What security settings to choose for the router. Introduction - WiFi vulnerabilities. Difference between WPA2, WPA, WEP Wi-Fi protocols

Security in Wi-Fi networks has been constantly improved since the advent of this wireless technology. Recently, it has developed so much that almost all modern routers are protected from possible attacks by strong passwords, complex encryption methods, built-in firewalls and many other means of protection against intrusions by intruders. But what happens if the encryption algorithms that have so far made Wi-Fi one of the most secure protocols are broken?

This is exactly what happened in the fall of 2017, when Belgian researchers from the University of Leuven found several critical vulnerabilities in the WPA2 protocol and published a detailed report about it. The WPA2 protocol is used to secure most Wi-Fi networks in the world and is considered the most reliable security tool available for mass use.


How to protect your data if Wi-Fi no longer guarantees security?

The fact that WPA has been hacked is alarming news that affects many electronic devices, but there is no cause for alarm.

Essentially, researchers have found a vulnerability in the Wi-Fi protocol that makes wireless traffic potentially eavesdropping on attackers. In other words, anyone can use this flaw in network security to spy on other people’s actions on the Internet, steal credit card numbers, passwords, intercept messages in instant messengers, etc.

Fortunately, manufacturers of many gadgets have already managed to improve and finalize their devices, eliminating the found vulnerability. And besides, WPA2 is far from the only wall of protection between a hacker and users’ personal data.

To hack someone else's Wi-Fi, an attacker, firstly, needs to position his receiving antenna within range of the radio channel, and secondly, most of the information on the Internet is transmitted in encrypted form, and the hacker will not be able to read it in any case.

The https protocol, which most web servers run on, adds an extra layer of security to your connection, just like using a VPN service.

That's why you should always remember the padlock icon in your browser's address bar. If the small padlock is not displayed there, it means that the site does not use the https protocol, and all information entered into forms, including passwords, may be accessible to third parties.

That's why before you send your home address or payment details anywhere, you should always make sure there is a padlock in the address bar.

Almost immediately after the news of the Wi-Fi protocol vulnerability, all leading software developers released corresponding patches for their products. For example, Microsoft released an update for Windows in October 2017. Apple also patched its macOS and iOS operating systems around the same time.

Google released an update to Android in November, so anyone with a device running the platform should check the About section of their phone or tablet's settings to see when the latest security update was available. If it was performed before November, and the phone has Android 6 or an earlier version of the OS, then an update must be made.

Which wireless security standard should you prefer?

Wireless routers can use a wide range of different protocols to encrypt data. Here are the three main standards that most home and office routers work with:

1.Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): This protocol was introduced in 1997 immediately after the development of the 802.11 Wi-Fi standard; Currently, WEP is considered insecure and since 2003 it has been replaced by WPA information security technology with the TKIP encryption method.

2. Integrity Key Temporal Key Protocol (TKIP). This standard is also obsolete and is gradually falling out of use. But unlike WEP, it can still be found in the firmware of many models of modern equipment.

3.Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This standard was introduced immediately after TKIP in 2004, along with the updated and improved WPA2 connection certification system. Routers that work specifically with this technology should be given preference when choosing new network equipment. Gadgets connected to a wireless network must also support AES in order to interact properly with such routers. Despite the vulnerability mentioned above, WPA2 is still considered the best Wi-Fi security method. Currently, router manufacturers and ISPs typically use WPA2 as a standard; some of them use a combination of WPA2 and WPA to make it possible to work with the widest range of wireless gadgets.

In the technical documentation for routers you can also sometimes find the letters PSK, which stand for Pre-Shared-Key or Personal Shared Key. When given a choice, it is always better to give preference to models with WPA2-PSK (AES) instead of WPA2-PSK (TKIP), but if some older gadgets cannot connect to the router, then you can go for WPA2-PSK (TKIP). TKIP technology uses the modern WPA2 encryption method, leaving older devices that depend on TKIP the ability to connect to wireless routers.

