Increase RAM with help. MSconfig: increasing speed. Programs to speed up your computer

Why might you need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer?

Unfortunately, many developers operating systems And software(programs for work and games), do not think at all about optimization, do not remember that many users do not have the opportunity to constantly buy the most modern hardware, so their creations may “slow down”. For partial solution To resolve this issue, you may need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

How to buy a suitable RAM stick?

When purchasing a RAM stick, you need to remember that different types of RAM are not suitable for every motherboard. To choose the right memory stick, you need to look in the documentation for the exact model name of the installed motherboard. Look at the description of this motherboard model on the manufacturer’s website, which should indicate what type of memory is suitable for the job, as well as the maximum possible amount of memory that this motherboard “sees.” You can also find out from the description the number of slots for installing RAM.

Determine the amount of RAM available on your computer. To do this, turn on your computer, click on the “My Computer” icon right click mouse, then select “Properties” in the “General” tab and you can find the total amount of installed RAM.

From the data received, your task is to calculate the volume of the stick that you will purchase (if at least one slot for RAM is motherboard free, then you just need to subtract the volume from the maximum possible amount of RAM installed RAM, otherwise you will need to pull out one of the slats with a smaller volume, and in its place install a new bar, the volume of which is also calculated).

After purchasing a new memory stick, remove the case cover (depending on the case model, it can be removed entirely or it is possible to remove only the side cover). Look carefully at how the existing memory stick(s) are installed. Place a new strip parallel to them and insert it into the free slot. The memory stick must fit tightly into the connector so that the contacts are not visible, and the latch must be activated, which additionally holds the strip in the connector.

The diagram below shows an example of changing the bar DDR memory 2, but it is not at all necessary that you will also have this type of memory, however, the appearance of the RAM connectors and the memory sticks themselves are similar and you also need to take into account the location of the recesses on the boards.

If everything is done correctly, the above tab will display more memory than before.

How to increase computer RAM

Today we will figure out how to properly increase the random access memory (RAM) of a computer running the Windows operating system. To be more specific, we're talking about Windows 7.

It would seem that it is enough to buy RAM modules, insert them into free sockets (connectors) on the motherboard, and that’s it – the memory capacity has increased. In fact, it is possible that “pitfalls” may appear that the PC user is initially unaware of. Let's look at the process of increasing RAM in order.

So, before you buy RAM modules, you need to know four things:

  1. Type of RAM (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4). For different versions of DDR modules different voltage nutrition and they are not interchangeable.
  2. The number of RAM slots and the maximum amount of memory that each slot supports. If a slot supports 4 GB of RAM, and an 8 GB module is inserted into it, then only 4 GB will be detected (will work).
  3. The amount of RAM that the processor supports.
  4. Windows version. Different versions of the operating system support different amounts of RAM.

As an example, we will increase the amount of RAM on my home computer. The amount of RAM before upgrading is 8 GB. It is necessary to install two more 8 GB modules, thus increasing the total amount of RAM to 24 GB. The modernization was timely due to the fact that when simultaneously using several heavy applications such as Photoshop, the RAM was completely occupied. If there is not enough RAM, the computer begins to use the so-called paging file, which inevitably leads to slowdowns.

Type and amount of RAM

To find out what RAM is installed on your computer, it’s easier to look at the instructions for the motherboard. If you know the brand of motherboard, then the technical specifications can be quickly found on the Internet. For example, my computer has an ASUS LGA1155 P8Z77-V LE motherboard. Technical specifications were quickly found on Yandex.Market.

  • DDR3 DIMM memory with frequencies from 1333 to 2400 MHz;
  • The number of slots is 4, the maximum memory capacity is 32 GB. Accordingly, you can install 4 modules of 8 GB each.

As a rule, if the motherboard supports a certain amount of RAM, then the processor installed on this motherboard also supports this amount of RAM. However, since there are various “miracles” in life, let’s check how much RAM it supports installed processor. Installed on my computer Intel processor Core i5-3450 3.1GHz.

So, we have made sure that the computer should work without problems when installing two additional modules 8 GB each, since in this case, the total amount of RAM will be 24 GB with 32 GB possible.

Purchasing modules

Basic information about the required RAM modules was obtained:

  • Type - DDR3;
  • Volume - two 8GB modules;
  • Frequency from 1333 MHz to 1600 MHz (determined by processor support).

Will the computer work if I install RAM modules of different sizes? As a rule, such a modification takes place without problems. However, I decided to buy memory that is similar in other parameters (except for volume) to the one already installed.

  • Installed two 4 GB modules - DIMM DDR3 4096MBx2 PC12800 1600MHz Kingston HyperX CL9-9-9-27 Retail.
  • Bought two 8 GB modules - DIMM DDR3 8192MBx2 PC12800 1600MHz Kingston HyperX FURY Black Series CL10-10-10 16 GB.

Operational modules DIMM memory DDR3 8192MBx2 PC12800 1600MHz Kingston HyperX FURY Black Series CL10-10-10 16 GB. To remove heat from the microcircuits, they are equipped with radiators

The cost of the modules in June 2015 was 7,790 rubles (DNS store).

Before installing the modules, we had to move the cooler fan to the other side, so the fan interfered with installing the module in the first socket (connector).

The modules must be inserted all the way. If the module is inserted correctly, then the latches (in the photo white), should snap into place on their own.

The installation is complete, you can turn on the computer and check the functionality of the new modules and their compatibility with the old ones.

Windows 7 RAM support

The computer was installed with Windows 7 Home Basic. As it turned out, it only supports 8 GB of RAM (8.00 GB available), although it sees the full amount.

Which Windows 7 should I install so that it supports at least 24 GB of RAM? You can find this out from the table below.

