A program for automatically checking computer parameters. Tools for testing computer performance. Processor testing. CPU Tester Software

From time to time, unexpected failures occur in your computer. The situation, to put it mildly, is not pleasant, since in the best case you will have to spend your time restoring data and reinstalling the system, and in the worst case you will have to shell out a large sum to buy a failed hard drive, power supply, video card, etc. In such a situation, first of all, it is necessary to find an answer to the question - what was the cause of this failure, a hardware malfunction or a virus that infected the system? To accurately identify the cause, it is necessary to conduct various tests on the computer. There are many programs for testing both individual components and the entire computer configuration. For example, to diagnose computer hardware you can use Hot CPU Tester, CrystalDiskMark, SiSoft Sandra and other programs. However big choice testing utilities do not solve all problems - not always required program the user has at hand, and besides, it is not always possible to install and run the application on an unstable computer. If the Internet is enabled on your computer, you can check the functionality of individual components and the system online, without installing any additional utilities.

Checking the monitor

For some users, especially those whose work is related to printing and design, how reliably the monitor displays is of great importance. color palette. For example, when choosing a shade, the designer must be sure that the colors displayed on the monitor screen are close to those that can be seen after printing leaflets or other products. In this case, before work, the monitor is adjusted - the specialist selects the optimal color balance, brightness and contrast of the image. Maximum fine tuning monitor (as much as the technical features of the display allow) can be done using special device, which is called a colorimeter, or calibrator. However, not everyone can afford to buy a colorimeter, since the price is, of course, useful device, amounts to hundreds of dollars. In addition, in practice it turns out that this device has to be used no more than several times a year. Therefore, many users resort to more simple way monitor settings - using special test images. All images necessary for setting up a monitor can be found on The Lagom LCD monitor test service. The name of this online service comes from the Swedish word Lagom, which roughly translates to “just like that” or “neither more nor less.” This resource contains a whole selection of tuning tables, and the test can be carried out sequentially, following the recommendations on English language, and selectively, moving directly to a certain testing stage, for example, to adjusting the brightness. Test images They will help you adjust the black level, identify unevenness in the transmission of one color or another, and get an idea of ​​​​the clarity of the image transmitted by the monitor.

All pictures can be saved to your hard drive or flash drive so you can use them again later. The site also has the ability to view all tests on one page, without documentation. Paradoxical as it may seem, the creators of this service recommend refusing to test the monitor on a system-integrated Internet browser Explorer and use one of the alternatives - Opera, Firefox or Safari. According to them, the rendering of configuration tables in the Microsoft browser does not look the best. For the biggest skeptics, the service’s website even contains enlarged screenshots with image artifacts that can be observed when viewing pages in Internet Explorer.

Checking for viruses in a file

It is very difficult to identify a virus without special software. The difficulty of detecting this scourge “by eye” is that it is impossible to deduce a pattern in the signs of infection - the symptoms of a computer infected with a virus may be different each time. For example, in one case applications will stop launching, in another - data in documents will be partially or completely destroyed, the window interface may also change or system error messages may appear, etc. Even using an antivirus package does not provide one hundred percent confidence that the file detected by the program actually contains malicious virus code. Many antivirus utilities are overly suspicious of any non-standard mode of application operation. Often, in order to be able to say with confidence that a file contains a virus (or, conversely, is absent), you have to perform several tests, scanning suspicious file several antivirus programs. Unfortunately, this can only be done if you have access to several computers. It is unlikely that it will be possible to install several anti-virus packages on one system at the same time; such experiments can only lead to a system failure. If you have any doubts regarding specific file, we recommend using the online verification method using the VirusTotal service. This will be much more reliable and easier than running from one computer to another in search of another antivirus.

