How to find out login from another person's classmates. In Odnoklassniki we find out the password and login - recovery procedure, possible difficulties

Anyone can create a personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network absolutely free of charge. This is probably why this site is so popular and more than 40 million users visit it daily. In addition, you can access your profile not only through the official website, but also through the official application, which can be installed on smartphones with iOS, Android or Windows Phone operating systems. Separately, it should be noted that now users can not only exchange personal messages, but also make video calls.

When creating a personal page on the Odnoklassniki social network, the user is required to provide an email address, which will later serve as a login and create a password. This data is required to log into the site. You also need to link a valid mobile phone number, which can also be used as a login. Some users who have not visited the site for a long time forget which email and password they specified when registering. However, this is not a problem, since in Odnoklassniki it is not at all difficult to find out the password and login for your page.

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Password recovery

Even if the user has forgotten which email address is associated with his personal page, he can use his mobile phone number to log in. In order to recover a forgotten password, you must:

  • Go to the official Odnoklassniki website at
  • Click on the “Forgot your password?” button, which is located immediately below the login form.
  • Enter the mobile phone number that is linked to the page and click on the “Continue” button.
  • Wait for an SMS message with a code.
  • Enter the received code in the appropriate fields and click on the “Confirm” button.
  • Create a new password and click on the “Continue” button.

After logging in, the user will be able to find out the email address that was specified during registration through the main profile settings. In order to see the email address, you will need to click on the “Change settings” button on the left side of the screen, and then select the “Basic” section. In the email address column, look at the necessary information.

Problems with password recovery

If the user cannot recover the password because he cannot remember the phone number, he must contact technical support. In order to do this, you need to click on the “Forgot your password?” button, and then “Contact support”. After this, you need to select the “Login and Password” section and find the “I can’t restore access to my profile” item. Here you need to click on the “Support Contact Form” link. Fill in all the required fields - first and last name indicated in the profile, age indicated in the profile, email address from the profile, and the address at which the site administration can contact the user. Describe the problem and click on the “Send message” button. Once the application has been reviewed, a notification will be sent to your inbox.

How can find out login on Odnoklassniki? – This question is of interest to some visitors to this highly popular social network on the Internet, which is used by a very large part of the Russian-speaking population.

In general, the question about the login sounds somewhat strange, because every user simply will not go to his Odnoklassniki page without knowing and typing the login in the top line, after which the next line is intended for entering a password on the Odnoklassniki network.

But many also want to get an answer to how they can find out the login of another person’s classmates, these are the tasks they face. I would like to know for what purpose they needed the login of an outside user on this network? – Most likely, the goal for the majority is the same – hacking the user’s page in Odnoklassniki!

How do you understand that this kind of hacking is equated to theft, which in itself is sad and unacceptable as a fact, because stealing is bad.

What is a login in Odnoklassniki?

Let's try once and for all to understand what is called the login of classmates. A login is a set of characters, both alphabetic and maybe numeric, which are entered in Latin (English font). And the most important thing is that there will be no login similar to yours, down to literally every character, on this social network - this is 100% accurate.

Each login is a unique name for the user, it will be the same for all Odnoklassniki! - You should understand this when...

I would also advise every user who is a frequent visitor to a social network like Odnoklassniki to do it more often, without fail, all this for the sake of your and only your security of the page, if it is, of course, dear to you. You also have the opportunity to add users who bother you, you can take advantage of this.

Let's find out how to restore your login in Odnoklassniki?

Let's look at those ways and methods that will help us restore the login in Odnoklassniki, in case the user has forgotten his login. It’s hard to believe, but this happens in our lives, so let’s help the absent-minded user. 🙂

You should not forget that when registering, you indicated your email address to receive mail. It is in this box that the letter from the odnoklassniki administration is located, note that the password is also there. But you could have deleted this letter, because it’s possible that several years have already passed, and you don’t like cluttering your mailbox. So what should you do in this situation?

When you enter the site of classmates, you will also see an active link with a name that reminds you of “forgotten password and login”; after you click on it, you will see this:

It is clear that you will receive a necessary and useful message either by email or on your phone, which will allow you to recover your login and even password.

Do you want to know how you can still find out someone else’s login in Odnoklassniki?

There are several methods by using which you can even find out someone else’s login in Odnoklassniki, here they are:

  1. Ask the user, maybe he will provide you with his login.
  2. If you have access to an email that is linked to the user’s page, or you have hacked it, stolen it, etc. This is where the registration data is stored, in any case, it is possible to receive it from this addressee.
  3. The production of fake sites is very similar both in appearance and in the spelling of the odnoklassniki address, during the parking the user visited and left his data, which was saved for the hacker.
  4. Hiring a hacker, for which you may end up suffering yourself.