According to the information from the table, if the amount of RAM is more than 16 GB, you must install Windows 7 Professional (professional version) or Windows 7 Ultimate ( maximum version). These OS versions support up to 192 GB of RAM. Considering that the SSD disk capacity is 120 GB, I decided to give up more volumetric Windows 7 Ultimate and install Windows 7 Professional. After installing professional Windows versions, it used the full amount of installed RAM.

As an experiment, I launched several applications simultaneously: Adobe Photoshop, the ChessBase chess program with the engine running, Word, OneNote and KeyCollector. The processor had to work harder, and only 26% of the RAM was used (a desktop gadget was used to determine the CPU and RAM load).

With a large amount of RAM, the operating system does not need to use a page file. More RAM means less lag.

Pitfall - drop in SSD performance

It seemed to me that everything went smoothly, but there was an additional fly in the ointment - after Windows reinstallation, Solid State Disk (SSD) performance dropped from 7.7 to 5.9.

According to information found on the Internet, when Windows installation 7 to an SSD drive, it was necessary to disconnect regular hard drives (HDD). I couldn’t find anything smarter than reinstalling Windows 7 Professional with the HDD disabled. After that, the performance rating of SDD (2.5″ SATA-3 120Gb Kingmax SMP35 Client SF-2281 (R550/W520MB/s) 2.5 to 3.5) was 7.7.


As this example showed, when installing additional RAM modules, unforeseen circumstances may arise. In this particular case, the following unplanned actions had to be performed:

  • Rearrange the cooler fan;
  • Reinstall the operating system twice.

In any case, the modernization ended successfully.

Any thing in the world is perishable. Everything wears out over time and loses its original properties. But the computer seems to wear out much faster than it should. And this is not always due to the gradual obsolescence of computer parts; incorrect Windows optimization. Temporary or unnecessary files are not deleted and litter the computer; the cache memory becomes full and is not cleared. Processes do not delete the results of their activities in the registry. Therefore, within a year after purchase, the computer begins to slow down. Let's figure out how to speed up the system.

What affects computer performance?

Computer performance primarily depends on the power of the central and graphics processors. RAM also affects, but to a lesser extent. Due to its features, only photo and video editors seriously depend on it. The number of running programs, aging equipment, and cluttered operating system greatly affect performance.

So, let's divide the article into two parts. In the first, we’ll talk about what to do if the computer starts to slow down, how to fix accumulated errors and problems. In the second: how to speed up any computer, even a new one.

Windows 7 started to slow down: reasons and solutions


Overheating is extremely harmful to your computer. It indicates excessive load on the processor, which is why performance decreases. If the computer restarts or turns off during operation, this also indicates an excessively high temperature inside the system unit.

First we need to check how hot our device is and whether it is actually overheating. Temperature sensors are located inside the system unit for this purpose. And there are programs that perfectly read information from them.

Let's take a closer look using the AIDA64 program as an example. Download and install it on your computer. Then go to the “Computer” -> “Sensors” menu.

The list under the “Temperature” section shows the degree of heating of each component. From central processor to removable hard drives. A temperature of 40–60 degrees Celsius is considered normal. More than 60 - it’s already worth thinking about. 75–80 - serious overheating.

In case of overheating, it is worth changing the thermal paste on the processor and checking the operation of the coolers. Look to see if the system unit is very dirty: the temperature may be high due to dust burning there. If you don’t understand this yourself, entrust the matter to professionals. Digging into a computer with unskilled hands is quite dangerous.

Cluttered registry and hard drive

When installing programs and during their operation in Windows registry are entered various entries and parameters. But not every program then deletes unnecessary entries. Moreover, after deleting program files, registry entries about them are not automatically cleared. A clogged registry affects performance. The same goes for hard drive. In Windows 7, it’s not for nothing that the blue bar of free space on your hard drive turns red. The user must clean and free up free space in time, otherwise the computer will not work as expected.

If HDD is full, delete unnecessary files. The more space you can squeeze out, the better. Special programs will help you clean the registry. For example, CCleaner.

Install and download the program from the official website: It will be enough for our needs free version, so downloading a pirated version makes no sense.

In the program window, look at the left menu with sections. Open Registry. On the page, check all the boxes in the list and click “Search for problems.”

After some time, you will see a list of problems found. Among them there will be empty registry entries; records leading to nowhere; erroneous entries and the like. You couldn't have dug it all out on your own.

Click "Fix problems" and wait for it to finish. Repeat the procedure until there are either no problems at all or a minimal number of them.

Now let's deal with hard drive. You can use the same CCleaner program or clear temporary files yourself. Temporary files are stored in folders named Temp or Templates. All files in these folders are garbage. Except those that are in use right now. Windows does not clean these files, the garbage accumulates. Not only does this reduce productivity, it also takes up a lot of space. Temporary files can accumulate several gigabytes.

The first way is to use CCleaner. The advantage of this method is its simplicity. We need to open the CCleaner program and select the “Cleaning” section. In the left window there will be a list of problems that need to be looked for (it is better not to mark the items written in gray, as there may be system errors). After checking everything you need, click “Analyze”. When the list of problems appears, click "Cleaning" and wait until the procedure is completed.

Second way - manual removal temporary files. More labor intensive, but also more reliable. CCleaner and similar programs do not always remove everything they need.

  1. Open Computer. Open the properties of the hard drive on which the system is installed.
  2. In “Properties”, in the “General” tab, a diagram shows the amount of free and used disk space. And next to it is the “Disk Cleanup” button.

    Wait while Windows checks the files and finds unnecessary ones. When a window listing problems opens, check the boxes next to all the items and click “OK.”

    And confirm your choice by clicking “Delete data”.

    Now let's clean it up Temp folders by deleting temporary files. Open the folder “C:\Windows\Temp” (drive C is taken as an example, if Windows is installed on another drive, you need to open it). Delete the contents of the folder. The error “The file is in use by a program” may appear. This means that this file is still needed. Click Skip to avoid deleting this file but continue deleting others.

