New smart useful gadgets. New interesting gadgets. Modern interesting gadgets for the home. Light bulbs from Sengled

Analysts have recorded an incredible increase in consumer interest in modern multifunctional gadgets. So, this year clients large stores 6 times more likely to prefer smartphones than personal PCs, laptops or tablets. We invite you to find out what new the market is preparing to offer consumers and what innovative technologies of the future can be found in new products in 2018.

In this article we will tell you:

Every year, smartphones surprise us with more and more new features. Today they have become commonplace large screens And quality cameras, high-speed access to Internet technologies and the ability to work with documents. But, manufacturers do not stop there and, perhaps already in 2018, new gadgets that will appear on the market will have not only a radically new design, but also such functions as:

  1. visualization of 3D holograms;
  2. contactless screens that read commands without direct touch;
  3. opportunity to maximize long work offline and fast charging high capacity batteries;
  4. high level of protection from dust, humidity and other negative external influences;
  5. unprecedented means of protecting personal information.

From a design point of view, the most anticipated new flexible devices on the market are Samsung Galaxy X1 and Lenovo CPlus. Both smartphones will use innovative screen models. But, the new Galaxy X1 most likely received a folding book case, and Lenovo CPlus - the ability to bend at several points, turning from a mobile phone into a stylish bracelet.

Also in 2018, frameless monoblocks promise to become a trend. This is exactly the design they promise to implement in their new models. Apple, Xiaomi and Meizu.

Samsung announces the release of a new Galaxy S9 Edge for 2018 with curved screen, which will occupy the entire plane of the front panel.

New 2018 products for gamers

Industry computer games demonstrates a rapid pace of development, which requires manufacturers to significantly improve technical parameters and expand the capabilities of game consoles. Thus, in 2018, new gaming electronics are expected from the largest corporations Sony and Microsoft.

Sony PlayStation 5

The most anticipated device game world, without a doubt, is the 5th generation PlayStation. It is expected that the console will receive such innovations as:

  1. new powerful processor AMD;
  2. performance at 10 Teraflops;
  3. even more high quality visualization virtual reality;
  4. new models of functional game add-ons, such as virtual reality helmets and a wide variety of gaming controllers.

Most likely new gaming stations from Sony will be available for purchase in the second half of 2018.

Xbox One X

Microsoft plans to offer gamers a console Xbox One X. But, unfortunately, the device will not support virtual reality simulators, providing players only with high quality visualization in Ultra HD resolution, 3840 × 2160.

We invite you to watch the video presentation of the new console:

Apple virtual reality glasses

In addition to the standard functions that you could already try in latest models VR glasses, a device developed by Apple engineers, will be able to offer its owner:

  • full synchronization with iPhone;
  • mixed reality, the essence of which is adaptation game situation to the user's surroundings;
  • high-quality built-in photo and video camera, for use of which you do not need to remove the gadget.

PC Innovation

Along with classic models personal computers, powerful gaming laptops and compact tablets, will appear on the market throughout 2018 hybrid models, because consumers today are interested in new gadgets that combine the advantages of different types of PCs.

A striking example of new transformable computers can be considered Lenovo laptops Blade and Microsoft Surface Pro 5, scheduled for release in 2018.

If you are more interested in new gaming electronics, using which you can run the most TOP games, which will be released in 2018, we recommend paying attention to such new market products as:

  • innovative 10nm Intel processors Cannonlake;
  • video cards with GDDR6 memory;
  • New Generation GPUs NVIDIA Volta, which may appear at the end of 2017;
  • dual-chip Vega 10 video cards from AMD.

One can only guess what the price of computers equipped with such new products will be. Only one thing can be said with confidence – their cost will be in the premium segment.

Personal vehicles in 2018

In 2017, the following individual vehicles became publicly available:

  • Segways;
  • hoverboards;
  • unicycles.

In the coming year, interest in such new market products will rapidly increase. We can expect that prices for personal electric vehicles for moving around the city streets will decrease, and technical specifications models - to improve. Among the expected characteristics of new Segways and hoverboards, the following can be noted:

  1. increased cross-country ability due to increased wheel diameter;
  2. more powerful batteries to increase battery life;
  3. integration of a fast charging system;
  4. protection from humidity, which will allow the use of transport not only in warm and dry weather;
  5. full integration with gadgets running under iOS control or Android.

It is worth noting that today, people moving along city streets in similar models of electric vehicles are subject to the same rules as pedestrians. But, quite possibly, in the near future, this issue will be reconsidered, because the maximum permissible speed of electric vehicles is rapidly increasing with each new model.

The world of technology does not stand still. Everything is changing, and “smart” gadgets are gradually filling every person’s life. And the surprising thing is that every year there are so many of them that sometimes it is impossible to keep track of all the new items.

