How to find out what kind of hardware is in a laptop. Laptops: model characteristics. What should you pay attention to? Receiving data via dxdiag

In order to measure computer performance using tests, it is not necessary to download any third-party applications and utilities.

It is enough to use the resources already built into the operating system.

Although to obtain more detailed information the user will have to find a suitable program.

Based on the test results, you can draw conclusions about which part of your PC or laptop requires replacement sooner than others - and sometimes you can simply understand the need to buy a new computer.

The need to perform a check

Computer speed testing is available to any user. The test does not require any specialized knowledge or experience with specific versions of Windows OS. And the process itself is unlikely to require spending more than an hour.

Reasons why you should use the built-in utility or third-party application refers to:

  • Unreasonable slowdown of the computer. Moreover, not necessarily the old one - the check is needed to identify problems with new PCs. For example, the minimum results and indicators of a good video card indicate incorrectly installed drivers;
  • checking the device when selecting several similar configurations in a computer store. This is usually done before buying laptops - running a test on 2-3 devices with almost identical parameters helps to find out which one is better suited to the buyer;
  • the need to compare the capabilities of various components of a gradually modernized computer. So, if the HDD has the lowest performance value, then it should be replaced first (for example, with an SSD).

According to the results of testing, which revealed the speed at which the computer performs various tasks, you can detect problems with drivers and incompatibility of installed devices. And sometimes even poorly functioning and broken parts - for this, however, you will need more functional utilities than those built into Windows by default. Standardized tests reveal minimal information.

System check

You can check the performance of individual computer components using the built-in capabilities of the Windows operating system. Their operating principle and information content are approximately the same for all versions of the Microsoft platform. And the differences lie only in the method of launching and reading information.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8

For versions 7 and 8 of the platform, as well as Windows Vista, the performance counter of computer elements can be found in the list of basic information about the operating system. To display them on the screen, just right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select properties.

If testing has already been carried out, information about its results will be available immediately. If you are running the test for the first time, you will have to run it by going to the performance test menu.

The maximum score that Windows 7 and 8 can achieve is 7.9. You should think about the need to replace parts if at least one of the indicators is below 4. For a gamer, values ​​above 6 are more suitable. For Windows Vista, the best indicator is 5.9, and the “critical” indicator is about 3.

Important: To speed up performance calculations, you should turn off almost all programs during the test. When testing a laptop, it is advisable to plug it into the network - the process significantly consumes battery power.

Windows 8.1 and 10

For more modern operating systems, finding information about computer performance and starting to calculate it is no longer so easy. To run a utility that evaluates system parameters, you should do the following:

1Go to operating system command line(cmd via menu "Run" caused by pressing keys simultaneously Win + R);

2Enable evaluation process, leading the team winsat formal –restart clean;

3Wait for the job to complete;

4Go to folder Performance\WinSAT\DataStore located in the Windows system directory on the computer’s system drive;

5Find and open the file in a text editor "Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml".

Among the multitude of text, the user must find the WinSPR block, where approximately the same data is located that is displayed on the screen of Windows 7 and 8 systems - only in a different form.

Yes, under the name SystemScore the general index calculated from the minimum value is hidden, and MemoryScore, CpuScore And GraphicsScore indicate the memory, processor and graphics card indicators, respectively. GamingScore And DiskScore– performance for gaming and for reading/writing the hard drive.

The maximum value for Windows 10 and version 8.1 is 9.9. This means that the owner of an office computer can still afford to have a system with numbers less than 6, but for full operation of a PC and laptop it must reach at least 7. And for a gaming device - at least 8.

Universal method

There is a method that is the same for any operating system. It consists of launching the task manager after pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys. A similar effect can be achieved by right-clicking on the taskbar - there you can find an item that launches the same utility.

You will be able to see several graphs on the screen - for the processor (for each thread separately) and RAM. For more detailed information, go to the “Resource Monitor” menu.

