Antenna to enhance the router's wifi signal. How to strengthen the Wifi signal on a laptop. Increase Wi-Fi Power

The simplest solution to the problem of a weak signal is to change the router settings. To do this, log into the web interface using the data that is indicated on the bottom of the router. Next, in the wireless mode settings, find the item “Transmitter power” or “TX Power” and set the maximum value.

Also pay attention to the parameters of the channel on which the router operates. The entire range of WiFi radio frequencies is divided into a certain number of segments (in Russia there are 13). The device can work on each of them, but if there are already other wireless networks in the coverage area on the current channel, the devices may interfere with each other. To amplify the signal, you must use a minimally loaded channel.

Choosing a router location

It is recommended to move the router so that the coverage area wireless network was the maximum. To do this, place the device in the central room of the room where signal amplification is required. As for placement in a vertical plane, router manufacturers recommend installing them as high as possible. For example, for an apartment ideal solution To strengthen the WiFi signal, place the router on a cabinet or high cabinet.

Also keep in mind that the main obstacle to radio waves is walls. This is especially true for thick load-bearing walls with reinforcement. Depending on the materials and thickness of the walls, they can absorb from 70% (wooden) to 90% of the signal (solid reinforced concrete floors). But radio waves are also subject to diffraction, which means they can be reflected repeatedly from surfaces and penetrate into the required premises through doors, windows, and thin partitions. The signal is also influenced electrical devices. They can interfere with the wireless network, so it is recommended to install the router away from a working household appliances.

When choosing a router location that will help maximize signal strength, use a real-time wireless network scanning program such as inSSIDer. The program window displays the current signal level of all wireless networks. Find your network and monitor changes in reception when you move your router.

Important! When choosing a place to install the router, keep in mind that the signal does not only travel directly. Some radio waves are reflected from obstacles.

Boosting WiFi Signal Using Antennas

The simplest antenna for WiFi router can be done at home, but it will only serve to redirect radio waves. You can amplify the signal in this way only in a certain part of the room. Such antennas are easy to implement, and drawings for their creation can be found on amateur radio websites.

An even simpler option is a screen that can be cut from an aluminum can in a few minutes. The principle of its operation is based on the reflection of radio waves generated by the router's antenna. At the same time, part of the waves is absorbed by the material, therefore reverse side screen WiFi signal will be worse. The efficiency of such a screen is quite low - no more than 20% gain.

The most effective method signal amplification is professional antenna. Unlike homemade options, most of these devices are omnidirectional. This helps to strengthen the signal level anywhere in the room, and not just in the direction of the antenna. As in the case of a built-in antenna, such an antenna propagates radio waves perpendicular to its axis, therefore the best way its direction is vertical. A budget option You can choose such models on AliExpress.

If your router does not support connecting such devices, you can use an external WiFi adapter with an antenna. It connects to a laptop or computer and provides just as much amplification. You can also use both devices for maximum effect.

Using additional devices

In addition to antennas, to strengthen the WiFi signal there is separate device- repeater (also called repeater or repeater). It works on a different principle, expanding the network coverage area. A repeater is a miniature device with a built-in power supply that is inserted into a socket on the edge of the zone WiFi actions. After quick setup The repeater connects to a wireless network and relays it within its coverage.

The number of repeaters that can be used to boost the signal within one network is not limited. That is, in a large room you can get by with one router and several repeaters. Most repeaters not only have WiFi module, but also standard network input. This means that you can connect the repeater to the router using a cable if you need to install it at a large distance from the router.

Despite the convenience of using repeaters to strengthen the WiFi signal, they can affect the speed of the Internet. This is especially noticeable when organizing large home networks or networks in small offices. Therefore, it is recommended to use a repeater complete with a powerful antenna at the main device that distributes WiFi.

Problems with WiFi signal stability and poor wireless network reception in most cases can be solved at home. The first step is to choose the optimal router location. Then you should check its parameters and set the values ​​at which the connection speed will be maximum. If this does not help, it is advisable to use external antenna or repeater.

Move the router to the center of the apartment

Regular home routers are equipped with omnidirectional antennas. Radio waves travel in all directions, and when bad choice location of the router, most of the signal can go to neighbors. To avoid this situation, install the device in a central part of the room in which it will be used. This will help strengthen the signal in distant rooms.

