How to direct the router antennas. Connecting the router to an external antenna and setting it up. Select the optimal WiFi channel in the settings

Do you want to collect a long-range WiFi antenna, then you should know about some of its features.

The first and simplest: large antennas of 15 or 20 dBi (isotropic decibels) are the maximum power, and there is no need to make them even more powerful.

Here is a clear illustration of how, as the antenna power in dBi increases, its coverage area decreases.

It turns out that as the antenna’s operating distance increases, its coverage area decreases significantly. At home, you will have to constantly catch a narrow strip of signal action when it is too powerful WiFi emitter Get up from the couch or lie down on the floor, and the connection will immediately disappear.

That's why home routers have conventional 2 dBi antennas that radiate in all directions - so they are most effective over short distances.


9 dBi antennas only work in a given direction (directional) - they are useless in a room, they are better used for long distance communication, in the yard, in the garage next to the house. The directional antenna will need to be adjusted during installation to transmit a clear signal in the desired direction.

Now to the question of carrier frequency. Which antenna will work best for long distance, at 2.4 or 5 GHz?

Now there are new routers operating at double the frequency of 5 GHz. These routers are still new and are good for high-speed data transfer. But the 5 GHz signal is not very good for long distances, as it fades faster than 2.4 GHz.

Therefore, old 2.4 GHz routers will work better in long-range mode than new high-speed 5 GHz ones.

Drawing of a double homemade biquadrat

The first examples of homemade WiFi signal distributors appeared back in 2005.

The best of them are biquadrate designs, providing amplification up to 11–12 dBi, and double biquadrate, which have several best result at 14 dBi.

According to usage experience, the biquadrate design is more suitable as a multifunctional emitter. Indeed, the advantage of this antenna is that with the inevitable compression of the radiation field, the signal opening angle remains wide enough to cover the entire area of ​​​​the apartment when installed correctly.

All possible versions biquad antenna are easy to implement.

Required Parts

  • Metal reflector-piece of foil-textolite 123x123 mm, foil sheet, CD, DVD compact disc, aluminum lid from a tea can.
  • Copper wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm2.
  • Line segment coaxial cable, better with wave impedance 50 Ohm.
  • Plastic tubes - can be cut from a ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen, marker.
  • A little hot glue.
  • N-type connector - useful for conveniently connecting an antenna.

For the 2.4 GHz frequency at which the transmitter is planned to be used, the ideal dimensions of the biquadrate would be 30.5 mm. But still we don't satellite dish, therefore, some deviations in the dimensions of the active element are allowed - 30–31 mm.

The issue of wire thickness also needs to be considered carefully. Taking into account the selected frequency of 2.4 GHz, a copper core must be found with a thickness of exactly 1.8 mm (section 2.5 mm2).

From the edge of the wire we measure a distance of 29 mm to the bend.

We make the next bend, checking outer size at 30–31 mm.

We make the next inward bends at a distance of 29 mm.

We check the most important parameter the finished biquadrat has -31 mm along the midline.

We solder the places for future fastening of the coaxial cable leads.


The main task of the iron screen behind the emitter is to reflect electromagnetic waves. Correctly reflected waves will superimpose their amplitudes on the vibrations just released active element. The resulting amplifying interference will make it possible to propagate electromagnetic waves as far as possible from the antenna.

To achieve useful interference, the emitter must be positioned at a distance that is a multiple of a quarter of the wavelength from the reflector.

Distance from emitter to reflector for biquad and double biquad antennas we find lambda / 10 - determined by the features of this design / 4.

Lambda - wavelength, equal to speed light in m/s divided by frequency in Hz.

Wavelength at a frequency of 2.4 GHz is 0.125 m.

Increasing the calculated value five times, we get optimal distance - 15.625 mm.

Reflector size affects the antenna gain in dBi. Optimal sizes biquad screen - 123x123 mm or more, only in this case can a gain of 12 dBi be achieved.

The sizes of CDs and DVDs are clearly not enough for complete reflection, so biquad antennas built on them have a gain of only 8 dBi.

