How to reduce the temperature of the motherboard. Severely limited space inside the case and no auxiliary fans. Using a special cooling pad

Any processor in any modern device, be it a computer, laptop, tablet or phone, generates a certain amount of heat proportional to the power of the stone. To prevent the processor in your PC from being protected and knocked out, it must be constantly cooled. The more powerful the cooling, the lower the processor temperature. If you suddenly notice that the temperature is too high or the fan is constantly running at high speeds, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a few tips that will help you reduce the temperature of the processor as much as possible.

To get started, use the application that is convenient for you (or use several at the same time). Take measurements in idle mode and under load, and then compare the result with the processor specifications (can be found on the official website). If you are not satisfied with the result obtained, then you need to either service the cooling system or replace it.

Causes of high CPU temperature

Below you will find out the most common reasons for high CPU temperature on your computer or laptop.

Cooling system contamination

Along with the air, cooling fans suck in dust and other dirt. It accumulates on filters, blades, rims and radiators, which deteriorates the properties of the cooling system. The temperature rises, the fan speed increases, and with it the noise and user suffering increases.

Old thermal paste

Thermal paste is used to fill microcracks in the surface of the processor cover and the surface of the heatsink and thus improve contact and heat transfer. After some time, the paste loses its properties and begins to hinder heat removal, so it must be changed regularly.

Heavy CPU load

If you're gaming or using resource-intensive applications, your processor will overclock, increase power, and get hot. This is fine. After the load is reduced, the temperature will decrease automatically. If the computer is idle and the temperature rises, then some process is loading your processor. Open task manager and look at the load indicators.

Severely limited space inside the case and lack of auxiliary fans

If the case is not properly ventilated, the air inside will heat up and suffocate the cooling system. Therefore, it is very important to have a couple of additional fans that will remove hot air outside and draw fresh air inside.

High air temperature in the room where the computer is located

Yes, this setting greatly affects the temperature of your computer. In addition, the processor will become very hot if the computer is in a very confined space.


When overclocking, the voltage and power consumption of the processor increases. This in turn is converted into increased temperature. It also often happens that users overclock processors and try to cool them with cooling systems that are not suitable for these purposes.

The cooling system does not match the TDP of the processor

Too little cooling paired with a powerful or overclocked processor = there is a 100% chance of raising the CPU temperature to critical levels. Make sure your fan is rated for the TDP of the processor it is trying to cool.

How to lower the temperature of your computer's processor

  1. Remove the radiator and cooling fan (read the manual before this procedure if you are inexperienced) Clean the radiator and cooling fan from dust and dirt. Dust greatly impairs cooling efficiency, so cleaning is the easiest and surest way to lower the processor temperature by a few degrees. Before removing the heatsink from the processor, do not forget to replace the thermal paste - do not install the processor on old paste.
  2. Change thermal paste. Over time, thermal paste loses its properties, so it makes sense to replace it with a new one. Note: You should not change thermal paste yourself if you do not have experience in this matter. Contact a specialist or, as a last resort, just watch a few videos on YouTube with tips on replacing thermal paste. Please note that more thermal paste does not mean better cooling. If you put too much paste, the effect will be reversed and the heatsink pad will not be able to properly draw heat from the CPU cover.
  3. Make sure to buy a spacious case with good air flow and the proper number of fans that will remove hot air from the case and also draw cool air into it. If you buy new building not an option, install additional fans to blow out exhaust air. Make the case as spacious as possible so that the cooling system does not suffocate and always has a flow of fresh air.
  4. Do not place the computer in a confined space, do not cover it, and always keep the ventilation openings open.
  5. The room temperature also greatly affects the processor temperature, so the most trivial open window It will help lower the temperature a little (especially in winter, of course). As a last resort, you can even open the case, but this is already a critical measure when it is not possible to clean the cooling, replace it completely, or change the thermal paste. Open body will collect a large number of dust, so keep that in mind.
  6. Change the cooling to a more powerful one. Replace the stock fan and radiator kit with something more efficient. Larger fan = better cooling. Large quantity heat dissipation tubes = better cooling. Be guided by your budget and user reviews or reviews. Compare the TDP parameter before purchasing. The cooling system must be able to handle a TDP equal to or higher than your processor's TDP. The higher this indicator is for the cooling system, the more efficiently heat will be removed from the processor.
  7. Disable overclocking. Overclocking a processor greatly increases its temperature. If you overclock your processor and then encounter extremely high temperatures, it makes sense to disable overclocking and consider more efficient cooling. Keep in mind that disabling overclocking will reduce performance.
  8. Scalp your CPU. No, it is better not to do this if you do not have experience in this type of operation. Seriously, don't, otherwise the high temperature problem will turn into a need to buy a new processor. Even professional specialists have a high chance of simply killing the processor when trying to “scalp” it. If the operation is successful, the temperature can be greatly reduced, but it is better not to suffer from such game at home.

How to reduce the processor temperature in a laptop

Desktop computers are great because they offer users a lot of flexibility and room for upgrades. If you are not satisfied with any component, you can easily throw it away and replace it with a new one. This rule also applies to cooling systems. Unfortunately, this issue is much worse when it comes to laptops. Even if you want, you won’t be able to replace the cooling system in your laptop, so you’ll only have to use tips and “life hacks” to help lower the temperature a little.

  1. Put your computer in a more energy efficient mode. Manufacturers configure these modes so that the motherboard reduces processor frequencies to save energy. This not only increases the life on a single charge, but also reduces the temperature of the processor. The downside is quite obvious and it lies in reduced performance.
  2. The computer always gets warm when charging. If you notice your laptop getting very hot, try taking it off the charger for a while. This advice will not always be useful. At heavy load The battery on the processor will run out faster and performance will be lower.
  3. Increase the fan speed. This will help speed up the flow of cold air to the processor and speed up the removal of hot air in the same way. You can increase the rotation speed of a laptop cooling fan using software developed by the computer manufacturer itself (usually such utilities are installed out of the box or available on the official website), third party utilities or Your laptop's manual or the manufacturer's website should provide the information you need. By increasing the fan speed, you will be able to reduce the processor temperature, but you will have to put up with increased noise.
  4. If software tweaks or unplugging the computer do not help, try cleaning the vents and air ducts on the outside of the computer. There is no need to rush to go inside right away. First, make sure that nothing from the outside interferes with the flow of cold air into the laptop and the flow of hot air from outside the laptop.
  5. It is best to work with a laptop on a hard, flat surface so that the air intake and exhaust openings do not tightly overlap. Please note that the temperature will rise significantly if you hold the computer on your lap or a soft surface. This is because such a position will block the air ducts and the cooling system will begin to choke.
  6. Use a ventilation table. You won't be able to replace the cooling in your laptop with a more efficient one, but you can send an additional stream of cold air to it. Use special stands with fans for this. They can be found in computer stores, and the price varies depending on the power and quality installed fans. The disadvantage of this method of cooling in comfort is that many stands make a lot of noise. If you fork out for a more expensive stand, this drawback can be minimized.

If none of the above helps and the laptop is still hot as gypsy borscht, it's time to use advanced methods.

Warning: if you are not confident in your abilities or you do not have experience, it is best to contact the service and describe your complaints to them. Specialists with help suitable equipment They will clean the cooling system, change the thermal interface and bring your laptop to the coldest possible state. If you have nothing to lose and you are confident that you can put everything back together, grab a screwdriver and read on.