    Now let's clean out another folder with temporary files. Press the Win + R key combination. In the window, type “%TEMP%” and press Enter. A folder with a long and difficult to remember address will open.

    Remove all content.

Cleaning temporary files yourself: instructions

Windows developers did not take care of automatically cleaning temporary files. But the user can do it himself:

  1. First you need to make sure that all temporary files accumulate in one folder. For comfort. Open "Control Panel" -> "System" -> " Extra options systems" -> "Environment variables". Now enter the folder address in the TEMP and TMP fields. You can choose any one, but “C:\Windows\Temp” is better.
  2. Apply and close the window.
  3. Now let's set up autocleaning. Create text file, open it and save it in .cmd format.
  4. Now use Notepad again and write there: “pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1",

    "pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1".

  5. Remember the address of the folder where you saved the file.
  6. Now open a program called "Editor" group policies"(Win + R key combination, enter gpedit.msc and click "OK"). In it, open “Computer Configuration” -> “Windows Configuration” -> “Scripts (startup/shutdown)”. From the list, open the Shut Down option. Let's add a script for clearing the Temp folder to it. Click "Add" and in the "Script name" field, enter the address to the .cmd file that we created in previous paragraph. Click OK and apply the changes.
  7. The same must be done for “User Configuration”. Open “User Configuration” -> “Windows Configuration” -> “Scripts (startup/shutdown)”. We repeat the steps described in the previous paragraph.
  8. Try restarting your computer. If the files in the C:\Windows\Temp folder are deleted, then automatic cleaning configured correctly.


While the system is running, programs use RAM, temporary memory. It stores current processes. And while there is space there, processes are launched one after another. But as soon as the space in RAM runs out, the next process waits for space to become free for it. So, if the computer has little RAM installed, it will take a very long time to think and slow down. However, please note that 2 GB of RAM for easy to use more than enough. Even for modern video games. Mainly RAM is used by programs for video and photo processing (for example, Adobe Photoshop or Sony Vegas).

If the RAM in your computer is less than 2 GB, then you should think about upgrading. RAM modules are inexpensive, and connecting them is easy: just insert another part into the motherboard.

You can improve the properties of RAM by software by increasing the size of the swap file. The bottom line is that the size of the RAM will increase at the expense of the hard drive memory. The option, in fact, is not very good, and productivity will not increase very much, but still.

  1. So, open “System Properties” (right-click on the computer, select “Properties” from the list).
  2. In the left menu, click on “Advanced system settings”.

    Here we need the “Advanced” tab, the “Performance” section. Open Settings.

    In a new window we again open the “Advanced” tab. There is a “Virtual Memory” section here, which will contain a description of the paging file and its current size. Click "Change". The paging file may not be configured at all. Or is some certain value. Check "Set paging file size" and enter values ​​higher than the current ones. Don't take too much; doubling the size will be enough. Your computer's performance will increase, although not much.

    Set the paging file size and click OK.

Too many programs in startup

Windows has a Startup feature. The bottom line is that programs added to the startup list are included along with the operating system. Many programs a la Skype, mail client etc. are added to the list automatically during installation. Frankly “spam” programs are also recorded there: [email protected], Yandex.Defender and the like. Naturally, all these programs run simultaneously. Sometimes, invisible to you. And they all eat system resources, which affects performance.

Windows has special menu, where you can add and remove programs from the startup list. To open it, press the magic combination Win+R and enter msconfig. A small window will appear with several tabs.

The “Startup” tab contains a list of all programs that start with the system. Read it carefully: if the checkbox is marked unnecessary programs, remove them from there. Just be careful to find out exactly what program you are removing. Since this list also contains important system applications, and antiviruses. Naturally, neither antivirus programs nor system functions you can’t just turn it off - Windows is not that fragile, but nevertheless it’s worth handling this more carefully. You never know.

After unchecking unnecessary programs, restart your computer.

You can also look at what programs are running right now and decide whether the load from the included processes is heavy. To do this, open the task manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del). Here you can see all running programs, and the load on the processor, RAM, and so on. There are Performance tabs for this.

Incorrect update

The Windows system is constantly updated. In rare cases, installation new version it's not going well. Because of this, errors may appear in system processes, which will lead to deterioration in computer performance. ABOUT incorrect update Constantly appearing error messages in some system files can also tell.

If your computer starts to slow down after some update, then it’s worth restoring the last successful one. Windows configuration. Open the Start menu and type “System Restore” into the search. Press Enter.

A window will open with a list of system states before the update. The installation date of the latest version will be indicated. You can select any of them and click “Next”. Then "Done". And “OK” again to confirm system recovery. Windows will remove the new system files and return the state to before latest update. The next installation of the new version will go smoothly. Two update errors in a row rarely happen.

Mechanical damage

The system unit contains a complex structure of microcircuits and thin boards with coolers protruding from them, stretched wires and cables, connectors, noisy hard drives and a plump power supply. As you know, the more complex the machine, the easier it is to break. Computer parts Although they don’t fail very often, it’s worth checking. Usually, if something is damaged there, the computer simply will not turn on. But sometimes this also manifests itself in the form of system freezes and brakes.

First you need to find out which of the components is damaged. The AIDA64 program is suitable for diagnostics.

Download it from the manufacturer's website and install it on your computer. The left menu contains information about each component of your computer. Any of them can be considered in detail. To check the performance of all parts, you need to carry out diagnostics at critical loads. AIDA64 can do just that.

IN top menu Open the “Service” tab, then “System stability test”.

Now check the box next to all the parts you would like to test. Click Start. AIDA64 will create a powerful load for each part for some time.

Why is this necessary? During severe overloads, any deviations from the normal behavior of devices become brighter and more noticeable. During “stress”, AIDA64 will compare the performance of components with other results of the same types of processors and conclude whether all systems are working correctly. And then it will show you the result.

