Store conversion: what it is and how to improve it. Average temperature in the hospital. Increasing the number of visitors means increasing sales

Many marketers ask: “What is a good conversion rate for my landing page?” But the answer is not so simple.

Conversion rates depend on many factors, including your industry, offer features, and marketing strategy. Hotel bookings in the travel industry are a type of conversion that is significantly different from leads in the healthcare industry. Therefore, you can evaluate your achievements only within the framework own sphere activities.

To make this task easier, Unbounce has prepared a report that provides data on averages and trends in various industries. To do this, they analyzed the performance of thousands of landing pages in each category.

With this information, you can easily determine whether your performance is “good” or “bad.” Also below you will find recommendations from leading experts.


As part of the first report, Unbounce decided to focus on the 10 most popular industries. They are represented online by over 2,500 brands and marketing agencies.

Unbounce analyzed the behavior of 74,551,421 visitors to 64,284 landing pages. As a result, the largest industry turned out to be business services (26.5%), followed by such areas as healthcare (12.8%), real estate (11.28%), business consulting (10.1%), lending ( 9.71%), higher education (8.16%), home improvement (7.16%), law (5.45%), tourism (4.77%) and skill development (4.06%).

Conversion rates for the listed industries were as follows:

It is worth noting that companies use the most different texts for landing pages, traffic generation strategies and offers. This is why average conversion rates vary significantly across industries.

The most successful industries in generating leads were tourism, lending, business consulting and advanced training. The average conversion rate for them exceeds 12%. But for the real estate industry, higher education and healthcare conversion above 6% can be considered excellent.

Having analyzed the indicators of different industries, experts identified the following patterns:

  • 6 out of 10 industries (real estate, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement and law) have higher conversion rates if the text is written as simply as possible and is understandable even to schoolchildren.
  • For most industries (tourism, real estate, business services, business consulting, lending, healthcare, home improvement), it is better to use short texts; conversion rates are higher for them.
  • Using words that build trust can help increase conversion rates in travel and business services, but decrease them in lending.
  • Invoking fear in landing page copy leads to lower conversion rates in most industries with the exception of business consulting.

Unbounce took a detailed look at the performance of each industry, highlighting the following aspects:

  1. Information about page conversion within the industry.
  2. Data about different aspects of page text that affect conversion rates.

Below you will find data for each of the 10 industries listed above.

1. Tourism

  • Below average – 2.1%
  • Average – 5.0%
  • Very good – 11.6%
  • Best – 19.7%

45.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with conversion rates below 2.1%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 19.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • In this industry, the accessibility of text for understanding does not significantly affect conversion, but it is still better to use simple and understandable texts on landing pages.
  • Short landing pages convert better in this industry. Try to write briefly and to the point.
  • Be positive. If even 1% of the text evokes a feeling of fear or anger (limited, money, endless, hot, challenge) you risk losing up to 25% of conversions.
  • Use confidence-building words (enjoy, ideal, best, guide, save). 7 to 10% will be enough to increase conversion rates by 20%.

2. Real estate

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.3%
  • Average – 2.9%
  • Very good – 5.3%
  • Best – 8.7%

41.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.3%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 8.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • For texts written at the 6th grade level, conversion rates are almost twice as high as for texts at the university level. Use accessible language.
  • Be brief. Long landing pages have 33% lower conversion rates than short landing pages.
  • Less negativity. If more than half of your text evokes fear (highest, problem, risk, difficult, mortgage), you could harm your conversion rate.

3. Business consulting

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.8%
  • Average – 5.0%
  • Very good – 12.1%
  • Best – 21.7%

37.3% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.8%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 21.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Texts written at the 7th grade level and below convert much better.
  • Using more than 1.5% of text to create a sense of anticipation (predict, achievable, achieve, exceed, differ) can reduce conversion rates by up to 25%.
  • Pay attention to the length of the text. For every additional 250 words on a page, you risk getting 20% ​​fewer conversions.
  • Using words that evoke feelings of hostility (guilt, deceit, destruction, disaster, violation) can harm conversions.

