How to delete old Windows 7 folders. How to leave one Windows operating system

In a situation where the computer starts to work slowly, the only correct solution among the recommendations for setting up the computer yourself, you will find reinstalling the operating system, but this is not always done correctly, so then there is a need to remove the old Windows after installing the new one. Usually the OS is installed on a clean partition, but if it so happens that you installed the new Windows operating system in the same place (in the same logical drive) as the old one, it will automatically remove the files of the old operating system into a folder called “windows.old”. " After all the necessary files have been saved, the folder with the old OS can be deleted. Moreover, there is never too much space on your hard drive. There are two ways to do this.

Removal using Windows

Now you have already figured out the BIOS settings on your computer, your new system is running and you are ready to work. But to make it uncomplicated, Microsoft has already thought about how to remove old Windows after installing a new one in a convenient way for the user, so they added such an item to the standard software as “Disk Cleanup”. All work performed will be carried out in the Windows 7 operating system. In other operating systems of the Windows family, the procedure will be the same. Let's take a step-by-step look at how it works:

  1. Click the Start button (bottom left corner of the screen).
  2. Type “Cleaning” into the search bar.
  3. At the top of the window, select “Disk Cleanup”.
  4. The application selected in the previous step will open.

In the window that appears, select the drive where the operating system was previously installed and click OK. Next, the program will estimate how much disk space can be freed up and open the following window, in which you need to check the box “Previous windows installations” and click OK. The program will ask again if you want to delete the files. Agree, click “Delete files”, and in a few minutes the files from the previous windows installation will be deleted.

There is another way to open a program that will clean up the disk. Click “Start”, then “All Programs”. Then select “Standard”, then “Service”, and then “Disk Cleanup”.

Removing an old windows installation manually

If for some reason you want to delete the folder with the old version of Windows manually, you will have to tinker a little and make a number of settings.

First, you need to log in with an administrative account with full rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to delete the pack.

Now let's make the settings step by step:

  1. Open My Computer.
  2. Open the drive with the operating system installed (for example, local drive C).
  3. Find the "windows.old" folder.
  4. By right-clicking on the folder, open the context menu and select the “Properties” line.
  5. In the window that opens, select the “Security” tab.
  6. Click the "Advanced" button - the "Advanced security settings for windows.old" window will open in front of you.
  7. Go to the Owner tab and click the Edit button.
  8. In the next window, select your account as the owner, that is, the account from which the deletion will be performed, and click “Apply”.
  9. You will see a message stating that you have become the owner of the windows.old folder - click OK and close the properties window.
  10. You can start deleting the folder with the old Windows operating system.

There are also two ways to delete a folder. The first is to right-click on the folder icon and select “Delete”. Agree that you want to delete the folder. Then empty the trash. The second is to select the folder by left-clicking the mouse, simultaneously pressing the Shift+Del keys on the keyboard, and agree to delete. The folder will be deleted bypassing the trash, that is, it will not need to be emptied.

After you have completed installing the new OS and deleting old files, we recommend reading the article about drivers for Windows 10, since not all of them are included in the installation package. If you haven’t switched to a new system yet, you can find out how to download drivers for the “Seven” here.

Cleaning the boot menu

After you have installed a new operating system on the same partition, you may have a problem in the form of a menu that prompts you to choose which OS to select when booting. This problem is quite easy to solve.

  1. Click "Start";
  2. In the search bar, type msconfig;
  3. Select this program in the search results;
  4. In the next window, go to the “Download” tab;
  5. Select the old operating system;
  6. Click the “Delete” button, after which the program will inform you that a reboot is necessary;
  7. Restart your computer.

After all the above steps, the operating system will boot in normal mode and the menu for selecting the operating system will no longer appear.

There is nothing complicated about how to remove old Windows installations; the main thing is to decide on the method of execution. Now you can start setting up the sound on your computer, setting up drivers, networking, and other things with peace of mind. Remember: in order to avoid the procedure of uninstalling previous versions of operating systems, it is recommended to install Windows on a pre-formatted partition. Thus, you will save your new operating system from garbage in the form of programs and files of the previous version of Windows.

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Removing old windows after installing a new one

After installing a new Windows, files from the old version remain on the hard drive, which can take up several gigabytes of disk space. Moreover, in the boot menu, previous versions of Windows continue to hang, prompting the user to boot from them. In addition, they clog the PC hard drive and slow down its operation. So, how to remove old Windows?