How to secure your Wi-Fi

Disabling WPS

WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup and is a standard and protocol that was created to make setting up wireless connections easier. Despite its practicality and functionality, this solution contains a serious flaw: the eight-digit PIN code, consisting only of numbers, is easily broken by primitive guessing methods, and this creates a convenient starting point for hackers who want to take over someone else's Wi-Fi.

To find out whether or not a wireless router uses the WPS protocol, you need to take a closer look at the box in which it comes: WPS support is indicated by the presence of a special logo on the packaging and a separate physical button on the device body. From the point of view of protection against hacking, it is better to disable this protocol and never use it.


  • Kaspersky Lab blog article.
  • VPN Kaspersky Secure Connection
  • Microsoft support site.

  1. (System Tools → Password).
  2. article.
  3. Click Save (Save).

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section ( Wireless → Basic Settings).
  4. In field Wireless network name (Wireless Network Name
  5. Click Save (Save).

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless mode → Basic settings (Wireless → Basic Settings).
  4. Uncheck Enable SSID Broadcast (Enable SSID Broadcast).
  5. Click Save (Save).

Disable WPS

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless mode → WPS (Wireless → WPS).
  3. Click Disable (Disable).

Enable encryption

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section ( Wireless → Wireless Security).
  4. Select WPA/WPA2 - Personal.
  5. In field Version (Authentication Type) select WPA2-PSK.
  6. In field Encryption (Encryption) select AES.
  7. Click Save (Save).


Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless Mode → Wireless Security (Wireless → Wireless Security).
  4. Select WPA/WPA2 - Personal.
  5. In field Wireless password (Wireless Password
  6. Click Save (Save).

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are listed on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the () section.
  4. Click Add (Add New).

  1. Included (Enabled).
  2. Click Save (Save).

  1. Click Turn on (Enable).
  2. Select ().

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. TP-Link
    1. In the window Network connections press twice.
    2. In the window State click Wireless Network Properties.
    3. In the window Wireless Network Properties go to the tab Safety.
    4. Select security type WPA2-Personal article.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Close the window State.

    Windows 10, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.

    For all products: Software compatible

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    When you connect to a public Wi-Fi network, such as in a café, the data is transferred unencrypted. This means that your passwords, logins, correspondence and other confidential information become available to attackers. Email addresses may be used to send spam, and information on your social network page may be changed.

    Home Wi-Fi networks are also at risk. Even the highest level of security for wireless networks: WPA2 encryption, can be “cracked” using a key reinstallation attack (KRACK). For more details, see the Kaspersky Lab blog article.

    Always follow these guidelines when connecting to any Wi-Fi network:

  • Make sure that you have Firewall installed and enabled. This security component inspects network traffic and protects your computer from network attacks.
    Firewall is included in the Kaspersky Lab programs: Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Anti‑Virus, Kaspersky Total Security, Kaspersky Security Cloud and Kaspersky Small Office Security.
  • Use a secure HTTPS connection. Make sure there is a green or gray padlock icon in your browser's address bar. For more details, see the Kaspersky Lab blog article.
  • Secure your connection with a VPN, adding another layer of encryption. To do this, install Kaspersky Secure Connection on your device and enable a secure connection every time you connect to the Internet.
  • If you use the Windows operating system, turn off file and printer sharing for any public networks you connect to. Instructions on the Microsoft support site.
  • If possible, use mobile Internet instead of public Wi-Fi networks.

Create a strong password to access the router

As a rule, a standard login and password are used to access the router settings. An attacker can find out the login and password for your router by downloading the user manual for the device from the manufacturer’s website. To prevent this from happening, change the router password.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To change the password to access the router:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section System Tools → Password (System Tools → Password).
  4. Enter your username, old and new password to access the router. Recommendations for creating a strong password are in the article.
  5. Click Save (Save).

The password to access the router will be changed.