4. Business services

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.4%
  • Average – 3.5%
  • Very good – 7.2%
  • Best – 13.0%

36.6% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 13.0%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Be as brief as possible. Pages with fewer than 100 words convert 50% better than those with more than 500 words.
  • In this industry, the complexity of language and the awakening of different ones has little impact on conversion rates.
  • The only exception is the feeling of trust. If more than 8% of the text builds reader trust (management, system, content, real, policy), you can increase your conversion rates.

5. Lending

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 2.0%
  • Average – 5.6%
  • Very good – 11.0%
  • Best – 17.9%

43.8% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.0%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 17.9%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Simplify the page as much as possible. Texts written at an 8th grade level and below have 5%-30% higher conversion rates.
  • Don't use more than 400 words. And if your text is less than 100 words, you can double your performance.
  • Allocate no more than 3% of the text to words that strengthen confidence (trust, personal, economy, advice, law). If you go beyond these limits, you can lose up to 10% of conversions.
  • Words that subconsciously evoke fear (mortgage, power of attorney, bankruptcy, insolvency, government) reduce conversion rates. If they make up more than 0.25% of the text, then you could lose up to 15% of conversions.

6. Healthcare

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.4%
  • Average – 2.9%
  • Very good – 5.8%
  • Best – 9.3%

45.0% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Text complexity does not significantly impact conversion rates in this industry.
  • Be brief. Pages with more than 750 words convert 30% fewer visitors than pages with 500 words.
  • Every percentage of text that causes fear (pain, loss, injury, treatment, surgery) can reduce conversion by up to 10%.

7. Higher education

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.1%
  • Average – 2.6%
  • Very good – 5.3%
  • Best – 9.3%

42.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.1%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 9.3%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Higher education is the only industry where college-level and 7th-grade texts are equally effective.
  • On average, texts less than 125 words in length have a 15% higher conversion rate. At the same time, if you compare pages with texts of 250 words and 750 words, the conversion rates for them are approximately equal.
  • Use at least 5% of your text to create a feeling of joy (successful, improve, receive, scholarship, achievement) to increase conversions.

8. Home improvement

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.4%
  • Average – 3.3%
  • Very good – 6.9%
  • Best – 11.7%

45.1% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 11.7%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Using feel-good words (save, friendly, clean, ideal, safe) can hurt conversions. It is better to use no more than 1% of such expressions.
  • Avoid any aggressive words (money, limited, sustainable, damage, harmful).
  • Don't use words to create a sense of anticipation or persuasion (time, money, setup, efficient, pay). Pages with 2% of similar words have half the conversion rate of those without them.
  • Be as brief as possible. Texts with 100 words convert 30% better than those with 250 words.

9. Jurisprudence

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 1.4%
  • Average – 3.3%
  • Very good – 7.1%
  • Best – 11.2%

39.7% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 1.4%. If your page has a conversion rate greater than 11.2%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • In this industry, language complexity does not affect conversion rates.
  • It is better to use around 250 words in your text to get better results.
  • Using 5% – 10% positive words will help increase conversion rates (experienced, expert, advocate, fair, information). However, don't overdo it.
  • Only no more than 1% of words that cause fear (case, criminal, divorce, damage, accident) will not harm conversion. Their more frequent use can reduce rates by up to 15%.

10. Advanced training

Industry conversion rates:
  • Below average – 2.5%
  • Average – 6.1%
  • Very good – 11.8%
  • Best – 18.4%

47.9% of marketers in this industry have at least one page with a conversion rate below 2.5%. If your page has a conversion rate of more than 18.4%, then you are ahead of 90% of your competitors.

  • Simplify the text as much as possible. But don't be afraid to use terms where necessary.
  • The highest conversion rates are for texts between 300 and 400 words long.
  • Avoid overusing positive words (career, information, learn, professional, knowledge). Even 5% of these terms can cut your conversion rates in half.
  • The fewer words that evoke joy (development, success, income, confidence, ideal), the better. Even 1.5% of such words can lead to a reduction in conversion by up to 40%.
  • Also, including even 0.5% of words designed to evoke a sense of wonder (amazing, unique, art, reward, successful) can reduce conversion rates by up to 40%.

