Server and regular memory - is there a difference? How to choose the right RAM? RAM and its main characteristics

RAM(RAM, Random Access Memory, RAM) is one of the main parts in a computer. This is an energy-dependent component that stores machine code, incoming/outgoing and intermediate data while the computer is running. The process of choosing RAM seems understandable only at first glance, but it contains many nuances that need to be taken into account in order to purchase quality components.

The easiest way to choose a RAM stick is to use the list of recommended modules on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard installed on the computer. Since these parts of the PC are inextricably linked with each other (including the processor), it makes sense to pay attention to the manufacturer’s advice. The recommended RAM modules listed on his website will definitely work on your PC.

Another tip to follow when purchasing RAM sticks is matching with other hardware. Buying an inexpensive motherboard and budget processor, do not choose expensive RAM because it will not reach its potential during operation. But it is very important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of RAM.

Main settings

When purchasing new RAM, pay attention to the main parameters that will help you make the right choice.

First, determine what type of RAM is suitable for your motherboard. This parameter is indicated in its description. Today there are four types: SDRAM, DDR (DDR1), DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4.

The most common type of RAM today is DDR3. Unlike previous generation modules, it works with clock frequency up to 2400 MHz and consumes 30-40% less electricity compared to its predecessor. In addition, it has a lower supply voltage, so it generates less heat.

All types of RAM are incompatible with each other in terms of electrical (supply voltage differs) and physical parameters (control holes are located on different places). The photo shows why a DDR3 RAM module cannot be installed in the DDR2 socket.

Healthy! Now the DDR4 standard is gaining popularity. It features lower power consumption and higher operating frequencies (prospect for growth up to 3200 MHz).

The form factor characterizes the size of the RAM sticks. There are two types:

  • DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module) – installed on desktop PCs;
  • SO-DIMM – for installation in laptops or monoblocks.

Bus frequency and bandwidth

The performance of RAM depends on these two parameters. The bus frequency characterizes the amount of information transmitted per unit of time. The higher it is, the more information will pass through the bus in the same time period. There is a directly proportional relationship between bus frequency and bandwidth: if the RAM frequency is 1800 MHz, theoretically it has a bandwidth of 14400 MB/sec.

Don't chase high frequency RAM on a “more is better” basis. For the average user, the difference between 1333 MHz or 1600 MHz is invisible. It is important only for professional users who are engaged in video rendering, or for overclockers trying to “overclock” the RAM.

When choosing a frequency, take into account the tasks you set for the computer and its configuration. It is desirable that the operating frequency of the RAM modules coincide with the frequency at which it operates motherboard. If you connect a DDR3-1800 stick to a motherboard that supports the DDR3-1333 standard, the RAM will run at 1333 MHz.

In this case, the more, the better - this is the optimal description of the parameter. Today, the minimum allowable amount of RAM that should be installed on a computer or laptop is 4 GB. Depending on the tasks performed on the device, the amount of RAM can be 8, 32 or even 128 GB. For an ordinary user, 8 GB will be enough; for a specialist working with video processing programs, or for a gamer, 16-64 GB of RAM will be needed.

RAM timings are characterized by delays in operation. They are calculated in nanoseconds, and in the description they are indicated by a sequential set of numbers: 9-9-9-27, where the first three parameters are: CAS Latency, RAS to CAS Delay, RAS Precharge Time and DRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc. They characterize the performance in the “memory-processor” segment, which directly affects the efficiency of the computer. The lower these values, the lower the delay and the faster the PC will perform.

Some companies indicate only one number in the description of RAM modules - CL9. It characterizes CAS Latency. Basically it is equal to or lower than other parameters.

Good to know! The higher the RAM frequency, the higher the timings, so you need to choose the optimal ratio for yourself.

RAM sticks are sold with the designation “Low Latency”. This means that at high frequencies they have low timings. But their cost is higher than that of conventional models.


To increase computer performance, use special modes operation of RAM strips: single-, dual-, triple-channel and Flex-Mode. In this case, the speed of the system theoretically increases two, three or more times.

Important! The motherboard must support these operating modes. The description for it indicates which slots you need to install the brackets in to enable the desired mode.

  • Single channel mode starts when one RAM module is used or all sticks have different parameters. In this case, the system operates at bar speed with the lowest frequency.
  • Dual channel mode turns on when two RAM modules with the same characteristics (frequency, timings, volume) are installed in the connectors. The performance increase is 10-20% in games and 20-70% when working with graphics.
  • Three channel mode activated when three identical RAM sticks are connected. In reality, it does not always outperform dual-channel mode.
  • Flex-Mode (flexible)– increases PC performance when using two RAM sticks of the same frequency, but different in volume.

Important! It is advisable that the memory sticks be from the same delivery batch. There are kits on sale consisting of two to four modules that are completely compatible with each other in operation.

Buying digital technology, please pay attention to the manufacturer. Among the companies producing RAM modules, the most popular are: Corsair, Kingston, GoodRam, Hynix, Samsung and others.

It is interesting that the market for the production of memory chips for RAM modules is almost completely divided between three large companies: Samsung, Hynix, Micron. A large manufacturers use their chips to produce their own models.

Modern RAM sticks operate with low power consumption, so they highlight a small amount of heat. In view of this, there is no need to buy models with installed radiators. But if you are a fan of overclocking hardware, then take care of purchasing RAM modules with heatsinks. They will prevent them from burning out during overclocking.

If necessary, the user can purchase a cooling system for RAM, consisting of radiators and fans. It is also intended for use by overclockers.

Selecting an existing plank

By purchasing new module RAM to the one already installed in your PC, remember that often such combinations do not work together. But if you decide to buy, make sure that the timings and bus frequencies are the same. In addition, choose RAM sticks from the same manufacturer.


