Create a new folder on your desktop. What is a folder and a directory of folders. Video about making a daddy

Stored in files (an area of ​​a disk or other storage medium with a specific name). They, in turn, are placed in directories and subdirectories (). Files are created by programs (during installation) or by you (during some work). Installed programs organize the structure themselves, “laying out” files according to catalogs. When you have completed some work, you must independently dispose of the created file (give it a name, place it on disk, etc.).
There are many application programs for this. Even if you don't have it installed yet Microsoft package Office, you can easily using the built-in operating system standard applications, create text files, edit photos, etc. Procedure: open the program, create a file. Now it needs to be saved. In the “file” menu, select “save” or “save as”. In the window that opens, give the file a name. You can choose any name, but try to make it easy to find later (reflect the meaning of what was created). When naming, you can use either Latin or Cyrillic - whichever you prefer. If you are “friends” with English, choose the Latin alphabet - this will greatly help in restoring lost information.

Next you need to place this file somewhere. You can, of course, go to the desktop or just to the C drive, but what will this turn into after several weeks of work? You yourself will not be able to find what you have already created (I forgot the name, I don’t remember the time -?). That is why you need to carefully organize everything into folders. You can do this directly when saving the file by specifying the path. If so, it will be created automatically. When installing Windows, the “Documents and Settings” folder is automatically created, with “My Documents” in it. It was created for ease of use; by default, it is proposed to create directories in it and store your documents. Any questions? There is one for this purpose.

Create folder(directory), the file can be easily accessed in Explorer - Windows tool. To do this, right-click on the field in the directory where you want to create folder, select “create”, then – “ folder" (or any type of file, for example " bitmap"). After entering the name, the folder or file will be created. When you open the newly created file, you will be taken to application program, corresponding to the type of the created file, where you can edit it. So in our example, it will open for editing Paint program, in which you will make the desired drawing.

In addition to File Explorer, there are a large number of special programs - « file managers" They are designed for various operating systems (DOS, Windows, Lotus, etc.). For them, everything that was mentioned above is true – i.e. To create, you can use the context menu (right mouse button). In addition, it is possible to create directories (folders) using the F7 key. Having found the place where you want to create new catalog, press function key F7, enter a name for the new directory and click OK. The folder will be created immediately. It is very convenient to create directories with identical names in this way. If they differ slightly (for example, by number), then you need to go to the already created folder, by default the same name will be offered, change the number, and that’s it.

Everyone knows what a stationery folder is, in which you can put A4 sheets, notebooks, etc. On a computer, a folder has the same functions; it can store many files of different sizes.

In today's episode I will tell you how to create a folder on your computer.

It doesn’t matter where, the algorithm is the same everywhere.

Instructions for creating a folder on your computer

Step 1 - creation

As I said earlier, you can create a folder anywhere (on a disk, in documents, on the desktop...) and using only one algorithm. So, you need to right-click on an open area of ​​the desktop (this is when all windows are closed or minimized). A context list will appear, in which you should find the “Create” drop-down item, click on it, and in the second context list, click “Folder”. The main thing is that when you point the mouse at “Create”, do not move the cursor wherever you want (you must go to the second context menu through the “Create” line).

If you click on the desktop with the mouse while opening the contextual list, the list will disappear and you will have to open it again.

Is everything done? This means a “New Folder” should appear. In my case, on the desktop.

Step 2 - come up with a name and write it down

It's time to come up with a name for the folder. By default it will be named “New Folder”. If you created a folder and didn't give it a name, that's okay. But when creating another one, the name of the second one will be “New folder (2)”.

Once the folder is displayed on the table, the name field will be available for editing. If suddenly you did not take advantage of this moment, then click once on the name and you can rename it. You can also rename it by right-clicking on the folder and selecting the appropriate item in the list. See screenshot below:

When you enter a name and click on the desktop, the editing function will no longer be active. To print the title in English or any other language, read the article:

Step 3 -Creating a folder inside another folder

To create a folder within a folder, open the newly created one or old folder and follow the instructions and start creating. All actions are the same!

Or, do it differently, even easier! When the first folder opens in top panel there will be a “New Folder” icon, click on it and you’ll be done.

Step 4

To create a folder on your hard drive, you must open your local drive. To do this, go to “This PC” (on Windows 10)/My Computer (on Windows xp)/Computer (on Windows 7) and open the local drive.
Then, by analogy with the instructions in the previous step, create a folder.

