What does CPU mean in a computer? What is GPU? Processor manufacturing technology

The processor is the main part of any computer device. But many users have a very poor understanding of what a processor is in a computer and what function it performs. Although in modern world This important information, knowing which you can avoid many serious misconceptions. If you want to learn more about the chip that powers your computer, you've come to the right place. In this article, you will learn what a processor is for and how it affects the performance of the entire device.

What is a central processing unit

IN in this case, we're talking about about the central processor. After all, there are others in the computer, for example, a video processor.

The central processing unit is the main part of the computer, which is the electronic unit or integrated circuit. It executes machine instructions, or program code, and is the basis hardware devices.

Simply put, it is the heart and brain of the computer. It is thanks to him that everything else works, he processes data flows and manages the operation of all parts of the overall system.

If you look at the processor physically, it is a small, thin, square circuit board. It is small in size and covered with a metal lid on top.

The lower part of the chip is occupied by contacts, through which the chipset interacts with the rest of the system. Opening the lid system unit of your computer, you can easily find the processor unless it is covered by the cooling system.

Until the CPU issues the appropriate command, the computer will not be able to perform even the simplest operation, for example, adding two numbers. Whatever you want to do on your PC, every action involves accessing the processor. That is why it is such an important component of a computer.

Modern central processors are capable of not only coping with their main tasks, but can also partially replace a video card. New chips are produced with a separate space for performing video controller functions.

This video controller performs all the basic necessary actions that are needed from a video card. In this case, RAM is used as video memory. But do not be mistaken that a powerful modern processor can completely replace a video card.

Even middle class video cards leave video controller processors far behind. So, a computer option without a video card is only suitable for office devices that do not require performing any complex graphics-related tasks.

In such cases, there really is an opportunity to save money. After all, you can just have a processor chipset with a good video controller and not spend money on a video card.

How the processor works

We seem to have figured out what a processor is. But how does it work? It's long and difficult process, but if you figure it out, everything is quite easy. Principle of operation central processor can be considered step by step.

First, the program is loaded into RAM, from where it gets everything necessary information and a set of commands that must be executed by the processor control unit. All this data then goes into buffer memory, the so-called processor cache.

Information comes out of the buffer, which is divided into two types: instructions and values. Both of them end up in registers. Registers are memory cells built into the chipset. They also come in two types, depending on the type of information they receive: instruction registers and data registers.

One of the components of the CPU is an arithmetic-logical unit. It deals with performing information transformations using arithmetic and logical calculations.

This is where the data from the registers goes. After this, the arithmetic-logical unit reads the incoming data and executes the commands that are necessary to process the resulting numbers.

Here we are again faced with a split. The final results are divided into completed and unfinished. They go back to the registers, and the completed ones go into the buffer memory.

The processor cache consists of two main levels: upper and lower. The most recent commands and data are sent to the upper cache, and those that are not in use go to the lower cache.

That is, all information located at the third level moves to the second, from which, in turn, the data goes to the first. On the contrary, unnecessary data is sent to the lower level.

After the computational cycle is completed, its results are again recorded in the computer's RAM. This occurs to ensure that the CPU cache is freed up and available for new operations.

But sometimes there are situations when the buffer memory is completely full, and there is no room for new operations. In this case, the data that is this moment are not used, go to RAM or to the lower level of processor memory.

Types of processors

Having understood the principle of operation of the CPU, it’s time to compare its different types. There are many types of processor. There are both weak single-core models and powerful devices with many cores. There are those that are intended exclusively for office work, and there are those that are necessary for the most modern games.

At the moment, there are two main creators of processors - AMD and Intel. They are the ones who produce the most current and in-demand chips. You need to understand that the difference between the chips from these two companies is not in the number of cores or overall performance, but in the architecture.

That is, the products of these two companies are built according to different principles. And each creator has his own unique type of processor, which has a structure different from its competitor.

It should be noted that both options have their own strengths and weak sides. For example, Intel differs in the following pros :

  • Less energy consumption;
  • Most hardware creators focus specifically on interaction with Intel processors;
  • Gaming performance is higher;
  • Intel interacts more easily with computer RAM;
  • Operations that require only one program are performed faster on Intel.

At the same time, there are also their own minuses :

  • Typically, Intel chipsets are more expensive than their AMD counterparts;
  • When working with several heavy programs, performance decreases;
  • The graphics cores are weaker than those of the competitor.

AMD differs as follows advantages:

  • Much better value for money;
  • Capable of providing reliable operation the entire system;
  • It is possible to overclock the processor, increasing its power by 10-20%;
  • More powerful integrated graphics cores.

However, AMD is inferior in the following parameters:

  • Interaction with RAM is worse;
  • More energy is spent on processor operation;
  • The operating frequency at the second and third levels of buffer memory is lower;
  • Gaming performance is lower.

Although there are pros and cons, companies continue to produce the best processors. You just have to choose which one is preferable for you. After all, it is impossible to say unequivocally that one company is better than another.

Main characteristics

So, we have already figured out that one of the main characteristics of a processor is its developer. But there are a number of parameters that you need to pay even more attention to when purchasing.

Let's not stray too far from the brand and mention that there are different series of chips. Each manufacturer produces its own lines in different price categories created for various tasks. Another related parameter is the CPU architecture. In fact, these are its internal organs, on which the entire operation of the chip depends.

Not the most obvious, but very important parameter is the socket. The fact is that on the processor itself the socket must coincide with the corresponding socket on the motherboard.

Otherwise, you will not be able to combine these two critical components of any computer. So, when assembling a system unit, you either need to buy a motherboard and look for a chipset for it, or vice versa.

Now it's time to figure out what processor characteristics affect its performance. Without a doubt, the main one is the clock speed. This is the volume of operations that can be performed in a certain unit of time.

Measured this indicator in megahertz. So what does the clock speed of the chip affect? Since it indicates the number of operations per certain time, it’s not difficult to guess that the speed of the device depends on it.