Below is an example of using a tea jar lid as a reflector. The size of such a screen is also not enough, the antenna gain is less than expected.

Reflector shape should only be flat. Also try to find plates that are as smooth as possible. Bends and scratches on the screen lead to the dispersion of high-frequency waves due to disruption of reflection in a given direction.

In the example discussed above, the sides on the lid are clearly unnecessary - they reduce the signal opening angle and create scattered interference.

Once the reflector plate is ready, you have two ways to assemble the emitter on it.

  1. Install the copper tube using soldering.

To fix the double biquadrat, it was necessary to additionally make two stands from a ballpoint pen.

  1. Secure everything to the plastic tube using hot glue.

We take a plastic box for discs for 25 pieces.

Cut off the central pin, leaving a height of 18 mm.

Use a file or file to cut four slots in the plastic pin.

We align the slots to the same depth

We install a homemade frame on the spindle, check that its edges are on same height from the bottom of the box - about 16 mm.

Solder the cable leads to the emitter frame.

Taking a glue gun, we attach the CD to the bottom of the plastic box.

We continue to work with a glue gun and fix the emitter frame on the spindle.

WITH reverse side We fix the cable boxes with hot glue.

Connecting to a router

Those who have experience can easily solder to the contact pads on circuit board inside the router.

Otherwise, be careful, thin tracks may come off printed circuit board during long-term heating with a soldering iron.

You can connect to an already soldered piece of cable from a native antenna via an SMA connector. You shouldn't have any problems purchasing any other N-type RF connector from your local electronics store.

Antenna tests

Tests have shown that an ideal biquadrate gives a gain of about 11–12 dBi, and this is up to 4 km of directional signal.

The antenna from a CD gives 8 dBi, since it is possible to catch a WiFi signal at a distance of 2 km.

Double biquadrate provides 14 dBi - slightly more than 6 km.

The opening angle of antennas with a square emitter is about 60 degrees, which is quite enough for the yard of a private house.

About the range of Wi-Fi antennas

From a native router antenna of 2 dBi, a 2.4 GHz signal of the 802.11n standard can spread over 400 meters within line of sight. Signals of 2.4 GHz, old standards 802.11b, 802.11g, travel worse, having half the range compared to 802.11n.

Considering a WiFi antenna to be an isotropic emitter - an ideal source that propagates electromagnetic energy evenly in all directions, you can use the logarithmic formula for converting dBi to power gain.

Isotropic decibel (dBi) is the antenna gain, determined as the ratio of the amplified electromagnetic signal to its original value multiplied by ten.

AdBi = 10lg(A1/A0)

Conversion of dBi antennas into power gain.

A,dBi 30 20 18 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 6 5 3 2 1
A1/A0 1000 100 ≈64 ≈40 ≈32 ≈25 ≈20 ≈16 10 ≈8 ≈4 ≈3.2 ≈2 ≈1.6 ≈1.26

Judging by the table, it is easy to conclude that the directional WiFi transmitter the maximum permissible power of 20 dBi can distribute the signal over a distance of 25 km in the absence of obstacles.

But I think it is necessary to expand this topic. Often, we buy expensive wi-fi routers, hoping for decent performance, but the quality of the wireless home network still leaves much to be desired. We will need to make some transformations that will help increase range wifi actions networks and signal strength.
Optimization problems wired network are especially relevant now, when the majority modern devices offers support wireless communication: smartphones, tablets, TVs and laptops. After all, they can all simultaneously connect to the home wi-fi network, so it should work stably and quickly. Many older wireless routers are unable to provide acceptable quality communications, since their capabilities are limited. This article will tell you about methods and special equipment to ensure reliable reception wi-fi router at a distance of up to 100 m and above.

The first thing you need to take care of is choosing the right place to locate the wi-fi router and other devices on the network. This is an important measure when organizing a wireless network at home. First, find one for your wireless router optimal placement point in an apartment or house and check that all network clients can confidently receive the signal, since the effectiveness of any wireless connection will always correspond to the level of the weakest link in the chain. Don't ignore the possibility of using additional devices, since they are able to expand the boundaries of the network wirelessly or wired way. This is especially true if your apartment (house) has thick walls or you need distribute wireless Internet on several floors.