So it’s better to figure out whether you should do this, because there are those who want to know the VKontakte login, the Facebook login, and there are also those who want to get the user’s Twitter login. You shouldn’t do this, you don’t need it, dear guys, don’t do unnecessary nonsense.

Think about it, is it really so important and necessary for you? know login in Odnoklassniki another man. After all, the security of well-known social networks is a matter of honor for their management team, which has its own security, which can make itself felt to you.

When filling out the site login form, many users have the thought: “What is my login?” The appearance of this question is quite understandable; for authorization, the server asks you to enter a username, email address or phone number. If the last two parameters are self-explanatory, then determining the login may be accompanied by minor difficulties.

Login is a unique user name on the OK server. It allows the web resource database to register your profile, save it and allocate an individual cell for it.

The login is used by Odnoklassniki users in the following cases:

Login format

The username specified during registration is composed of alphabetic and numeric characters. The login should be easy to remember and as reliable as possible. As a nickname, you can use a phone number, diluted with Latin letters, or an email address, supplemented with numbers. The main rule is that the nickname must include more than 5 characters.

ATTENTION! Examples of reliable character sets used to create a login: Anastas9212; 8999Igor3456; N8A9S2T4. Come up with a username that you associate with something, so it will be easier to remember.

How to find out your login on Odnoklassniki

Let's figure out what actions you need to take to view your login. If you have unhindered access to your account, finding out your nickname is as easy as shelling pears. For this:

REFERENCE! Accounts created on the server relatively recently have a nickname identical to the phone number specified during registration.

It is a little more difficult to cope with the situation when you have forgotten your login and cannot log in to your page. In this case, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

This will help you regain access to your account. Then you need to carry out the actions indicated for the first case.

How to see a friend's login on Odnoklassniki

There are two main ways to find out someone else's login.

Using the above methods, you can view both your personal and friend’s login in OK. However, remember that by invading a page that does not belong to you, you are violating the rules of the Odnoklassniki website, for which you risk getting your personal profile blocked.

So, today we will talk to you about how to find out your login in Odnoklassniki. Honestly, this is not the best idea. True, if you are the owner of your account, and your login information is lost, then you can understand. Let's see how you can find out your Odnoklassniki login and password.


Let's start with, perhaps, the most honest and effective option. It only helps those who are truly the true owner of their social network profile. If you have no idea how to find out your Odnoklassniki login or password, you can use a special recovery form.

It is this approach that will help us obtain the data we need. Go to the main page of the social network, and then select “Forgot your password?”. Afterwards, you will have to remember the mobile number to which the questionnaire (or email) is linked and, in fact, enter the data in the appropriate field. Wait a little and you will receive a message containing your username and password. As you can see, nothing complicated. Now you know how to find out your login on Odnoklassniki. True, now we will talk to you about less pleasant cases, namely hacking.

If comrade

Well, let’s consider, perhaps, those cases when we will obtain the data of our acquaintances and friends. Especially those who live very close to us. To be honest, it can be quite difficult to find out a friend’s login on Odnoklassniki.

The first way we can try is to extract the data we need from our friend. This could be a direct question (although you are unlikely to be answered) or hints. You can try to gain access to your mail using conversations, and then get your login and password through it. Quite a difficult, but nevertheless very interesting step.

Usually this option works very well. In particular, if the person is close to you. In this case, you can probably ask everything you need directly. So now let's see how to find out your Odnoklassniki login in other ways. There are still a few left.


And here’s another rather interesting approach that will help you get all the data we need today. Now we will look at how to find out your login on Odnoklassniki using a special spy. It is he who, as a rule, allows us to acquire the user’s personal data.

In order to carry out the idea, you will have to find and download a special keylogger. It must be installed on the victim’s computer, and then configured to send data to you by email. Next, you can wait until the user enters his login and password for the social network, and then read the report sent to you about the manipulations performed on the computer. All that remains is to see what login is written in Odnoklassniki - and that’s it.

To be honest, in addition to the data you need, you may also receive a lot of unnecessary information. All this is because it “licks” everything that the user types. Yes, sometimes it can really be useful. But in most cases it's the other way around. So let's see how to find out your Odnoklassniki login in another way.


Well, here is another approach, which quite often, as many say, helps. This is nothing more than using specialized content that will help you get any data from social networks. This software is called a cracker.

All you need to do is find it, download it and install it on your computer. After this, log in to the social network through your account. Next, a whole field of new actions will open before you. You will need to select the “Receive data” item, and then enter in the required line the address of the account that you would like to hack. That's all. After you complete this process, you can rejoice at the results, because now you know how to find out your login in Odnoklassniki.

but on the other hand

True, everything is not always so good. The point is that not a single hacking attempt remains in the shadows. Thus, we are forced to be prepared for some, not the best, consequences.

