Download the new paint point drawing program. Computer drawing program Paint

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Computer drawing program Paint

In any computer, or to be more precise, in any operating system Windows has a certain number of “built-in” programs. These programs are usually called “Standard”, since they do not need to be specially installed. And one of these programs is for drawing. It's called Paint.

You can learn more about computer programs from the lesson “Computer Programs.”

Paint- This simplest program for drawing on a computer, which children adore and is highly appreciated by many adults. It contains a small set of drawing tools (brush, pencil, eraser, etc.) and a large number of colors. Paint's capabilities are very limited, but despite this, you can create almost masterpieces in it. It all depends on desire and talent.

How to open Paint

To open the Paint program on your computer, click on the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the screen.

In the list that opens, click on “All programs” (Programs).

Will appear quite big list. Select "Standards".

Finally, open the Paint() program.

What does Paint look like?

There are two versions of the Paint program. By to a greater extent, they differ only in design.

This is what an older version of Paint looks like:

And this is what it looks like modern version this program:

Also on many computers, instead of the Paint program, similar program entitled. We will talk about this program separately. She looks like this:

How to draw in Paint

Let's try to draw something in Paint. Left-click on the drawing tool. For example, on a brush.

Now click on the color you want (the colors are at the bottom or top of the program).

Hover over white, click on left button mouse and, without releasing it, move the mouse.

Here's what I got:

The Paint program consists of several parts. The most an important part is a white rectangle in the middle. This is our leaf, that is, the place Where we will draw.

The next, no less important part of the program is the tools. This is what, how we will draw. The tools are located either on the left or at the top (depending on the version of the Paint program).

Also, for complete drawing we will need various colors. The part of the program where you can select a color is either at the bottom left or top right (depending on the version).

Well, there is one more part of the program - Top Menu. This, by the way, is the part that we will use extremely rarely.

As you already know, you can choose a color to draw either at the bottom left or at the top right. In order for the color you like to be “assigned”, you just need to click on it with the left mouse button. By the way, pay attention to the two squares next to the flowers.

If you click on a color, it will appear in the first (front) square. This means that the color is selected and you can paint with it.

And the back square is the color with which you will erase what you have drawn. By default it is white. It's better not to change it.

By the way, these are not all colors. You can choose any other color. To do this you need to change the palette.

In the old version of Paint, click on the “Palette” label (top right). The message “Change palette” will appear. Click on it.

In the new version of Paint, use the "Change Colors" button.

Drawing tools in Paint

And now the most interesting part is drawing. In the Paint program, as in life, there are several ways to draw. You can use a brush or pencil, or you can use a can of paint. There are other options: inscription, lines, shapes. Now we will look at the most popular drawing tools.

Let me remind you that the tools in the Paint program are either on the left side or on the top.

Let's start with the Pencil tool. It looks like this:

Draws thin line. Try drawing something. To do this, left-click on the “Pencil” tool, then click on the desired color, then move the cursor over white, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse.

The next popular tool is the Brush. It looks like this:

Draws with a thicker line than the Pencil.

By the way, you can choose the thickness of the “Brush” yourself.

If you have more old version Paint program, then under the tools there is a window in which you can select the thickness and appearance of the line. To do this, click on any type of line and try to draw (the same as with the “Pencil”).

And if you have a new version program, then in order to select the thickness and appearance of the brush, you need to click on the button with a small arrow directly under the “Brush” tool. Try painting with different brushes (paint in the same way as with a “Pencil”).

The old version of Paint has a tool called the Sprayer that paints with dots. It looks like this:

The sprayer, like the brush, has different sizes. And they need to draw in the same way as with a pencil and brush.

Eraser tool. Wipes off what you drew.

"Filling". Fills the merged area with color.

To try this, draw a circle with a brush or pencil. Left-click on the fill and select a different color.

Move inside the circle and left-click once. The inside of the circle will be filled with color.

Zoom tool. Enlarges part of the picture. It is convenient to use this tool for drawing small details.

In order to enlarge part of the picture, click on the “Scale” tool and click on the place of the picture that you want to enlarge with the left mouse button. To return it back, that is, reduce it, click right click mice in an enlarged picture. If this does not work, then select the “Scale” tool again and left-click on the enlarged image.

And finally, let's talk about one more tool, which, compared to the previous ones, is not used so often.

Eyedropper tool. Needed to determine the color in the drawing. To do this, point the Eyedropper at a specific colored part of the picture and click once with the left mouse button. Then look at the set color. He has changed. That is, using the “Pipette” you can select a color in a certain place (point) of the drawing.