Another important indicator is the amount of buffer memory. As mentioned earlier, it can be upper and lower. It also affects processor performance.

A CPU can have one or more cores. Multi-core models are more expensive. But what does the number of cores affect? This characteristic determines the power of the device. The more cores, the more powerful the device.


The central processor plays not just one of the most important, but one might even say the main role in the operation of the computer. The performance of the entire device, as well as the tasks for which it can generally be used, will depend on it.

But this does not mean that it is necessary to buy the most powerful processor for an average computer. Pick up optimal model that will meet your requirements.

Good day and my respects, dear readers, visitors, passing individuals and... in general, everyone who reads these lines. Today we'll talk about which processor to choose and how to do it.

Many of us want to always have adequate computer hardware at hand. good quality and powerful power, and even at an affordable price.

However, despite our wishes, not everyone (I would even say only a few) are able to immediately name all the main criteria for choosing a particular computer component. And if they somehow cope with the video card, then when it comes to the brain of everything and everyone, namely the central processor, then this is where the absolute ambush begins.

Therefore, we once again (for, as many remember, there were already articles on choice, and much more) decided to lend a helping hand to everyone in need and talk about how to choose the right processor, namely, what you need to know, what to look for pay attention to what characteristics there are and all that stuff.

In general, today we are waiting for an article from the series: “I want to buy a processor, but I don’t know what to look for.. Can you tell me?”

In short, make yourself comfortable and... Let's go!

Which processor to choose - main characteristics

As I said, the article will be as practical as possible, so we won’t rant for a long time about what a CPU is and what it’s needed for, but let’s get straight to the point.

We have already touched upon the topic of processors in articles such as and , however, questions are constantly pouring in from readers, they say, give clear instructions on what and how to buy.

And since the project is, so to speak, social (we take into account the “wants” of visitors), without thinking twice we decided to cover this issue in as much detail as possible.

Very often we have to deal with a situation where users buy various sophisticated and expensive ones in the hope that everything will fly and run at once, but the processor is not given due attention, after which it slows down the entire system, because it simply cannot provide all the necessary agility and nimbleness to everyone other working subsystems and components.

Therefore, knowledge of the basic parameters is necessary first of all in order to assess the realistically possible computing performance future system. It turns out that by focusing on the characteristics of the processor, you will be able to fully reveal the potential of all the components of your computer brother.

Actually, here's what you have to decide on when choosing a processor:

  • Manufacturer's brand ( Intel or AMD);
  • Technical production process;
  • Marking and architecture;
  • Platform CPU or connector type (socket);
  • Clock frequency processor;
  • Bit depth;
  • Number of Cores;
  • Multithreading;
  • Cache memory;
  • Power consumption and cooling;
  • Branded bells and whistles of technology.

There was a lot of text here, but I cut it out, because my, Sonikel's, personal opinion still coincides with the article.

Technical process and how it is involved in the selection

Very often this parameter is simply forgotten, but performance sometimes depends on it. To make microcircuits and crystals CPU The photolithography method is used - applying conductors, insulators, etc. to a silicon substrate with special equipment, which form the processor core itself.

Depending on the resolution of this equipment, a certain type of technological production process is formed. Most often it is indicated in nanometers: 130 nm, 90 nm, 45 nm, etc. What does the technical process influence and why is it important when choosing CPU?

Everything is very simple, the lower the number, the smaller the size of the structures that are placed on the substrate. All this leads to lower power consumption of processor cores, greater processing power, and a reduction in overall cost CPU.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? The lower the number in the technological process index, the more high-performance and less expensive (in comparison with its older brothers) the processor chip turns out. However, one should not delude oneself too much; it will take a lot of time until the end consumer can feel this “cheapness” of the new technical process.

Labeling, architecture and name code

All manufactured processors have special markings that indicate their belonging to a specific family (architecture) and main characteristics.

Below we will take a closer look at some of the markings so that you can easily read them and understand all the information contained in them. To put it simply, architecture is a set of instructions and properties inherent in more than one specific model, but to a whole family of microchips.

She defines design features and organization of processors.

Architectures are almost always assigned a code name, i.e. code names that allow you to determine just by name what year a particular architecture was released and what characteristics are included in the models of this line.

For example, Intel has such architectures for Core 2 Duo(architecture Conroy): Lynnfield, Nehalem and so on. AMD: Piledriver, Bulldozzer, Trinity.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you can touch the processor with your hands, pay attention to its markings on the front side. There you can find a lot of additional information not listed on the box.

Processor socket or socket type

The processor is installed in a special section on the socket or, as it is called, Socket(socket). Conventionally, we can say that this is the lifespan of your platform or the potential for possible development in the future. Socket number, i.e. its model (for example, Socket 775) must match the socket number on the motherboard, otherwise it will not be possible to install the processor on it.

Very often you can encounter a situation where people try to save money on the processor socket, i.e. They initially buy an obsolete processor and motherboard that have been in circulation for quite some time. This is bad because as soon as new standards appear and new type socket, then, most likely, new, more powerful processors will no longer be produced for the old one, i.e. You will be limited in the ability to upgrade your computer and if you want to improve it, you will have to change not only the processor, but also the motherboard.

The processor socket and motherboard socket must match, otherwise nothing will simply work.

However, not everything is always so critical, because, for example, AMD more flexible policy regarding this issue. The company makes it possible to carry out a painless upgrade for your wallet by supporting the compatibility of new platforms with old ones. Each manufacturer has its own types of sockets. The main ones of the new and conditionally new, say, for Intel are considered LGA 2011, LGA 1155, LGA 775 And LGA 1156, and the last two have practically “sunk into oblivion.” U AMD the most popular are connectors AM3, Socket AM3+ And Socket FM1.