Why create a folder?

Now you know how to create a folder on your computer. But the question arises: why are they needed? This is actually very useful thing V operating system.

On my laptop great amount files that are important to structure. Images, documents, music, archives - all this cannot be stored separately. Otherwise, chaos will begin, which will not be easy to sort out! Duplicate files may also appear; they will take up disk space and, as a result, load the system (the computer will slow down). Read these articles, then everything will be ok:

The folders themselves can also be structured in an archive, if this does not confuse you.

If anyone is interested, the portal has long had an article about it. Very interesting feature Windows OS. Take advantage if necessary.

What name should I write?

In the second step, I did not say which name is better to write.

It is extremely important to come up with a folder name that everyone will understand. I have several dozen now different folders or even more, and it helps a lot that the name is written intelligently, with meaning. This is especially true for those who store a lot of material on their computer. And when a good name has already been invented, that’s not all! It is also important to fill the folder with relevant files in the future, otherwise searching for information will become very difficult.

When is it time to create a folder?

You can create a folder at any time and for any reason.

If you have installed a game or program, then feel free to create a separate folder, otherwise all the files of the downloaded application will be stored separately, which will lead to a load of “garbage”.

The folder on the computer does similar function from the office, that is, collects files. You will learn how to create it in the article.

There is a single algorithm for creating folders absolutely anywhere. Whether you want to do it on your desktop, your hard drive, or a folder in a folder, it doesn’t matter, just follow the rules and you’ll succeed! Let's get started. Click on any empty space desktop with the right mouse button. A small dialog list will appear where you need to hover over the “Create” line. Another window will open with a list of what can be created. Here select “Folder” – the top line. If you move your mouse to the side, the pop-up list will automatically disappear. To return, hover over “Create” again. The folder appeared on the desktop. Now you have to name the folder. By default, your computer gives it the name “New Folder,” but you can change it. At the moment when the created folder appears on the screen, click on the field where its name is written. The blue background will change to white, and you can delete the letters by pressing the “Backspace” key on your keyboard. Decide on the language in which the title will be written. To do this, click on the language button in the tray and select the desired one. Or hold down the key combination “Shift+Ctrl” or “Shift+Alt” – on different computers differently.

Immediately start typing the name of the folder, for example, “Pictures”. Then click anywhere outside the folder and it will be renamed immediately.

To create a folder within a folder, open the desired one and perform the same operation: click on empty field– select “Create” – “Folder” – set a name. Or use in a simple way: Press the “New Folder” button on the work panel.

Give the empty folder a name.

To create a folder on your hard drive, follow the same steps, but first go to the drive itself. To do this, open “Computer” through the “Start” menu or double click by shortcut on the desktop. A new window will appear with local disks. Double-click on the one you need and create an empty folder in it.

A computer folder makes it easy to find and sort your files. For example, you want to upload photos from different events - vacation, walk with your pet, children. Make a general section called “Photos”, and in it create folders with specific memorable dates. Upload images according to the purpose of the folder. This way you will never lose files or get lost in them.

When installing games, programs, downloading from torrents, the computer explorer prompts you to create new folder with the same name. Agree, otherwise all the files that will be unpacked onto your computer will be scattered chaotically. And one game can contain more than 300 documents. Just imagine the mess that will appear on your hard drive without a folder! By the way, don't know how to create a shortcut and get fast access to folders directly from the desktop? Then read.

To reinforce the material, watch a short video. Computer wizard will tell you everything in detail. Creating a folder is very easy, you can do it. We wish you success!

This small lesson, is dedicated to working with folders in Windows. This is not a difficult matter, but novice computer users can often experience various problems. In this tutorial you will learn how to create and rename a folder.

How to create a folder on the desktop?

1) Move your mouse cursor to any clear space on your desktop and click RIGHT mouse button.
2) A menu will open in which one of the items will be called " Create" - just hover your mouse over this item (without clicking anything) and another menu will open.
3) In the second menu, at the very top there will be an item " Folder". Hover over this item and click once LEFT mouse button.

The figure below shows where to click:

After this, a new folder will appear on the desktop, which will be called “New Folder”:

Enter any name for this folder using your keyboard and press "Enter" to save your changes. Done, now you have a folder on your desktop, which is called as you wanted.