There is also a fairly simple way assemble a directional antenna for a wi-fi router with your own hands. Such an antenna is capable increase the range of your wi-fi network. If none of the proposed options is suitable or did not help, for example, you want to use the Internet in the yard country house, then we will consider the option with radio relay antennas. Their use allows us to solve many problems related to the range of the wi-fi network, because the wireless network signal spreads evenly in all directions and weakens in proportion to the square of the distance.

Briefly about the operating principle of such antennas

Radio relay antennas collect the signal into a beam and radiate it in one direction, so the wireless network operates stably even at a considerable distance.

1. Finding the optimal location for installing a wi-fi router

To achieve reliable operation wireless network, you must find the correct installation locations for all components and select a channel that is not subject to interference.

Selecting a free channel for a wi-fi network. Wireless interference

Extraneous radio signals, the source of which may be a neighbor's router or baby monitor, are for our wireless network background noise, which she constantly struggles with. Problems with the wireless network are especially common. wifi routers neighbors.

The solution to the problem with a neighbor's router is simple:

  • Select the channel (frequency range) with the least amount of interference using the inSSIDer program.
  • Go to the “2.4 GHz Channels” tab to find out which channels are occupied by devices.
  • In the settings of your wireless router, select the channel that has the least amount of interference.

Attention! If your router and all receiving devices support the 5 GHz frequency band, switch to it and check the quality of your wireless connection.

Keep in mind that there is less interference at this frequency, but sometimes you have to put up with slightly shorter signal range and poorer ability to penetrate walls. Let me immediately note that this feature This is not true for all routers that support the 5GHz frequency.

Router placement: place it in the center

The best option for creating a reliable wireless network is to connect all devices to the router directly, without intermediaries. To achieve this, place the router in the center (if possible, with some errors relative to the geometric center). This way it will be surrounded by all clients that will be connected to the router.

Be sure to take into account walls, furniture and other obstacles. On open space the signal is practically not affected negative impact, but is greatly weakened when passing through them. Therefore, you need to install the router closer to those devices that are located behind the wall. For getting largest radius signal of the wi-fi router, it should be in an elevated place. If you choose a position that is too low, you will jam the signal with various kinds of obstacles.

Testing the network with a weak link to verify

After you have taken the above optimization measures, I recommend testing the operation using a device that is located furthest in the house or behind several walls, and also has a small antenna. IN in this case the rule applies: the higher it is located receiving antenna, those more efficient communication with router .

Direction of antennas of wireless devices

Antennas emit signals in circles that are oriented in space perpendicular to the axis of the antennas. Optimal location to achieve good coverage will be multidirectional - for devices with 2 or more antennas. In general, try to rotate the antenna so that its axis is perpendicular to the direction to the client device with worst quality reception. If antennas are built into the router, try rotating or moving the device a few centimeters to the side while monitoring the result.

Optimizing Wi-Fi connection

As I said above, the quality of reception can change dramatically if you move or deploy the router a little or wifi adapter(card) responsible for reception. Even a slight rotation or shift of the router, laptop or other receiving device can significantly increase or decrease the signal quality. You can measure the speed of your wireless network using the JPerl program. You need to run it on a computer connected via a LAN cable, and on a wireless device (for example, a laptop) acting as a client, measure the connection speed after each change.

Replacing an old router with a new one

It wouldn't hurt to update your wi-fi router if your wireless router only supports the 802.11g standard, since it makes sense to purchase a more powerful router that is compatible with 802.11n.
If you are using an Internet connection via DSL technology, then it’s worth purchasing a model with a built-in DSL modem. In this case, you only need to enter your Internet access data issued by your provider, and as a result the device will automatically connect to the Internet. Old router The 802.11g standard is also useful; it can be used as a repeater.
Let's say you bought new wifi router Now you need to set it up, 2 articles that I indicated at the very beginning of this material will help you with this. If you saved money and bought a router without a DSL modem, then the role of the modem can be transferred to the old device. To do this, configure it to work as a modem, according to the user manual. After this, connect the WAN connector (connector for connecting to the Internet access channel) of the new router to the LAN port of the old one.