Using this information, you can determine how heavily loaded individual PC components are. First of all, this can be done by the loading percentage, secondly by the color of the line ( green means normal operation of the component, yellow– moderate, red– need to replace the component).

Third party programs

Using third-party applications, checking your computer's performance is even easier.

Some of them are paid or shareware (that is, they require payment after the trial period ends or to increase functionality).

However, these applications conduct more detailed testing - and often provide a lot of other information useful to the user.

1. AIDA64

AIDA64 includes tests for memory, cache, HDDs, SSDs and flash drives. And when testing a processor, 32 threads can be checked at once. Among all these advantages, there is also a small drawback - you can use the program for free only during the “trial period” of 30 days. And then you have to either switch to another application, or pay 2265 rubles. for a license.

2. SiSoftware Sandra Lite


4.PCMark 10

The application allows you not only to test the operation of computer components, but also to save test results for future use. The only drawback of the application is the relatively high cost. You will have to pay $30 for it.


The test images consist of 300 thousand polygonal images that add up to more than 2000 objects. And the results are given in the form PTS indicator - the higher it is, the more powerful the computer. The program is distributed free of charge, which makes it easy to find and download it on the Internet.

6. ExperienceIndexOK

Information is displayed on the screen in points. The maximum number is 9.9, as for the latest versions of Windows. This is exactly what ExperienceIndexOK is designed for. It is much easier to use such a program than to enter commands and search for files with results in the system directory.


To test a disk, select the disk and set the test parameters. That is, the number of runs and file sizes that will be used for diagnostics. After a few minutes, information about the average read and write speed for the HDD will appear on the screen.

8. PC Benchmark

Having received the test results, the program offers to optimize the system. And after improving performance, a page opens in the browser where you can compare the performance of your PC with other systems. On the same page you can check whether your computer can run some modern games.

9. Metro Experience Index

10.PassMark PerformanceTest


Using different methods to test your computer's performance allows you to check how your system is performing. And, if necessary, compare the speed of individual elements with the performance of other models. For a preliminary assessment, you can conduct such a test using built-in utilities. Although it is much more convenient to download special applications for this - especially since among them you can find several that are quite functional and free.


To run some programs, games, or perform specific processes, the computer hardware and software must meet certain requirements. To find out how your system meets these characteristics, you need to review its parameters. Let's find out how to do this on a Windows 7 PC.

There are two main ways to view computer parameters on Windows 7. The first is to use special third-party diagnostic software, and the second involves retrieving the necessary information directly through the operating system interface.

Method 1: Third Party Programs

Let's start exploring options for viewing PC parameters by using third-party programs, choosing one of the most popular - AIDA64. Using this software as an example, we will consider the algorithm of actions.

Method 2: Internal system functionality

The main parameters of the computer can also be viewed using exclusively the internal functionality of the system. True, this method still cannot provide such a large amount of information as the use of third-party specialized software. In addition, it should be noted that to obtain the necessary data, you will have to use several OS tools, which is not convenient for all users.

You can also determine some additional information about the system using the tool "DirectX Diagnostic Tool".

  1. Dial combination Win+R. Enter in the field:

    Click "OK".

  2. In the window that opens, in the tab "System" you can view some of the data that we saw in the computer properties, as well as some others, namely:
    • Manufacturer name and model of motherboard;
    • BIOS version;
    • Paging file size, including free space;
    • DirectX version.
  3. When you go to the tab "Screen" The following information will be provided:
    • Manufacturer and model name of the video adapter;
    • The size of its memory;
    • Current screen resolution;
    • Monitor name;
    • Enable hardware acceleration.
  4. In the tab "Sound" information about the name of the sound card is displayed.
  5. In the tab "Enter" provides information about the PC mouse and keyboard.

If you require more detailed information about the connected equipment, you can view it by going to "Device Manager".

Some information about computer parameters that cannot be viewed using the tools described above can be retrieved by entering a special command in "Command line".