Second warning: If your computer is still under warranty, do not open it or try to clean the cooling system yourself. This will immediately void your warranty. The service center will easily detect signs of tampering. Some screws that need to be unscrewed to remove the cover or cooling system are covered with special warranty seals. Damage to this seal will automatically void your warranty, so it is best to contact a service center. If the warranty has expired and you are confident in your abilities, you can try to personally service the insides of your computer. Just remember that only you are responsible for your PC.

  1. Disassemble the laptop and clean it of dust. We recommend watching videos on YouTube with disassembly of your particular laptop. Different manufacturers assemble computers in different ways, so in order not to break it, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the so-called “teardown videos”. They will help you put everything back together. Clean the fans first. Since laptops use turbine cooling, it is best to use a can of compressed air for purging the system (no one has canceled the vacuum cleaner, but its efficiency is much lower, plus there is a possibility of tightening an extra part). Be sure to clean your air ducts to ensure they are free of dust or dirt.
  2. Replace thermal paste. Be as careful as possible when doing this. Do not break the cooling pipes or use excessive force when removing the cooling system. If it doesn't budge, it means you've loosened a screw somewhere. Carefully read the materials available on the Internet on cleaning your model, otherwise ignorance or carelessness can lead to fatal results and serious damage.

This is probably all that can be advised to laptop owners who want to reduce the temperature of the processors. Please also note that each laptop comes with its own unique cooling system. For some models it works quietly and efficiently, for others it makes a lot of noise but cools well, and for others it makes a lot of noise and cools poorly. If none of these tips helped you at all, you can only come to terms with the fact that your laptop's cooling system is far from the best. The computer will continue to work normally, but you will have to put up with noise and high temperatures.

It often happens that the laptop gets very hot during operation. Sometimes this heating can lead not only to unpleasant sensations (well, not everyone enjoys working with a hot laptop) but also to freezes or “blue screens of death.”

This option not only requires the user to have certain skills and knowledge, but can also void the warranty on the laptop. How to do this is described in this material: Replacing the processor - lower the processor supply voltage. This method is the simplest and most effective. It allows you to lower the temperature by 10-30 degrees.

As you can see, the most optimal solution to the heating problem is to lower the processor supply voltage. I’ll explain its essence: the amount of heat generated by the processor is proportional to the square of the supply voltage. Consequently, a relatively small reduction in supply voltage can lead to a significant reduction in heat generation and power consumption. To illustrate this, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the results of the study:

Core 2 Duo T7300 2.0 GHz1.00B

Core 2 Duo T7300 2.0 GHz1.25B

These two screenshots show the maximum temperatures of the Core 2 Duo T7300 processor installed in the Acer Aspire 5920G laptop after a thirty-minute “warm-up” with the S&M utility. In the first case, the processor operated at a supply voltage of 1.25V, and in the second at a supply voltage of 1.00V. No comments needed. The difference in maximum temperatures is 24 degrees, and this takes into account that in the first case, the laptop cooling fan worked at maximum speed and during the test the processor overheating protection was triggered (this can be seen from the temperature jump due to an emergency stop of the S&M utility)

There is a misconception among laptop users that lowering the processor voltage reduces performance. I will explain why this opinion is wrong. Performance is primarily determined by the frequency of the processor. Information processing occurs at every processor cycle. The higher the frequency, the more cycles per second, therefore, the more information The processor processes for that second. The supply voltage does not appear here at all. The processor supply voltage mainly affects the stability of the processor when certain frequency. If you increase it, the maximum frequency at which the processor operates increases. This is exactly what overclockers do. But there is also back side medals: as the processor supply voltage increases, as mentioned above, its heat dissipation increases. This is why overclockers use powerful and complex cooling systems.

Now you can proceed directly to reducing the processor supply voltage. For this we need the utility. You can download it from one of these links: (gcontent)Download RMClock (/gcontent)

For 64-bit Windows Vista there is an issue with digital signature for the RTCore64.sys driver. To avoid this problem, download the RMClock version with an already certified driver from this link: (gcontent)Download (/gcontent)

Cannot control the frequency and voltage of Intel Celeron M processors due to the fact that they do not support dynamic change frequency/voltage ( Intel Technology Enhanced Speed ​​Step in Intel Celeron M processors is DISABLED. We say “thank you” for this crappy Intel). Also, RMClock does not support new AMD processors (on 780G chipsets and older) and Intel Core i3, i5, i7 and others from the same family

Simplified setup of this utility for users who do not have the time/desire/experience to fine-tune it.

A detailed description of setting up this utility for users who want to achieve maximum efficiency her work.

Note: in this material, the settings are made in Windows environment XP. The setup procedure in Windows Vista is the same, with the exception of a few nuances, which are described in this material: Solving problems with laptop reboots and freezes

Simplified RMClock setup

Let's start by launching the utility. Go to the tab Settings and set the parameters as in the screenshot:

On this tab we have enabled autoloading of the utility. Let's move on to next tab: Management. We configure it as shown in the screenshot:

It is worth noting that the check mark next to the item OS Power management integration first you have to take it off and then put it back on
Go to the tab Advanced CPU Settings. If you have a processor from Intel configure as in the screenshot below:

It is very important that there is a check mark next to the item Mobile. Other items may not be active for you. We don't pay attention to it

For processors from AMD tab Advanced CPU Settings should look like this:

Now let's move on to the most interesting part - the tab Profiles. For processors Intel it may look like this:

If you have a tick next to the item IDA- remove it

Note: just because we unchecked the box there does not mean that IDA technology will not work. It will work. It’s just that in this case there will be fewer glitches

Now I’ll explain how to set the voltage. For the highest multiplier (not counting IDA) set the voltage to 1.1000V. In my case, this multiplier is 10.0X. The vast majority of processors can operate at this voltage. Core 2 Duo. If your laptop freezes after applying the settings, then this voltage should be increased to 1.1500V. For the highest multiplier we set the voltage to 0.8000-0.8500V. The utility itself will enter intermediate values. With these settings, when running on mains power, the laptop will operate at the maximum frequency, and when switching to battery power, at the minimum frequency for better energy saving.


For laptops with processors from AMD this tab will look like this:

Here, for the largest multiplier (in my case it is 10.0X), we set the voltage to 1.0000V. For the smallest - the smallest value that the utility allows you to set.

Note: if you set the voltage to a very low voltage, this does not mean that the processor will work on it. The thing is that the minimum voltage at which the processor can operate is hard-coded for each individual processor. If you set RMClock to very low voltage, then the processor will eventually operate at the minimum voltage that the motherboard allows you to set.

Let's go directly to the profile settings, in particular Power Saving.

For processors Intel it looks like this:

For processors AMD it looks like this:

Here we put a tick next to the topmost items. Go to the tab Maximum performance.

For processors Intel it looks like this:

For processors AMD it looks like this:

On this tab, check the boxes next to the lowest items with the highest multipliers.
To prevent RMClock from having conflicts with Windows XP- go to Properties: Power Options (Start -> Control Panel -> Power Options) and select a profile in the profile selection window RMClock Power Management and press OK.

Note: You do not need to do this for Windows Vista.

To see what voltage and frequency the processor operates at, go to the tab Monitoring

As you can see, the processor in my case operates at a frequency of 2000 MHz, at a multiplier of 10.0 and at a voltage of 1,100 V. Its temperature is 45 degrees.

That's probably all. If you want to take a deeper look at this utility, read on.

Full description of RMClock settings

In this part I will tell you in more detail about the settings of the utility itself. Let's start by looking at the tab Settings

I will describe what is on this tab. At the very top there is a window for selecting the program language. To select the Russian language, you need to download the corresponding .dll library (which you still need to find...)