The easiest way to distinguish a processor Intel from AMD- is to look at them and remember that the products are from AMD They always have a lot of contact pins on the back surface, with the help of which they are inserted into the motherboard connector. Intel for some time now, in turn, it has been using another solution - the contact pins are located inside the connector of the motherboard itself.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? The CPU and motherboard socket must be the same or backward compatible.

CPU clock speed

The most well-known parameter for assessing processor performance is the number of operations/calculations performed per unit of time (measured in Hz). For example, if it is said that the processor has a clock speed equal to 3,4 GHz, this means that it processes in one second 3 billions 400 million clock cycles (operation execution interval).

Processors Intel And AMD have different frequencies, but in general, “stones” (processors) often show the same performance. Many people believe that only the clock frequency clearly characterizes the power of the processor, and, therefore, the higher it is, the faster the computer and that’s it. However, this is not quite true. All components play an important role, for example, parameters such as RAM speed, data bus width, etc. Ideally, all computer components should work, so to speak, “in unison.”

Conclusion. Clock speed is an important performance parameter, but it is far from the only one, so you should not chase it alone.

Processor size

Also one of the the most important characteristics processor performance and shows the number of bits processed by the processor per clock cycle.

Currently the highest bit rate CPU- 128 , however, such models are extremely rare in the consumer market, but 32 And 64 bats are the most popular.

The processor capacity must be supported by the OS, in particular, for example, it must be able to work with 128- bit CPU.

When purchasing, many users are confused about the bit depth markings. 32 - And 64- bit "stones", so here you should remember that the bit depth 86 there are no bits, because such markings (“x 86 ") are designated 32 - bit processors. If the bit depth 64 bits, then the processor is marked as, for example, AMD64 or x64.

In one of the articles, in particular this one, we talked about the difference between bit depths. In the most general case, remember that 32 -bit architecture no longer supports 3,75 GB, so take this into account when upgrading your processor.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? When purchasing, pay attention to the processor capacity, it is better to choose 64 -bit CPU.

Number of processor cores

A certain, very small number of years ago, such a thing as multi-core did not exist at all. Now, “everywhere you spit,” there are all multi-core processors. When choosing the number of cores, you should first of all proceed from specific tasks.

It is clear that the more cores, the better, but if you use a computer to solve office tasks such as working with documents, surfing the Internet and light multimedia tasks, then most likely a processor with more than two cores is a waste of money.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? The “coreness” of processors is designed primarily to increase performance when working with specially optimized software, games and applications. Therefore, if you are a “full-time” user with minimal goals and objectives, then there is no point in overpaying for the number of cores. The best option would be: 2 kernels - for standard office PC(a kind of workhorse) and 4 and more cores - if you want to use your PC as a multimedia and game center.

Multithreading and the like

Many people often confuse the concepts of multi-threading and multi-core, but these are completely different things. Multithreading is the ability of a platform (OS, programs, applications) to work in several threads running in parallel. To unlock your full potential multi-core processors they need to work with multi-threaded applications. Such applications include: archivers, video encoders, defragmenters, browsers, flash etc.

From the OS, “lovers” of multithreading include: Windows 8, Windows 7 and various systems.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? Multithreading depends on platform optimization by the developer. Now more and more games and applications adequately support this ability. However, it is not a fact that you should look for this parameter in the price lists for processors.

Cache memory and other tails

In addition to RAM, there is ultra-fast cache memory, with which the processor chip works, because it cannot wait for the RAM to “swing up” and perform the required operations.

Cache memory is an area of ​​the processor chip in which intermediate data between processor cores, RAM and other buses is processed and stored. In other words, it is an ultra-fast, volatile buffer that allows you to quickly access frequently used data.

The cache memory has a three-level organization (although some processors only have 2 ):

  • L1– first level cache. The smallest (by volume, 16 -128 KB) and very fast, often operating at the frequency of the most CPU. Has high throughput and processor cores work with it directly.
  • L2– slower, but more than L1 by volume.
  • L3– the largest cache (from 6 before 16 MB).

In general, the main task of developers (regarding the cache) is to determine its optimal size for the processor being released. After all, the increase in productivity in certain applications. Any cache memory is equipped with a protection system against possible errors (ECC), upon detection of which the latter are automatically corrected.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you are a passionate fan of good graphics, computer games and powerful video subsystems with two video cards, then choose a processor with a large amount of third-level cache memory ( 16 MB and above). In all other cases, a processor with almost any amount of ultra-fast memory will be sufficient.

Well, we're done with technical parameters, now let’s look at some, so to speak, tricks..

Power consumption and cooling

Of course, the development of processor production capacity could not but affect their energy consumption, which has increased significantly. If previously you could easily get by with a “complete” fan, now special cooling systems are needed to remove heat (see image).

To estimate the heat release, the value was introduced TDP, which shows how much heat the cooling system should be designed to remove when used with a certain modelCPU. IN currently, development era portable devices(tablets, netbooks, etc.) the energy consumption parameter, due to the technical process, etc., was significantly reduced. For example, TDP processors mobile solutions computers is only 40 W.

Information on choosing a cooling system for your processor was in the article "".

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If you are a supporter of all kinds of laptops and similar portable devices, then TDP and all sorts of fans there should not be turned on special attention- everything has already been calculated and installed for you. If you want to assemble a high-performance desktop system, then you need to take a serious “cooler”.

Built-in graphics core

With the development of the technological process for producing processors, it became possible to place various chips inside the CPU, in particular the graphics core.

This solution is convenient because you do not need to buy a separate video card. It is focused mainly on the budget sector (office environment), where graphic capabilities systems are secondary. AMD embeds into their computing processors video chips Radeon HD, such a single element is called APU(accelerated processing element).

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? If your goal is budget computer, in which graphics do not play an important role (well, you don’t play powerful games, don't study 3D-design, etc., etc., but just watch movies, surf the Internet, etc., etc.), then a hybrid processor with a built-in video core is just what the doctor ordered, cheap and cheerful, so to speak. If you need video power, then, of course, there is no point in spending money on a processor with a video core - better.