  1. Click again "Start" and go to the item "All programs".
  2. In the list that opens, enter the directory "Standard".
  3. Find the item there "Command line" and click on it RMB. In the list that opens, select the option to activate as an administrator.
  4. IN "Command line" enter the expression:

    Press the button Enter.

  5. After this, wait for some time until "Command line" System information will be downloaded.
  6. Data loaded into "Command line", largely overlap with the parameters that were displayed in PC properties, but in addition you can see the following information:
    • The date the OS was installed and the time it was last loaded;
    • Path to the system folder;
    • Current time zone;
    • System language and keyboard layout;
    • Directory where the paging file is located;
    • List of installed updates.

You can find out information about computer parameters in Windows 7 either by using third-party specialized programs or through the OS interface. The first option will allow you to get more information, and in addition it is more convenient, since almost all the data is available in one window by going to tabs or sections. But at the same time, in most cases, the data that can be seen using system tools is quite sufficient to solve many tasks. In this case, you do not need to install any third-party software that will additionally load the system.

You have purchased a brand new computer or laptop and want to check the main characteristics with those written in the passport; or You need to find out what video card is installed on the device, or find out the basic network parameters. In general, whatever the reason, in this article we will look at several ways that will help you find out the main characteristics of your computer.

This can be done either using utilities built into the operating system or using special programs.

Control Panel

To view the main characteristics of your computer using this method, go to “Start” - "Control Panel". Next, go to the “System” section.

The next window will show basic information about the computer: processor type and frequency, amount of RAM, system bit capacity. Then you can follow the link "Device Manager".

In Device Manager you can see what hardware is installed on your computer, how it works, remove, update or roll back drivers.

System Information

You can also view the characteristics of your computer using the built-in utility. "System Information". To do this, press the Win+R key combination and in the “Run” window enter the command msinfo32, click “OK”.

The main window opens. On the tab "System Information" You can see the main parameters of the system.

Open other tabs as well. If you open “Components” - “Display”, you can see the parameters of the installed video card.

Open “Components” – “Network” – “Adapter” and read about the parameters of the connected network.


You can also use another standard utility “DirectX”. This is a diagnostic tool that will help you obtain information about installed components and drivers, and if there is a problem, it will report it.

To open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, type Win+R and enter the command dxdiag in the line, click OK.

When using DirectX for the first time, an information window will appear asking you to check for a digital signature in the drivers. You can click "Yes".

On the “System” tab, you can see what operating system is installed on your computer and BIOS version, processor type and frequency, amount of RAM and paging file.

The “Screen” tab displays the parameters of the installed video card. Here you can see what drivers are installed for it. If some programs run very slowly or not at all, pay attention to the DirectDraw, Direct3D or AGP texture acceleration options - they should be enabled.

The Sound tab displays information about the speakers. If your mouse or joystick does not work, go to the “Input” tab and make sure that it is displayed there. Otherwise, reinstall the device following the manufacturer's recommendations, or remove and reinsert the USB device.

Various programs

You can also find out the characteristics of your computer using special programs. The most common among users is AIDA64. You can also use the PC Wizard and Everest programs, or the free CPU-ID and CPU-Z programs.

Use different methods, and I’m sure you will learn a lot of new things about the characteristics of your computer or laptop.

It often happens that you need to find out the characteristics of your computer. There can be many reasons for this, and there are also many ways to do it. Therefore, in this article we will look at different methods for viewing computer settings.

The article is divided into three parts: system methods, links to detailed lessons on this topic, third-party utilities.

Systematic ways to find out the characteristics of your computer

In this part of the article, we will mainly talk about five ways to obtain the information we want about a personal computer or laptop.

System Information

Quite detailed information about the computer is provided by the “System Information” utility built into Windows. Thanks to it, you can find out the parameters of the operating system, processor, motherboard, RAM, hard drive, system drivers, services and many other components of the computer.

To open the "System Information" window, press the key combination +R and enter "msinfo32" in the "Open" field. Then OK.