This article will highlight the most interesting gadgets of 2015, as well as some announced new products for next year.

Controlled electrical appliances

Use ordinary household appliances It's getting easier. appear everywhere, and you can control your home directly from your smartphone.

Talking about first of all I would like to mention the new lamps from General Electrics. This company was created by Thomas Edison. Yes, it was the same person who invented the first incandescent lamp with a carbon filament.

Moving along the path outlined by its founder, the company continues to amaze the world with high-quality and high-tech products.

C Sleep by GE

Lamps that turn on and off from a smartphone are no longer news. Although they are found in few places in Russia, there are already more modern technologies. General Electrics is developing its latest line of "super-smart" light bulbs, the C Sleep and C Life.

The devices of the first model change the color of their glow during the day, duplicating the light of the sun: in the morning - soft blue, in the afternoon - yellowish, in the evening - close to orange. Thanks to this, natural street lighting from the Sun almost completely coincides with the light from the C Sleep lamp. So every day nervous system and the eyes are not subject to irritation from constant changes in lighting. According to the company, using such interesting gadgets for the home in the bedroom, it will be easier to wake up in the morning, light will increase activity during the day, and it will be easy to fall asleep in the evening.

C Life from GE

The second C Life model produces only one yellowish tint, just like a regular light bulb. It is recommended to install it in all other rooms.

By using wireless technologies, by purchasing such interesting gadgets and installing the corresponding application on your smartphone, you can control three lamps at once without using any additional funds communications.

In addition to turning the light on or off, you can set its intensity (brightness). This setting is quite convenient, especially with increased irritation of the eyes, which have been looking at the computer monitor for the whole day and have become inflamed.

It is noteworthy that these interesting gadgets are not suitable for Windows 7 and only work on the Android platform.

Ankuoo introduced a line of smart switches

We continue to look at interesting gadgets. Turning the lights on and off from your phone is a good thing. But there are devices that help increase security.

How many times in your life have you caught yourself thinking that you forgot to turn off the iron, stove, kettle or other household appliances? Every year, many fires occur in apartments and houses precisely for this reason, when residents forget to turn off an electrical appliance at night or when leaving the premises.

Buying every household appliance that will be equipped with smart technologies is quite expensive, what to do in this case? Ankuoo solved this problem. She presented the gadget in the form of a special overhead socket equipped with Wi-Fi technology.

You just need to connect this to a regular one - and the output current will be under your control. Having installed special application on your phone, using the Internet you can turn off or turn on the electricity supply to household appliances.

This is truly an irreplaceable thing of the new century. You no longer need to worry or rely on your memory, just turn on the program and turn off the power at the outlet with a couple of taps on the screen of your smartphone.

Do you like cleanliness?

The most interesting gadgets should not only be advanced in the technological spectrum, but also free from the disadvantages of devices of past times.

How many bacteria and germs do you think are on your smartphone? There are billions of them. From the release of the first cell phone to today it was difficult to find one that would be absolutely safe in terms of personal hygiene.

Fingers and palms are carriers of various germs due to the fact that we constantly touch something with them: money, door handles, other people. We touch our phone more than once throughout the day. And the best thing we do with it is to wipe the screen with a cloth so that no greasy marks are visible on the screen.

Take soap and wash your phone at any time!

The Japanese company Kyocera decided to eliminate this drawback and developed the Digno Rafre smartphone, which can be washed directly under the water tap. This is truly amazing, the phone can easily withstand water up to 43 degrees, and is also completely waterproof, and its material does not deteriorate from ordinary soap. This protection is due to IP58 technology.

With a bit of humor, this gadget comes with a special duck with which the phone can float in the bathroom. Other technical characteristics of the phone are not very different from mid-range smartphones, and therefore there is no need to cover them in this article.

There is hope that similar technologies will be used in all high-tech equipment, and you will no longer need to be afraid of filling something with water or spoiling it with household detergents.

Miracle flashlight

Interesting modern gadgets are not limited to household appliances and smartphones. New technologies have even reached ordinary flashlights. It would seem that just insert the battery and use it - where is it even easier? Even a flashlight powered by solar battery, already far from modern world technologies.

A new breakthrough in the field of powering devices was made by an inventor from New York. He managed to create a flashlight that works from the heat of his hands. It is amazing! Such a gadget is environmentally friendly, and, we can say, it will always work without requiring additional source energy. Simply place your thumb on a special panel that instantly converts the heat from your hand into electrical energy.

Everyone should have a device like this just in case. It's really convenient thing, especially when discharged mobile phone and nothing to highlight it with. It will also be very useful on multi-day hikes and trips away from civilization. An endless source of light can help out on any dark night.

Device for bachelors

Are there any interesting ones? Of course! There is a special Sansaire Sous Vide Circulator, which is designed to help bachelors prepare delicious food for themselves. Stop eating tasteless! Sandwiches, chips and crackers are all terribly harmful, it's time to take care of yourself.