Below are the settings:

  • Colors- color settings for the monitoring window.
  • Show informational balloon tooltips- show informational tooltips in the tray
  • Show critical balloon tooltips- show critical messages in the tray, when overheating, for example
  • Make application window always on top- place the application window on top of other windows
  • Show application button in taskbar- show the application button in the taskbar
  • Temperature units- temperature units (degrees Celsius/Fahrenheit)

Even lower are the autorun options:

  • Start minimized to system tray- launch minimized into the system tray (near the clock)
  • Run at Windows startup - run when Windows startup. On the left you can select autorun methods: using a registry key or through a folder

And at the very bottom, logging options are configured. What and how to monitor.

On the tab CPU Info you can find out Additional information about the processor.

The appearance of this tab for platforms based on Intel and on base AMD may be completely different. First I will describe it for the platform Intel:

At the very top there are 3 tabs Processor, Chipset And Throttling. Tabs Chipset And Throttling They are not of particular practical interest to us, so we do not touch them and leave the default parameters. And here on the tab Processor Let's go into more detail.
At the very top under the inscription Automatic thermal protection 4 points are posted:

  • Enable thermal monitor 1- turn on TM1
  • Enable thermal monitor 2- turn on TM2
  • Sync. TM1 on CPU cores- synchronize TM1 to processor cores
  • Enable Extended throttling- enable extended throttling.
  • More details about what it is TM1 And TM2 read the documentation for the processor. All these technologies are correctly described there. In a nutshell: they serve to protect the processor from failure due to overheating. If the processor temperature reaches a certain value (usually 94-96 C), the processor will switch to the mode indicated on the right under the inscription Thermal Monitor 2 target

In the window FID/VID transition stabilization time stabilization time is indicated when transitioning from one processor operating mode to another.

Below under the inscription Intel Core/Core 2 family enhanced low power states various possible processor states with reduced power consumption are enabled. What's happened C1E, C2E...described in the same processor documentation. There it is presented in the form of a tablet.

At the very bottom of the tab Advanced CPU Settings There are 2 interesting points:

  • Engage Intel Dynamic Acceleration (IDA) IDA. The essence of this technology comes down to the fact that in processors with several cores, at moments when the load on one of them is high, it switches to more high multiplier. That is, if for the T7300 processor the nominal multiplier is x10, then at moments with high load per core, it will operate at a frequency of not 2.0 GHz, but at 2.2 GHz with a multiplier of x11 instead of x10.
  • Enable Dynamic FSB Frequency Switching (DFFS) - this option enables technology DFFS. Its essence boils down to the fact that in order to reduce power consumption, the frequency system bus decreases from 200 MHz to 100 MHz.

Below we select the processor type. In our case it is Mobile and put a tick next to

Now let's see what the edit will look like Advanced CPU Settings for processor-based systems AMD:

I will focus only on the most important points
There are again 3 tabs at the top. We are mostly interested in the tab CPU setup
On the left in the window ACPI state to view/modify select the processor power consumption profile (state) with which we will work on this tab.

  • Enable CPU low power- enable processor power saving mode
  • Enable Northbridge low power- enable power-saving mode of the northbridge
  • Enable FID/VID change- enable the ability to change voltage/multiplier
  • Enable AltVID change- enable the possibility of alternative voltage changes
  • Apply these settings at startup - apply these changes after loading the OS.
  • If you click on the triangle on the right of the inscription ACPI power states settings , a menu with presets will appear.
  • There are still questions about what this or that checkbox is for - read the instructions for the program or, as always, at random

Now let's go to the tab Management

I’ll explain in a nutshell what this or that checkbox is for.

P-states transitions method: - in this window you can set the method of transition from one P-state (essentially a combination of a certain multiplier value and voltage) to another. Two options are possible - single-step - Single-step (that is, if the processor switches from a multiplier x6 to x8, then first it will make the transition x6->x7, and then x7->x8) and multi-step - Multi-step (from x6 immediately to x8 without switching to x7)
Multi-CPU load calculation - in this window you set the method for determining processor load (for the Performance on demand mode, for example). The screenshot shows the method when the load will be equal to the maximum load of any of the cores.
Standby/hibernate action - here you set the action when entering standby mode or hibernation mode. In the screenshot, the option “Keep current profile” is selected

Below are the CPU defaults - CPU Default Settings
Restore CPU defaults on management turns off - resume default values ​​when RMClock control is turned off
Restore CPU defaults on application exit - resume default values ​​when closing RMClock utility

Just below the inscription CPU defaults selection you can choose one of three options:

  • CPU-defined default P-state- default voltage/multiplier is determined by the processor itself
  • P-state found at startup- voltage/multiplier is by default at OS startup
  • Custom P-state- default voltage/multiplier is set manually

Here's a tick Enable OS power management integration worth paying special attention to. It must first be removed and then put back in again. After this you need to go to Control Panel -> Power Supplies and select the power supply scheme "RMClock Power Management" there. Alternatively, you can use the utility Acer ePower select profile RMClock Power Management. If this is not done, then conflicts between the OS and the utility are possible when they simultaneously control the frequency and voltage of the processor in their own way. As a result, constant voltage and frequency surges are possible.

Now let's move on to the most interesting part: setting the voltages. The simplified setting provides values ​​that, with a certain degree of probability, will suit 90-95 percent of users. But practice shows that processors can often operate stably at lower voltages, which means even less heat generation and power consumption, which in practice results in reduced heating and increased battery life.

Note: voltage settings are given as an example Intel processor Core 2 Duo. For other processors (including AMD products), the setup procedure is the same. There will simply be different values, the number of multipliers and, of course, voltages. Here I want to dispel another misconception. Users often think that if they, for example, have a T7300 like I do, then their processor will operate at the same voltages as mine. THIS IS WRONG. Each individual specimen has its own minimum stress values. That one percent specific model Working at a specific voltage does not mean that another percentage of the same model will work at the same voltage. In other words: if you install what is on the screenshots, it is not a fact that it will work for you.

Now our task is to determine the minimum voltage values ​​at which your particular processor will operate stably. To do this we need the S&M utility (gcontent)Download S&M (/gcontent)
I will briefly describe the tab Profiles:

There are 4 windows at the top of the tab. I'll explain why they are needed. In two windows on the left under AC power current( Сurrent) and boot ( Startup) system profiles when the laptop is powered from the network, a little to the right under Baterry current( Сurrent) and boot ( Startup) system profiles when the laptop is powered by battery. The profiles themselves are configured on sub-tabs (just below Profiles). Below there is another point - . It is responsible for auto-filling voltages, that is, it set the upper value on one multiplier, set the lower value on the second, when the checkbox next to that item is checked, the program itself will set intermediate values ​​using the linear interpolation method.