We've just looked at the most commonly used tools in Paint. Try to draw similar drawing using them.

Preservation drawing Paint on the computer

Many people do not save the drawing while working, but do it at the end. The fact is that when you try to close the Paint program, having already drawn something in it, a window pops up in which the computer “asks” whether to save the changes.

If you click on the “Yes” button, the computer will open a window in which you need to select a location for the drawing, give it a name and click the “Save” button.

If you click on the “No” button, the computer will close the Paint program along with the drawing, and you will no longer be able to open it. That is, the drawing will disappear forever.

And if you click on the “Cancel” button, the computer will leave open program Paint along with the drawing. Thus, it gives you the opportunity to correct something, change the drawing.

But it’s better to save it in another way. And not at the very end of working on the drawing, but from time to time. The fact is that there is a possibility of losing the drawing. For example, a power surge or a computer freeze. If this suddenly happens, your drawing may not be saved on the computer. This means you will lose it.

By the way, this applies not only to the Paint program, but also to any other computer program ( Microsoft Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.).

In the new version of the program, instead of the “File” inscription, there is this button:

A list will open. Click on “Save As” in this list.

A new window will open. In it, the computer prompts you to select the location in which you want to record (save) our drawing.

pay attention to top part this window. This is where the computer "plans" to save the drawing. This part looks like this:

Or like this:

In the example in the picture, the computer prompts you to save the drawing in “My Drawings” (“Images”). In one of the lessons, we talked about the fact that it is better not to store anything in “My Drawings” (“Images”), as well as in “My Documents” (of course, if there is an alternative). Therefore, it is better to save the drawing on some Local disk, for example, to Local Drive D. That is, in this window, instead of the “My Pictures” (“Pictures”) folder, you need to select Local Drive D. To do this, click on “My Computer” (“Computer”) on the left side.

And after that, inside the window (in the white part of it) open the desired Local disk, that is, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If you want to put the drawing in a folder, open it in the same window (click on it twice with the left mouse button).

After you have chosen the location where you want to save the drawing, you need to pay attention to the bottom of the window. Or rather, to the “File name” item.

This part contains the name under which the drawing will be recorded in the computer. In the example in the picture, this name is “Nameless”. If it does not suit us, then we need to delete it and print a new, suitable name.

Also pay attention to the field that is located immediately below the “File name”. It's called "File Type". By clicking on this field, we can select the appropriate format for the drawing or leave everything as is. You will learn about the formats of drawings (photos) at the end of the lesson.

Now you can close the Paint program and try opening your drawing from your computer. To do this, open the location where you saved the drawing. There should be a file with the name you typed or the standard name “Untitled”.

Picture and photo format

Drawings and photographs differ from each other not only in content, but also in other “computer” characteristics. For example, by size.

It happens that there seem to be two identical drawings, but one is three times larger in size than the other.

Learn to identify computer size You can by studying the lesson “File and Folder Size”.

Also, the drawings (photos) differ in quality. I think you have come across photographs of extremely Bad quality. This is visible to the naked eye. For example, two identical photos, but one is of better quality, and the other is of worse quality.

And it happens that the drawing (photograph) seems to lack colors. Here's an example.

And the file format or, in other words, the file type is responsible for all this.

You can learn about the concept of “file type” in the lesson “File Formats”.

In fact, images (drawings, photographs) can be of the most different formats. And there are a lot of these formats. We will not consider all these formats - we will consider the most popular ones.

These are formats such as bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff.

All these formats differ from each other, first of all, in quality. And the quality differs in the number (saturation) of colors.

For example, I paint a picture using many different colors. And then suddenly some of the colors ran out, and I was forced to finish painting with what I had. Of course, I will try to do everything so that this circumstance does not greatly affect the result, but still my picture will not turn out as I would like - more faded, blurry.

That's how it is with image formats. Some formats leave all the colors, while others cut off some of them. And sometimes, because of this, the image (drawing, photograph) deteriorates. But this is to put it briefly. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated, but I think you got the main point.

And now about the formats.

BMP– format of drawings. It can be used to store the drawings you have drawn on your computer. But this format is not used on the Internet due to its large volume. That is, if you want to “post” your drawing on a forum or social network, pay attention to the format. It must be gif, jpg or png.

GIFpopular format drawings. It allows you to save drawings without loss of quality, but with a limited number of colors - 256. This format is very common on the Internet. By the way, it creates small animated (moving) pictures.