All you need for any simple dish is a vacuum bag, ingredients and the above-mentioned appliance. For example, put meat in a bag and lower it into a container of water. Dip your gadget into this water, install the program and wait a little. In just 30-40 minutes you can have a delicious meal.

The advantage is that any dish will not become dry or overcooked. This is the essence of sous vide technology. In addition, dietary fiber and nutrients are not destroyed during this preparation, so the food will be even healthier. Eat for your health!

Smart technologies are the future

Of course, there are many more worthy new products from the high-tech world than are listed in this article. There are also keyboards that are laser projected onto any surface, virtual reality glasses, and others.

Time does not stand still, but moves forward. Perhaps never before has technology developed so quickly. The technologies that exist today will be outdated tomorrow. Having bought a modern gadget, you will be faced with the fact that in a year you will be the owner of an outdated item.

Is it worth making this purchase now? Of course it's worth it. After all, technology makes our lives easier and safer. No need to wait for a newer phone model, and then the next one, and so on. and new interesting gadgets will definitely help you make life more interesting and exciting.

However, never forget that similar devices are intended only to make life easier. There is no need to make a cult out of gadgets, as happens, for example, with Apple products, when any new product is immediately swept away from the windows.

Imagine a world where you don’t need to physically do anything: you sit on your bed, and from your phone you program cooking, robots that clean your apartment, control the light, water. In this situation, a person has a lot of free time, which can be devoted with pleasure and benefit to education, family and loved ones.

2017, like previous years, will amaze us with super technology and super electronics. The top 10 gadgets of 2017 will tell you what developers will surprise us with this year.

10 Sleep Nubmer 360

This is a smart smart bed that can adapt to the sleeping owner, providing him with good sleep and proper rest. The bed itself determines and changes the level of rigidity and shape depending on the body movements of the sleeper. The bed is divided into two sectors, each of which can be adjusted independently of each other. There are also three additional functions: Raising headboard (to help prevent snoring), warm zone (heated foot area) and built-in alarm clock.

9 Dring Smartcane

This is a smart cane with an ordinary appearance and an unusual “filler”. The smart pen hides a gyroscope, an accelerometer, and a GSM module with a speaker. The cane controls the owner’s movement and sends the results to the cloud. Processed and analyzed data can detect the initial stage of the disease in time. The SOS button, which is hidden in the handle of the cane, will transmit a signal to a pre-programmed telephone number.

8 Apple Wireless Battery

The device operates within a radius of 2-3 meters. To recharge the device you need, you simply need to place it in a special charging area. True, recharged devices will discharge a little faster than when the usual way recharging. The process of charging devices from Apple battery will happen more often and take a little longer.

7 Smart glasses

Carl Zeiss has created smart glasses with a head-up display on the lenses. The temple of the glasses will hide the battery, processor and other necessary parts. They will connect to a mini-OLED display located at the junction of the arm and the lens. The polycarbonate glass that projects the image onto the screen acts as a reflector. IN this moment work is underway on the device software.

6 Razer Project Valerie

This is a laptop, the uniqueness of which lies in the presence of three screens, the total resolution of which is 11520x2160 P. The main screen of the laptop, naturally, is located in the center. Additional two screens extend from the sides using a special hinge system. Each IZGO screen has a diagonal of 17.3 inches. Together, the screens provide an almost panoramic view. The weight of this unique device is 5.4 kg.

5 Nintendo NX game console

The console allows the user to play the game on or without a TV. You can start the game outside the home and continue while sitting on the couch in front of the TV. The console will be complemented by a docking station, which is responsible for connecting to the TV and charging the device. The game console will be equipped with Nvidia's Tegra processor, detachable controllers and a touch screen.

4 Royole FlexPhone

It is a smartphone with a flexible structure designed to be worn on the wrist. This super-thin smartphone, 5 mm thick, weighs only 100 g. The device performs its usual purpose (telephone, Internet access, viewing media content), and is also equipped with additional functions - monitoring and monitoring the physical condition of the owner (breathing rhythm, heart rate) .

Vivo Xplay

This is a transparent smartphone, the screen of which will be equipped with a sensor on both sides. Device memory – 128 GB permanent and 6 GB RAM. This unique smartphone is equipped with a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 820. Chinese company Vivo plans to create this model as a mini supercomputer.

2 Samsung smartphone with flexible structure

South Korean Samsung company prefers to create unique devices. This year she is going to present her new model smartphone with a flexible structure, equipped with an OLED display. A smartphone folded in half will have a display diagonal of 5 inches. When unfolded, the diagonal of the device will reach 7 inches.