As you can see in the screenshot, when operating from the network, the laptop will operate at the frequency/voltage that is set in the profile Maximal Performance, and when the laptop is running on batteries, the frequency and voltage will be set in the profile Power saving

Now let's proceed directly to determining the minimum voltages at which the system is still stable. To do this, uncheck all the boxes except the one that is responsible for the highest multiplier (not counting IDA). We set the voltage to 1.1000V, for example (for AMD you can start with 1.0000V)

Go to the subtab Maximum performance(we currently have this profile active, the laptop is running on network power)

We mark our multiplier with a tick and launch S&M. When first launched, this utility honestly warns us:

Click OK

Now let's move on to setting up this utility. Go to the tab 0

We select the test that warms up the processor the most. The same thing is done on the tab 1 (the processor has two cores)

Now go to the tab Settings. First we set the maximum processor load:

set the testing duration to For a long time(approximately 30 minutes, for Norm- 8 minutes) and turn off the memory test

and press the button Start checking

On the tab Monitor can be tracked current temperature processor:

If during the test the laptop did not freeze, reboot or display " blue screen" means it has passed the test and the voltage can be further reduced. To do this, go to the tab Profiles and reduce the voltage by 0.0500V:

Let's run the utility again S&M. If this time everything went well, then you can still reduce the voltage... If the testing was unsuccessful, the voltage needs to be increased. The goal is simple: find the voltage at which the laptop will be tested by the utility S&M.
Ideally, you need to find such a voltage for each multiplier, but in order not to waste a lot of time, set the maximum multiplier to the voltage that we have determined, set the minimum multiplier (in my case 6.0X) to the minimum voltage that the motherboard can set for your processor (usually , this is 0.8-0.9 V)...and let the intermediate values ​​be filled using the function Auto-adjust intermediate stetes VIDs

This utility has one more feature that I did not mention: changing the processor frequency depending on the load.
In profiles Maximal Performance And Power saving It is possible to select only one processor frequency value with a specific voltage. If you need to organize flexible frequency control depending on the processor load, you should pay attention to the profile Performance on demand. It is different from Maximal Performance And Power saving in that here you can specify one or more voltage/multiplier combinations at which the processor will operate.
Here is an example of its configuration:

Below in the settings of this profile there are some parameters that we can change. I will briefly describe them:

Target CPU usage level (%)- sets the threshold for switching multipliers/voltages. The transition occurs only between those multipliers and voltages that are checked in the box above. The method for measuring processor load is determined on the tab Management

Up transition interval- determines the time during which the processor load must be higher than the threshold specified above in order for switching to a higher multiplier from the checkboxes noted above to occur.

Down transition interval- determines the time during which the processor load must be lower than the threshold specified above in order for switching to a lower multiplier from the checkboxes noted above to occur.

There are throttling options in the settings of each profile - Use throttling(ODCM). I do not recommend turning it on, because as a result the frequency decreases and the heating increases. You can also specify the system power parameters (time to turn off the monitor, disks, etc.) on the tab OS Settings:

To activate your profile Performance on demand- you need to select it in the windows Current on the tab Profiles

That's probably all.

Has your laptop started to heat up too quickly lately? Here it makes sense to check the temperature of the processor and video card. After all, if they are working at the limit of their capabilities, then this urgently needs to be corrected. How? Especially for this purpose, below there are instructions on how to check the temperature of a laptop, as well as 5 effective ways reduce it.

What should the laptop temperature be?

To begin with, it’s worth noting that there is no such thing as laptop temperature. IN in this case check the performance of its components - processor, video card, hard drive (hard drive). And they can already determine whether something is heating up or not.

But still: what should be the temperature of the processor on a laptop? It depends on the load level:

  1. Light load – 40-60 degrees. This includes surfing the Internet and working with text editor Word.
  2. Heavy workload– 60-80 degrees. Such indicators occur when working in video editors and other heavy programs, as well as when launching modern games.

What is the normal temperature of a laptop video card? Again this depends on the load. In idle mode (on the desktop or when running browser) it is about 30-60 degrees. If you turn on the game, the values ​​will be 60-90 degrees.

As for the hard drive, then optimal temperature The laptop hard drive should be between 30 and 45 degrees.

It must be remembered that all these values ​​depend on the specific device model. Your laptop may have an Nvidia or AMD video card, with one cooler (fan) or two - and all this directly affects the performance. The same goes for the processor: some models heat up more, others less. Therefore, everything given above is an average.

How to find out the temperature of a laptop

Where can I see the laptop temperature? There are programs and utilities specifically for this.

For example, the Piliform Speccy utility may be an excellent option. This free program to check the laptop temperature, which shows data for all components. You just need to select the desired item in the left menu - central processor, graphics devices (video card), etc.

You can also find out the laptop temperature using other programs. Read more about them here: How to find out the characteristics of a laptop?

How to reduce laptop temperature

So, you launched one of the utilities, checked the laptop temperature and realized that the processor or video card is overheating. What to do in this case? How to lower the temperature of a laptop? I will give 5 effective ways, one of which should definitely help.

By the way, if the temperature of the CPU (or video card) is too high, then you will notice it without programs. After all, the device will begin to behave “strangely”: work slowly, turn off or reboot for no reason, and games will slow down. It is also quite possible that the laptop will start to make a loud noise due to the cooler (fan) running on maximum speed.

Read also: The processor is heavily loaded: what to do?

Place the laptop on a flat surface

The first way to lower the temperature of your laptop is to place it on a table. Or to another surface. And it must be smooth and clean.

If you like to sit with your laptop in a chair or on the sofa, then don’t be surprised why the temperature of the processor or video card is so high. After all, if you place it on a soft surface, then the special holes through which the device is cooled will simply be closed.

This is also interesting: The hard drive is slowing down: what to do?

Clean off dust

Laptops are very rarely cleaned of dust, since they are more difficult to disassemble than system unit computer. And, by the way, when too much of it accumulates, it interferes with air circulation, as a result of which the temperature of the laptop’s processor or video card rises significantly. And a dusty cooler will start to make a lot of noise.

If you don’t know how to clean your laptop from dust, then take it to a service center at least once a year.

Check the thermal paste

If the temperature of the laptop suddenly increases sharply, it is quite possible that the thermal paste needs to be replaced. This is a very important component that is used to cool the processor and video card. And if the thermal paste becomes unusable, then the indicators will jump up sharply.

For comparison: the processor temperature without thermal paste on the desktop (without running programs) is 60-80 degrees (should be 30-45). And if you start any game, it will completely burn out. This is a clear example of how important thermal paste is.

To fix this problem, you need to replace the thermal paste. The procedure is quite complicated, so inexperienced users It’s better to take the laptop to a service center - let the specialists check its condition and replace the thermal paste if necessary.

Use a cooling pad

Another way to reduce the processor temperature on a laptop is to buy a special cooling pad. Such accessories are installed under the device case, so they will lower not only the temperature of the processor, but also the video card and other components.

This thing will be very useful in the summer. In the heat of +35-40 degrees even normal processor or a video card (with a thermal mask and without dust) may overheat. Using a cooling pad, you can reduce the temperature of your laptop by 5-10 degrees. A little, but also good.

Optimize your laptop's performance

AND last method– program optimization. Of course, this method will not greatly help reduce the temperature of the CPU or video card on a laptop, but it will at least speed up the operation of the device.

Firstly, instead of heavy programs, you can use lighter ones. For example, instead of Photoshop - simpler editors like Corel Draw or Paint NET (especially if you rarely work with images), and instead of an audio player - listen to music online through a browser (one extra tab does not play a special role).

Secondly, you can defragment the disk, remove temporary files, remove from startup unnecessary programs etc.

Instead of a conclusion

That's all. Now you know how to check the temperature of a laptop, and what values ​​are considered normal. And if you find that the processor or video card is getting very hot, you can reduce the temperature using any of the following: the above methods. And after that, working on a laptop will again be pleasant and comfortable.

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The computer is simple - Why does the laptop get hot?

This article will be useful to all people whose laptop sometimes turns off, freezes or slows down while playing. Here you can find out how to determine if a laptop is overheating, as well as ways to combat this phenomenon. This guide is compiled for people who are faced with the most common problem of all laptops - overheating.