The VirusTotal service allows the user to check a suspicious file with all of them at once well-known antiviruses. The project uses almost forty different antivirus scanners, including such popular developments as Avast! Antivirus, DrWeb, Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky AVP, McAfee VirusScan, ESET NOD32, etc. The service is free and works very quickly. After processing the uploaded file, a report is generated on the page, including the results of scanning all antivirus utilities. Moreover, the report is created in real time, as it is scanned by antivirus engines. The idea of ​​​​online checking a file with a whole arsenal of anti-virus utilities was so successful that the creators of the service even published a very small application VirusTotal Uploader, after installing which in context menu Windows appears with a shortcut command to submit a file for review. Another convenient way quickly check data with various anti-virus databases - send a suspicious file by mail, putting the word SCAN in the subject line. The sent file should not exceed twenty megabytes in size. The result of the scan performed by various antiviruses will be sent to the email address from which the scanning request was sent. Using the statistics of the VirusTotal service, it is convenient to monitor viral activity - on the website of this service you can find data on names popular viruses, look at charts and graphs showing the speed and scale of a particular viral epidemic.

Search for viruses in the system

The previous method of checking files using the VirusTotal service is undoubtedly a very convenient way to search for viruses. But for all its versatility, this service has one big drawback - it cannot be used to check all hard drives computer. On the one hand, this is hampered by the restrictions that the service imposes on the size of the file being checked, on the other hand, it is not possible to send all the files from the hard drive one at a time. Fortunately, there is an online service on the Internet that can scan all drives, exactly as if the computer had installed antivirus program. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the check, since antivirus databases, which are used for identification computer threat, belong to one of the most reliable anti-virus scanners, developed by Kaspersky Lab. For the online antivirus Kaspersky Online Scanner to work, it is necessary to have it installed on your computer. software Java Runtime Environment.

Kaspersky Online Scanner looks almost like a regular anti-virus program from Kaspersky Lab, but it does not require installation on a computer, it runs from the developer’s server and opens in a browser window. When using this online antivirus, you should take into account that it does not check RAM, boot sectors and the MBR boot area, so if the virus is located in the above areas, the scan will be useless. Simultaneously with Kaspersky Online Scanner, Kaspersky Lab provides the “scan by mail” service - a suspicious file, as in the case of the previous service, can be checked by sending it to e-mail. However, this service is not very convenient to use, since the size of the scanned file should not exceed one megabyte.

Detection of spyware modules

Regular leakage of confidential information from a computer may indicate that a Trojan horse is hidden in the system, with the help of which attackers can easily gain access to the user’s personal data. You can find out whether this is true or not using the online service Windowsecurity.com. To scan online, you must enable the online utility to be downloaded.

The procedure for scanning a computer is very similar to scanning the system with a regular utility to identify malicious modules. The user can choose a scanning option: from quick, as a result of which only active applications, and to deep, when selected, all files on the hard drive are scanned. It is clear that the speed of verification will directly depend on the selected option. At the end of the scan, the service will display a list of detected threats - potentially dangerous programs(such as keyloggers, utilities for remote administration, programs for stealing passwords, etc.) and cookies, and will also provide information about the location of dangerous files on the disk. Next to each item found in the scan report, the degree of threat is indicated - low, medium or high. Anyone potentially dangerous file may be quarantined. The Windowsecurity.com service works most correctly in Internet Explorer with ActiveX controls enabled.

Equipment diagnostics

The first thing you need to do when diagnosing a computer is to collect information about the computer's configuration, that is, the installed hardware and software. Based on the information received, you can come to some conclusions, for example, the need to update the driver for a certain device, change the operating mode of the video card, hard drive, etc. In addition, such a service will be useful if you need to diagnose a remote computer. All this data can be provided by the web service Ma-Config.com. In order to use the online system scanning service, you need to download and install an additional browser module from the official website.

Ma-Config.com can be considered an online alternative to utilities like SiSoft Sandra. As a result of collecting data on computer hardware and about the installed software, the online service compiles and displays a very detailed report, which includes information about the type of chipset, processor model, volume random access memory and its operating frequency, about the manufacturer motherboard, its modifications, BIOS data, information about available controllers, USB bus, connected peripherals, etc. Computer data is systematized and divided into appropriate categories - input devices, software, graphics adapter, operating system, etc. The resulting report can be saved as a PDF file. After the service determines the computer and system configuration, using the Find the drivers option, you can search for all fresh drivers which are currently available. The search for drivers can be done both for the platform used and for any other (selected optionally). This service is constantly updated and improved. For example, only during the writing of this review did the browser add-on manage to be updated.