1 Smart contact lenses

Sony plans to introduce contact lenses to future users this year that combine several positive qualities and talents. The lenses will be equipped with an antenna that transmits information and power to the lenses. The lenses will have a camera, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, wireless module, display for video playback, built-in and external memory. In a word, the lenses will become a replacement for fitness trackers, glasses, watches, scanners, cameras, etc. Special movements of the eyelids will make the lenses work.

Our top 10 shows that this year manufacturers will be able to amaze users with their rather interesting and unique gadgets.

Initially created as something exclusive and extremely expensive, today many electronic devices and gadgets have already become part of our everyday life. Every modern person has a smartphone, a computer or laptop, an electric kettle, a microwave oven and other equipment that in the past seemed something incredible. However, progress does not stand still, and developers never tire of surprising consumers with interesting inventions that previously could only be seen in science fiction films.

One of the main directions of modern technologies has become the concept of a smart home, which implies the intellectualization of basic things for the home and beyond. Therefore, now among the gadgets in the electronics store you can find a smart socket, a smart lock for front door, smart toothbrush and much more. These devices are not only unusual, but also very useful. Controlled via mobile applications from anywhere in the world, they significantly save their owner’s time and allow them to control the house remotely. At the same time, unlike their non-intelligent predecessors, such gadgets are often capable of performing additional functions and creating a special futuristic comfort.

Unusual devices, which have no analogues and never existed, are even more diverse and interesting. Some of them are intended solely for entertainment and decoration and can be an excellent gift for those who like to surround themselves and loved ones with aesthetics and beauty. Others solve vital problems, help you instantly find what is missing, feel confident in any situation and be in good shape. Probably the most useful of these gadgets will soon be on par with the devices we are already familiar with or even replace some of them.

However, finding out how effective and necessary a device is before purchasing is not always easy. After all, new technological toys for children, unexpected solutions for the home, devices that monitor the owner’s health, and unusual innovations for optimizing time and living space appear almost every day. Moreover, each developer naturally calls his creation unique and in demand. We studied the characteristic properties of original gadgets different categories and selected the most useful ones for the user. Therefore, the rating included only innovations that can significantly improve life and bring something new to it.

Unusual gadgets up to 1000 rubles.

3 USB fan

A budget way to cool your laptop
Average price: 450 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.0

The review of interesting gadgets opens with an unusual compact fan, for the operation of which you do not need to look for a free outlet. By connecting it to one of the many USB ports on a computer or laptop, it is easy not only to somewhat cool down a device that has warmed up from prolonged use, but also to enjoy the coolness and fresh air. A USB fan can consist of three blades and resemble a windmill or be a miniature of a regular fan. In both cases, it looks quite unusual and impressive, making it an original and inexpensive gift.

Comparing itself to a large fan with its low noise level and low power consumption, the gadget is suitable for both fun and work. However, it is usually small enough to fit into a laptop bag or even a pocket. Therefore, the mini fan is easy to take with you to the office or on a trip.

2 Electronic measuring spoon - scales

Useful gadget for the kitchen
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

An electronic spoon with a built-in LCD display will definitely appeal to anyone who needs extreme precision when weighing bulk or liquid substances. A simple but useful gadget is recommended primarily for the kitchen. Weight measurements accurate to one milligram and the ability to store the desired values ​​​​in the spoon's memory allow you to strictly follow the recipe even when adding spices. The gadget can also be used for dosing medications, because here accuracy is more important than ever.

This unusual spoon is very practical. Thanks to battery power and a fairly simple design, such devices are durable. Many, among other things, are equipped with a special indicator so that the user knows in advance about the low charge level. In addition, some gadgets are quite economical thanks to the auto-off feature, which allows the spoon to turn itself off when not in use.

1 Coffee Spice Pen

Drawings on coffee and cocktails
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The leader of the TOP of inexpensive, interesting kitchen appliances is the universal pen for drawing with spices. Thanks to its ease of use and limitless scope for creativity, the gadget is rapidly gaining popularity.

The main area of ​​application of the new 2017 product is considered to be drawings on coffee foam, the inks for which are usually cinnamon, cocoa and vanilla. A pen is no less useful when decorating a milkshake. However, its possibilities do not end there. Often, savvy mothers use a gadget to draw funny cartoons on porridge for children to teach them to eat healthy. Also, an unusual handle will help you beautifully decorate baked goods and even the main dish. After all, any bulk spices are suitable. It’s easy to decorate a drink or dessert - just press a button and draw as with a regular pen. Even a child can handle this, and he probably won’t refuse to make a pattern on ice cream or a pancake.

The best gadgets under 3000 rubles.

3 Electronic piggy bank ATM

The best device for the thrifty
Average price: 1,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

An electronic piggy bank with a money counting function is a universal gadget that will be an unusual gift both for men who like to save money for important purposes at home, and for children who are just learning to handle money. A smart piggy bank, made in the form of an ATM, will definitely amuse an adult, and teach a child how to use an important device. After all, the principle of operation of the piggy bank is absolutely the same.

