RAM type ddr2 dimm. What are DDR2 and DDR3 and what is the difference between them. Protocols for working with DDR SDRAM

The modern market for computer components is developing so rapidly that even advanced users do not have time to understand the difference between one or another technology before a new one appears. Exactly the same situation with modules random access memory. Recently, everyone was discussing the advantages of the “troika” over the standard “two,” as both the “four” and the improved “troika” with the letter L have already appeared. Only a very knowledgeable person on this topic. But you need to figure out what the difference is between DDR3 and DDR3L. Let's start from the beginning.

The essence of the DDR3 standard

Unlike the outdated “two”, in the third version the capacity of the microcircuits has been increased. Now it is 8 bits. This could not but have a positive impact on productivity. The minimum volume of modules has also increased - now it is 1 gigabyte. Less is simply impossible. The difference between DDR3 and DDR3L, which we will look at below, is insignificant. Here more difference between two and three. And it is visible to the naked eye. By the way, power consumption has also decreased, which made this type of memory more suitable for mobile computers(laptops).

"Troika" is not a new standard. Therefore, there is nothing to be particularly happy about here. DDR4 is much more powerful. But, nevertheless, it is this type of memory that is most common in our time. DDR3 and DDR3L, the difference in which is not so significant, are the same type of modules. But it is worth understanding what distinguishes them, at least for self-education. Well, now let’s look at the characteristics of the “troika” with the letter L.

DDR3L. What's new?

Essentially, everything in this memory is standard. As in the usual "troika". But there is one significant difference - energy consumption. In 3L it is equal to 1.35 V. For comparison, a regular “three” consumes 1.50 V. This is quite significant when we talk about laptops, netbooks and ultrabooks, that is, mobile computers. In their case, energy consumption plays a decisive role, since they need quite long time run on battery power. This is the difference between DDR3 and DDR3L. The difference is not that noticeable, but significant.

IN Lately Manufacturers of mobile computers use only energy-efficient "troika" modules. Therefore, it has become possible to make laptops last longer on battery power than was previously the case. Although the indicators are not very different. DDR3 and DDR3L, the difference in which is discussed here, on this moment the most suitable options for personal computers and laptops. Now let's look at the most popular models.

Kingston 4GB DDR3 PC3-10600

This module is perfect for medium-sized laptops price segment. It operates at a frequency of 1333 megahertz, the operating voltage is 1.35 V. This is both DDR3 and DDR3L, the difference between which is not particularly significant, in one bottle. The volume of this RAM is 4 gigabytes, which is quite enough for work and graphic applications. Multimedia will also work great. This module looks ideal in terms of price-quality ratio.

As usual, Kingston pleases users with fast and high-quality RAM. But don't forget about practicality. The fact is that this RAM costs quite a lot compared to its technical characteristics. Therefore, its purchase seems questionable from a practicality point of view. You need to think twice before buying this memory module. Otherwise, this is an excellent and durable RAM, of which there are few in the world. modern market.

Samsung 4GB DDR3 PC3-12800

Another module from the very middle price segment. This RAM already runs at 1600 megahertz and can even be used for gaming. A tandem of two such memory modules is especially productive. There are DDR3 and DDR3L "strips", but there is a difference between them. Like all equipment from this company, memory modules differ highest quality and unsurpassed reliability. Currently, these are one of the best modules in the modern computer components market.

Samsung is well known quality smartphones and other devices. But its specialists could have made the RAM modules better. There is not even a shadow of the legendary Korean quality in them. But the memory works well. Although it doesn't look particularly strong or reliable. By the way, she takes acceleration very painfully. Right up to the saddest consequences. So there is no point in subjecting her to such a procedure. So let's continue. DDR3L and DDR3. What's the difference between them?

Crucial 4GB DDR3 PC3-12800

Another budget 3L standard RAM module. Its operating frequency is 1600 megahertz. The operating voltage is 1.35 V. This is standard for energy-efficient memory. This memory module is nothing more outstanding. That's just in two-channel mode it performs much better than its predecessors. Two such modules can significantly improve the performance of any laptop. And this is their main merit. This one is inexpensive. That's why it is the most common.