If, for example, the processor, RAM or anything else showed too weak results, then to improve performance you will have to replace them with new ones. In this case, there is no point in skimping, because in the near future they will completely fail anyway.

Software corruption

If the system unit is a complex system, then software architecture is generally a jungle. An error may appear in important Windows system files, some minor bug that will not completely destroy the system, but will interfere with its operation. Because of this, the computer will slow down and become dull.

It's good if you have an installation disk or Windows installation flash drive. Then you can very easily restore the system. To do this, you must first run the Windows installation and select “System Restore.” Everything else will be done automatically. The program will check all system files for compliance with those on the installation disk and correct incorrect data. You can try and completely reinstall the system.

How to run Windows installation from installation disk or flash drives?

  • First, insert the disk into the drive or flash drive into the USB port. And reboot the computer.
  • Now, when the computer starts to turn on, you need to open the BOOT menu (boot menu). This is done differently on all computers. Basically - by pressing the F11, F12 or F1 keys. This will be precisely indicated at loading screen before the operating system boots. Look for the inscription " BOOT Menu- F12" in the corners of the screen (usually the bottom).

So that you understand what is happening: every computer has such a system - BIOS. The computer may not have any operating system installed, but the BIOS is always there. A kind of software core of a computer. So, first, when turned on, this BIOS starts, and it already starts in its software environment beautiful, convenient and visualized Windows, Linux or osX. BOOT menu - BIOS program, which distributes the queue. Namely: what to launch first, what second, and what third. In the BOOT menu we need to configure it so that first it starts not the system, but the data from the installation disk/flash drive.

  • And now more specifically. After opening the BOOT menu, look for the Boot tab. The loading order will be located here. Put CD/DVD-ROM first if you are installing from a disk, and USB-flash if you are installing from a flash drive.
  • The Windows Setup program opens. Follow the instructions and select "Repair" or "Install" the system, depending on what you need.

If you don't have an installation disk, but you are sure that the problem is corrupted system files, contact technical support Microsoft. They will send you detailed instructions to restore the system.


And, of course, viruses. Malware is designed to spy on or harm a computer, and hackers usually don't think about optimizing their programs. So they always eat a lot of resources, RAM and leave behind fatty traces. Sometimes this is done on purpose to prevent the user from getting rid of viruses.

It’s worth mentioning about antiviruses. They are also resource intensive, but for a different reason: they have to scan every second possible threats. So poor performance may be related to this as well. In this case, you can try installing a more optimized and lighter antivirus program. And one more thing: if you have two or more antiviruses installed, remove all but one. First of all, it doesn't make the computer one penny safer. Secondly, it hits the processor very, very hard.

You need to download and install a good antivirus. If you feel sorry for the money for full-fledged Kaspersky and ESET Nod 32, use free similarities like Avast, Avira, McAfee. They are good enough to rid your computer of most malware. Just keep in mind that it is recommended to download anti-virus software only from the official websites of manufacturers, since it is often possible to pump up diseases instead of medicine.

After installing an antivirus, conduct a deep scan of your computer files. It will take a long time, but it will thoroughly check all folders and sections. Remove any viruses found and restart your computer.

How to speed up Windows 7?

Enable hardware acceleration

Hardware acceleration distributes the load between the CPU and GPU. For example, the second one copes much better with playing video and three-dimensional models, so it makes sense to load it with more of a graphical component than a computational component. This is the essence of hardware acceleration. Unlike acceleration, hardware acceleration by definition cannot harm the computer.

To enable hardware acceleration, go to Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Customize Display Settings. On the page, click on “Advanced options”. The properties window will open GPU. Open the “Diagnostics” tab and click on the “Change settings” button. A window will open in which you need to move the slider to the right. Apply the changes and restart your computer.

Overclocking the processor via BIOS

There is such a term - processor overclocking. When overclocking, the clock speed and cache memory of the central processor and video card processor are increased. Iron manufacturers accelerate their products only to a certain level in order to leave room for critical loads and increase service life. However, this can be sacrificed to increase computer performance.

No need to worry that the processor will burn out. If you increase the frequency too much, the BIOS will reset it to factory settings.

So, first, let's open the BIOS. To do this, when you turn on the computer, you need to press the F2, F11, F12 or some other button, depending on the computer itself. In the BIOS, find the CPU Locker item. There is no point in describing the path in detail - it differs too much for different versions BIOS.

In the CPU Locker item you will be asked to set the minimum and maximum values. Now it’s worth talking about what values ​​should be entered there.

The processor clock speed is measured in Hertz. For example, 1.8 GHz. Manufacturers usually leave around 60% of the possible clock speed. That is, at a frequency of 1.8 GHz, the maximum will be about 3 GHz.

The processor clock speed is calculated as the product of the frequency system bus FSB by multiplication factor. For example, FSB = 200 MHz and a factor of 10 will give a 2.0 GHz processor. In CPU Locker you can change the frequency of the system bus. The multiplication coefficient will be written in “x14” format. Calculate how many gigahertz you need, divide by the coefficient and get the number that you need to enter in the Max field.

Video: how to overclock any processor in BIOS

Speed ​​up copying and moving Windows files

In the operating room Windows system You can speed up the process of copying and moving files. To do this you need to install special program. For example, TeraCopy. It replaces the standard copy/move function in Windows. It is somewhat more convenient, as it allows you to continue copying even if one of the files is damaged. It also indicates a specific copy speed, which is useful for calculating time and diagnosing the condition of the hard drive.

Such programs do speed up recording, but not by much. Not a single method will help to significantly increase the copying speed, since the capabilities of writing to disk are limited by the capabilities of the computer components.

But if you don't mind the money, refurbish your computer: install a hard drive SSD drive, USB ports 3.0, eSata and others latest developments. This way you can achieve a threefold increase in the speed of copying and writing to disk. A nice bonus: if you install Windows 7 on an SSD hard drive, it will start almost instantly. And it will work much faster.

