How to change the design in steam. Changing the Steam interface - from simple pictures to the entire screen presentation

Many Steam users are looking for opportunities to create more beautiful design own account. And this is not at all surprising, since they use the profile often, and most people have a very strong sense of individuality.

Designing a Steam client in an original, interesting style is truly possible. There are a huge number of possibilities for this, an impressive part of which can be found out if you read the material below.

Several available options for changing the appearance of your personal account on Steam

Naturally, it was invented a long time ago ready-made solution this question, which some do not know about, others only guess. These are the so-called skins. You can find a huge number on the Internet various options. There are only a few steps left to do:

How else can you change the design of your profile? One of the most popular ways is to use special icons. Naturally, they must initially be created and placed in the theme - icon collector. What does that require:

By the way, each such icon gives the user the following things: one background and a smiley face, a discount coupon and 100 experience units. The first two elements can also be used to increase the individuality of your own account.

Level up personal account to every new ten opens the user to the possibility of using storefronts. To use one of the available ones, you need to take the following steps:

By the way, it is the collection/creation of badges that allows you to raise the level personal profile to the required value.

In the showcases themselves you can fully realize your imagination. For example, there are options that allow you to use original game images. For this purpose, you just need to pump up your account level to the top ten. Further:

Similarly, you can display a showcase of screenshots that will initially need to be taken during the gameplay.

Another option is an object showcase. In it you can easily make words from icons and various collected objects. Another alternative is a Steam showcase with your own information. You can use emoticons in it to also design them in the form of a picture or original inscription. How to implement it:

All that remains is to use the “Export” button and copy everything into the showcase.

Other alternatives that can also be used include the following:

  • Special icons about game achievements that are given to the user when completing any tasks or achieving certain results;
  • Downloading and using original fonts for text information;
  • Searching for Easter eggs and so on.

Of course this is only part available opportunities, but they are quite enough to completely change standard design working page Steam client.

Well, the question of how to change the interface in Steam has not yet been fundamentally solved, but the problem is not in any difficulties. The problem is simply one of preference. It’s important not to just throw out changes to yourself and let the grass not grow. It’s just that Steam has long developed its own design style - a black background, and all the available styles dance from it. Although you can, in principle, change anything and anything.

But in order.

First we change the image of the games

Change the game thumbnail like primary action interfering with the standard interface is quite simple.

Firstly, we first prepare a new one in any graphics program. graphical representation games - file in jpg format, quality no worse than 5 (this is already from the kitchen of the format itself, so that the picture of the game does not catch the eye on steam due to its poor quality). Please note that it is desirable that the picture be at least 460 pixels in width and 215 pixels in height. Otherwise, the information presented will begin to stretch out like a trading platform, and this will never lead to anything good, in terms of quality, in the graphics.

Save the file to disk. Of course, we remember where, so that later we don’t have to look for it for half an hour.

Secondly, log into Steam and select necessary game– don’t launch it, but simply select a picture on general window. While in the picture, press the right key, calling context menu. Next, in the window that appears, select the “Select another image” command. In the window provided, find the prepared image file on disk and click on the “OK” button.

That's all, the game is in front of your eyes new picture. First simple task how to change the interface has been solved.

Changing the entire interface

But Steam allows you to change its interface completely. Only two small ones, but important conditions organizational nature.

The site developer company itself and many “third parties” have developed great amount new interfaces - each of them is a separate small program. There are even graphic applications, allowing you to imagine and create new interfaces yourself. But since there are many such programs and the sources of their origin and supply are not always exactly clear, check them first with antivirus software, in case you never end up introducing some kind of “infection” onto your computer. And new skins, which came from nowhere, are a wonderful refuge for viruses; they love programs such as Steam, which has at least 120 million fans around the world every day. It’s very simple, by giving you a super-fashionable skip for Steam, they’re just actually selling you a supernova virus - the “virus story” is as old as the hills.

Second. All skins used by steam are placed in special folder— ...\Steam\skins\. Therefore, before you begin the task of changing the design of Steam, simply copy the skin file into this folder. If you have a whole archive of them, then, of course, unpack them.

In general, Steam didn’t bring anything new to the “science of interface settings”, everything was as usual. But the program did not strive for this. Her task was completely different - how to make game world more exciting, also for business. But this problem was solved and simply brilliantly.

Good afternoon, dear friends and ordinary users of the PlayNTrade website! Chelik editor is with you. Now you will find out

Do you understand that you can change Steam interface , make it fun? In the provided note, we have selected several methods on how to change the interface in Steam.

How to change the interface on Steam?

To begin with, you can put all kinds of pictures for games. But the picture should have approximately 460x215 pixels . To change the game icon, right-click on it and click in the options “Select another image...”

Also, you can download and install skins. You can find them both on Steam and simply on the Internet.

First: When you have downloaded the image, you need to put it in the folder:C://Program Files (x86)/Steam/skins

Second: Go to Steam options, find “Interface”, put the picture you downloaded.

Third: Save this image and relaunch Steam. After restarting, the image will begin to be used.

With these ordinary methods you can change the appearance of the Steam picture and make it comfortable for yourself. You will also be able to show off your unusual design to your friends, since your game icon will become original.

This is where I will end the article. Today you found out you found out how to change the interface on Steam. Chelik editor was with you. Good luck to you and all the best in all your endeavors!