How to rename a folder?

There are three ways to rename a Windows folder, all of which are pretty much the same. Below I will discuss each of the methods.

The first way to rename a folder:
2) Press the "F2" key (located at the top left). Editing the folder name will begin.

Second way to rename a folder:
1) Click on the folder you want to rename LEFT click the mouse once. (This will highlight the folder.)
2) After a few seconds, click on the same folder again LEFT
3) Now enter the name you want to give to this folder.
4) Press the "Enter" key to save the changes.

Third way to rename a folder:
1) Click on the folder you want to rename RIGHT click the mouse once. (This will open a menu).
2) In the menu that opens, click on “Rename” LEFT mouse button. Editing the folder name will begin.
3) Now enter the name you want to give to this folder.
4) Press the "Enter" key to save the changes.

"How to create a new folder?"

So let's get started!

Step 1.

To create a new folder, "Create" "Folder" and click on left button mice.

See Figure 1.


First way Enter

Second way: Enter

See Figure 2.

The third easiest way:

Hotkeys press simultaneouslyShift + Ctrl + N

Dear reader!

Best regards, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

In the My Computer folder window, you can create files and folders, and there are several ways to create them. To create a folder or file, you must first of all, by moving through folders or drives, indicate where you will create a new object.

First way

The first way is to use context menu, move the pointer to a free area of ​​the panel and click the right mouse button. Next, click on the create line of this menu, to appear extra menu with commands for creating objects, after calling the command, an object icon is displayed, and under it an input line for the name, after the name is entered, press the Enter button on the keyboard and the object will be created.

Second way

The second way to create is to use top menu window. Open the File menu item, from it expand the create submenu, then select the Create folder command and left-click on it, the created element will appear for which you need to enter a name.

To create a file using the menu, you must select one of the programs in the create list, and then create the file using the selected application. Once files or folders are created, various operations can be performed on them.

Copying and moving files and folders

Most people copy and move files using a method called drag and drop. First, open the folder that contains the file or folder you want to move. Then open in another window the folder you want to move the file or folder to. Place the windows side by side on your desktop so you can see the contents of both folders.

After that, drag the file or folder from the first folder to the second. That's all.

To copy or move a file, drag it from one window to another

When using the drag and drop method, you may notice that sometimes the file or folder is copied and sometimes it is moved. When dragging between folders of one hard drive elements move. This way, two copies of the same file or folder are not created in the same location. If you dragged an item to a folder in a different location (for example, online) or to removable media, such as a CD, then the element is copied.

Creating and deleting files

The easiest way to create new file- use the program. For example, you can create Text Document in a word processing program or a movie file in a video editing program.

Some programs create a file when they start. For example, when starting WordPad editor opens blank page. It is an empty (and unsaved) file. Start typing, and when you're ready to save your work, click Save. In the dialog box that appears, enter a file name that will help you find it later, and click Save.

By default, most programs save files in typical folders such as "My Documents" and "My Pictures," which makes them easier to find later.

You can delete an unnecessary file from your computer to save space. To delete a file, open the folder or library that contains it and select the file. Click DELETE key and then in the dialog box Deleting a file click the button Yes.

The deleted file is temporarily stored in the trash. Consider the Recycle Bin a safety feature to prevent accidental recovery. deleted files and folders. To free up hard disk space occupied by unnecessary files, the trash can needs to be emptied from time to time.

To rename a folder or file, use one of the following methods.

§ Right-click on the file or folder icon and select Rename from the menu that appears.

§ Select a file or folder and select the command from the window menu File>Rename.

§ Highlight a file or folder and press .

§ Click on the file or folder icon once with the left mouse button, then pause briefly and left-click on it again.

After each of these actions, you will only have to enter a new name from the keyboard.

Rename such system Windows folders XP, like ProgramFiles or Windows, is not possible.

These techniques are great for renaming one or two files or folders, but what if you have 200 files and you need to rename them all?

How to create a new folder on the desktop of a computer running Windows operating system.

There is a solution to this problem and is that one of the files needs to be given a specific name, and all other files in the selected group will automatically receive names consisting of the name of the first file and a sequence number in parentheses.

So, how can you rename several files at once?

1. Click on the icon of the file from which renaming will begin (this does not have to be the file located at the beginning of the list of file groups). The file will be highlighted.