SSD capacities greater than 256 GB are still prohibitively expensive.

Windows ReadyBoost

Windows ReadyBoost is a technology that allows you to speed up the Windows OS using flash drive memory. The essence is the same as the swap file. The more memory there is on the flash card and the faster it works, the more Windows will speed up. You shouldn't expect too much, but the results may well be noticeable.

To turn on ReadyBoost function, just insert the USB flash drive into the computer and select “Speed ​​up the system” in the autorun menu. Everything else will be configured automatically.

Disk Defragmenter

The term “disk defragmentation” means updating the structure of the hard drive.

A hard drive can be thought of as a warehouse. Products (information) are processed, packed into boxes and sent to the warehouse, where loaders place them in the nearest available space. They don’t think about sorting, so two boxes of peppers can stand in different corners of the warehouse, and boxes with pineapples and eggplants can be next to each other. Then comes the need to use the products. The buyer gives an order to bring him boxes of cinnamon. And the warehouse workers search for and collect them throughout the warehouse.

Finally, the warehouse manager gets tired of the slowness, and he orders everything to be sorted. For the same purpose, we, users, defragment the computer disk.

Defragmentation gives a noticeable increase in speed.

So, for defragmentation you can use standard utility Windows or third party software. Windows defragmenter is in no way inferior to third-party ones, so we’ll use it.

Open “Control Panel” -> “System and Security” -> “Administration” -> “Disk Optimization”.

In the window, select required disk and click "Optimize".

Video: 5 ways to make the system work at maximum speed

Programs you can use to increase your productivity


Cleaner program. Cleans up temporary and damaged files, clears the registry of empty entries and errors, and can defragment disks. Has a powerful free version.

You can download from the site:

Advanced System Care for PC

Organizes automatic removal viruses, cleaning the registry, protecting users’ personal data, cleaning the system from temporary and unnecessary files. There are modules that protect the browser, but it cannot replace a full-fledged antivirus. However, it is quite suitable for improving the condition of the PC.

You can download from the site:

So we've sorted everything out known methods increase computer performance. Top tip- treat your device with care and care for it: clean system and registry garbage, remove viruses, defragment the disk. You should not forget about external care: the computer must be clean and tidy.

Over time, the computer operating system undergoes wear and tear, which affects both the performance of the device and our nerves. This is especially noticeable when working on weak computers. However, this is far from a reason to reinstall Windows prematurely, and you shouldn’t rush to create an installation flash drive and remember which key starts the transition to the BIOS. Taking advantage of several in simple ways, we will not only return crystalline virginity to our system, but also speed it up, in some places making it run faster than the new one.

Why does my computer slow down?

Most often, the slowdown of the operating system is associated with its inept use: incorrect deletion programs, cluttered hard drive and lack of timely measures to clean it. When installing Windows 7 itself, few people change the standard system configurations, which are far from optimal.

Hardware acceleration: unloading the processor

Hardware acceleration is the redistribution of some system functions from the main processor to Hardware to increase overall computer performance.

In other words, this is shifting part of the CPU work to the video card, if it is able to handle it faster.

The hardware acceleration function is enabled in all Windows builds 7 by default. You can check this using the following path:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”.

    Select “Screen Resolution”

  2. Now go to “Advanced options”.

    In the window that opens, select “Advanced settings” On the “Diagnostics” tab, select “Change settings”

  3. If this button is inactive, there is no need to panic: you have hardware acceleration enabled, and the caring developers of the video adapter foresaw what could get you here, and removed changing the settings away from the wrong hands.

    The required button is “Change settings”. If it is inactive, acceleration is already enabled

Visual effects: maximum performance systems

Nice graphic Windows interface 7 puts a very noticeable load on the computer hardware, which cannot but affect its performance. Visual design, of course, serves good addition to the operating system, but when it begins to noticeably affect its performance, it is better to sacrifice beauty for the sake of optimization.

  1. Right-click on the “Computer” icon and go to “Properties”.

    Click on “Advanced system settings”

  2. Now we need to get to “Advanced system settings”. Select the “Advanced” tab and in the first section “Performance” open “Settings”.

    Select “Options” in the “Performance” section

  3. In the “Visual Effects” tab, check the “Ensure the best performance” value and click “Apply”.

    Our choice - "Best performance"

  4. These settings disable all visual effects and provide maximum performance, but the system begins to look rather unsightly. If the resulting style makes you disgusted and sad and gives you nightmares about Windows 95, return the checkboxes to some menu items:
    • “Enable desktop composition”;
    • “Using display styles for windows and buttons”;
    • "Show thumbnails instead of icons";
    • “Smooth out jagged screen fonts.”
  5. We agree by clicking the “OK” button.

Hard drive: memory cleaning and defragmentation

All files that are written to the hard drive are divided into many sequential fragments in order to reduce the space used. As a result, in order to read the file, the computer is forced to put them back together. And the presence of various debris in its path increases the reading time, which slows down the system and causes delays of varying lengths when opening or changing files. At the same time, the speed of work, of course, drops.

The simplest solution to this problem is regular cleaning of the hard drive from junk and equally regular defragmentation. Systematically removing extra files and programs from your PC, you can greatly increase its speed.

First, you should clean up the space you use: remove unnecessary music, watched movies, setup files, hundreds of new Microsoft Word documents and other delights of human presence.

It is worth getting rid of unused programs. Let's start with this.

How to increase performance: cleaning the hard drive

  1. To begin, select “Control Panel” from the Start menu.

    Select “Control Panel”

  2. Go to “Uninstall a program”.
  3. We carefully study the list, find an outdated or unnecessary program, right-click on it and delete it.

    Right-click on the unnecessary program and select “Uninstall”

  4. Now let's get rid of system garbage. Combination Windows keys(flag on the keyboard) + R call the “Run” command, enter %temp% and click “OK”. This way, we will quickly move to the storage location of “junk” temporary files, and we will not have to spend a long and tedious time trying to find them in the system.