Create a unique name (SSID) for your Wi-Fi network

Rainbow tables are often used to crack passwords. Pre-built rainbow tables for popular SSIDs store millions of possible passwords. If your SSID and password are in such a table, an attacker can instantly recover your network password using special programs.

To increase the security of your home wireless network, come up with an uncommon SSID.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To change the Wi-Fi network name:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless mode → Basic settings (Wireless → Basic Settings).
  4. In field Wireless network name (Wireless Network Name) come up with and enter a name for the Wi-Fi network.
  5. Click Save (Save).

The name for the Wi-Fi network will be changed.

Make your Wi-Fi network invisible

In the router settings, hide the network name. Your Wi-Fi network will not appear in the list of available wireless networks. It will be impossible to detect it without special software.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To make a Wi-Fi network invisible to other devices:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless mode → Basic settings (Wireless → Basic Settings).
  4. Uncheck Enable SSID Broadcast (Enable SSID Broadcast).
  5. Click Save (Save).

Your Wi-Fi network will be invisible to other devices.

Disable WPS

WPS technology is designed to make it easier for devices to connect to Wi-Fi networks. Using WPS you can connect to your router without a password. We recommend disabling WPS in your router settings.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To disable WPS:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are listed on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless mode → WPS (Wireless → WPS).
  4. Click Disable (Disable).

WPS technology will be disabled.

Enable encryption

When working on a network with weak encryption, your data can be intercepted by attackers. If you connect to your home network and receive a message about weak encryption, change the encryption type to a stronger one. Common wireless encryption types: WEP, TKIP, WPA, WPA2 (AES/CCMP).

The main difference between them is the level of protection. We recommend WPA2 as it is the most secure available.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To change the wireless encryption type:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless Mode → Wireless Security (Wireless → Wireless Security).
  4. Select WPA/WPA2 - Personal.
  5. In field Version (Authentication Type) select WPA2-PSK.
  6. In field Encryption (Encryption) select AES.
  7. Click Save (Save).

Wi-Fi network encryption will be enabled.

Create a strong password for your Wi-Fi network

Without a password, your Wi-Fi network will be accessible to everyone. A strong password will not allow strangers to connect to it. Recommendations for creating a strong password are in the article.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To create a password:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are located on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless Mode → Wireless Security (Wireless → Wireless Security).
  4. Select WPA/WPA2 - Personal.
  5. In field Wireless password (Wireless Password) create and enter a password for the Wi-Fi network.
  6. Click Save (Save).

A password for the Wi-Fi network will be created.

Enable MAC Address Filtering

Each device that has a network card or network interface has its own MAC address. Create a list of MAC addresses of trusted devices or deny connections to devices with specific MAC addresses.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To configure MAC address filtering for trusted devices:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. On the login page, enter your username and password. If you haven't changed them, they are listed on the back of the router.
  3. On the router settings page, go to the section Wireless Mode → MAC Address Filtering (Wireless → Wireless MAC Filtering).
  4. Click Add (Add New).

  1. Enter MAC address, device description and select status Included (Enabled).
  2. Click Save (Save).

  1. Click Turn on (Enable).
  2. Select Allow access to stations specified in enabled rules from the list (Allow the stations specified by any enabled entries in the list to access).

Only those devices whose MAC addresses you added to the list will have access to the router.

Reduce Wi-Fi signal range

In the router settings, reduce the transmission power to a value where the network signal can only be received within your premises. The reduced radius of the Wi-Fi signal will not allow strangers to connect to it.

Router interfaces vary depending on the manufacturer, specific model and firmware version. To navigate the router settings, use the user manual for your model. As a rule, it is included with the router, or you can download it from the device manufacturer's website.

For example, we show the configuration of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. To reduce the Wi-Fi signal range:

  1. Enter the router's IP address into the address bar of your browser. You will be taken to the login page for the router settings. The router's IP address is listed on the back of the device and in the user manual.
  2. TP-Link
    1. In the window Network connections double click Wireless network connection.
    2. In the window State click Wireless Network Properties.
    3. In the window Wireless Network Properties go to the tab Safety.
    4. Select security type WPA2-Personal and change the network security key. Recommendations for creating a strong password are in the article.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Close the window State.