If you don't fully understand how to choose RAM, watch this video.

DDR2 memory has some design differences from DDR modules, in particular, the number of contacts has been increased from 184 to 240 (the contacts are located closer to each other), and the “key” that prevents power plant into a memory module slot of a different type.

The supply voltage in DDR2 is 1.8 V, in contrast to DDR modules - 2.5 V, as a result of which the memory has lower power consumption and heat dissipation, respectively.

The main architectural difference of DDR2 memory is the ability to transfer four blocks of data per clock cycle instead of two, as was the case with DDR.

DDR2 is based on the proven Double Data Rate technology.
It provides for signal transmission on both edges of the clock pulse (rising and falling).
As a result, the actual clock speeds of 200 MHz and 266 MHz correspond to the effective clock speeds of DDR2-400 and DDR2-533.

Among the new technical features DDR2 features a new signal termination system directly on the memory chips (ODT, On Die Termination), a reduced page size (requires less energy to activate) and fixed burst lengths of four or eight clock cycles.

In the latter case, the DDR2 specification calls for a new burst transfer mode called Sequential Nibble, in which each byte is divided into two 4-bit nibbles.
As a result, it becomes possible packet transfers eight cycles in alternating mode, since each new column memory matrices can be used in conjunction with the new 4-bit prefetch.

The illustrations show delays during the reading process.
However, recording delays have also changed: if normal memory DDR can write data immediately one clock after the write command, in the case of DDR2 this is not possible due to higher clock speeds.
Therefore, the write latency is calculated from the read latency by subtracting one clock cycle.

This is especially true during asynchronous operation (a typical case when DDR2-533 memory is used on a platform with a system bus frequency of 800 MHz) in single-channel mode.
In this situation, the 33% increase in theoretical memory bandwidth of DDR2-533 compared to DDR400 often does not provide a noticeable performance increase.

In general, such inconsistencies could be ignored, especially since in the case of using synchronous mode (1066 MHz system bus), the use of this type of memory rehabilitates itself.


Using Posted CAS allows the CAS command to be issued directly after the RAS signal without any collisions.
This simplifies the controller design and increases the speed of working with memory.

Further differences between DDR and DDR2 concern details: instead of TSO (Thin Small Outline) packaging, only FBGA (Fine-Line Ball Grid Array) packaging is allowed.
In addition to shortening circuits and reducing signal noise, FBGA is more compact, allowing high-density memory designs.

From DDR2-533 to two-channel mode we will get a speed of 8.533 MB/s (8.33 GB/s) - sounds good.
However, there are two important factors, reducing additional productivity potential.

Firstly, call delays have increased to CL 4 and 4-4-12 levels, and they may increase further.

Secondly, the frequency of 533 MHz (DDR) means asynchronous operation with the 800 MHz FSB of the P4 processor (QDR) in a ratio of 2:3 - previously this was often not always justified.

Here, once again, I was asked how one can determine the type of RAM by its appearance. Because This question comes up periodically, I decided that it was better to show it once than to explain it a hundred times, and write an illustrated mini-review of types of RAM for PCs.

Not everyone is interested in this, that’s why I’m hiding it under the cat. Read

The most common types of RAM that have been and are used in personal computers commonly called SIMM, DIMM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3. You are unlikely to see SIMMs and DIMMs anymore, but DDR, DDR2 or DDR3 are now installed in most personal computers. So, in order


SIMM for 30 contacts. Used in personal computers with processors from 286 to 486. Now it is already a rarity. SIMM for 72 contacts. This type of memory was of two types: FPM (Fast Page Mode) and EDO (Extended Data Out).

The FPM type was used on computers with 486 processors and the first Pentiums until 1995. Then EDO appeared. Unlike its predecessors, EDO begins fetching the next block of memory at the same time it sends the previous block to the CPU.

Structurally they are identical, they can only be distinguished by markings. Personal computers that supported EDO could also work with FPM, but the opposite was not always the case.


That's what they called the type SDRAM memory(Synchronous DRAM). Since 1996, the majority Intel chipsets began to support this type of memory module, making it very popular until 2001. Most computers with Pentium and Celeron processors used this type of memory.


DDR (Double Data Rate) was a development of SDRAM. This type of memory module first appeared on the market in 2001. The main difference between DDR and SDRAM is that instead of doubling the clock speed to speed things up, these modules transfer data twice per clock cycle.


DDR2 (Double Data Rate 2) - more new option DDR, which should theoretically be twice as fast. DDR2 memory first appeared in 2003, and chipsets supporting it appeared in mid-2004. The main difference between DDR2 and DDR is the ability to operate at a significantly higher clock frequency, thanks to improvements in design. In appearance it differs from DDR in the number of contacts: it has increased from 184 (for DDR) to 240 (for DDR2).


Like DDR2 memory modules, they are available in 240-pin printed circuit board(120 contacts on each side of the module), however, they are not electrically compatible with the latter, and for this reason they have a different “key” arrangement.

And finally, there is another type of RAM - RIMM (Rambus). Appeared on the market in 1999. It is based on traditional DRAM, but with a radically changed architecture. This type of RAM did not take root in personal computers and was used very rarely. Such modules were used back in game consoles Sony Playstation 2 and Nintendo 64.

SIMM for 30 contacts.

Good day everyone. Today we’ll talk about how to choose RAM.

This next note owes its appearance to our esteemed readers, because it was from them (i.e. you) that the call came that I would like to see more of everything and more from the category of “heavy artillery”, that is. Well, since we are a project that can not only write, but also read in places (in particular, your comments :-)), then, in fact, here is another article about the “brains” of your PC, namely, RAM .