Via the disk cleanup menu

You can remove the old version of Windows using the Disk Cleanup utility, which is available in all Microsoft operating systems, including Windows 10

Go to “Computer” and right-click on the icon of the section where the previous version was. Select “Properties”, then “Disk Cleanup”.

The system will begin scanning this partition for trash files; Among them will be the item “Previous Windows installations”

Make sure it is ticked. Confirm deletion. Windows will ask you again if you want to continue the operation - click “OK”. After a few minutes, the utility will notify you that all trash files have been deleted.

The Disk Cleanup utility can be called in another way: left-click the “Start” manipulator and enter the word “Cleanup” in the search bar (works also for Windows 10/Windows 8.1). In the list that appears, select Disk Cleanup. Click the “Enter” button. The utility will prompt you to select the partition where the cleaning operation will be performed.

The previous version of Windows can be detected and removed using other cleaning programs. You can use, for example, CCleaner, the latest version of which has been optimized to work with Windows 10. You can also install other utilities - Glary Utilities, IOBit Advanced Care, and so on. The main thing is that they support working with windows 10/8.1/7.

Removing the “windows.old” folder and adjusting the boot menu

It happens that neither a standard Windows cleaner nor a third-party one can find old files. This leads to the fact that the user has to look for the “windows.old” folder himself, delete it, and then, through the Windows boot configuration menu, disable the function of selecting a version that no longer exists. But for this you need to install system administrator rights

How to do it? It’s very simple: press the Win+R key combination, enter secpol.msc and click “Enter”. In the left menu that appears, double-click on “Local Policies”, then “Security Settings”. After that, now in the right window, look for the item “Accounts: State “Administrator”. Double-click on it and switch from “Disabled” to “Enabled” and save the changes.

After this, you need to reboot and launch the new (not old!) version of the operating system. After the main loading stage, Windows will prompt you to log in through two accounts, including the administrator account. We go through it. That's it, now you can play around with the system as a system administrator.

Now you need to use Explorer to go to the section where the “windows.old” folder is located and delete it. To do this, right-click on the icon of this folder and select “Properties”. Then you need to click on “Security” and then on “Advanced”. Among the proposed tabs, select “Owner”, click the “Change” button and select the account from which the deletion will be carried out. Save the changes with the “Apply” button and click “OK”.

A message will appear indicating that we have become the owner of this directory. Click "OK". Now you can delete the “windows.old” folder (after moving it further to the “Trash”, this directory must be removed from there too).

Now you need to go to the boot configuration menu. Press the Win+R key combination, enter msconfig and click “Enter”. Go to the “Download” tab and select previous versions of windows. Click the “Delete” button

The computer will prompt you to restart. We agree and restart the system. That’s it, the question “how to remove old Windows” is resolved.

How to delete the windows old folder (old windows) | Computer for dummies

Without formatting the system disk before reinstalling Windows, you will end up with a burden in the form of files from the previous operating system (OS), stored in the windows.old directory and occupying tens of gigabytes. In addition, the system folders of the old profile and the no longer working option in the OS boot menu will remain. Getting rid of this garbage is necessary for normal computer operation. In this article we will explain step by step how to remove traces of old Windows.

Removing windows.old

This folder is located on the C drive and stores personal data of the old Windows user, for example, documents. You can open the directory, view the contents, and copy the files you need. You cannot erase windows.old in the usual way. To do this you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

Removing old system folders

By opening the “Users” folder on drive C, you will see the system folders left over from the old Windows. They cannot be removed either from Explorer or with special programs. To do this you will need to obtain owner rights:

Having received the necessary rights as the owner of the folder, you can safely send it to the Trash.

Editing the download menu

From the Run command line

Using this method, you can remove unnecessary options from the bootloader menu forever.

From system settings

This option will allow you to hide unnecessary downloads when your computer starts.

  1. Click Start + Pause.
  2. Go to "Advanced Options".
  3. In the Advanced menu, under Boot..., click Options.
  4. Remove the check mark from the “Display OS list” item and click “OK”.