In the vertical plane, the router should be placed as high as possible. When choosing an access point location, mentally draw lines between it and the places where the wireless network will be used. There should be as few obstacles as possible in the path of signal propagation: thick walls and partitions, large household appliances, pieces of furniture.

Due to their physical properties, radio waves are able to bend around obstacles, reflecting from walls and interior items. But not all materials reflect WiFi equally. For example, aquariums and houseplants absorb most of the wave energy. Therefore, if there are such objects between the router and the end device, changing the installation location will help strengthen the signal.

Change your router settings

The main parameters, changing which can strengthen the signal, include:

  • Transmitter power;
  • WiFi channel;
  • Operating mode according to the 802.11 standard.

All these properties can be changed through the router's web interface. The information required to enter this interface is usually indicated by the manufacturer on a sticker on the underside of the device. If it is not there, check the delivery package. It may contain a separate insert with login information: IP address of the admin panel, standard login and password.

Increasing router power

Go to the menu section responsible for settings WiFi networks. Find "Transmit Power", "Tx Power" or "Transmit Power". The value of this parameter on most routers can be selected from a drop-down list. When used in large rooms With many obstacles, it is recommended to increase the power to 100%.

Important! On TP-Link equipment, instead of power as a percentage, a relative value is indicated: “High” or “High”.

Selecting the optimal wireless network channel

Most common frequency range, on which WiFi operates is 2.4 GHz. It is divided into 13 partially overlapping bands of 20 or 40 MHz width. When several routers operate on the same frequency, signal overlap occurs, which reduces the quality of communication and the speed of data transfer.

To strengthen the reception level, select the least loaded channel in the access point parameters. You can find out which channels your neighbors' routers operate on using free utility inSSIDer. You can also activate in the router settings automatic selection channel.

Changing the operating mode

Standard wireless communication 802.11 has several wireless network operating modes. The most common of them:

  • 802.11b/g/n;
  • 802.11g/n;
  • 802.11n.

The first two modes provide backward compatibility with legacy equipment that does not have the ability to work with the 802.11n standard. Their main drawback is to reduce the speed of data exchange with modern devices that support “N” mode. To improve the performance of your home network, enable data transfer according to the 802.11n standard. After this, reboot the router and make sure that all network devices have successfully connected to WiFi.

Advice! Don't select "802.11n" if not everything home equipment supports operation in this wireless mode. Otherwise, such devices will not be able to connect to the WiFi network.

Install an external antenna or powerful adapter

Antennas on most routers are connected via an RP-SMA connector. Standard signal amplifiers, as a rule, can be removed and then replaced with antennas with a higher gain. When choosing such equipment, consider the type of connector, power and directionality. You can check equipment compatibility on the manufacturer's website.

But even connecting a powerful antenna will not help ensure high level signal on devices with a low-power receiver. Data from the router will be freely transferred to a laptop or other device. However, the built-in radio module may not be able to cope with sending a return signal if there are many obstacles on the way to the router. In this case, it is advisable to strengthen the transmitter by connecting external WiFi adapter with antenna.

IN this review we will try to answer the question: is it enough to install a powerful WiFi router to increase the wireless communication range? The problem is this. Communication between a computer and a router involves two-way data transfer. That is, a radio transmitter installed in the Wi-Fi card of the computer will be used. But the power of the latter, in most cases, cannot be increased above a certain threshold.

The point here, oddly enough, is not a matter of physics. For certain purposes (maybe to protect health or something else), an interesting law was passed. According to it, the value of the transmitter power for subscriber Wi-Fi devices is clearly limited. The transmitter power cannot exceed 20 dBm.

Home Wi-Fi network

Let's consider small example. The TL-WN7200ND is Wi-Fi adapter for computer. The power of its transmitter, according to some sources, is 26 dBm (0.4 Watt). Well, a similar value means four times more power, than 20 dBm (0.1 Watt). Therefore, the Windows driver for this adapter contains a corresponding “correction”. Which cannot be turned off.