    Go to the "Temp" folder

  5. Everything that is in the called folder is temporary files. In combination, it is system garbage that must be removed. Combination Ctrl keys+ A select everything and delete it.

    Select all files in the folder and delete them

  6. If some files stubbornly refuse to be deleted, there is nothing wrong with that. Most likely, they are being used right now by some active programs, and you can skip them.

    If some files do not want to be deleted, skip them

  7. Now you can move on to the next step of cleaning your hard drive from system debris. Going to “Computer”, right-click on “ Local disk(C:)" and click "Properties".

    The item we need is “Properties”

  8. Going to the “General” tab, select “Disk Cleanup”.

    Select the “Disk Cleanup” button

  9. When the system analyzes the estimated amount of garbage that can be removed, the disk cleanup menu will open. In this menu, in the list of files available for deletion, check all the boxes, click “OK” and confirm deleting the files.

    Select the files that the system will delete

  10. After cleaning, uncheck the box “Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties” and click “OK”. In the window that opens, do not change anything and click “OK” again. If the “Access Denied” window pops up, click “Continue”, and “Error changing attributes” - click “Skip all”.

If there are several system disks on the computer, we clean them all in the same way.

Disk defragmentation: how to speed up your PC

After completion, repeat the procedure with the remaining disks.

How to work with CCleaner: PC cleaning program

For the next step, we will need the CCleaner utility, which allows us to clean up all system garbage that we were unable to remove using Windows tools. The program is free, and you can download it from the official website This is not the only or even the best utility that helps clean and speed up the system, but CCleaner is simpler and more accessible than anything else.

  1. Having launched the installed program, go to the Applications tab, where we uncheck everything that is still dear to your heart (for example, browser history), and then click Run Cleaner.

    The button we need is Run Cleaner

  2. After cleaning, go to the Registry section and click Scan for Issues. After completing the analysis, click Fix selected issues.

    We find problems and errors in the registry and fix them: the Scan for issues and Fix selected items buttons, respectively

  3. Now let's move on to Tools section and select the Startup tab. Listed here are all the programs that start automatically when you turn on Windows. Select all unnecessary ones and click Disable. This way we will disable their autorun and reduce the load on RAM.

    We remove all unnecessary programs from autorun using the Disable button

Page file: speeding up RAM

Page file, also known as virtual memory, - a separate space on the hard drive, which is an intermediate link in the exchange of information between RAM and the hard drive.

Windows 7 by default makes the page file 50% larger than the amount of RAM, but sometimes this size is too small. This leads to frequent overwriting of the file or direct access to the main sectors of the hard drive, which negatively affects the performance of the system.

  1. First you need to determine the amount of RAM. To do this, go to the “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer” and go to the “Properties” option.

    First, go to computer properties

  2. Here we carefully look at the amount of installed memory (RAM), and if it is more than 4 GB, then nothing should be changed. Otherwise, go to “Advanced system settings”.

    If you need to increase the paging file, go to “Advanced system settings”

  3. Here, on the “Advanced” tab, in the “Performance” section, click on the “Options” button.

    We need a “Change” button in the “Virtual Memory” section

  4. First, uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox. After that, mark the “Specify size” marker and set the values ​​larger. The best option- 5120 MB for original size and 7680 MB for maximum. Now click the “Set” button and confirm by clicking the “OK” button in all the windows we have opened.

    Enter new values ​​in the marked fields, click “Set” and “OK”

MSconfig: increasing speed

Some of installed programs have a bad habit of working in the background, which not only loads precious RAM, but also hides from our sensitive gaze. The volume they occupy individually is, as a rule, not particularly large, but together they take up quite a lot of resources, and by closing the pests, you can significantly relieve the load on RAM.

  1. Using the Windows key combination + R, call the “Run” service, enter the msconfig command in the field and click “OK”.

    Using the corresponding request, we find msconfig

  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Services” tab. All processes that are running in the background are marked here. To begin with, in order not to disrupt the operation of the system, put a checkmark on “Do not display Microsoft services" After that, with peace of mind, we remove the checkmarks from all remaining items. Confirm the changes by clicking the “OK” button.

    Uncheck all services except system ones (and important ones, like antivirus)

  3. Don't forget to uncheck all the boxes in the "Startup" tab. Essentially, this is copying the actions that we have already carried out previously using CCleaner; but, if for some reason you were unable to turn off autoloading then, now is the time.

    Uncheck all startup programs and click OK

Overclocking the CPU: video instructions

Nothing worked, and all other methods of increasing performance did not help? In this case, you can take extreme measures: for example, overclocking the processor. By overclocking it, that is, increasing the clock frequency, you can increase performance several times and equalize the characteristics of your processor with a more powerful line (however, this will require some effort and cooling costs). You can learn how to do this from the video below.

Overclocking the video adapter: instructions with video

If the performance of the processor is quite satisfactory for you, but you are a gamer and have problems with graphics, we have good news for you: it is not only the CPU that can be overclocked! The video below is dedicated to overclocking a video card. Speeding up an existing video adapter will certainly be cheaper than buying a new one, spending a decent amount. True, here you also need to take care of cooling.

But don’t forget: overclocking a computer is one thing, but making sure it doesn’t burn out after that is quite another. So approach such things responsibly and take care of your equipment.

So we've done everything possible procedures to speed up Windows 7, and now our system runs as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there are no other ways that are guaranteed to increase overall performance: well, perhaps changing components for your PC. Be happy and don't forget to defragment.


To provide fast exchange information between the central processing unit and RAM, it is necessary to correctly configure the operation of these devices. To check the status of your RAM, install the MemTest program. It will allow you not to restart your computer to perform performance analysis of memory cards.