Features of Windows XP

The boot.ini file is responsible for the Windows version download manager. It is hidden in the root drive C and can be edited in a regular notepad. It is better not to do this: an error when editing will lead to system failure. A safer way is to use the settings described above (remove the OS boot list). You decide. We will only give advice on how to edit boot.ini:

  1. Click “Start”, right-click on “My Computer”. From the menu, select Properties.
  2. In the “Advanced” tab, click on “Options” in the “Download” subsection.
  3. Select Edit to open boot.ini.
  4. Make a backup for system rollback in case of boot failure. Open “File” - “Save As”, select the file name and path to save it. The name can be descriptive for ease of search, for example, “backup.boot.ini”.
  5. In the source file, select the line with the old windows with the mouse and erase it. Click "File" - "Save".

After a reboot, the menu with the old OS option will not appear. Only the installed Windows will boot.

Deleting an old profile

Data from old profiles is stored on the hard drive and in registry branches. Correct removal will clear the system of all traces of the unnecessary profile.

Loading... Published: 03/20/2016

How to delete the windows old folder (old windows)

How to remove windows old from windows 10

  • 1 Getting rid of the old
  • 2 If it doesn’t work right away

A nice addition to the new Windows 10 operating system is the fact that you can roll back to the previous axis. This saves all user files, settings and programs. Unfortunately, this comes at a very high price in the form of deprivation of a certain amount of hard drive space. Yes, there is a certain folder windows.old that stores the old version. So the 10th generation can quite easily return to the user everything that he had before installation.

However, the old folder is huge in size, since a large amount of data is needed for a correct rollback. Many users want to delete such a folder. Well, in fact, Windows 10 looks so great, and all the bugs will most likely be fixed in the near future. Thus, the question arises, how to delete this old folder, no longer needed by anyone, in order to allow the system to breathe freely and not store an impressive pile of old junk? There is a certain simple sequence of actions in this regard.

Getting rid of the old

The old folder on the computer is created if the user automatically switched from Windows 7 or 8 to the 10 series. It can also occur if you perform a clean installation without formatting the hard drive. It often eats up several gigabytes, which are very valuable at the current prices of hard drives.

It should be remembered that if you wipe the old folder on your computer, you will no longer be able to painlessly return from Windows 10 to your old system.

So such a decision should be approached extremely carefully. So, if all doubts are swept aside, then:

  • Press Win + R on the keyboard, which launches a special Run window.
  • Enter the command in the window that appears: cleanmrg and click OK.

See also: After installing Windows 10, the video card does not work

  • Thus, standard disk cleanup starts.
  • In the window that appears, click on the Clean system files button.
  • You need to look at the list of files that Windows 10 offers to permanently delete. Among them there will be a curious item called Previous Windows Installations. This is the old folder, which most brazenly eats up free space on your hard drive. Let's put a checkmark on it and send it into oblivion using the OK button.
  • The last step is to wait for the space on the hard drive to be cleared.

In this simple way you can delete the folder called windows.old. But Windows 10 is an insidious system, it is full of unpleasant surprises. Therefore, in some cases, you may simply not delete the old folder for reasons unknown to the user. In this case there are countermeasures.

If it didn't work out right away

We open the wonderful command line interface, which always helps out in difficult times. Naturally, this must be done under administrator rights. Next, enter the command: RD /S /Q C:\windows.old. Of course, this folder should be located on drive C. Press Enter and wait for the result.

There is another way to delete the old folder. To do this you should:

  • Launch Task Scheduler, which can be opened via search.
  • In the list of tasks that opens, you need to find SetupCleanupTask.
  • Right-click on this task and select Run from the drop-down menu.

At the end of the process, the old folder should disappear forever.

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How to remove old/second windows

Alexander Shikhov, 12/12/2013 (updated 07/11/2017)

After installing a new operating system on top of or in parallel (in another partition) the previous one, the question arises of how to get rid of the remnants of the old version. The old windows, if installed on the same partition, gets the name windows.old and does not interfere with the main system. If the old operating system is installed on another partition, then the folder name remains the same, but this also does not interfere with the new system. Everything seems to be fine, but there are two problems. Firstly, the old system takes up useful space and the volume can be more than impressive. Secondly, it is present in the boot menu, which we see when we turn on the computer. How to get rid of old Windows?

Why can't you just delete old files?

Old system files cannot be simply deleted. The problem is that the user of the current version of Windows does not have access to the folder. Usually this message appears.

Attention! Proceed with deleting old windows and Program Files directories only after you have transferred all their data to the new windows!

If the new system is installed on the same partition as the old one

In this case, we just need to clean out the old system files, including the windows.old folder. To do this, we use the Disk Cleanup program, which is included with the operating system. Detailed instructions can be found on the Microsoft website.