The gadget comes with a special a plastic card, necessary for depositing and withdrawing money, as well as additional operations. The piggy bank accepts not only bills, but also coins, which are stored in a separate compartment. In this case, the mini-ATM automatically detects the deposited amount and displays it on the screen. You can also use the card to request your balance and see how much you have accumulated. Often such piggy banks are equipped with a calculator, alarm clock, clock and other useful functions.

2 Smart plug

A useful gadget for the forgetful
Average price: 2,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The smart plug has become one of the most unusual and useful solutions for home. Unlike a regular outlet, the gadget turns on and off by command from a smartphone. Thanks to this invention, the problem of an iron not being turned off will disappear into oblivion. After all, now, if you forget to turn off the device, you can simply turn off the power through the application, even when you are away from home. You can easily turn on any device before returning, for example, a kettle or heater, to remotely boil water or warm up the apartment.

At the same time, the gadget helps save energy. Can be customized automatic switching on and turning off the smart plug in specified time or under certain conditions. This will allow you to better control your electricity consumption. There are two types of smart sockets: those installed in a socket box and modules inserted into a standard socket. The former are almost indistinguishable from ordinary ones, but the latter are easier to install.

1 3D pen

An unusual gadget for creativity
Average price: 2,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The first place among unusual devices costing less than 3,000 rubles goes to a futuristic gadget for creativity. Allowing you to create three-dimensional drawings right in the air, the 3D pen will become a good gift both for children and adults. With its help, the child will come up with new toys for himself, draw three-dimensional superheroes, flowers and everything else his heart desires. Adults can create interesting items for the home: fruit bowls, figurines, ring stands and much more.

3D pens are divided into “cold” and “hot”. The first paint with instantly hardening resins known as photopolymers. Gadgets of this type do not contain heating elements, so they are completely safe and suitable for even the smallest artists. “Hot” 3D pens use plastic filament as ink, which heats up to 240 degrees inside the device. Therefore, it is important to follow safety rules when drawing.

Useful devices up to 5000 rub.

3 Ultrasonic diffuser

An unusual gadget for fresh air
Average price: 3,400 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.0

Ultrasonic air freshener provides freshness and a pleasant aroma in your home. At the same time, gadgets of this type are often pleasing stylish design, making them an unusual decoration for the kitchen, living room or bedroom. Most popular models They are even equipped with a beautiful backlight that shimmers in different colors, so the device can simultaneously function as a night light. Some diffusers also have a built-in electronic clock.

To enjoy a pleasant aroma, you just need to plug in the device, choose your favorite essential oil and add just a few drops and a little water. In most cases, this is enough for the whole day. The gadget can be used not only indoors. There are many ultrasonic diffusers designed specifically for the car. Unlike the home version, the car air freshener works not from a power outlet, but from a cigarette lighter, which is very practical.

2 GPS tracker for dogs and cats

The most useful gadget for pet owners
Average price: 4,850 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The second place in unusualness, but not in importance, is occupied by a GPS beacon for pets - the most useful gadget for responsible owners. A dog or cat may get scared or get carried away by the chase and get lost. Sometimes searches throughout the city last for months without success. Thanks to the GPS tracker, it is easy to find a missing pet in a couple of minutes using an application that will show the animal’s location on the map and track its path.

Development interesting device does not require special effort. Register a beacon online or via SMS in a couple of minutes and receive a personal tracking link. Attach the gadget to your dog's collar. In some cases, the beacon is already built into the collar. Then all that remains is to put it on the dog. Connecting to GPS, nearby towers cellular communications or Wifi, the device will be able to send the owner data about all movements of the animal. The main thing is not to forget to charge the device on time.

1 Wireless charging

Best smartphone accessory
Average price: 4,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A useful gadget for charging a smartphone can amaze the imagination. It allows you to charge your device’s battery without wasting time searching for a cable and a free outlet. No more tangling with cords or worrying that the paint around the connector will quickly rub off due to the cable connection. It is enough to place the device on the surface of the gadget.

Chargers that support Qi are universal and fit any smartphone with a built-in Qi sensor. But so far the technology is found mainly in flagships: iPhone, Samsung, LG and so on. However, you can purchase a special film or antenna that will allow you to charge any device wirelessly.

The principle of innovation is simple. During operation, an electric field of up to a centimeter appears on the surface of the gadget, charging the smartphone through direct contact. The best representatives of the class will also fill the battery through the case. At the same time, there are chargers for both home and car.

3 Smart jump rope

Useful device for women
Average price: 5,100 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A smart jump rope will be a real godsend for any fashionista who carefully monitors her figure and her health. A useful gadget for women counts jumps and, thanks to powerful built-in LEDs, shows the result right in the air. If you download a special application to your smartphone, your workouts will be even more interesting. By setting goals, receiving recommendations and winning awards, the user can share their achievements and compete with friends.