Turn on your PC and open the BIOS menu. This usually requires clicking Delete key. Go to the menu responsible for configuring the operation of the central processor and RAM. Increase the bus frequency by 40-70 MHz. Save your changes by pressing F10. After the computer restarts, run the MemTest utility and check the performance of the RAM.

Repeat this cycle until the program detects RAM failures. Cancel last changes to eliminate the possibility of errors. Open the BIOS menu again and find the RAM timings. Decrease one of the indicators by one point. Usually there are only four. Save the settings and restart your computer.

Run MemTest again. Reduce the RAM timings one by one, each time checking the stability of this device. Don't change just one indicator. This may damage the equipment. Please note that even rare errors that occur during the operation of memory cards significantly reduce the performance of the computer and operating system.

Remember that RAM cards are fairly cheap elements of a personal computer. Sometimes it makes sense to purchase one or more new boards and connect them to the motherboard. This approach will significantly increase the performance of these devices and the entire computer as a whole.


  • how to increase computer RAM at home

RAM is a constantly updated computer memory, in which, unlike permanent memory (hard disk), commands and data are stored. necessary for the processor to perform current operations. The RAM of a PC or laptop is called a random access memory (RAM) and is a module or chip that is inserted into a special slot on the motherboard.

You will need

  • To increase RAM virtually You will need the ability to work with a computer, physically - new RAM modules from a computer store.


Physical way increasing RAM consists of installing one or more RAM modules, or replacing a module from a weak one to a more powerful and voluminous one. Opening the case of the system unit, you can see four slots for RAM on the motherboard. Typically these are DDR, DDR II, DDR III, DDR 333, SDRAM, SRAM, PC3200 and others. Through BIOS system you can find out the RAM and frequency (for example, 1066 MHz). To find out this data, you need to open the BIOS while holding down the DEL key. Once you have learned the module, you can safely purchase new module of the same volume in a computer and insert it into a free slot, or a larger module, replacing the old RAM.
It will be more difficult for the owners - if you are not a specialist, it is better to seek help in increasing RAM from a service center.


At the moment, the most powerful modules are RAM with 2 gigabytes of memory.

Helpful advice

Before you buy additional RAM, make sure that the frequency and memory capacity of the new and old RAM module match.


  • increase RAM memory

Blue screen of death in the Windows operating system, as well as critical errors BSODs often occur due to problems with the computer's RAM - its operational memory. What indicates a faulty RAM stick and how to test RAM for errors?

You will need

  • - Memtest program.


Checking RAM for errors carried out by specialized autoloading programs, that is, these programs do not need Windows startup, so you don’t have to worry - another RAM failure will not occur during the test and the program will work until final completion.

The Memtest program can be downloaded from the official website - The program is packaged in an ISO image, which must be installed on a blank CD, after which, after restarting the computer, you need to set the disk drive as the first boot component in the BIOS. After this, the program will load and you can begin diagnosing the RAM. At the end of the diagnostics (and its time depends on the amount of RAM), the program will issue a report on .

Also in the latest operating Microsoft systems, such as Windows Vista and Windows 7, there is a built-in and quite powerful tool for checking RAM for errors. It's called Windows Memory Diagnostic. When starting, press the “F8” key and you will see the so-called menu “ Additional options downloads". Select Troubleshoot Windows problems", and on the new screen - in the "Tools" section, press the "Enter" key and select "Memory diagnostics".

No matter how fast your computer or laptop is, over time its power ceases to be enough and it can no longer cope with the tasks you need. Then the thought arises about overclocking its components. A relatively decent increase in performance can be achieved by overclocking the computer's RAM. Just remember that overclocking leads to a decrease in the stability of the computer, so it must be done with caution and only when absolutely necessary.

You will need

  • - Computer with Windows OS;
  • - CPU program Stability Test.


So, in order to increase frequency operational memory, go to BIOS. After that, go to the advanced settings (they may be called Advanced Chipset Settings or something else similar). To change timings, find the field responsible for this (Current Latency or similar) and put minimum value. For example, if it costs 3, put 2.

Now try to increase frequency memory. To do this, find here the item responsible for the system bus speed. It may be called FSB Speed ​​or similar. Put frequency tires are 1 step larger than the one you have now. It's better to change frequency to a minimum value, no more than 5 MHz.

After changing the bus frequency, save the settings in the BIOS, load the operating system and run the program to test the stability of the processor and memory. In this regard, the CPU Stability Test program has proven itself well.

If testing with the utility does not reveal any problems, you can safely return to the BIOS and increase frequency system bus (and with them the processor and RAM memory) one more step. After that, save the settings again, boot the operating system and test stability. The cycle must be repeated until the utility shows that the current configuration is unstable. In this case, it is recommended to return to the BIOS and roll back the frequency 2 steps back.

Helpful advice

Typically, overclocking RAM comes down to increasing the system bus frequency or reducing timings to a minimum. Timings determine the response speed in clock cycles of your RAM. Not all motherboards allow you to change the system bus frequency in small increments (1-5 MHz); if this is the case, it is better to avoid overclocking. As the system bus frequency increases, the processor frequency simultaneously increases. If it happens abruptly without proper testing, that is high risk damage one or both of these computer components.

Changing the parameters of the central processor is a very important step in speeding up the computer. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to malfunction of some devices, but also to their damage.

You will need

  • - CPU-Z;
  • - Clock Gen.


Before you begin setting up the CPU, install CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about the current state of the CPU. Run this application and make sure that the processor is stable.

Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Press the F1 and Ctrl keys simultaneously to open the Advanced Setup menu. Typically, this is where the settings for the central processor and RAM are located. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hz. Now be sure to raise the voltage supplied to CPU. It is recommended to increase it no more than 0.1 Volt at a time.

Press F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading. Check the stability of the central processor using the CPU-Z utility. If the program does not detect errors, then repeat the procedure of increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum level, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, increase the voltage at the same time.