By the way, in the same way you can remove unnecessary windows updates and a number of other service files.

If the new system is installed on a different partition

Removing old windows from the boot menu

To put things in order in the boot menu, open “Advanced system settings” (to do this, click Win-Pause and select the item of the same name).

Now uncheck the “Display list of systems...” checkbox. All: the old operating system will not appear in the boot menu when the computer starts.

For those who like to control all launch parameters, we offer a method with direct editing of this menu. Press Win+R and write msconfig in the window that appears.

We simply remove the old system from the list.

Removing old system files

Now let’s start deleting the windows directory of the old system. To do this, find it on the disk and open the folder properties.

Here we select “Security” and click on the “Advanced” button.

To become the owner of the folder, enter the username under which you work in the field indicated in the picture.

Don’t forget to check the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” and “Replace all records...” checkboxes, click OK.

You are now the owner of the folder and have the power to delete the directory. During deletion, a message like this may appear.

Check the “Run for everyone...” checkbox and click Continue.

Remember that after deleting old system files, there will be no way back. So don't rush into it. First, make sure that all the programs and data you need are transferred to the new system.

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Sometimes users forget to delete the old one. There is nothing critical about this, but old Windows takes up a lot of space.

This article contains information on how to remove old Windows 7 from your computer.

There are several ways to remove unnecessary Windows:

1. Removing old Windows using Disk Cleanup

You need to run the Disk Cleanup program. You can find it through “Start”. Click “All Programs”, then “Accessories”, then “Utilities” and find the required component in the list.

It is the “Previous Windows installations” item that we need. Select the checkbox if it is not there and click OK. When asked about permanent deletion, answer “Delete files.” After some time, the old Windows 7 files will be deleted.

2. Removing old Windows without programs

If for some reason the program cannot be found or there are problems with it, you can remove it from Windows manually. To do this, find the Windows.old folder and set the rights necessary for deletion.

Go to the folder properties (RMB – Properties) and go to the “Security” tab

Click on “Advanced”. On the “Owner” tab, select the current user and check the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” checkbox and click “Apply”.

Now on the “Permissions” tab, select the account that was made the owner of the folder and change it (the “Change” button)

A window appears with the Resolution Element, where we put a check mark where highlighted in the screenshot below. Then click OK and with a safety warning.

After the manipulations have been done, it will be possible to delete the Windows.old folder without difficulty and the question of how to remove old Windows 7 is resolved.

3. Removing old Windows by formatting the disk

This method is more drastic, but as they say, “failsafe.” The bottom line is that you need to boot from the installation disk or flash drive and start installing clean Windows.

At the time of selecting a disk, you will need to delete all partitions, partition the hard drive again and format all partitions. This way we get a clean system, without any signs of old operating systems.

Some users love Windows 7 and don’t even want to talk about any other operating system. And someone, apparently obsessed with the spirit of conservatism or due to the remarkable abilities of their PC, abandons the “seven” and returns to the old XP. This is despite the fact that it is no longer supported by Microsoft. However, lovers of everything new also agree with these comrades. Without delay or any doubt, they remove Windows 7 and install the new distributions of Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

All these zeal, in principle, are understandable and justified. And then, according to taste and color, when choosing an operating system, there are no comrades. The question is different. How to remove Windows 7 so that there are no elements left of it on the hard drive, and so that it does not interfere with the installation of another system?

The solution to this problem depends on the specific situation and user intentions. Let's look at the most common methods of removing Windows 7 from a computer.

Disk formatting

With this approach, Windows 7 is completely neutralized during the installation of another system by completely formatting the disk (that is, its contents are completely erased). The installation disks for both XP and Windows 7/8 contain all the necessary tools to implement this function. Let's learn how to use them.

Note. If you do not want to switch to a new system, but simply want to reinstall Windows 7, correctly remove the old distribution and install a new one, you can also use the instructions below.

1. Insert the installation disc of the operating system you want to install (XP, 7, 8 or 10) into your DVD drive.

Attention! Before following the next step in the instructions, find out which key on your computer activates the menu for configuring the boot of disks and devices, or the BIOS (add-on shell) into which this menu is integrated.