At the same time, the unusual jump rope counts the calories burned and determines the general condition of the body. Among other things, the advantages of the device over a simple jump rope are original design and a wide selection of exquisite colors. Therefore, the gadget not only helps to maintain excellent shape, but also looks very impressive, adding zest to the owner’s style.

2 Smart toothbrush

Unusual gadget for children
Average price: 9,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The developers decided to help those who can’t teach their baby to brush their teeth, and they invented an unusual and very useful gadget. Smart toothbrush for children - an electronic toothbrush that connects to a smartphone via Bluetooth. Equipped with special sensors, the smart brush analyzes the process of brushing your teeth and transmits information to the application on your smartphone. Parents just need to look at the saved data to find out how long the child brushed their teeth and how well they did it. The app also gives tips and shows you missed areas.

To involve the child in the process, apps often offer games associated with the toothbrush, which makes brushing fun for children. The brush becomes a joystick, and while brushing your teeth, the baby guides a pirate collecting coins or kills germs on the smartphone screen. Moreover, most brushes are equipped with an indicator that controls the pressure applied, and sometimes with melodies.

1 Programmable interactive robot toy

Best modern toy
Average price: 8,400 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

First place among the best unusual gadgets average price segment goes to programmable interactive robots. What distinguishes them from electronic toys of the previous generation, first of all, is the possibility of a kind of dialogue between the device and the user. The robots move freely and respond to the small user’s gestures. Some gadgets recognize speech, listen to commands or sing, tell stories, offer to play or dance.

Most of them are programmed through a free mobile application or the included remote control. Most interesting latest gadgets capable of expressing emotions. Some of them are full of character. It is easy to make a toy happy by playing with it, or make it angry by pulling its tail or ears. At the same time, it may not look like a robot, but like a pet, for example, a dog. This toy is useful for children dreaming of a puppy. She will teach you how to properly handle animals.

Original gadgets up to 20,000 rubles.

3 Smart lock

Future technology
Average price: 14,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The electronic lock is considered one of the most promising trends in the smart home concept. Some variations of the gadget are suitable for the kitchen, bathroom and even glass sideboards, but the main purpose of this useful innovation is to optimize the security of the front door. Thanks to a smart lock, getting into your own home is now very easy.

The gadget connects via Bluetooth to the owner’s smartphone, remembers it and reacts like a key. Some smart locks have apps that allow you to fully control the lock and easily share the key with family members, a babysitter, or friends. In this case, the owner of the lock can temporarily disable or remove the key of any user from the system. Besides, interesting technology of the future will allow you to open the lock remotely, for example, while lying on the sofa. For those who do not want to master the application, the gadget is also suitable, since most models come with a special key fob.

2 Car monitor

The best gadget for a car
Average price: 11,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

It's no secret that the best gift for a car enthusiast is an interesting gadget for the car. Every driver has most of the necessary devices and will surprise no one. But they also meet unusual devices, which not everyone knows about. These also include car monitors, which are useful for those who are constantly on the go. The gadget will be especially useful for families with children. After all, watching their favorite cartoon, kids do not distract the driver.

Car monitors are divided into two types: ceiling monitors and headrest monitors. The ceiling type of gadget is mounted in the ceiling. It is quite thin, so closed almost invisible. The headrest monitor is not inferior to it in practicality. Simply put the cover on the seat in front, and the monitor is ready for use. Usually all gadgets support an SD or USB memory card. However DVDs Mostly read by headrest monitors. They also often come equipped with games and a headphone output.

1 Robot vacuum cleaner

The most useful device for the home
Average price: RUB 19,990.
Rating (2018): 5.0

A robot vacuum cleaner can easily be called the most useful and... the necessary gadget for home. We are all used to spending hours vacuuming and mopping to keep our floors clean. But now this difficult work can be entrusted almost entirely to innovation. Many robot vacuum cleaners are capable of interacting with a special mobile application, thanks to which the user programs the gadget’s route around the apartment. By marking places where you don’t need to vacuum or where the device simply cannot pass as an obstacle, you can save the cleaning map for future use.

Most smart vacuum cleaners only perform dry cleaning. Some, usually the most expensive models, can even clean the floor. It is also easy to find gadgets equipped with an ultraviolet lamp that allows you to disinfect any surface. Often models also support programming by days of the week, time, or local cleaning in a given area.

Innovations worth more than 20,000 rubles.

3 Coffee printer

An unusual gadget for coffee lovers
Average price: 66,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Apart from a coffee machine, the most useful gadget for a coffee lover's kitchen is undoubtedly a coffee printer that allows you to print original pictures on the foam of an aromatic drink. Of course, some craftsmen manage to create inscriptions and simple drawings using less expensive devices, but only a coffee printer can recreate a photograph or ornate design with amazing accuracy.