As I already said, initially it was a single article, which was divided into two. You can find the first part, which talks about RAM in general (i.e. principles of operation, why it is needed, and so on).

In the introduction I would also like to say that this creation will take its place of honor in our “iron pantheon” of articles. For those who have forgotten (or are hearing for the first time, i.e. hello to the new ones;-)) what was discussed there, let me remind you that the materials tell you what you need to pay attention to when purchasing individual “spare parts” for your computer. Here are some of these works of art: “Intel or AMD. Problems of choosing “, “How to choose the right fan (cooler) for the processor,” “ “ and all that other stuff from the “Selection Criteria” tag.

I don’t dare detain you any longer, let’s begin...

Basic introduction to characteristics and more

How to choose the right RAM so that your PC’s performance improves and it quickly processes applications/games that you couldn’t even imagine before? I think this question is asked by a huge number of users of our (and not only) vast country.

And they are doing the right thing in asking this question, because only at first glance can one say that everything here is simple and clear, but there are a lot of subtleties, which we will tell you about now.

So, the first thing you need to keep in mind (before purchasing) is that choosing the “right” memory is the key to the success of further overclocking your iron friend and, to some extent, allows you to avoid unnecessary financial injections into a newly released piece of hardware.

Those. memory (for example, “overclocking”) allows you to maintain the user’s PC in a “cheerful” mood for quite a long time, due to the overclocking potential provided by the manufacturer.

It was not for nothing that we said above that the processor uses RAM and cache to process data (and through the motherboard it consumes RAM resources). It’s not in vain because it’s impossible to select a separate RAM from the same processor or motherboard (because they are interconnected).

When describing the characteristics of the motherboard, we refer to the processor; when considering the RAM, we also take into account the characteristics of the above-mentioned elements, because they are the main "thinking" part of the computer. The operational interconnection of these components allows your iron assistant to quickly carry out the necessary operations.

Therefore, the choice of memory must be approached based on these considerations of interconnection, otherwise it will turn out that you acquired a “cool” memory, but the motherboard does not support it, and then lie there and wait for your “finest hour” :).

To find out which processor your motherboard supports, as well as which memory module is required for it, you need to:

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  • go to the board manufacturer's website
  • find, by alphanumeric marking, your model (for example, manufacturer Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P)
  • Review the supported processor guide and the list of recommended memory modules (i.e., those manufacturers and models that 100 % are compatible with your board).

To clear up all the questions, I’ll give a specific example (no need, don’t thank me :-)).

Go to the manufacturer's website ( 1 ) and look for the motherboard model by marking; for simplicity, enter the data into the search ( 2 ).

Markings (motherboard model/manufacturer), for example, can be found through the diagnostic tool DirectX(called by key combination command line « Win+R» and input dxdiag, then remember the lines - PC manufacturer and model).

Determining the type of processor ( 1 ) (let's say Core i5-760) and memory model ( 2 ) (let's say Kingston KHX1600C9D3K2/4G).

That's all, nothing complicated!

Now we know that our motherboard and processor will not conflict with this memory, and with the combination of these three components we can squeeze out the treasured 10-15 % increase in overall computer performance and avoid, say, scary and terrible .

Now let's move directly to the technical parameters themselves.

Memory type

First of all, you need to decide on the type of memory. At the time of this writing, memory modules dominate the market DDR (double-data-rate) third generation or DDR3. Memory type DDR3 has higher clock speeds (up to 2400 megahertz), reduced by approximately 30-40 % (compared with DDR2) energy consumption and, accordingly, less heat generation.

However, you can still find standard memory DDR2 and morally outdated (and therefore terribly expensive in places) DDR1. All these three types are completely incompatible with each other, both in electrical parameters (in DDR3 less stress) and physical (see image).

This is done so that even if you make a mistake with your choice, you will not be able to insert an incompatible memory stick (although some are very diligent, and therefore it happens.. uh.. boom! :)).

It is worth mentioning the new type of memory DDR4, differing from previous generations by higher frequency characteristics And low voltage. It supports frequencies from 2133 before 4266 MHz and will go into mass production presumably in the middle 2012 of the year. In addition, do not confuse RAM ( mentioned DDR) with video memory (namely GDDR). The latter (type GDDR5) has high frequencies reaching 5 GHz, but are currently used only in video cards.

Form factor

When choosing, always pay attention to form factor- standard that sets dimensions device or, simply put, the type of design of the bar itself.

DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module, means that the contacts are located on both sides) - for desktop PCs, and SO-DIMM- for laptops (lately laptop memory can be found in all-in-one PCs or compact multimedia PCs).

As you can see in the picture above, they have different sizes, so it's hard to miss.

Bus frequency and bandwidth

The main parameters of RAM that characterize its performance are the bus frequency and data transfer speed.

The frequency characterizes the potential of the memory bus to transfer data per unit of time; accordingly, the higher it is, the more data can be transferred. Bus frequency and bandwidth are directly proportional to each other (for example, memory has 1333 MHz bus, which means theoretically it will have the bandwidth 10600 Mb/sec, and on the module itself it will be written DDR3 1333 (PC-10600)).

Frequency is denoted as " DDR2(3 )-xxxx" or " PC2(3 )-yyyy". In the first case, "xxxx" indicates the effective memory frequency, and in the second, "yyyy" indicates the peak bandwidth. To avoid confusion, look at the table (it shows the most popular standards: DDR (1 ), DDR2 (2 ), DDR3 (3 )).

Which frequency should I choose?

As mentioned above, you need to build on the capabilities that your system provides. We recommend that the frequency match the frequency supported motherboard/processor.

