should be remembered that in addition to the effects of electromagnetic radiation, computers also have other disadvantages as health depressants. Spending long periods of time in front of a monitor worsens vision and develops problems with the musculoskeletal system. And this is not to mention the psychological consequences of immersion in the virtual world.

Most often, the first victim of hours-long marathons in front of a PC are the eyes. They are in constant tension. This is caused by a specific flickering of the monitor, which tires the organs of vision. Because of this, a person blinks less often. Refusal of the usual reflex movement can, over time, result in problems with the failure of the moisture in the eye shell.

To correct the situation, you have to wear special safety glasses, buy special film for the monitor and use appropriate eye drops. The latter are aimed at keeping the eye membrane moist, saving from dry eye syndrome.

Harm from different monitors

Initially, ordinary consumers who used the first generation of monitors at home were unaware of their danger. Now the harm of a cathode ray tube monitor has been proven. During its operation the following processes occur:

  • The electrons responsible for displaying the image on the screen emitted radiation. Their frequencies were .
  • Formation of pulsating fields of energy. At close range, they negatively affect the health of all living things.
  • Prolonged action of electrical voltage. Even after such a monitor was turned off, it remained hazardous to the environment for some time.

The situation with LCD monitors looks somewhat better compared to older analogues. But this does not mean they are completely safe. The average statistical radiation of their working electromagnetic field is 50 Hz.

The only completely effective method of preventing radiation is a complete refusal to use such equipment. But since this is not possible, just follow basic medical recommendations.

Today, more and more people are starting to use computers regularly, so many are wondering whether there is any harm in using a computer. A computer, like any other electrical device, emits electromagnetic radiation into the environment.

But how harmful is this electromagnetic radiation from a computer to human health?

Health hazards from computer radiation

Radiation from a personal computer travels in the form of high-frequency electromagnetic waves. These waves are generated by almost all PC elements. Many experts in the field of medicine prove that this computer electromagnetic radiation has a negative effect on the condition of the body. Electromagnetic radiation is a disturbance of the electromagnetic field propagating in space, which was generated by a specific source. Certain electromagnetic waves can negatively affect the human body.

Radiation comes in different frequencies, for which high-frequency radio radiation is considered the most harmful.

Radio emission from a CRT monitor is considered the most harmful; the impact power can reach several teras. But monitors based on a cathode ray tube are already becoming a thing of the past. The negative impact lies in the principle of operation of such a monitor. Inside there is a kinescope, inside of which electrons are accelerated and hit the back of the screen. It is this process that generates quite powerful. Such monitors have a particularly strong impact on vision, so it is not recommended to work on such PCs for a long time.

Liquid crystal or plasma monitors do not cause any harm in the form of radiation, since during their operation the generation of powerful electromagnetic fields is excluded. Such monitors can only harm your eyesight, but radiation exposure has nothing to do with it. The harm lies in the fact that during long work the eyes become too strained, so it is recommended to take breaks during work.

In a modern computer, the most intense radio emission is generated by the central processor. In desktop computers, this element is located at a certain distance from the user, so it will not cause significant harm. In the case of a laptop, the central processor is in close proximity to a person, so the exposure to radiation becomes stronger.

Many people have noticed that in a room where a computer has been running for a long time, the air becomes somehow heavy. This effect occurs due to exposure to ionizing radiation in the air.

During PC operation, motherboards electrify the air, causing the molecules that make up the air around us to become ionized. Ionized air under certain circumstances (for example, long stay in a room with electrified air) can be harmful to health.

Radiation protection

There is still some harm from a computer, so it would be useful to protect against electromagnetic radiation of a personal computer. If the PC is equipped with a monitor that operates on the basis of a cathode ray tube, it is necessary to work at the PC so that there is a distance of at least 1 meter between the face and the screen, so the radiation from the CRT monitor will not have too strong an effect on the body.

In the case of a desktop computer, the system unit should be located as far as possible from the user. If several computers work in one room (for example, in an office), it is necessary to place them so that there is at least two meters between the computers.

If you work on a laptop, it is advisable not to hold it on your lap. This will not only minimize the effects of radiation, but will ensure more efficient ventilation of the case. When working on a laptop, you need to place it on a flat surface, and just as in the case of a desktop, the distance between the user’s face and the monitor should be about one meter.

When working on a laptop for a long time, you need to periodically take short breaks, this will help rest your eyes.

Protection from electrified air

In order to protect yourself from air electrified by a computer, it is necessary to install air ionizers in the room. These are devices that refresh the air with negative ions, making breathing easy and pleasant. Ionizers also help to cope with other contaminants, for example, if you smoked in the room, then these devices will help remove the smell of tobacco from the room.

You also need to ventilate the air in the room where the PC is installed more often. In the case of an office, it is necessary to have efficient ventilation. Thanks to good ventilation, the air in the room will always be clean and fresh, no matter how many computers are working there.