This is a legendary manufacturer of RAM modules. Everyone remembers his high-performance models for gaming computers. But also in budget segment Crucial didn't lose face. The modules turned out to be productive, reliable and energy efficient, which is important for laptop owners. It's nice that the legendary manufacturer has finally turned to face laptop lovers.


So, we looked at DDR3 and DDR3L memory types. The difference in them, although insignificant, is there. And if you ever want to change the RAM in your laptop, be sure to purchase an energy-efficient type. Today, any computer component manufacturer produces such RAM. The most popular and reliable models are listed above. But that's not all.

Memory DDR3 is gradually losing its position as the most widespread and is no longer recommended for assembling new systems. It’s another matter if the task is to modernize a slightly outdated computer, and within a limited budget. It is clear that such conditions exclude the most overclocked memory kits from the list of options, and they are not considered in our review.

It is noteworthy that within the platform Intel The race for megahertz doesn't make much sense either. The exception here is quite specific tasks that are not of interest to most users. On the other hand, the difference in price for memory kits of the same size but with different clock frequencies is vanishingly small (in the range from 2133 to 3000 MHz, of course). So why not choose a faster set of RAM for the future?

The situation is completely different with the latest platform AMD. Due to the characteristics of its interior architecture, the performance of Ryzen processors directly depends on the operating frequency of the Infinity Fabric memory bus, and therefore its controller. In turn, the frequency of the latter is “tied” to the characteristics installed modules and can be increased by overclocking.

An extremely unpleasant nuance in choosing memory modules for Ryzen The problem is that not every kit will work in such a system even at its rated clock frequency. Here the problem lies in the architecture of the modules themselves. Briefly, the recommendations can be boiled down to two pieces of advice: focus on peer-to-peer memory sticks and the latest BIOS revision for motherboard. The newer the AGESA protocol is, the better. Keep in mind, dual-rank memory with Ryzen will always run at lower frequencies, and early versions The specified protocol is “friendly” only for modules built on Samsung chips. And not just any, but exclusively the B-Die generation.

Happy upgrade!

Now I want to talk about DDR5 memory. A look into the future, so to speak. So, what is DDR5 RAM and what should you expect from it? And in general, when should we expect it?

Read the updated information about DDR5 dated September 25, 2017 just below in the article

A specific release date for DDR5 RAM has not yet been announced, but it is predicted to appear by 2020. Although, as they assure JEDEC, in 2018 we will already see the final specifications and characteristics of DDR5 memory. It is already being actively developed.

What is known about the characteristics so far? Very little. The clock frequency is planned to double compared to DDR4 RAM, the top-end memory today. The chip density will also increase, allowing the volume of each stick of DDR5 RAM to double (again compared to DDR4). And again, as with every previous new generation of RAM, energy efficiency will be improved. The truth is not yet accurate information what voltage will DDR5 RAM work with ( already available, see below).

Updated information (September 2017)

Reader rejoice! They plan to release DDR5 RAM a little earlier than promised. The release was postponed to 2019. That is, a year ago.

DDR5 RAM - project

In addition to this, there was new information about the characteristics of DDR5 memory. The operating frequency of the RAM will start at 4800 Mhz. But we can only imagine to what heights she will reach. Despite the fact that in the previous generation (DDR4) the frequency started at 2133 MHz, and now some representatives of this memory can boast a frequency of 4600 MHz.

Of course " too brilliant“, but if we apply a simple proportion, then theoretically we can expect that DDR5 RAM frequencies could rise above 10,000 MHz in the future.

4600 / 2133 * 4800 = 10351… Mhz

Wait and see!

Now about the operating voltage. It became known that the voltage will continue to decrease and in the coming generation will drop to 1.1 Volts. Not good big breakthrough in this direction, but it is there.