Use this data to make an overall assessment of the state of affairs in different industries. But remember that your business, your marketing is unique, your landing page unique. So what works for your industry on average may not work for you. Be sure to test all hypotheses to optimize your conversion rates as effectively as possible.

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Let's explain at simple example. Let's imagine that you opened a store, renting space for it in the center. And to understand how successful your business is, you decided to equip it with secret equipment.

First― this is a camera at the entrance and a sensor on the door that automatically count the number of visitors per day (let’s imagine that sellers do not come out at all or come out an insignificant number of times). The account is maintained both for a certain period and in total amount during the existence of the store.

Second- this is a small counter at the checkout itself. As soon as the check is processed and payment is received, the number of purchases also increases by one.

After that at the end certain period you divide one number by another, thereby determining how interested people are in your products.

What is hidden behind the term “conversion”

To calculate the indicator, you need to know the total number of views and set the target action counter. You yourself determine what your target action is. This could be a purchase, adding an item to the cart, making a call, or providing personal data.

Why you need to know this indicator

Increasing online store conversionthe main task for a person involved in sales. This is very important indicator, which tells you how profitable your site is. If the percentage is high, you can be proud of yourself. If it's too low, then it's time to change something.

Otherwise, you can be content with a dozen buyers, not even knowing that thousands visit the resource every day potential clients.

How to calculate the average conversion of an online store

To do this, you need to divide the number of people who made an order by the total number of visitors. Indicators can be taken both for the entire lifetime of the resource, and for a certain reporting period. Multiply the resulting number by one hundred percent. The formula looks like this:

Conversion = (Number of clients / number of visitors) * 100%

To obtain this data, use analytics services: Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics. They are free and available for any platform without restrictions.

What is considered a good conversion rate for an online store?

Many people get upset when they get a result of a few percent. But in fact, such indicators are quite normal.

Typically results range from 0.5% (for furniture, musical instruments and sporting goods) up to 14% (for food delivery services).

Ways to increase conversion

Design change

To bring your performance back to normal, sometimes it’s enough to redesign the page. Focus on modern trends. See how the most popular online stores are designed. Remember that the site must necessarily encourage a purchase, and not repel it.

Try to make the store colorful and bright. Animation and sliders are welcome. But don’t overdo it, users don’t like bad taste.

Add some interesting marketing offers. People love various promotions and discounts. Seeing large percentage on the price tag, they will even buy a product that they had not looked at before. Standard gifts for purchases or “1+1=3” work in the same way.

Organize a promotion and add information about it in the most visible place, for example, in the header of the resource.

Shipping Policy

Users love it when products are delivered right to their door. So if you don't deliver your items to clients, start doing so.

Availability is also important free shipping when purchasing for a certain amount.

Positive rating

Monitor the site's reputation. Many people actually rely on information on the Internet. If a resource constantly argues with someone or deceives customers, its conversion will decrease significantly.

Be nice to customers. Try to hush up all quarrels and conflicts, appease dissatisfied customers. If something unpleasant happened because of you, offer a nice gift or discount. Talk to him, apologize. Don’t try to simply block the client and disappear, because the truth will still be hidden.

But here it is worth distinguishing between injured people and simply arrogant individuals. It is better to get rid of the inadequate and insolent ones by any means.

Great photo

Significant increase in online store conversion achieved by adding good and high-quality photos With different sides. The more photos, the greater the likelihood of a purchase.

The client gets the opportunity to look at the product from all sides and decide whether he likes what he is buying. Images should be bright, interesting and informative.

Quality texts

A simple product name and photo are not enough. Hire copywriters. They must fill out product cards, write text on home page, in the “About Me” section and other pages.

IN good text must be:

  • Advantages of a product or company.
  • Its technical characteristics.

Try to always include the company name so that you speak on behalf of the individual and not a nameless group. At the end of the text, place a call to action.

The buyer will read the text and receive all the information he needs. Don't forget about bulleted lists and subheadings. They significantly increase the attractiveness of the text and make it structured. Such material is perceived better than plain text.