Network Bandwidth Testing

The declared Internet connection speed promised by providers sometimes does not correspond to reality. bandwidth connections. The connection speed may be slightly lower than guaranteed, and in addition, it may be unstable. When simply browsing pages in a browser, the user may not even notice such a discrepancy, but when playing online video, transferring files and other online activities when high bandwidth is needed, the lack of speed will be noticeable. If you contact your provider directly, the support service is unlikely to acknowledge this fact, and many reasons can be cited as an excuse - poor condition of the telephone line, the presence of devices in the area that cause interference, and so on. Another popular excuse is that the connection speed depends on the capabilities of the remote server. You can measure the speed yourself, for example, download a large file and note how long it took to download it. In a similar way, you can try to measure the speed of the outgoing connection - send the file to yourself via email or other method. But all these “measurements” are very inconvenient to carry out, and one cannot vouch for the reliability of such “handicraft” measurements. In order not to “guess from the coffee grounds” and determine exactly what connection speed is used on this computer, you can use the online service Speedtest.net. Data rate measurement principle that uses this service, is as follows. The schematic map of the world shows the most fast servers various Internet providers. The user can select any of them and check the speed of their Internet connection. During the verification process, the computer under test exchanges packets with remote server.

Recorded indicators may differ - for the determined speed great importance has how great the distance is between the computer being tested and the remote server. In addition, the connection speed of the remote computer also affects the result. If the user is using high-speed Internet, it is possible that the remote computer is using a lower speed channel, and the final numbers will be lower than actual ones. However, the advantage of the Speedtest.net service is that the user can personally change the servers to determine the maximum speed. In addition to data on network connection speed, the service provides many interesting statistics, for example, it ranks the countries in the world with the most fast internet, compiles the same rating in the selected region (for example, only in Europe), makes it possible to rate your provider, shows the distance to the selected server, and much more. Any running server can take part in the Speedtest.net project as a remote computer being tested.

Search for browser vulnerabilities

One of the weakest points of the system is the browser. Attackers usually closely monitor and study discovered vulnerabilities. They use this information to write malicious code which may cause harm remote computer. Using the Browser Security Test service, anyone can check their browser and draw a conclusion about the level of security when visiting various Internet resources.

Before starting browser security testing, you must install one of several testing modes - the service can only search for vulnerabilities that may be present in this browser, immediately analyze for any vulnerabilities or scan the browser selectively, only for those vulnerabilities that the user himself determines. In total, the service “knows” two dozen critical vulnerabilities; their descriptions can be found on a special page. If a hole is detected in the browser's security system, the service will immediately warn the user, providing detailed description Problems. In addition, a link to a patch that fixes this flaw will be shown. On the site you can also find code for integrating the service with any site.


Of course, online computer diagnostics cannot be compared with consulting a good specialist. However, such a specialist cannot always arrive on site to quickly solve the problem. Online services can be a good help when the necessary software is not at hand. Moreover, online services, unlike desktop applications for testing, do not require any configuration, so even those who have very little experience with a computer can use them.

Checking (diagnostics) of a computer or laptop– a mandatory operation when overclocking their components. Residents who do not use the overclocking option may need to test their computer when purchasing new system. This is especially true when the hardware is taken “by hand”, i.e. without any special guarantee. In this case, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics processor, video card, memory etc. to make sure stability of your computer or laptop under load.

Computer stability test usually performed by long-term load on its components. For each of the nodes being checked, they usually use their own diagnostic program. It would seem that you can launch one resource-demanding game and the processor, video card and memory will be automatically checked, but this is not so. Usually games are created heavy load on graphics system, and the central processor may not be used at full capacity. As a result, the CPU was left without testing under maximum load. That is why there are independent diagnostic programs.