For example, you connected the module DDR3-1800 into a slot (connector) that supports the maximum DDR3-1600, as a result, the module will operate at the slot frequency, i.e. 1600 MHz, not using its resource to its full extent, and failures and errors in the system are also likely. It must be said that now the most common and recommended for purchase are modules like DDR3 with clock frequency 1333 And 1600 MHz.

For a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of the RAM, the term memory bandwidth is used. It takes into account the frequency at which data is transmitted, the bus width and the number of memory channels (this is a rather important parameter for the performance of the OP).

Memory operating modes

In modern computers, motherboards support special operating memory modes. It is in these modes that the speed of its operation will be most effective, therefore, to achieve the best performance, you should take into account the operating modes of the memory modules and their correct installation.

What is memory operating mode? - this is similar to the work of several cores CPU, i.e. theoretically, the speed of the memory subsystem in dual-channel mode increases by 2 times, three-channel - in 3 times respectively, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the types of modes:

  • Single channel mode(single-channel or asymmetric) – this mode is activated when only one memory module is installed in the system or all modules differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter here which slots and what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.
  • Dual Mode(dual-channel or symmetrical) - the same amount of RAM is installed in each channel (and theoretically the maximum data transfer rate is doubled). To enable dual-channel mode, memory modules are installed in pairs in 1 And 3 and/or 2 And 4 slots.
  • Triple Mode(three-channel) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume.
    To enable this mode, modules must be installed in 1 , 3 And 5 /or 2 , 4 And 6 slots. In practice, by the way, this mode is not always more productive than the two-channel mode, and sometimes even loses to it in data transfer speed.
  • Flex Mode(flexible) – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same slots different channels.

Generally, the most common option is dual-channel memory mode.

There are motherboards on sale that support quad-channel memory operation, which, in theory, will give you maximum performance. IN general case, for efficient memory organization, it is necessary to install an even number of memory modules ( 2 or 4 ), and in pairs they should be of the same volume and preferably from the same batch (or the same manufacturer).

Does memory capacity or size matter?

Another important parameter about which they say that the more the better is volume. I’ll note right away that although this is an essential characteristic, almost all the laurels are often attributed to it in the difficult task of increasing PC performance, which is not always true, but it does happen.

I wrote a few words about large amounts of memory in the note "".

For those who are too lazy to read the note itself, I’ll just say that, as for me, the volumes are from 6 GB reasonable, especially in cases of weak disk subsystem(fortunately memory costs pennies now). And the foundation for the future will be good, because, as practice shows, programs and operating systems are beginning to consume more and more memory.


In it, in addition to the fact that you can find out general information about memory (tab Memory), and also look (tab SPD), is your “baby” capable of overclocking, i.e. is she friends with the profile? XMP or EPP.


Most elements get quite hot during PC operation, and the memory is no exception (I won’t say that you can fry eggs on it, like on a video card, but it’s quite possible to get burned :)). To remove heat from microcircuits, manufacturers equip their dies with special metal plates/radiators and cooling casings. In high-speed models (pre-designed for overclocking), sometimes it reaches full separate system cooling (with big amount all kinds of tubes and elements, as in the image).

Therefore, if you plan to, so to speak, “heavily load” your RAM and also overclock (in the future), think about normal system its cooling. Overall, even for an ordinary user, I recommend buying memory in at least some kind of radiators.

ECC Error Correction

Modules with this marking have a special controller on board, designed to detect and correct various memory errors. Theoretically, such a system should increase operational stability RAM. In practice, the difference in operation between “regular” and more expensive ECC- almost invisible in memory. Therefore, there is no particular point in purchasing such modules specifically. In addition, the use ESS in memory modules can reduce its operating speed by 2 - 10 %.

Actually, we’re done with the parameters, but the best part is left for dessert, as always! Well, let's start absorbing it :).

Correct installation of memory after selection and purchase

It would seem that there is nothing to tell about the correct installation of the OP (it seems as if everything is simple - stick it in, click and order), but this is not entirely true and now we will study this issue with all seriousness :).

So (before installation), remember the basic rules:

  • be careful
  • Carry out all work with the computer completely disconnected from the power supply, with dry hands
  • do not attach from extra effort– memory modules are very fragile!
  • Place the system unit on a strong and stable surface.

Let's move on to the process itself.

Step 1.
First of all, open the side cover of the system unit (for a standard vertical case, this is the left cover when looking at the system unit from the front). Find the motherboard inside the unit - the largest board located directly in front of you. On this board you will see a block of connectors for installing RAM modules.

The number of OP slots is usually 2-6 connectors for most motherboards used in home computers. Before installation, pay attention to the video card - it may interfere with the installation of RAM. If it interferes, then temporarily dismantle it.

Step 2.
On the free slot selected for installing the RAM, unfasten the special latches on the edges.

Carefully remove the new “brains” (do not bend them, grasp them carefully but firmly by the edges) from the antistatic packaging.

Inside each connector there are small jumper keys, and on the contact part of the memory modules there are corresponding cutouts. Their mutual combination excludes incorrect installation memory or installing other types of modules. Each type has a different location and number of slots, and therefore, keys on the motherboard connectors (we already mentioned this when we talked about memory types).

Step 3.
Align the slot on the memory with the key in the motherboard slot (as shown in the image).

If you cannot match the keys on the memory stick and on the motherboard connector, then most likely you bought the wrong type of memory. Check everything again, it is better to return the purchase to the store and exchange it for desired type memory.

Step 4.
Insert module DIMM into the connector by pressing on its top edge.

Step 5.
Press gently until the module is completely seated in the slot and the locking tabs on the edges of the slot are in place.

Step 6.
Make sure the retaining clips are in place and fully closed.

That's it, the memory is installed correctly! Replace the system unit case cover and connect the computer to the power supply. After installing new RAM, be sure to test it with special utilities to identify errors.