Using an old router as a repeater

If your new 802.11n router has a built-in modem, then I recommend using the DD-WRT firmware developed by the Open Source community, you can tune old router as a repeater (repeater). Check this page to see if your model is supported. There you will find the appropriate firmware for your device, as well as installation recommendations. In most cases, to install DD-WRT firmware on the router, use the update item provided by the original firmware.

After installing the firmware and rebooting the router, log into its web interface.

  • In the login field enter: root
  • In the password field, enter: admin.

Setting up Repeater Bridge mode on the router

Connect an old wi-fi router with installed firmware DD-WRT LAN cable to the computer. In the future, the repeater will connect to the main router’s wireless network as a client and redirect the signal via wired or wireless connection to other client devices. To implement this, in the Wireless/Basic Settings section you need 0 configure the “Repeater Bridge” mode. All network settings, such as network mode, the network name and wireless channel must match those in the main router. In the “Virtual Interfaces” section, add another wireless network under a different name (for example, inserting .Repeater at the end of the name) and then configure it.

How to increase the range of a wi-fi router

Choosing a location for installing a repeater (repeater)

The easiest way increase wireless network coverage area- using a wireless repeater or repeater, especially if it is offered by the same manufacturer as the router. Place it in such a way that it is located in the area where the router signal can be confidently received. Setup involves only a few simple steps. Disadvantage - maximum throughput of a router operating in repeater mode is halved.

Powerline adapters

In order for the router to cover other floors in your house, I recommend using a network extender based on Powerline adapters that transmit the network signal through electrical wiring. You can use the dLAN 200 AV Wireless Nvon devolo model. Connection: connect one adapter to the LAN port of the router, and the other with the function wireless point access connects to any outlet in the house. You can read more about Powerline adapters for a wired network (without access point function).

Setting up a network extender: for settings basic parameters a set of Powerline adapters, you can use the included software. If you need to change the wireless connection settings, open the adapter's web interface using the program.

Attention! When increasing the transmission power through the router's web interface, do it gradually, as this may affect the signal quality.

Selecting the correct position for receiving devices

Besides choice optimal position router, do not forget about the device that receives the signal. After all, even small changes in position can significantly affect the result. Let's take a laptop for example. Place the laptop so that the display cover, which houses the antenna, faces the source wireless signal. Then slowly move or rotate the device to find out how to find the optimal signal reception area. You can also check the result using the inSSIDer program (link above).

Using a USB extension cable

A long antenna cable can negatively affect the quality of reception, while a USB cord up to 5m long will not cause such problems. Therefore, it makes sense to place the wireless USB adapter within the coverage area of ​​the wireless network, using a long USB cable. Using the holder included with many USB adapters, the device can be mounted at a certain height to achieve more reliable reception from the router. Usage USB extender will good option for a room remote from the router. For example, I used it in the bedroom for a mini-ITX computer.

Internal cards for connecting a PC to a wireless network

It's no secret that for desktop computers Expansion cards with a Wi-Fi module are available, but due to their internal location, the antennas, as a rule, are hidden under the table or behind the wall of the cabinet. In my HTPC, I used exactly this option, since the shelf under the equipment did not have a back wall. If the antennas cannot be removed, then more efficient and affordable solution will be connected via USB wireless adapter. A good model is the TP-Link TL-WN822N, since its antennas can be rotated in the desired direction, and placed not only at the back of your system unit.

In this section we will talk about small devices, made with your own hands and not only, with which you can significantly increase the range of your wireless network.

DIY parabolic mirror. As you already know, the router’s antennas emit a signal in uniform circles, and a parabolic mirror will collect this signal into a beam and transmit it in a certain direction. All you need is scissors, foil, paper and glue. The mirror must be placed on one of the antennas of your router and turned towards the receiving device.

