How to protect your Wi-Fi connection. Create a strong password for your Wi-Fi network. How to find out the password for your WiFi connection in the router settings: Video

Despite all the elementary steps to protect your home Wi-Fi network, many people neglect this until they suddenly notice that the Internet speed has dropped sharply, and the printer has started printing “piquant” pictures without asking, hopelessly destroying the ink

Usually the first thing that comes to the mind of an inexperienced user is to press the small “reset” button recessed into the router body with a sharp object. Apparently there is an analogy with a frozen personal computer. This action helps to some extent, but not for long. So how can you protect yourself from outside interference? What tricky manipulations need to be done for this?

The fact is that there are cases when the matter does not end with evil jokes and traffic theft. Having full access to the web interface, an attacker can, for example, rob your electronic wallet, and all because you did not bother to change the factory login and password on the router. Let's look at a few important steps that will protect your router from external intrusion.

Step 1: change the password for the web interface

One of the simplest but most effective means of protecting your home network from hacking is to regularly change your password. There are those who neglect this action, citing poor memory and the need to come up with a long password, which, however, does not prevent them from resetting it with ease.

Therefore, it is enough to choose the WPA2 encryption algorithm, come up with a ten-digit code consisting of a random set of letters and numbers, and then simply write it on a piece of paper, the box of the router, or simply stick a sticker at the bottom of the device. It is unlikely that any of your guests would think of “stealing” such information, so this elementary method is quite suitable for people who do not want to bother their heads with unnecessary combinations. Just don’t come up with “readable” passwords, for example, write your first and last name in Russian letters in English - it’s easier to crack such a code than to invent it

As for guest access points, it is not recommended to use them, and if there is such a need, isolate them from the main local network. If your router supports this option, then this will not be difficult at all by selecting the appropriate item in the menu. If you share your network with a neighbor on the site, completely trusting each other, then exchanging passwords and changing them by mutual agreement is much easier than inviting anyone to “visit”.

Step 2: disable WPS and exit the web interface correctly

So, we set a password and gave ourselves our word of honor that you will change the code for the router at least once a month. Now we disable the WPS function, which uses a digital PIN code to connect new devices, since it is enabled by default in many models. You won’t suffer any harm from this action if you don’t regularly connect third-party devices, but if this happens, it’s easy to type the access password on your smartphone or tablet again. After all, that’s why a home network is called home and not public, and they don’t come to visit you in order to constantly use the “free” Internet.

There is another elementary method, but it requires habit. You just need to exit the web interface through the appropriate “button”, rather than simply closing the tab in the browser. In general, this action will be a useful and safe solution in any such case, especially with regard to ending the Internet banking session. For those who do not understand why this is needed, we will explain. There is such a thing as a cache, which remembers the latest actions in the browser. You've probably noticed more than once that sometimes, having accidentally closed, for example, a Qiwi wallet, you reopen the page and log in to a protected resource without entering a password. This doesn’t happen often, but it does happen, which means it won’t be difficult for an attacker to take advantage of your cache.

In the event of a “direct” logout, the cache is updated to its original state and in order to access the web interface, you will need to log in again. It should be noted that you should not use automatic saving of passwords in the browser in this particular case. You are not such a frequent visitor to the “admin panel” of the router that the system remembers you. It sounds, of course, banal, but it is compliance with banal rules that is sometimes protected better than “cunning” data encryption systems.

Step 3: change the local subnet and update the router firmware

By default, the IP address of your router looks like “” or “”, which is known to many people, and is also reflected on the nameplate of the device. It's the same as writing your full name on the wall of the house opposite. and the exact address of residence, and to be sure, draw a route map. Why do you need this? Change your IP address in the router settings, fortunately this is not difficult to do, and you can come up with any name for the local subnet.

In addition, regular firmware updates will make it possible to take advantage of new functions of the device, and therefore provide more reliable data encryption developed by the manufacturer. You can simply turn on auto-update, or even better, visit the router manufacturer’s website and download the new “update” yourself, since in this case it will always be fresh.


We did not demonstrate the fine-tuning of the router for one simple reason - in most cases of attempts to hack your home network, these tips will help you perfectly. After all, anything can be hacked. Another thing is what interest does a professional hacker have in your local network if he can penetrate the corporate network of an entire enterprise. But these steps will easily protect you from small dirty tricks and lovers of free Internet, and it will take you no more than 15-20 minutes to set up security once and for all.

Vladimir Osadchy

Do you think that if your home WiFi is protected with a strong password, this will save you from “freeloaders”. I hasten to disappoint you. This is not entirely true. No matter how cool your password is, the risk of third parties connecting is very high.

I don’t need to explain to you how they love freebies in Russia). It is she who gives birth to so many brilliant ideas. While this idea is good for some, it can be a real headache for others.