Thus, if you install the most powerful WiFi router that you can buy now, this will not have a positive effect on the communication range. The problem will remain in subscriber devices. Theoretically, it is possible to “unblock” the driver. Just remember that such actions will be a direct violation of the law (and, in particular, sanitary standards). Which is unlikely to please all users without exception.

Additionally, we note that for routers there is also a similar limitation. Transmitter power base device should not exceed 24 dBm (0.25 Watt).

There are two methods to increase the communication range “legally”: connect a highly directional Wi-Fi antenna, or install another router (repeater).

Increasing communication range is “legal”

Can a passive antenna boost the signal?

If you do not take into account losses in the wire, then the gain of an “omnidirectional” antenna is exactly zero decibels. Now imagine that the radiation pattern has been “narrowed” to a half-space. There was all the space, but only half remained - and the intensity doubled. At the same transmitter power.

There are antennas with a very narrow “coverage” of space and with high gain. If doubling the intensity is indicated by the inscription “+3 dB”, then multiplying by four times is “+6 dB”, etc. In most cases, a powerful router is not needed. The question is where exactly in the apartment you need to get Wi-Fi.

If it's enough to Wi-Fi network was accessible inside one room, then an antenna with a 90-degree diagram is fixed in the corner. Nothing more is required. As a result, the intensity will increase four times (when compared with a conventional whip antenna).

Antenna with 90 degree radiation pattern

Of course, to do this, the router’s antenna must be removable (usually an SMA connector is used). The problem of low transmitter power in subscriber devices is also solved in the same way. However, this is only good for desktop PCs.

The most powerful router Wi-Fi, which is mass-produced, has a transmitter power of 0.6 Watt. In Russia, as we have already said, a maximum of 0.25 Watt is allowed, but the intensity can be increased significantly with the help of a “cunning” antenna.

Wi-Fi repeaters

The principle of operation of a Wi-Fi repeater, or repeater, is clear from the following diagram:

Repeater operating principle

Actually, a repeater is a device that, like a router, will have to be configured. There can be several wireless networks at one point in space, and the device will “relay” one of them (the one needed by the user).

Most office routers equipped with a Wi-Fi module can be used as a repeater. The power of a WiFi router used as a repeater is very important parameter. But compatibility is even more important (that is, the repeater must support the required Wi-Fi protocol-connections). Let's look at an example setup.

When setting the wireless network parameters, you need to select the operating mode: Universal Repeater. Other settings such as band width (20 MHz or 40), baud rate, etc. – must completely match the parameters of the “relayed” Wi-Fi network:

Setting up the router in repeater mode

List of available wireless networks

Here you need to select one required network, click “Connect” and follow the instructions of the setup wizard. If the wireless network uses encryption, then the password and protocol for it are set on the “Wireless Security” tab. As it were, that’s all. Happy setup!

Methods for increasing transmitter power

Accepted notation system

In general, as you know, the unit of power is one Watt, and power should be denoted by Watts. In radio engineering, it is customary to use another scale, in the so-called “Decibels per milliwatt”, dBm.

Zero dBm is 1 milliwatt. Three dBm – 2 mW. And so on. You can remember the reference values: 20 dBm is equal to 100 mW (or 0.1 W), and 23 dBm is 0.2 Watt.

The manufacturer lists the transmitter power in “dBm” (which can easily be converted to Watts if required).

Increasing the power of Wi-Fi transmitters

First, you need to find out how to increase the power of the router “software”. The settings usually do not specify its maximum value.

Setting the transmitter power in D-Link routers

  1. You need to set the maximum power value in the router
  2. Then, you need to try to “programmatically” increase the power in subscriber devices
  3. If these measures are not enough, instead of an external passive antenna, connect a Wi-Fi amplifier with an external antenna (or active antenna)

Amplifier or active antenna - can be connected to both the router and subscriber devices. This “rig” looks something like this:

Wi-Fi amplifier + regular whip antenna

The output power of amplifiers is usually units of watts (2 W or 4 W). As we have already said, the use of such solutions violates the requirements of the law.

Additionally, we note the following. The use of transmitters with a power of more than 20 dBm (or more than 24 dBm for a basic device) is contrary to sanitary requirements. That is, it is harmful to health.