If you were unable to change the CPU parameters through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for a specific version of the motherboard. Launch the installed application.

Now increase the bus voltage and frequency by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected options, click Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Constantly monitor the temperature sensor readings. If the temperature exceeds the permissible norm even in passive mode work, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise you risk ruining the CPU.

Video on the topic

When setting up RAM operating parameters, you need to take into account quite a few parameters. Incorrect changes to certain items may damage some RAM sticks.

You will need

  • - MemTest.


Stability of RAM sticks to ensure that the device is currently running smoothly. Use the MemTest program or standard means Windows checks. Open the "Administration" menu. In Window Seven, it is located in the System and Security menu in Control Panel.

Launch the "Check" program Windows memory" In the window that opens, select the “Reboot now and check” option. Wait a while until the computer restarts and the analysis of the status of the RAM sticks is completed. Reboot your PC again and open the BIOS menu. Typically, this requires holding down the Delete key as the computer starts up.

Go to the Advanced Chipset Configuration menu. On some motherboard models this menu may be called differently. Find items that display RAM timing values. Select the very last item and decrease its value by one. Now find the RAM Voltage item. Increase the voltage supplied to the RAM sticks. Initially, it is better to increase the voltage by 0.1-0.2 Volts.

Save your settings. Typically this requires pressing the F10 key or selecting Save & Exit. After restarting the computer, run the program to check the status of RAM and evaluate its performance again. The MemTest utility will allow you to avoid unnecessary reboots, because... it runs in the Windows environment.

Follow the described algorithm until you achieve best performance random access memory. Change the timings one by one. Don't get hung up on just one point. As practice shows, this will quickly lead to malfunctions of the RAM, with virtually no increase in its performance.

Video on the topic

RAM modern computer characterized by several parameters. The most famous are volume and frequency, but also important indicator is memory latency, otherwise called timing.

Computer random access memory (RAM) is a volatile memory that contains OS components and running programs. The amount of memory affects how much information it can contain at the same time, and, accordingly, the number of running applications. Frequency characterizes the speed of memory operation, that is, the number of operations (cycles) per second.

Progenitor computer memory was created in 1834 by Charles Babbage. This mechanical device, called “Warehouse” (store), stored intermediate results Analytical Engine calculations.

Latency, or timings, shows the number of clock cycles spent on internal operations; in other words, timings characterize idle memory.

Memory access principle

To understand certain timings, it’s worth taking a closer look at memory access. In a simplified way, a memory chip can be represented as a table, where each cell corresponds to a memory element storing one bit.

When a specific cell is selected, the column and row number are transmitted via the address bus. The first is the row access strobe pulse - RAS (Row Access Strobe), then the column access pulse - CAS (Column Access Strobe).

After selecting a cell, various control pulses are sent to it - checking write access, writing, reading or recharging. Moreover, there are delays between these operations, which are called timings.

Types of timings

There are four different timings specified by memory module manufacturers.

CL (CAS-latency) – CAS-latency is the wait between the CAS pulse and the start of reading. In other words, the number of clock cycles required to read a cell if required line is already open.

T RCD (Row Address to Column Address Delay) – delay between RAS and CAS pulses. Timing shows the time between the opening of a row and the opening of a column.

T RP (Row Precharge Time). This timing is the delay between the impulse to close the active line and the RAS impulse to open the next one.

Sometimes you can come across an entry like 6-6-6-18-24. Here the fifth number indicates the Command rate timing - the delay between the impulse to select a microcircuit in the memory module and the activation of the line.

The sum of these timings characterizes the delay between reading a specific memory cell if another row is open. Manufacturers most often indicate these three parameters, but sometimes you can see a fourth - T RAS.

T RAS (Row Active Time) – the number of clock cycles between the RAS pulse and the pulse closing the row (Precharge), that is, the row update time. As a rule, T RAS is equal to three previous timings.

For convenience, timings are given without hyphens, for example, 2-2-2 or 2-2-2-6.

Tip 8: How to increase the amount of RAM on your computer

Increase the amount of RAM by desktop computer will be able to regular user, though if he remembers some subtleties.

Why might you need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer?

Unfortunately, many developers of operating systems and software (programs for work and games) do not think at all about optimization, do not remember that many users do not have the opportunity to constantly buy the most modern hardware, so their creations can “slow down” . To partially solve this problem, you may need to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

How to buy a suitable RAM stick?

When purchasing a RAM stick, you need to remember that different types of RAM are not suitable for every motherboard. To choose the right memory stick, you need to look in the documentation for the exact model name of the installed motherboard. Look at the description of this motherboard model on the manufacturer’s website, which should indicate what type of memory is suitable for the job, as well as the maximum possible amount of memory that this motherboard “sees.” You can also find out from the description the number of slots for installing RAM.

Determine the amount of RAM available on your computer. To do this, turn on the computer, right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then select “Properties” in the “General” tab and you can find the total amount of installed RAM.

From the data received, your task is to calculate the volume of the stick that you will purchase (if at least one slot for RAM on the motherboard is free, then you just need to subtract the amount of installed RAM from the maximum possible amount of RAM, otherwise you will need to pull out one of the smaller sticks volume, and in its place install a new bar, the volume of which is also calculated).

After purchasing a new memory stick, remove the case cover (depending on the case model, it can be removed entirely or it is possible to remove only the side cover). Look carefully at how the existing memory stick(s) are installed. Place a new strip parallel to them and insert it into the free slot. The memory stick must fit tightly into the connector so that the contacts are not visible, and the latch must be activated, which additionally holds the strip in the connector.

The diagram below shows an example of changing a DDR2 memory stick, but it is not at all necessary that you will also have this type of memory, however, the appearance of the RAM connectors and the memory sticks themselves are similar and you also need to take into account the location of the recesses on the boards.

If everything is done correctly, the above tab will display more memory than before.