Reasons why a laptop gets hot

First of all, you need to determine the reasons why the laptop is heating up. There are several factors that influence this:

Poor cooling system design. Since all laptops are different, their cooling systems can also be different from each other. Some are more modern and of high quality, others are the opposite. As a result, in one case the laptops practically do not heat up, and in the other the laptop overheats;

Contamination of the cooling system with dust and other debris. This situation is quite common. Dust pollutes the space located on the fan side in front of the radiator. Sometimes the situation can be so advanced that the size of the dust layer, as well as wool and other small debris can reach from five to ten millimeters. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the cooling system and overheating of the laptop;

Broken contact located between the chip and the heat sink plate. The thermal paste located between the chip and the plate itself gradually hardens. This phenomenon not only contributes to the deterioration of the properties of the thermal paste itself, but can also cause the formation of an air gap, which will appear as a result of the heat sink plate moving away due to strong vibration or shock. This phenomenon interferes with normal heat transfer and contributes to overheating of the chip;

Incorrect use of laptop. The design of most laptops involves certain holes in the bottom, as well as on the side of the keyboard, through which air enters, cooling the internal components. When the laptop is on a soft surface, the holes located on the bottom overlap, as a result of which the laptop overheats. When working with the lid closed, the same thing happens - some of the holes are blocked and less air enters the cooling system;

Once the reasons why the laptop is overheating have been established, you can move on to the main signs of overheating.

Signs of a laptop overheating

Your laptop is definitely overheating if:

  • the laptop turns off without your participation;
  • the laptop freezes;
  • Games are rendered slowly.

All this happens because the laptop's overheating protection is automatically turned on. Modern laptops equipped with processors, video cards and chipsets with special thermal sensors that carry out continuous temperature control. If a certain temperature threshold is exceeded, the frequency and supply voltage of the processor and video card are reduced. This causes performance to degrade and the laptop to run more slowly. In addition, if the laptop overheats, it can not only freeze, but also turn off. If the video card is overheated, you will be able to see extra lines, shapes and other obvious defects on the screen. If the processor itself overheats, shutdown occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by a characteristic sound.

There is an easier way to tell if your laptop is getting hot. To do this, you need to measure the temperature of the processor, video card and other components at the moment of maximum heating.

HWMonitor temperature control program

To calculate what is the maximum temperature for a laptop, you can use special utility HWMonitor. First, you should use the link and download the necessary archive. Next, you need to unpack it and launch the utility.

Using this utility, you can view all current, as well as maximum and minimum temperature values ​​from the very moment of startup. In this case, only the maximum values ​​will be of interest.

For 32-bit systems

HWMonitor program for temperature control (514.89 KB)

For 64-bit systems

HWMonitor(64 bit) temperature monitoring program (636.34 KB)

Remember that the utility cannot be closed while playing or working. It should simply be collapsed after launch. If you launched it after work or play, the data may be inaccurate. The fact is that when the load is removed, the video card and processor cool down quite quickly.

Let's get acquainted with the main parameters regarding heating:

  • PCH - in the screenshot on the left (stands for Platform Controller Hub) - south bridge, large, such a chip on motherboard;
  • THRM – chipset, picture on the left;
  • Core #0 - Core #4 - processor cores;
  • GPU Core - video card chip;
  • HDD - hard drive; instead of HDD, the hard drive model can be indicated, as in the screenshots above, the very last item in the list.

What laptop temperature is considered normal?

Each device has its own critical temperature, some information can be found on the Internet, something can be learned experimentally, but as a rule, a set of symptoms (freezes, shutdowns, etc.) with clearly inflated numbers in HWMonitor (numbers close to 100o) indicate The fact is that the laptop needs cleaning and maintenance.

Acceptable characteristics:

  • Normal processor temperature during load can be up to 80o. Temperatures above 90o indicate overheating;
  • normal video card temperature is no more than 90o;
  • normal hard drive temperature should not exceed 55o. If the utility shows a temperature of more than 60o, it is best to copy the entire important information to prevent the risk of losing it;
  • The normal temperature of the chipset is no more than 90o.

However, please remember that the maximum temperature setting may vary depending on the model. For example, the normal temperature of an nVidia GeForce 8600M GT video card can reach 95o, and for an nVidia GeForce 9500M GS card it should not exceed 85o. If you still have doubts, you can always find the maximum permissible temperature for your equipment on the Internet.

For example, you can look at a selection of temperatures of laptop video cards, the data was taken after 4 minutes of the FurMark test plus running 7Zip.

If your laptop does not overheat at all and its temperature indicators are an order of magnitude lower than those given earlier, then the reason for the slowdowns and freezes may be problems with the operating system and drivers. Try updating the BIOS from the website of the manufacturer of your laptop model. If this action does not bring results, you should reinstall the system, update programs, change drivers, or contact a service center to check the motherboard.

How to fix laptop overheating

To reduce the temperature of your laptop, you should:

  • put under rear end any item;
  • purchase a stand with cooling;
  • clean the cooling system from debris and dust;
  • replace thermal paste.

Now in more detail about each of the methods.

1. Lifting the back of the laptop.

Most often, the air needed to cool the components of a laptop is supplied through holes and slots located in its bottom. The other part of the air comes from the keyboard. Raising the rear end increases the distance from the bottom to the table and thus improves air circulation. Simply put, the air driven through the radiator of the cooling system becomes cooler, and in addition, due to the decrease in resistance, there is more of it. The result of this manipulation is a decrease in maximum temperature by 10o. You can lift the end with any object (a book or even an eraser).

2. Using a cooling pad.

This option is simple and effective. Its essence is to install the laptop on a special stand equipped with fans. The main task of the fans is to force air onto the bottom of the laptop, through slots and special holes in which the air cools the internal components, as well as the radiator.

As practice shows, using such a stand you can reduce the temperature by about 15o. The cost of a cooling pad ranges from $30 to $60. You can make such a stand yourself. Power comes, as a rule, from the USB port of the laptop itself.

3. Cleaning the cooling system of small debris and dust.

This operation is classified as a service operation, but is not covered under warranty. The best option would still be to entrust it to service center specialists, who will qualitatively clean the cooling system for an affordable fee. In order to do it yourself, the laptop should be partially disassembled. However, vacuuming is practically ineffective.

4. Replacing thermal paste and lubricating the cooler

By replacing thermal paste, you can reduce the temperature of the video card and laptop processor by about 10o. It is recommended to use this method only if cleaning from debris and dust was not effective, since it is the most complex and responsible. This operation is also best entrusted to the service center specialists, since self-replacement The warranty is void and there is a risk of damaging the laptop itself.

How to find out the temperature of laptop components: processor (CPU, CPU), hard drive (HDD), video card, and how to reduce the temperature

Greetings! Compared to a computer, a laptop has a number of significant advantages. Often it is equipped with everything necessary for effective work “here and now”; its compactness also plays an important role in this. However, this very compactness can turn into a problem - it’s no secret that a fairly common cause of failures and unstable operation of a laptop is overheating.

The most common problems with overheating are those users who prefer to work with resource-intensive applications: be it games, editing and modeling programs, etc.

This material will take a comprehensive look at typical questions, related to the temperature conditions of the main components of a laptop computer: hard drive (HDD), central processing unit (CPU, CPU) and video card.

This question is the most popular among users who have relatively recently begun their acquaintance with a laptop. It should be noted that at the moment there is a fairly large amount of software whose task is to control and evaluate the temperature regime various components laptop.

I will focus on two free and at the same time very functional utilities.

