Game center raid call. Review of the RaidCall program. How to download RK in Russian

Question: "What is RaidCall?" - arises among many users looking at the requirements for admission to the gaming community. RaidCall is a free voice communication application. The program was developed specifically for amateurs and later penetrated into other areas of entertainment.

What is RaidCall

Many players love to spend time in the cheerful company of their friends or even meet new people without leaving the computer. Gaming communities are constantly looking for people who can complete assigned tasks in a coordinated and timely manner. This is especially true in games that require tactical decisions and distribution of roles. And, of course, voice communication is simply necessary for coherence. But here a person is faced with a choice, which program to choose for implementing voice communication? Skype puts a lot of stress on the system and the Internet channel. And it’s not very convenient for large groups of people. Alternatives often have terrible connection quality and are extremely difficult to set up. However, there is a way out. The RaidCall program offers users excellent communication quality, rich functionality and ease of use.

Main features of RaidCall

Each player can create their own channel for free, customize it as desired and invite friends there. The only drawback of the free version is that the number of players on one channel is limited, but if you wish, you can buy a subscription and the restriction will be lifted. The settings allow you to communicate either by pressing a specified key or directly using the “voice activation” function. Many gaming communities have long known what RaidCall is and conduct interviews for admission to the clan there. The service, which has rapidly gained popularity, has a completely Russified interface, so Russian-speaking players will definitely like it. It’s easy to launch RaidCall in Russian: you just need to specify the language on your computer.

Using RaidCall in games

The main criteria for selecting a voice communication service are the load on the system and the quality of communication. Many players simply do not have powerful enough computers, and running Skype in the background of the game can cause stuttering or freezing in games. RaidCall programmers have minimized the impact of the program on the system. In addition, the application does not clutter the screen with its interface during the game, like some other services.

One of the most popular games today is World of Tanks. It has its own integrated voice communication service, but the quality, alas, is far from ideal. Therefore, the use of RaidCall for World of Tanks has become widespread. It is used by both clans and gamers who prefer to play in small formations - platoons. Any World of Tanks player knows what RaidCall is.

Out of the game

RaidCall is also widely used by vloggers to communicate with fans. Support for video broadcasts appeared in the service not so long ago, but has already gained popularity. To open your own video channel, you must apply for the “Master” status in the service. Enthusiasts create dating channels and interest clubs in RaidCall. An excellent alternative to outdated services. Over the years of its existence, the service has turned into a real social network where people meet, communicate, and share their impressions of games. Text chat is also present in the service, so a microphone is not necessary when using it. You can listen to what they tell you and follow those directions. Let us remind you that this is important for games.

A perfectly implemented service not only for players, but also for everyone who loves live communication. Who knows in what direction the development of the resource will go further and what new things the developers will offer us? But many people already use RaidCall and actively use it.

RaidCall is designed for online communication between players and today is the best of all representatives of its kind. Among gamers all over the world, this program is gaining more and more fans.

Thanks to the separate server used by the program, a huge number of people can communicate at the same time.

In order to download ReidCall for free in Russian, you just need to follow the direct link below; this procedure is available without registration and SMS. The main advantage of the program and its difference from others is that the potential user does not worry about having to look for a server for the program, since it is provided by the developer himself, and on top of everything, it is completely free. Using the provided server, you can create up to three of your own servers with 30 slots each. In addition, you can increase the slots if they seem small. All you need to do to add a new slot and communicate on your personal server is to give your unique link to everyone. After registration is completed, a new slot is added to the RaidCall server. In a word, you can get your own server, where the number of slots is practically unlimited.

The RaidCall program uses one of the leading quality voice engines, Speex. The volume of the voice does not depend on the quality of the equipment, but is regulated by the program itself, so all participants hear each other equally. Fans of online games highlight an important advantage of the program in that it uses a minimum of computer resources and the program menu is translated into Russian.

Thanks to the creators of this program, who keep up with the times, RaidCall is like a social network where you can add users as friends and communicate with them on various topics. If you download RaidCall for free to your computer, you don’t have to turn to the keyboard for help when communicating. Every year the ReidCall program conquers the world more and more. At the moment, it is popular in Asia, Europe, America, etc. The popularity of RaidCall will grow rapidly, because the developers of this program offer something that no competitor offers.

RaidCall is a small free application for making conference calls and exchanging instant text messages. The program is aimed at gamers and contains thematic groups for communication on certain computer games.

Raid Call is a whole social network for those who like to play computer games. You can make friends, share experiences, or learn from other users through text messages or audio calls. The latter are useful to use during gameplay when playing “team versus team”: discuss your actions to achieve a positive result.

The program features groups for different games, where you can “chat” with gamers on topics of interest, find friends or opponents for future gaming battles. To use RaidCall you need to download it for free, install it and go through a simple registration.

The interface is visually very similar to Skype, but unlike the latter, it does not provide the ability to make video calls and transfer files. After logging in to your account, all RaidCall functions become available to you.

Synchronization with your Facebook account allows you to receive messages and notifications directly in the program, find potential colleagues with similar interests and communicate with them using messages and audio calls. Many users note high call quality and minimal sound delay.

Main features of RaidCall:

  • searching for friends based on thematic interests;
  • voice calls in conference mode;
  • exchange of instant “messages”;
  • communication in gamer groups.

In practice, the Reidcall program turned out to be very simple and useful. There are a huge number of gamers registered on this network with whom you can not only chat, but also “hack up.” So, if you regularly hang out in various games, you just need to download the free RaidCall and get an account in this program. Disadvantages include the lack of integration with VKontakte, the inability to transfer files and the non-implementation of the video calling function.