Every year there are more and more different gadgets that have access to the Internet. Almost every apartment has a laptop, smartphone, tablet or TV, and maybe even a refrigerator with Wi-Fi module. At the same time, users often face the problem that it is not possible to “catch” a connection to the Internet everywhere. The reason for this may be too long distance from router to device. The coverage radius of the router is about 30 meters, and sometimes more. However, there are a number of other factors that can affect the signal level.

Interference can be caused by:

There are software and hardware methods that can be used to solve this problem. The following recommendations will help strengthen the Wi-Fi supply and make Internet use more comfortable.

Software Gain

The most common mistake when using wireless points access is that owners pay too little attention to network settings. Often, users set a security key and change the SSID. This is where all the shenanigans end. At the same time, there are still a lot of parameters that remain by default. Setting them up will help increase the coverage area. Let's consider the main methods of programmatic signal amplification.

Video: Boost WiFi signal

Correct location

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the router in the apartment. It is recommended to place the router closest to the device from which you access the Internet. If it is difficult to figure out such a place, and the connection is made from different rooms in the house, then it would be best to install the router in the central part of the apartment.

Photo: location of the router in the apartment

This way, as much space as possible will fall within the range of action.

If the apartment or house has two levels, then the router must be placed on the ground floor at the highest point, this can be a mezzanine or a closet. You should not litter the area where the router is located with various objects (including metal ones). This will allow the signal to travel unhindered.

Device frequency matching

IN apartment buildings There may be up to 20, or even more, wireless networks in the accessibility zone. It's not good for working alone specific device. All available networks tend to overlap and use the same frequency channel. As a result, the network supply level deteriorates even at a relatively close distance.

In this case, strengthening the Wi-Fi signal is very simple and easy; even the most inexperienced user can figure it out. First, you should install on your laptop special program, which is used to determine free channel. The most commonly used is inSSIDer. After launching the program, the screen will display a list of all available wireless networks and the frequency channels they occupy. You must select a free channel. To do this, perform the following steps:

If all channels are already used by other people's routers, you should choose the least loaded one. For the settings to take effect, click “Save/Change”.

Modern Wi-Fi protocol – 802.11n

Today, the 802.11n standard is the newest. In addition, it is also the fastest due to its increased coverage radius. If all devices in the apartment that access the Internet support this standard, in this case it is possible to switch to 802.11n.

In order to switch to the 802.11n operating mode, you must:

Low transmitter power

Many router models are equipped with a function for adjusting the Wi-Fi signal strength. You need to make the appropriate changes in the router settings:

Transition to 5 GHz

Most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band. However, more expensive models Routers can send signals in the 5 GHz band. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to this particular range, since it is practically free and not occupied by other devices. In this case, the coverage will spread over a larger area.

The transition to the 5 GHz band is possible if the connected devices can operate in this range.

Hardware Wi-Fi signal booster

If all the above steps have been carried out, but access to the network is interrupted, do not despair. Perhaps all is not lost yet. There are several tricks that can help solve this problem. To do this, you need to upgrade your wireless device. You can increase the coverage radius using a second router. To do this, you need to configure between the two devices wireless bridge, using Wireless Distribution System technology. It will allow you to increase your coverage area by combining several routers into one network.

You can also do some tricks with the antennas. Most routers are equipped with external removable antennas. They are often underpowered by about 2 dBi, sometimes 5 dBi. They can be easily replaced with stronger ones. To do this, it is worth unscrewing the old ones and placing new ones with a higher coefficient in their place. In addition, you can purchase an antenna with cable and special stand. It connects to the router. At the same time, it can be moved around the apartment, thus providing coverage without changing the position of the router.

If the device has more than two antennas, then replacing them will be too expensive. It will be cheaper to purchase a repeater. It is also called a repeater. In other words - a repeater.

Using a Repeater

Users often encounter the problem that in large apartments the range of the router signal is not enough to provide coverage in all rooms. To solve this problem it will be useful aids. A repeater can be used as a signal amplification device. This device connects to already existing network as a client. With its help, the coverage area expands. It must be installed between the router and the work computer.