Previous generations worked on the following indicators:

  • DDR1 - 2.5 V
  • DDR2 - 1.8 V
  • DDR3 - 1.5 V
  • DDR3L - 1.3 V
  • DDR3U - 1.25 V
  • DDR4 - 1.2 V
  • DDR5 - 1.1 V

GDDR5 memory is not DDR5 RAM

To avoid a little confusion, it should be mentioned GDDR5 video memory. Now almost every modern video card has this type of memory. But GDDR5 memory has nothing in common with DDR5 RAM. Technologically, GDDR5 is the same as DDR3, only tailored for a video card. Just like GDDR3 was technologically identical to DDR2 memory. Don't be confused!

By the way, it will be said that a motherboard that supports video cards with GDDR3 graphics memory will also support video cards with GDDR5 memory. This is somewhat different from RAM, where for each new generation of RAM its connection interface (slot) changes.

Most main conclusion at this point this is what DDR5 and GDDR5 are completely different things!


This is what we have with DDR5 RAM. We wait. Although now many people are still sitting on DDR3, they cannot switch to DDR4. But I think this won't last long. Soon DDR4 will completely replace DDR3. We can only sympathize with those who build new computers based on DDR3, unless their motherboard supports both types of memory.

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RAM is a special chip used to store data of all kinds. There are many varieties of these devices, they are produced various companies. The best manufacturers Most often they are of Japanese origin.

What is it and what is it for?

RAM (so-called RAM memory) is a type of volatile chip used to store all kinds of information. Most often it contains:

  • machine code of programs currently running (or in standby mode);
  • input and output data.

Photo: RAM different manufacturers

Data exchange between the central processor and RAM is carried out in two ways:

  • using ultra-fast register ALU;
  • through special cache(if included in the design);
  • directly (directly via the data bus).

The devices in question are circuits built on semiconductors. All information stored in various electronic components, remains available only if available electric current. As soon as the voltage is completely turned off, or a short-term power failure occurs, then everything contained inside the RAM is erased or destroyed.

An alternative is ROM type devices.

Types and amount of memory Today the board can have a capacity of several tens of gigabytes. Modern technical means allow you to use it as quickly as possible. Majority operating systems

are equipped with the ability to interact with such devices. There is a proportional relationship between the amount of RAM and the cost. The larger its size, the more expensive it is. And vice versa. Also, the devices in question may have different frequencies.

This parameter determines how quickly the interaction between RAM and other PC devices (CPU, data bus and video card) occurs. The higher the operating speed, the more operations the PC will perform per unit of time. The value of this characteristic also directly affects the cost of the device in question. The current fastest modification can “remember” 128 GB.

It is produced by a company called Hynix and has the following performance characteristics:

  • All modern RAM can be divided into two types:
  • static;


Static type

More expensive today is the static microcircuit. It is labeled as SDRAM. Dynamic is cheaper.

Distinctive features of the SDRAM variety are: Also distinctive feature

RAM is the ability to select the bit into which any information will be written.

  • The disadvantages include:
  • low recording density;

relatively high cost. Computer RAM devices of all kinds (SDRAM and DRAM) have external differences.

They consist in the length of the contact part. Its shape also differs. The designation of RAM is located both on the sticker label and printed directly on the bar itself.

  • Today there are many different modifications of SDRAM. It is designated as:
  • DDR 2;
  • DDR 3;


Dynamic type Another type of microcircuit is referred to as DRAM. It is also completely volatile, the write bits are accessed. This type is widely used in most modern PCs. It is also used in those computer systems, where latency requirements are high, the performance of DRAM is an order of magnitude higher than SDRAM.

DRAM - dynamic memory

Most often, this type has a DIMM type form factor. The same design solution is used to manufacture a static circuit (SDRAM). A feature of the DIMM design is that there are contacts on both sides of the surface.

OP parameters

The main criteria for choosing microcircuits of this type are their operating parameters.

You should primarily focus on the following points:

  • frequency of operation;
  • timings;
  • voltage.