The first is the loss of trust and good attitude of your comrades. The ones you tried to hack. If you are “seen through”, they are unlikely to forgive you very quickly. Nevertheless, you can always find a common language with a person, repent, and apologize.

The second point to consider is blocking your own account. The point is that if the administration of the social network suspects you of what you have done, then your access to the resource will be cut off. Moreover, they will be marked as a fraudster and burglar. In this case, account recovery is simply impossible.

The third thing you need to pay attention to is that after using content intended for hacking, your profile may be stolen. Moreover, this will actually happen if you decide to use special applications that supposedly expand the capabilities of social networks. So be careful when considering unauthorized activities.

Such an unpleasant story has happened to each of us - we need to log into a social network, but the password and login completely flew out of our heads. Auto-filling fields does not work or is inaccessible, and you have to get out of it and select possible options. Often this method works, but, alas, not always. An acute question arises - how to find out your Odnoklassniki login, how to remember the password for your account? Is this even possible or will I have to create a new page? Don't panic - the situation is not hopeless. And now we will try to figure it out.

Recovering the access password

The most common case is that we simply forget the treasured combination to log into our account. Fortunately, if a user has forgotten his password, he can quickly recover it. For this purpose, Odnoklassniki provides a special procedure, which we described in detail in one of the previous articles. To refresh your memory, here is a brief explanation of the restore function.

To resolve the issue with access, you need to know one of the facts specified during registration - login, mobile phone number or e-mail. The ideal situation is if you remember the phone number to which your account is linked. The fact is that further restoration of access to your page is impossible without a mobile phone - a special confirmation code will be sent to the specified number. If for some reason you cannot check incoming SMS messages to the linked number (the phone is lost, the number has changed, etc.), you will have to write to technical support. You fill out a special form, explaining your problem in detail, and wait. Unfortunately, nothing more can be done.

But the standard procedure for recovering a password from Odnoklassniki in itself does not cause any difficulties. Just follow the pop-up instructions from the system and within a few minutes, knowing your login, you will be able to fully use the social network.

However, there is an alternative way. It will be relevant if you access a social network on a computer and use the autofill function in the browser. This method involves simply “pulling out” the data about your accounts stored in the web browser’s memory.

Here are the instructions using Google Chrome as an example:

1.Open Chrome, click on the three vertical dots in the top menu of the browser;

2.The data we need is in the settings, so click on the corresponding section in the drop-down menu;

3. Scroll through the page and click on “Additional”;

4.In the “Passwords and Forms” section, click on “Password Settings”;

5.We see all current saved accounts and data for them. To see what is hidden instead of dots, click on the icon with the image of an eye;

6. We enter the data that the system requires from us and view the information we need.

A similar scheme is relevant for other popular web browsers, incl. Mozilla Firefox and Opera. In Firefox, the data is located in the “Privacy and Security” section, in the “Browser Privacy” tab. Next, go to “Saved Logins” and through the “Display Passwords” item you will find out the necessary information.

To find out your password in Odnoklassniki in Opera, you need to go to the “Security” section of the settings, and then to the “Passwords” tab.

And one more situation. The autofill feature in the web browser works, but the password is hidden under asterisks. Let's say we need to find out. Is it possible to do this? Yes! Special programs that open these same asterisks will help you see the password. You can download such a program for free from the Internet. The main thing is not to fall into traps cleverly set by spammers and attackers. Well, this is where antivirus programs come to the rescue.

How to find out your login

We have more or less figured out the password. But what to do if you forgot/lost your Odnoklassniki login?

Let's start with the fact that a login is a unique user name. Each member of the community has it individually, and there can be no repetitions in the system. Determining the login is not difficult if you have access to the page. For example, you can go to the Photos section, hover over any photo and find the desired digital combination.

The advantage is that the mobile phone number and email address to which your account is linked can play the role of login. A forgotten login can be found in the same place where you looked for the password - in the web browser settings. The scheme is absolutely the same, with the exception of a slight simplification - you don’t even have to enter your Windows account information.

How to find out someone else's login and password

Yes, we simply had to highlight this issue in a separate section. Because it occurs too often on the Internet. We hasten to disappoint you: you cannot officially find out the profile data of another person. There are several options here:

  • Gain access to a person's computer;
  • Contact the professionals.

In the first case, you simply reproduce the patterns described above.

In the second, you order the services of a hacker. But, as you understand, this is all illegal and generally not very correct. Still, this is confidential information and must be respected.

Well, let's summarize. We told you how to view your password in Odnoklassniki. We also wrote about where to look at your login. Unfortunately or fortunately, you won’t be able to perform all these operations on your phone—you need to perform them through a browser. With the exception of the standard password recovery procedure, of course, you can easily replace your old lost login code with a new one through the official Odnoklassniki application.