How to delete the last blank page in Word. How to delete a page that is empty or contains text in Word


When working in Word, sometimes a problem arises such as the appearance of blank pages in a document. This happens especially often when the document is not formatted correctly. This article will look at the solution to this unpleasant situation using Microsoft Office Word 2013 as an example. In addition, the methods described below will work in other versions of this editor.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated: just take it and press BackSpace or Delete. The page is still not deleted. Why is this happening? The answer is simple. This is influenced by factors such as:

  • presence of extra paragraphs;
  • breaking pages and sections;
  • presence of tables.

Reason 1: empty lines

Did not help? Then you will have to resort to a detailed consideration of various situations

Reason 2: extra paragraphs

In this case, everything is as simple as in the previous one: you need to select paragraphs and delete them by pressing the key "Delete".

Reason 3: Page and Section Breaks

As a result of page breaks, it often happens that a blank page appears in the middle of a text document. First you need to remove the gap itself. To do this, you need to place the cursor in front of it and highlight it, then press either the key "Delete", or "BackSpace". You need to press them until the text moves up.

With section breaks, things are more interesting: you will have to convert them into a section break on the current page, and only then delete them.
To convert, follow these steps:

Reason: presence of tables

This is quite an interesting case. The peculiarity of this situation is that if the table ends at the very end of the page, then an empty paragraph after it is created automatically and goes to the next page. This is how a blank page appears. Fortunately, solving this problem will not be difficult.

In these simple ways you can get rid of a blank page in Word. We hope our article was useful and you can easily solve your problem.

Hello, friends! How to remove an unnecessary page in Word is the topic of my today’s “Crib Sheet”. For those who have not encountered a similar problem, this question may seem ridiculous. However, such a need may arise in the following cases:

  • you need to remove the title page (you want to take a different template or abandon the title altogether);
  • it was necessary to remove any chapter (one or more sheets) from the document;
  • Blank pages appeared in the document out of nowhere, and we also don’t need them for 100 years.

The first two problems are solved so simply that I, friends, even doubted whether it was even worth talking about in this article. But then I decided that since all the previous “Cribs” each examined its own question meticulously and thoroughly, then let this one be the most complete guide to the problem of how to remove an unnecessary page in Word. So, let's remove the title page.

How to Remove a Cover Sheet in Word 2016

If you do not want to remove the title completely, but only replace it with one of the templates offered by Word, then you just need to click on the selected option. The old title page will be immediately replaced with the new one. In case of complete refusal of the title page, you should click on the line “ remove cover page" All these operations are performed in the “ Insert", section " Pages" When you press the button " Front page"In the drop-down window, you can select either a suitable template or delete the title altogether (Fig. 1).

How to remove the second page in Word (or any few)

The second, third, any other, or several pages at once can be easily and simply removed by clearing them of text. To do this, select the top line on the page to be deleted, then, while holding down the Shift key, select the bottom line. All text on the extra page is selected, after which we remove it using the key Delete. This operation can be performed on all pages to be rejected at once. When text, graphics, or formatting disappear, the page also disappears.

Please note, friends, if the pages have been numbered, there will be no breaks in it. The numbering will automatically be restored in order.

How to remove an extra blank page in Word

Blank pages... This flaw is usually detected when the document is printed. If it was numbered, then such “dummies” violate the logical order of numbers. And we don’t need any extra paper consumption. Is not it?

But why do extra pages appear in Word documents? Where do they come from? Is this an error in the program or perhaps the printer? No, friends. Neither the WORD text editor, nor, especially, the printer has anything to do with it. All such “jambs” are only our merit.

The fact is that such pages only seem empty. In fact, they always have some hidden formatting characters. We don’t see them, but the program takes them into account as full-fledged and necessary. To prevent such incidents from happening, my advice to you: when typing text and formatting it, always turn on the “ Show formatting marks" After activating it, you will see marks of paragraphs, spaces, headers or footers or breaks on the supposedly “blank” page.