Using an optional antenna

Nowadays it is easy to find special antennas in computer stores, which, due to their size and shape, can provide more high quality signal transmission than the antennas built into the wi-fi router.
Their main advantage is that the cable allows you to place one or more antennas at an elevated point.

Installing an External Wireless Antenna

Owners of country houses conducting for a long time in the yard and those wishing to use wireless Internet, an external antenna will come to the rescue. A good option would be TP-Link TL-ANT2409B, which can improve signal reception. You will need to mount the antenna on an external wall and connect it to your wi-fi router. Remember that the antenna should be directed in the direction where you want to ensure reliable reception, so whenever possible, mount it on an elevated point.

When purchasing an antenna, pay attention to the cable shielding, since the signals transmitted over antenna cable, are susceptible to interference. The quality of a cable can be determined by its attenuation coefficient, measured in dB. Good cable 5m long should not have an attenuation coefficient of more than 3dB.

Using a wi-fi parabolic antenna

Parabolic antennas are designed to transmit a wireless network signal between two similar antennas over a distance of up to several kilometers. If you need to transmit a signal over a distance of more than 100 m, then this is the solution to your problem.

Directional parabolic antennas used to connect client Wi-Fi devices located at medium and long distances from the central access point, or for building Wi-Fi point-to-point connections. As a rule, such an antenna has a gain of 24 dB in the frequency range 2.4 - 2.5 GHz and is used for reception and transmission electromagnetic waves from vertical or horizontal polarization. Parabolic wi-fi antenna design consists of a log-periodic feed in a durable housing, which is attached to a reflector having a mesh structure (to reduce windage and the overall weight of the antenna). As standard, the antenna has a 1 meter long microwave cable with a connector N-type (N type female).

In our age high technology, it is already difficult to imagine life without access to the Internet. By purchasing a router and connecting it at home high speed internet, we hope that we will be able to watch movies, videos and simply search for information without any problems. But later, to our surprise, we encounter problems of poor signal and low speed. What to do in this case and how to ensure normal work router.

In some cases, some tricks will help, with which you can partially solve the problem. In other cases, without using special software And technical means not enough. And using them together, you can permanently solve the problem with bad signal and low Internet speed.

Signal amplification methods

The most common mistake is the incorrect location of the router in the room.

Firstly, the signal receiving device must be positioned so that it maximally covers the entire area of ​​the living space with the network. That is, the router needs to be installed approximately in the center of the apartment.

Secondly, the walls, or rather the material from which they are made, play an important role in the quality of signal reception. For example, drywall or various concrete blocks significantly impede the passage of radio waves.

Considering the above circumstances, and a little tinkering with the placement of the router, you can ensure a very good reception signal.

Strengthening the signal using programs and proper settings

Surely many have not thought about additional settings equipment after its installation. Here are some nuances:

  • Coincidence and intersection of channel frequencies - after purchasing a router, be sure to select a free radio channel. They will help with this special programs(for example, inSSIDer);
  • Low transmitter power – in advanced network settings, set the maximum value and save;
  • Saving energy - this applies to laptops and other wireless devices; for better signal reception, set the “Balanced” or “High Performance” mode.

Antenna replacement

By replacing old antennas with a coefficient of 2dBi and 3dBi with 8dBi, you can significantly increase the level of signal reception. If the antennas are not removable, then purchasing a router will help solve the problem.

You can also install a repeater. It will significantly expand the radius of possible network coverage and thereby enhance signal reception.

Nowadays it is difficult to find a smartphone, laptop or tablet that does not support wireless networks - Wi-Fi. Not only them, but also many modern household appliances can connect to the network. Even multicookers connect to Wi-Fi, so it’s important to ensure good welcome in all corners of the apartment or house. But the significant problem is the excess wireless networks. In this article we will look at how to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router with your own hands.