2. Select a group of files that need to be renamed. If you press the key , the file icon will be highlighted with a dotted frame.

This is evidence that the file has been selected and that renaming will begin from it.

3. Press the key . A blinking cursor will now appear next to the file name.

4. Enter a new name for the active file and press , after which the file will be given a new name. All other files in the group will be automatically renamed.

If the result of renaming a group of files does not suit you, you can cancel it. To do this, press the key combination or select the command from the window menu bar Edit>Undo. Unfortunately, you will have to repeat this operation separately for each file.

Here are some features of file renaming, which are useful to remember.

  • Before pressing a key , you can click and thus cancel the renaming and return the file to its original name.
  • Windows does not allow you to give a file a name that is already given to another file. No files or folders can have the same name.
  • If filename extensions are not visible, you will think that Windows allowed two files to exist with same names. In fact, these are files different types, and they are represented by different icons.
  • You can cancel renaming a file or folder by pressing the key combination or by selecting Edit – Cancel from the menu. This will only work immediately after the rename.
  • The so-called “hot” key for renaming files - . I prefer to use it because I still have to use the keyboard to enter the file name.

Beginner computer users often ask us the question: "How to create a new folder?"

Today we will look at several options for how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system/

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and should not cause much trouble.

How to create a folder on your computer desktop

You only need to create a folder once, and you will remember this easy procedure forever.

So let's get started!

Step 1.

To create a new folder, make just one click using the right mouse button on the desktop or in the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window that appears, move the cursor computer mouse on word "Create" , and no button should be pressed. Then move the cursor to the word "Folder"

Congratulations! Your folder has been successfully created! But how to assign a title (name) to a folder?

First way : to do this you need to click on the shortcut required folder right mouse button. Next, move the cursor to the word, rename it and click only once on the left mouse button to enter the required name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter or click in an empty area, otherwise the folder name will not be saved.

Second way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter a name and click Enter, and your folder will change its name to a new one.

See Figure 2.

The third easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Hotkeys, for this you need to be in a free area press simultaneouslyShift + Ctrl + N

As you can see, creating a new folder is very simple.

When creating a new folder, you can use several methods. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, fill them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Be sure to change the name of the new folder so as not to get confused in the future!

Dear reader! You may be interested in the following articles:

o How to set or change a password on your computer

o How to remove a program or windows game 7

o How to take a screenshot (copy) of the screen?

o Ways to save time when working on a computer and the Internet

o How to disable or close a program or game

Best regards, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter

How to create a directory on your computer

Creating or re-creating a directory

When a Windows® image file (.wim file) is opened by Windows Manager Windows installations(Windows SIM) a catalog file (.clg file) is automatically created. If a catalog file already exists, Windows SIM recreates the catalog file based on the selected image. When creating a directory file it asks for in the image Windows list all parameters in this image.

The directory file is binary file, which stores a list of all the settings in a Windows image file (.wim file). Directories are more compact and transportable than files Windows images. For example, a directory is typically less than 1 MB in size, whereas a Windows image file can be several GB in size. Due to their small size, directory files can be easily copied to removable media, placed in a shared network folder or sent as an attachment by email. Catalog files can also be opened by non-administrator users. Multiple users can open a catalog file at the same time.

Retail copy Windows DVD contains pre-built directory files for each Windows image in the install.wim file. These directory files are located in the Sources directory on the DVD and can be used to create a response file for the Windows image in the default install.wim file. However, if you need to create a directory for a custom Windows image, you must use Windows Setup Manager to recreate the directory for that custom Windows image.

  1. Open Windows Setup Manager.
  2. Open the Windows image. additional information cm.

    How to create a folder on your desktop

    See Open a Windows image or catalog file.

  3. From the Tools menu, select Create Catalog.

    The Open Windows Image dialog box appears.

  4. Select the Windows image (.wim file), then click Open.

    If you select a Windows image file that contains multiple Windows images, the Select Image dialog box opens.

  5. Select an image type (for example, Windows® 7 Ultimate), then click OK. The directory will be created in the same location as the selected WIM file.

What is a folder and a directory of folders

You may have already seen it on your computer graphic elements, when opened, which usually contain other files, know that this is the most ordinary computer folder. But this is not all the basic information you need to know to understand what a folder is.