1 The first utility designed to monitor the temperature parameters of laptop components is Speccy. The utility can be downloaded from the official website.

In the screenshot we can see the current temperature of the processor, system (motherboard) and hard drive.

Benefits of the utility:

  • completely free, supports Russian interface language, there is a portable (working without installation) version
  • demonstrates key laptop components, including their temperature
  • supports identification of a wide range of parts and components
  • works correctly in Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), both 32bit and 64bit versions

2 The second utility that will be discussed is HWMonitor. The utility is completely free, there is a portable (working without installation) version.

You can view and download it from the official website.

In order to see the temperature of the components installed in your laptop, you need to open the utility - all the information will be displayed in one single window.

A good utility that helps you quickly find out the temperature conditions of the components in your laptop. Nothing superfluous, just the necessary information.

Laptop processor (CPU) temperature - acceptable values

Unanimous opinion on this issue No. This is due to the fact that the worker temperature Range at different generations processors are different. However, some average values ​​can be identified:

up to 40 degrees Celsius – a very comfortable temperature regime for any processor. However, it is very difficult to achieve such a favorable temperature level on a laptop, normal mode work temperature mobile processor often goes beyond this threshold.

up to 55 degrees Celsius – considered normal temperature for a mobile processor. If under load, for example, during a game, the temperature of the mobile processor does not rise above this threshold, then this is very, very good! Because quite often the processors installed in laptops cross this line when working with demanding applications.

up to 65 degrees Celsius – given temperature acceptable, but only under significant and prolonged load, and when idle it should drop, for example, to 50 degrees. If you are not using your laptop and it is idle and the temperature reaches 65 degrees, then this is a clear indication that the cooling system has stopped coping with its duties. Be sure to clean/blow out any dust that has accumulated there in the cooling system.

temperature above 70 degrees Celsius – for some processors a temperature of 80 degrees will be acceptable, but these are often niche (not mass-produced) solutions. In the vast majority of cases, this indicates only one thing - a very poorly functioning cooling system, which has clearly stopped coping with its responsibilities.

The efficiency of the cooling system can be affected by: dust accumulated in the laptop, dried out thermal paste (this can easily happen in 3..4 years), what connects the processor to the radiator, wear of the blow-out cooler or its software slowdown. In the latter case, appropriate software is used, which allows you to reduce the speed of the cooler in order to reduce the noise it produces. But as a result of these actions, the processor suffers, which operates at a critical temperature, and in some cases may even go into a mode of reduced operating performance (the so-called “throttling” mode) in order to protect itself from overheating and subsequent failure.

What is the optimal temperature for the graphics card built into a laptop?

The video card often works no less, and in some tasks even more than the central processor. If you play or watch high-definition videos on your laptop, then at this moment the video card performs very intensive calculations and heats up accordingly. This is why video cards overheat just as often as processors.

Let's highlight the average temperature range of video cards built into a laptop:

up to 50 degrees Celsius - a low and very comfortable temperature for a video card chip. This indicator often indicates a well-designed and well-functioning cooling system. This temperature is most often observed during idle time and with minimal load on the system - using an Internet browser, working with documents in Microsoft Office.

from 50 to 70 degrees Celsius - this temperature range is standard for the widest range of mobile video cards that are installed in laptops. And this temperature looks completely natural when performing a resource-intensive task associated with displaying an image on a display, for example, it could be a video game or the process of video editing.

above 70 degrees Celsius - this temperature is a serious reason to check the laptop cooling system. So heat can also be reflected on the laptop body and heat it up.

Undoubtedly, there are mobile video cards that are quite capable of operating normally at 70 and even 80 degrees, but you shouldn’t rely on “maybe” and not notice the problem.

If the temperature of your video card exceeds the threshold of 80 degrees, then you should not wait for both the video card and the laptop as a whole to fail. For example, for popular mobile GeForce video cards from NVidia, the critical operating temperature is considered to be a threshold of 90 degrees Celsius. You should not wait for degradation (the appearance of artifacts of the displayed image: stripes, squares and other various defects) or even burnout of the graphics chip. It is necessary to understand that in compact body laptop cooling system is the same for most components...

This may result in the need to completely replace the motherboard, which in terms of money can be half the entire cost of the laptop.

Temperature of HDD (hard drive) in a laptop

The hard drive is, without exaggeration, a valuable and important component in the system. A failed computer can be replaced, but lost data due to a hard drive failure can result in large financial and other consequences.

This is especially important in light of the fact that hard drives are often more susceptible to overheating than other components of a mobile PC.

The hard disk drive (HDD) housing consists primarily of metal, inside of which high-precision elements are placed. And heating this entire structure increases wear and can literally lead to breakdown.

The same can be said about low temperatures, so you shouldn’t leave your laptop, for example, in a car in winter.

Now let's look at the temperature range that is inherent hard drives in progress:

25 to 40 degrees Celsius is the most common temperature range. This temperature is normal in most cases and should not cause any serious concern.

from 40 to 50 degrees Celsius – is permissible temperature. This temperature indicator can be caused by prolonged activity of the hard drive (read/write operation long time) . Similar figures can be achieved in summer time years when the room temperature is very high.

above 50 degrees Celsius is a dangerous temperature! When operating in such a “hot” mode, wear increases sharply and, accordingly, the service life of the media decreases. If you do not want to lose your hard drive and all the data on it overnight, then it is recommended to take appropriate cooling measures. We'll talk about this below.

How to reduce the temperature of laptop components and prevent them from overheating?

1) Surface for laptop

The laptop must be placed only on a hard and flat surface, which must also be clean (free from dust). Avoid placing a laptop in close proximity to heating elements. You should also not place your laptop on the sofa, bed or carpet. This is due to the fact that the ventilation holes on the case are blocked by fabric, and the laptop literally overheats. The author of these lines, as a teenager, “lost” his first laptop...

2) Clean the laptop cooling system

It is necessary to check the condition of the laptop cooling system. If you notice that the cooling system fan has begun to accelerate to maximum speed more often, then this is a reason to check and, if necessary, clean it of dust. Don't neglect this!

Ideally, it is necessary to clean the cooling system 1.. 2 times a year. If your laptop is several years old, then you can also replace the thermal paste that is applied between the processor and the radiator to improve heat transfer.

3) Using a special cooling pad

There is a fairly large assortment of cooling pads for laptops on sale. Their principle is extremely simple - several fans are placed on a plastic box, which blow the laptop below. The effectiveness of this stand in some cases is quite high, and allows you to reduce the temperature of key laptop components to 10.. 20 degrees.

However, it will only be effective in tandem with a working cooling system, which is included in the laptop. If it is clogged with dust, the stand will not save the situation.

4) Room temperature control

Predictable advice, but at the same time very effective. If outside the window in the summer it is 25 degrees, then indoors this temperature can rise to 35 degrees or more.

In this situation, it is necessary to control the room temperature and place the laptop in the “coldest” part of the house.

5) Refrain from using resource-intensive applications

Naturally, if you do not use resource-intensive applications, you can avoid significant heating and even overheating of components. For example, if you notice that the cooling system has become worse and needs cleaning, then refrain from using “heavy” games and applications. Once cleaned, you will be able to fully use your laptop again.

Brief summary

In this material, we examined in detail the main components that are susceptible to overheating in a laptop.

Were discussed in detail temperature conditions, which are comfortable for certain components during the operation of a mobile computer.

And finally, we looked at ways in which you can control the temperature of a laptop and its components.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

If your laptop just turns off, freezes, or just sometimes lags in games, then this article is for you. This article describes how to determine whether a laptop is overheating, as well as how to deal with overheating.