Good feedback

Add a block with product reviews to your resource. To increase the level of customer trust in you, give them a chance to speak out about all the shortcomings and advantages. Filter the content offered, but don't overdo it.

Traffic sources

Keep track of where new clients come to you from. If you constantly receive views from VKontakte advertising, then the conversion will not be too high. The link will be clicked out of interest.

It’s another matter if he purposefully typed the request “buy”. Therefore, do SEO and optimize the pages of your online store for search queries.

Availability of an online consultant

Be sure to add a chat with an online consultant. Some people don't like to make phone calls, especially if the issue is minor. It is much easier to ask your own question via the Internet.

Hire at least one or two people who are ready to tell the buyer about the product at any time of the day.

Site search

Be sure to add a search box and provide it with additional filters. The more of them there are, the more convenient your site will become. If you sell clothes, for example, add sorting by color, material, gender and price. You can also make a section for promotional items.

Availability of guarantees and benefits

Place all positive information about your online store in the most visible place. It should contain benefits, guarantees and information about the site, as well as all new interesting promotions.

The most important aspects also place it in the header. First of all, these are the guarantees provided.

The price is visible

Do not hide the price under any circumstances. Forget about the various “download price list” or “check by phone”. Place it next to the title and write it in large font.

The buyer should see the cost immediately and understand whether he can afford the purchase.

Resource optimization

In order to achieve normal conversion online store, start optimizing the resource. A page that takes too long to load is a reason to leave the portal and never return to it. Nobody likes to wait, especially when there are thousands of different chain stores on the Internet.

Structuring information

All information on your website should be short, concise and structured. No one will read a several-page text that talks about a product from an artistic point of view. Try to highlight the most important points and place them at the beginning.

Cancel registration

And lastly, no registration. This has long been a relic of the past. Give people peace of mind to make a purchase without creating another account, the password for which they will forget in a few days. Remember that in the twenty-first century, time is already short. Are you unable to place your order quickly? So, others will give.

Sometimes I come across the question: “Hundreds and thousands of people come to your site, but only 1-2% buy.” Can you imagine your growth potential??? Here we all imagine Uncle Scrooge's countless treasures. Is it really?

In this article:

  • why conversion is important
  • how to calculate conversion correctly
  • what does conversion depend on?
  • what is the average conversion
  • how much can you increase conversion

+ 2 screenshots from Google Analytics.

Why is conversion important in an online store?

I look at conversion as one of many metrics. For example:

  • traffic volume
  • goal “put item in cart”
  • transaction
  • number of orders collected
  • number of returns

Conversion is no better than other indicators. Improving any of them affects your profits. You can read about this in more detail in the article.

So why is conversion important? I don't think it's important!

Everything needs to be improved: the quality and volume of traffic, behavior on the site, conversion, order processing, delivery, etc.

How to calculate conversion correctly?

Among Internet marketers and online retailers in general, there is a question: “What is your conversion rate?” Besides, everyone is trying to avoid answering. Why?

I usually answer this question right away and give some number. And then... attention!!! ... you don't understand what this means. Subconsciously you compare my figure with yours. And you make it worse for yourself.

I have a lot of "conversions":

  • conversion in eCommerce Google Analytics transactions - this does not take into account the phone number, refusals, returns
  • conversion to confirmed orders (data from the call center) - delivery refusals and returns are not taken into account here
  • accounting conversion is actually the “cleanest” conversion into completed orders.

Which of these conversions is correct? All these conversions are the online store’s sales funnel. This is all correct. All this must be taken into account.

What does conversion depend on?

It's very simple, the conversion depends on:

  1. From traffic (more targeted traffic- more conversion)
  2. From the offer ( better offer- more conversion)
  3. From the site ( better content And more information- more conversion)

Otherwise, conversion depends on thousands of different factors that can be combined into one group “purchase decision factors.”

What is the average conversion in an online store?

The mythical figure of 1% has been floating around the market for quite some time. This means that for every 100 visitors, 1 visitor must make an order.