All sorts of proprietary technologies

Over such a long period of existence of processors, their manufacturers have acquired their own “bells and whistles” - additional functions, accelerating and expanding computing powerCPU. For example, here are some of them.

From AMD:

  • 3DNow!, SSE(instructions) – speeding up work in multimedia computing;
  • AMD64- work with 64 -bit instructions, as well as with 32 -bit architectures;
  • AMD Turbo Core- analogue Intel Turbo Boost;
  • Cool'n'Quiet– reduced power consumption by reducing the multiplier and core voltage.

From Intel:

  • Hyper Threading(hyperthreading) – creation of two virtual (logical) computing cores for each physical core;
  • Intel Turbo Boost – increasing the CPU frequency depending on the load on the cores;
  • Intel Virtualization Technology – run multiple operating systems simultaneously without loss of performance.

Conclusion. Which processor should I choose based on this? Of course, additional “goodies” in the form of proprietary technologies are not something you should base your choice of CPU on, but no one is stopping you from getting them for free as a pleasant bonus, the main thing is to decide what is needed.

So, the last thing for today is...

Processor marking

It is very important to be able to read and correctly interpret the processor markings, because stores are different, sellers are not always honest, but you have to pay extra N-thousands of rubles for an incomprehensible “stone” is hardly something anyone wants, and therefore it is important to be able to read the processor markings. Let's look at it using a specific example, for example, for a manufacturer AMD.

In general, the markings from AMD(for generation Family 10h) can be represented in the following form(see image):

The decryption will be as follows:

Processor brand ( 1 ). The following characters are possible:

  • A – AMD Athlon;
  • H – AMD Phenom;
  • S – AMD Sempron;
  • O – AMD Optheron.

Processor purpose ( 2 ). Options:

  • D – desktop– for workstations or desktop PCs;
  • E – embedded server– for dedicated servers;
  • S-server– for servers.

Processor model ( 3 ). Possible designations:

  • E– energy efficient processors;
  • X - locked multiplier;
  • Z– unlocked multiplier.

Thermal package and cooling system class ( 4 ). The data is taken from the table (see image):

CPU case ( 5 ). The data is taken from the table (see image).

Number of Cores ( 6 ). Values ​​from 2 to C ( 12 ).

Cache memory size ( 7

Processor revision or stepping ( 8 ). Data from the table (see image).

So, based on the data in the table, you can easily determine what kind of processor we have in front of us, for example, judging by the model below (see image), we have it in front of us..

CPU AMD with markings HDZ560WFK2DGM, which means:

  • HCPU families AMD Phenom;
  • D– purpose: workstations/desktop PCs;
  • Z560– processor model number 560 (Z - with a free factor);
  • W.F.TDP before 95 W;
  • K– the processor is packaged in a 938 pin OµPGA (Socket AM3) case;
  • 2 – total number of active cores;
  • D– L2 cache size 512 KB and L3 cache size 6144 KB;
  • GM- C3 stepping processor core.

So, knowing the credentials of the tables, you can easily calculate what kind of instance is in front of you.

Actually, that's all I would like to tell you. I think that the information will be useful to you and will come in handy more than once.

Where is the best place to buy a processor?

  • , - for those who are not afraid to buy abroad and save money. There are many, several popular brands, and in general a pleasant store, where regulars and so on are sold;
  • , - perhaps the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio SSD(and not only). The prices are quite reasonable, although the range is not always ideal in terms of variety. The key advantage is the guarantee that really allows for 14 days to change the product without any questions, and in case of warranty problems, the store will take your side and help solve any problems. The author of the site has been using it for years 10 at least (since the days when they were part of Ultra Electoronics), which is what he advises you to do;
  • , - one of the oldest stores on the market, as the company exists somewhere around 20 years. Decent selection, average prices and one of the most convenient sites. Overall a pleasure to work with.

The choice, traditionally, is yours. Of course, there are all kinds Yandex Market“Nobody canceled them, but from good stores I would recommend these, and not some MVideo and others large networks(which are often not just expensive, but detrimental in terms of quality of service, warranty, etc.).


Today we found out in as much detail as possible which processor to choose and how to do it correctly, i.e. what you can pay attention to when purchasing it.

The information is quite specific and technical, perhaps difficult and unusual for some, so if you haven’t learned something, read it again, and then again, then open the price list and try to make several options for selecting processors for different needs.

Then reread again, then select again. In general, and so on in a circle until you get your hands on it :)

We have fulfilled our good mission, which means it’s time to say goodbye for a while.
As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks, etc., feel free to write comments.

P.S. Thanks to team member 25 KADR for the existence of this article

The components of our home or laptop personal computer work in a well-oiled system. However, not all users can describe certain functions different devices computer. Many will say that they don’t need it, and they will be right. But others are interested in information about the central processor or video card. Our article today is precisely for such people. Let's find out what a CPU is. So:

CPU - central processing unit or central processing device

This device is a microcircuit that processes and controls the execution of machine codes of computer programs. Neither more nor less, the central processor is the most important link in the entire system. It is this device that allows programs to function on a computer.

The principle of operation of the device is as follows. According to a single standardized binary code, which contains only two values ​​“1” and “0”, a signal arrives at the processor. Value 0 is absence electric charge, and 1 is its presence. This is exactly how the information contained in the program is encoded. After the code arrives at the CPU, the activity of one or another computer block begins, which performs strictly defined functions.

Today, processor manufacturers are striving to reduce their physical dimensions, and to an increase in the number of commands executed. It should be noted that modern processors are capable of executing an incredible number of commands simultaneously.

Manufacturers of modern CPUs constantly compete with each other, which, in fact, leads to such rapid development of this area of ​​the global market and science. There are three leaders among the creators of central processors. These are Intel, IBM, AMD. It is difficult to say what exactly is good about this or that processor. The production technologies and features of the processors of these manufacturers differ, although, in general, they pursue the same goals. Smaller size and greater performance. It's fair to say that each processor can be better or worse than its competitor in only one specific situation. In other cases it may surpass it.