2. Click "Start". In the drop-down menu (shutdown), click the left arrow icon and select Restart.

3. During the reboot process, hold down “F2”, or “F8”, “F9”, “F12” (depending on the computer manufacturer! see note).

When the “Please select boot...” window appears:

  • use the cursor arrows to select CDROM from the list;
  • press "Enter".

If disk boot order is performed in the BIOS, do the following:

in the “BIOS SETUP UTILITY” menu, go to the “Boot” tab;

open the “Boot Device Priority” subsection;

in the additional “Options” window, use the “up” and “down” keys to select “CDROM”.

After completing this setting, when you restart the PC, first of all turn not to the system partition, but to the installation disk. Which is what is required in this case.

Windows XP:

  • upon completion of the preparation procedure, when the XP installation menu appears, press “Enter” (thus, you select the first item - “Proceed with installation”);
  • press "F8" to accept the agreement;
  • select the system partition (the partition on which Windows 7 is currently installed) and press “Enter”;
  • select the “Format partition... NTFS” function from the list or the same function marked “Quick”. And press "Enter" again.

Upon completion of formatting, Windows 7 will be completely removed and the installation of Windows XP will begin.

Windows 7/8:

  • wait for the installer components to load into the PC memory;
  • select the system interface language;
  • in the new window, click “Install” (the message “Starting installation” will appear);
  • enter the license key, click “Next”;
  • accept the agreement;
  • in the “Windows Installation” window, click on the system partition (on which Windows 7 is located);
  • at the bottom of the same window, click “Format”;
  • When formatting is complete, click “Next” and continue the installation.

These steps will allow you to correctly remove the old OS (in this case, “Seven”) and install a new one.

Removing a second system

This method of removing Windows 7 is suitable if several systems are installed (for example, XP and 7). Either the “seven” was uninstalled or installed incorrectly and when the PC starts, it displays a menu asking you to load one of the existing systems, although one of them is not working. (For example, a copy of Windows 7 is listed.)

To remove an unnecessary distribution from the disk (or a non-working copy of Windows 7), do the following:

1. Press the “Win+R” keys simultaneously. (The Run window will appear on the display.)

2. In the “Open” line, type - msconfig.

3. Click "OK".

4. In the “System Configuration” settings panel, go to the “Download” tab.

5. Click on the OS you want to remove from your computer.

6. Click the “Delete” button, and then “Apply” and “OK”.

All. The system has been neutralized. Now, when you start your PC, the system selection menu will no longer appear.

How to delete the Windows.old folder?

The Windows.old folder is automatically created by the system when updating or reinstalling the OS without formatting the system partition. Takes up about 2-15 GB of disk space. It stores backup copies of important system components, which are used when rolling back (restoring) Windows 7 to its previous settings.

To remove it from your computer, follow these steps:

1. Press the “Win+E” keys.

2. Right-click on the system partition (drive C).

3. Select “Properties” from the context menu.

4. On the General tab, in the properties window, click Disk Cleanup.

5. In the cleaning settings window, click “Clean up system files.”

6. When the procedure is complete, return to the list of items and check the box next to the “Previous Windows installations” object.

7. Click OK.

8. In an additional window, confirm your intention to remove the Windows.old folder: click “Delete files”.

If all the operations in this instruction are performed correctly, then Windows.old will safely disappear from the hard drive, and there will be more free space on drive C.

After installing a new operating system on top of or in parallel (in another partition) the previous one, the question arises of how to get rid of the remnants of the old version. The old Windows, if installed on the same partition, gets the name Windows.old and does not interfere with the main system. If the old operating system is installed on another partition, then the folder name remains the same, but this also does not interfere with the new system. Everything seems to be fine, but there are two problems. Firstly, the old system takes up useful space and the volume can be more than impressive. Secondly, it is present in the boot menu, which we see when we turn on the computer. How to get rid of old Windows?

Why can't you just delete old files?

Old system files cannot be simply deleted. The problem is that the user of the current version of Windows does not have access to the folder. Usually this message appears.

Attention! Proceed with deleting old Windows directories and Program Files only after you have transferred all their data to the new Windows!

If the new system is installed on the same partition as the old one

In this case, we just need to clean out the old system files, including the Windows.old folder. To do this, we use the Disk Cleanup program, which is included with the operating system. can be found on the Microsoft website.

By the way, you can delete a number of other service files in the same way.

If the new system is installed on a different partition

Removing old Windows from the boot menu

To put things in order in the boot menu, open “Advanced system settings” (to do this, click Win-Pause and select the item of the same name).