    The Wi-Fi network key and security type will be changed.

    After changing your home Wi-Fi network settings, devices will not be able to automatically connect to the network, so you will need to reconnect to the wireless network. See detailed instructions on the Microsoft support site for Windows 10, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.

Hi all!

I analyzed a little of the comments that visitors leave on the site, checked the queries and realized that there is a very common problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, which I have not written about yet. But many comments were left on the site asking for help to solve this problem. I advised something there, but I don’t know if my advice helped you (rarely does anyone write about the results 🙁).

And yesterday, Roman (Thank you kind man :) I left a comment on the article in which I shared information about how he solved the problem “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. This comment helped me understand the problem a little, and I decided to collect all the tips for solving this error in one article.

The essence of the problem

When connecting a phone or tablet (most likely on Android), to your home network, or somewhere in a cafe, an inscription appears next to the name of the network “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. And nothing else happens. If you click on this network and select To plug, then nothing will happen. You can see what this error looks like in the screenshot above.

I specifically provoked this problem on my Asus RT-N13U Wi-Fi router and tried to connect an HTC One V (Android 4.0) phone. So I got this message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. Moreover, everything worked out the first time. How? Yes, very simple. In my router settings, “Wireless network mode” was set to Auto mode, and I set it to n Only. I saved the settings, disconnected the phone from Wi-Fi, but it was no longer possible to connect :)

The main causes of the error “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”

Friends, I cannot say exactly everything and give advice that will be one hundred percent working, I hope you understand. All devices are different, everyone has different settings and many other nuances.

But I will try to collect the reasons known to me and ways to solve them, through which such a problem with connecting to a wireless network may arise.

If, when connecting to a wireless network, you saw the message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” on your phone (maybe a little different), then it’s worth checking these settings (I advise you to check in the same order):

To get started, simply reboot your router.

I have already noticed this problem several times: the Internet on the phone simply stops working, but there is a connection and the network is good. I turn Wi-Fi off and on on my phone, but it no longer connects to the network, it says “Saved, WPA2 protection.” Only rebooting the router helps.

  1. Set the correct region in the router settings
  2. Check whether the password for the Wi-Fi network is correct
  3. Check (change) the wireless network operating mode in the router settings
  4. Check (change) the encryption type and security type, change the password in the router settings
  5. Experiment with changing the channel on which your wireless network operates.
  6. Try changing the channel width.

And now in more detail on all points

Set the correct region in the router settings

Very often, this error occurs precisely because the Wi-Fi settings are set to the wrong region.

Using Tp-Link as an example, I will show you how to change the region. If you have a router from another company, then these settings are most likely changed on the same page where you set the name and other settings of the wireless network.

In Control Panel, go to the tab Wireless (Wireless mode) and opposite the point Region indicate the country you are in.

Save the settings by clicking the button Save(Save) .

Check your password and connect again

You may have simply entered your password incorrectly (however, then most likely there will be a constant connection, in a circle. But you need to check), and before getting into the router settings, I advise you to check this.

You may ask, how can I enter the password again, because the password request does not appear. You need to delete the connection. Just click on your network and select Delete.

Now, click on your network again and enter your Wi-Fi password. Just make sure it's correct. If you forgot, look at the password in the router settings, or on the connected computer (if there are any). Read more in the article.

Checking the wireless network operating mode

It seems to me that this is the main reason. Just your device (phone, tablet) may not support the operating mode in which the router operates.

The operating mode is those incomprehensible letters b/g/n, which you probably already noticed in the router settings. Try experimenting with changing modes. Don’t forget to reboot your router after each change and turn off/on Wi-Fi on your phone (tablet).

So I installed n Only instead of Auto and an error popped up. And if, for example, you already have n Only in your settings? Here are your problems.