You can also open this utility by entering its name in Windows search.

Properties of the system

To quickly see information about the processor, RAM, operating system and system type, you can use the window.

To open this window, simply press the Win+ key combination or right-click on the " " icon on the desktop and select "Properties" from the list provided.

device Manager

If you just need to find out the name or model of the equipment and its drivers, then the Device Manager utility is perfect for these purposes.

To open it, press the Win+Pause key combination, and in the “System Properties” window that opens, in the upper left corner, click on “Device Manager”.

You can get a lot of information about your computer using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window.

To open this window, press the Win+R hotkeys and enter “dxdiag” in the window that appears. Then OK.

Command line

You can also get quite extensive information about your computer using.

To do this, enter the command below into it:

Then press Enter, and after a few seconds information about your computer or laptop will appear in front of you.

other methods

There are many more methods to find out the characteristics of a computer. For example, look when the computer boots, look in the BIOS, use many commands on the command line. We will not talk about them, since they are more narrowly focused and provide little extensive information.

Detailed articles on the topic

We have already written some articles on the topic of identifying computer hardware, here are links to them:

Utilities for viewing computer information

Built-in methods are of course good, but third-party programs allow you to find out the characteristics of your computer in more detail and conveniently. For example, in such utilities you can easily see the temperature of the processor, video card and other equipment, find out the name and model of various parts of the computer and see a lot of other useful information. Often, such utilities can analyze and test computer equipment.

Below is a list of programs for viewing PC parameters.

  • Speccy
  • AIDA64
  • HWiNFO
  • CPU-Z
  • PC Wizard

These five utilities should be enough for anyone, but we prefer the first one, Speccy.

As you can see from the article, there are a lot of ways to find the necessary information about a computer. Just choose the method you like and use it for your needs.

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Users are often interested in how to find out the characteristics of their computer. In this material we will look at built-in tools and specialized programs that are best suited for this task.

Built-in tools for viewing computer characteristics

First, let's look at the built-in tools with which you can get information about the characteristics of your computer. Built-in tools are not as convenient as specialized programs, but they are available in just a couple of clicks, so in most cases it is more convenient to use them.

System properties or view basic information about your computer

If you need to find out the basic characteristics of your computer, then all you need to do is open the “System Properties” window. This window can be opened in various ways. The easiest way is to right-click on the “My Computer” (or “This PC” if you have Windows 10) icon on the desktop and select the “Properties” menu item. You can also open this window using the Windows + Break key combination or through the Control Panel (Start - - System and Security - System).

After this, a window with the basic characteristics of the computer will open in front of you. Here you can find out the processor model, its clock frequency, the amount of RAM, as well as the bit depth of the operating system and processor.

If you need more detailed characteristics of your computer, then you should use the System Information utility. This utility is built into the Windows operating system, and you can call it using the msinfo32 command. To do this, press the Windows + R key combination and enter the command “msinfo32” in the window that appears. You can also enter this command into the search in the Start menu or simply search for the phrase “System information”.

The System Information utility provides much more information about your computer. Here you can get information about most computer components, as well as about them.

The disadvantage of this utility is the rather confusing presentation of information.

Another way to obtain information about the characteristics of a computer is a utility called “Diagnostic Tool”. This utility can be called using the “dxdiag” command or using search.

Using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, you can get information about the processor model, amount of memory and video card.

If you need to know what components are used on your computer, then you can use “”. This built-in utility can be launched in different ways. For example, you can right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Manage”, then go to the “Device Manager” section. You can also open Device Manager using the command “mmc devmgmt.msc”.

The device manager has a tree structure in which all components are divided into different categories.

Here you can find out the names of components, as well as get information about their drivers.

Specialized programs for viewing computer characteristics

Below we will look at a number of free programs for viewing computer characteristics. All described programs can be downloaded from official websites.


is one of the most popular programs for viewing computer characteristics. Using CPU-Z you can find out all the possible information about, as well as information about the motherboard, RAM and video card.