The repeater is compact in size and relatively inexpensive. The repeater looks like a small power supply and operates from the network. There are many options for such devices on the market.

Improving the adapter on your computer

The reception of the distributed signal can also be enhanced on the client device. This advice will be useful to those users whose computers have adapters connected via USB port. However, this option will be useless for owners of tablets, smartphones and laptops, since the antennas in such devices are built-in. When using a USB adapter to access the Internet, do not connect it directly to the computer. To begin with, you can use an extension cord,

and connect the device through it. A long cord will allow you to move the modem around the house, searching for a network.

You can also purchase a USB adapter booster. It is capable of providing network access in areas with weak signals. TO this device The modem is connected and placed in a place with Wi-Fi coverage.

Rebooting the router

A weak signal and interference may occur due to outdated router firmware or if installed drivers require updating.

There is no financial cost required to update drivers. They can be downloaded for free on the official website of the router manufacturer. Install them on your computer, the level and quality of the signal will increase.

Antenna upgrade

This method will help you upgrade your device using a reflector. To make it you will need foil and thick paper or cardboard.

A parabola with two holes for the antenna is cut out of paper and attached to a rectangle made of foil. The resulting device must be secured to the antenna. Thus, the signal will become directional. You can also use a drink can as a reflector by cutting it lengthwise, cutting off the bottom, and placing it behind the router. The reflector is directed in the direction where it is necessary to provide coverage.

By following these simple tips you can to a large extent enhance wifi signal on a laptop. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on buying new devices. You just need to take a little time to study the router settings or use available tools and upgrade the device yourself.

Owners of three-room apartments and large country houses often face the problem that the Wi-Fi router signal in certain rooms is too weak and does not allow normal use of the Internet. This is not surprising, since any waves tend to fade as they propagate, especially when there are too many obstacles in their path. Moreover, the quality of the signal is influenced not only by physical objects, but also by various types of noise created by electrical appliances. In this article we will talk about how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router at home using the simplest and most affordable methods.

Choosing the optimal location for a Wi-Fi router

Let's start with a definition best place location of your router. Obviously, the router should be located in that part of the apartment/house that will provide the maximum signal coverage area (radius). For example, the corner room of a three-room apartment is not suitable for this role, but the living room, usually located in the center, looks much more preferable. In a two-story house, you need to choose a place so that both tiers fall within the coverage area.

Bad location:

A good option:

This is ideal, but in reality it is also necessary to take into account the amount and strength of interference encountered along the signal path. Both physical obstacles (walls, partitions, etc.) and those operating at the same frequency (2.4 GHz) weaken the signal. wireless devices(microwave oven, baby monitor, radiotelephone, Bluetooth devices etc.) Metal objects, glass, mirrors negatively affect the signal quality.

Failed scheme:

Best option:

Strengthening the signal using manual channel selection

We have already said that various types of wireless devices located in close proximity to your Wi-Fi router can seriously degrade its signal. These same devices also include other routers, of which there may be a great variety in the neighborhood. Exist special utilities and applications that allow you to scan surrounding wireless networks for the channels used and their congestion. One of the most popular programs this kindinSSIDer. Let's download it from the Internet and study the functionality.

Let us immediately note that the inSSIDer application is best suited for desktop computers, laptops and tablets. Smartphones have their own programs that are easy to find and install. So, launch the utility, select the adapter type (in our case, D-Link DWA-125 is used) and click the “Start Scan” button. Based on its results, all Wi-Fi networks detected nearby will be displayed with full specifications– MAC address, name (SSID), channel involved and signal strength (RSSI). We are primarily interested in channels here, but before we start working with them, it wouldn’t hurt to figure out what they are.

Modern Wi-Fi routers can operate in two frequency bands – 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The 2.4 GHz frequency (actually the range 2.4-2.4835 GHz) is the most common and is supported by most routers offered today. For such a frequency band in the Russian Federation, channels 1-13 are reserved. At a frequency of 5 GHz (5.15-5.35 GHz) only the most latest models Wi-Fi routers, using channels 34-64. So, in the table of the inSSIDer program we can see which channels are used by nearby routers (the “Channel” column) and what the signal strength is (the RSSI column). The lower the RSSI number, the better signal. For convenience, below are the graphs – Channel Graph and Time Graph.