From my experience: conversion in different niches is very different. It also depends on the season. For example, in household appliances the conversion of a small store is from 1.5% to 3%, and in jewelry it is about 0.6%. Large stores Usually they stop at a conversion of 0.8-1%.

Don't focus on average conversion. This is an abstract average concept that more often harms than benefits.

How much can you increase your conversion?

Complex issue. Akin to “How deep is the rabbit hole?” We won't know until we start improving conversion. But there is certain experience that suggests that...

Can be increased many times. But you won't like it.

Firstly. A high percentage of conversions is possible with very little traffic. Which means real sales there will be very little.

Secondly. You can skyrocket your conversion rate by significantly reducing the price. But dumping did not lead anyone to anything good.

Third. You can make more sales by improving your offer: delivery today, gifts for everyone, etc. But this hits margins hard.

Increase conversion by two to three times. This situation is quite real. For example, if at the start of work the conversion is low. Increasing conversion from 0.5% to 1.5% in some topics is not very difficult. In fact, this is a 3-fold increase.

Increasing conversion from 1.5% to 3% is a much more difficult task. It turns out that the higher the conversion, the more difficult it is to increase it.

With a conversion of 2-2.5%, an increase of 10% (not percentage points) is very, very good.

How long does it take for conversion to grow?

It is extremely difficult to increase conversion in one split test by a significant amount.

Two of mine really great success. The two conversion increases that persisted over time and were obvious were made over long periods of time: 1 year of operation and half a year of operation.


  1. Conversion is just one of many metrics. Everything needs to be improved, not just conversion.
  2. There are many different conversions. Looking at your competitor's conversion rate is more often harmful than beneficial.
  3. Conversion depends on traffic, offer and site. The most important thing is the proposal.
  4. Average conversion is a “nothing” concept.
  5. A 10-fold increase in conversion is either a fairy tale, or you need to look at the growth in sales in units (money).
  6. The higher the conversion, the more difficult it is to increase it.
  7. Sustained conversion growth takes a long time to achieve. It takes me about half a year.

You should always work on conversion. Even if you feel like you've reached the ceiling.

Firstly. As soon as you stop, your competitors will start to pull away. You can notice this after a while (half a year / year). It will be extremely difficult to catch up.

Secondly. The market is changing. Consumer power is changing. Preferences change. Changes user experience. Everything changes. This needs to be monitored and responded to in a timely manner.

Spoiler. In the next article I will try to talk about the conversion path on an online store website.

Who doesn’t dream that every visitor makes one (or even three) purchases before leaving the site! Unfortunately, in reality, conversion ranges from 2 to 10%, depending on the field of business and the success of the site.

Average conversion of a website or online store in different areas business:

  1. Professional and Financial services – 10%
  2. Communications – 10%
  3. Other – 8%
  4. Education and medicine – 8%
  5. Software – 7%
  6. Computer techologies – 5%
  7. Factory production – 4%
  8. Tourism, hospitality sector – 4%
  9. Retail, Internet sales – 3%
  10. Non-profit organizations – 2%

However, leaders in each of these areas can have much more high level conversions thanks to, among other factors, an optimized website and a customer-centric approach. Even if you can't match business sharks like eBay, Amazon or Zappos, you could still beat them in some aspects of optimization that are entirely up to you and that won't cost you anything (or won't cost you much). Let's take a look at five basic techniques that you can implement right now that can increase the conversion of your website or online store.


The Internet is full of advice on how to make a website attractive and how to manage user perception. You can find a lot of information about this, but we will only cover the basic aspects:

    Color and Contrast. Choose a palette for your brand and stick to it throughout. An ill-thought-out color system not only kills the aesthetics of the site, but also prevents the visitor from focusing attention on important elements of the page. Use contrasting colors, wide margins between elements, and at least a basic knowledge of color theory to guide the client to take action.

    High quality pictures , zoom and video. Beautiful and high quality images They will enliven any website and add character to your brand. Try to avoid pictures from various stock photos, use original images to make your site unique. Make sure that your product images are large, clear and allow you to view it from different angles. Online shoppers don't have the opportunity to touch a product before purchasing, so let them explore it on your site with a zoom feature that allows them to see the item in great detail.