Please note that testing (of any component) should take as long as possible: a couple of minutes is usually not enough even to simply warm up before maximum temperature diagnosable hardware. You can be more or less sure of stability only after 10-15 minutes of operation of the unit at the maximum temperature. Those. after launched diagnostic program, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the component being tested, and after its temperature has stopped rising, at least 10-15 minutes of its operation without failures are necessary. It usually takes up to 5 minutes to warm up.

How to check the processor.

Previously, the site already posted information about, which creates the maximum load on the CPU and warms it up well. This is one of best utilities of a kind. In principle, there are many similar programs that, in addition to a stability test, are also utilities from the “benchmark” section for assessing CPU performance.

Quite suitable for checks And modern archiver WinRAR, which has a built-in function for assessing the performance of a computer’s computing capabilities and no errors at the same time (“Tools”-“Benchmark” or “Alt+B”). In addition, it also loads the memory well, so if its operation is unstable, the error counter will be different from zero. Now many archivers have a similar benchmark function - including a popular and quite good one archiver "7-Zip".

CPU temperature monitoring under maximum load may reveal a problem such as insufficient cooling. In rare cases, the maximum permissible temperature reaches 95 degrees. Usually somewhat lower. So if you see readings from the corresponding sensors close to these values, you should replace the cooling system CPU (in the best case, replacing the thermal paste under the heatsink is enough).

Checking the video card.

Checking the video card– the most spectacular stage computer diagnostics or laptop. Unlike boring tables in CPU test utilities, at this stage the monitor will delight the eyes of computer game lovers with all sorts of fantastic characters, landscapes or simply beautiful abstract figures, the rendering of which will require all the power of the video card.

One of the most popular programs for checking a video card - “FurMark”. In addition to the fact that the utility copes with its tasks perfectly, it takes very little disk space. Those who are unable to remember the name of this program can always find it in search engine on request " hairy donut”, since this is exactly what the picture on the monitor looks like during the diagnostic process. By the way, to monitor the temperature of the graphics chip, memory frequencies and the GPU itself, there is no need for third party utilities– “” displays this data on the screen on top of the “donut”. This is the software product we used during the assessment temperature regime video cards " " from Asus. A definite plus is that FurMark is free program , which can be downloaded from the official website.

« 3DMark" - this is another extremely popular program, whose main function is . The history of this utility goes back to the distant past, what is happening on the monitor is breathtaking, and you can’t take your eyes off the magnificent graphics highest quality in the latest versions of this software for the latest and fastest graphics adapters. Some versions include not only GPU checking, but also CPU stress testing, so if there is a categorical lack of time for testing, you can limit yourself to a complete run of all the tests from the proposed "3DMark" utility set (bypassing separate CPU testing [ but at least 3-5 minutes in LinX is still desirable]). The disadvantages of 3DMark include the impressive amount of disk space it takes up and the need to pay some amount to forgive additional tests, and not just basic ones. Except free "3DMark Basic Edition" the developer offers "3DMark Advanced Edition" for $25, and "3DMark Professional Edition"for a fabulous $1000.

How to check RAM.

If there are malfunctions in the operation of modules random access memory problems usually appear when testing other components, but there are also specialized verification programs. We have repeatedly mentioned in articles about “”, which contains suitable utilities. One of them is "". If you select this item in the BootMenu, then RAM check will start automatically in a few seconds. Immediately after downloading, the program will prompt you to select safe mode(F1) or multi-threaded (F2).

During the process, the upper right area of ​​the screen will display progress, the number of complete passes and a count of errors found. If bad blocks are found, a list of them will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. After successful completion of a full pass through the entire available memory area, the test will automatically start over, and the message “ Pass complete, no errors found, press Esc to exit" Pressing "Esc" will restart the computer.