The first trapezoid graph displays channels and signal strength.

The second graph shows the signal timing diagram.

The optimal situation is when on the “time graph” the signal of your Wi-Fi network does not intersect with other networks. If this happens, interference may occur and it may be worth experimenting with the channels. To do this, you need to go to the router settings.

As an example, let's take the TP-Link TL-WR841N router that we cited. Let's go to administrative panel router, and then to the section Wireless mode– Wireless settings. Here, in the drop-down list, you can manually set one of 13 channels (the default mode is “Auto”). Select the channel that is not used by neighboring routers and, accordingly, is less loaded. After changing the settings, save them and restart your device.

Rescan your wireless networks and see how the Wi-Fi strength signal. In any case, you will have to experiment with the settings yourself to achieve the best configuration.

Switching to another frequency

If your router can operate not only in the 2.4 GHz band, but also at a frequency of 5 GHz, then it is advisable to switch to the second, more high frequency. As a rule, it is less busy.

Increasing the transmitter power of a Wi-Fi router

Majority network devices allows you to change the power of the signal transmitter in the same web interface. Set this option for TP-Link router TL-WR841N can be found in the section Wireless Mode - Advanced Settings. If the power is set to “Medium”, then change the value to “High”. This action should strengthen the router's Wi-Fi signal.

Changing the direction of the antenna

Signal quality can be improved simple change the angle of inclination of the router antenna. True, there is, of course, no talk of any serious strengthening here. But it is quite possible to provide good coverage for a specific area of ​​the room, in which the Wi-Fi signal will mainly be received. Rotate the antenna to different sides, while measuring the signal intensity, and catch its best position.

It's interesting that correct position Wi-Fi antennas router depends on their number. And this is due to the peculiarities of the propagation of wireless network waves. So, if there is only one antenna, it is recommended to position it perpendicularly. If your router has two antennas, then it is better to place them at an angle of 45 degrees. However, this is only general tips, in each specific case the recipe for the optimal direction of the antennas is different.

Installing a more powerful antenna

Many router models have replaceable antennas, which makes it possible to install an emitter with a higher gain (dBi). In this case, one must understand that in fact the total intensity transmitted signal will not increase, since the same fixed power (maximum 100 mW) will be supplied to the antenna. It’s just that antennas with a high dBi rating are capable of concentrating power in a certain direction, significantly improving the signal quality in some areas and worsening it in others. Those. The benefits of using more “powerful” antennas can only be obtained if all signal receivers are located in one place.

Using a signal amplifier (repeater)

One of the most effective ways expanding the coverage area of ​​a wireless Wi-Fi network - using a so-called repeater (also known as a repeater, also known as a repeater). This portable device, which is sold in any computer store or home appliance hypermarket. The repeater must be located in that part of the house/apartment where the signal from your Wi-Fi router is still available, but it is already quite weak. The repeater receives this signal, amplifies it and transmits it further. This ensures significant increase zones of stable and confident reception.

The advantages of a repeater include the fact that it allows you to easily scale the coverage area of ​​your wireless network. In this case, the network broadcast by the repeater is a complete copy of the network created by the original Wi-Fi router. Among the disadvantages, we note the decent cost of the repeater, comparable even to the price of some routers. By the way, the routers themselves can also perform the function of strengthening the Wi-Fi signal, although not all models have this capability. If you have an unused router sitting somewhere collecting dust, then you can adapt it as a repeater, after first making sure that it has this functionality.

Updating the Wi-Fi router firmware

In certain cases, reflashing the router with the installation itself helps improve the Wi-Fi signal latest version software. This procedure may vary depending on the model, so it is recommended to look for instructions specifically for your router.


We have provided all the main methods Wi-Fi boost signal. This article does not address the situation when Internet speed drops due to unauthorized connection of third-party users to your network. To avoid this, set your Wifi is reliable password. Sometimes the quality of wireless communication deteriorates due to a malfunction of the router or simply after a long period of continuous operation. In this case, a simple reboot usually helps.

We hope that the information provided will help you configure correctly home network Wi-Fi and ensure reliable signal reception within a maximum radius.