Reasons for a bad signal

Before we consider ways to strengthen the signal, we will talk about the reasons for its fading. The main ones include:

  1. Wall material. The most common problem is a significant difference in signal levels in different rooms of an apartment with concrete walls.
  2. Router location. In order for the Wi-Fi signal to be uniform over the entire intended coverage area, you need to place it in a place equidistant from all the far corners of the coverage area. Otherwise, every wall, cabinet, shelf or other piece of furniture will degrade the Wi-Fi signal.
  3. Antenna gain. Cheap wifi routers usually have one 3 dbi antenna installed - this is a rather weak option.
  4. Incorrect router settings.
  5. Bad Wi-Fi receivers.
  6. Many networks running in parallel.

How to strengthen Wi-Fi

Now that we already know what leads to deterioration in the propagation and reception of a Wi-Fi signal, let's look at each problem and its solution separately. To strengthen Wi-Fi you need:

  1. Find the ideal place to install your router.
  2. Set its operating mode.
  3. Replace the antennas with more powerful ones.
  4. Install reflectors.
  5. Install repeaters or strengthen the network with another router.

Correct location of the router

If you want to boost your Wi-Fi signal, before you do anything, make sure your router is positioned correctly and minimize sources of interference and reflections. The router must be located so that a normal signal level is provided in each room.

If you have chosen the optimal place, but did not get the desired results, pay attention to the recommendations:

  1. Microwave ovens, remote controls remote control and other equipment working on high frequency, in particular 2.4 GHz. If such equipment is located nearby, move either it or the router.
  2. Neighborhood Wi-Fi. You can improve the situation slightly if you install the router in a place where the signal level is the lowest. You can determine this if you walk around your apartment with your smartphone and pay attention to the level of signal reception from your neighbors. You need to install the router where all signals will have the most low level. The program will help you with this Wifi Analyzer for Android.

Configuring the router correctly

Before you run to the store for a new antenna, Wi-Fi receiver or router, let's go to the settings and check what parameters are set there. To do this you need to address bar browser, enter the address of the router, usually it is indicated on a sheet pasted on its bottom. Most often this is or

First of all, you need to look at the standard in which it operates. IN different models Wi-Fi equipment settings and web interfaces vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, we will try to give general recommendations.

You need to connect to the router via the web interface and find the list of modes. Their names begin with the numbers 802.11, followed by letters, for example, 802.11b/g/n. To strengthen the router’s Wi-Fi signal, you need to select the item with the type name:

802.11n only

You should already see an increase in the Wi-Fi signal.

After this, you can try to increase the transmitter power; to do this, look in the settings for an item called transmit power type. It can be specified either as a percentage or as:

  • High;
  • Medium;

In any case, you need to set the maximum possible percentage value closer to 100% or High.

We have completed the basic settings for signal amplification. Now let's check the computer. If you have a laptop, check your power mode settings. In power saving mode, the signal gain from the built-in receiver is reduced, which causes problems with unstable connections and reduced speed. Set the mode to "normal" or "high performance".

Duplicate the network

If needed Wi-fi reception 100 meters or more - you won’t achieve this with a regular router. Their coverage range also depends on the number of obstacles, transmitter power and antenna gain. On average you can count on 30-50 meters. The easiest way to strengthen the signal is to install a Wi-Fi repeater. This is a signal repeater that simply plugs into an outlet.

The outlet should be located in an area where the signal is not too bad, but not next to the router. You can amplify the signal with one or two repeaters to obtain a larger coverage area. But you need to configure it - select a network and enter a password for it. This reception distance is often required in a private home in order to have a signal in the yard.

The second way is to increase coverage with another router. Some models support operation in repeater mode. This can also be done by connecting the first and second routers with a simple network cable with rj-45 type plugs, just like you would do when connecting the cable to network card computer.

Upgrading or changing the antenna

If the router does not have an antenna, then the only method of amplification is software, optimal settings we have already considered. The next option to boost your Wi-Fi signal is to experiment with antennas.

Experiments could be as follows:

If you are a fan of constructing something, then a biquad antenna can help to strengthen the signal for Wi-Fi reception at 200 meters; its drawing is shown in the figure below:

And this antenna, a Wi-Fi gun, will help transmit the Internet over 1 km or more (depending on the installation height and the accuracy of the signal direction). Its developer claims that he managed to achieve reception at a distance of up to 10 km.