At the same time, the gadget not only offers preset templates, but also prints images from a smartphone, tablet or computer. In addition to coffee, cake, milkshake and other desserts are also suitable for printing. IN various models different inks are used. The most popular ones include food coloring, chocolate and even natural coffee bean extract. The latter is not only environmentally friendly, but also costs several times less than its analogues.

2 Smart watches

The best gadget for men
Average price: 22,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

There are quite a few smartwatches for both men and women. However, it is men who traditionally attach special importance to them. After all, a stylish watch can not only decorate and enrich the owner’s image, but also emphasize his status. Smartwatches that successfully combine premium design and innovation cope best with this task and are therefore considered the best gift for a man.

The functions of gadgets are as varied as their cost. However, all of them not only show the time, measure the pulse and determine the owner’s location, but also notify about incoming calls and SMS from the linked smartphone. The best of them allow you to answer calls, messages and even e-mails without taking your smartphone out of your pocket, show the weather and notifications social networks, support a number of additional applications and features, including NFC. Therefore, you can even pay for purchases in a store using the gadget.

1 Electric board

The best portable e-transport
Average price: 26,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Stylish and powerful, the electric board is also a very useful gadget that is suitable not only for entertainment, but also for commuting to school or work. It is not surprising that it is one of the most desired gifts for both children and men and women. Operating an electric board does not require any driver's license or other documents, although it can be called full-fledged vehicle. Even the most low-power representatives reach speeds of about 15 kilometers per hour. On average, boards easily accelerate to 30 - 40 kilometers per hour, allowing you to get to your destination with a breeze.

Unlike most modern cars, an electric board runs on electricity. Charging a gadget is no more difficult than regular smartphone. A special cord included in the kit, a socket and a couple of watches are all you need for fully charged battery

For obvious reasons, fewer new products entered the Russian market this fall digital technology than 3-4 years ago. But among them there are outstanding specimens! What is one worth? long-awaited iPhone 7! Connoisseurs of good smartphones were the luckiest in the off-season - sales of new flagships from several leading brands began in Russia. Those who like to play also have a reason to rejoice. The most interesting new gadgets of autumn 2016 are in our review.

Apple iPhone 7


The main “heavyweight” of the digital market this fall has reached its fans. Let them say that everyone is tired of iPhones, and this one is no better than the previous one, and it’s not worth the money - don’t believe it.

Yes, the manufacturer decided not to bother with the design (Apple has a lot of controversial decisions in this sense), but from a technical point of view, the “seven” turned out to be a very advanced model. Here, for the first time, a 4-core processor is used (in previous versions, dual-core processors were persistently used). The result is a twofold increase in power compared to the iPhone 6. According to its effectiveness iPhone work 7 is 240 times faster than the first iPhone model! In the version with the Plus prefix, the amount of RAM has increased.

The new model has a waterproof case. It’s not that you should immerse a device worth 60-80 thousand rubles in water, but it definitely won’t get wet in the rain. The camera has become more functional, data exchange in LTE networks has accelerated. The changes are not radical, but you understand: if you have an iPhone 7, others will perceive you completely differently if you did not have an iPhone 7.

Philips Xenium X818


This fall, Philips was honored to launch a new flagship on the Russian market. Heavy and angular smartphones from this manufacturer are long gone. The Xenium X818 has a thin body, a 5.5-inch IPS display with tempered glass Gorilla Glass IV generation with SoftBlue technology and antimicrobial coating. 8-core MediaTek processor Helio P10 with clock frequency 2.0 GHz is considered one of the fastest in its class.

As usual, Philips is famous for the longevity of the smartphone on a single charge - this is provided by a 3,900 mAh battery. Want more savings? There is a button on the case to switch to energy saving mode (minus 10% of normal consumption). Unlike top devices, the Xenium X818 has two full SIM card slots and dual 4G mode, which significantly speeds up LTE operation. There is a good 16-megapixel camera.

You can feel like the owner of a cool smartphone by accessing applications using your fingerprint. The operating system used is one of the most functional to date, Android 6.0 Marshmallow. In short, Xenium X818 is a worthy competitor to more expensive products on the digital market.

Sony Xperia XZ


Pay attention to this new product for autumn 2016. Also a flagship and also very interesting - just a godsend for those who like to post photos and videos on social networks. Visually, the Xperia XZ is significantly different from the smartphones that Sony has released previously. The sides of the device are rounded, and the top and bottom edges are flat. The 5.2-inch display is securely protected by Gorilla Glass 4.