Download speed

Find a balance between images with high resolution and optimized for the Internet, which will take up little space on your server and load quickly. Use caching or a content delivery network (CDN) (such as Amazon Cloud Services).

One clearly marked CTA (call to action) per page

Research shows that visitors run out of patience after reading just a few sentences of your message. Most users will read the headline and maybe the first paragraph of text, while 38% of visitors will not read anything at all. Often average website conversion, which we clarified above, is built precisely around the client’s patience and his willingness to receive information.

Make the title clear, concise and catchy. The content on the page should make it possible to learn the most basic things about your company in a few seconds. It’s good if the text creates the feeling of a limited-time offer and forces the visitor to hurry up so as not to miss out on their benefits.

CTA– the most an important part pages. Highlight it contrasting color, around the button there should be empty space, use various pointers (arrows, gaze or gestures of the model in the photo) to push the client to action.

Instilling confidence

Nowadays, when data credit cards regularly fall prey to hackers, strengthening trust in the brand becomes an extremely important task. This can be done in the following ways:

    Safety. Place icons of Truste, Norton, Verisign, etc. security systems in the most prominent places and on the payment page, which will convince the buyer that payment on the site is safe.

    Evidence of trust from other clients. Photo real clients and their feedback will demonstrate that the company already has a large number of satisfied customers.

    Return guarantee and free product demos. These are the simplest and most proven ways to persuade a doubting client to buy.

Regular tests

The above tips are not enough to optimize conversion on a website or online store. What may be suitable for one type of business may not be suitable for another. You need to check what exactly is right for your company, and you need to do this regularly. Conduct conversion optimization tests on your website: various split tests, multivariate testing and usability testing. Tests should be part of your permanent job, be carried out frequently and regularly, and not once every few years, which will entail dramatic changes on the site.

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Ksenia Khizova, head of the web analytics group at Synergy University, held free webinar“Web analytics structure for an e-commerce project.”


✓ Key indicators of web analytics for January 2015

Average conversion e-commerce projects in Runet.

✓ Why analytics channels are important.

✓ How to choose semantic core For search engine promotion e-commerce.

✓ KPI metrics in the segment ecommerce.

✓ Which promotion strategy is effective for large e-commerce project.

Review of key indicators in the field of digital and e-commerce

To understand how to develop projects, you need to know what trends, in terms of traffic, exist in Runet and on the Internet in general.

If in 2010-2012. we've seen a big surge in traffic through landlines personal computers, then during 2014-2015. We see a big increase in traffic from tablets and mobile phones. Moreover, the share is growing mobile traffic for all types of projects in the e-commerce segment.

Increase in active users

Data given for Russian Federation, but for any other country this percentage increase will be relevant.

So, the annual increase in the number active users is approximately 15% per year. The number of active users of social networks is increasing by 10% per year compared to the past, the number mobile connections starts to fall a little. This trend is due to the fact that with the current economic situation, the increase in the number of purchases of tablets and phones has slowed down.

Time spent on media

Media are any portals that provide any information.

Internet users via desktop computers spend 4 hours 47 minutes per day viewing such sites, through mobile devices— 1 hour 42 minutes.

This is due to the fact that the connection mobile users carried out through mobile applications, and in this situation, linking a specific visit to a mobile application or resource is quite problematic. That is, if a person came and connected to the site through a browser, then we will see the contacts for connecting to this particular resource. If your potential client has downloaded mobile app such a media resource, then we will not see this person in the context of total attendance.

Internet using

The total number of Internet users is 87.5 million.

Penetration growth regular internet increased by 60% due to the fact that regions began to catch up. Penetration mobile internet increased by 33% compared to last year.

Web traffic

There are very interesting figures for web traffic.

Desktop (computers, laptops) decreased by 5%. For mobile traffic there is an increase of 41%, for tablets - by 17%.

Analysts predict a continued increase in the growth of mobile traffic and a refusal to use desktop computers. Of course, laptops and desktop computers won't disappear over the next 2 years, but the number of users who will interact with your site through these devices will be significantly reduced.