In this way it is possible to organize communication between distant friend from each other with houses, or an apartment and a dacha, for example.

Important! It is not correct to talk about the range of the antenna. This figure depends not only on its design, but also on the installation location, the number of obstacles, and, importantly, the antenna of the device that will receive the signal. If in the field regular router with a standard antenna it can transmit a signal over 50-100 meters, but in concrete buildings there are problems with communication when moving to the next room.

We looked at the main available methods, allowing to organize amplification Wi-Fi signal router, as well as increasing the coverage area. If you follow all the recommendations, you will achieve an improved signal, but you need to take into account the quality and serviceability of all equipment. For example, if after all the manipulations done, the quality of signal reception on the phone leaves much to be desired, it may be due to a weak Wi-Fi module and built-in antenna.


Anyone who has a Wi-Fi router installed at home or in the office has probably encountered the problem of lack of Internet in some rooms. And more than once I wondered how to position the antennas of a wi-fi router so that the signal was of better quality.

All 802.11n routers come with stock whip antennas. They, depending on the model, can be removable or stationary. The most basic version of a router antenna is the whip antenna.

How does a wi-fi router antenna work? Inside removable plastic case there is a small wire. This is the working part of the antenna. Its length does not exceed 31 mm. Of course, this size was not chosen by chance. At frequency range standard Wi-Fi routers from 2,400 MHz to 2,473 MHz, the wave ranges from 12.10 cm to 12.50 cm.

So 31mm is about 1/4 of the wavelength. It is this antenna size that allows you to receive a higher quality signal. To achieve full network coverage, you must correctly direct the antennas of the wi-fi router.

How to correctly position the antennas on the router:

  • the optimal location for devices with one antenna is vertically upward;
  • for gadgets with two or more emitters, a multidirectional location would be best.

When using a router without an antenna, do not place it on its side. To achieve good results, it is recommended to install it vertically and then move it while checking the signal level.

Using an external antenna

The signal from a router with a built-in antenna is not always enough for uninterrupted operation on the Internet. One of the best ways coverage area expansion is a wi-fi router with an external antenna.

If the router is in a closed place (for example, in a closet), an external device can be plugged into the router’s antenna connector and placed in the center of the room.

Owners of large houses who want to use the Internet not only indoors, but also in the yard, will need a router with an external wi-fi antenna. With the help of a cable it can be placed at the highest point of the house. This one is more powerful antenna for the router will provide best quality signal reception than the one built into the router.

How to connect an antenna to a Wi-Fi router:

  1. with the help special cable connect the router to the antenna. The length of the router-antenna cable can vary from 20 cm to several meters, depending on the location of the antenna;
  2. To configure the router we use the WinBox program. We launch it on the computer and find the router;
  3. In the program settings, we look for networks, go to the interface and indicate the connection option - antenna b.

After the settings have been made, the external amplifying antenna for the router should work in parallel with the internal one.

Other ways to improve the signal

Most modern routers are equipped with removable antennas with a power factor of 2.5 to 5 dB. They can be replaced with more powerful ones (8-10 dB). To do this, unscrew the old ones and install new ones in their place.

If the router is equipped with a non-removable antenna and without a warranty, it is worth trying to solder an antenna with a better gain to it. You can buy the device in a store or make it yourself.

DIY antenna for router

How to solder an antenna to a router:

  • disassemble the router;
  • unsolder the internal antenna;
  • in its place, solder the coaxial RF cable from the new antenna;
  • test the circuit with a tester or multimeter;
  • assemble everything in reverse order.

Using the same method, it is not difficult to repair the router antenna. You need to remove the remains of the broken antenna and solder another one in its place.

A tin of drinks can be used as an antenna amplifier for a wi-fi router. To do this, take an empty container and rinse it well. The bottom is completely cut off from it and 2/3 top part. The can is cut lengthwise and straightened. The device is attached to wi-fi antenna router.

There are other options for signal amplification. The choice depends only on the user. It must be remembered that, regardless of the type of antenna used, it must be directed towards the signal source.