IN this manual Let's talk about overheating. In fact, this is one of the most common problems, which are found on laptops. The topic of overheating was partially raised in the article: . In this article I will try to reveal it more fully.

Let's first look at why the laptop overheats. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. The cooling system is poorly designed. I think it’s no secret to anyone that laptops are all different. Therefore, they have different systems cooling. For some, it is thought out very well and with a reserve, while others do not have laptops. As a result, some laptops heat up weakly, while others heat up more;
  2. Accumulation of dust and other debris in the cooling system. This happens very often. Dust gets clogged in front of the radiator on the fan side. In particularly advanced cases, the thickness of the layer of dust, wool and other debris reaches 5-10 mm. Naturally, the efficiency of the cooling system in this case tends to zero. So the laptop overheats;
  3. Loss of contact between the chip surface and the heat sink plate. This also happens. Since then, the thermal paste, which is located between the chip and the plate, has hardened. This can lead not only to a deterioration of its properties, but also to the fact that due to shock or strong vibration, the heat sink plate will simply move away from the layer of hardened thermal paste and an air gap will form. This greatly complicates heat transfer and, as a result, the chip overheats;
  4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Many laptops are designed in such a way that air is drawn in to cool the internal components through holes in the bottom and/or from the keyboard side. If you place the laptop on a soft surface, the holes on the bottom will block. As a result, the laptop will simply overheat. The same applies to working with the lid closed. Some of the holes are blocked, less air enters the cooling system and the laptop overheats.

Let us now consider how overheating usually manifests itself.

Typical symptoms of an overheating laptop:

  1. The laptop turns off by itself;
  2. The laptop freezes;
  3. Games experience occasional stuttering. They are described in more detail in this guide: .

This happens because the overheating protection is triggered. The fact is that modern processors, video cards and chipsets have thermal sensors that constantly monitor the temperature. If the temperature exceeds a certain threshold, the processor and video card reduce their frequency and supply voltage. As a result, the temperature and performance drop and the laptop begins to slow down. Also, if the laptop overheats, it may freeze or turn off. When the video card overheats, extra lines, squares and other defects may appear on the screen. When the processor overheats, the laptop freezes and turns off with a characteristic sound jam.

It is quite logical that in order to determine whether a laptop is overheating or not, you simply need to measure the maximum temperature of the processor, video card and other components. This is what we will do now.

Temperature measurement

The utility is great for measuring laptop temperatures HWMonitor. You can download it from these links: /.

This utility shows the current, minimum and maximum temperatures since startup. We are only interested in maximum temperature values.

Now we launch a game or other application that heavily loads the laptop. We work or play for 15 minutes and see what the utility shows HWMonitor:

Important Note:The HWMonitor utility must be minimized while playing or working with an application. If you start it after you have worked or played, or while you have closed the game, then you will not get accurate data on the maximum temperature. This is due to the fact that if you remove the load, the processor and video card drop their temperature very quickly.

Now I’ll explain what is what:

  1. THRM- this is a chipset. During the game he was able to warm up to 74 degrees (right column);
  2. Core #0 And Core #1- These are the processor cores. They warmed up to 71 and 72 degrees;
  3. GPU Core- this is the video card chip. He was able to warm up to 87 degrees;
  4. HDD- this is a hard drive. It heated up to 47 degrees.

Note: if you can’t figure out what the HWMonitor utility is showing you and how bad it is, then don’t be shy and ask in the appropriate forum topic: . To message Necessarily add a window image HWMonitor.

What temperatures are normal:

  1. For a processor, the normal temperature can be considered 75-80 degrees under load. If it’s above 90, it’s definitely overheating;
  2. For a video card, the normal temperature is 70-90 degrees;
  3. For a hard drive, the normal temperature is up to 50-55. If it is above 60, then it is worth copying important data from the hard drive. There is a risk of losing them;
  4. For the chipset, the normal temperature is up to 90 degrees.

Important Note: Maximum temperatures may vary from model to model. For example, for an nVidia GeForce 8600M GT video card, the normal temperature is 90-95 degrees. For nVidia GeForce 9500M GS - 80-85.

If your laptop does not overheat and the temperatures are significantly lower than those described above, then the cause of freezes, slowdowns and shutdowns should be sought in operating system and drivers. First of all, you need to try updating the laptop BIOS. It is available on your laptop manufacturer's website. If this does not help, then you should reinstall the system, try other drivers, update programs and look at the recommendations from the manual:. If this does not help, then you should contact a service center, since the cause of freezes and shutdowns of the laptop may be partial failures of the motherboard (power stabilization circuits and other things). It is very difficult to fix this at home.

If the laptop still overheats, then you need to take measures to cool it.

There are the following basic ways to lower the temperature of a laptop:

  1. Place something under the rear end;
  2. Use a cooling pad;
  3. Clean the cooling system from dust;
  4. Replacing thermal paste.

Let's look at each of these methods.

1. Raising the rear end of the laptop

In most cases, the air that cools the laptop components is drawn through holes and slots in the bottom of the laptop. Some air is also sucked in from the keyboard. By lifting the back end of the laptop, we increase the gap between the bottom and the table. As a result, air circulation improves. In other words, the air that is forced through the radiator of the cooling system becomes colder. Also, by reducing the resistance of this air, more air is sucked in. As a result Maximum temperature may drop by 5-10 degrees.

You can put anything under the back end, from books to rubber bands. This is what it looks like:

There is nothing complicated. Everything is simple and clear.

2. Using a cooling pad

This method is also quite simple and effective. The bottom line is that the laptop is placed on a stand with fans. These fans force air onto the bottom of the laptop. Through slits and holes in the bottom, air enters inside. As a result, the air flow increases, which blows over the internal components of the laptop and the radiator. In practice, the temperature drops by 5-15 degrees.

This is what the cooling pads look like:

They usually cost from 20-30 to 50-60 $. You can also do this yourself. The stands are usually powered from the laptop's USB port.

3. Cleaning the laptop cooling system from dust

Cleaning the cooling system from dust makes sense if 2-3 months have passed since the purchase. This period depends on the operating conditions of the laptop. After cleaning, the laptop will heat up the same way as after purchase.

This is a service operation and is often not covered by warranty. If possible, entrust this operation to a service center. Behind small fee Everything will be cleaned for you.

If you don’t want to give the laptop to a service center, then you can completely clean it yourself. To do this, you need to partially disassemble the laptop. Cleaning with a vacuum cleaner often does not have a serious effect.

So. Let's begin. First you need to turn off the laptop, unplug it and turn it over:

Before disassembling your laptop, you should remove the battery. This is a must!. When the battery is removed, it is worth analyzing how to get to the fan. On the Acer Aspire 5920, for example, to do this you need to remove the large bottom cover. It is held on by the following bolts:

When all the bolts that hold the cover are unscrewed, we begin to remove it a little at a time:

Important Note: Often, in addition to bolts, the lid is held in place by these latches:

They must be handled very carefully so as not to break. They usually serve to more securely fix the lid.

And here is the fan and radiator that need to be cleaned:

Now you can clean both the blades and the radiator itself:

Since I clean it regularly, there is not a lot of dust and other debris there. In practice, there are cases when a thick layer of debris accumulates in front of the radiator. It is not surprising that the cooling system does not cope with its task and the laptop overheats.

You need to clean it with a dry cloth, napkin or brush.

When we're done cleaning, we put everything back together.