Today, desktop computers and laptops are used more often for work functions. And the interaction of potential clients with entertainment portals, sites selling some goods or services often occur in free time via tablets and phones.


Here we see a pretty good increase in numbers compared to last year.

Users who searched for products using desktop computers account for 38% of the total volume of potential customers. Users who purchased goods using a PC are 30%. Agree, quite a good conversion.

Users who searched for a product via Cell phones- 13%, bought - 8%. Quite intensive conversion in terms of mobile traffic.

Average conversion on RuNet

What do large online hypermarkets say on the Runet market based on the results of 2014?

Utkonos (an online grocery store) stated that its website conversion rate was 28.6%, Yulmart - 4%, and Citylink reported 6.%.

If we delve deeper into the analytics of online stores and just take a general snapshot, then normal indicators in the e-commerce segment in Russia it is 1.5% for technology, for the fashion segment 1.3%, and for the segment of goods for mothers and babies - approximately 2.1%.

This is quite big difference in terms of conversion, it suggests that today not all markets, from the point of view of e-commerce, are competitively saturated. There are markets that are only now starting to actively sell online.

This market includes auto parts, jewelry, household goods, and pet supplies. That is, the conversion of online stores for these products will be higher than the average conversion for the main segments that have been developing in the field of e-commerce for quite some time.

Real conversion numbers

Large online hypermarkets today they show a conversion of 1-2% (it all depends on seasonality and demand for the product).

Medium and small online stores, which are focused on a smaller number of products (approximately 200-1500 items), have a conversion of 1.3-2.5%. 2.5% is the high season, when, for example, there are goods in very high demand.

Today, there is a trend for online stores in this particular segment to start selling through social networks. If you do not have the opportunity to order or develop good landing page or a large online hypermarket, you can start selling goods through social networks. The demand is quite good and large, but the competition in this case is high.

Well, actually landing page gives 3.5-8%. This good help for sales. If you don’t have a full-fledged website ready yet, you can easily develop a good selling landing page and sell anything through it.

Case study of a group of medical goods websites

Now I’ll show you the numbers using the example of the work of a group of medical product websites.

Here, the conversion value changes when the product is highly seasonal. If you go to Yandex Wordstat and dial in search bar request “buy an inhaler”, you will see the seasonality of demand for this category of goods. It is very pronounced here: high demand is October-April, low demand is May-September. Based on this, we are seeing a decrease in conversion on the site.

What does this mean and what conclusions can you draw for your projects? On average, the normal state of the market is when in the off-season the conversion drops by 0.2-0.5%. That is, if during the off-season your conversion drops by this amount with the same advertising activities and using the same advertising channels, then everything is fine with your project. But you can stimulate sales additional goods, which will overlap your main products in seasonality.

The importance of analytics channels for an online store

For any online store, it is very important to understand analytics across all channels you work with.

We work on a multi-channel system. For example, there is a list of faculties that we offer our students for admission to university. To promote each faculty, we use multi-channels, since we have several segments target audience.

When choosing a first higher education, as a rule, the decision is made by 2 people: the student who will study at our university, and the student’s parents, who will pay for the education. That is, we have 2 target audiences, when working with whom we use different channels And different methods reports unique offer. For students, this will be, say, a fun and active student life (we actually have our own KVN club and so on), meetings with some stars and free seminars. We tell our parents that we have a good basic standard program, our teachers have good international accreditation, we issue diplomas in 2 languages.

That is, for each target audience we use different levers of interaction, differently expressed and configured advertising campaigns, and the different channels through which potential clients come to our website.

Conversion rates across lead generation channels are as follows:

  • Organic - 0.9-1%.
  • Google Adwords — 0,8-1%.
  • Yandex.Direct - 0.7-0.9%.
  • Yandex Market - 1-1.2%.
  • Social networks - 0.3-0.5%.
  • Email newsletters - 0.4-0.6%.

The level of trust in Yandex.Direct is very low, so applications are not very well converted into sales here. Converts well in Yandex Market Appliances, electronics, clothing. On social networks, as I already said, the fashion segment performs well.