A folder is a place in which information is structured.

A folder is a file in which other files are located according to some typology of combining topics.

Is not required condition– the logic for placing files in a folder can be free if this folder is created by the user. A folder can be compared to a nesting doll that contains other folders with files. At large quantities different folders nested inside each other, you can get a whole tree of interconnected information. The difference between a folder and an archive is the lack of the ability to compress and decompress files. In a word, the founder of the term Folder is English. word Folder.

From the first folder to the last subfolder there is an address path showing the entire number of intermediate folders in which the last subfolder is nested. All folders in the address are separated by a backslash or forward slash, depending on the operating system installed.

The address path is a directory that is often requested by the installer various programs, such a directory is called the installation directory.

C:\Program Files (x86)\XMind

Folders can be created in automatic mode And user-created. The creation of a pack is done by right-clicking in any space that allows the creation of folders, as well as by selecting a line in the proposed creation menu.

Exist system folders with its own tree of subfolders. Based on this structuring, the operating system distributes its informational resources, with whom on program level it will work. This filing system is called a directory.

Catalog system for organizing work

What a folder is was discussed earlier, but what is a directory? Using a catalog (a system of nesting folders within each other), the operation of the operating system is organized. In each directory folder, the files are structured according to the functions they perform. This organization speeds up the operation of the entire system, reducing search time when accessing files of a certain functional group. There are several types of directories.

  1. The root directory is the main folder system into which all other folders and other directories that support work are nested file system.
  2. The current directory is the directory with which the operating system is working at a particular moment, and it is indicated by a single dot “.”.
  3. The parent directory is the directory in which the current directory is located and this directory is indicated by two dots "..".

In different operating systems, directories are organized according to different principles.

UNIX - directory

Such a catalog is organized with the contents of several inodes(inode) data structures. These descriptors contain meta information about what each standard file and the directory and other information objects of the file system. Such directories in modern operating systems such as Linux are organized according to the FHS standard.

This standard defines a specific structural hierarchy of files in a directory. That is, he specifies in which folder the other folder will be located, and which one. For example, with this standard the database will always be located in the “/etc/passwd” folder. And so on, for each folder a name, a location in the directory and a list are defined function files. UNIX can also work with other directory organization methods.

Windows Directory

This OS contains a root directory. Its peculiarity is that it is not a subdirectory, but on the contrary, everything begins with it and it contains subdirectories. Features of operating directories Windows systems is that each drive is provided with a separate root directory. Directories are divided into root, service (system) - created by the OS, user - created by the user.

A folder is a file, so it has properties

Each folder has its own properties. Folders can be hidden, they can be protected from copying and modification. When you right-click on a folder, select the designation and get full information about the position disk space folders (amount of information in megabytes), number of attached files, how many free space remaining on the disk, about access rights to the folder (individual or shared resource), and you can also make some changes in the settings.

You can make the folder hidden or, on the contrary, open it general access to her via the network. You can make the folder open for network use. It is possible to define access rights to a folder different users one computer.

Folder properties allow you to make changes appearance folders by setting a picture and you can change the icon that will replace the old icon. That is, some templates for folders popular Windows available for change. Templates can be changed for each separate folder or install a modified template for all user folders.

What a folder is, as well as what a directory and a directory are, were discussed in the article. To summarize, we can come to the conclusion that a folder is a repository or, in other words, a container for information, and its best use for the user is the structuring of accumulated information.

Creating your own directories

You can create catalogs of any structure, filling them with your products. Most convenient way to create a catalog, upload it using a structured Excel file.

An example of a catalog that you can download yourself would be the oil catalog in the demo version

To download a directory with attributes you need to prepare a zip file special format. IN zip file(at the first level - not in subfolders) the following objects should be contained

  1. The images folder contains images associated with downloaded products.
  2. The data.xls file containing the directory elements

The data.xls file should have the following structure: Line No. 1 contains column headers, while columns 1-5 contain mandatory data, columns 6 onwards contain custom attributes

Service columns

  1. name of the image from the images folder, for example 96545705.jpg
  2. Manufacturer name
  3. Detail number
  4. Part name
  5. Detailed description of the part


Tree of categories. Among the columns with attributes, you can specify a service column with the heading category, content of this column will be perceived as linking the part to a given category. For example, if you set the name Windshield Wiper Blades for this column, the product will be created with reference to this category; if the category is not found in the category specified when loading, it will be automatically created. A chain of categories can also be created if the category name is set as follows Filters/Air, in in this case The category Filters will be created and it will have a subcategory Air.