IN computer world it is customary to highlight the following characteristics CPU:

  • Clock frequency;
  • Performance;
  • Energy consumption;
  • Characteristics of the lithographic process;
  • Device architecture.

What is a CPU fan? This error occurs when the computer cooler, which is responsible for cold air and blowing the processor to avoid overheating, fails. To correct the error, you should clean the cooler from dust or replace it. The error may also be of a software nature. For some reason the BIOS does not recognize the cooler. To overcome this error, you can try resetting the cooling system settings to Default mode.

– this is the main one computing component, on which the speed of the entire computer greatly depends. Therefore, usually, when selecting a computer configuration, first select the processor, and then everything else.

For simple tasks

If the computer will be used for working with documents and the Internet, then an inexpensive processor with a built-in video core Pentium G5400/5500/5600 (2 cores / 4 threads), which differ only slightly in frequency, will suit you.

For video editing

For video editing, it is better to take a modern multi-threaded AMD Ryzen 5/7 processor (6-8 cores / 12-16 threads), which, in tandem with a good video card, will also cope well with games.
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Processor

For an average gaming PC

For a purely mid-class gaming computer, it is better to take the Core i3-8100/8300; they have honest 4 cores and perform well in games with mid-class video cards (GTX 1050/1060/1070).
CPU Intel Core i3 8100

For a powerful gaming computer

For a powerful gaming computer, it is better to take a 6-core Core i5-8400/8500/8600, and for a PC with a top-end graphics card i7-8700 (6 cores / 12 threads). These processors show the best results in games and are capable of fully unleashing powerful video cards (GTX 1080/2080).
Intel Core i5 8400 processor

In any case, the more cores and the higher the processor frequency, the better. Focus on your financial capabilities.

2. How the processor works

The central processor consists of printed circuit board with silicon crystal and various electronic elements. The crystal is covered with a special metal cover, which prevents damage and serves as a heat distributor.

On the other side of the board are the legs (or pads) that connect the processor to the motherboard.

3. Processor manufacturers

Computer processors produce two large companies— Intel and AMD at several high-tech factories in the world. Therefore, the processor, regardless of manufacturer, is the most reliable component of a computer.

Intel is a leader in developing technologies used in modern processors. AMD partially adopts their experience, adding something of its own and pursuing a more affordable pricing policy.

4. How do Intel and AMD processors differ?

Intel and AMD processors differ mainly in architecture (electronic circuitry). Some are better at some tasks, some at others.

Intel Core processors generally have higher performance per core, making them superior to AMD Ryzen processors in most modern games and better suited for building powerful gaming computers.

AMD Ryzen processors, in turn, win in multi-threaded tasks, such as video editing, are, in principle, not much inferior to Intel Core in games and are perfect for universal computer, used for both professional tasks and games.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the old inexpensive AMD FX-8xxx series processors, which have 8 physical cores, do a good job of video editing and can be used as budget option for these purposes. But they are less suitable for gaming and are installed on motherboards with outdated AM3+ socket, which will make it difficult to replace components in the future to improve or repair the computer. So it is better to purchase a more modern AMD Ryzen processor and the corresponding motherboard on socket AM4.

If your budget is limited, but in the future you want to have a powerful PC, then you can first purchase an inexpensive model, and after 2-3 years change the processor to a more powerful one.

5. CPU socket

Socket is a connector for connecting the processor to the motherboard. Processor sockets are marked either by the number of processor legs, or by a numerical and alphabetic designation at the discretion of the manufacturer.

Processor sockets are constantly undergoing changes and new modifications appear from year to year. General recommendation purchase a processor with the most modern socket. This will ensure that both the processor and motherboard can be replaced in the next few years.

Intel processor sockets

  • Completely obsolete: 478, 775, 1155, 1156, 2011
  • Obsolete: 1150, 2011-3
  • Modern: 1151, 1151-v2, 2066

AMD processor sockets

  • Obsolete: AM1, AM2, AM3, FM1, FM2
  • Obsolete: AM3+, FM2+
  • Modern: AM4, TR4

The processor and motherboard must have the same sockets, otherwise the processor simply will not install. Today, the most relevant processors are those with the following sockets.

Intel 1150- they are still on sale, but in the next few years they will go out of use and replacing the processor or motherboard will become more problematic. They have a wide range of models - from the most inexpensive to quite powerful.

Intel 1151- modern processors, which are no longer much more expensive, but much more promising. They have a wide range of models - from the most inexpensive to quite powerful.

Intel 1151-v2- the second version of socket 1151, differs from the previous one by supporting the most modern 8th generation processors.

Intel 2011-3— powerful 6/8/10-core processors for professional PCs.

Intel 2066- top-end, most powerful and expensive 12/16/18-core processors for professional PCs.

AMD FM2+— processors with integrated graphics for office tasks and the simplest games. IN model range There are both very budget and mid-class processors.

AMD AM3+— aging 4/6/8-core processors (FX), older versions of which can be used for video editing.

AMD AM4— modern multi-threaded processors for professional tasks and games.

AMD TR4- top-end, most powerful and expensive 8/12/16-core processors for professional PCs.

It is not advisable to consider purchasing a computer with older sockets. In general, I would recommend limiting the choice to processors on sockets 1151 and AM4, since they are the most modern and allow you to assemble enough powerful computer for any budget.

6. Main characteristics of processors

All processors, regardless of manufacturer, differ in the number of cores, threads, frequency, cache memory size, frequency of supported RAM, the presence of a built-in video core and some other parameters.