JPG– format of photographs and paintings with big amount colors. In this format, you can save an image both without and with loss of quality.

PNG– modern format of drawings. The image in this format is small in size without loss of quality. Very convenient: the file is small and the quality is good. By the way, this format supports transparency well.

TIFF– the image format is very good quality(without compression). And, accordingly, the size of such images is huge. This format is used when the quality is great importance. For example, when creating business cards, booklets, magazine covers.

So how to choose the appropriate format?! Of course, it depends on the situation. But you can follow a fairly simple principle:

If this is a drawing made in the Paint program, which you are going to keep on your computer and not “take out” on the Internet, then bmp.

If the animation or drawing with a small amount flowers that you are going to publish on the Internet - then gif

If the photo is jpg (jpeg)

If there is a drawing where there are many colors or some transparent parts, then png

If a drawing, photo for printing (business cards, booklets, posters, etc.) - then tiff.

When working with drawings and photographs, quite often you need to put an inscription on the image itself. You can, of course, try to do this “manually” - draw with a brush or pencil in the Paint program. But it’s unlikely that this way it will be possible to make a neat, beautiful inscription. For this purpose, the Paint program has a special tool with which you can print text on an image.

How to print text on a drawing or photo

To type text on an image, it must be open in Paint.

If you have an older version of Paint, then at the top left of this program there is the inscription “File”. Click on it, and in the list that opens, click on “Open”.

And if you have a new version of Paint, click on the small arrow button at the top left.

A list will open. Click on "Open".

As soon as you click on “Open”, a window will appear. In this window you need to find and select the drawing or photograph on which you want to put an inscription. Typically the computer will prompt you to select an image from the My Pictures (Pictures) folder. You can choose any other place. To do this, use the left side of the window.

When you open the desired location and find a drawing (photo), double-click on it with the left mouse button so that it opens in the Paint program. Let me remind you that you can find the desired picture (photo) faster if you change the “View” (right on empty space in the window – “View”).

Now let’s print the text on the drawing (photo). To do this, click on the “Text” tool.

Then click on the color with which you want to print the text on the image.

Release the left mouse button and type the text.

How to change the font and size of letters

To change the font, letter size, and make text bold, italic, or underlined, use the “Font” (Text) panel.

This panel usually appears at the top when you type text on a drawing.

It happens that in the old version of Paint the text editing panel does not appear. In this case, you need to right-click on the text field and select “Text Attributes Panel”.

Don't forget to highlight the text you want to change!

Let's say I started typing text and wanted to increase its size. First of all, I need to select the text that I want to change. To do this, you need to press the left mouse button at the end of the printed text and, without releasing it, drag it to the beginning.

When the text is highlighted (colored), you can change the size of the letters. To do this you need to use the text editing panel

Drawing lines and shapes in Paint

In previous lessons we learned how to draw and print text on drawings (photos) in the Paint program. In this lesson we will learn how to draw lines and shapes. After all, without this it is impossible to implement many ideas. For example, the following drawing is drawn with only lines and shapes.

In order to draw lines, the Paint program has a special “Line” tool. It is located in the same place as all other tools - either on the left or on the top (depending on the version of Paint).

Click on it with the left mouse button. Then choose the color you want to draw the line with. Let me remind you that in the old version of the Paint program the colors are in the bottom left, and in the new version they are in the top right.

You can also select the line thickness. The old version of Paint has a special field for selecting thickness. Left-click on the appropriate type.

In the new version of the program, to select the thickness, you need to click on the “Thickness” button and select the appropriate type from the proposed list.

By the way, in the new version of the Paint program you can choose not only the thickness, but also the type of line (pastel, oil, watercolor, marker, and so on). There is a special “Contour” button for this.

Having selected the color and type of line, move the cursor (arrow) over white, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse to the side. When you stretch the line to the right size, release the mouse button.

Next to the Line tool there is another interesting tool - Curved Line.

You can also choose the color and thickness of the line, and in the new version of the program, also the outline.

Do necessary settings and draw a line. Then point at the place where the bend should be, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the desired direction. Release the left mouse button when you have curved the line the way you want.

Now let's start drawing the figures. There is a whole set of tools for this.

Let's start with the Oval tool (in the old version - Ellipse).

You need to draw an oval in the same way as a line: press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, “stretch” it to the desired size.

or- rectangle. Just as with the oval, in the old version of Paint you can select the type (regular, opaque, colored) of the rectangle. And in the new version - its thickness, outline, fill. It is also drawn.

All other figures have the same settings. Special attention deserves the Polygon tool. Using it, you can draw shapes of various shapes.