Now, I think it’s clear that to delete a “blank” page you just need to display formatting marks on it and remove them using the key Backspace. Just? Without a doubt! But there is another - more complex case. Let's consider it.

How to remove the last blank page in Word after a table

If the last page of a document, chapter, or section ends with a table, then it is more difficult to get rid of the blank page at the end. The fact is that you cannot delete the last paragraph mark in the Word text editor. And it will automatically be transferred after the table to a new sheet. What to do in this case?

Of course, there is a way out. Yes, the program will not allow us to remove the paragraph mark. So let's make it invisible not only to us, but also to the Word itself. To do this, select our ill-fated icon and on the “ home"go to the section " Font" Click on the arrow in the lower right corner to open the font adjustment window and put a checkmark in the line “ hidden" Click " OK" - mission accomplished. We got rid of the last blank page after the table (Fig. 2).

If you've ever edited text documents that were created by someone else, you've probably encountered problems. One such problem may be blank pages that cannot be deleted. This is precisely the case we will consider in this article. Here you can learn how to delete a blank page in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Blank pages can usually be deleted without problems. Simply place the cursor at the end of a blank page and erase all spaces and line breaks. After which the blank page is deleted without any problems. But in some cases this doesn't work. You can press the Backspace and Delete keys as much as you like, but the page still refuses to be deleted.

Most often, this problem is associated with non-printable characters that are on the page. To solve this problem and finally delete this unfortunate page, you need to do just a couple of steps. First, you need to enable the display of non-printing characters. This is done very simply. If you have Word 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016, then you you need to open the “Home” tab and click on the “Display all symbols” button. You can also use the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+8.

If you are using Word 2003, then this button should be somewhere on the toolbar.

After clicking this button, all non-printable characters will begin to be displayed in the Word document. Now you need to go to a blank page that is not being deleted and remove all non-printing characters from it. Besides everything else, you must remove the page break. Because it is he who, in most cases, blocks the removal of blank pages. To remove a page break, place the cursor in front of it and press the DELETE key on your keyboard.

In some cases, deleting blank pages in Word may be blocked by a section break. If such a non-printing character is on a blank page, then it must be removed. It is removed in the same way as a page break. You need to place the cursor before the section break and press the DELETE key on the keyboard.

If necessary, after removing the blank pages, the section break can be restored. In Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 To do this, use the “Breaks” button on the Page Layout tab.

It happens that users find themselves in a difficult situation, not understanding how to get out of a difficult situation. Some people can't even figure out how to delete a page in a WORD text editor. A large number of representatives of society use this text editor to create, edit and read certain documents used in various areas of the modern world. Today we will figure out how to delete a page with or without text without disturbing the structure of the entire document as a whole. There are only 6 methods, and today they will be discussed.

The first method is to delete an unnecessary text document.

It happens that a person creates a new file, types text into it, then copies it to the clipboard, and he no longer needs this file, you can get rid of it right away. It is enough to agree to close the program and indicate that there is no need to save the changes.

If you decide to remain in this document, only by deleting the text, you just need to use keyboard shortcuts. First, select all the text, and then click on the Delete button. Thus, the text will be deleted, and the text document is ready for further work.

The second method is to delete a blank sheet in the editor.

Having decided to delete a blank page, you need to use the following manipulations:
1) Place the cursor at the desired location and delete.
2) Select the corresponding icon, which is shown in the image, or simultaneously press three keys: CTRL – SHIFT – 8.

After pressing these keys, paragraph icons will appear, and you can select everything that needs to be subjected to the destruction process, and simply click on the button called BackSpace. After this, the page will clear, thereby indicating that you have achieved the task.

The third method is Deleting the last blank sheet.

Sometimes at the end of any text document there are several or one blank pages that require interaction. To quickly fix this problem, you will need to enable special characters, go to the last sheet, press the BackSpace button there, thereby agreeing to format the page.

The fourth method is to quickly delete a page that contains text.

If you need to delete a page that, in addition to text, also contained a whole bunch of images and other similar elements, then using special commands in a text editor or cursor, we carry out the necessary manipulations.