Can carry out diagnostics and operating system tools. Windows 7 has a built-in " Windows Memory Checker" Find it through the built-in search menu " Start"or manually: "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Administrative Tools" - "Windows Memory Checker". When you select this item, the system will prompt you to reboot. After a reboot, the built-in testing mechanism will automatically start. After the test is completed, the computer will automatically restart into Windows, and you will see a message in the notification area with diagnostic results.

How to check your hard drive.

Unlike other components of your computer Storage System may have a cost several times higher than the rest of the hardware. More precisely, it is not the drives themselves that are very expensive, but the data that is stored on them. In view of this, it is recommended to check not only the drive being installed in the system, but also regularly monitor the condition hard drive, at least looking through the values ​​from S.M.A.R.T. The number that says the most about a disk's reliability is "reassigned" sectorsReallocation Sector Count") - This bad sectors, who were replaced by spares from the reserve area. View SMART You can use most disk checking programs.

There are situations when you need to know exact model video card or any other component. Not all necessary information can be found in the device manager or on the hardware itself. In this case, they come to the rescue special programs, which help not only to determine the model of components, but also to obtain a lot of additional useful information. In this article we will look at several representatives of such software.

Both advanced users and beginners can use this program. It helps not only to obtain information about the state of the system and hardware, but also allows you to carry out some configuration and check the system with various tests.

Everest is distributed absolutely free, does not take up much space on your hard drive, and has a simple and intuitive interface. You can get general information directly in one window, but more detailed data is located in special sections and tabs.


This representative is one of the oldest and is considered the progenitor of Everest and AIDA64. The program has not been supported by developers for a long time, and no updates have been released, but this does not prevent it from properly performing all its functions. Using this utility, you can instantly obtain basic data about the state of your PC and its components.

More detailed information is located in separate windows, which are conveniently sorted and have their own icons. You don’t have to pay anything for the program, and the Russian language is also present, which is good news.


This popular program is designed to help diagnose components and conduct performance tests. It combines all the best from Everest and AIDA32, improves it and adds several additional functions that are not available in most other similar software.

Of course, you will have to pay a little for such a set of functions, but this will only need to be done once; there are no annual or monthly subscriptions. If you can’t decide on a purchase, then a free trial version with a period of one month is available on the official website. Over such a period of use, the user will definitely be able to draw a conclusion about the usefulness of the software.


This utility does not have such large set functions like previous representatives, but it has something unique about it. Its main task is not to show the user all the most detailed information about its components, but to allow them to monitor the condition and temperatures of the hardware.

Displays voltage, loads and heating specific element. Everything is divided into segments to make it easier to navigate. The program can be downloaded absolutely free from the official website, but there is no Russian version, but even without it everything is intuitive.


Perhaps one of the most extensive programs presented in this article in terms of functionality. It combines a lot of different information and ergonomic placement of all elements. Separately, I would like to touch upon the function of creating a system snapshot. Other software also has the ability to save test or monitoring results, but most often this is only in TXT format.

It’s simply impossible to list all the features of Speccy, there are really a lot of them, it’s easier to download the program and look through each tab yourself, we assure you that learning more and more new things about your system is a very interesting thing.


CPU-Z is a narrowly focused software that is focused only on providing the user with data about the processor and its state, conducting various tests with it and showing information about RAM. However, if you need to get exactly this information, then additional functions simply won't be needed.

The developer of the program is the CPUID company, whose representatives will be described in this article. CPU-Z is available for free and does not require a lot of resources and hard drive space.


Using this program, the user will be able to get the maximum detailed information about installed graphics adapters. The interface is designed as compactly as possible, but at the same time all the necessary data fits in one window.

GPU-Z is perfect for those who want to know everything about their graphics chip. This software is distributed absolutely free of charge and supports the Russian language, however, not all parts are translated, but this is not a significant drawback.

System Spec

System Spec - developed by one person, freely distributed, but there have been no updates for quite a long time. This program does not require installation after downloading to your computer; you can use it immediately after downloading. She provides a large number of useful information not only about the hardware, but also about the state of the system as a whole.