4. Replacing thermal paste in a laptop

This is the most difficult way to cool a laptop. Replacing thermal paste requires experience and knowledge. In this case the warranty is void. If possible, entrust this operation to a service center.

The essence of this method is that laptop manufacturers usually use thick layers of thermal paste, which does not have the best characteristics. This is necessary to ensure an acceptable defect rate. If you replace that thermal paste with a more efficient one, you can lower the temperature of the processor and video card by 5-15 degrees.

More details about replacing thermal paste in a laptop are described in this material: Replacing thermal paste in a laptop.

That's all.

If you have any questions about this material, you should first read it and then ask on the forum.

Please post all questions about laptop cooling in this forum topic: .

You can make all comments and suggestions regarding the article itself through this contact form: Please note that if something doesn’t work out for you, then you should only ask on the forum. This kind of emails will be ignored.

  • Laptop repair

    A detailed description of how you can solve hardware problems with turning on a laptop, with image defects, as well as many other problems at home.

  • Solving laptop problems

    Are you having a problem with your laptop? You don't know what to do? Then this material is for you. The solution to the problem should start from here. Solutions are collected here typical problems with a laptop.

  • If your computer's processor gets too hot, it may fail or become unstable. Therefore for normal functioning The PC needs to lower its temperature. In this article we will describe how to reduce the temperature in a laptop and desktop computer.

    Determining the cause of overheating

    Before you start reducing the temperature of the processor, you need to identify the cause of its overheating. The reasons for processor overheating may be:

    • The CPU of a desktop PC or laptop overheats due to cooling system clogged;
    • The thermal paste between the processor and the heatsink has dried out, resulting in heating;
    • Constant heating of the CPU of a laptop or desktop PC occurs due to malware, which constantly mines cryptocurrency;
    • Raw BIOS firmware does not allow proper cooling of the CPU;
    • CPU overclocking overheats it.

    Clogging desktop PC cooler or laptop cooling system dust is one of the main reasons for the processor to become very hot. In this case, you can reduce the processor temperature by cleaning the cooling system. In the examples we describe below, we will show how to lower the temperature in a laptop and desktop PC.

    Thermal conductive paste is one of the key elements to lower CPU temperature. Therefore, after replacing it, the processor heating level should decrease. Typically, the heat-conducting paste is replaced when cleaning the cooling system.

    Very often, users complain about the inexplicable constant 100 percent load of their laptop or desktop PC. This load on the CPU cores occurs due to the so-called miner virus. The goal of this virus is to mine cryptocurrency by using the computing power of your PC. You can get rid of this virus or prevent it from entering your system using good antivirus or reinstalling the operating system.

    Often raw firmware in the motherboard computer is the culprit for unstable operation of the system as a whole. Often, a raw BIOS is the culprit of strong CPU heating. This problem can be solved by installing new BIOS firmware.

    Some users achieve better performance computer by overclocking it. For example, you can configure the BIOS so that the processor has been overclocked. You can also configure its overclocking using the programs that come with the motherboard. During overclocking, the cooling system may not be able to cope with cooling the CPU, resulting in overheating.

    This problem can be solved by resetting the overclocking settings in the BIOS or in a special program, as well as replacing the cooling system with a more powerful one.

    I would also like to note that for temperature determination There are such wonderful programs as HWMonitor and HWiNFO. In addition to CPU thermal indicators, these programs can measure the temperature of the video card. Also, if you need to identify an overheating CPU, we recommend using the AIDA64 Extreme program. The program allows you to conduct a stress test, which allows you to identify overheating components. Also, the AIDA64 Extreme program can take temperature readings from CPU and GPU sensors and display them on the screen. The image below shows the window HWMonitor programs with indicators taken from sensors.

    Reducing the processor temperature in a laptop

    As stated above, the cause of strong heating of the laptop processor can be a dust-clogged cooling system and dried out thermal paste. In most cases, laptop overheating is the main reason. In this example we will describe Thermal conductive paste replacement process, and cleaning the cooling system. For example, we will take the Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45 laptop.

    This model is equipped AMD E1-6010 processor, in which critical temperature amounts to 90 degrees. First of all, we will turn over the Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45 laptop and place it on the table, then remove the battery and unscrew the back cover.

    After this, remove the DVD-ROM, hard drive and unscrew the remaining bolts and cables.

    Now turn the laptop over and disconnect the keyboard and the cables underneath it.

    The next step is to carefully remove the front panel Lenovo laptop IdeaPad G50-45.

    Under the removed panel, unfasten all the remaining cables and unscrew all the bolts from the motherboard. After this, you can remove the motherboard.

    On the motherboard, unscrew the heatsink and remove it.

    Now you need to clean the old thermocouple and replace it with a new one. Also, do not forget to clean the radiator and fan from dust. By replacing the thermal paste and cleaning the CO, you can reassemble the laptop. After assembling the Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45, you will see that the temperature AMD processor E1-6010 will be significantly reduced and the noise level emitted by the CO will also be reduced.

    The example shows that cleaning the CO and replacing the thermal paste in the Lenovo IdeaPad G50-45 is not at all difficult. I would also like to note that when disassembling a laptop, it can be damaged. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can disassemble it yourself, then use the services of a specialist.

    Reducing the processor temperature in a desktop computer

    For example, we will use a desktop PC based Intel Core i7-6700K processor. To make this processor heat less, you need to clean it and replace the thermal paste. First of all, we need to remove the cooler. The cooler is detached by turning the four fasteners that secure it to the motherboard with a screwdriver. It is also necessary to disconnect the cooler power cable. The removed cooler must be cleaned and set aside. After removing the cooler, you need to clean the old thermal paste and apply new one.

    Now you can install the cooler in place and secure the computer case cover.

    By cleaning the cooler and replacing thermal paste, you will reduce the temperature Intel cores Core i7-6700K, and also reduce the noise level of the cooler.

    Thermal paste is replaced and the cooler is cleaned on processors from AMD in a similar way. It is also worth noting that using good thermal paste also has a beneficial effect on CPU cooling. For example, thermal paste Arctic Cooling MX-4 20 will be a better conductor than Titan Nano Grease thermal paste.

    Reducing CPU temperature by replacing CO

    Implement replacement of the cooling system for the CPU is only possible on a desktop computer, so upgrading the CO on a laptop or all-in-one computer will not work. Most desktop PCs have a standard cooling system that comes with the processor. Standard coolers do not always cope with normal processor cooling. Replacing the cooler can significantly change the temperature of the processor cores. Most popular manufacturers of coolers for Intel and AMD processors The following companies are:

    • Arctic;
    • CoolerMaster;
    • DeepCool;
    • Noctua;
    • Zalman.

    Pictured below popular cooler models of these brands.

    • DeepCool GAMMAXX 300;
    • Zalman CNPS10X Performa;
    • Noctua NH-D15;
    • Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO;
    • Arctic Freezer 13 CO.

    It is especially convenient to use coolers of these brands on computers where you are going to overclock the processor. For example, the DeepCool GAMMAXX 300 cooler is ideal for cooling an overclocked Intel Core i7-6700K processor.

    If we talk about replacing the CO on a laptop, then you will not be able to upgrade it. CO on laptop computers can only be replaced with a similar one, and only if it is on sale. Also help cool down your laptop will be helped by special stands for them, which have built-in coolers that provide cooling for the laptop.

    Let's sum it up

    In the material reviewed, we tried to fully answer the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor on a desktop PC or laptop. From the examples it is clear that any computer user can lower the temperature of processor cores. Therefore, we hope that the material we described will allow our readers to reduce the temperature on their PC.

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