To do this, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, draw a line. This will be the first side of the polygon. To draw the next side, simply click once where you want the end to be.

Try drawing each of the shapes in Paint with different settings.

How to change a drawing

In the Paint program, you can not only draw a picture, but also change it. For example, turn over, reduce or enlarge part of the picture, copy (reproduce).

And in order to do all this, you need to learn how to highlight a picture or part of a picture. That is, before changing something in the drawing (flip, enlarge, copy), we need to select the very part that we want to change. There are two tools for this - rectangular selection and selection free form.

How to select a picture or part of a picture

Let's learn how to select using the " Rectangular selection».

Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool. If you have an older version of the Paint program, then to do this you need to click special button“Selection” in the part of the program where the tools are located (on the left).

And if you have a new version of the Paint program, then you need to click on the “Select” inscription and from the small window that opens, select the “Rectangular area” item.

Once you have selected the desired tool, move the cursor over the part of the image that you want to select. If you need to select the entire picture, then move the cursor to any corner of it.

Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, stretch the rectangular window to the desired size.

This is how you select a picture or part of a picture in the Paint program.

But using the Free Shape Selection tool, you can select a part of an image of a certain shape.

If you have an older version of the Paint program, then to do this you need to click a special button in the part of the program where the tools are located (on the left).

And if you have a new version of the Paint program, then you need to click on the “Select” inscription and from the small window that opens, select the “Custom Area” item.

Once you have selected the desired tool, move the cursor over the part of the image that you want to select. Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, outline the drawing.

When you release the left mouse button, the part of the drawing that you outlined will be inside the rectangle. That's how it should be.

And now I’ve talked about how to change a drawing or part of a drawing.

How to change a picture or part of a picture

First, let's talk about how to change the size of a picture or part of a picture.

When you select a picture or part of it, the selected fragment is placed in a rectangle. This happens when using both the Rectangular Selection Tool and the Freeform Selection Tool.

There are small squares on this rectangle. If you hover over any square, it will change to a double-sided arrow. At this moment, you need to press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag it to the side to the desired size.

But in order to move part of the drawing to another place on the sheet, you need to place the cursor inside the rectangle. The arrow will become four-sided. Click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the selected part to the desired location.

And in order to rotate the selected part of the picture or multiply it, you need to right-click inside the rectangle and select the appropriate item.

To rotate, select “Flip/Rotate...” (Rotate).

To copy part of the picture (reproduce), select “Copy”, and then right-click in another part of the sheet and select “Paste” from the list that appears.

When you are finished working with the selected area, left-click on the empty space. The selection will disappear.

More details on drawing in version 7 can be found here: http://windows. /ru-RU/windows7/Using-Paint

This program focuses on functions that will be primarily useful for photographers and when working with photographs in general. The program supports many popular graphic formats- BMP, PNG, IPEG, GIF, TIF - and your own own format PDN.

Among the many powerful and useful features of the Paint.NET editor are the ability to work with layers (and transparent ones too), with a camera and scanner, scaling, removing red-eye from images, maintaining full history changes and many other functional features.

If you want to download Paint.NET for free, you can also take advantage of the most remarkable features of the program: an impressive library of special effects and filters, the ability to expand the functionality of Paint.NET with all kinds of modules, manipulation of image layers, scaling from 1% to 3200%, “anti-aliased” tools, blur and other useful gadgets.

By the way, the Paint.NET editor is all temporary files Image processing history is stored on your computer's hard drive. Therefore, the requirements for free space on your PC’s hard drive directly depend on the size of the file being edited and the operations performed with it.

Key Features of Paint.NET:

  • simple and clear interface, all of whose features were designed so that users could get started right away;
  • the ability to work with layers, because often this feature is typical only for expensive paid programs. The Paint.NET editor provides this opportunity for free;
  • kit powerful tools to work with vector graphics, selecting image segments (“ Magic wand"), cloning, has a simple text editor, tools for scaling and color replacement;
  • “unlimited” history: the program provides a history function for the convenience of editing errors made during image processing. Every wrong step can be deleted or returned later. The entire length of the change history depends on available space on disk;
  • special effects to enhance images. In addition to those you already know from similar programs, the unique 3D rotation effect is of interest. Of course, the program also includes such most useful functions, such as changing image brightness, contrast, hue, adjusting saturation and others.
  • use of many plugins that enrich the capabilities of Paint.NET and add new special effects.

Free image editor with many built-in tools and effects. The application supports working with layers, importing photos from a scanner, and adding plugins to improve functionality.