Changing the encryption/security type, password

It may be that your device simply does not like the type of security or encryption that the router uses. Or you don't like the password.

I advise you to set the following values:

WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended)

Version: WPA-PSK

Encryption: AES

PSK Password (key) – at least eight characters and numbers only.

We save, reboot the router, delete the connection on the phone, and connect by entering a new password.

Attention! After changing the password or other security settings, problems may arise with connecting other devices that were already connected to this network (computers, laptops, TVs).

Experimenting with the channel on which the Wi-Fi network operates

It's unlikely, of course, but it could be. I wrote about what a wireless network channel is, how to change it and why in the article -.

Try experimenting and see if it helps.

Channel width

There is such an item in setting up a Wi-Fi router as Channel width. If you have, for example, TP-Link and the menu is in English, then it is called Channel Width.

There you can select several options: Auto, 20MHz and 40MHz - depending on the router. Try installing first Auto(or in Asus 20MHz/40MHz), if that doesn’t help, then separately.

Where can I change the channel width?

Go to the router settings ( address, or, enter login/password - look at the bottom of the router).


Go to the tab Wireless network and change the value opposite Channel width.


Tab WirelessWireless Settings, paragraph Channel Width.

Don't forget to save the settings and reboot the router.


I seem to have written everything I wanted. I really hope that my advice will help you. You will get rid of this problem and connect your phone or tablet with a Wi-Fi router :)

Perhaps you know other solutions to this problem, share them in the comments - I will be grateful!

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

The phone (tablet) does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Users of tablet computers and Android phones often encounter this problem: the device does not connect to Wi-Fi, although you have entered the correct password. The message appears: " ". What to do in such cases?

First, make sure that the access point you are currently connecting to actually distributes the Internet. To do this, try connecting to it using other devices (laptop, tablet, etc.). If there is Internet on these devices, it means that the access point is working and the reason for the lack of Internet is different.

There may be several reasons (for example, an incorrectly entered password or a weak Internet signal), but we will look at the most common ones.

Problem with Wi-Fi due to router settings.

Changing the Wi-Fi channel of the router:

  • go to the advanced settings of the router,
  • change the channel to another, confirming your action by pressing the “Apply” or “OK” button,
  • exit the router settings and try connecting the device to the Internet.

Often such a simple operation solves the problem with the Wi-Fi connection. If connection does not occur, try the following.

Change the wireless mode in the router settings.

By default, most routers set the settings to 802.11 b/g/n mixed mode. Select another mode: 802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g. After each mode change, click the "Apply" button and check for Wi-Fi connection.

If this does not help and the Android device still does not pick up Wi-Fi and the Internet does not work, you will have to “work” with the settings of your smartphone (tablet).

The problem is in the Wi-Fi connection settings on the device (tablet, smartphone).

Algorithm for setting up Wi-Fi and Internet connections on Android:

  1. go to “Settings” of your smartphone (tablet),
  2. turn on Wi-Fi,
  3. select the network you are trying to connect to without success,
  4. press and hold the icon of this network with your finger: a message will appear on the screen prompting you to delete or change the network,
  5. select the "Change network" option,
  6. after a window appears with the words “Show password” or “Show additional options”, check the box offering to show “additional options”,
  7. Check the “Proxy server settings” and “IP settings” indicators that appear. The “NO” option must be selected in the proxy settings. Sometimes, for various reasons, the “MANUAL” option is set in this field, which interferes with your successful Internet connection. If you change the proxy settings to “NO”, in most cases Wi-Fi starts working.

Incorrectly set date on Android device.

  1. go to general settings and select the “Date and time” option in the “System” item,
  2. uncheck the system suggestion “Auto-adjust date and time” and “Auto-adjust time zone”,
  3. Set the correct date on your device to match the current time.

If these methods do not help, the lack of connection may be due to technical reasons. A weak smartphone, tablet, old version of Android OS or a very weak Internet signal - all this can affect the stability of Wi-Fi and the Internet.