What could happen if your wireless connection is not secure?

Here everything depends on the imagination of the “freeloader”. In one case, this is a harmless use of traffic, in the other - access to your data, both the computer itself and Internet resources (mail, social networks, etc.)

How to secure your home WiFi from third party connections?

In fact, you can hack anything, but following basic security standards can discourage such a desire for a very long time and certainly prevent you from becoming a victim of an amateur. Let's look at two simple methods. The first and most obvious, which I highly recommend, is the correct configuration of the router, the second is the use of special programs.

Setting up the router
The main vulnerability of wifi is the protocol wps. If it is not involved, then there is practically nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if it cannot be turned off, then everything else is half measures for your complacency.

A) Use WPA2 encryption algorithm. Of course, you can hack and wpa2, but the resources and time spent on this are not commensurate with the goal. Therefore, if you are not an intelligence agent, who needs it. If your device does not support this technology, then think twice, because the security of your home network is at risk.

b) Use a strong password. I wrote a whole book about the importance of a strong password, which you can pick up; in addition, I recommend reading the article. As a rule, you can access the router settings by entering in the browser address bar , where username/password → admin and 1234 respectively. Such passwords can be cracked in a matter of seconds. Use a combination of at least 8 characters (numbers, letters, signs).

c) Hiding the network name(Hide SSID). This point is not mandatory, as it is considered ineffective, but it will not be superfluous. In the router settings, select “Hide SSID”. This is the “name” of your network that we see when scanning the space for WiFi networks. Knowing the name, you can connect to a particular WiFi network. In the properties of the wireless network (the “connection” tab), select the following settings.

Well, and finally - for paranoid fans of total security: you can configure the network so that only certain devices have access, and the rest, even those who have passed the previous 2 levels, are still not allowed into the network. For this purpose, there are filters based on device MAC addresses.

The names of sections and options are different for different routers and access points, but the meaning remains the same.

The second method → ​​is to use special programs, such as the utility. The program was created to help owners of home WiFi hotspots who want to control the connection of third-party devices. The program runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

The program displays a list of participating devices. Green → allowed/familiar devices, red → unfamiliar.

General recommendations. Try not to use “shared access” to folders, files and printers, and if you open it, close it as soon as it is no longer needed. By the way, you can check this like this: control panel → network and sharing center.

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It’s not necessarily the neighbors who steal Wi-Fi, but someone does it unscrupulously. And it seems that the connection speed allows you to share with neighbors, but sometimes it drops. What needs to be done to load the network like this? At the very least, lose your conscience and use someone else’s Internet without permission. But let's get to the point.

Situation - you are surfing the Internet through your wi-fi router. And suddenly the speed drops sharply so that pages are difficult to open. And this is not the first time. It is a completely reasonable idea that someone is stealing Wi-Fi. How to find out if someone is connected to my wifi and how to turn off strangers.

Important! All descriptions of the router are not universal - we are talking about a specific TP-LINK model and may vary for other devices. If you are not confident in your actions, you should not continue.

Find out if anyone is connected to Wi-Fi

Method one. Program. SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

This method is for those who do not want to bother too much and who will carry out diagnostics through a personal computer. To determine who has connected to the router, you will need the SoftPerfect WiFi Guard program. We find it, for example, through Google and install it. The program is in Russian and installs quickly. Minimum settings required.

In the “main” tab of the “settings” item of the program, we find the column “network adapter”. We select the item, in my case it is Qualcomm Atheros. Click "OK". Then click “scan” in the program window.

The program will show all devices that are connected to our Wi-Fi. If only you are connected, you will see two devices (the “Info” column), which will be designated as “This computer” and “Internet gateway”. That is, your computer and the router itself.

If there are strangers, the program will show them - neighbors’ devices will be displayed in red circles. This is either your neighbors or your other devices.

Method two. Router admin panel

This method does not require additional software. We go to the admin panel of the router. After connecting to the WiFi network, enter the IP address of the router. Typically this is The address may be different on different models; you can check it on the device body. Then enter your username/password. As a rule, this is admin/admin (you can check on the device body).

This is where the difficulties begin. The menu may be different on different router models. On my device, in the “Status” tab we find the “Wireless” item. There is a sign with the MAC addresses of connected devices. If you are connected alone, then there is only one MAC in this table. There are other addresses - neighbors steal Wi-Fi. But it’s important - at this point you can get information about the devices that are connected right now.

More information can be seen in the “Interface Setup” tab, “DHCP” item.

How to disconnect neighbors from Wi-Fi

We offer the simplest and most effective way to protect your Internet. Namely, we set a password. The neighbors connected to our Internet either because they hacked your password, or because you didn’t set it at all.