It is worth saying a few words about the operating modes of RAM.

Motherboards allow memory to operate in n-channel (two/three/four) modes. To do this, the slots differ in color and are divided into pairs.

For example, in order to enable the dual-channel operating mode of the OP, it is necessary that the modules (of the same frequency/volume) be inserted into the connectors of the same name (same color, 1 And 3 ) from different channels (see image).

This procedure allows you to achieve an increase in productivity 5-10 % (compared to single-channel mode).

Everybody is here!

Following this installation instructions, You will not only easily install memory (even if you have never done this before) in the “right” place, but also get maximum performance from it in the system.

User's memo for choice

Since there is quite a lot of information, let’s highlight the main points that you need to learn:

  • Find out in advance the type of memory supported (recommended) by the manufacturer
  • Install memory modules with the same timings/capacity/frequency and from the same manufacturer. Ideally buy a kit kit- these are two modules with the same characteristics from the same manufacturer, already tested in collaboration
  • The RAM bus bandwidth must match the processor bus bandwidth
  • To achieve the best performance, consider the operating modes of the modules and their correct installation
  • Look for memory with minimal standard timings (less -> better)
  • Select the amount of memory based on the tasks your PC solves and the type operating system
  • Choose well-known (reputable) manufacturers, for example: OCZ, Kingston, Corsair, etc.
  • The overclocking potential of memory directly depends on the chips on which it is manufactured. So make sure the memory did famous manufacturer, then it is most likely that the chips will provide more reliable power supply, will have greater noise immunity, which will have a beneficial effect on memory operation in abnormal modes
  • If you plan to overclock the system or want to get maximum performance (for example, build a gaming PC), then you should pay attention to special overclocking memory with enhanced cooling.

Based on this information, you will be able to wisely choose a suitable memory module, which will ensure that your beloved piece of hardware maintains (and does not drop) a high performance bar for a long time.

I would also like to say that if you hope that somewhere between the lines we will say a few more words about overclocking, then don’t hope (:)), because a separate (even more delicious) article will be devoted to this issue, which will cover all the intricacies of overclocking and “squeeze” the maximum out of my “brains”. However, this is a completely different story...

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    I hope that this material will take its rightful place on the shelf with your “iron knowledge” and will help you more than once (but twice or even three :)) with advice in the difficult task of buying “thinking hardware” for a fellow computer.

    Stay on our IT wave and you will learn a lot more interesting things. As always, if you have something to say, comments patiently wait their turn.

    PS: In addition to dancing with diamonds over the RAM in order to increase computer performance, you can use another very good tool - the swap file. You can learn how to create/configure it correctly from the note located at.

    PS 2: Thanks to team member 25 KADR for the existence of this article

    RAM is used to temporarily store data necessary for the operation of the operating system and all programs. There should be enough RAM; if there is not enough, the computer starts to slow down.

    The board with memory chips is called a memory module (or stick). Memory for a laptop, except for the size of the slots, is no different from memory for a computer, so when choosing, follow the same recommendations.

    For an office computer, one 4 GB DDR4 stick with a frequency of 2400 or 2666 MHz is enough (costs almost the same).
    RAM Crucial CT4G4DFS824A

    For multimedia computer(movies, simple games) it is better to take two 4 GB DDR4 sticks with a frequency of 2666 MHz, then the memory will work in a faster dual-channel mode.
    RAM Ballistix BLS2C4G4D240FSB

    For a mid-class gaming computer, you can take one 8 GB DDR4 stick with a frequency of 2666 MHz so that in the future you can add another one, and it would be better if it is a simpler running model.
    RAM Crucial CT8G4DFS824A

    And for a powerful gaming or professional PC, you need to immediately take a set of 2 DDR4 8 GB sticks, and a frequency of 2666 MHz will be quite sufficient.

    2. How much memory is needed

    For an office computer designed for working with documents and accessing the Internet, one 4 GB memory stick is sufficient.

    For a multimedia computer that can be used to watch high-quality videos and undemanding games, 8 GB of memory is sufficient.

    For a mid-range gaming computer, the minimum option is 8 GB of RAM.

    A powerful gaming or professional computer requires 16 GB of memory.

    A larger amount of memory may be needed only for very demanding professional programs and is not needed by ordinary users.

    Memory capacity for older PCs

    If you decide to increase the memory on your old computer, be aware that 32-bit versions of Windows do not support more than 3 GB of RAM. That is, if you install 4 GB of RAM, the operating system will see and use only 3 GB.

    As for 64-bit versions of Windows, they will be able to use all the installed memory, but if you have old computer or have an old printer, then they may not have drivers for these operating systems. In this case, before purchasing memory, install 64 bit version Windows and check if everything works for you. I also recommend looking at the website of the motherboard manufacturer and seeing what volume of modules and total amount of memory it supports.

    Please also note that 64-bit operating systems consume 2 times more memory, for example, Windows 7 x64 takes about 800 MB for its needs. Therefore, 2 GB of memory for such a system will not be enough, preferably at least 4 GB.

    Practice shows that modern operating rooms Windows systems 7,8,10 are fully expanded with a memory capacity of 8 GB. The system becomes more responsive, programs open faster, and jerks (freezes) disappear in games.

    3. Memory types

    Modern memory is of the DDR SDRAM type and is constantly being improved. So DDR and DDR2 memory is already obsolete and can only be used on older computers. DDR3 memory is no longer advisable to use on new PCs; it has been replaced by the faster and more promising DDR4.

    Please note that the selected memory type must be supported by the processor and motherboard.