6.1. Number of Cores

The number of cores has the greatest impact on processor performance. An office or multimedia computer requires at least a 2-core processor. If the computer is intended to be used for modern games, then it needs a processor with at least 4 cores. A processor with 6-8 cores is suitable for video editing and heavy professional applications. The most powerful processors can have 10-18 cores, but they are very expensive and are designed for complex professional tasks.

6.2. Number of threads

Hyper-threading technology allows each processor core to process 2 data streams, which significantly increases performance. Multi-threaded processors include Intel Core i7, i9, some Core i3 and Pentium (G4560, G46xx), as well as most AMD Ryzen.

A processor with 2 cores and support for Hyper-treading is close in performance to a 4-core processor, while a processor with 4 cores and Hyper-treading is close to an 8-core processor. For example, the Core i3-6100 (2 cores / 4 threads) is twice as powerful as a 2-core Pentium without Hyper-threading, but still somewhat weaker than an honest 4-core Core i5. But Core processors i5 do not support Hyper-treading, so they are significantly inferior to Core i7 processors (4 cores / 8 threads).

Ryzen 5 and 7 processors have 4/6/8 cores and, respectively, 8/12/16 threads, which makes them kings in tasks such as video editing. The new Ryzen Threadripper processor family features processors with up to 16 cores and 32 threads. But there are lower-end processors from the Ryzen 3 series that are not multi-threaded.

Modern games have also learned to use multi-threading, so for a powerful gaming PC it is advisable to take a Core i7 (8-12 threads) or Ryzen (8-12 threads). Also a good choice in terms of price/performance ratio would be the new 6-core Core-i5 processors.

6.3. CPU frequency

The performance of a processor also greatly depends on its frequency, at which all processor cores operate.

In principle, a processor with a frequency of about 2 GHz is enough for a simple computer to type text and access the Internet. But there are many processors around 3 GHz that cost about the same, so saving money here isn't worth it.

Mid-range multimedia or gaming computer the processor will do with a frequency of about 3.5 GHz.

A powerful gaming or professional computer requires a processor with a frequency closer to 4 GHz.

In any case, the higher the processor frequency, the better, but then look at your financial capabilities.

6.4. Turbo Boost and Turbo Core

Modern processors have the concept of a base frequency, which is indicated in the specifications simply as the processor frequency. We talked about this frequency above.

Intel Core i5, i7, i9 processors also have the concept of maximum frequency in Turbo Boost. This is a technology that automatically increases the frequency of processor cores when high load to increase productivity. The fewer cores a program or game uses, the more its frequency increases.

For example, the Core i5-2500 processor has a base frequency of 3.3 GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost frequency of 3.7 GHz. Under load, depending on the number of cores used, the frequency will increase to the following values:

  • 4 active cores - 3.4 GHz
  • 3 active cores - 3.5 GHz
  • 2 active cores - 3.6 GHz
  • 1 active core – 3.7 GHz

AMD A-series, FX and Ryzen processors have similar technology automatic acceleration processor called Turbo Core. For example, the FX-8150 processor has a base frequency of 3.6 GHz and a maximum Turbo Core frequency of 4.2 GHz.

In order for Turbo Boost and Turbo Core technologies to work, the processor must have enough power and not overheat. Otherwise, the processor will not increase the core frequency. This means the power supply, motherboard and cooler must be powerful enough. Also, the operation of these technologies should not be hampered by settings Motherboard BIOS boards and power settings in Windows.

IN modern programs and games use all processor cores and the performance increase from Turbo Boost and Turbo Core technologies will be small. Therefore, when choosing a processor, it is better to focus on the base frequency.

6.5. Cache memory

Cache memory is called inner memory processor that it needs to perform calculations faster. Cache memory size also affects processor performance, but to a much lesser extent than the number of cores and processor frequency. In different programs, this impact can vary in the range of 5-15%. But processors with a large amount of cache memory are much more expensive (1.5-2 times). Therefore, such an acquisition is not always economically feasible.

Cache memory comes in 4 levels:

Level 1 cache has small size and when choosing a processor, it is usually not paid attention to.

The Level 2 cache is the most important. In low-end processors, 256 kilobytes (KB) of Level 2 cache per core is typical. Processors designed for mid-range computers have 512 KB of L2 cache per core. Processors for powerful professional and gaming computers must be equipped with at least 1 megabyte (MB) of Level 2 cache per core.

Not all processors have Level 3 cache. The weakest processors for office tasks may have up to 2 MB of Level 3 cache, or none at all. Processors for modern home multimedia computers should have 3-4 MB of Level 3 cache. Powerful processors for professional and gaming computers should have 6-8 MB of Level 3 cache.

Only some processors have a level 4 cache, and if they have it, it’s good, but in principle it’s not necessary.

If the processor has a level 3 or 4 cache, then the size of the level 2 cache can be ignored.

6.6. Type and frequency of supported RAM

Different processors may support different types and frequencies of RAM. This must be taken into account in the future when choosing a RAM.

Legacy processors may support DDR3 RAM with a maximum frequency of 1333, 1600 or 1866 MHz.

Modern processors support DDR4 memory with a maximum frequency of 2133, 2400, 2666 MHz or more and often DDR3L memory, which is different from regular DDR3, for compatibility reduced voltage from 1.5 to 1.35 V. Such processors will be able to work with ordinary memory DDR3, if you already have it, but processor manufacturers do not recommend this due to increased degradation of memory controllers designed for DDR4 with even more low voltage 1.2 V. In addition, under old memory You also need an old motherboard with DDR3 slots. So the best option This is to sell old DDR3 memory and switch to new DDR4.

Today, the most optimal price/performance ratio is DDR4 memory with a frequency of 2400 MHz, which is supported by all modern processors. Sometimes you can buy memory with a frequency of 2666 MHz for not much more. Well, memory at 3000 MHz will cost much more. In addition, processors do not always work stably with high-frequency memory.

You also need to consider what maximum frequency memory is supported by the motherboard. But memory frequency has a relatively small impact on overall performance and it’s not really worth pursuing.