Let's say we have a document and we need to delete the second page in this document.

Scroll through the document to the beginning of the page that should be deleted. We move the cursor over the beginning of the line until an arrow appears, and press the left mouse button, thereby selecting the entire line, and using the mouse wheel, go down to the line that ends the page, and then simply click on the Delete button, thereby deleting the entire text fragment.

With this method you can delete multiple pages. You do not need any special knowledge, just a light action with your hands, and thereby the results will be achieved.

It happens that you need to delete not the first page at all, but, say, some 433, and going down to this page is a tedious and tedious process. We suggest you save time by using the information below. First, you need to open the search menu, to do this, press two buttons on the keyboard - CTRL - F.

Select the tab called “Go” and indicate the page number we need.

Thus, you were able to go to the page you need, after that we close the search window, and again, using our existing knowledge, we delete the text information that seems unnecessary to you on the page. If you accidentally deleted something wrong, then there is no need to be upset, because everything can be returned to its original values ​​by clicking on the “Undo” button.

The fifth method is to remove the title page.

Using the 2013 version of the text editor, you don’t need to do anything, because the title page is replaced automatically, but in earlier versions of this software, all actions must be done manually.

You can remove a cover page using the following steps:

Select the tab called “Insert” in the editor.
- Go to the “Pages” group.
- A menu called “Cover Page”, you must specify a value for the page to be deleted.

If you are using versions earlier than 2007, there is no need to remove cover pages either, because they look exactly the same as all other pages in your document.

The sixth method is to delete the page without losing the printed text.

It turned out that without removing pages, you can ensure that the text looks compact, thereby increasing the free space, and there are also significantly fewer sheets for printing. To achieve this result, you must again click on the button responsible for headers and footers and invisible characters.

The people's truth has been said for a long time: “what is written with a pen, everything is done by the way, you can’t cut it out with an ax.” No, cunning and resourceful comrades can, of course, object here. So to speak, to counterbalance the argument. Why not, for example, tear out the sheet with writings that are no longer needed, and throw it out - in the trash or burn it completely. It is possible, but what is not! But you will have to work hard, slog, sweat... Especially if pages need to be quietly destroyed in some report, diary, magazine or (God forbid!) art book.

It's another matter to delete a page in Word. This is where the freedom of action and fullness of sensations come from editing a virtual canvas for writing. There are no operation costs, no signs of “execution” on the sheet, be it blank or with words. In short, user grace.

However, you need to know where these very buttons are located for this very thing and how to operate them correctly. Don't know yet? Then read the instructions below. And your work in Word will become much more comfortable.

A sheet is removed from a project in various ways and functions, depending on the specific situation or user task.

How to delete a blank sheet?

1. Place the cursor on the blank page you want to delete.

2. Press the Ctrl + Shift + 8 keys simultaneously. Or click on the ¶ icon (show all characters) in the Word interface panel.

3. After activating this function, special control characters will be displayed on the blank page. They are responsible for text formatting and remain invisible in normal text display mode. Delete them using the “backspace” button (“left arrow” above “Enter”) or “Delete” (Del). After cleaning, the blank sheet will automatically disappear.

How to remove a page with text?

Method No. 1

1. Place the cursor anywhere in the text on the page you want to get rid of.

2. Left-click on the “Find” option (the leftmost block in the top panel of Word).

3. Select “Go to...” from the drop-down menu.

4. In the additional Find and Replace window, on the Go To tab, select the Page transition object.

5. In the “Enter number...” field, type the directive - \page.

6. Click the “Go” button. The text on the selected page will be highlighted.

7. Click “Close” and then press the “DELETE” key.

Method No. 2

1. Select all the text on the page to be deleted: while holding the left mouse button, move the cursor from the beginning to the end of the sheet.

2. Click "Delete".

How to restore a deleted page?

Left-click on the left arrow icon (cancel the operation) or press Ctrl+Z, and the disappeared page will reappear in the project.

Enjoy using Word!