    Also, new processors, for compatibility reasons, may support DDR3L memory, which is different from regular DDR3 reduced voltage from 1.5 to 1.35 V. Such processors will be able to work with conventional DDR memory 3 if you already have it, but processor manufacturers do not recommend this due to increased degradation of memory controllers designed for DDR4 with an even lower voltage of 1.2 V.

    Memory type for older PCs

    Outdated DDR2 memory costs several times more than modern memory. A 2 GB DDR2 stick costs 2 times more, and a 4 GB DDR2 stick costs 4 times more than a DDR3 or DDR4 stick of the same size.

    Therefore, if you want to significantly increase the memory on an old computer, then perhaps more the best option there will be a transition to a more modern platform with a replacement of the motherboard and, if necessary, a processor that will support DDR4 memory.

    Calculate how much it will cost you; perhaps a profitable solution would be to sell the old motherboard with old memory and purchase new, albeit not the most expensive, but more modern components.

    The motherboard connectors for installing memory are called slots.

    Each memory type (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4) has its own slot. DDR3 memory can only be installed in a motherboard with DDR3 slots, DDR4 - with DDR4 slots. Motherboards supporting old memory DDR2 is no longer produced.

    5. Memory characteristics

    The main characteristics of memory on which its performance depends are frequency and timings. Memory speed does not have such a strong impact on overall performance computer as a processor. However, you can often get faster memory for not much more. Fast memory needed primarily for powerful professional computers.

    5.1. Memory frequency

    Frequency has highest value on memory speed. But before purchasing it, you need to make sure that the processor and motherboard also support the required frequency. Otherwise, the actual memory operating frequency will be lower and you will simply overpay for something that will not be used.

    Inexpensive motherboards support lower maximum memory frequencies, for example for DDR4 it is 2400 MHz. Mid-range and high-end motherboards can support higher frequency memory (3400-3600 MHz).

    But with processors the situation is different. Older processors with DDR3 memory support may support memory with maximum frequency 1333, 1600 or 1866 MHz (depending on model). For modern processors that support DDR4 memory, the maximum supported memory frequency may be 2400 MHz or higher.

    Intel 6th generation and higher processors and AMD Ryzen processors support DDR4 memory at 2400 MHz or higher. At the same time, in their model range There are not only powerful expensive processors, but also mid- and budget-class processors. Thus, you can assemble the computer yourself modern platform With inexpensive processor and DDR4 memory, and in the future change the processor and get the highest performance.

    The main memory today is DDR4 2400 MHz, which is supported by the most modern processors, motherboards and costs the same as DDR4 2133 MHz. Therefore, purchasing DDR4 memory with a frequency of 2133 MHz today does not make sense.

    You can find out what memory frequency a particular processor supports on the manufacturers’ websites:

    By model number or serial number it is very easy to find all the characteristics of any processor on the website:

    Or simply enter your model number in search engine Google or Yandex (for example, “Ryzen 7 1800X”).

    5.2. High Frequency Memory

    Now I want to touch on one more thing interesting point. On sale you can find RAM at a much higher frequency than can be supported by any modern processor(3000-3600 MHz and above). Accordingly, many users are wondering how this can happen?

    It's all about the technology developed by Intel, eXtreme Memory Profile (XMP). XMP allows memory to run at a higher frequency than the processor officially supports. XMP must be supported by both the memory itself and the motherboard. High-frequency memory simply cannot exist without support for this technology, but not all motherboards can boast of its support. Basically it's more expensive models upper middle class.

    The essence of XMP technology is that the motherboard automatically increases the frequency of the memory bus, due to which the memory begins to operate at its higher frequency.

    AMD has a similar technology called AMD Memory Profile (AMP), which was supported by older AMD processor motherboards. These motherboards usually also supported XMP modules.

    Purchasing more expensive memory with a very high frequency and a motherboard with XMP support makes sense for very powerful professional computers equipped with a top-end processor. In a middle-class computer, this will be wasted money, since everything will depend on the performance of other components.

    In games, the memory frequency has a small impact and there is no point in overpaying; it will be enough to go for 2400 MHz, or 2666 MHz if the difference in price is small.

    For professional applications, you can take memory with a higher frequency - 2666 MHz or, if you want and have funds, 3000 MHz. The difference in performance here is greater than in games, but not dramatic, so there is no particular point in pushing the memory frequency.

    Let me remind you once again that your motherboard must support memory at the required frequency. In addition, sometimes Intel processors become unstable at memory frequencies above 3000 MHz, and for Ryzen this limit is around 2900 MHz.

    Timings are the delays between read/write/copy operations of data in RAM. Accordingly, the fewer these delays, the better. But timings have a much smaller impact on memory speed than its frequency.

    There are only 4 main timings that are indicated in the characteristics of memory modules.

    Of these, the most important is the first number, which is called latency (CL).

    Typical latency for DDR3 1333 MHz memory is CL 9, for higher frequency DDR3 memory is CL 11.

    Typical latency for DDR4 2133 MHz memory is CL 15, for DDR4 memory with higher frequencies is CL 16.

    You should not purchase memory with a latency higher than specified, as this indicates an overall low level of its technical characteristics.

    Typically, memory with lower timings costs more, but if the price difference is not significant, then memory with lower latency should be preferred.

    5.4. Supply voltage

    Memory may have different supply voltages. It can be either standard (generally accepted for a certain type of memory), or increased (for enthusiasts) or, conversely, decreased.

    This is especially important if you want to add memory to your computer or laptop. In this case, the voltage of the new strips should be the same as the existing ones. Otherwise, problems are possible, since most motherboards cannot set different voltages for different modules.

    If the voltage is set to a level with a lower voltage, then others may not have enough power and the system will not work stably. If the voltage is set to a level with a higher voltage, then the memory designed for a lower voltage may fail.