Often, users who begin to understand computer components, the question arises regarding the availability of memory modules with much more high frequency, than the processor officially supports (2666-3600 MHz). To operate memory at this frequency, the motherboard must have support for XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) technology. XMP automatically increases the bus frequency to allow the memory to run at a higher frequency.

6.7. Built-in video core

The processor may have a built-in video core, which allows you to save on purchasing a separate video card for an office or multimedia PC (watching videos, simple games). But for a gaming computer and video editing you need a separate (discrete) video card.

The more expensive the processor, the more powerful the built-in video core. Among Intel processors, the Core i7 has the most powerful integrated video, followed by i5, i3, Pentium G and Celeron G.

AMD A-series processors on socket FM2+ have a more powerful integrated video core than Intel processors. The most powerful is the A10, then the A8, A6 and A4.

FX processors on the AM3+ socket do not have a built-in video core and were used to build inexpensive gaming PCs with a mid-range discrete video card.

Also, most AMD processors of the Athlon and Phenom series do not have a built-in video core, and those that have it are on the very old AM1 socket.

Ryzen processors with the G index have a built-in Vega video core, which is twice as powerful as the video core of previous generation processors from the A8 and A10 series.

If you are not going to buy a discrete graphics card, but still want to play undemanding games from time to time, then it is better to give preference to Ryzen G processors. But do not expect that the integrated graphics will handle demanding games. modern games. The maximum she can do is Online Games and some well-optimized games on low or medium graphics settings in HD resolution (1280x720), in some cases Full HD (1920x1080). Watch tests of the processor you need on Youtube and see if it suits you.

7. Other processor characteristics

Processors are also characterized by such parameters as manufacturing process, power consumption and heat dissipation.

7.1. Manufacturing process

The technical process is the technology by which processors are produced. How more modern equipment and production technology, the finer the technical process. Its power consumption and heat dissipation greatly depend on the technological process by which the processor is manufactured. The thinner the technical process, the more economical and cooler the processor will be.

Modern processors are manufactured using process technologies ranging from 10 to 45 nanometers (nm). The lower this value, the better. But first of all, focus on power consumption and the associated heat dissipation of the processor, which will be discussed further.

7.2. CPU power consumption

How more quantity cores and processor frequency, the greater its power consumption. Energy consumption also greatly depends on the manufacturing process. The thinner the technical process, the lower the energy consumption. The main thing that needs to be taken into account is that a powerful processor cannot be installed on a weak motherboard and it will require more powerful block nutrition.

Modern processors consume from 25 to 220 watts. This parameter can be read on their packaging or on the manufacturer’s website. The parameters of the motherboard also indicate what processor power consumption it is designed for.

7.3. CPU heat dissipation

The heat dissipation of a processor is considered to be equal to its maximum power consumption. It is also measured in Watts and is called the Thermal Design Power (TDP). Modern processors have a TDP in the range of 25-220 Watts. Try to choose a processor with a lower TDP. The optimal TDP range is 45-95 W.

8. How to find out processor characteristics

All main characteristics of the processor, such as the number of cores, frequency and cache memory are usually indicated in sellers’ price lists.

All parameters of a particular processor can be clarified on the official websites of manufacturers (Intel and AMD):

By model number or serial number it is very easy to find all the characteristics of any processor on the website:

Or just enter the model number in the search engine Google system or Yandex (for example, “Ryzen 7 1800X”).

9. Processor models

Processor models change every year, so I won’t list them all here, but will only list series (lines) of processors that change less frequently and that you can easily navigate through.

I recommend purchasing processors over modern series, as they are more productive and support new technologies. The higher the processor frequency, the higher the model number that comes after the series name.

9.1. Intel processor lines

Old episodes:

  • Celeron – for office tasks (2 cores)
  • Pentium – for entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)

Modern series:

  • Celeron G – for office tasks (2 cores)
  • Pentium G – for entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)
  • Core i3 – for entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (2-4 cores)
  • Core i5 – for mid-range gaming PCs (4-6 cores)
  • Core i7 – for powerful gaming and professional PCs (4-10 cores)
  • Core i9 – for ultra-powerful professional PCs (12-18 cores)

All Core i7, i9, some Core i3 and Pentium processors support Hyper-threading technology, which significantly increases performance.

9.2. AMD processor lines

Old episodes:

  • Sempron – for office tasks (2 cores)
  • Athlon – for entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (2 cores)
  • Phenom – for mid-class multimedia and gaming PCs (2-4 cores)

Obsolete series:

  • A4, A6 – for office tasks (2 cores)
  • A8, A10 – for office tasks and simple games(4 cores)
  • FX – for video editing and not very heavy games (4-8 cores)

Modern series:

  • Ryzen 3 – for entry-level multimedia and gaming PCs (4 cores)
  • Ryzen 5 – for video editing and mid-range gaming PCs (4-6 cores)
  • Ryzen 7 – for powerful gaming and professional PCs (4-8 cores)
  • Ryzen Threadripper – for powerful professional PCs (8-16 cores)

Ryzen 5, 7 and Threadripper processors are multi-threaded, which with a large number of cores makes them an excellent choice for video editing. In addition, there are models with an “X” at the end of the marking, which have a higher frequency.

9.3. Restarting the series

It is also worth noting that sometimes manufacturers restart old series on new sockets. For example, Intel now has Celeron G and Pentium G with integrated graphics, AMD updated lines Athlon II and Phenom II processors. These processors are slightly inferior to their more modern counterparts in performance, but significantly higher in price.

9.4. Core and generation of processors

Along with the change of sockets, the generation of processors usually changes. For example, on socket 1150 there were 4th generation Core i7-4xxx processors, on socket 2011-3 there were 5th generation Core i7-5xxx. When switching to socket 1151, 6th generation Core i7-6xxx processors appeared.

It also happens that the processor generation changes without changing the socket. For example, 7th generation Core i7-7xxx processors were released on socket 1151.