PC Wizard

Currently this program is not supported by developers, and therefore no updates are being released. However, the latest version can be used comfortably. PC Wizard lets you find out detailed information about components, track their condition and conduct several performance tests.

The interface is quite simple and clear, and the presence of the Russian language helps you quickly understand all the functions of the program. You can download and use it absolutely free.

SiSoftware Sandra

SiSoftware Sandra is distributed for a fee, but for its money it provides the user with a wide range of functions and capabilities. What’s unique about this program is that you can connect to your computer remotely, you just need to have access to do so. In addition, it is possible to connect to servers or simply to a local computer.

This software allows you to monitor the state of the system as a whole and find out detailed information about the hardware. You can also find partitions with installed programs, various files and drivers. All this can be edited. Loading latest version in Russian is available on the official website.


A narrowly focused utility whose purpose is to display data about installed battery and monitoring its condition. Unfortunately, she can’t do anything else, but she completely fulfills her task. Available flexible setup and a number of additional functionality.

All details open with one click, and the Russian language allows you to master the software even faster. You can download BatteryInfoView from the official website for free, and there is also a crack with installation instructions.

Is not full list all programs that provide information about PC components, however, during testing they showed themselves to be quite good, and even a few of them will be quite enough to receive all possible detailed information not only about components, but also about operating system.

Everything is released every year large quantity computer diagnostic programs. But an even greater number of users are purchasing PCs and want to make sure that the components, painstakingly found on the dusty shelves of online stores, fully satisfy all their requirements. It is no less difficult to manage without programs of this kind in everyday use of a computer. Many of them allow you not only to diagnose problems, but also to keep your PC’s health under control.

There are a number of programs, the capabilities of which are expanding from year to year, while the product is not experienced user becomes complicated, and the price increases several times. There are also analogue programs that have a slightly less meager arsenal of capabilities, but are worth nothing. We will get acquainted with the most polar representatives of both categories among users in this review.

AIDA64, without exaggeration, is the most popular product for review and diagnostics personal computer generally. The program can provide maximum full information about any component of a working machine: components, programs, operating system, network connections And external devices. Over many years of excellence in the market, it acquired AIDA64 and a whole range of utilities for diagnosing PC stability and testing its performance. Easy to learn thanks to a simple and friendly interface.

Everest was once a very popular hardware and hardware analyzer. software components computer. Allows you to find out comprehensive data about the system, which would be very difficult to obtain otherwise. Developed by Lavalys, the program was a follower of AIDA32. In 2010, the rights to develop this product were purchased by another company. In the same year, the development of Everest itself was stopped, and AIDA64 was eventually introduced on its basis. But even after so many years, Everest is still a relevant and beloved product by many users.


System Info For Windows is a utility that provides the user with an easy-to-setup and easy-to-use tool that allows you to view detailed data on the configuration of PC hardware and hardware, installed software, system components, and network elements. With its functionality, the SIW product is in close competition with AIDA64. However, there are also differences between them. Although System Info For Windows cannot boast such powerful resources for PC diagnostics, it has a number of its own, no less useful tools.

System Explorer

The System Explorer utility is completely free and in its likeness is an analogue of the classic Windows OS task manager. It helps monitor computer operation in real time and manage its processes. The utility has a significant database built into it, which can be checked for content malicious information any of the processes running on the user's computer. The interface is correctly translated into Russian, divided into tabs, each of them is responsible for specific tasks. Understanding the operation of the System Explorer utility will not be difficult even for inexperienced user.

PC Wizard

PC Wizard is powerful program, which provides information about the operation of the motherboard, processor, video card and a number of other computer components. What sets this product apart from a number of similar products is a series of tests that allow you to determine the performance and overall performance of the system. PC Wizard's interface is minimalistic and it's very easy to understand. The program is widely known among users due to its free distribution. And although the developer stopped supporting it in 2014, even today it can be a good assistant in assessing the potential of a PC.