To load custom attributes in a column header, you must specify @ before the attribute name

To load multiple attribute values, they must be separated by a straight line | Example VAZ|GAZ

Manual editing of directories

All tools for manual editing catalogs are contained in the menu Service - Products, the main ones

  • Products - in it you can create any product, add its description, photo, characteristics - they will be displayed both in the search by the number of this part, and in the catalogs in which you include them
  • Categories - using categories you can create the structure of your catalog, for example Oils - Motor oils.
  • Attributes - you can add standard characteristics in order to subsequently assign them to products and filter products by them. Create a new attribute, uncheck Arbitrary values, and save. You can then set a list of values ​​for this attribute. For example, we create the Volume characteristic and add possible values ​​1,2,3,4,5, etc. For products belonging to the same category as the attribute, a choice of values ​​for this attribute will be available.

To update filters in the catalog, be sure to start indexing the attributes Service - System - Index

Download demo file to download catalog

Installing watermarks

With this feature, you can add watermarks to catalog photos that you create yourself.

To do this, go to the Site->General Settings section.

Find the “Use watermarks” section and check the box.

Upload the images that we want to use as a watermark.

Now all newly uploaded photos will already have a watermark applied.

The following questions may arise regarding this function:

  • Selecting a directory when loading directories

Beginner computer users often ask us the question: "How to create a new folder?"

Today we will look at several options for how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system/

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and should not cause much trouble. You only need to create a folder once, and you will remember this easy procedure forever.

So let's get started!

Step 1.

To create a new folder, make just one click using the right mouse button on the desktop or in the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window that appears, move the computer mouse cursor to the word "Create" , and no button should be pressed. Then move the cursor to the word "Folder" and click on the left mouse button. Cm.

How to create a folder on your computer

picture 1.

Congratulations! Your folder has been successfully created! But how to assign a title (name) to a folder?

First way : To do this, you need to right-click on the desired folder shortcut. Next, move the cursor to the word, rename it and click only once on the left mouse button to enter the required name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter or click in an empty area, otherwise the folder name will not be saved.

Second way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter a name and click Enter, and your folder will change its name to a new one.

See Figure 2.

The third easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Hotkeys, for this you need to be in a free area press simultaneouslyShift + Ctrl + N

As you can see, creating a new folder is very simple.

When creating a new folder, you can use several methods. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, fill them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Be sure to change the name of the new folder so as not to get confused in the future!

Dear reader! You may be interested in the following articles:

o How to set or change a password on your computer

o How to remove a program or game from Windows 7

o How to take a screenshot (copy) of the screen?

o Ways to save time when working on a computer and the Internet

o How to disable or close a program or game

Best regards, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter

Beginner computer users often ask us the question: "How to create a new folder?"

Today we will look at several options for how to create a new folder on the desktop in the Windows operating system/

The process of creating a new folder is very simple and should not cause much trouble. You only need to create a folder once, and you will remember this easy procedure forever.

So let's get started!

Step 1.

To create a new folder, make just one click using the right mouse button on the desktop or in the disk partition you need, and release the button. In the window that appears, move the computer mouse cursor to the word "Create" , and no button should be pressed.

Then move the cursor to the word "Folder" and click on the left mouse button. See Figure 1.

Congratulations! Your folder has been successfully created! But how to assign a title (name) to a folder?

First way : To do this, you need to right-click on the desired folder shortcut. Next, move the cursor to the word, rename it and click only once on the left mouse button to enter the required name. Then press the key on the keyboard Enter or click in an empty area, otherwise the folder name will not be saved.

Second way: Click once on the desired new folder and press the F2 key. Then enter a name and click Enter, and your folder will change its name to a new one.

See Figure 2.

The third easiest way:

You can create a new folder using Hotkeys, for this you need to be in a free area press simultaneouslyShift + Ctrl + N

As you can see, creating a new folder is very simple.

When creating a new folder, you can use several methods. Choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself!

Create new folders, fill them with information and don’t forget about order :)

Be sure to change the name of the new folder so as not to get confused in the future!

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Best regards, site teamwww. sysitplus. ru

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