Convenient in front of you graphics editor, created by Microsoft employees. According to its characteristics and appearance Paint.Net is very similar to Photoshop and is its “lite” and free copy. Here you can work with layers, resize photos, apply effects and make photo corrections. Standard Features can be increased by integrating additional plugins. By downloading free, you can import photos from a scanner and digital cameras to your computer.

One of the main advantages of the application is the complete Russification of the interface.'s main features are centered on the toolbar on the left side of the screen. Here you can resize photos, add text to them, use an eraser, fill them, or draw something by hand. The rest of the functionality is located in the “Correction” and “Effects” tabs, where you can adjust the contrast/brightness, as well as add blur, “noise,” textures and sharpening. At the editing stage, it is convenient to use the “unlimited” history of changes, which allows you to undo previous actions.

Main features of Paint.Net:

  • editing graphic elements;
  • use of integrated effects;
  • adding plugins to expand functionality;
  • photo correction.

The application is well suited for editing and processing images at home. By downloading free Paint.Net, you get rich functionality that contains only the most necessary tools. Among the shortcomings, one can highlight the quality, which is inferior to Photoshop. However, to edit your photos and create an avatar for social networks This editor from Microsoft will be quite sufficient.

Paint.NET is free raster editor, which will allow you to process drawings and photographs. Runs on the .NET Framework, so you may need to install it during installation required version, the program does this automatically.

Paint.NET has Russian-language interface, and is distributed completely free of charge. This is an excellent analogue to expensive editors. Supports following formats images: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TGA, DDS, has its own format (*.pdn). The program can work with layers, the image can be loaded directly from a scanner or camera, it is possible to adjust drawings, apply various effects to them, and much more.

Required system requirements for installation: Windows XP, Vista, 7 and later; 1 GHz processor; more than 1 GB random access memory; free place on disk – depends on the photo being processed and the operations applied to it.

Download Paint.NET for free you can follow the link below. The archive contains two versions of the program: 4.0.9 (6.7 MB) and 3.5.11 (3.6 MB). Those who have Windows XP installed need to install version 3.5.11.

Run the downloaded installation file on your computer. If the program does not find the required version of the .NET Framework on you, it will automatically download it and install it on your computer.

In the first window of the Paint.NET installation wizard, mark the item "Custom", select a language and click Next.

Accept the terms license agreement, click Next.

Check the boxes next to the required items. To JPEG files, PNG, BMP, TGA were opened by default in this program, check the first two boxes. Enable or disable automatic check updates will be available in the program settings. Click Next.

You don't have to change anything here. If you want, select a different folder to install the program on your computer by clicking Browse. Click Next.

In the next window, the wizard will inform you that Paint.NET is ready to install, click Next.

Then wait for the program to install and perform performance optimization for your computer. After that, click "Done".

If you did not uncheck the boxes in the previous window, Paint.NET will launch automatically. The main program window looks like this. The main menu tabs are located at the top; settings for the selected tool are displayed below. There are four open on the worksheet. additional windows: “Tools”, “Palette”, “Journal”, “Layers”. To show or hide them, you need to click on the corresponding button in the right top corner. There is also a button “Parameters”, in the form of a gear. All open files will be displayed at the top middle.

To open desired image in the program, go to the "File" tab and select "Open" from the menu. Using Explorer, find the drawing on your computer.

Select any of the tools by highlighting it in the window or selecting it from the drop-down list, and apply it to the image. You can open the expanded palette by clicking on the “More” button.

To add a new layer in the “Layers” window, click on the corresponding button. A cross next to it will allow you to delete the selected layer. The check mark next to each layer makes it visible; to hide the layer, remove the check mark. You can also create a copy of the layer, merge them and swap them.

In the “Log” window, you can undo the last actions performed; just click on the blue “Undo” arrow.

The “Correction” menu tab will allow you to change the colors of the image, adjust its shades, adjust the brightness, and more. The Effects tab allows you to apply various effects to your image.

Moreover, when adjusting the parameters for the selected effect or performing a correction, you will immediately see the result in the image. If something doesn’t work, click “Cancel” in the settings window.

The Paint.NET graphic editor has a good set of functions, has a clear interface, you can work with layers in it, perform image correction and apply various effects to them. If desired, you can do transparent background for the created image in Paint.NET.

I think you can draw a picture in it or correct it without any problems the desired photo. Good luck to you!

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Webmaster. Higher education with a degree in Information Security. Author of most articles and computer literacy lessons