SisSoftware Sandra

The SisSoftware Sandra program is a collection of useful utilities that will assist in diagnosing the system, installed programs, codecs and drivers. Sandra also has the functionality of providing information about various system components. You can even perform diagnostic operations on devices remotely. The software product, with such a large functionality, is completely easy to use, which was achieved thanks to an intuitive interface, as well as high-quality Russian translation. Distributed by SisSoftware Sandra by paid model, however, you can evaluate all its advantages during the trial period.

The 3DMark product belongs to Futuremark, one of the main players in the market test packages. They are not only visually very attractive and varied, but also always give a stable, repeatable result. The company's close cooperation with global manufacturers of processors and graphics cards allows it to competently improve its product. The tests included in the 3DMark package are used both to test the strength of weak machines, such as laptops, and the most advanced and powerful PCs. There are a number of tests for mobile platforms, for example, and , which allows you to compare the real graphic or computing power one or another smartphone.

No matter how powerful and advanced the components are modern computers, their owners are still trying to improve, strengthen or accelerate something. A good helper they will be in this SpeedFan program, which, in addition to providing information about the entire system, will also allow you to edit some characteristics. Skillfully using this product, you can optimally configure the operation of coolers if they do not cope with their task of cooling the processor and motherboard, or, on the contrary, they begin to work actively when the temperature of the components is still in an optimal state. Only experienced users will be able to fully work with the program.


Even an experienced Windows OS user may sooner or later encounter an unexpected problem that causes the computer to malfunction. The cause of the problem may be overheating, overload or mismatch of components. To identify them, you need to use specialized software. OCCT belongs to the category of such products. Thanks to a series of tests of PC components, the program can detect sources of malfunctions or prevent their occurrence. There are also real-time monitoring capabilities of the system. The interface is non-standard, but convenient, and also Russified.


A small and completely free program from a domestic developer is a set of tests for loading computer components. The ability to monitor the testing process allows you to track in real time possible problems regarding overheating or insufficient power power supply, and also determine the overall performance of the processor, RAM and hard drive speed. The program's simple interface and detailed description of test settings will allow even a beginner to test the PC's strength.

In order for the computer to function reliably and smoothly, it is necessary to diagnose all possible failures and malfunctions in its operation in a timely manner. The programs presented in this review can help with this. It is difficult to choose one product for yourself, even one that tries to be as universal as possible. Each tool has both its advantages and disadvantages, but they all cope equally well with their priority tasks.

If you want to overclock your computer, compare the system with others, or just show off your equipment, you need an assessment of your computer's performance. For Windows there are a huge number free applications for such testing.

Before running any test, make sure nothing is running on your computer. An application running in the background will slow down the test and skew the final results. Also, plan to run any test at a time when you won't need your computer, as some of these applications may take a while to run. certain time. The provided review will indicate the approximate operating time of each tool.

Stress test and benchmark your CPU with Prime95

Prime95 is a CPU stress testing program. It is especially popular among overclockers - users who improve computer performance by setting operating modes that exceed the nominal ones. This is a fairly old application, but it will work with almost any version of Windows, from XP to Windows 10.

Moreover, Prime95 is a portable application, so there is no need to install it. You can simply download the Prime95 zip file, extract it, and then run Prime95.exe. If you don't want to create account, then immediately click the “Simple stress testing” button.

Typically, Prime95 suggests running a stress test right away, which is great for assessing the stability of your processor. If you are overclocking your computer, then this test will be especially useful. To start testing right now, click on “OK”. But keep in mind that such testing may take some time, perhaps long time. If you do not want to subject your computer to a stress test right now, then simply cancel its execution.

Whether you run or cancel a stress test, you can also run other tests by simply opening the Options menu and selecting Benchmarks.

Test results are measured by time: the lower the value, the faster the process occurs.

The tests may take some time to complete, especially if you are testing a multi-threaded processor with multiple cores, as the program must run multiple tests. This took about 10 minutes on the sample system being tested. If you are testing an overclocked system, compare the results before and after overclocking using the Prime95 test to see the difference in performance. You can also compare your test results with other computers on the Prime 95 website.