The change of generations is caused by improvements in the electronic architecture of the processor, also called the core. For example, Core i7-6xxx processors are built on a core code-named Skylake, and those that replaced them, Core i7-7xxx, are built on a Kaby Lake core.

Kernels may have various differences from quite significant to purely cosmetic. For example, Kaby Lake differs from the previous Skylake by updated integrated graphics and blocking of overclocking on the processor bus without the K index.

In a similar way, there is a change in cores and generations of AMD processors. For example, the FX-9xxx processors replaced the FX-8xxx processors. Their main difference is the significantly increased frequency and, as a consequence, heat generation. But the socket has not changed, but the old AM3+ remains.

AMD FX processors had many cores, the latest being Zambezi and Vishera, but they were replaced by new much more advanced and powerful Ryzen (Zen core) processors on the AM4 socket and Ryzen (Threadripper core) on the TR4 socket.

10. CPU overclocking

Intel Core processors with a “K” at the end of the marking have a higher base frequency and an unlocked multiplier. They are easy to overclock (increase the frequency) to increase performance, but will require a more expensive motherboard with a Z-series chipset.

All AMD FX and Ryzen processors can be overclocked by changing the multiplier, but their overclocking potential is more modest. Overclocking of Ryzen processors is supported by motherboards based on B350, X370 chipsets.

In general, the ability to overclock makes the processor more promising, since in the future, if there is a slight lack of performance, it will not be possible to change it, but simply overclock it.

11. Packaging and cooler

Processors with the word “BOX” at the end of the label are packaged in a high-quality box and can be sold complete with a cooler.

But some more expensive boxed processors may not have a cooler included.

If “Tray” or “OEM” is written at the end of the marking, this means that the processor is packaged in a small plastic tray and there is no cooler included.

Entry-class processors like Pentium are easier and cheaper to purchase complete with a cooler. But it is often more profitable to buy a mid- or high-end processor without a cooler and select a suitable cooler for it separately. The cost will be about the same, but the cooling and noise level will be much better.

12. Setting up filters in the online store

  1. Go to the "Processors" section on the seller's website.
  2. Select the manufacturer (Intel or AMD).
  3. Select socket (1151, AM4).
  4. Select a processor line (Pentium, i3, i5, i7, Ryzen).
  5. Sort the selection by price.
  6. Browse processors starting with the cheapest ones.
  7. Buy a processor with the maximum possible number of threads and frequency that suits your price.

Thus, you will receive the optimal price/performance ratio processor that meets your requirements at the lowest possible cost.

13. Links

Intel Core i7 8700 processor
Intel Core i5 8600K processor
CPU Intel Pentium G4600

When assembling a personal computer, the main attention should be paid to the CPU. In fact, it is the main component of your computer that is responsible for its performance. Let's look at what cpu is in more detail.


The CPU is a chip located on the motherboard of your system unit. This integrated circuit or an electronic unit that performs program codes. What is CPU in a computer? This is the central processing unit, otherwise called a microprocessor or simply a processor. In programmers' slang, this part of a personal computer is often called the “brains”.

The microprocessor market has long been captured by two corporations - Intel and AMD. It is generally accepted that Intel processors are much more productive and easier to overclock, while AMD processors are distinguished by their reliability and high cost. However, once you make a choice, you will be satisfied in any case.

Remember: before buying a new processor yourself, carefully study the technical part. Can your motherboard physically support this or that model? Is your BIOS capable of software support for the new processor or will it require flashing? What is cpu in a computer if it is not supported by the entire system? That's right, a useless piece of hardware.


Inseparable from the concept of what a cpu is are its characteristics. Let's look at the main parameters by which you can determine the quality of a processor.

  • Form factor. Defines some design features of the processor, as well as the motherboard on which it can be installed.
  • Bus frequency. A special FSB bus is used to exchange data between the CPU and other components of a personal computer. In one cycle, several data packets are transmitted over it. Thus, if a frequency of 800 MHz is specified, this most likely means that the processor operates at a bus frequency of 200 MHz, but transmits 4 data packets per clock cycle.
  • Voltage. Different processors require different supply voltages. By increasing the voltage, you can overclock the processor to higher performance, but the chance of overheating and burning it will also greatly increase.
  • Cache memory. Since the CPU works much faster than RAM, a cache was created to speed up the exchange between them. There are several levels of cache memory. The first level cache is faster than the others, but its size is minimal and ranges from 8-138 KB. The second level cache has an increased volume, reaching 6 MB, however, the access time to it is shorter. In rare cases, there are processors with a third-level cache: it is quite large in volume, but also the slowest, but still faster than RAM. Cache memory typically accounts for more than half the cost of a CPU.

What is a cpu if you don't take care of it the same way as any other part? Most likely, it will burn out and you will have to go to the store for a new one. Let's look at ways to monitor performance.


If you are seriously thinking about "overclocking" the central processor or simply want to better control its state, you will find it useful special program. After all, what is the CPU in a computer and its temperature? This is the same as a person's temperature. He also has average temperature, considered the norm. AIDA64 program is a thermometer for your central processor. To determine the degree of "illness" of your CPU, you will need to install it on your Personal Computer. This program will use the installed sensors and give you the result.

The result of the work will be the following values: CPU, cpu package, cpu gt cores and temperatures of each processor core. First of all, we are interested in the second point. What is CPU package? This is the temperature under the processor heat distribution cover. It is practically the main indicator of the temperature of your processor. Remember that the normal processor temperature in standby mode is up to 45 degrees Celsius. In operating mode - up to 65. If the temperature exceeds 70, then your processor is “sick”, which means you need to urgently look for and eliminate the causes of the malfunction.

Extending life

So, you haven't kept track of your processor. It started overheating and restarting the computer. There are several possible reasons:

We hope that knowledge of what a cpu is will be useful to you in life and will help you with choosing and caring for your new central processor.