Not a single computer can do without peripheral devices, mice, keyboards, printers, all this surrounds us. Recently, many users have started buying wireless peripherals for themselves. They communicate with the computer via electromagnetic waves, which causes additional electromagnetic radiation.

Therefore, if you do not want to deal with excessive radiation, it is recommended to choose peripheral models that communicate with the computer via a cable rather than electromagnetic waves. Such models will not only reduce the harmful effects of radiation, but will relieve you of the need to constantly charge batteries or buy new batteries. Also, wired models are much cheaper than their wireless counterparts.

Also, quite strong radiation comes from uninterruptible power supplies. After the measurements were carried out, it became clear what kind of radiation they produce, it turned out that it is comparable in power only to the radiation from monitors operating on the basis of a cathode ray tube. Therefore, if there is no way to refuse them, you need to hide these devices somewhere away.

Do plants help cope with radiation?

There is an opinion that indoor plants (especially cacti) can protect the user from radiation. Therefore, plants can often be found next to personal computers. Plants do not absorb radiation from a computer, so you should not furnish your workplace with plants in order to protect yourself from such a phenomenon as an electromagnetic field. A small flower can only decorate the workplace with its appearance.


Despite the fact that a computer emits electromagnetic waves and causes, although not significant, harm to health, it remains an important element of life for many people. Many users understand that they should not spend too much time at the computer, but still sit in front of the monitor for several hours a day. Since today it is quite difficult to do without a PC.

If you feel tired, drowsy, or have a headache, this may be a symptom of excessive radiation. The best solution in such a situation would be to rest. You just need to get up from your desk for a couple of hours and everything will go away immediately.

By adhering to a few simple rules, you can minimize the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body. But it is worth remembering that even using the most modern means of protection it is impossible to completely protect yourself from radiation.

Contents of the article:

Modern people spend a lot of time at the computer. Whatever one may say, I constantly have to turn to him. It is known that electromagnetic radiation emanating from the device is harmful to health. To neutralize them, it is recommended to place a cactus near the computer, supposedly it can absorb them. Whether this is so, you will find out below.

Is radiation from a monitor harmful?

The assumption about the protective properties of cacti appeared a long time ago. At that time, everyone had cathode ray tube screens, and they really posed a health hazard.

People sitting for a long time in front of a computer tried to protect themselves in various ways, including with the help of plants. But everything has changed over the past few decades and there is practically nothing to fear now.

Some features of modern monitors:

  1. Modern LCD monitors are practically safe. The amount of electromagnetic waves they emit is no more than that of an electric razor or iron. In addition, they do not have beta radiation, unlike CRT devices. It has been proven that the harm that LCD screens can cause is so small that it cannot even be detected in clinical trials;
  2. If we talk about plasma screens, they also have a low level of danger. Of course, they can be harmful to vision under certain conditions, but that’s another topic.

Thus, you should only be wary of fundamentally outdated CRT monitors, but you rarely see them anywhere. If you have one, read on.

Does cactus help against computer radiation?

It is believed that the cactus is able to absorb electromagnetic radiation. But the question arises, where did such information come from and is it scientifically proven?

The only fact that has been scientifically proven is that cacti are one of the plants that survive well in an electromagnetic environment. They often grow where nothing else grows and are capable of absorbing harmful waves. However, these plants do not reduce the level of radiation itself.

Plus, you don't have to worry if you work at home on one computer. If it’s an office and there are a lot of devices around, that’s a different matter. After all, the danger comes from the back wall of the monitor and when devices are everywhere, the likelihood of being harmed by waves is much higher. This threatens to disrupt metabolic processes in the body, which can lead to any complications.

But the cactus is not able to help here; it is necessary to organize workplaces correctly. Any of the neighboring computers must be at least 0.5 meters away from the person for safety.

Why do you need a cactus near your computer?

It turns out that it is more for beauty. However, if your green friend is not growing well, you can place him closer to the monitor and then he may begin to grow faster. It is known that under the influence of these same waves, cacti increase in size quite well.

This is also an excellent option for decorating your desktop - plants are extremely unpretentious. They require a minimum of attention, but at the same time they are pleasing to the eye all year round. They also allow you to take a break from the monitor after a long day of work.

You cannot protect yourself in this way; this assumption is just a myth.. Moreover, now everyone has modern devices, from which, if you can suffer, it will be after about 200 years of continuous operation.

As for vision, it can deteriorate if you regularly and incorrectly look at the screen. But in order to preserve it, you don’t need to place the cactus near the computer, it is important to follow the rules: monitor the lighting, get up more often and get distracted, do exercises for your eyes.

Video that finally dispels the myth

In this video, Mikhail Nemanov will tell you where the myth came from that a cactus will absorb radiation if placed next to a monitor:

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