The algorithm may be different on different devices. On mine it’s like this - in the admin panel of the router, go to the “Interface Setup” tab, “Wireless” item. In the “WPS Settings” column we find the item “Authenticatio n Ty pe". If it is “Disabled”, then change it to “WPA-PSK”. Then the “WPA-PSK” column below appears in the same tab. In the “Pre-Shared Key” field we enter a password - at least 8 characters. All that remains is to click “save”. We reconnect to our Wi-Fi, now we are required to enter a password.

As a rule, you only need to enter the password once on each device (laptop, tablet, smartphone). The device will remember it and enter it automatically.

If you forgot your wi-fi password

If you forget your Wi-Fi password, it is impossible to recover it - it is stored in the device itself. It can only be reset. To do this, press the “reset” button for a few seconds. The router settings will be deleted and you will need to configure it again.

Wi-Fi has become so popular that having a router is the rule rather than the exception. But, despite all the conveniences, you should take into account that it is visible to others. See for yourself how many available connections are shown in your home. Hardly one or two, usually their number reaches a dozen or more. Likewise, neighbors can see your network among other available ones.

Few people want strangers to gain access to their personal wireless network

But if certain precautions are not taken, others may be able to connect to your connection. What does this mean? At the very least, a loss of Internet speed. You will not receive the full speed of your communication channel if someone connects to it at your expense. But the situation is much more dangerous if an attacker connects to your Wi-Fi and can use the transmitted data to his advantage.

To avoid this risk, you need to limit access to your Wi-Fi. Read below for recommendations on how this can be done.

Internet access for a specific list of devices

What is a mac address and how to find it

Each network device is assigned a special mac address when manufactured at the factory - a kind of unique digital fingerprint. It looks like "A4-DB-30-01-D9-43". For further settings, you need to know the mac address of the individual device to which you are going to provide access to Wi-Fi. How to find him?


Option 1. Through the “Network Sharing Center”

  • Between the battery and sound icons there is an Internet connection icon. Right-click and select “Network and Sharing Center.”
  • “View active networks” - line “Connections”, click on the connection name - “Details”.
  • The line “Physical address” will contain the mac address of the laptop.

Option 2: Through Settings (for Windows 10)

  • Click “Start” - “Settings” - “Network and Internet” - “Wi-Fi” - “Advanced settings” - “Properties”.
  • “Physical address” is the mac address of the laptop.

Option 3. Via the command line

  • Hold Win+R - enter cmd (or Win+X - Command Prompt (Administrator) on Windows 8.1 and 10).
  • Type the command ipconfig /all.
  • In the section “Wireless LAN adapter. Wireless Network" in the "Physical Address" line contains the required information.


  • “Settings” - “Wireless networks” - “Wi-Fi” - menu button - “Advanced functions”.
  • The required data is in the MAC address line.


“Settings” - “General” - “About this device” - “Wi-Fi address”.

Once you have discovered the device ID, write it down or simply remember it. Now let's proceed to the next stage - we will establish access to the required equipment through the router.

Setting up the router

First, log into the settings web interface. Using a browser, go to or Enter your login and password - admin/admin or admin/parol. These combinations work on most devices. If there is no access, check the information on the bottom surface of the router or in its instructions.

The layout of menu items may vary depending on the manufacturer, but the basic principles apply to all devices.

  1. In the “Wi-Fi network settings” section, enable filtering by mac address, because it is initially disabled.
  2. In the “MAC Address Filtering” tab, add the addresses of the devices to which you are going to provide access to Wi-Fi.

Now you can use Wi-Fi only through those devices for which you have reserved addresses. Attackers will not gain access to your data.

Other access restriction options

Replacing the network and router password

If you haven't changed your Wi-Fi password, change it. Moreover, it is advisable to do this regularly. In your network security settings, create a new password. It is equally important to replace both the factory password and login login when installing the router. The standard combination is the easiest way to access the connection.

Today, wireless networks play an important role in the lives of users. If 10 years ago it was considered common to carry an Internet cable behind a laptop, today every phone connects to the Internet via wi-fi. Computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets, smartphones, printers - all this equipment can be connected to the network and interconnected simply over the air. And naturally, not only you, but also those around you have such equipment. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to protect your wireless network.

1. Protection of the Wi-Fi network itself.

You must select a reliable security type and install a difficult-to-guess security key. We recommend choosing WPA2-PSK and a security key of 8-10 characters.

Often it is also a good idea to hide the wi-fi network. To do this, check the box Enable hidden Wireless(see picture above)

In some cases, it makes sense to adjust the transmitter power so that the access point covers your apartment, but does not reach your neighbors.

2. Protect your access point (or router)

Using the D-Link DIR-300 as an example:

Go to the section MAINTENANCE, select subsection Device Administration, in setting Admin Password Enter the new password twice:

And in the setting Administration uncheck the box Enable Remote Management which will make it impossible to log into the device’s web interface from the Internet.