If you are interested in the “internals” of the phone, then they completely repeat the “filling” of the Xperia X Performance. The main advantage of the new smartphone is its camera. Xperia XZ is equipped with a 23-megapixel CMOS sensor with phase detection and laser autofocus, as well as an RGBC-IR sensor with color detection technology. To put it simply, now you will get decent pictures in any lighting - at the level of a good digital camera. A big advantage is the quick startup of the camera from sleep mode (0.6 seconds). And remember, how many even super-expensive smartphones have front-camera has a 13 megapixel sensor? This is paradise for selfie lovers!

The flagship from Sony is generally very loyal to the owner: Xperia Tips technology takes into account his habits and offers personal recommendations by use different modes and energy saving features.

ASUS ZenFone 3


A long-awaited smartphone series for fans of this brand. However, even if you haven’t looked at ASUS before, now is the time to do so. The thickness of the device is only 6.16 mm. In full accordance with the trends of the times, it is equipped with a fingerprint scanner. Try it - and make sure it's one of the fastest scanners on the market - the unlocking time does not exceed 0.2 seconds. The 8-core Snapdragon S625 processor and 3GB of RAM, even in the lower configuration, allow the smartphone to work without slowdowns and run any applications without problems.

The camera here, although not comparable to the Xperia XZ, is still very good: 16 megapixels, sapphire glass, ASUS TriTech autofocus system (it performs very well when shooting moving objects). Maximum resolution video that you can make ZenFone camera 3, - 3840x2160 pixels.

In Russia, ZenFone 3 is sold in two configurations: with 5.5 and 5.2 inch displays.

Moto G4 Plus


Another flagship - this time from the Motorola brand, which was purchased by Lenovo, but was not “killed”, as is usually done in such cases, but received very worthy development. Moto G4 Plus, unlike previous version, received a fingerprint scanner and an improved camera. There are two full-fledged SIM cards and a slot for microSD. The new Motorola smartphone is created for you if you can’t stand various proprietary add-ons on Android. Here are just a few Motorola application services that make it possible to activate the display while picking it up from the table, launch the camera with a wave of your hand, etc.

Otherwise, it's just a good smartphone without any frills. The 16-megapixel camera allows you to nice photos in normal lighting (you can try to conjure with professional regime with manual settings). With TurboPower fast charging technology, you will get an additional 6 hours of device operation in just 15 minutes.

Sony PlayStation VR


Sony in the fall of 2016 gave fans its game consoles new helmet virtual reality. It is designed for the entire PlayStation 4 line and can be connected to any of the 40 million 4 Series consoles worldwide. The helmet creates a more than convincing effect of presence: you will feel right “inside” the game. For this purpose, circular head tracking is used, high frequency frames, wide field of view and latest technology 3D sound. The device is really cool: 5.7-inch OLED display, image latency is no more than 18 ms (the threshold visible to the eye is 20 ms). The helmet is compatible with titles running at up to 120 frames per second.

There is exactly one problem: there are still not enough games for Sony PlayStation VR. Now there are only about three dozen of them, and even those have a resolution no higher than 90 fps. On the other hand, this is Rez Infinite; Batman: Arkham VR; RIGS Mechanized Combat League and other equally famous toys. So the recommendation is to buy.

Microsoft Xbox One S


This fall, Microsoft brought to Russia a compact version of the original Xbox consoles One. The prefix S has become 40% smaller, and the power supply is integrated into the smaller body of the device. If you're a fan of super-high-definition games, then buy an Xbox One S now: the console has HDR functionality, and games that support this mode look much better than on the classic Xbox One.

The wireless controller here is also improved, it is more ergonomic and functional. For example, connecting via Bluetooth ensures compatibility with computers running Windows 10. There is also a more sophisticated version of the controller - Xbox Elite, which can be customized to literally all functions.

Acer Predator Z650


A fashionable new product this fall is the Acer Predator Z650 gaming projector. It differs from its “classmates” in supporting ColorPurity technology, which significantly expands color palette and making gameplay more natural. The device allows you to receive an image with a diagonal of 100 inches in Full HD quality at a distance of only one and a half meters! By purchasing it (the amount is considerable, but the device is designed for people who understand), you will receive two pairs of active 3D glasses. It's a small thing, but it's nice!

GoPro Hero5 Black


In the fall, a new action camera from the American company GoPro appeared in Russia. Anyone who considers themselves a true extreme sports enthusiast simply must queue up for this gadget. Waterproof up to 10 meters without any additional accessories- how do you like it? Record video in 4K format at 30 frames per second. Busy hands? No problem: the camera supports voice commands in seven languages. And, of course, Hero5 Black is compatible with all previous GoPro accessories - for example, with the GoPro Supercharger, which charges the device 20% faster. The GoPro Plus cloud service is a bonus: for just $5 a month you can store captured content (up to 62,500 photos and 35 hours of video) on the company’s servers, which will be automatically uploaded when the cameras are connected to Wi-Fi.