    If you are collecting new computer, then this is not so important, but to avoid possible problems compatibility with the motherboard and replacement or expansion of memory in the future, it is better to choose sticks with a standard supply voltage.

    The memory, depending on the type, has the following standard supply voltages:

    • DDR - 2.5 V
    • DDR2 - 1.8 V
    • DDR3 - 1.5 V
    • DDR3L - 1.35 V
    • DDR4 - 1.2 V

    I think you noticed that there is DDR3L memory in the list. This is not a new type of memory, but regular DDR3, but with a reduced supply voltage (Low). This is the kind of memory needed for 6th generation Intel processors and higher, which support both DDR4 and DDR3 memory. But in this case it is better to assemble the system using new memory DDR4.

    6. Marking of memory modules

    Memory modules are marked depending on the type of memory and its frequency. The marking of DDR memory modules begins with PC, followed by a number indicating the generation and speed in megabytes per second (MB/s).

    Such markings are inconvenient to navigate; it is enough to know the type of memory (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4), its frequency and latency. But sometimes, for example on ad sites, you can see markings copied from the strip. Therefore, so that you can get your bearings in this case, I will give the markings in classic form, indicating the memory type, its frequency and typical latency.

    DDR - obsolete

    • PC-2100 (DDR 266 MHz) - CL 2.5
    • PC-2700 (DDR 333 MHz) - CL 2.5
    • PC-3200 (DDR 400 MHz) - CL 2.5

    DDR2 - obsolete

    • PC2-4200 (DDR2 533 MHz) - CL 5
    • PC2-5300 (DDR2 667 MHz) - CL 5
    • PC2-6400 (DDR2 800 MHz) - CL 5
    • PC2-8500 (DDR2 1066 MHz) - CL 5

    DDR3 - obsolete

    • PC3-10600 (DDR3 1333 MHz) - CL 9
    • PC3-12800 (DDR3 1600 MHz) - CL 11
    • PC3-14400 (DDR3 1866 MHz) - CL 11
    • PC3-16000 (DDR3 2000 MHz) - CL 11
    • PC4-17000 (DDR4 2133 MHz) - CL 15
    • PC4-19200 (DDR4 2400 MHz) - CL 16
    • PC4-21300 (DDR4 2666 MHz) - CL 16
    • PC4-24000 (DDR4 3000 MHz) - CL 16
    • PC4-25600 (DDR4 3200 MHz) - CL 16

    DDR3 and DDR4 memory may have a higher frequency, but only top processors and more expensive motherboards.

    7. Design of memory modules

    Memory sticks can be single-sided, double-sided, with or without radiators.

    7.1. Chip placement

    Chips on memory modules can be placed on one side of the board (single-sided) or on both sides (double-sided).

    This doesn't matter if you are purchasing memory for a new computer. If you want to add memory to an old PC, then it is advisable that the arrangement of chips on the new stick be the same as on the old one. This will help avoid compatibility issues and increase the likelihood of memory operating in dual-channel mode, which we will talk about later in this article.

    Nowadays you can find many memory modules with aluminum radiators different colors and shapes.

    The presence of heatsinks can be justified on DDR3 memory with a high frequency (1866 MHz or more), since it heats up more. At the same time, ventilation must be well organized in the housing.

    Modern DDR4 RAM with a frequency of 2400, 2666 MHz practically does not heat up and the radiators on it will be purely decorative. They can even get in the way, because after a while they become clogged with dust, which is difficult to clean out of them. In addition, such memory will cost slightly more. So, if you want, you can save on this, for example, by taking excellent Crucial 2400 MHz memory without heatsinks.

    Memory with a frequency of 3000 MHz also has increased voltage power supply, but it also doesn’t heat up much and in any case there will be radiators on it.

    8. Memory for laptops

    Memory for laptops is different from memory for desktop computers only by the size of the memory module and is marked SO-DIMM DDR. Just like for desktop computers, memory for laptops has types DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4.

    In terms of frequency, timings and supply voltage, memory for laptops does not differ from memory for computers. But laptops only come with 1 or 2 memory slots and have stricter maximum capacity limits. Be sure to check these parameters before choosing memory for specific model laptop.

    9. Memory operating modes

    The memory can operate in Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel or Quad Channel mode.

    In single-channel mode, data is written sequentially to each module. IN multi-channel modes data is written in parallel to all modules, which leads to significant increase speed of the memory subsystem.

    Single-channel memory mode is limited only to hopelessly outdated motherboards with DDR memory and the first models with DDR2.

    All modern motherboards support dual-channel memory mode, while three-channel and quad-channel modes are supported only by a few models of very expensive motherboards.

    The main condition for dual-channel mode operation is the presence of 2 or 4 memory sticks. Three-channel mode requires 3 or 6 memory sticks, and four-channel mode requires 4 or 8 memory sticks.

    It is desirable that all memory modules are the same. Otherwise, dual-channel operation is not guaranteed.

    If you want to add memory to an old computer and your motherboard supports dual-channel mode, try to choose a stick that is as identical in all respects as possible. It is best to sell the old one and buy 2 new identical strips.

    In modern computers, memory controllers have been moved from the motherboard to the processor. Now it is not so important that the memory modules are the same, since the processor will still be able to activate dual-channel mode in most cases. This means that if you want to add more memory in the future modern computer, then you won’t have to look for exactly the same module; it’s enough to choose the one with the most similar characteristics. But I still recommend that the memory modules be the same. This will give you a guarantee of its fast and stable operation.

    With the transfer of memory controllers to the processor, 2 more modes of dual-channel memory operation appeared - Ganged (paired) and Unganged (unpaired). If the memory modules are the same, the processor can work with them in Ganged mode, as before. If the modules differ in characteristics, the processor can activate the Unganged mode to eliminate distortions in working with memory. In general, the memory speed in these modes is almost the same and makes no difference.