For an online store, there are two main channels for attracting leads: applications from the website and incoming calls.

On the slide below you can see real data from the e-commerce account for an online store. You can also analyze current data that will tell you about the state of conversion by channel.

Selection of a semantic core for search engine promotion of an e-commerce project

Organic is the cheapest lead generation channel. On Together with Twitter, you can easily find the topics that concern most people on SEO is divided into 3 large blocks:

  • commercial;
  • branded;
  • reputational.

These are 3 different semantic cores that every company can work with.

Brand semantic core should be formed from the company brand, promoting the category of services you provide. If you want to collect good brand SEO and increase the recognition of your company among potential clients, then queries such as, for example, “travel services of company X” will be very relevant for you. That is, you form the perception of potential clients who, when entering the query “tourism services,” will remember you as the main provider of such services.

Reputational core- These are, first of all, reviews about the company. Therefore, here you need to work on creating a good reputation background so that clients see that you are a good company.

As part of our topic, we are now talking about conversion in commercial SEO. The brand and reputation core are not selling ones. If you new project, then you are primarily interested in the commercial selling core to start. But for further development in the market you will need to connect the brand and reputation components.

From a reputation core perspective, your job will consist of:

  • will monitor all sites on which they appear in large quantities reviews, respond in a timely manner and extinguish negativity;
  • engage in “guerrilla” marketing, that is, you will conduct dialogues about your company with people on open forums using fake accounts good background;
  • promote your pages with key queries And good reviews V search results on the first 2 pages.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is a difference in forming a semantic core for a large online hypermarket and a specialized store.

If you have a large online hypermarket (1,500+), then to reduce the cost per lead and increase conversion you need to create a semantic core of approximately 3,000 target queries. Within these 3,000 requests, the frequency distribution will be as follows:

There will be several categories:

If you have a small range of products, then you need to stick to a product SEO strategy. That is, you must select queries in the context of each unit of your product presented on the market. For example, you sell Philips washing machines. You collect all the low-frequency keywords for each item of product that you have, and then “finish off” the total number for high-frequency and low-frequency category queries, that is, “buy washing machine" etc.

Please note that there are some queries that are geo-referenced. If you want to optimize SEO costs when starting a project, then you need to use geo-based queries - they are cheaper and, from a promotion point of view, appear higher in search results.

Definition of KPIs

The first thing any owner or manager of an online store needs to do is Analyze sales funnel data daily. You have to see:

  • conversion of the application from all sources;
  • conversion of an application in connection with the sales department, that is, what conversion the sales department shows by the number of accepted and processed applications.

It is also necessary to monitor the sales plan. From the point of view of the KPI of an online store in the e-commerce segment, the sales plan should be presented in terms of month, week and day.

That is, every manager must analyze these planned indicators daily and compare them with actual data. Moreover, in terms of the current traffic you are forecasting, every manager should know the conversion plan.

Second - check depth. It’s not the size, but the depth, because the more positions you can sell to your client, the higher the cost of the check will be. If he is focused on the category of light goods, then you can additionally sell him some other components from the same category. If a person buys a fairly expensive luxury product from you, then you can sell additional service for its maintenance. That is, the presence of two or more products in a receipt is one of the good indicators of efficiency in e-commerce.

Third - conversion. In the context of all the data on the sales funnel, you should see the conversion of your website: is it working well or is there real problems. I advise you to connect special program Callbackhunter, which shows live the movement of your potential buyer on the site. Moreover, the program can redirect a person to certain product categories for recommendations.

Strategy for working in the e-commerce market for maximum capture

In order to capture the maximum market volume, the work of one online hypermarket will not be enough for you. Usually, major projects show the strategy for maximum capture from different entry points.

If you have a large online hypermarket, to maximize market capture you need to have a main website plus 3-4 product landing pages for the most marginal products.

That is, in order for you to receive maximum profit, you must have a main source of profit - a website that will generate 60 or 70% of income, and landing pages with high-margin products (off-season, seasonal, cross-seasonal).

Thank you for your attention.