Now uncheck the “Display list of systems...” checkbox. All: the old operating system will not appear in the boot menu when the computer starts.

For those who like to control all launch parameters, we offer a method with direct editing of this menu. Press Win+R and write msconfig in the window that appears.

We simply remove the old system from the list.

Removing old system files

Now let’s move on to deleting the Windows directory of the old system itself. To do this, find it on the disk and open the folder properties.

Here we select “Security” and click on the “Advanced” button.

To become the owner of the folder, enter the username under which you work in the field indicated in the picture.

Don’t forget to check the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” and “Replace all records...” checkboxes, click OK.

You are now the owner of the folder and have the power to delete the directory. During deletion, a message like this may appear.

Check the “Run for everyone...” checkbox and click Continue.

Remember that after deleting old system files, there will be no way back. So don't rush into it. First, make sure that all the programs and data you need are transferred to the new system.

When you reinstall Windows without formatting the hard drive, a folder marked .old remains on it. It stores information about the previous installation of the operating system. As a rule, you should delete this folder if there is not enough free disk space. There are several methods:

  1. Removal by formatting.
  2. Manual removal.
  3. Removal using Disk Cleanup.

On a note! When upgrading the system toWindows 10 folder is deleted automatically after ten days. When installingXP completely formats the hard drive, so the old version is not saved.

The method is fail-safe and irreversible. During installation, it is worth deleting all partitions of the hard drive and partitioning it again. Please note that you should not select the “Quick format” option, since it does not check bad sectors (bad sectors) of the hard drive. However, with full formatting, take care to save the information; it will not be possible to restore it after installation.

Manual removal

Step 1. Enter the directory of the disk with the installed system.

Step 2. Select the Windows.old folder and use the “Shift+Del” combination. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

On a note! Do not delete a folder to the trash using the context menu or using the "Del." The hard drive will not be cleaned - the data in the recycle bin still takes up space.

Uninstall via command line

In fact, this method is also a manual removal, but uninstallation is carried out at a low level, which guarantees a better result due to the simultaneous scanning of hard drive sectors.

Step 1. To call the command line in the Start menu, in the “Search programs and files” line, you need to enter the cmd command, call the context menu and run the handler as an administrator.

Step 2. To delete a directory, enter the command “rmdir /s c:\windows.old”.

On a note! Instead of a commandrmdir can be usedrd. Note the syntax - the command is case insensitive, i.e. "RMDIR" and "rmdir" are both equivalent and equally possible. At the same time, pay attention to the registration of the directory - if the folder intended for deletion is named “ ", and you indicate "windows.old", then nothing will be deleted.

Step 3. Confirm deleting the Windows.old folder by pressing the “n” key and “enter”.

On a note! Key "/s" allows you to delete a directory, including all subfolders and hidden files. If you add the key "/q", then confirmation of the request is not required, however, in order to avoid deleting the wrong folder, it is better to leave the request.

Removal via Disk Cleanup utility

Step 1. To call the utility, in the “Find programs and files” line, you need to enter the line “Disk Cleanup” and run the program as an administrator.

In the “Search programs and files” line, enter the line “Disk Cleanup” and run the program as administrator

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. At the end of the analysis, a window will be displayed listing possible items for deleting partitions. Start the system file cleaning analysis process by clicking on the corresponding button.

Step 5. Select the device you want to wipe and click OK.

Select the device on which to perform cleaning and click “OK”

Step 6. Wait for the analysis process to complete. The assessment is made by sections of the hard drive.

Step 7 Highlight Previous Windows Installations and click OK.

Step 8 Wait for the cleaning process to complete.

Video - How to remove old Windows after installing a new one


We have described four ways to remove the old system. All of the methods described above are standard for operating systems of the Windows family and do not require the installation of additional software. After cleaning your system, be sure to use the disk defragmentation procedure - this will allow you to use the remaining disk space as efficiently as possible. The evaluation of each method is given in the summary table.

Information\NameRemoval by formattingManual removalCommand lineDisk Cleanup utility
LicenseDelivered with WindowsDelivered with WindowsDelivered with WindowsDelivered with Windows
Russian languageDepending on Windows versionDepending on Windows versionDepending on Windows version
Checking for bad sectorsWith full formattingNoYesNo
Cleaning the registryYesNoNoYes
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)3 5 4 5