    The only downside to dual-channel mode is that multiple memory modules are more expensive than one of the same size. But if you are not very strapped for money, then buy 2 sticks, the memory speed will be much higher.

    If you need, say, 16 GB of RAM, but you can’t afford it yet, then you can purchase one 8 GB stick so that you can add another one of the same kind in the future. But it is still better to purchase two identical strips at once, since later you may not be able to find the same one and you will encounter a compatibility problem.

    10. Memory module manufacturers

    One of best ratios price/quality today is the memory of the impeccably proven Crucial brand, which has modules from budget to gaming (Ballistix).

    Competing with it is the well-deserved Corsair brand, whose memory is somewhat more expensive.

    As an inexpensive but high-quality alternative, I especially recommend the Polish brand Goodram, which has bars with low timings at a low price (Play line).

    For an inexpensive office computer, simple and reliable memory made by AMD or Transcend will be sufficient. They have proven themselves to be excellent and there are practically no problems with them.

    In general, the Korean companies Hynix and Samsung are considered leaders in memory production. But now modules of these brands are mass-produced in cheap Chinese factories, and among them there are a lot of fakes. Therefore, I do not recommend purchasing memory from these brands.

    An exception may be Hynix Original and Samsung Original memory modules, which are manufactured in Korea. These strips are usually blue, their quality is considered better than those made in China and the guarantee for them is slightly higher. But in terms of speed characteristics, they are inferior to memory with lower timings from other quality brands.

    Well, for enthusiasts and fans of modding there are affordable overclocking brands GeIL, G.Skill, Team. Their memory is distinguished by low timings, high overclocking potential, unusual appearance and costs a little less than the popular Corsair brand.

    There is also a wide range of memory modules on sale from the very popular manufacturer Kingston. Memory sold under the budget Kingston brand has never been of high quality. But they have a top-end HyperX series, which is deservedly popular, which can be recommended for purchase, but is often overpriced.

    11. Memory packaging

    It is better to purchase memory in individual packaging.

    Usually she is more High Quality and the likelihood of damage during transportation is significantly lower than with memory that comes unpackaged.

    12. Increase memory

    If you are planning to add memory to an existing computer or laptop, then first find out what the maximum memory capacity and total memory capacity is supported by your motherboard or laptop.

    Also check how many memory slots are on the motherboard or laptop, how many of them are occupied and what kind of memory sticks are installed in them. It's better to do it visually. Open the case, take out the memory sticks, examine them and write down all the characteristics (or take a photo).

    If for some reason you don’t want to get into the case, you can view the memory parameters in the program on the SPD tab. This way you won't know if the stick is single-sided or double-sided, but you can find out the memory characteristics if there is no sticker on the stick.

    There is a base and effective memory frequency. The CPU-Z program and many similar ones show base frequency, it must be multiplied by 2.

    Once you know how much memory you can increase, how many free slots are available, and what kind of memory you have installed, you can begin to explore the possibilities of increasing memory.

    If all memory slots are occupied, then the only way to increase memory is to replace existing memory sticks with new ones of larger capacity. And old planks can be sold on an advertisement site or exchanged at a computer store when purchasing new ones.

    If there are free slots, then you can add new memory sticks to the existing ones. In this case, it is desirable that the new strips be as close as possible to the characteristics of those already installed. In this case, you can avoid various problems compatibility and increase the chances that the memory will work in dual-channel mode. To do this, the following conditions must be met, in order of importance.

    1. The memory type must match (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4).
    2. The supply voltage for all strips must be the same.
    3. All planks must be single-sided or double-sided.
    4. The frequency of all bars must match.
    5. All strips must be of the same volume (for dual-channel mode).
    6. The number of strips must be even: 2, 4 (for dual-channel mode).
    7. It is desirable that the latency (CL) matches.
    8. It is desirable that the strips are from the same manufacturer.

    The easiest place to start choosing is with the manufacturer. Choose in the online store catalog strips of the same manufacturer, volume and frequency as installed in yours. Make sure that the supply voltage matches and check with your consultant whether they are single-sided or double-sided. If the latency also matches, then generally good.

    If you were unable to find strips from the same manufacturer with similar characteristics, then choose all the others from the list of recommended ones. Then again look for strips of the required volume and frequency, check the supply voltage and check whether they are single-sided or double-sided. If you are unable to find similar planks, then look in another store, catalog or ad site.

    Always the best option This means selling all the old memory and buying 2 new identical sticks. If the motherboard does not support the brackets of the required volume, you may have to buy 4 identical brackets.

    13. Setting up filters in the online store

    1. Go to the “RAM” section on the seller’s website.
    2. Select recommended manufacturers.
    3. Select the form factor (DIMM - PC, SO-DIMM - laptop).
    4. Select the memory type (DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4).
    5. Select the required volume of slats (2, 4, 8 GB).
    6. Select the maximum frequency supported by the processor (1600, 1866, 2133, 2400 MHz).
    7. If your motherboard supports XMP, add higher frequency memory (2666, 3000 MHz) to the selection.
    8. Sort the selection by price.
    9. Consistently look through all items, starting with the cheapest ones.
    10. Select several strips that match the frequency.
    11. If the price difference is acceptable to you, take sticks with a higher frequency and lower latency (CL).

    Thus, you will get the optimal price/quality/speed ratio of memory at the lowest possible cost.

    14. Links

    RAM Corsair CMK16GX4M2A2400C16
    RAM Corsair CMK8GX4M2A2400C16
    RAM Crucial CT2K4G4DFS824A