They all depend on the type specific model. For example, DDR 2 will perform various actions clearly faster than the DDR 1 bar, since it has more outstanding performance characteristics.

Timings are the time delays for information between various components devices. There are quite a few types of timings, all of them directly affect performance. Small timings allow you to increase execution speed various operations. There is one unpleasant proportional relationship - the higher the speed of the random access memory device, the greater value timings.

Exit from this provision serves to increase the operating voltage - the higher it is, the shorter the timings become. The number of operations performed per unit of time increases at the same time.

Frequency and speed

The higher the RAM bandwidth, the faster its speed. Frequency is the parameter that determines throughput channels through which various types of data are transferred to the CPU through the motherboard.

It is advisable that this characteristic coincided with the permissible operating speed of the motherboard.

For example, if the bracket supports a frequency of 1600 MHz, and the motherboard supports no more than 1066 MHz, then the speed of data exchange between the RAM and the CPU will be limited precisely by the capabilities of the motherboard. That is, the speed will be no more than 1066 MHz.


Performance depends on many factors. Very big influence on this parameter affects the number of strips used. Dual-channel RAM works an order of magnitude faster than single-channel RAM. The ability to support multi-channel modes is indicated on a sticker located on top of the board.

These designations are as follows:

To determine which mode is optimal for a particular motherboard, you need to count the total number of connection slots and divide them by two. For example, if there are 4 of them, then you need 2 identical strips from the same manufacturer. With them parallel installation Dual mode is activated.

Working principle and functions

The operation of the OP is implemented quite simply; writing or reading data is carried out as follows:

Each column is connected to an extremely sensitive amplifier. It records the flow of electrons that occurs when the capacitor is discharged. In this case, the corresponding command is given. Thus, access to various cells located on the board occurs. There is one important nuance which you should definitely know. When an electrical impulse is applied to any line, it opens all its transistors. They are connected to it directly.

From this we can conclude that one line is the minimum amount of information that can be read when accessing. The main purpose of RAM is to store various types of temporary data that are necessary while Personal Computer The operating system is turned on and functioning. The most important ones are loaded into RAM executable files

,The CPU carries out their execution directly, simply,saving the results of the operations performed.

Photo: interaction of memory with processor

  • The cells also store:
  • executable libraries;
  • key codes that were pressed;

results of various mathematical operations. If necessary, everything that is in RAM CPU can save on HDD

. And do it in the form in which it is necessary.

Manufacturers You can find it in stores great amount RAM from a wide variety of manufacturers. A large number of

Such products began to be supplied precisely from Chinese companies.

  • Today, the most productive and high-quality products are the following brands:
  • Kingston;
  • Hynix;
  • Corsair;
  • Kingmax.


It is a compromise between quality and performance.

Table of RAM characteristics RAM of one type from various manufacturers

has similar performance characteristics.

That is why it is correct to carry out comparisons taking into account only the type:

The performance of RAM directly depends on its cost. You can find out how much a DDR3 module costs at your nearest computer store; you should also check out the price of DDR 1. By comparing their operating parameters and price, and then testing them, you can easily verify this.

It is most correct to compare RAM of the same type, but with different performance, depending on the frequency of operation:

Type Operating frequency, MHz Cost, rub. Speedwork, Aida 64,Memory Read, MB/s
DDR 3 1333 3190 19501
DDR 3 1600 3590 22436
DDR 3 1866 4134 26384
DDR 3 2133 4570 30242
DDR 3 2400 6548 33813
DDR 3 2666 8234 31012
DDR 3 2933 9550 28930

In Aida 64, all DDR 3 tests were performed on identical hardware:

  • OS: Windows 8.1;
  • CPU: i5-4670K;
  • video card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti;
  • motherboard: LGA1150, Intel Z87.

RAM is very important integral part PC, greatly affecting its performance. That is why, to increase it, it is recommended to install strips with high frequency and small timings. This will give a big boost to your computer's performance; it is especially important for games and various professional programs.