Perform comprehensive testing with Novabench

Novabench is a program for testing the central processor, graphics processor, RAM and some other indicators. Novabench is completely free. This program doesn't even have a trial version. And it works with Windows systems from 7 to 10.

After downloading and installing, launch it. You will see a simple window in which you need to click “Start testing”. Also in the “Tests” tab you can choose which ones to run.

Testing with this program is much faster than with many others. It took about a minute to evaluate the system under test, while in other programs this process took a lot longer.

Once testing is complete, NovaBench displays the NovaBench Comparison Score - the higher the score, the better. The program also shows the results of each individual test. To compare your system's results with other users, click the "Compare these results online" button.

Gaming Performance Testing with 3DMark

NovaBench offers a simple 3D test, but for more intensive testing of your PC's performance, you may need a dedicated 3D testing tool. One of the most popular is 3DMark Futuremark. Basically, free version gives a sufficient level for most people. The advanced paid version ($29.99) also includes some additional stress tests, graphical charts of results, and the ability to test systems with multiple GPUs. The free version is a massive and memory-intensive download that takes up almost 4 GB.

On the home page, click the "Run" button to test your computer. After this, as a rule, the so-called “Time Spy” appears for PCs with Windows 10.

3DMark runs tests in full screen and displays scenes that you would see in games, but they are not interactive. Testing will take about 10-15 minutes. You will then receive an overall performance score as well as individual scores for your graphics hardware and processor. The higher the scores, the better. As in most similar programs, you can compare the results obtained with the results of other users by clicking the “Compare result online” button.

To run other tests, simply click the Home button in the top left corner, select the Tests tab from the list that appears, and then scroll and select the one you want from the list of available benchmark tests.

Testing overall PC performance with PCMark

PCMark is a program developed by Futuremark - the same company that develops 3DMark, only PCMark focuses on overall PC performance. The free version doesn't include as many tests, but they can still be useful. The version you need depends on which Windows you are using:

  • PCMark 10 is used for Windows 10 PCs.
  • PCMark 8 is used for Windows 8 PCs.
  • PCMark 7 is used for Windows 7 PCs.

And just as in the case of 3DMark, you can download a free basic version, or purchase a paid, but expanded version for $29.99. The paid version has some additional tests as well appearance graphs are worked out in more detail. Free option PCMark 10 weighs about 2 GB, so free up enough memory on your computer.

Launch PCMark, and on the Home tab, click “Run” to begin testing.

Testing will take about 15 minutes. At the bottom of the screen, the program shows the results of the testing that has already been done. In addition, when the video player and graphics are tested, additional windows. The results will appear immediately after testing is completed, and as with other programs, the higher your score, the better.

Scroll down the page and you will see the “Compare Online” option. Click on it and you will notice comparative characteristics your system with others tested.

Comprehensive performance assessment with SiSoftware Sandra

SiSoftware Sandra is another popular information and diagnostic application that includes benchmark utilities. SiSoftware offers paid versions, but the free version also contains tests that may be useful. To get a comprehensive overview of your system's performance, use general diagnostics, but you can also run separate performance tests virtual machines, processor power management, network devices, memory and storage.

In the main window, go to the "Tools" tab and then double-click on the "Evaluation" option overall performance" In addition, you can run a wide variety of benchmark tests for different subsystems of your computer.

Assessing overall performance involves testing your central and GPUs, memory bandwidth and performance file system. Make sure that the "Update results by running all" option is selected. control tests", and then click "OK" to start testing.

Sisoft also provides the ability to customize the mechanisms for displaying your rating. This setup is free, but requires registration by email. To avoid this, simply click the "Cancel" button and proceed to testing.

Warning: This program uses a number of fairly thorough tests, so this process may take a long time - most likely an hour or so. During testing, you will not be able to do anything with your PC, so run the program when you do not need your computer. During testing, it may seem that the computer does not respond to your commands and generally freezes. But don't worry: once the program finishes testing, the results will be displayed on the screen and the computer will continue further work in normal mode.